A Straight Guy Owns Me

Published on Aug 13, 2022


A Straight Guy Owns Me Chapter 1

The following is a fictional story involving sexual acts of consenting individuals of different ages. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story plot and characters are a creative result from the author's imagination. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material or reside in a location where it is illegal to do so, then close this page immediately. If you believe that the said fictional material and topic exploration might offend you, please, do not read any further.

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I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at: lein.anders@yahoo.com

© 2021 Lein Anders


By Lein Anders


I had come back to my hometown for two weeks. The official excuse to take a break from college life right in the middle of the semester was to spend some time with my family. I hadn't visited them since I graduated and went off to study, so my mom, dad, and little brother had been recently feeling that we've grown distant. They were constantly questioning me when I'd pay them a visit, would it be the holidays next week, at the end of the semester, or during the summer break.

However, there was also a hidden reason behind my little trip. My girlfriend, with whom we had been together for more than a year, broke up with me. If I have to be honest, she caught me having sex with another guy. Mark was part of our close circle of college friends. There really wasn't anything that should have led to what we did. My girlfriend and I had a stable relationship that included great sex and strong mutual attraction. As far as I knew Mark wasn't gay, he hooked up with girls all the time and he had never given me any signs he was interested in sex with another man. I guess what happened was a spur of sexual energy, a momentous impulse, freed by any inhibitions thanks to the alcohol, our close friendship, and our own curiosity.

We had come back to crash at my place after a party. We had been drunk, but we continued having more beers in the living room. Some parts of the night are a blur, but at one point we were sitting on the sofa and talking about girls, at the next moment I was showing him nude pictures and videos of my girlfriend and me on my phone, and somehow after that he was down on his knees between my legs recreating one of the scenes he saw. That's when my girlfriend caught us. She had been to another party and also decided to crash at my place, since she had a key. What we did wasn't exactly sex, I know, but you should go tell her that. I barely even remember how it felt. But she didn't want to hear any explanations. She was mad and the following day she broke up with me. It wasn't only that, though, she also told our close friends about what she saw and they reacted badly to the whole situation. Mark on the other hand was angry at me as word got around campus and he started avoiding me. My approach was pretty laid-back, since it happened and no one wanted to talk about it openly, I didn't see a reason to invest so much negative emotions. Though, college life did get a bit more stressful with all this unnecessary drama and I decided to get away from things, till everyone relaxed and could communicate everything properly, if it got to that. What remained however from that night with Mark and what continued to excite me was the thought that I got blown by a guy.

My brother Chris was two years younger than me. At eighteen, a senior in high school, he was starting to feel the limits and dead-end of our little hometown. He wanted to leave just like I did. So it was a breath of fresh air for him when I unexpectedly showed up one evening, almost a week after the whole situation with my girlfriend and Mark. We had enough time to spend together and catch up on things. He shared with me his plans after graduation and I told him stories of what college life was like. I lied to him I was still together with my girlfriend and it's been great, but we were having some difficulties at the moment. I showed him some pictures of my friends and stuff around the campus.

"You sure have a lot of pictures with Mark in them," he observed. I hadn't realized it and his comment gave me something to think about.

There was an amusement park at our little town that got raised and opened every couple of months. Chris wanted us to go together and he suggested he could introduce me to his friends, some of which I already knew from my time in high school.

"Will your girlfriend be there?" I teased him.

"No, but we could find you a new one," he retorted.

The amusement park was constructed on a large clearing. It was an attraction for the whole town that had almost no source of entertainment and no nightlife to lead. As per tradition, we brought alcohol and hid it inside our jackets. Chris had started drinking vodka, while I liked whiskey and beer. I thought it would be a good idea to bring some for his friends as well. He was very eager for me to meet them and thought they'd instantly like me, especially if I got them food or drinks.

We met them inside the amusement park next to one of the booths. It was a big group of teenagers as everyone had brought friends, who had brought other friends. But after some time we separated with Chris' close group of friends. As we were looking for a less crowded place where we could talk and drink, some guy passed us and I saw how he bumped into Chris on purpose.

"Hey, fags, watch where you're going!" he said roughly turning back. I saw that he was smirking, but he didn't stop walking.

What I learned away at college was that scenes like this one were childish, people have outgrown them and respected each other. Here in this small town this was something like the norm and it was viewed as cool from guys like him who still lived in their small limited world.

I had stopped and I was watching after him. It seemed no one else, not even Chris, was bothered by what happened and had silently continued walking. I didn't want to let it go, however. I took a step towards him before he got lost in the crowd. I felt someone grab me by the arm.

"Don't, let it go," my brother said. He had guessed my intention, but I didn't understand why he was stopping me. Everyone else had turned back to watch us and they were waiting for us. "Logan Braydon, he's just a jerk from school."

"Does he bother you at school?" I asked concerned.

"He bothers everyone," Chris answered. "After his girlfriend dumped him, he's been a jerk to everyone. The guy can't handle a breakup."

"I remember him," I recalled my high school days. "He was on the track team, he used to practice with some friends of mine. He's graduating this year as well, right?"

"Yeah, and even the school can't wait to get rid of him."

I didn't want to ruin our night out, so I let it go. I could always ask him later about it and do something, if necessary. But still I was confused why no one from Chris' friends had reacted in any way. There were some comments about how stupid Logan was, but that was it. What I remembered about him was that he was a good and dedicated sportsman.

We found a place to sit down on the grass, away from all the noise and people. Chris introduced me to his friends and I tried to remember their names correctly. There were four girls and five guys, not counting my brother. I knew Emma, as she was Chris' best friend, I think. From the guys, I knew Michael who played for the local soccer team and was the younger brother of a classmate of mine. Two other guys caught my attention, because they seemed and acted like a couple. Nobody seemed to mind or act strange about it, so I just regarded it as recognition they felt comfortable around unknown people or they just didn't care what anyone thought and wanted to be themselves among friends. This probably made Logan's comment not random, but a direct insult. Their names were Liam and Ethan. They were both what you'd call twinks and all through the night I would catch them watching me and whispering something to each other. I didn't think anything about it and I really had fun with Chris' friends, as we were getting gradually drunk. At one point I realized that I was enjoying the present moment so much that not a thought about my girlfriend or Mark had crossed my mind, after which I easily let that realization go and continued talking with Emma about rock bands.

After drinking three beers the need to piss was calling me, so I excused myself. Even though the amusement park was situated at a town clearing, there was a built public toilet right next to the street that circled it. I went inside and took one of the urinals. I was feeling tipsy and lightheaded, but not entirely drunk. Someone entered the toilets and I heard them coming towards me. The person took the urinal next to me and a strong male cologne hit my nostrils. I was watching my own business, but I could hear the guy was struggling with his belt and pants.

"Fuck, I need a bitch to do this," I heard him say frustrated.

My intoxicated mind registered the voice and a few seconds later I realized it sounded familiar. I turned my head and I was surprised to see Logan Braydon wobbling and trying to unbuckle his belt. He was visibly drunk and didn't seem to notice I was even there.

"Fuck!" he cursed loudly at his own inadequacy.

Finally, he gave up with dealing with his belt and just unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick from his fly front. Only that the spot where he was standing was a bit far from the urinal and before he could stagger back he was already letting go a stream of piss, which splashed on the floor.

"Fucking belt! Just in time," he said to himself, now getting relief.

Thank you for reading my work! Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at:


I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under u/Lein_Anders

© 2021 Lein Anders

Next: Chapter 2

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