A Spy Can Be In Love

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 2, 2008


A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on March 4, 1992 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Will Hawkins


"A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER A Long Journey

The man said to follow him, led him to another floor, showed him a crate and said, "It smells of fish, but it had to be a crate like all the others. After you get in I will close the lid on you, place more empty crates on top and tie all of them together. It would be better, before you get into it, you go to the toilet and empty yourself - you will have to stay inside the crate several hours. Don't breath a word, don't make any noise, and keep still as much as you can. If you are caught, you hid there by yourself, hiding from us all, is that clear? They will not believe you but at least they will not get back to me. Do you have questions before going to the bathroom?"

"No. Will it be you who frees me from the crate?"

"Yes, tonight, when we are in the open sea."

"Does the crew know about me?"

"Just the ones who need to, not everybody."

"How will I be put ashore?"

"Tomorrow night a boat will come along side."

"What will I do all day long tomorrow?"

"You will stay hidden. I'll explain all that to you when I come to free you from the crate."

Yuri went to the toilet, and then let the man shut him into the crate. He could barely fit in it by curling himself up. He could not move even if he wanted to. He hoped he could endure it, but then he remembered that other people probably had run away using that same method. It had to be a proven system. Who knows why the KGB hadn't yet discovered it? They weren't as omnipotent as they liked to make people believe.

He thought that they would possibly become aware he had disappeared after a couple of days, when he, if everything worked properly, would already be in Finland. Roger told him not to feel safe until they could meet again. Roger should be well acquainted with the procedure... Who knows how many other people he had helped to run away?

He remembered Olaf and the clandestine emigration net that he helped to expose and that the KGB dismantled... He hoped they would not discover this organization also; at least not now that he was using it. Even though, after all, he thought, he would deserve it.

From the thin slits between the boards of the crate a little light filtered inside as well the needed air to allow him to breath. He felt that his crate was being moved with a dolly, then that other crates were put above his and at the sides and he figured that they were tied together with a big loading net. He then was moved with a tractor, heard voices, yells then felt he was waving in the air. He understood he was being hoisted on board.

His legs and back were starting to ache, but he resisted. He was fleeing with only a handful of money in his pocket and just the clothes on his back. He felt alternating moments of worry, hope, happiness... When would he meet Roger again? What would be their life be like in Canada?

Time seemed to pass so slowly. By now he had to be in the hold of the fishing boat. He didn't have any idea how large it was. Suddenly he heard the dull thump of the engines and understood that the boat was about to leave port.

He was making his escape - in little time they would be out of the Soviet Union's territorial waters. In a while that man would come and free him from the uncomfortable crate. A crazy, terrible thought hit him - what if that man forgot him? If for some unforeseen reason he had remained back at the port, or fell ill, or had an accident? When would his corpse be found in that crate? How long could he hold out without eating or drinking? He chased away those absurd thought telling himself that the entire operation could not have been entrusted to just one man. The man had told him that only the members of the crew who needed to know he was there knew of him. He could do nothing but wait.

The man came, moved the other crates and opened the lid, "Come out, you're safe now. Lean on my arm. I bet you're all stiff. So... move slowly. I brought you something to eat and drink. Sit here."

A small electric lamp protected by a grid illuminated the hold dimly. Yuri sat on a crate and ate what the man had brought him, and drank a beer that was strong and bitter but did him good.

The man said, "Now again to the loo, then came back here to lie down, I've prepared a pallet for you. Try to sleep. Later you will have some more food. Tomorrow night, as soon the motorboat comes alongside our fishing boat, I will come to fetch you and put you on board. Don't move from where I put your pallet for any reason, all day long. Understood?"

"What if somebody finds me?"

"Nobody besides the ones working with me would come here. The part of the hold where I've prepared the pallet for you is shut by key and the others don't have it. It will not be me to bring you your next meal, another sailor will come, but you have nothing to worry about."

Yuri thanked him. The man took him to a small bad-smelling toilet and waited until the boy had finished using it. Then he took him to the part of the hold he had told him about. Yuri lay down on the pallet; the man gave him a small flashlight and went away, locking the door with the key.

In that small space it was really hot, so the boy decided to take off all his clothes except his briefs. He fell asleep almost immediately, feeling deadly tired, his body still aching everywhere.

The noise of the key at the door awakened him. The door opened and a young man with a tray and a flashlight came in.

"Something to eat!" the newcomer said in a merry voice, looking up and down Yuri's almost naked body.

Yuri sat up and the young man set down the tray down near him, then he too sat on the pallet. Yuri thanked him and started to eat. The young man kept on watching him, and Yuri felt slightly annoyed by his glance.

"Why are you staring at me?" Yuri asked, as he finished eating everything.

"You are a nice piece of boy. I like boys like you. What about a quickie?"

"No, I don't feel like it."

"I don't think you're in a position to refuse... if you don't want to be discovered and taken back to Russia." the young man told him with a lustful smile and stretched his hand out to touch between Yuri's thighs.

Yuri pushed away his hand away roughly. "I told you to forget it!"

"All I have to do is tell the Captain I found a stowaway on board... and your attempt to escape will be over. Don't play cute with me, mister. After all, I'm not that bad looking, am I? And I really want to have a piece your nice little ass. Come on, let's do it quickly... Take off your briefs."

Yuri didn't want to submit to that blackmail, but he understood that the sailor had the upper hand and that if he wanted to succeed in his flight he had to surrender to the man's desires. Anyway he had spent a night in that boy's bed in Leningrad to prepare for his escape. One more, after all... he thought.

Feeling furious at that abuse, he took off his briefs and lay on the pallet. "Go on, hurry up!" he said in a low voice.

"Hey, I didn't think you would give in so easily. So you like it too! You'll see, you'll not regret it. You really have a nice ass, boy." the young man said, opening and lowering his trousers, then kneeling between Yuri's legs he started to knead his buttocks and to tease his hole with his fingers.

"Go on, hurry up and leave me in peace!" Yuri said, feeling his rage rising inside.

The fisherman lay down on him and with a few pushes, penetrated him. "I bet that I'm not the first you have taken in the ass, my boy, right? You like being fucked in the ass?"

"Shut up and hurry." Yuri answered dryly.

The young man started to fuck him with gusto. Yuri could feel his heavy breath near his ear. He shut his eyes and clutched the pallet, hoping it would all be over quickly. He heard him pant louder and louder and finally the fisherman reached his orgasm, lowly moaning with the pleasure. Then he pulled out and tidied himself.

"Ha, I enjoyed that. I bet you did to." he said with a satisfied expression, picking up the empty tray.

"Go fuck yourself!" Yuri answered, pulling on his briefs.

"Come on, you know you liked it. After all, you just paid your fare, isn't that so?" the young man said laughing.

"Do you always make all your passengers pay their fare that way?" Yuri asked.

"Oh no, they are usually old people and not at all interesting. It's the first time we have transported such fresh meat. I really didn't anticipate it, it was a nice surprise when I opened the door and saw you almost naked, ready for a good quickie," he said and left, locking the small door again with the key.

Yuri asked himself how many other unforeseen and unpleasant events that odd journey had in store for him. But he told himself he had to be ready to face, to overcome, to withstand anything, in order to be reunited with his Roger. Who knew where Roger was now, what was he doing, if he were thinking of him?

Some hours later he heard the little door open again. This time it was the first man. He asked himself if he should tell him what happened with the other fisherman... then decided to say nothing. He ate again and the man told him to get dressed, as in a few hours the transfer would begin.

Later both the man and the young fisherman came. While one was keeping guard, the other took Yuri out onto the deserted deck.

"The motorboat is already here. Go down the rope ladder and be careful not to fall into the water, or you risk to be crushed between the two hulls. Good luck." the man said.

They shook hands and Yuri went down the rope ladder. He saw under him the motorboat with two silhouettes on board. One was holding the ladder still; the other was at the rudder. When he got down, he felt a hand guiding him on board. As soon as his feet touched the flooring, the motor boat moved away from the fishing boat.

They didn't exchange a single word. In the moonlight Yuri looked at the two men in the boat. The one who helped him to get on board was a young man around twenty-five and the one at the rudder in his thirties. They resembled each other very much; they had to be brothers. Yuri asked himself if they spoke Russian or English and tried to communicate with them.

"Thank you." he said in Russian.

The man said something that he didn't understand.

"Do you speak English?" Yuri then asked.

"Very little." the younger man answered.

The motorboat was ploughing rapidly through the water slightly rippled in silver. Around them nothing was visible. The breeze refreshed Yuri, after the long wait in the hot, damp and foul-smelling hold. At times the boat jumped on the waves and Yuri had to hold on not to fall out. He finally saw the coast approaching. The motorboat landed in a small cove and they helped Yuri to land. The younger one pointed him in a direction.

In approximate English, said, "There road. Left Hangš. Find telephone. Good luck." Then put in his hands some coins, "For telephone," he explained with a small smile.

"Thank you and good luck to you." Yuri answered.

He saw the motorboat going away and disappearing in the dark, and then the engine noise died away. He walked in the direction the young man had pointed out to him and soon found a narrow asphalt road. He took it towards the left as the man had told him. He soon saw the first houses of Hangš. He went on in the built-up area until he saw a public telephone. He put the coins in the slot and dialled the second number. After just three rings a deep man's voice answered, probably in Finnish.

Yuri asked in English, "May I speak to Avril?"

The same voice, changing to English, said, "I'm Avril. Have you arrived? Are you in Hangš?"

"Yes, but... isn't Avril a woman's name?" he asked rather perplexed.

The voice at the telephone laughed, "Oh, that's my code name. I've all your papers and will take you to the airport. Everything is alright, don't worry, the most difficult part is over."

"What should I do now?"

"You are at the telephone in front of a church, I think."

"Yes, there is a church, here."

"I'll be there in a just a moment with my car. It's a blue Volvo, and I will be wearing a red cap. Wait near the telephone. I won't be long."

Yuri thanked him and hung up the receiver. Some coins come out and he took them. Then he started to wait. After about ten minutes he saw two headlights coming from the direction he had come. Soon a blue Volvo whose driver wore a red cap stopped near him.

"Get in." the man said in English with a smile.

Yuri got in and the car made a U turn and went back in the direction from which it had come. The man was driving quietly and once in a while threw him a glance.

"You smell of rotten fish." the man said after a while.

"I'm sorry..."

"At home you'll have a good bath and we'll give you some clean clothes to wear. My daughter will wash your clothes and before morning they will be dry and smell better."

"Thank you. Where are we going?"

"To my home, just outside of Karis. Your papers have already arrived and I have your flight ticket also. You will leave from Helsinki for Stockholm the day after tomorrow. Either I or one of my sons will take you to the airport."

"There wasn't an earlier flight?"

"We were told of your coming at the last minute, there were no seats available before tomorrow."

"I was told that my papers will say I'm Finnish, but I do not know even a single word of your language. How can I pass?"

"One of my sons will take you to the airport. Then he will help you with your check-in and if necessary, he will say you are deaf-mute and will speak in your behalf. Once you're on the plane you can speak English, and you can as well in Stockholm. There should not be any problem."

They reached the man's house. It was a very large old farmhouse all built of wood with a barn and a stable to one side located on the outskirts of Karis. They went in the house. Around a table in the kitchen were seated the man's three sons and his daughter was busy in the kitchen. The man said something to them in Finnish and all three stood up and, after greeting Yuri briefly, busied themselves.

They prepared a wooden tub filled with warm water, drew a curtain in front of it and the elder of the sons told him in English to undress, then gave Yuri's clothes to his sister who at once went to wash them. Yuri, behind the curtain, carefully washed himself. When he was done, he said aloud he had finished and wrapped himself in the towel he had used to dry himself. The second son, an eighteen-year old boy, bade him sit near the fireplace. They were the only two still in the great kitchen.

The boy said to Yuri, "I'll go get some of my clothes for you to wear; we are more or less the same size."

He came back a little later with trousers and a soft smock.

"Where are the others?" Yuri asked, putting on the clothes, not worrying about being seen naked by the boy for a moment.

"All in bed. My sister washed all your clothes and hopefully by tomorrow morning they will be dry. Are you hungry?"

"A little, not very much."

"Let's eat some cookies. My sister made them, they are good."

"And your mother?"

"She died. Nine years ago."

"I'm sorry. So there are just you four?"


"And you are farmers?"


"What's your name?"


"I am..."

"It's irrelevant. On your new passport is written you are Ilmari Janson, so I'll call you Ilmari."

"What do you know about me?"

"Nothing, other than you came from Estonia and are going to Stockholm. You know, in this business the less one knows, the safer he is."

"Have you helped many others to...?"

"The less one knows, the safer he is." the boy repeated with a smile. Then he added, "When you want to go to bed... You will sleep with me, if it doesn't bother you."

"No, it's alright. I hope I won't disturb you."

"I don't think so. I'll be glad to share my bed with you."

"Will we sleep on the same bed?" Yuri asked, looking at the boy and thinking that he liked that idea.

"Yes, but it's a wide one. And we can keep each other warm. The nights are cold this time of year."

"Yes, I know."

They went to bed and slipped under the heavy blankets.

"Do you feel cold?" Teuvo asked him after a while.

"Just a little, but it is passing."

"Draw nearer, then, we will warm each other."

Yuri moved over against the boy, trying to hide the erection that he was getting because of that closeness. Soon he fell asleep, enjoying the warmth of the other body clinging to his.

The following morning he woke up late. All the family was already out working, only Teuvo was at home, and fixed him breakfast. The radio was switched on at a low volume and was broadcasting some songs.

"Are you a student, Teuvo?"

"No, I quit school two years ago. I like it better being a farmer, helping my father."

"Did you study English at school?"

"Yes, I liked it, I was rather good."

"I can see. Will you be taking me to the airport?"

"I think so. Do you know that my sister likes you a lot? All morning she didn't stop talking about you, saying how beautiful you are... Even though she didn't even see you naked."

"But you did." Yuri said in a slightly provocative tone.

"Yes, I did. And I think you really are beautiful." Teuvo said with a smile.

"But you would possibly have liked better having a naked girl at my place." Yuri teased him, again provocatively.

"Not necessarily... In my opinion a beautiful body is a beautiful body, don't you agree?"

"Well... you too seem nicely built, even though I didn't see you naked."

Teuvo smiled and said, "It seems almost like if you are propositioning me..."

"Would you be scandalized?"

"No, not at all. But almost certainly my boyfriend would be jealous, if I let you look at me naked."

"Your boyfriend?"

"Are you surprised? And yet, from the way you are looking at me, I would say that you like boys also..."

"Yes... And I hope I can soon reach my man."

"Well, I hope you will. My boyfriend lives in EkenŠs, not too far from here. We are planning to live together. My father is looking for a house with a piece of land we can work."

"You father knows about you two?"

"Yes. At first he wasn't really happy, but then he became resigned to it. Anyway he is happy I am with Akseli, because he is a good boy, honest and a hard worker. He is twenty-two and we have been together for two years."

"You were sixteen when you first met him?"

"Yes. We met at the Karis Spring Fair and he... he seduced me. He has been my first and only man, you know? Well, he didn't really have to make a big effort to seduce me, to tell the truth. It was just a little while after I was aware I was attracted to men and not women. And he is really gentle, tender with me, so he conquered me by just courting me for a few days."

The day passed and they slept together again, this time in a light embrace, but without doing anything because Teuvo told him he didn't intend to cheat on his Akseli.

Finally Teuvo accompanied him to the Helsinki airport. The check-in and passport control went without any problem. The two boys embraced wishing each other good luck. The flight took a little more than one hour. Yuri also went through passport control at the Stockholm airport without any problem. Teuvo's father, along with the passport and other papers, gave him some Swedish currency and a bag with a change of clothes, some things for his personal hygiene and some food.

Yuri took a bus to downtown Stockholm and from there a taxi to the Aland Hotel; it was a small hotel with a very clean and well cared for appearance. At the reception desk he said there was a room booked in his name, number 23, and showed his Finnish passport.

The receptionist checked, gave him the room key and Yuri went to the second floor shutting himself in the room. Up to then everything had gone without a hitch. He now he just had to wait for Roger to show up. The room had a king size bed, a small bathroom attached, was air-conditioned, and there was a TV and a mini-fridge.

Yuri was feeling tired, more from the stress of the adventurous journey than from any real physical tiredness. He undressed and went to bed, curling up under the covers and falling asleep almost at once. He had weird dreams, not real nightmares, but his sleep was troubled.

He woke up at seven p.m., took a quick shower then went downstairs to eat something at a nearby quick-food restaurant he had seen when he arrived; then went back to his room. He asked himself if at that point the KGB had already been informed of his disappearance from Leningrad. Around nine he heard a soft knocking at the door of his room. Feeling a little tense he went to open it and barely was able to hold back a joyous scream - it was Roger, with a rose in his hand and two suitcases on the floor by his side.

"Roger! At last! Come in..." he said helping him to bring in his luggage.

The man gave him the rose, and then hugged him tightly and kissed him passionately.

"How are you, my darling? Is everything OK?"

"My love, how much I have missed you!" Yuri sighed, pushing against him to make him feel his desire.

"I missed you ever so much too. Not being able to hear news of you all these days, made me anxious... Not being able to see you, to embrace you..."

"Roger, come, I need you so much..." Yuri said starting to undress his man.

Soon they both were in the wide bed, naked, close to each other and starting to make love. Yuri was happy being finally in his man's arms and for a while he forgot everything - abandoning himself to pleasure.

Later, Roger wanted to know in detail how the journey went. Yuri told him everything, included the fact he had had to submit to that fisherman's lust when he was hiding in the fishing boat. Roger was tenderly caressing him and told him he would report that fact, but he doubted that the fisherman would be punished for his behaviour. Yuri said he didn't care, as long as they were finally together.

The next day Roger went to book their tickets on a flight to London at two different travel agencies so that their bookings would not be connected. He found two seats on a late evening flight that same day. He then went with Yuri to buy two suitcases, some changes of clothing and other useful items, and then they went back to the hotel where they made love again.

They prepared to leave, taking two different taxies and Roger said to Yuri that out of prudence they had to pretend they didn't know each other until they landed in London. They arranged to meet at Heathrow airport near the Hertz counter, where they could rent a car to reach their destination.

Roger would have to go back to Canada to settle some business and to resign from his job, he would then come back to fetch Yuri and they finally could go together to Kincardine, Ontario, on Lake Huron in Canada, where Roger owned a small house.

There were no problems on the flight to London, except that Yuri had difficulty in not looking too often towards the place where his Roger was sitting. After they landed at Heathrow and took the long walk to the terminal building, Yuri looked for the Hertz window and saw Roger talking with the clerk, then come out with car keys in his hand. He followed him as they agreed, and stopped at the entrance of the parking area reserved for the rent-a-car companies and waited. After a while Roger came driving out in a new Opel. Yuri loaded his luggage in the trunk and sat next to Roger as they left.

Roger drove to Salisbury, and then made a detour to show Yuri Stonehenge, arriving there just after sunrise. They stopped to visit the majestic stone circle, then resumed their journey. They reached Bridgewater in Somerset where Roger, thanks to a friend, had rented a flat in the town centre. The apartment was really small but well furnished and had a telephone. They settled in.

Roger said, "Listen, my love, I've got to go to London to take care of some business. I probably will be gone for some three or four days. You stay here and have a good rest, go to the seashore, to the movies, try to amuse yourself. I will come be back and spend a few days with you. Then I have to go to Canada again, as I told you, to settle some last minute things and finally I will come here to fetch you - just a few more weeks of patience, my love."

"I will miss you..."

"I will miss you a lot also. Here, I'll give you the telephone number of my friend who lives in Bristol. If you have any problems, call him. His name is Walter Muybridge."

"Does he know about us?"

"Yes, I told him everything. He is a dear friend, a trusted one."

"Is he a former lover?"

"No, we were never lovers. I met him through his boyfriend, who had been one of my high school friends in Canada, and who came to study at a University here in the U.K."

"Are they still together?"

"Unhappily not... A little less than two years ago his lover died of complications from Aids, so now Walter is alone... he hasn't yet totally recovered from his loss."

Suddenly Yuri asked, "Do you love me, Roger?"

The man looked at him astounded at such a question, "Of course I love you, silly boy; you shouldn't have any more doubts at this point."

"No, I don't have any doubts... I just like to hear you say it ..." Yuri said coquettishly.

"I will never get tired telling you."

"Never... really never?"

"For sure, never ever!"

"Before you leave, Roger, will you take me to the seashore?"

"Okay, let's go now, my love."

They went on the beach and sat looking at the waves that were lapping on the sand. They didn't talk, they didn't need to, just the closeness of their bodies was saying volumes in their behalf.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 10

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