A Star Is Porn

By william michael

Published on Dec 17, 2011


The usual Caveats apply.

Harold crouched at the base of the front porch, cleaning his last paint brush. He had just completed the last touches on the wrought iron railings on the steps leading up to the front door. It had been a month since his mother had arrived and they were finished painting the exterior of his great aunt's house. They had hoped to have it done before she arrived home from the rehabilitation center but they had gotten a call the night before from her telling them that she was having some issues that needed to be addressed and it would likely be several more weeks until she was home.

After the phone call, Harold and his mother had talked and decided they would take the two hour drive on the upcoming Saturday to go for a visit. She was spending most of the day with Daphne from next door, the nature of their activities not having been revealed. He was just about finished when he heard footsteps coming up the walkway behind him. Looking over his shoulder he saw a teenage girl he couldn't recognize.

From his vantage point she looked to be around five feet eight or so. Her denim shorts revealed long slender legs and her waist length t-shirt covered a nice pair of tits that appeared held in place by a bikini top. While nothing compared to his mom's or Daphne's, they were quite respectable for a girl her age. Her hair was a golden blonde, cut to shoulder length and she had blue/gray eyes. She was looking down at him and she said,

"Hi, you did a really nice job on the house. I live across the street. My name is Cindy. Are you a grandson?"

"No, almost," Harold said as he stood up, now looking down at her, "she's my great aunt, my mom's aunt. My name is Harold."

"Hi, Harold."

"Um, I don't recognize you. I used to be here a lot as a kid and played with some of the neighborhood kids."

"We moved here only about six months or so ago. My dad got transferred out here from Iowa," she replied.

"Oh, okay. I'm sure I would have remembered you," he said and seeing her eyebrows raise, he added, "living across the street and all."

"I suppose so. So what's going on with your great aunt. Is she coming home soon?"

"It'll be a few more weeks. Some sort of complications. Mom and I are going up to visit her this Saturday," he replied.

"That'll be nice. So you here for the summer?"

"And then some. I graduated from high school in June. Don't know what I want to do so I came here to house sit and do some fixing up and then stay for a while to help out. At this rate it'll be winter before I have to figure something out."

"I've got two more years of school left," she said, squinting at him in the sun.

"Um, you want to come inside. We can get out of the sun and have a drink of something." "Sure, that'd be cool," she said with a smile, revealing nice even white teeth.

Harold moved the painting things aside and led the way up and through the front door. He gestured towards the chair and couch and said,

"Have a seat. What would you like, soda, lemonade, water?"

"A soda would be just fine, thanks," Cindy said as she sat down on one end of the couch.

Harold went into the kitchen and pulled two sodas out of the refrigerator and walked back into the living room. Seeing the girl on the couch he handed her one can and then took a seat in the chair across from her. She smiled at him again and sat back, crossing her long bare legs.

"So is this all you're doing while your here? Working on the house?" she asked.

"Pretty much. If I stay longer I'll have to look for a job I guess, or look at going to school. Just not sure, yet."

He wasn't going to mention anything about his fledgling career as a big dick porn star. He noticed that she seemed to keep her eyes fixed on him the whole time they talked.

"How about you? Just school?"

"So far," she said, wrinkling her nose in distaste. "I came mid year so it was kinda hard to fit in or join anything. Mom and Dad aren't sure they want me working just yet. So it's been a boring summer so far. I've spent a lot of time just hanging around and watching you work when you were out front or on the one side."

"You don't have any friends here?"

"Like I said, it was tough coming in mid year and there aren't any kids my age on the block," she replied, sipping at the can.

"Even the guys? I'd think you'd attract someone's attention," Harold said.

He had to marvel at how much life had changed for him. Two months or more ago he wouldn't have been able to hold much of a conversation with the girl, but after all his experiences and the appeal he had for a number of different people, he had a lot more confidence.

"It's a pretty cliquey school. And thank you for the compliment but I don't dress like this for school. Maybe I should have, but back in Iowa you didn't. Guess I need to become more of a valley girl," she replied, shifting in her seat, recrossing her legs.

"Oh, please, don't do that," Harold almost blurted. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that, but I had more than enough trouble with those types in school."

"I hear ya. A pretty bitchy bunch. Like that movie, what was it, Mean Girls. But you seem nice enough. No girls for you?" she said, flashing that smile.

"Nope. Not a one. It was one of the reasons I agreed to come here. Got me away from that whole crowd for the summer."

Harold couldn't help notice that smile and the gaze. Despite last night's activities with his mom and Daphne he could feel his cock starting to swell a bit down his pant leg.

"I wasn't happy about coming here at all. I was having a lot of fun at home, well, the old home. We may not have dressed the part, but it didn't mean we didn't know how to have a good time," she said, her smile becoming more sly.

"Oh really? How so?" he asked, but he was pretty sure he knew and wondered where the day might take him.

"Well, let's just say that when you grow up around a lot of farms, you figure out what's going on pretty young."

"And I suppose after you figured it out you went ahead and did something about it then."

"Oh, yes. Now I'm stuck out here and I might as well be locked away in a convent. Look, Harold, like I said, I've been watching you and I kinda like what I've seen. After talking to you I like it better. Why don't you come sit over here by me," she said, patting the cushion next to her.

Harold put his can down on the floor next to the chair and moved over to sit next to Cindy on the couch. He figured the offer was already out there and he put his arm around her shoulder's and when she leaned into him he knew he figured correctly. She looked up at him and their heads moved closer and soon they were sharing a kiss, lips parted but no tongue yet. He pulled her tighter against his side and one hand came to rest on his leg. When they pulled apart she looked at him with half lidded eyes and said,

"Oh, that was nice. Either you're a natural or you've learned from someone since June," but she didn't wait for an answer.

She shifted around so she could put her arms around him and he got both his around her and they began making out with increasing vigor. Tongues were soon added to the grinding lips and hands began to roam.

After a while they came up for air and Cindy said huskily,

"Oh, my. Christmas comes early to Southern California."

"Does that mean you'll be wanting to unwrap presents?" Harold asked.

Cindy giggled and said,

"That's a distinct possibility, baby."

Then she pulled his head closer and the kissing began again. Harold let one hand drift down and glide over the smooth bare skin of her thigh. She murmured into his mouth and pushed tighter against him. His cock was really getting stiff and running down the length of his own thigh. Cindy let one of her hands roam and eventually it brushed against the long lump in his pants. She let out a little squeak into his mouth and pulled her head back.

"Shit,what have you got in there?"

"Just me."

"Well, that does it. Time to unwrap a present. Let me see what you have in there," she said as she began to undo the front of his shorts.

The button was undone and the zipper pulled down in no time. Raising his hips, he let her shimmy off the shorts and while she was down there she pulled off his sneakers and socks. Her eyes were wide and she licked her lips as she ran her hands over the one leg of his boxers which now seemed to have two legs in it.

"Oh, my god, you're hung like a bull."

"Thank you. Having second thoughts?"

"Hell, no. But I'm not sure what we'll wind up doing. But I still want to see it," she said as she began tugging off his boxers.

As the thick shaft came into view her eyes got wider still. When the whole magnificent fifteen inches were revealed she sucked in her breath and then looked up at him, her mouth twitching between an 'oh' and a smile. Then she looked down again and began to reverently run her hands over the enormous shaft.

"Oh, Harold. I've never seen anything like this on a boy. And not one girl ever had it?"

"Not until after I got out of school," he replied.

"So you have a girlfriend now?" she asked looking up at him.

"Not really. Let's just say I've gained some experience this summer."

"Oh, good. I wouldn't be happy helping you cheat on someone. It wouldn't stop me, but I wouldn't be happy."

She lifted his cock up in two hands and began sliding them up and down, her eyes blazing as she seemed to examine every inch of it. Finally she leaned forward and placed a light kiss on the tip, which was yet to begin oozing precum. She continued the kisses all around the head and then down the shaft. Meanwhile, Harold pulled his shirt up and off and settled back, once more naked on the couch with someone worshiping his huge dick. He found something about this encounter with a girl around his own age particularly exciting. Later on he would realize it was a validation of the idea that the girls in his school had been the ones to make the mistake and miss out.

"Oh, god, Harold. Your cock is so beautiful. I'm not sure what I can do with it but I want to try it all."

And with that she began to slide her lips over the big bulbous head as her soft warm hands continued to run up and down the sides of the shaft. Harold let his hands lightly run over her head, feeling the soft blonde hair and then over her shoulders and back. After a few minutes she took her hands off his dick and began to pull her shirt up. Harold took hold of it and pulled it the rest of the way, his cock dropping back momentarily as he pulled it over her head.

She grabbed his dick and brought it back to her mouth and resumed her greedy sucking. Her bikini top was tied both behind her neck and her back, so with two deft pulls, he had her topless, although he couldn't see anything but her bare back. He ran his one hand over the smooth skin while the other played with her hair. Then he slipped his hand down the back of her shots, but they were pretty tight and he didn't get very far. He settled for rubbing and squeezing her ass through that taut denim.

Taking a hint, Cindy once more released his cock and undid the front of her shorts and with some work and minor gymnastics, got them off without taking her mouth off of his cock. The matching bikini bottoms soon followed and they were now both naked on the couch. She worked his cock for a good fifteen minutes, all the while, his hands were caressing and fondling. Finally, she came up for air and said,

"Wow, that is an amazing dick. I love it. I've seen horses you'd put to shame. But how much time do we have?"

"I was told not to expect anyone until after dinner," he replied.

"Oh, good. I like to take my time," she said as she sat back against the couch cushions.

He leaned down and began kissing her again, while she continued to play with his cock. When he pulled away he had a chance to see her naked body. Her tits were full and firm, maybe 34C and the nipples were a good size and very hard. Although her legs were hiding it, it appeared her pussy was completely shaved. She had a light tan that appeared unbroken by tan lines.

"You have a beautiful body. Your classmates are really missing out," he said.

She smiled at him and then went back down into his crouch, liking his cock and heavy balls sack while she stroked the shaft. Now he could play with her bare ass and the cheeks were firm and perfectly formed. She was in all respects a very pretty girl. He wondered if there were possibilities here. But those thoughts could wait. He decided he needed to be more actively involved so he said,

"Cindy, hold off a second."

She sat up and he shifted around, laying on his back. He looked up at her and smiled.

"Get that pretty pussy over my face. Can't have you doing all the work."

She squealed excitedly and positioned herself with her legs on either side of his torso and she sat back to put that smooth pair of lips right about his face. He took hold of her hips and began to kiss and lick her pussy and clit. She began to moan and sigh and finally she said,

"Oh, dear god, Harold. That feels so good. No boy ever did that to me before. Please, don't stop."

Knowing from experience with his mother and Daphne, he first teased and then assaulted Cindy's clit and then moved his tongue down and began to lick and probe her hole. She was trying to continue her work on his cock but the sensations coming from her pussy was just too distracting. Finally she let his cock drop down against his belly and she pressed her tits around it, the hard nipples grinding into his lower abdomen.

As he worked her pussy, her juices flowed freely over his chin and on to his neck. She groaned, moaned and grunted and her hands flexed and gripped at his thighs. Finally, she let go with a string of 'oh, fucks' and then screamed with her head pressed between his legs, the sound muffled. Her entire body spasmed and her pussy flooded Harold's face. When she finally relaxed, her limp body pressed down on him and he felt her rapid heartbeat and heavy breathing. He let his hands wander off of her ass and up and down her back as he tilted his head back to get some room to breathe. Finally, she lifted her head up and said,

"Oh, for god sakes, Harold. Where the hell did you learn to do that? I've never cum that hard before. Jeez, I should have come over and visited you sooner."

He laughed a bit and said,

"It's better you waited. I've had a lot of learning to do the last couple of months. But I'm glad it was so good for you. Your juices were really flowing."

She slid off of him a bit, resting against the back of the couch and looking back at him.

"I can get pretty wet down there, but never like that. Any of the boys I've been with just gave my pussy a lick or two and then tried to shove their cocks in me. I had one girl do it but even so, it wasn't anything like that."

As she talked, she began running her hand up and down the shaft of his still ragingly hard cock. She bent down and kissed the base were it met the ball sack and then licked and kissed the big meaty balls as well.

"And having this amazing cock as well. You missed your chance with all those high school girls. You should have put on a pair of tight jeans and walked around the halls with a hard on, they'd have been following you all over."

"Actually, some did know. Gym class, you know. But they didn't want to have anything to do with me, or it," he replied.

"Well, screw them, then. So what do you say, big boy? While I'm all nice and wet, you want to see how much of this great big beautiful dick you can get inside me?" she asked with a grin.

"You bet I do but hang on a second," he said as he swung his legs off the couch and stood up, leaving a flushed, grinning Cindy lying naked on her side.

He hurried off into his bedroom, his massive dick hanging out over his ball sack and came back with a bottle of lube. He sat on the couch and handed it to her.

"Use some of this on me. Being your first time with this, I want to make sure it's as slippery as possible."

"How thoughtful," she said, smiling warmly.

She popped the top and squeezed out a generous portion onto the head and upper shaft, rubbing it in with smooth, firm motions. Harold half closed his eyes in appreciation. When he opened them he saw her smooth some of the left over gel onto and between her pussy lips.

"I figure every little bit helps. Now come on, baby, fuck me until I can't see straight."

She stretched herself out on the couch, with one leg up over the back of the couch, the other off onto the floor. Harold got on his knees and took hold of the massive shaft and began rubbing the head up and down her slick slit. She was cooing and her eyes were wide and bright. He flicked her clit a few times and she hissed,

"Stop teasing me, you bastard and get that thing inside me."

Harold smiled and then brought the head to the outside of her hole and began to push it in with just his hand. All the lube, natural and store bought, help tremendously and the head began slipping in. Cindy's eyes went wide as she felt herself stretching to accommodate the massive head. He lips formed an 'O' but nothing came out. As he continued to push and the shaft began to disappear the tightness of her pussy gave him all kinds of wonderful feelings and Cindy was sucking in a long continuous breath. As she exhaled she moaned a little and she reached out and took hold of arms and uttered,

"Oh, my fucking god..." and then tailed off to silence.

When he had about four inches in he stopped and backed out until just the head was in and then he began to push back, going a little deeper. He repeated this process a few times, watching Cindy's reaction, but she just had her head back, her mouth open and her hands clenching on his arms. When he had about nine inches in, she gasped and said,

"Oh, fuck, lover, that's all, I can't take anymore of that beautiful cock. Not yet. Please, fuck me with it."

Without a word, Harold drew back and began stroking his monster dick in and out of her heavily juicing pussy. He would withdraw about seven inches and slide it back in with a steady rhythm. Her hands came down off his arms and began kneading her tits, squeezing the hard nipples, her head rolling from side to side, as she moaned and groaned, occasionally forming largely incoherent words. Twice more her body tensed and she began to thrash through an orgasm that ripped through her entire body.

Just as the last one passed and it looked like she was unconscious, Harold felt his big bull balls pull up and he said,

"Oh,fuck, I'm going to come."

Cindy's eyes popped open and she said in a low growl,

"Fuck, baby, shoot your cum all over me. Let me see that big dick unload."

He slide his massive cock from her sloppy, yet tight, pussy and took it in both hands and began to stroke the upper shaft, covered in a combination of her juice and his lube, plus some precum. After only a half a dozen strokes or so his hips bucked and he fired his first heavy stream that splashed onto her chest, neck and face. She squealed and the second shot went ever further, some landing in her mouth. Four more followed and by the time he was through her upper body was laced in a heavy layer of cum.

As his orgasm passed his legs weakened and he sat back on the couch, looking down at the girl who's lightly tanned body was showing significant patches of red flushing to go with the white coating. And two bright orbs of blue/gray looking at him intently.

"When and if I catch my breath, I will have all kinds of things to say about you and that dick but for now, WOW."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. You felt really great wrapped around it, both your mouth and your pussy," he replied, rubbing her leg slowly. "What would you say to a quick rinse in the shower?"

"What would you say to a not so quick soak in the shower?" she replied with a wicked little grin.

He smiled back and then stood up, his softening cock arching out over his balls, all shiny with lube and pussy juice. He offered his hand to Cindy who pulled herself up and off the couch. Then they hurried down the hall to the bathroom before she dripped onto the floor. In moments they were under warm running water, soaping each other up. Once they were clean and slippery, Cindy let her slender arms snake up over Harold's shoulders and she pulled him down and started kissing him, at first almost hungrily and then settling down into a slower, yet still passionate tempo. The water, body contact and grinding tongue kisses kept his cock hard and Cindy began grinding her hips against his, her clit rubbing on the top of his cock which was wedged between them. Harold took hold of her ass and pulled her up tightly and even with the soapy water between them, he could feel her hard nipples rubbing on his torso. After a while she mumbled into his mouth,

"Oh, fuck, Harold, baby, I'm going to cum again."

Her body tensed and then shuddered as he held her tightly. She squealed and screamed a little and her hips ground more firmly and Harold responded with a sort of mini orgasm and quickly he fired off several smaller shots that splashed on their lower legs. When they stopped shuddering, Cindy laid her head on his shoulder and said,

"Oh, my god, it's never been like this for me before. I need to lie down somewhere."

"Hang on," Harold said.

Helping hold her up, they did a final rinse. Together they carefully stepped out of the shower and Harold propped her against the vanity while he toweled her dry and then himself. With arms around each other they walked over to his room and folded themselves down onto the bed. Harold lay on his back and Cindy snuggled up at this side, her head on his shoulder, an arm and leg draped over him. She tilted her head up, kissed his cheek and said,

"This has been the most incredible time of my life. I hope I get to keep you."

The last few words faded as she slipped into a doze. Harold pursed his lips and had a few concerned thoughts before he drifted off to sleep as well. When he woke up again, his digital clock showed two thirty in the afternoon, still plenty of time before his mom and Daphne were due home.

He let his hand drift up and down Cindy's bare back and ass and she squirmed a little. Then her breathing increased and she said,

"Hmmm, I've never slept with a boy before. It feels so nice to wake up with a warm naked body pressed against you."

"I was thinking something like that, too. Umm, do you mind if I ask how old you are?"

"I'll be seventeen in two months," she replied, "what about you?"

"I turned eighteen just before school let out."

"Close enough. Why? Were you afraid a I was jail bate or something?" she teased.

"Something to be considered, yes. So from what you were saying, I guess you've had some experience," he said.

"Some. I sucked my first cock not long after I turned thirteen. I was fourteen and a half the first time I tried fucking. I didn't turn out so good, the guy shot his load almost as soon as his dick touched my pussy lips. It wasn't until about three months before we moved that a guy fucked me decently, but it wasn't anything like what you did to me."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

She squeezed into him some more and then got quiet for a minute. Then she raised herself up on an elbow and looked at him. Her eyes looked serious.

"What about whoever it was that taught you all this so far this summer? You said you don't have a girlfriend. Are we going to be able to do this more?"

"I certainly want to. What do you say we plan on spending some time together to see if we have something. I mean, just because you like my cock and the way I eat your pussy doesn't mean you won't find me a total bore to be around otherwise," he said with a small smile.

"I bet you're not a bore at all, but that does make sense. I think I'll like that," she said, leaning down to kiss him some more, pressing her firm full tits against his chest.

They made out for a while but neither felt the need for anything further. Eventually they got up and got dressed and went outside, fresh sodas in hand and sat on the front porch and talked for a while. She told him more about Iowa and he talked a little about school and stuff. Finally, she said she needed to get home to start dinner so with a parting kiss she strolled across the street, her firm ass cheeks moving seductively under her shorts.

He stood up and went inside and made something for himself, as he had missed lunch and didn't know when his mom and Daphne would return. After eating he stretched out on the couch to watch TV but he fell asleep. He woke up when he heard the front door open and he looked over to see his mom walk in. He made to get up but she stopped him,

"Stay where you are, dear. Let me just drop these things in my room."

She had a few bags so shopping had to have taken place and in a few minutes she was back, crouched down by the couch offering her son a long, warm kiss. When she pulled away her expression was light but her eyes held something else. He shifted sideways and she perched her full, sexy ass on the couch.

"Whats wrong, Mom?" he asked.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" she replied.

"I can see it in your eyes."

"You always did see more than you let on," she said with a deep sigh. "Okay, here it is. Your father and I have decided to get a divorce."

Harold looked at his mother and then at the ceiling and then back again. He too took a deep breath and said,

"I can't say I'm surprised. I sometimes wonder how you went this long. I'm not happy about it though. So what happens now?"

"He's going to have the separation papers drawn up and then we start things. He's going to ask to be transferred back east. He was never really happy leaving New England but that was before he and I even met. You'll stay here with your aunt as planned for the time being and I'll be moving in with Daphne," she replied.

"Really? How will you support yourself?" he asked.

"Your dad will send money, plus there will be the settlement. One of the things we did today was look around for something for me to do," she replied but got cut off by a knocking on the back door.

"Come on in, Daphne," Liz called out.

Daphne came into the room from the hall a moment later. While her outfit did nothing overtly to high light her sexuality, it didn't hide it either. Harold couldn't help but smile a little. Daphne however looked concerned.

"Did you tell him, Liz? It looks like it."

"Only just."

Daphne came to stand by the couch and she waved for Harold to sit up. She then sat down and put her arms around him to hold him in a hug from behind.

"How you doing, sweetheart?" she asked after kissing the side of his face.

"I'm okay. Like I told Mom, it's no real surprise. Her moving in with you was though," he said, looking back over his shoulder.

Liz had pushed his legs off the couch so he was sitting upright and she took hold of him from the other side.

"Daphne and I have known each other for a quite a while, dear. And we've grown closer these past weeks since I arrived."

There was something in her voice and the look on her face that got his attention.

"How so, Mom?"

"Harold, dear, I believe it would be safe to say that our friendship has developed into a more serious relationship."

Harold's eyebrows went up and he said,

"You're lesbians?"

Liz smiled and Daphne laughed from behind him, squeezing him more and add another kiss to his cheek.

"No, not really, dear. Bisexual would be more to the point. But this seems to be the right thing for us, for both of us."

"Besides, lover," Daphne said into his ear, "you've ruined us for any other man with that big dick, your gentle manner and giving nature. This way we all stay together more or less. One big happy family."

"But I want you to understand, dear, that we don't intend to try and keep you all to ourselves. You have your own life to live. We want to be a part of it, a big part, but you mustn't feel you have to cater to us," Liz said.

Harold looked over at Daphne and she smiled too.

"That's right, lover. We'll have lots of time and opportunities to enjoy each other, the three of us. But you have so much to share, we can't be selfish," she said and then leaned in and kissed him, warmly, softly but still communicating a burning passion.

He decided not to bring up Cindy just yet. There was enough going on here for the time begin and he returned Daphne's kiss with feeling. When they pulled apart she looked at Liz and said,

"Your turn."

Liz leaned into her son and they brought their lips together in a soul burning kiss. Her leg slipped over his and Daphne began stroking her bare thigh. Liz came up for air and said,

"I don't know about you two but I'm hornier than hell right now. Let's get on the big bed and fuck each other into oblivion. We can make plans in the morning."

Daphne and Harold agreed and the three made there way to where Liz was sleeping and quickly stripped down, offering each other a hand here and there. Not bothering with the bed, both women crouched down and began to fondle, kiss and lick his nearly fully erect cock and heavy balls. He placed a hand on each head and just enjoyed the attention. They worked his cock with their mouths for a while but when their lips met at the tip of the head they began a hot grinding tongue kiss as they fondled his shaft and balls.

He thought it was one of the hottest things he had ever seen, as they kissed, their big tits pressed against each other, their hands wrapped around his cock. He had an idea and said,

"Put my dick between your tits."

Without breaking lip contact the two women shifted back and let a space open between them. Together they lowered his fully engorged cock until it was between them and then they pressed back together. He felt his dick trapped between two pairs of firm, soft tits, one pair large, the other really large. And then they began to moved against each other, massaging his massive cock with their tits. Finally Liz broke off the kiss and looking up said,

"Oh, Harold, baby, please, I need to feel you inside me. Fuck your mother with that big beautiful cock."

"Whatever you need, mom."

The two women got up and pulled him over to the bed. Liz crawled up and got on her back, her arms and legs held wide. Daphne dropped down and gave Liz's pussy a quick but thorough licking. Harold crawled forward and brought the tip of his dick to his mother's hot pussy and began rubbing it on the lips. As he began to press in he felt Daphne's hand on his ass, rubbing her finger between his cheeks. As the head began to push past the puffy, smooth lips, Daphne leaned down and licked the hard nub of Liz's clit and she moaned, pushing her hips forward, getting more of his dick inside her.

Harold pushed and pulled with his cock until he had about a foot inside her, which he knew from experience was the limit. Then he began a smooth fucking motion while Daphne applied her lips to Liz's fat, hard nipples. He began to fondle Daphne's firm round ass as he fucked his mom.

"OH, yes, baby, I love how your big cock feels inside me. Fuck me, baby, fuck me," Liz moaned out.

The fact that he had come a couple of times already that day he was able to fulfill his mother's wishes without worrying about blowing his load too early. In fact, between his massive cock sawing in and out of her pussy and Daphne sucking and licking her sensitive nipples, Liz had bucked and shuddered her way through two orgasms and when Daphne reached down and began to finger Liz's clit, she screamed out both hands clutching at the bedsheets and her hips pushing back at Harold causing the last three inches of his dick to disappear momentarily. The scream cut off and she arched her back, her mouth open as her body vibrated and then collapsed back onto the bed.

Her eyes fluttered for a few moments and then all the tension went out of her. Harold backed off until only half his cock was inside her and Daphne had sat back on her heels. Slowly Liz's eyes opened and she looked at her two lovers, slightly dazed.

"No more, sweetheart, no more. Daphne needs you now," she said, her hand giving a feeble wave.

Daphne lay down next to Liz and she opened her legs.

"Come on, lover. Do what mommy says. Fuck me unconscious with that amazing dick of yours."

Daphne was also wet to the point of leaking and it took little effort to get the head started on it's journey. Her hands took hold of his waist and began to pull. It took less time but he fully buried his fifteen inch cock all the way inside Daphne and she was moaning and cooing the whole time. She wound up with her head cradled by Liz and her whole body vibrated as Harold would pull out about half his cock and then thrust back in. He knew that Daphne liked to be fucked deep and hard and he was giving her everything he had left.

With each down thrust he would grind a bit, adding friction to her clit. Her hands were gripping his ass hard with one finger rubbing his asshole. After a while it was all getting to be too much and he felt that familiar tingle in his balls. Daphne was working on her second major orgasm and he knew when it hit he wasn't going to be able to hold back so he began short stroking from the half way position so he could pull out fast enough.

"OH, fuckkkkk, lover, yeah," she yelled out as her second orgasm struck and he quickly pulled out and began rubbing the head on her clit.

She yelped and then screamed as the added stimulation pushed her even deeper over the edge. He then lifted the head and began cumming all over her lower abdomen, then aiming over at his mother, splashing some cum on her belly and ribs. When he was done he fell back and to the side so he was laying across the foot of the bed. His two older lovers were holding on to each other, breathing heavily. After a time he recovered enough to get up, get a wet and dry washcloth and he cleaned both of the women up. When he was done he threw the cloths back into the bathroom and climbed up on the bed. He was going to lay down behind Daphne but he was pulled in between them, their firm tits pressed against him, bare legs draped over his. Warm soft kisses were placed nearly everywhere on his face with final ones on his lips and then they snuggled down to sleep.

It had still been relatively early when they nodded off so it wasn't surprising that Harold awoke at three in the morning to find two sets of lips grinding on each other just above his chest and two wet bare pussies hunching against his hips. Eventually they rolled off of him and got into a 69 on the foot of the big bed, Liz on the bottom. Harold maneuvered until he was by Daphne's exposed ass and he began to lick and kiss and fondle the firm cheeks and let his tongue dart around over her asshole. Then he began to push his tongue in and he was soon tongue fucking her tight hole, setting up some serious moaning. The two women gave each other, with his help of course, nearly simultaneous orgasms and then sucked on Harold cock until he came again, without much output. In minutes, they were back to a happy, contented sleep.

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