A Star Is Porn

By william michael

Published on Feb 24, 2005


A star is porn...I mean born

The following is a totally fictitious account of the adventures of a ridiculously over endowed young man who seeks to find a place for himself and his ever present sidekick, or sidecock. It explores no great social issues intentionally and is meant only to provide some inspiration for some singular fun, so enjoy, unless you're underage in which case leave and come back when you're old enough.

Harold was never more glad then when his last day of high school came to an end. He had already made arrangements to spend at least the summer house sitting for an elderly aunt who had to make a lengthy stay in a rehab facility to recover from some serious surgery. Although he was only eighteen his parents felt he was mature enough to handle the situation. Actually, his apparent maturity derived from the fact that he was never invited to parties, never had a party since he figured no one would show up, and wasn't popular enough to have attracted any girls. The girl issue was a sensitive one because Harold was hit with a double whammy. He was, to be honest, a pretty geeky looking boy with too much height, too little weight, bad hair and until a few months ago, bad skin. The other thing he had was, to his way of thinking, far too much cock. Bigger isn't always better, at least not in his experience. Since the first time he had to drop trou in a gym locker room he was aware he was not like the other guys. And it only got worse as he got older. Today he possessed, at full staff, fifteen inches of beer can sized cock. He had long ago given up on briefs and wore boxers and the baggiest pants he could find. It did keep him in fashion so to speak, but the rest of his appearance weighed against him. Those girls who didn't mind his looks were scared off by his `reputation' whereas those that might have found his equipment of interest weren't interested in his geekiness.

So on this warm sunny June afternoon he walked up to the nearest trash can, dumped the contents of his battered backpack into it and headed for his car. It was already packed and in minutes he was on the road and on his way to a summer of freedom. His aunt's house was located in a small community in the San Fernando Valley and would take him around four hours driving to reach. Besides several bags of clothes, some food and laundry stuff, he had his `special' bag. He planned to make extensive use of its contents this summer as it contained his collection of stroke magazines and videos, several selections of jack off lube and a new item he acquired, one of those fake blowjob toys. He was looking forward to being able to walk around the house naked and stroking off whenever he felt like it. Because even if it made him the butt of many jokes, he really loved taking his massive cock in both hands and stroking till he blew a huge load, often directed into his open mouth. He had even begun to experiment with fellating himself and wanted to explore this even more.

Right on schedule he rolled into the driveway of his aunt's house. It was a modest ranch with a nice yard in a decent working class neighborhood. His job was to keep an eye on the place, maintain the yard, keep the inside clean and make sure all was in order when his aunt returned in a couple of months. The neighbors had been alerted that he would be there and since he had visited at least once a year for as long as he remembered he was passingly acquainted with those on both sides. Within fifteen minutes he had lugged all his stuff into the house and proceeded to settle in. He would stay in the guest bedroom and dumped all his bags in there. The first step was to take a shower since his car had no working A/C. Not to mention he was horny as hell and the shower was a prime place to bring his monster to life and let it roar. He stripped down in the bedroom then walked naked down the hall, his still soft cock swaying with his steps. Even flaccid his cock was longer then most were hard, about seven and a half inches. His balls were likewise large and full and hung low, the bottom of the bag almost even with the tip of his soft dick. His aunt's shower was ideal for what he had in mind. Due to her frailty the shower was set up with a small bench like protrusion opposite the main shower head, plus several small heads in the wall. It had a full glass enclosure. Harold had brought his shower kit in with him and put his shampoo and soap in the shower stall and his shaving stuff on the vanity. Since his skin cleared up he didn't mind shaving but he thought he would take the summer to experiment with some face hair.

He turned on the water and let it get hot and stepped in. He washed his hair and then used the soap to lather up his body paying particular attention to his cock and balls. The former began to grow in appreciation of the attention it was receiving. Harold rinsed off and then sat back on the bench adding soap to his cock and using the lather as lubricant. Soon he had to bring both hands into play to handle the huge mass of flesh. One of his favorite techniques was to lean back, laying his cock along his stomach and chest and running his palm flat along the bottom while his other hand fondled his balls. He let his cock fall away from his body. His cock was simply to heavy and large to stay upright when hard and if left to its own would arch out away from his body. He let the water run over it, rinsing and stimulating at the same time. Figuring now was as good a time as any he took the massive shaft in his hand and bent forward bringing the head to his lips. He liked the way the big spongy head felt on his lips and he let his tongue flick out and around it. Letting his slim torso fold forward some more he found his could get the head and about three inches of the thick shaft in his mouth. This was more then enough for now and he reveled in the feel and taste of it. He continued to stroke with both hands and in less time than he usually required he felt his balls pull up tighter to his body. Continuing in the exploratory mode, he kept his lips clamped firmly around the base of the head and waited until he felt his cock jerk and the first heavy stream of cum strike the roof of his mouth. This was followed by two more and then he had to pull off as he choked a little on the thick cream. The last three streams shot upward and arced back to land on his chest and stomach. As his orgasm subsided he slumped back, letting the water run over his slimy cock head. He stood up on weakened legs to rinse his chest, stomach and face. This was going to be a good summer he thought. The feel of his cock head in his mouth started a train of thought rolling that brought him to some interesting possibilities, but first and foremost was some food.

He left the shower stall and dried off. Feeling a little giddy with the freedom of being the only one home he stayed naked and headed for the kitchen. With the help of the neighbors and an account opened with a local grocery store, the refrigerator had been stocked as well as the pantry closet. He noticed that the windows all had blinds that had been pulled down which afforded him a lot of privacy. He made a quick dinner and then headed for the living room. His `special' bag was there and he pulled out his favorite porn video that featured guys with big dicks doing all kinds of things with young large breasted woman. It was always a source of satisfaction for him that he never saw a guy with a cock bigger than his in any of his videos. This always helped him get through those times when he felt nature had played a huge, pardon the pun, joke on him. He pulled out some lube and settled in for a nice long jerk off session, now that the edge was off.

He had been watching and stroking for over half and hour when there was a knock at the front door.

"Shit," he said in a low voice.

"Just a minute," he yelled.

He dashed into the bedroom, pulled a pair of baggie sweat pants out of a bag, and a Velcro strap. He pushed his still hard and slick dick along side one leg and used the strap to hold it down and then pulled on the pants. They were baggie enough to keep his massive erection hidden as long as he didn't step the wrong way. He then shuffled to the front door and saw one of the neighbors standing on the front steps. He pulled the door open, using it to shield himself.

"Sorry, I was just getting out of the shower."

The neighbor, a man in his late thirties, flicked his eyes up to Harold's still wet hair and nodded slightly.

"I just came over to see if you were all settled in and to return your Aunt's extra house key," the man said.

Harold reached around with his bare arm and took the key.

"Thanks, yeah, everything is okay, plenty of food and all."

"Okay, well I'm Bill, and I'm next door on the right, you need anything, give a yell. I work from home so I'm usually around."

"Great thanks."

Bill nodded and went back down the stairs and crossed the lawn to his home. Harold shut the door and went back over to his seat. Fortunately the TV wasn't visible from the door and he had turned the sound down. Once his heart slowed down he slipped his pants off and freed his somewhat softened dick from its mooring. He thought a minute and decided to switch tapes, selecting one that featured a series of young well hung men in solo jerking off action. Soon he was as hard as they and as usual, quite a bit bigger then the hunky stars. Two stars had reached sticky cumshots before Harold felt himself start to tense up. For the second time that evening he leaned forward and slipped the head in his mouth just in time to catch the first stream of cum. Determined to catch it all, he swallowed quickly and caught the next and then the third in rapid succession. The last two filled his mouth and he let it run back down his turgid shaft. Grabbing some napkins from the lamp table he stopped the stream from running down onto his balls and the chair. He leaned back in the chair and noticed that the tape was ending. He had never seen it all the way through and something caught his eye. A trailer played after the last scene which read,

"The producers of this film invite any well hung young men interested in appearing in future productions in this series to contact us at the address below."

The address was for a town not ten miles from where Harold was staying. He leaned back in the chair cleaning the lube and cum off his slowly diminishing shaft and thought about more possibilities for the summer.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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