A Spy Can Be In Love

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 9, 2008


A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on March 4, 1992 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Will Hawkins


"A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 3 - Yuri Enrols in the NOD

Yuri closed his textbook and looked around. Nikolaj winked and smiled at him nodding slightly towards the door. As soon as the teacher left the classroom, the two friends stood up and silently left the room with all the other cadets.

Nikolaj drew near Yuri and whispered, "Are you going to the Rec room?"

Yuri nodded. They went towards the large room where other students were playing checkers, reading or watching TV.

"Yuri, did you hear that Comrade General Tobakov is going to visit?"

"Yes. We will have to get everything spotlessly clean. The students at the sophomore and junior levels say he is incredibly over-meticulous, a real martinet."

"But they also say he takes note of those cadets who make a good impression on him, and they get put on the career fast track."

"How can I make a good impression on him?" Yuri asked.

"Why, do you want to have a career?"

"Of course, don't you? Surely you don't want to remain a pencil pusher all your life. I hope they will send me to work abroad."

"Well, you have a better chance. I, in the best of cases, will become a killer, a terminator."

"Oh come on now! You are a clever boy, Nikolaj; don't under-rate yourself."

"You really have a promising career, Yuri. Will you remember me when you are a big shot?"

"I swear. And will you remember our friendship if some day you get the order to... terminate me?"

"Don't talk bullshit! Why should they give me such an absurd order? Killing you? What a thought!"

"In our job... you can never be sure."

"Shit, I will never do anything like that to one of my friends. I want to kill enemies, not friends."

"You would have to obey that order if it were given in order to not risk your own termination in turn. But if you did get such an order, you could give me a chance to escape, couldn't you?"

"Fuck this kind of talk. You can count on me forever, just as I'm counting on you now. I will never forget my true friends. And you are my best friend."


"Yuri, where do you get such ideas? You're one of the best in the school. Shit, you give me the creeps. Promise me you won't ever again say such a thing, promise me!"

"I promise. But don't you forget your promise either, not even in a hundred years. The job of a spy can be full of weird surprises. Our job will be a dirty one more than an adventurous one. But we will carry out our assignments, just as our adversaries will; all we can do is try to do our job better than they."

"But if this is what you think, why did you accept when you were nominated to enrol in the KGB?"

"Because... Oh, I don't know - out of idealism, for the sake of adventure, because I thought it was a means to leave a banal life, because... but who knows the real reason? And now that I am here, I'll try to stay here. At times I think it would have been better if I had become a teacher like my father."

"Well... let's worry about Tobakov's visit. By the way, you have been summoned again by Korobilo, haven't you?"


"Who knows what kind of weird questions he has for us this time... I feel ill at ease with him. I feel as if he is able to get inside me, that he knows me way better than he pretends. What do you think of him?"

"I like Korobilo. He seems to be someone you can trust. He seems to be a guy who can understand you without judging you. And I like the way he smiles."

"Piotr and Grigori don't like him."

"I don't like Piotr either. I think he is the most loathsome of all our classmates, perhaps of the entire school."

They chatted some more then went back to the dorm to tidy up their lockers and their belongings in preparation for the up-coming inspection. Yuri found an old picture of himself standing next to Gavril. He recalled the times when they secretly met in the ruins of the old mill to make love.

How long has it been since he had sex with a nice man? Way too long. In his summer vacation he could possibly meet Gavril, or Lev, or Ilic... or even all three of them. If he had to make a choice, which of his three friends would he choose? The answer came immediately to mind - Lieutenant Korobilo, without doubt; but who among his three friends? Probably Gavril. It wasn't just by chance that he brought his old schoolmate's picture with him.

He remembered the first time he touched Gavril in an intimate way, fearing rejection but too excited not to dare. Gavril, instead, accepted it as if he were waiting for exactly that even though really, as he later confided in him, Yuri was the first man with whom he had ever had sex. The sweet, tender Gavril with such a sexy body. Yes, perhaps he did see in Korobilo a more adult Gavril... they both had the same look, the same smile, even though Korobilo's smile was more self-confident. He had to meet the Lieutenant in the afternoon of the following day. He looked at Gavril's picture again and admired his naked chest. He passed one of his fingertips over the picture in a silent caress filled with longing, then put it away inside a book and resumed putting his belongings in order to prepare for the inspection.

Meanwhile lieutenant Korobilo was in his Lubyanka office putting his papers in order. The orderly on duty on that floor knocked at his door and told him that a cadet had asked to see him.

"Show him in..."

The orderly moved aside and made a gesture; a slender silhouette in uniform stood outside the door and saluted crisply saying loud and clear, "Cadet Ivan Volkhogonov reporting, Comrade Lieutenant!"

"Come in Cadet, have a seat - Thank you comrade Orderly, you may go. Ivan, are you surprised to see me here?"

"No. I was surprised, and a little worried, I confess, when I was summoned to the Police Post and was told I had to report to the KGB office. Then again I was surprised when they told me I had been judged fit to be recruited into the KGB and I would be assigned to you. Now... well, I still would like to understand..."

"I told you I would talk to my superiors about you, didn't I? I just did as I said I would and they initiated their inquiry... I have your dossier here. And the fact that you are now here in that uniform makes me know you accepted enrolment in the KGB and working with me."

"I accepted their proposal as soon as they told me your name. I'm not so interested in whether I work for the KGB or not, but I am interested in working with you, they know about us and they want us to work together... it almost seems incredible. But, tell me, is my homosexuality entered into my dossier?"

"No, there is just a note that you have been judged fit to work in the New Dacha Operation, or NOD. Very few people know about this operation, and it is only those few who know that you are a homosexual, no one else, not even here at the KGB. Anyway it isn't entered either in you dossier or in any other file."

"NOD you said? What's that all about?"

Aleksandr explained the program to him and Ivan listened with more and more astonishment.

"You mean we are paid to fuck, at first just us and then later with foreign men? Heck, this job is a real piece of cake!"

"We are really paid to spy on those men, not to fuck them. And anyway, at least for the moment, neither you nor I will go to bed with foreigners in the diplomatic service, or with important industrialists. Our duty, yours and mine, will be to instruct the boys who will be doing it. Your task will be to help me single out, among the cadets, the ones who are truly homosexual so that we can enrol them in the NOD. This evening you will be introduced in the Academy as a new cadet and you will live in the school with the other students. There, in accordance with my instructions, you have to create the most suitable occasions to discover who amongst your mates is homosexual, and..."

"And tell you."

"You don't even need to say anything to me. I will show you how I'm setting up this part of the operation..." Aleksandr said and showed him a school plan marked with colors indicating which rooms were monitored exclusively by him with bugs and hidden cameras, which were also monitored by the Central Service, and which were clean.

"Heck, so you can see live all I will be up to with the other cadets..."

"Live or recorded. Does it bother you?"

"Absolutely not! Is this office clean?"

"For all I know, this office is clean, as well my office and my rooms at the Academy, as shown on this plan."

"But what if I am caught in a homosexual act by someone else, or the chiefs, and reported?"

"Nothing will come of it, don't worry. Anyway just so you can avoid that I'm showing you which rooms are monitored by the Central Service. It would be better if you avoid doing anything in those rooms. See, the red marks show the bugs controlled by others, the green ones those controlled exclusively by me."

Ivan carefully looked at the maps. "It's clear, and I've memorized it. So, if I'm right my duty will be to try to fuck with as many cadets as I can."

"Right. But you must also follow the lessons just like any other cadet and learn as much as you can. You have to seem in every way a student like all the others, even though you will be working for and with me."

"But you and I... when will be able to make love together? If I have to live in the school will it still be possible?"

"Of course it will. On the weekends and during vacations when the other cadets are allowed to go back their families, you can stay at my place, if you like. At least until we can start to reopen the dacha. There we will be free to make love when ever and as much as we would like."

"Good, good... But... what if one of the cadets has a negative reaction and reports me?"

"As I already told you, there will not be any consequences to you. Anyway, before you try it with another cadet, we will discuss it together. I will signal you the ones who are most probably ready to do it."

"Do you already have some ideas?"

"Yes, some ideas, but I am not certain. Look at this list - the higher numbers to the right of each name show which cadets, in my opinion are most probably homosexual. A very low number means they are likely heterosexual, or else a homosexual really able to hide his preferences and his desires. So then, are you going to like this job, Ivan?"

"Heck! Being paid to try to have as many handsome boys in my bed as I'm able! That's a dream come true! I was curious about working for the KGB, I was fascinated to be able working with you, but this... this is thrilling... in every meaning of the word."

"I'll show you the tapes with the sequences about the cadets to whom I assigned the highest scores now, as well as the cards with my notes. As soon as you are settled in the Academy they will be the first with whom you will try. At any rate you must move as quickly as possible, as my superior wants some results quickly - some names within two weeks, or they will cut our budget."

The two of them looked over the tapes and commented on the scenes together.

Ivan was clearly aroused and at one point he exclaimed, "They look almost like clips of pornographic movies... Aren't you aroused, looking at them? Doesn't it make you want to have sex?"

"Of course and especially those with some of these boys, the boys that are well built and handsome."

Aleksandr put everything in order, closed his office and took Ivan to his office at the Academy. Here he showed him the control centre with all the monitors and explained to him how the control room worked. Then he took him into the small bedroom.

"Ivan, before introducing you to the director, to the teachers and to the other cadets, what do you think about..."

"Do you need to ask me? We are safe, here, aren't we?"

"Of course."

"Well, then..." Ivan said with a smile and started to take off his uniform, quickly followed by Aleksandr.

They made calm, deliberate love, for a long time, until they both felt sated. Then put their uniforms on again.

Aleksandr told him, "Here, in the Academy you will have to behave with me exactly like any other cadet. Remember that no teacher, instructor or staff member knows anything about the NOD, nor that you work for me. The only one aware of everything here is the director."

"Yes, I understand. No problem."

"If by chance you come upon a problem, come to see me at once and, if I am not here or at Lubyanka, ask to report to the director. Is it clear?"

"Quite clear."

Aleksandr called the orderly, gave him Ivan's dossier and had him escorted to report to the Director who would introduce him to the rest of the students as a new recruit.

Korobilo was happy - now his work would probably become easier and he could get results faster. He went back into the control room and started to examine the latest tapes and to select the most interesting scenes.

He noticed Yuri's small gesture when in the dorm in front of his locker he was looking and caressing a picture. Yuri zoomed into the image and saw that the picture represented a boy, more or less the same age as Yuri, wearing just his trousers, standing in front of a tree in the countryside, an arm around Yuri's waist. At this point Aleksandr was almost certain about Yuri's orientation, so he changed his score to five and decided that Ivan would start his testing with him.

From the recordings he obtained additional interesting details about some of the cadets. He updated the list with the new scores, and made a new list of names in order of priority to give to Ivan.

The cadets welcomed Ivan fondly so that he settled easily into the school routine. It was not uncommon for a recruit to be admitted after the course had started, and in this case the newbies were entrusted to one of the best students of the same level who acted as a tutor. Ivan was assigned to Evgenj, but the other students were often available to help the newcomers, and Ivan asked Yuri to help him in the technical courses.

Yuri did so willingly, partly out of his generous nature, and partly because, helping a companion was a good way for him to practice. So, Ivan and Yuri started to spend a large part of their free time together.

Three days after Ivan had been admitted to the school, just after PT, Korobilo, by agreement with Ivan, intercepted Yuri while the boy was going to the showers. He held him up with the pretext of planning a new appointment for some more tests, until he saw the majority of the other cadets come out of the showers. He then let the boy go and, as Yuri went into the locker room, he went rapidly to the control room.

There in the monitor he saw Yuri come in with a towel around his hips, pull it off and go under a shower jet, starting to soap all his handsome body. In the room there were only two other cadets who soon finished their showers and left. Then Ivan came in. Now the two boys were alone. Ivan, naked, went to a shower close to Yuri and started to soap his body also.

Korobilo noticed that Yuri was furtively looking at his classmate's body. Ivan, when he was properly soaped, started to slowly masturbate himself, with gusto, without hiding from the now astonished other boy. Yuri became aroused at once, and he turned his back to Ivan to hide his erection. Ivan then let his soap drop and with a precise kick, made it slip in front his companion. Korobilo smiled at his friend's stratagem, guessing what he had in mind.

"Oh, shit! Can you pick up my soap, please?" Ivan asked.

Yuri bent down, picked it up, stood up and turning just a little stretched his arm toward his companion. Also Ivan stretched out his hand but, instead of taking the soap, grasped the hard and slippery member of the boy. Yuri gave a start, jerking back to escape, but Ivan reached for him again.

"Come on, Yuri, nobody can see us... let me touch you..."

"No, what are you doing? It's... it's forbidden."

"Come on, I saw how you looked at me..."

"Stop it, it's too dangerous." Yuri whispered, trying again to withdraw.

"No, nobody can see us and it's good... You got a hard-on for me, didn't you? I like you a lot, Yuri... I really want to make out with you... come on!"

This time Yuri shuddered but didn't pull away from Ivan's hand. Ivan drew nearer and with his other hand caressed the boy's buttocks. Yuri kept glancing worriedly towards the door leading to the locker room.

"You know that I like you a lot, Yuri."

"But... do you... do you like... boys?"

"I do, and you in particular. Don't you like boys too?"

"I'm... I'm scared..."

"Why? Touch me... feel how hard I am also. If somebody entered the locker room we would hear them in time, before they could come in here... there is no risk. Now, touch me, go on..."

Finally Yuri raised a hand and shyly brushed Ivan's genitals. Ivan went nearer to him and kissed him hungrily on the mouth.

Korobilo was looking at the scene, fascinated, and became aroused as well. He opened his trousers and while watching the two boys touching and groping each other in an increasingly intimate way, he started to masturbate himself. They were beautiful under the pelting water, their young and slender bodies searching for each other and seeking pleasure. Suddenly Yuri reached his orgasm.

"You enjoyed it, Yuri, didn't you?" Ivan asked him with a conspiratorial smile.

"I... I needed it... it's been months since I had such an opportunity... You are skilled at touching..."

"I want to make love with you, Yuri. I like you a lot."

"It's impossible here, and dangerous. Just think what would happen if they were to catch us! We would be thrown out of the Academy and end up in prison if not even in Siberia. We can't do it again, unhappily, and anyway, we can't do it here safely..."

"You don't have a boyfriend, Yuri?"

"In here? No, it's impossible. No, not here. I had one in my village or rather, I had three... and you?"

"I had one before being recruited. Do you know that I really like you?"

"I too like you, but here in the school it is way too dangerous. We had better avoid it - today we ran a big risk."

"We can meet here at the showers another time just like today. We just have to be the last two to take a shower. And perhaps we can even find other safe places - I'm not familiar yet with all the school, but I bet there have to be other safe places to hide."

"I don't know, but I really don't think so. And also here in the showers - it's too risky. We have to get dressed now..."

Korobilo smiled, satisfied - he had hit the target this first time. Now it was up to him to work on the boy. He then could have him assigned to the NOD. He copied the entire shower scene on Yuri's videotape, marked the data on the form, and then scanned the other tapes of that day.

On the following day, at the appointed time, Yuri knocked at the Lieutenant's door. Korobilo welcomed him and asked him to be seated.

"Good, Cadet Dudaev, as I told you yesterday, I have some new tests for you to take. As you know the results of your tests will remain absolutely confidential, they will not go beyond these walls. You can trust me and be totally sincere. Alright?"

"Yes, Comrade Lieutenant."

Korobilo selected some tests at random, just to create the proper atmosphere, and pretended to examine them, to score them, and made some notes. Then after he was through he said to the cadet, "From the tests you did now, and mainly from this last one, it becomes clear that you are a homosexual, Cadet Yuri Dudaev."

Yuri started, looked at him, taken aback, paled but said nothing.

Korobilo smiled and asked, in a gentle tone, "Have you nothing to say?"

"What... what I... am I supposed to say?"

"Logically to either deny or confirm."

"If my superiors find out..."

"I can promise you that you will have no repercussions. Homosexuality in the Soviet Union is punished only after it is reported or if someone is caught in the act."

"But a cadet can be expelled from the school even on suspicion, Lieutenant. Can't he?"

"I told you that your test results would not leave these walls. I can also guarantee that you will neither be expelled from the Academy nor be subject to any punishment for your orientation. You are not running any risk, cadet."

"I don't understand, Comrade Lieutenant..."

"If you will be truthful with me, I will explain you. But you have to first answer my question - do you acknowledge you are homosexual or not?"

"I... I... yes, I am." Yuri answered lowering his eyes and blushing.

"Are you in a relationship?"

"I... was... at my village."

"And here, with your companions?"

"I... I don't want to compromise others, Comrade..."

"Your answer indicates that you have had a relation here also..."

"Not really a relation... I did it just once... with only one of my classmates. But I pray you not to ask me to tell his name, Comrade Lieutenant..."

Korobilo smiled and said, in an amiable tone, "Cadet Yuri Dudaev, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, at least not with me. I think that it is more than natural, as you like men, that you did it with one of your companions because many of the cadets are really handsome boys. And tell me, Yuri, wouldn't you like having sex on a bed, safely, quietly, without fear of being caught in the act, with this companion or with others?"

"You, comrade... you are recording all our conversation, aren't you?"

"Do you trust me or not, cadet?"

"My instinct tells me to trust you, but rationally... I'm hesitant."

"Well, if I lay my cards on the table, will you do so also?"

"You are the one leading the game, Comrade Lieutenant."

"Alright, listen carefully Yuri - I would like very much to make love with you, as I too am a homosexual."

The boy had such an amazed expression that Korobilo was not able to hold back an amused smile.

The boy asked, in a hesitant tone, "Are you serious, Comrade?"

"If I am recording this conversation, I've also recorded my declaration, haven't I, so what do you say, now?"

"I... since the first day I saw you... I've desired... fantasized about... doing it with you, Lieutenant. Yes, I am a homosexual and... and I like you very much, so very much..." Yuri said blushing.

Korobilo stood up, went around the desk going near the boy, made him stand up then put his hands on his shoulders, and looking him straight in the eye said, "I would like very much to make love with you. But I don't want you to come to my bed only because I am your superior, do you understand? If you tell me that I am not your type, I will understand and will not ask you to go any further. So you can tell me in full sincerity what you would really like to do."

"I've really dreamed of you, Comrade Lieutenant, as... as an unreachable thing, an impossible thing. I would really be happy to... to make love with you, if you too desire it."

"Then come to the other room, Yuri. I have a bed there and nobody will disturb us. Come, Yuri, I really want you."

They shut themselves in the adjoining bedroom, undressed and made love. The boy gradually lost his initial shyness and gave himself to the young man with passion and without restraint. Korobilo liked the boy very much and enjoyed him, thinking he had been lucky to have been ordered to carry on such a task.

When both of them reached the peak of pleasure and felt sated, Korobilo caressed the handsome and fresh body of the boy for a long time.

He asked him, "Are you happy? Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes... and you?"

"Very much - you are a splendid boy. Let's dress now and go back to my office. I have to explain a great many things to you."

Sitting again at the desk, once again in uniform, Korobilo told him about the NOD. He explained to him that both he and Ivan were part of it and he asked him if he would accept assignment to the NOD. Yuri seemed to pass from astonishment to amazement but in the end he accepted with real enthusiasm. So Korobilo had him fill all the necessary forms and sign the application papers to be admitted to the NOD.

He then said, "As soon as possible we will start special instruction at the dacha from which this operation got its name. You will also have to carry out your regular assignments here at the Academy. Moreover, you will also have to help Ivan find more of your homosexual companions to enrol in our special section. Remember that in the school only the director knows about the NOD, nobody else. If you need to see me just ask for a meeting following the usual routine. But remember, you have to keep the secret absolutely. Don't' forget, also, that being part of the NOD means you will have no more free days for a very long time. Do you understand all this?"

"Yes, Comrade Lieutenant. May I ask you a... question?"


"May I hope... to be... taken into the other room by you again?"

"It is not unlikely," Korobilo answered with a smile, "although it can't happen too often. But as soon as we open again the dacha and start our special courses, you will not have any more problem, be it with me or with any of the other members of the operation. We all will be free to have sex with whomever we like, as many times we like, when we like... the lessons being apart of course. Welcome to NOD, Cadet Yuri Dudaev."

"Thank you, Comrade Lieutenant. I promise you will be proud of me."

"I don't doubt it. And remember that I will count on you to find out other cadets suitable for this project. You have to act with the utmost discretion... but I rely on you."

Yuri saluted and went out of the office smiling. Korobilo admired his lean and elegant figure, and had a pleasant feeling thinking that just a few minutes ago that boy was in his arms. He hoped he would have him again in his bed soon - in his embrace.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 4

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