A Straight Guy Owns Me

Published on Aug 24, 2022


A Straight Guy Owns Me Chapter 2

The following is a fictional story involving sexual acts between consenting individuals of different ages. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story plot and characters are a creative result from the author's imagination. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material or reside in a location where it is illegal to do so, then close this page immediately. If you believe that the said fictional material and topic exploration might offend you, please, do not read any further.

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I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at: lein.anders@yahoo.com

© 2021 Lein Anders


By Lein Anders


I finished pissing, but I remained at the urinal with my dick out, next to Logan Braydon whose loud stream I could hear. He didn't pay me any attention at all, but I felt a growing irritation inside me as my mind replayed how he shoved Chris earlier, his arrogant smirk he had given turning back, and his immature insult.

"Fags," he had said smugly.

What struck me as infuriating just then was that nobody stood up to him, neither my little brother, nor his close friends. He had just walked away unbothered. And when I had tried to do something about it, my brother had stopped me. I was suddenly very angry at both Chris and Logan Braydon. A thought crossed my mind and in my inebriated state I didn't think twice about acting on it. I zipped up and turned sharply towards him. I couldn't let the moment pass.

"That wasn't very nice of you, what you did earlier!" I tried sounding stern.

Logan was unfazed by my suddenness. He was still pissing and didn't move or react at all. A few seconds passed and I thought my voice had registered in his mind. He turned his head and his expression told me he was finding out just then there was someone next to him the whole time.

"Why did you bump into us and call us `fags'?!" I continued, now that I had his attention. My voice was rising.

He gave me a disparaging look and didn't say anything. He was drunk, but I didn't think he was that inadequate. He might have taken something else, though.

"Who are you, man?" he finally said absently. He then looked down, probably finishing with urinating. I guess he didn't remember me from high school.

"Logan, look," I said, my anger dissipating a bit, "I just want to be reasonable. Apologize for what you did earlier. I don't think you're really an asshole. I know breakups can be..." I didn't finish, as he suddenly started laughing out loud.

All at the same time Logan abruptly turned his whole body towards me and let loose three strong yellow spurts that landed on me.

"You peed on me!" I said scandalized.

"I'm a very bad asshole, actually," he said conceited. "I don't give a damn about what I did to you!" he laughed.

I couldn't believe what he did and how he behaved. I thought Logan would listen and I would be able to handle him, but he overturned the whole situation and I didn't know how to react. Should I have yelled at him, lectured him, punched him, ran away, or what. He stood there in front of me with his dick still out from his fly, shaking and squeezing the last drops out of it, which fell on the bathroom floor. I felt disgusted and repulsed, so I took a step to go around him and wash at the sink. But as I tried to go past him, Logan pulled my right hand and placed it on his semi-hard dick.

"Fags, huh, is that what I said?" I tried to pull away but he firmly held my hand on his member and he also grabbed my upper arm with his other hand. He became more lively. "Do you like this?" He moved my hand caught in his over his growing dick.

I felt it was wet. I felt it was warm. I felt it was getting hard in my hand. I tried pulling my hand again unconvincingly, but he didn't let me. I stood in place. My mind was a haze, but I was somehow very intent on what was happening down between Logan's legs. My assurance however was fully gone.

"Do you want to blow me, fag?" he asked me cockily.

That question immediately brought me back to reality like a smack. I forcefully pulled my right hand and pushed Logan away.

"You just pissed on me, asshole!" I shouted.

But when I saw Logan's fully erect cock uncovered I became meek again. He took it in his hand and gave it a few jerks. I couldn't stop staring at it. It was way bigger than mine. It was long, thick, and slightly curved upwards. He was circumcised and his meaty head was already glistering. Blood rushed to my head and I started to sweat. My heart was beating rashly and I felt a tight knot in the pit of my stomach.

Logan took a step towards me and I involuntary moved my hand to meet his cock, running my fingers along its length. He didn't stop though and he pushed against me with his chest.

"Go into the stall," he said huskily.

That's when I realized Logan was a head taller than me, as he was looking at me from above. His lean body didn't look threatening at all, but I found it domineering. I took a step backwards and he pushed against my chest again, guiding me where to go with his body. My back hit one of the stalls' doors. He reached beside me to push it open and I could smell his manly cologne again. I then walked back entering the stall.

Just as Logan was halfway inside with my hand holding his dick, we heard the door to the toilets open and someone came in. That made me realize again where we were and what we were about to do. My brother and his friends were actually waiting for me and I had taken too long. Logan himself was drunk and that probably made him act this way. We were in a public toilet and anyone could walk in at any moment, and they did.

"No, no, no," I said in an alerted voice. I let go of Logan's dick and tried to push past him and go out. I wasn't about to do anything with him in a place like this.

But Logan didn't move out of the way and he swiftly shoved me inside the stall, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Stupid queers!" we heard someone say in front of the stalls and from what I could hear they remained there.

I panicked that the guy would do something. Fuck, he could go tell someone what he saw or call the police! We could get caught. No, we were already caught and it was a dangerous situation! I could already see Logan wasn't thinking clearly and he wasn't acting responsible at all. He acted as if nothing had happened. I tried to force him to step aside from the door, but he wouldn't move. I was embarrassed to say anything to him in case the guy heard us. What could I even say! All Logan did was place a hand on my shoulder and apply pressure.

"Go down," he told me.

My eyes opened wide and I made a sign to shush him. His left hand was gripping my shoulder and pushing me down.

"I'm not... gay," I whispered nervously.

"Suck my dick," Logan said as though he hadn't heard me. He then placed both hands on my shoulders and added force trying to get me on my knees.

"No, no! I have to get back!" I was becoming hysterical and was considering getting physical with him. It was ridiculous! He was just eighteen, I was twenty, and I couldn't manage to deal with him. He wasn't in a position to make me do anything!

Seeing that I wasn't doing what he wanted, Logan softened his approach.

"You'll get back, no worries, man," he said in a surprisingly soothing voice. "Just get down on your knees and give me a blowjob."

"No!" I cried out exasperated.

"Just suck him already, boy!" came the rough voice from the guy on the other side of the stall.

I was bewildered when I heard him and I stopped trying to push Logan out of the way. We weren't about to get caught, like I thought. Sure, if I composed myself, I could easily get out of there in a violent manner, but I realized something else as well. I was rock hard myself inside my pants! Logan's aggressiveness had excited me like I've never been before. He was two years younger than me, a presumably straight guy offering me his dick. I had known him since he entered high school, but he didn't seem to remember me at all. I definitely didn't remember him being like this. I didn't know what was going through his head or what had changed him. Did he at least recall that I was in my brother's group of friends, the one he called `fags'. Why did he do that? Was my little brother gay, or he was just referring to those Liam and Ethan guys. Actually, who was the `fag' in this situation I hadn't even initiated. I had never sucked dick before, Mike was the one who gave me a blowjob when my girlfriend, my ex-girlfriend more like it, caught us. While all of these thoughts were rushing through my head, I had placed my hand on Logan's big cock and I was slowly jerking him off, smearing the oozing precum.

"Go down and suck my cock!" he ordered. This time he saw the change in me and he didn't have to do anything to urge me. He just stated what he wanted, for me to go down on my knees and take his cock in my mouth. So I obeyed.

Thank you for reading my work! Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at:


I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

© 2021 Lein Anders

Next: Chapter 3

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