A Star Is Porn

By william michael

Published on Mar 2, 2005


A star is porn...I mean born part IV

The following is a totally fictitious account of the adventures of a ridiculously over endowed young man who seeks to find a place for himself and his ever present sidekick, or sidecock. It explores no great social issues intentionally and is meant only to provide some inspiration for some singular fun, so enjoy, unless you're underage in which case leave and come back when you're old enough.

Harold and Daphne had once again taken a shower together and cleaned up the effects of their frolic with Helen and Ed. They now lay together in Daphne's darkened bedroom, he laying on his back, she on her side pressed up against the tall slender young man, her head on his shoulder, one leg crossed over his and her hand lazily fingering the underside of his soft cock which lay on top of his stomach. Harold was staring at the ceiling, thinking. He could hear Daphne's even breathing, but he new she was awake.

"Uh, Daphne?"

"Hmmm? What is it honey?"

"Can I ask you a something?"

"Of course you can."


"Why what?"

"Why me?"

"Why not you?" she said with a little laugh.

"Is it just my big dick?"

She lay still for a moment, her hand resting on his stomach. Then she pushed herself up on her arm, her head visible as a darker shape against the ceiling.

"Let me tell you something, Harold. There is a lot more to you then just that wonderfully colossal cock of yours. I've known that for a long long time. You remember what I said about me talking to your Aunt, telling her I'd keep an eye on you?"


"Well that's certainly not the first time she and I have discussed you. She really does think of you as her grandson and she never missed an opportunity to mention you. Until she went into the hospital I'd come over two or three times a week to see how she was doing, share some tea, see if she needed a hand with anything. She was always talking about how well you did with this class or that project, how smart you were. She'd show me the letters and cards you'd send or talk about the last time you called on the phone. It meant a great deal to her and as a result I came to see what a fine young man you were. She'd also worry about you. She knew you were having a tough time socially, although I'm sure she wasn't aware of your most obvious physical gift." She gave his cock a little tug and it twitched.

"It all sounded so familiar. I was a lot like you. Good grades but no friends. I was kind of plain, a little overweight and I didn't even have these big tits until I was almost done with my junior year. Even then the only guys that ever wanted to date me just wanted a shot at feeling me up. So I guess I made a connection with you based on a shared experience. I was lucky that I found a real friend when I went to college. She was tall and slender and beautiful with curly red hair and flashing green eyes and all the guys were hot for her."


"Yes Helen, but she was very selective and very kind to me and she made me feel like I was worth something as a person. Then she met Ed one summer while she was working some intern job and things got more interesting. She shared Ed with me. He was my first real lover and we've been friends and more ever since. I thought maybe I could be that for you in a way. Give something back for what they gave me. Does that make sense to you?"

Harold had trouble answering because of the lump that swelled in his throat.

Nobody that wasn't related to him had every given a damn about him and he wasn't sure how to deal with it. After swallowing a couple of times he said,

"I guess so, I just wasn't sure about what was going on. I'm not used to people being so nice to me that weren't my family and then the hot sex, the kissing kinda went to my head. When you all started talking about me being a porn star or something I got scared that you were trying to set me up for something. I should have known better but I'm just a dumb kid and what do I know?"

She took his chin in her hand and turned his head to face her and she leaned over so they were practically nose to nose.

"Don't ever say you're a dumb kid again. You are a kind considerate young man that has been disregarded by those too stupid or uncaring to look past a plain face or ungraceful physique. You don't have to do anything you don't feel is right for you and I will fight anyone who would try to make you. Do you believe me?"

"Yes, I think I do."

"Good, know take this the way it is meant to be given and then let's get some sleep."

She then leaned in a little further and pressed her open mouth against his in a slow wet passionate kiss that lingered for long moments. She broke off the kiss and then settled back down along his side, pulling him protectively against herself. He wrapped his arms around her and in moments both were sound asleep. As it turned out there was no interlude in the wee hours. They both slept straight through until the sun coming through the window woke Harold up. He looked around and found a clock that read 8:25. Daphne hadn't moved, her head was still on his shoulder, one arm draped across his chest, one leg entwined with his, her big tits pressed against his chest and side. He kissed her on the forehead and said,

"Daphne? I think we need to get up."

"Hmmmmmm? What?"

She looked up and over at the clock.

"Oh dear, looks like we missed our early morning wake up call, sweetie."

"I guess so, we did have a busy day yesterday after all."

"Hmmmmm, too true, but so much fun. But I do have to get up, I have an appointment in less than two hours and I've gotta get ready. What are you going to do today?"

"Well, the shrubs and stuff have gotten out of hand so another day in the yard I guess, gotta earn my rent."

"See, I told you you were a fine young man. You do your work and I'll do mine and maybe we can have some fun tonight, would you like that?"

"No, I wouldn't like that, I'd love it." They came together in another long passionate kiss and then rolled away from each other and off the bed, she to the bathroom, him to the living room to fetch his clothes. He got dressed quickly and found her in front of the mirror trying to get her hair in order. He came up behind her and ran his arms around her naked waist and leaned his chin on top of her head. They looked into each others eyes via the mirror.

"You know what you said last night about you being kinda plain and all?" murmured Harold.


"It's not true. You have the most incredible eyes I've ever seen and with this hair, you are very very attractive." He smiled over the top of her head.

She turned with in the circle of his arms, her eyes misting a bit.

"Thank you, Harold, that was so sweet." She kissed him lightly this time and then said,

"Now get moving before you get ravished by a horny ol broad."

"Nothing old about you, Daphne. But I'll go and see you later."

She watched his back as he left the house, smiling and shaking her head. Harold made his way out the back door, across the yard and through the gate.

He went inside his Aunt's house and into the kitchen. The sudden thought of food reminded him that he was very hungry and since it wasn't all that late he decided to pull out the stops and make a full hot breakfast. By around ten o'clock he had finished his meal, washed up and changed into some work clothes. He went to the shed to see what kind of tools were available and found some clippers and shears so he figured he start with the shrubs. He was glad to have some work to do to distract him from his longing to be with Daphne again and those few times his thoughts did wander in her direction he came back to the things she had said and the warm feeling it gave him. For the first time in a long time he felt contented and he hummed and whistled as he worked. It was well after noon by the time he was done with all the trimming and cleaning up. He was starting to think about lunch when he heard a voice call to him from the street.


He turned and saw a young man around his age straddling a bicycle in the street in front of the house. He waved a little and said,


"You're Harold, right? I'm Chris."

"Yup, that's me, hi Chris. How'd you know my name?"

"I live down the street. Whole block knew you were coming to house sit while your aunt's away. I think you and I played together a couple times when you came to visit when we were little. Played catch in the street or something."

"Yeah, I do seem to remember something about that. I'm getting ready to go in and make lunch, you want something?"

"I've already eaten but I could go for a soda."

"Come on in, then."

Fuzzy memories began to surface for Harold. A little motor mouth kid with freckles, hair pointing in all directions, no front teeth. As Chris dumped his bike in the front yard it was obvious that the intervening years had been kinder to him then they had to Harold. His hair was under control and a sandy blonde. The freckles were barely evident beneath a nice SoCal tan. While not as tall as Harold he was wide at the shoulder, narrow at the hip with muscular legs, all in all a perfect example of the California beach boy. Chris followed Harold into the house and then the kitchen. Harold gave Chris a soda from the fridge and then started to make a sandwich.

"You're sure you don't want one?"

"Nah, thanks, made a pig of myself at lunch already. Mom says I'm gonna bankrupt her with the food bills," he laughed.

So Harold ate and Chris drank and they both chatted about high school, cars, college plans and other teenage stuff. Harold noted Chris didn't mention girls and was glad it didn't come up. Chris was headed for USC in the fall and was surprised that Harold didn't have any plans.

"I don't know what I want to do. And now I have this to do for a while so I have time to think about it and check out some options."

"Cool. I've got the baseball scholarship so I figure I can get a free ride for school but I don't think I'll make the majors, but who knows."

"Yeah, hey lets head for the living room, these kitchen chairs are getting hard."


So they walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. It was then that Harold realized that his special bag was still in the room and Chris had already spotted it. He reached into it and pulled out the `Big dick, big tit' video. He held it up and smiled.

"Hey, cool, porn. Can we?"

Relieved that Chris didn't razz him he nodded. He wasn't sure where this would go but he figured `what the hell'. Chris put the tape in the machine and then dropped back on the couch slouching a bit. The first scene featured an older guy with a solid eight inches of cock feeling up and licking the pussy of a girl with huge tits and long brown hair. Harold thought she looked like a younger Daphne but she didn't have those incredible pale blue eyes. He looked sideways and could see that Chris was already rubbing his crotch and squirming a bit. As the man on the screen began to feed his dick to the girl Harold felt his cock crawling along his leg and he gave it a slow rub. Chris was leaning back into the couch and said,

"Oh man, I haven't had a chance to blow a load for a week. You have any objection to me jerkin off, you can join me if you want."

"No man, go ahead, I'll join you but I hope you don't mind a surprise."

Chris looked at him funny and then let his eyes drift down to Harold's lap. His eyes got wide when he saw the outline of Harold's mammoth dick through his work pants.

"Holy fuck. How big is that thing?"

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Chris just nodded and began to unbutton his pants. Harold did the same and then lifted his ass to slide them off. As the thick shaft became visible Chris couldn't help but stare and when it was revealed in all its glory he mumbled `damnnnn'. His shorts were off and revealed a nicely formed member that was maybe seven or so inches long with a nice girth. The head was cut and well formed. His balls were not huge but hung nicely between those well muscled thighs. A soft fuzz of sandy blond hair wreathed his genitals. Harold liked what he saw. To help matters along he pulled off his shirt. Chris sort of shook his head and did the same. They were now naked and stroking their own cocks. Harold's was in full flight and stretched out along his thigh as he rubbed the top of it from base to head.

"Geez, man, that monster must be over a foot long."

"Fifteen inches, maybe a little bit more."

As he said this he took it in both hands and pulled it more upright, stroking it and playing with his huge ball sack at the same time. Chris was slowly working his own cock and it was showing some very nice veins and dripping a little. After checking each other out, they settled back and watched the video, the girl now bouncing up and down on the older guys cock, holding her big tits tight to herself with both hands. Both young men were losing themselves in their own pleasure, only marginally aware of the screen. Harold felt a warm pressure on the side of his leg and when he looked down he saw that as Chris had spread his legs wider to get to his balls better his leg was now pressed against his. He liked the way it felt.

Deciding to take a chance, especially the way Chris had stared at his cock he let one hand slide down his own thigh and brush against Chris'. The pressure on his leg increased so he let his hand slide over to run along the sensitive inner thigh. He heard Chris moan again and move his leg a bit. Taking this as a good sign he slipped his hand under Chris' leg and lifted it up so that it crossed over his. He spread his leg a little wide and scooted sideways to get closer to Chris. He continued to stroke the blonde boy's leg, who let his hand slide over and brush lightly against Harold's smooth ball sack. As if thinking with the same brain the each took hold of the others shaft and began jerking each other off. Chris reached down into Harold's goody bag and pulled out a tube of lube. He squeezed some onto his dick and then onto Harold's. They both settled into a nice lazy afternoon jerk off session. There was no attempt at pushing it further and Harold was just as happy. This was nice and slow and easy and he was still a little beat from yesterday. They would vary speed and pressure, play with each others balls and lightly finger the others leaking cum slit but that was all. After a while Chris' stroking became more urgent and he whispered,

"A little faster, man, I'm about ready to blow my load. Oh yeah."

Harold picked up the tempo and with less than a dozen strokes, Chris' legs stiffened and his cock exploded. Three thick white lines of cum shot from his dick tip, shooting higher than his head and dropping back to splatter on his stomach and chest. He bucked and groaned as he emptied his balls. As Harold held and slowly jerked the softening dick Chris wrapped his two hands around Harold's massive cock and began a fast, firm stroking. And he began to talk in the machine gun delivery Harold had remembered from his childhood.

"Come on, man, that's it. Get bigger, get harder, shoot that cum. I wanna see that big firehose spray cum all over you."

It took only a minute or two and then Mount St. Harold erupted. Several heavy, thick strings of cum rocketed from his huge cockhead and since Chris had it pointed at himself they struck him on the chest between his well developed pecs and aroused nipples. He pushed the spewing cock away and the last several spurts laced across Harold's torso. As the two boys slowly came down from there orgasmic highs, they both started to laugh. They both gingerly stood up, being careful not to drip their juices on the floor and made it to the bathroom to use wet warm washcloths to clean up. As they walked back to the living room Harold watched the hard tight ass muscles work as Chris walked. They sat back down and lay back on opposite sides of the couch. They stayed naked like that for several hours, talking more and now comparing ways they liked to pleasure themselves, making plans to visit again, maybe hit the beach together and near the end, bringing themselves to another orgasm each, Chris using the lipped masturbation toy and Harold using Daphne's panties, but not revealing their source.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 5

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