A Star Is Porn

By william michael

Published on Jun 21, 2007


The legend of Harold goes on, as usual the normal warnings apply, but if it's legal to read and you're legal to read it, relax and enjoy...

As Harold looked back on the events of the preceding evening he began to lose details very quickly. After blowing his first load things got a bit frenzied and his memory is mostly of various naked male bodies, a variety of cum shooting cocks and hungry mouths and two very willing, if not semi suicidal gentlemen who were begging him to ram his massive cock into their asses. One, a small oriental man, did manage to get the head and a bit of shaft in before he had to beg off, but the other managed to absorb perhaps ten or eleven inches and ride it til they both blasted off, to the cheers of all around. There was food and drink but he couldn't describe either and several dips in the pool which he found both refreshing and erotic. Lots of wet bodies were rubbed against him as he floated around in the water. He doesn't really remember the ride home or getting into the house. It was well after noon when he awoke, naked, a little sore but happy none the less.

He got up, pulled on a pair of shorts and shuffled into the bathroom. He looked like he could use a shave but since he had no plans and was determined not to make any after last night he decided to let it go. He then went into the kitchen to find something to eat. After looking in the fridge and cabinets he settled on some cereal and made a note he needed to get to the store in the next day or two to resupply. After he ate he walked around the inside of the house and noticed a piece of paper taped to the back screen door. It was a note from Daphne. It read,

Lover boy,

I came by this morning to see how you were doing but I didn't get an answer to my knocks. What were you up to last night? I got a call last night about an assignment and I won't be back until day after tomorrow. Try and save something for me so we can have a nice welcome home party for me, just the two of us.

Love and lust,


A slow smile crept across Harold's face. Daphne, his hot horny next door neighbor was all he could hope for in a woman, especially considering just a handful of days ago he was a virgin who had never been on a serious date. Now he had a number of sexual experiences with a variety of partners both men and women, but Daphne was special. That she was nearly twice his age sometimes concerned him, but he quickly swept that aside. She was beautiful, had a robust body that by today's anorexic standards might be judged overweight but suited him to a `T'. And her eyes, those magnetic, hypnotic eyes would always erase any concern he might have and just pull him in. He was glad he had a day or so of rest since he was still kinda tired, he had some chores to do and he was expecting his mother's visit by the end of the week. So he pulled on a shirt and his sneakers and went outside to see what needed to be done. He trimmed more of the bushes back from the house, weeded the border around the walks and porch and then circled the house to see what was going to be needed to clean the exterior and take care of the paint. He then went inside, took a shower and then stretched out on the couch and took a nap.

It was sometime after sunset when he was jolted awake by persistent knocking on the front door. He half fell, half climbed off the couch and made his way to the front door. He was more then a little surprised to see his mom's radiant smile beaming at him from the other side of the screened porch door.

"Harold! Baby! I'm so glad to see you. Aren't you going to let me in?" Her grin grew mischievous at this point. "Or have you got a date in there with you."

Harold gave her a lopsided grin as he held the door open for her.

"No mom, no girls, I was sleeping on the couch."

She dropped her bags on the floor and wrapped him in a big bear hug. A woman of average height her head just reached his shoulders. Her arms were around his back and his enfolded her shoulders. She snuggled her face into his chest then pulled back a little to look up at him.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you, sweetheart. That's why I came early. You're dad had to go on a trip and I couldn't stand being in the house alone. If I had known it would be like this I would never have let you come here for the summer."

The last was said only half in jest. The truth be told, Harold and his mom were always very close. She was well aware of his social difficulties at school, but not precisely why. He was aware that as time had passed his mother and father had grown a bit distant. He was some fifteen years her senior and though he had always been a serious, quiet sort, as he got into his fifties he grew more so, and less inclined to any signs of affection. As for Harold's mom, Liz, she was just forty one, healthy, attractive and still very demonstrative, so Harold came more and more to be the focus of her attention and affection. He gave her another squeeze and with one arm around her shoulder he picked up her bags and walked her into the living room.

"You sit down and I'll put this in the big bedroom. Be right back."

"Okay, dear."

He was back in minutes to find his mom lounging in the recliner, one leg crossed sedately over the other, her arms resting on the padded armrests. She smiled at him again as he took a seat across from her on the couch. He did a quick scan of the room to make sure it looked marginally in order, especially his bag of porn. He had put that away the day before since he had started to have so many visitors. Liz caught his eye.

"The place looks great, dear. Looks like you've been really taking care of the place. The yard looks great, too."

"Thanks, Mom. I've been trying."

"Have you managed to have any fun. I don't want you slaving away the whole summer, you know."

"Oh, yeah," he replied. "I've met some neighbors, seen some sights, even been to the beach once."

"Terrific. Now, what do you say we make some dinner. I'm starved."

Harold and his mom scraped together a pot luck dinner, making notes about what they needed to get to restock and spent the rest of the evening talking and watching TV. Liz did most of the talking, asking questions and telling Harold what had gone on in the neighborhood while he was away. It was obvious to Harold that his mom really had been lonely and he made sure that he paid attention and listened to what she was saying. By eleven they were both yawning and decided it was time to call it a night. Harold walked his mom down the hall and gave her a kiss on the forehead goodnight. For Harold the night was quiet and uneventful. He was still kinda tired from the all male orgy the night before and his working in the yard. For Liz it was tougher. While she was tired from the drive and happy about being with her son again, it just reminded her how lonely she had felt at home and how she would feel when the time came for him to move out permanently. After an hour or more of staring at the ceiling or punching the pillow she got up, walked out into the hall and listened at the door to Harold's room, as she had often done at home. She could hear the steady rhythm of his breathing so she shuffled back to bed and slowly drifted off to sleep. She was also the first one up in the morning, getting up around seven thirty. She sat in the kitchen, drinking coffee and listening to the birds. She wore a small robe and her short cut hair was only marginally out of place.

It was about 9:15 when she heard Harold open the bedroom door, shuffled across the hall and shut the door to the bathroom. A few minutes later he made his way into the kitchen, bare foot and bare-chested, wearing only his baggy shorts. His hair was tussled and his eyes a bit unfocused.

"Good Morning, sleepyhead," Liz said in a soft purring kinda voice.

Harold visibly started. "Oh, geez, mom. I didn't see you there."

"I don't think you're seeing much of anything, honey, you look like you're on autopilot. Are you getting enough sleep?"

"Oh, yeah, you know I don't wake up all that great in the morning."

"Well, come here and give your ol' mom a hug."

She stood up from the table and met him halfway, wrapping her arms around him and putting her head on his chest. Harold noticed the short silk robe she wore felt nice against his bare skin and how tight she was holding on. He squeezed a little harder and rubbed her back a little in what he thought was a reassuring way. With a final tightening of her arms she looked up at her son and said,

"Hmmm, that's a nice way to start my morning. Now, you sit down, have some coffee and I'll make us breakfast and then you can take me to the supermarket and we'll get the pantry filled up again."

Harold sat down at the table opposite to where his mom had been sitting as she poured him a cup. Harold wasn't a big coffee drinker but would take it if it was offered to him. He drank it black. He sat back and watched as his mom pulled together a decent breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast. He couldn't help but notice how good she looked in her robe. Her legs were slim and toned, her waist narrow and when she would turn around to talk to him or serve the food, the robe did nothing to conceal that her breasts, though not in the same league as Daphne, were still high, firm and full. The little voice in his head said,

"Down, boy, remember that's your mom you're looking at."

Breakfast and clean up went quickly and by 1030 they were on the road in Harold's car heading to the supermarket. They filled two shopping carts full. At first Harold objected but his mom said she was adding to his food budget and since she was going to be staying for a bit, they'd need the extra. This last part concerned him a bit since it might tend to cramp his emerging style and career but he figured he could work around it and it was obvious she needed to be with him for a while. He would do anything she asked him too. By the time they were all done and back home it's was around two thirty. After putting all the groceries and sundries away, Harold took his mom outside to show her what he had been doing and what he thought the house needed by way of fixing up. As she poked and prodded this and that Harold had to admit she looked pretty damn good in her khaki shorts, white t-shirt and blue short sleeve blouse that was unbuttoned but tied up at the bottom. As she bent down to examine the base of a trimmed rose bush he had to look away to keep from fixating on the well rounded ass that was stretching her shorts tight. As she stood up and brushed off her hands she looked at him and said,

"You've really been doing a great job here, dear. I'm very proud of how you're doing on your own. Scares me to think of how soon you'll be gone for good."

"Ah, c'mon, mom, you know I'll never be gone for good, it's not like I'll be dropping off the face of the planet, ya know."

"Oh I know sweetheart, it's just so hard sometimes. You know how things are."

"Yeah, Mom, I do."

He stepped to her and gave her a big hug. This time she just folded her arms against his chest and snuggled into his embrace. He could feel her sigh. Just then he heard a car roll up with the horn blaring.

"Hey, you two, what are you up to?" It was Daphne. Liz looked up from Harold's chest.

"Daphne! I was wondering where you were. You come right here."

Daphne put the car in park and hurried across the lawn to throw her arms around Liz who did the same. They held each other tight for several moments then stepped back to look at each other. Harold knew that his mom and Daphne knew each other pretty well but the enthusiasm of the greeting surprised him a bit.

"How are you, Liz? How is everything?"

"Oh, pretty much the same old thing. I was devastated without Harold around but I'm much better now that I'm here." She gave Harold a sidelong glance and a wink.

"Yes, I can understand that. He's a great guy. You did a fine job with him, but I'm sure you know that." Her smile was warm and her beautiful eyes twinkled as she looked at him, seeing a bit of color rising in his face. "Uh oh, Liz. I think we are embarrassing the dear boy. I tell you what. I have to pick some things up from my house and drop them at a clients'. Why don't you and I get together tomorrow morning, go out for breakfast so we can talk and do some window shopping. Have a bit of a girls day."

"That would great Liz, you okay with that, Harold?"

"Of course, Mom, you go and have a good time with Daphne."

Daphne smiled and took hold of Harold's arm and pulled him down a bit so she could plant a kiss on his cheek.

"See, he is such a nice boy." She giggled. "Gotta dash."

Harold and his mom watched as Daphne hopped back in her car and pulled into the drive and disappeared into her house. Liz slipped her arm into Harold's and started to lead him into the house.

"Daphne certainly seems to have taken a liking to you," Liz said.

"I guess, we've talked a lot since I got here," Harold answered, trying to keep his voice conversational. "I didn't realize how much time she spent talking to Aunt XXXX."

"Oh, yes," Liz responded. "Your great-aunt always went on and on about how great a neighbor she was, concerned about how she was doing. She'd often say how patient Daphne was about listening to her stories about her family. I don't know if Daphne told you but your great aunt would tell her all about you."

"I think she might have mentioned that," he said while remembering the night they lay naked in bed, Daphne telling him how she would hear all about what he was doing.

"Well, my son, why don't we break out some of those fresh goodies and have ourselves a fine dinner."

"Good idea, mom."

Their dinner and evening passed quietly with more TV and talking, sitting side by side on the couch. On one occasion Liz grew quiet and leaned into Harold and let her head rest on his shoulder. Harold again heard her give a little sight so he slipped his arm up over her shoulder and pulled her in tight. A little while later he heard her soft breathing and realized she had fallen asleep. He let her stay there for more then an hour before gently prodding her awake and as before walking her to her room and giving her a kiss good night, this time on the cheek.

When he woke up the next morning he found his mom was already gone. He made himself a quick breakfast and headed outside to start working. He was thinking he should have taken the time for a morning jerk off session since his morning hard on only partially subsided and was making for a slightly uncomfortable morning. He had barely gotten the ladder against the side wall of the house when he heard someone calling his name.

"Hey, Harold, what're you up to this morning." It was his friend Chris.

"Nothing special, we're thinking of painting the house for my great aunt and I'm checking to see how much prep work I'm going to have to do. What's up with you?"

"To tell you the truth," Chris said in a low voice, "I am. I'm really horny this morning. I haven't shot a load in three or four days. Thought if you were willing we could have some fun this morning."

"That's not a bad idea. My mom came to visit the day before yesterday and I haven't shot a load since then. She's out for the day with Daphne from next door. C'mon."

Harold led his blonde friend into the house where they sat next to each other on the couch. Chris reached over and began rubbing the bulge in Harold's pants leg that was his semi hard cock. Chris licked his lips as he saw the bulge slowly advance down Harold's leg until it nearly reached his knee. Harold was busy fondling the bulge that was growing in the front of Chris' shorts.

"C'mon man, let's get rid of these clothes. I wanna see that huge dick of yours."

"You got it, buddy."

They both stood up and peeled off their t-shirts and shorts. As usual Harold's fully hard cock arched out over his equally impressive balls. Chris' more modest but more than adequate seven incher thrust out from his crotch above a nice set of nearly hairless balls. His athletic body made him a very attractive young man indeed. Chris reached out and took hold of Harold's massive member and began to stroke it. Harold cupped Chris' total package and began to give it a nice massage. Chris' head rolled back a little as his cock was pressed against his lower stomach.

"Ah man, that feels great. I love to grind my hard-on into the mattress when I'm in bed. Hey, do you mind if I try something? I don't want to freak you out."

"Sure. Go ahead, freak away."

Chris moved Harold's hand out of the way. He pushed his friend's massive erection up against Harold's belly and with his other hand he pulled Harold by his hip and thrust his own hips out so that their lower bodies touched. Chris started rolling his hips and grinding his smaller cock against the bottom of the much bigger one. Harold put his hands around Chris' hips and grabbed onto this ass and pulled him tight to himself and began to grind his own hips. Chris started to moan and took hold of Harold's ass cheeks in his strong, athlete's hands. Slowly, as the feelings filled them up, their full bodies came together, Harold's thin one against Chris' more muscular pecs. Both were now making low throat noises as their cock heads began to leak precum. When Harold opened his eyes he saw that Chris was looking at him in a funny way. Then without so much as a by your leave their lips were locked together and grinding in time with their hips. Slowly they pulled their faces apart and Chris said,

"Wow, where did that come from? It felt great."

"Yeah, I love kissing, seems to make it all complete somehow."

Chris simply nodded and leaned back in so that they could share another long lingering tongue wrestle. Once more Chris backed away and then started to slide down so he wound up sitting on the couch with his face pressed against the base of Harold's cock. He began to lick and suck on the big balls while his hands ran up and down the slender thighs. He then leaned back and pulled the big dick down so that the massive head was pointed at his lips. He began to slowly lick and kiss the big head and first few inches of shaft.

With a big sigh he opened his mouth and began to work the big slab of meat into his mouth. Chris' eyes closed as he managed to wedge several inches of the big dick into his mouth and apply suction. The rest he stroked with both hands, letting saliva drip from his mouth to lube up the action. Harold was moaning and making little pumping motions with his hips to compliment the stroking. An idea began to form in his lust hazed mind. He took Chris' head in his hands and pulled him off his dick. He looked down and said in a husky voice,

"I want you to fuck me."

"What? Are you kidding man? Have you done that before?"

"Yeah, a couple of times and it feels great. And don't worry, I don't expect you to let me do you."

Chris just nodded in relief. Harold went into his closet and got the bottle of lube. He came back in and sat down next to Chris, squirted out some lube and began to rub it on his friend's hard dick. Then he took some more and rubbed it into his asshole. He scooted forward until his ass was just on the edge of the cushion and then leaned back with his legs spread to show his ass.

"Kneel down between my knees and then lift my legs up and back. Expose my asshole."

Chris did as he was told and was rewarded with his first look at a live asshole. Harold reached down and grabbed Chris' dick and brought the head to his hole.

"Okay, now push a little and work the head around until my asshole opens up."

Again, Chris followed instructions and within a few moments he was rewarded with the thrilling sight and feel of his cock head slipping into a tight hot ass for the first time. Harold let a little moan.

"Ah, yeah, man. That feels good, you're a perfect size for my ass."

Chris just nodded and kept up the pressure and watched as his cock slowly disappeared up Harold's ass. As his balls came to rest on Harold's ass he left it there for a moment and reveled in the feel of a tight ass gripping on his fat cock. He then pulled back slowly and began a long slow fucking movement that had them both moaning in moments. After a few more moments of pure ass fucking Harold pushed up on his elbows and hooked his legs behind Chris'. With one hand he grabbed his huge hard cock and brought it to his lips and he began to self suck as Chris pumped his ass. What neither of them knew was that standing at the entrance to the hallway was Harold's mom slack jawed and stunned and Daphne standing behind her looking over her shoulder with a bemused and slightly hungry look on her face. After a couple of minutes of this man to man love Daphne whispered something in Liz's ear and took her by the arm and half pushed, half dragged her out of the house. The boys were totally unaware of anything but their own pleasure.

Chris leaned in and began to share some of Harold's massive cock head, licking and sucking and occasionally sharing a kiss with Harold. All the while his raging teenage cock continued to work its way in and out of its first boy ass. Eventually his balls began to tighten and he mumbled his way around the head of Harold's cock head.

"Man, I'm gonna blow my load."

"Stay in there and fill my ass with your cum, baby. Let me feel that hot cum and I'll feed us mine."

That was all it took to drive Chris over the edge and he began to fire shot after shot of thick teenage cum into his lover's ass. After the third round Harold's ass clenched down and his balls pulled up and began to fire thick strands at the boys' faces and gaping mouths. Since it was his first cum in a couple of days it was a full load and soon the boys were dripping with thick white liquid. As the last few shots were more oozes then spurts they smeared their faces with cum covered lips. Harold let go of his cock and grabbed Chris around the back and pulled him against his chest. They twisted a bit and wound up lying on the couch, Harold on the bottom, the two of them squirming and kissing. After a while they stopped and Chris pushed up to look down at Harold.

"Damn, that was the horniest, wildest thing I've ever done. Your ass felt so tight and hot on my cock. And I love sucking on your huge dick. I wanna do this again."

"We will, you can bet on it, but right now I think we need to get into the shower before we drip cum all over my aunt's couch."

Chris smiled and nodded and they carefully unwound themselves from each other and made their way into the shower. They let the hot water sluice away the drying cum and sweat. They used handfuls of soap suds to clean and arouse each other. Harold knelt down and began to suck on Chris' hard wet cock then let Chris do the same for him. Lastly they stood up facing each other and jerked their cocks until they came again, firing their loads unto each other and then letting the last of the warm water rinse them clean and for the moment, sated. They dried and Harold sent Chris off with a promise of more soon. He then went into the living room to watch a little TV before he headed back at to do some work. He never noticed Daphne's car in her driveway.

It was close to four in the afternoon when Liz came into the house through the back door. Harold was stretched out on the couch watching TV as she walked into the living room. She looked a little tired and wasn't carrying any bags.

"Hey, mom. What happened? You strike out at the stores?"

"Hmmm, oh no, we weren't really looking for anything in particular. Just an excuse for being together and talking, getting reacquainted you could say. We've been talking on the phone over the years, watching your great aunt, but we haven't actually seen each other for quite some time."

"You look a little tired, want me to make dinner tonight," he asked.

"We'll make it together, how does that sound."


So together they worked in the kitchen, making a nice dinner of chicken, brown rice and mixed vegetables. Harold couldn't help notice that his mom seemed a little distracted and kind of quiet. She would occasionally brush against him and once she leaned against his side and rested her head on his shoulder mentioning how nice it was to be with him and doing something together. After dinner they cleaned up and then sat together on the couch watching TV. Since they were both tired, they called it quits by ten thirty and headed off to bed.

Harold dropped off into a deep undisturbed sleep. Liz was not so fortunate; her mind was racing with the events of the day. Around midnight she got up and padded in her bare feet down the hall to Harold's door. The door was slightly ajar and she peeked in. It was a full moon and the bright reflected light was enough to show Harold in bed on his back, his one sheet half covering his body. Obvious through the thin cotton was his thin legs and a significant bulge between them. The silvery sheen of the moonlight gave everything a surreal look and Liz found herself slipping the door open a bit more, enough to slip inside her son's room. She was clad in a tight belly t-shirt and a pair of French cut cotton panties. She slowly made her way to the side of Harold's bed and looked down at her son. Was this really the boy she saw naked on the couch, his legs in the air with another boys cock in his ass, his own unbelievably massive erection jutting up between them? How had she missed that? She didn't think mothers made a habit of checking out their sons endowments but with something that big you'd have thought a clue or two would have been obvious. His dad was fairly thick but no where near that big. She could see it now just barely hidden under the sheet. She guessed that Harold was naked under his sheet, since his torso and right hip were exposed and naked. Without giving it much thought she sat down gently on the side of the bed, her own hip inches from her son's. She let her hand reach out and touch the skin on his stomach, feeling how warm it was. He was still so thin but it appeared that he was getting a bit more of a musculature as he matured. He didn't move or make a sound but she did notice that the bulk under the sheet near his bare hip began to shift. She stared fascinated as her light stroking of her son's skin produced these results. Slowly the fat head began to push out from under the sheet and push along the joint of the leg and torso. Not being able to resist, she lightly touched the tip of the head near the slit. This caused the whole shaft to twitch and a little coo to rise from Harold's slightly parted lips.

With a quirky little smile she lifted the sheet up and laid it aside so that her son was now completely naked before her. His cock was out to about nine inches now and his heavy ball sack lay resting on the mattress. She began to slowly rub her finger tips along the underside of his shaft, feeling how soft and warm his skin was. She watched with her eyes partially closed as the head continued its journey further along Harold's hip as her gentle attention caused it to grow. She grew bolder and reached out to fondle his large ball sack. They were so big as to be almost unreal. Harold let out a little moan and shifted his legs around causing his cock to slide upward towards his stomach. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly she took the shaft into her hands and lifted it up, marveling at the size and weight of it. She began to slowly stroke it with one hand as the other held it straight up from his body like a fat fleshy flagpole. As she did this she watched Harold's face. As his cock reached its full length and girth Harold groaned again and his eyes fluttered open. He blinked and started to sit up but his mother placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back.

"Shhhh. Don't say anything, baby, please. Just lay there and let me do this. We'll talk about it later, please."

Never able to tell his mom no, he laid back and watched her as she proceeded to slowly stroke his cock again. The look on her face was a mix of wonder and longing and slowly the head began to move toward her as she pulled the massive member closer. Harold had to admit as wrong as this was supposed to be it was the most wonderful feeling he could remember. As much as Daphne meant to him this was something so much different. He let his hand drift up and come to rest on the bare thigh of her leg next to him. She let out a little sigh and whispered,

"Your hands are so warm and feel so good there."

She then moved her head and brought the tip of his cock to her lips to kiss and then lick. For the next twenty minutes Harold was treated to the most loving and exquisite oral treatment of his cock. Her wet lips tongue and warm gentle hands covered every square inch of his dick and balls. While this was going on Harold's hand had been stroking and squeezing his mother's bare thigh. As she became more and more involved in jerking and sucking what she could of his huge cock and balls she allowed her legs to drift further apart. In the silvery light he could see that her hard nipples were poking through the tight cotton fabric of her t-shirt but he was only guessing that the slightly darker color of her panties was caused by her leaking pussy. He let his had drift further up her thigh and meeting no resistance began to rub the soft fabric and indeed the darker spot was wet. As he pressed a little harder he heard her moan and shift her hips to give him better access. Needing no further encouragement he began running his finger up and down the crease of her swollen lips and thumb the hard spot that was her clit. By now she had the whole head of his cock in her mouth, one hand stroking the spit covered shaft and her other tugging and squeezing his big balls. She could feel them starting to tighten and draw closer to his body as he moaned and mumbled,

"I'm gonna cum, oh god, mom I'm gonna cum."

She simply pressed her leg against his side and quickened her pace on his cock. With a deep growl Harold arched his hips off the bed and began to fire off a heavy stream of cum into his mother's waiting mouth. The volume and velocity took her by surprise but she held on but after the third volley she had to pull off, letting the cum flow out over his still spurting shaft.

It hit her face, landed on her cotton covered tits and onto her son's stomach and legs. Her own orgasm hit and she began to buck against his hand as she held onto his cock like a railing. Finally they both began to slide back to reality and found themselves staring at each other coated in Harold's cum and her panties soaking into the sheet. Liz finally broke the silence.

"Oh my dear boy. I had no idea. About any of this. You, your cock..."

"Are we okay, mom? This is pretty weird you know."

"Oh yes, honey, we are. We'll sort this out, but not now. But we need to clean up a bit."

With that she reached down and pulled the t-shirt over her head and used it to wipe up the cum that hadn't already fallen on it. Harold couldn't help but stare at her beautiful full tits. Again he noted they weren't as big as Daphne's but they were still gorgeous. As she rubbed his stomach legs and cock he kept his hand on her thigh and squeezed. She smiled down at him. When they were relatively cum fee, she lay down next to him and curled into him. He sucked in his breath as he felt her warm soft tits press against his side. Her wet panties rubbed on his hip. He put his arm around her shoulders.

"Harold, I have something I need to tell you."

"Ok, mom, shoot."

"This morning after Daphne and I left for breakfast and the stores, we had to come back because Daphne was going to drop off some work for a client and she forgot it. I figured I'd come over and ask you if you needed any clothes or such that I could look far. Daphne came with me. Um, and we sort of, well, walked in on you and your blonde haired friend on the couch."

She felt Harold stiffen and she put her arm over his chest and squeezed.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I'm not upset or anything. I was just kind of surprised. I sometimes wondered if that might be why you never dated but what was really shocking was seeing how enormous you were. You know what I mean."

As she said it her hand slid down to caress his semi-hard cock. She felt it twitch under her hand.

"I just stood their staring but you boys weren't in any mood to know what was going on around you. Daphne whispered to me we should leave and she took me over to her kitchen and sat me down. We talked a lot. She told me how you had come and started working so hard and how you and she got to talking and...well, you know, how you and she started having sex and started experimenting and learning new things. I have to admit that it was a lot to take in but on the other hand I was happy you were breaking out of your shell and all that. And before I knew it I was telling her about how lonely I was without you around and that things weren't so great with your dad. Before I knew it, I was crying and Daphne was next to me hugging me and telling me it would be okay and before we knew what was going on we were kissing and hugging each other and she was taking me to her room and we were pulling off each others clothes and rolling around on the bed."

She was aware the Harold had pulled his head to the side as if to see if this was his mother talking and also that his cock was getting harder by the minute.

"Well anyway, while we were doing all this, having sex with each other, she pulled out a strap-on, you know, one of those fake cocks, kind of fat. Well she put it on and started using it on me and it felt sooo good. I hadn't felt that in a while. Anyway, she started to say that if I thought this felt good I wouldn't believe what it would be like to have you inside me."

At this point her leg slid over Harold's and her arm tightened on him and she kissed his chest a bit.

"I'd like to find that out, dear. Would you do that for me, would you take this huge, magnificent cock and put it in me, please?"

Harold had to admit he was a little stunned by the idea that his mother and his older lover had been having lesbian sex while he and Chris had been having gay sex. Now she wanted him to fuck her. The fact that his cock was back up to full size told him his body certainly wanted to and after all he had been through the last couple of weeks this wasn't so totally bizarre and as he admitted before, he could never tell his mother no.

"Yes, mom, I'll do it for you. But we'll do it right."

With that he took his arm from around her and moved to the side. He knelt next to her and put her on her back and then began to slip the cotton panties down her slim legs. She reached out to stroke his enormous erection but he pulled away and she gave him a puzzled look.

"Like I said, the right way," he said.

With that he pulled her legs apart and dipped his head down and began to lick up and down her pussy lips. She arched her back and moaned as his tongue parted the fleshy lips and pushed it into her hole. He then moved up and began to lick the hard fleshy nub of her clit. She was thrashing about, grabbing his head and pushing it down into her crotch. He continued licking and slurping for long minutes, feeling how much she was leaking as her hips bucked against his face. When he judged she was wet enough, he crawled between her legs and took his cock in hand and guided the head to her dripping lips. He rubbed it a few times and then began to press in. She took hold of his wrist and added some extra pressure as she pushed down with her hips. Slowly the head began to work its way into her pussy, the lips forming a tight seal. Her head was thrown back and her eyes were shut. Gasps and groans came from her parted lips put still she pulled and pushed. After half his cock had slid in he let go of it and hooked her legs and pulled them up and back. Liz reached down with both hands and grabbed the thick shaft and continued to force it into her. She finally stopped with a full twelve inches inside her throbbing pussy. Between panting and grunts she said in a rasping voice.

"There, that's it, I'm full. Oh my god, I've never felt so full. Now fuck me, son, fuck me."

Harold said nothing but began to pull his cock back and then slide it forward until he felt it hit bottom, then back again. Unlike the previous hand and lip job this was not going to be about love and tenderness but an animal like rutting. Mother and son indulged in a nearly uncontrolled display of lust that seemed to go on and on. Harold noticed how her firm full tits bounced around on her chest as her hands gripped the sheets as his pistoning drove her over the edge into a spurt of multiple rapid fire orgasms. He mouth was open and it appeared that she was going to scream but she couldn't make it happen. Harold felt her clenching down on his cock and he couldn't hold back.

"Oh, mom, I'm gonna cum, oh god, here it comes."

"Yes baby," she managed to grunt. "Give it to me, fill me up, I want to feel your hot cum inside me."

Harold was happy to oblige and began to shoot another long series of ropy cum shots deep inside his lust ravaged mother. He collapsed on top of her and still he was pumping her full. She threw her arms around him and squeezed as if to break his back as her last total body orgasm ripped through her. Neither of them really knew when the mutual orgasm ended. At some point they both slipped into a deep oblivion, sleep so deep they never moved once Harold rolled to one side with his cock still in her, face to face, arms wrapped around each other.

More to cum...

Next: Chapter 10

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