A Spy Can Be In Love

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 13, 2008


A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on March 4, 1992 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Will Hawkins


"A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 4 - Life in the Dacha

Ivan sat with Aleksandr who smiled, "I'm sorry, Ivan, to have disturbed you while you were with one of the cadets, but I have two urgent things to tell you before I leave for the city."

"Don't worry, Stanislav and I were finished. I really like that boy; he's skilled at making love."

"Good. So then to the first matter - you were promoted to Sergeant, so in my absence you will be in charge of the dacha and of its residents."

"Alright, I'll try to do my best."

"Up to now you have done very well. Our superiors are evidently happy with you as well, as they accepted the request for promotion I made without turning a hair. Anyway, if there are any problems, you have my telephone numbers; you can reach me at any time. Now to the second matter - if, during my absence some workman should show up with an authorization to remodel some of the rooms, permit them to start their work, but never let them out of sight even for a second. You can ask any of our boys to help you in your surveillance if necessary. If you suspect they are placing a bug, pretend not to notice, but then tell me where you believe it is. I don't think they will put in any bugs, as Comrade Jusichev promised me no bugs would be installed. But I want to be one hundred per cent sure. It is of fundamental importance we know exactly if and what rooms are monitored. You understand that's essential, don't you? I am counting on you."

"Did they accept our request to redo all making single bedrooms for the boys?"

"Yes, they will start with sixteen of them. I have here the approved plan. At first they insisted on rooms with several beds but with Jusichev's help I got the winning hand. I want our boys, at least at times, to have their privacy."

"Alright - Aleksandr, do you have a minute to help me with me a small problem?"

"Only a moment Ivan, what's it about?"

"About Nikita and Mikail..."

"What's the matter? They seem to be two good boys..."

"And they are. But, you see, both of them are really attracted to Timotej; so they are in competition with each other to have him as a... friend. They are creating tension that I don't like at all. I would like you to talk with them to put them back on the right track, before the problem deteriorates."

"Alright, I will take care of it. Does Timotej show some preference for one or the other?"

"It doesn't seem so; I didn't notice any sign of it. And that is possibly also part of the rivalry between the two boys. There is nothing serious yet, but the situation could become difficult. I tried to explain to them that among us there should not be any privileged relationships, but they don't seem to understand that. Perhaps because, after all, there is a privileged relationship between you and me, and the boys are aware of it; they are neither dumb nor blind."

"Our relationship doesn't count; this rule is for them as long as they live here in the dacha. When I come back from Moscow I will talk to all three of them. Meanwhile you keep an eye on them and give me a detailed report with your opinion when I return."

"Will you also meet Zhitnikov in Moscow?"

"Of course, I have to keep him updated about the situation here at the dacha and also submit our idea of allowing our boys to frequent the favourite meeting places of the foreigners to have some practice with tourists before assigning them to the subjects upon whom they will spy."

"What is Colonel Zhitnikov like? I have seen him but never talked with him. What does he think about us?"

"He is a hard and efficient man... and he considers us as useful tools. He doesn't care at all what we do in bed, as long as he gets the results he wants. He doesn't treat me any different from his other sources of information. He is a pragmatic, not an ideological man. If we give him good results he will support us, if we are not able to produce he will shut down the NOD and use us for other tasks; up to now he has always keep his promises. As long as he is our chief, we will not have any problems. But, changing of subject, who among our cadets do you like the best as a person?"

"You know it's you, don't you?"

"I'm not a cadet... and anyway, other than me? There has to be one you like more than the others."

"Well... possibly Stanislav. He's able to get me aroused in an incredible way and he makes love exactly as I like. And you, who's your preferred one?"

"I can't decide between Nikita and Yuri. I think that if I didn't have you, I would choose one of them. Nikita is a wild animal in bed, hot and sexy. Yuri is a sweet boy, so tender. But you are still my preferred one, and also physically, according to my taste, you are the handsomest one. That's why I am really glad having you here with me."

They kissed, and then Aleksandr took his briefcase with the documents and went to the service car to be driven to the Lubyanka. Here, after he left his papers in his office and updated some dossiers, he watered the plants and went to report to Jusichev. After briefing him for a few moments they went together to Zhitnikov's office.

They showed him the contents of the report, then Korobilo asked authorization to have the best prepared of his cadets go out to get some practice with foreign tourists.

The Colonel agreed, and then said, "I've ordered the KGB to make five or six small apartments in various parts of the town available for your boys, each with two or three bedrooms. Each apartment will be monitored twenty-four hours a day and the meetings have to be held as much as possible in them. Only you, Comrade Korobilo, can authorise them to have encounters in any other place. As soon as your agents are ready, you will decide whom and where each will normally live. In consultation with Jusichev you will find them a cover activity, diversified as much as possible. I already talked with Jusichev about that and he will tell you all the details."

"I beg your pardon, Comrade Colonel, but will all the room of each apartment be monitored or just some of them?"

"Why this question, Lieutenant?"

"Because I think that the boys, if they have to live there on a full-time basis, need to have some small amount of privacy. I do not believe that anybody can live a psychologically balanced life under a microscope."

"It is not necessary that the boys know they are monitored."

"I think it is. Also because they would guess - suspect it. I believe that only with a relationship based on respect and trust we can get the maximum output from them. It would be quite embarrassing, at least in the beginning, to know they are being watched while they are in an intimate embrace with the subjects assigned to them; they understand the need for that and its importance so they will accept it. But being observed every moment of their life would just create useless tension and uneasiness. This is my opinion, based on my personal experience when I was a simple agent."

"What is your opinion, Jusichev?"

"I totally agree with Korobilo. Our heterosexual agents, the girls of the OGI section, are not monitored all the time and at every location. I cannot see what could justify a different treatment for the boys of the NOD."

"Alright; I leave to you to decide which of the rooms will need to be monitored. You can understand that we will have to monitor those moments of closest intimacy."

"Of course; but when I was working with my subjects as a simple agent, at times they wanted to take me to other places... refusing it would in the long run make them suspicious..."

"As I told you, you can eventually authorize your agents to have meetings and sexual encounters elsewhere. But they have to try to have them as much as possible in the places we are monitoring, for obvious reasons."

"I agree, Comrade Colonel. Will you leave me the discretion to decide?"

"Yes, but always in consultation with Jusichev."

Back in his office Jusichev showed Korobilo the plans of the apartments that the KGB had that could be suitably prepared and equipped. They chose those which could be most useful and were situated in the various parts of the city, then together decided for each apartment which rooms to monitor and which to leave clean. Then together they went to look them over and Korobilo suggested that they be fitted with a minimum amount of furniture, giving each boy a budget to furnish them as he liked.

Then Korobilo went to his office at the Lubyanka and sent the apartment plans to the Technical Section to have copies made, and also ordered other drawings he needed for training. He then left and went to see a movie. After supper he went to his apartment to sleep.

The next day he returned to the Lubyanka to fetch the drawings and other items, filled in the forms with the orders for the material he needed for the dacha, took them to Jusichev to initial and discussed with him other details about the operation. He took the initialled forms to the storehouse, then changed to plain clothes and went back to the dacha.

Here, he called Ivan and informed him of the latest news and showed him the plans of the apartments that would be assigned to the first cadets to be put in service. Ivan told him that the workmen were still working on the small single rooms for the cadets, and were being observed carefully by the boys, but that up to that time, no bugs had been placed in any of the rooms.

Ivan then reminded him of the problem with Timotej and the other two boys. Korobilo asked him to send the boy at once to his office. The fair-haired youngster appeared promptly.

Korobilo asked him, "You do know that among us the utmost truth and dedication is of essential importance, don't you?"

"Yes, Aleksandr."

"I am told that Nikita and Mikail are courting you heavily. Is this true?

"Yes, I think that is going on."

"Do you have a preference for one or the other of them?"

"No... Not really. Moreover the regulations say that we should not form close relationships between us, therefore..."

"Yes, I am aware of what the regulations state. But I am also well aware we are not always able to abide by the regulations, especially in matters of the heart. So I need to know how things really stand between you three."

"I like both of them, but I assure you I'm doing my best not to encourage either of them. You made clear the importance of the cadets not binding to anybody if we want to succeed in carrying out our mission. I like them; this is true, both physically and for their personalities; both Mikail and Nikita. But I'm trying not to become close to either of them and not to encourage them..."

"Very well, Timotej, thank you. Continue in this; you are behaving properly. But if one day you feel a special attraction or affection toward someone, be it one of them or another cadet, it would be wise to come and tell me before a difficult situation arises. Okay?"

"Of course, Aleksandr, you can count on that."

"Good. I have nothing more for you, at the moment. Tell Ivan to send Nikita in."

When the boy came, Korobilo faced the problem straightforwardly, without any beating around the bush.

"Nikita, you are a good student but there is something I don't like and it worries me - your rivalry with Mikail over Timotej. How could such a situation arise? Did Timotej cause it?"

"No, he didn't - at least not voluntarily. I... I know about the regulations... but I feel very attracted to Timotej and... Just the thought that Mikail can succeed where I would like to bothers me."

"Nikita, the fact is that neither you nor Mikail should be doing this, and even less to... succeed, as you put it. Otherwise I would feel forced to separate you - sending one of you away, possibly all three. I well understand that, as they say, the heart has its own reasons. But a real spy, as you want to become, has to be able to control his emotions above all, and his desires, in order to really be efficient. It is fundamental. Can you understand that?"

"This is what Yuri keeps telling me..."

"Did you talk with him about this?"

"Yes, we are becoming close friends."

"Very well, I hope Yuri can have a positive influence on you. I would regret losing you, having to send you out of the NOD. You are a bright boy, likeable and handsome - you could become a valuable NOD agent. As long as you have sex with Timotej to the same extent as with anybody else in here, you know that there won't be any problem. But you have to change your attitude. Can you assure me you will do your best? And that if you still face problems like this, you will come and tell me?"

"Yes, I will try, Aleksandr. I don't want this life to be closed to me. If necessary, I will stop making love with Timotej from now on... even though I like him."

"More than avoiding Timotej, why don't you try to have sex more often with Mikail? Don't you like him?"

"Physically, I do. Here all my companions are handsome. I used to, before the friction arose between us over Timotej, but for a while now we haven't made it together. We are not really... enemies, but there is tension between us..."

"I see. Then try to re-bind your friendship with Mikail and avoid thinking too much of Timotej. I repeat, I would regret having to lose or having to send you away. It depends on you, anyway. Now you can go. Tell Ivan to send in Mikail now."

So Korobilo also talked with the third boy. Mikail too promptly admitted the facts, but his justification astounded the Lieutenant considerably!

"I... yes, I like Timotej, but... but in reality I'm jealous of Nikita. I'm afraid he could fall in love with Timotej, and so... this is why I started courting Timotej. I... I'm afraid I have fallen in love with Nikita. I know I shouldn't, I know that very well, but the feelings are stronger than I..."

"It must not become stronger than you, Mikail. If it really is as you say, you will never become a good spy. Just think what would happen if you fell in love with the person upon whom you have to spy!"

"Oh no, that could never happen, Comrade Aleksandr. I could never fall in love with an enemy."

"Bullshit, Mikail! Your enemy is a human being like you, like me. He has passions, affections, apparent or hidden beauty. The danger is always there, but we have to be conscious of it in order to avoid it. I can understand that you like Nikita, that you feel attracted to him, that you feel he is special... but you have to control this feeling. Do you want some advice? First of all explain to Nikita what you are really feeling for him and the reason why you started to court Timotej. Then do your best to rebalance your relation with Nikita. If you don't succeed, I would unhappily be forced to send you away and you would lose both Timotej and Nikita totally. This is not a threat, Mikail; it is just an attempt to help you to face your responsibilities. Will you try?"

"I hope I can, Aleksandr... I will try."

"Would you please keep me informed about your progress or your difficulties regarding this problem?"

"Yes... Will you help me, Aleksandr?"

"Willingly; and why don't you come to my bedroom now? It is almost two weeks since you and I have been together, and I would like to have you again in my arms. Of course only if you now feel like doing it with me."


"If you want."

"Yes. We have still an hour and half before the scheduled meeting. I will come willingly."

"Very good, we then can spend this time amusing ourselves a little. Go to my bedroom and prepare yourself. I have to settle just a couple of small things then I will come to you."

Aleksandr called Ivan and asked him to take charge of everything for an hour while he was taking care of Mikail, then went to his bedroom. Mikail wanted to be taken by Aleksandr several times, so they both had multiple orgasms. When, after taking a shower together, they put on their uniforms to go to the meeting room, Aleksandr noticed with pleasure that there was a special light in the boy's eyes.

He caressed Mikhail's hair and asked, "You are satisfied, aren't you?"

"So very much! You are really the best one in the dacha in love making. With you it is always something special."

"More than with Nikita?" the man asked him with a hint of irony in his voice.

"Well, no... Not more, but not less... With you it is just different. You are a man, not a boy like him. You have a great deal of experience, and you..."

"After all I'm just seven, eight years older than you..."

"Yes, but you are a real man and you know how to make a boy really have a great time. Do you know that when we talk about you, there isn't a single one of the nine of us who does not desire to make love with you? You have in us cadets, nine unconditional admirers. Also as a chief you are the best we have had up to now. We all have a great esteem for you. Moreover you are also such a handsome man..."

"Hey, hey, you aren't falling for me now, are you?" Korobilo asked him with a smile.

"No, well anyway no more than all the others; we know well that to you all the cadets are equal. You don't have favourites."

At the meeting, Aleksandr explained to the boys that soon they would be assigned apartments in different parts of Moscow and that they would start to practice with foreign tourists. He took a map of Moscow, showed them the locations where the foreigners usually went to look for a boy to have sex with. He then showed them some clips of films shot in secret by the KGB, where they could see how to make the approach.

"You will study carefully the way the boys and the foreigners behave. You should learn how to hook up with a man in a believable, natural way. Each of you will get a cover activity as students, workmen or clerks. You will be paid a salary that you will use for your daily expenses. You have to be like friends or relatives sharing an apartment to divide the expenses. You have to create, of course with our help, a likely persona and maintain it.

"Another important point - when you are assigned your apartment, you will be told where the hidden mikes and cameras are. It is really important to record your activities, as at times some detail may escape you or something you judge to be unimportant can on the contrary be of utmost importance when interpreted by the experts of the Lubyanka. Moreover, the recording of the sexual intercourse with one of the subjects you have to spy on can eventually become useful to blackmail him.

"You have to learn to have sexual self-confidence even knowing of the presence of a hidden cameras, without showing any embarrassment or hesitation. The first time it could be somewhat difficult for some of you. Therefore you will start to train with normal tourists. The first recordings will be seen just by me and Sergeant Ivan, and then we will discuss them with the concerned cadet.

"Anyway, as preliminary training, from tomorrow on we will draw by lots four couples. Each couple will have sex while Ivan or I watch you from behind a one-way mirror in the special room we have prepared. So you will start to learn to perform without caring if we are behind the mirror and are watching you or not. Are there questions about what I have just said?"

"Excuse me, Aleksandr, I'm not sure I've understood correctly - we will make love in your presence, or will you look at us through the one-way mirror or in the monitors?"

"At times the one, at times the other and at times also some of your companions might help us to watch you. But you will know about it only afterwards, never before."

"Aleksandr, you always insisted very firmly we learn to perform well in any kind of sexual activity, as we have to be able to fully satisfy the subjects on whom we are supposed to spy. When we will train in the next few days, will one of us have to play the agent and the other his target?"

"Yes, that's a good idea, we can do that."

"When will the couples be selected?"

"At the last moment. Each time they will be formed by drawing lots, so some of you might couple with the same partner several times in a row. As I told you we will select four couples every day, and the one who is left out will have a day off and will have to help us study your performances."

"Oh, I will willingly renounce the day of rest!" Valery exclaimed and all burst into laughter.

The next day this new kind of training started. The first couples were chosen; Timotej and Yuri, Stanislav and Mikail, Sergej and Nikita, Dmitri and Pavel. The first one was to play the part of the spy and the other the part of the foreigner target. Thus it was Valery who was disappointed to get the first rest turn.

Aleksandr took Valery with him, and they went to sit behind the mirror of Sergej and Nikita's room. When the two boys undressed and started to have sex, with Nikita leading the game, both Aleksandr and Valery were soon aroused. It was exciting looking at the two entwined bodies in a search for long lasting pleasure.

Every once in a while Valery furtively looked at Aleksandr. When Valery realized that the Lieutenant, sitting behind the one-way mirror and totally engrossed in the erotic show happening in front of him, was unconsciously caressing from time to time the erection that was making his trousers swell, he knelt on impulse between the man's legs, opened his fly, pulled out the pulsating, hard rod and started to lick and suck it, giving vent to all his excitement.

At first Aleksandr weakly tried to stop the boy, but then let himself go to enjoy that spontaneous, unforeseen and agreeable service. After a while he made Valery stand up, lowered the boy's trousers, made him turn and bend over the back of the chair and vigorously impaled him. He had just started to hammer into him with gusto, when Ivan entered the room. The Sergeant was about to silently withdraw when Aleksandr signalled him to draw near. Ivan went over to them with a smile.

Aleksandr kissed him and opened his trousers then, pulling out Ivan's beautiful turgid member, made him move in front of the boy. Valery at once opened his mouth and welcomed that fabulous second member into him. While he was pleasing both of them, Valery started to masturbate himself. Aleksandr and Ivan, while fucking with gusto the cadet in both his ends, were also enjoying through the one-way mirror the show happening in the adjoining room.

Nikita was fucking Sergej who was lying on the bed on his back, whose knees were pulled up to his shoulders, with a will, and really enjoying that vigorous and determined penetration. At times Sergej looked towards the one-way mirror licking his lips, possibly aroused by the thought that somebody was behind it watching them. Nikita on the contrary seemed to be totally engrossed in penetrating his companion. When the two cadets in the bedroom reached their orgasms, the three behind the mirror also reached theirs one after the other in rapid sequence. They all tidied up and when Nikita and Sergej reversed positions and started to fuck again, the three left the room.

Then Aleksandr said, "Okay, it happened this time and I don't regret it - I admit it. But next time you too have to watch and learn, Valery. Do you understand?"

"As you wish, Aleksandr. Anyway...this threesome has been great. As cadets we never did a threesome before. I think we should repeat it every once in a while."

"If at some time you want to, you can, no problem. But during these training sessions, you have to watch them."

He sent Ivan and Valery to watch another couple and he too went to another room. He then went to examine the recordings of the forth couple's performance. Finally, gathering all the boys, he presented his observations and the comments of Ivan and Valery.

Over the next few days the routine was the same; the pairing off of couples, sometimes with a new partner each time, and sometimes with the same two boys together, and each evening they discussed the day's performances. The most intelligent observations came from Timotej and the most amusing from Valery. At the end of that training period, following Pavel's suggestion, all gathered at edge of the pool where they spread the exercise mats and celebrated with an orgy. Of course Valery was most enthusiastic about that.

Summer vacation came to an end and the courses at the KGB Academy started again. There, Aleksandr's boys found more cadets suitable to become part of the NOD. The Moscow apartments were finally ready and the boys of the first group started to use them on the week-ends to take their first conquests made from among the foreign tourists. As Aleksandr started to receive the videotapes, he examined them, writing down some notes, then during the next Sunday at the dacha he discussed the tapes and each of their performances with his students.

All was proceeding well, going ahead swimmingly. The newcomers worked into the project and were learning fast and well what was taught them at the dacha. Jusichev seemed happy with the progress of the project. The group of cadets enrolled in the NOD now consisted of thirteen boys. Seven of them were already living in the special apartments - Stanislav, Nikita and Yuri in one, using University students as their cover; Mikail and Valery were in another, passing as cousins, the first one an assistant in a clothing shop and the second a workman in a box factory; Timotej and Dmitri, as they resembled each other a little and were just two years apart in age, in the third apartment as brothers, the first a clerk at Intourist and the other as a concierge at the State TV offices.

In the days off from the KGB courses the seven boys were taking home some tourists with whom they had sex, and often received from the foreigners gifts, like jeans, a record of rock music or other small things. But they above all were gaining precious experience about how to deal with foreigners. All the boys were proving to be good, so Jusichev decided that, starting from the beginning of the following year, the boys already living in the apartments would really start to work with the subjects that the KGB would assign them.

The boys were excited at the thought that they could finally start their real job as secret agents. Aleksandr and Ivan were happy with the job they had carried out in those eighteen months. The New Dacha Operation was finally about take off and, this time, with much greater chance of success.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 5

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