A Son with Benefits

By moc.liamg@1000tlohretep

Published on Oct 29, 2020



A story of a friendship between young and old

A Son with Benefits

David sat huddled to some small shop front in Dean Street. It was 10pm, it was November, it was raining and cold and he was shivering.

David had been thrown out of this step father's house earlier that day. His mother had married him two years earlier and two months ago she had died very suddenly of a heart attack. He did not really get on with his step father and that morning he had discovered a gay magazine under his bed which he had forgotten to hide better.

After a tremendous row he was given 10 minutes to get out. He packed a haversack and left the house in Bristol.

David was 18 but looked more like 16. He had left school and was still looking for a job. He fancied being a car mechanic. He felt it was time to make changes. He hated Bristol so he got on the train at Bristol center and went to London.

He had heard many stories of boys fleeing to London. Some made good but some fell foul of those praying on the bad luck of young boys and girls. He was very aware how bad it could go for a young gay boy.

He had had an interesting day. He had visited lots of hotels and restaurants. He was asking for jobs as a dishwasher of cleaner. A job as a mechanic would have to come later. Times were hard in London and he was in competition with many east Europeans and illegal immigrants who were willing to work very cheaply. Most of them told him they had no room, some told him to fuck off and one said if I give you a job you have to give me your arse. David was not ready for this!

So at 10pm tired and cold he had ended up in a shop front. Just like to told himself it would not happen.

From a second floor window on the house opposite a curtain was opened and he could see an old man looking down at him. This seemed to happen one every few minutes for an hour or so. Eventually the front door opened and the old man walked across the street to him. David was on guard to run if necessary.

The man looked to be about 75 and quite frail. David relaxed a little. The man said "Sorry to see you here like this son, would you like to come in and get warm and get something to eat?"

David said no. He was not going to put himself in that sort of danger even if the man was old and frail. The man said "suit yourself. If you change your mind then wave to me. I shall look down occasionally to see you are alright"

With that he turned round and went back to the door.

Time went on. It was now 11pm and David was shivering and hungry. David decided he had to do something so he would take up the offer from the old man. At the very worst he would have to let the man give me a blow job. He could just close his eyes and thing of some blond hunk doing instead!

So he kept his eyes on the window and then stood up and waved at the man. Within a couple of minutes the front door opened and he was welcomed by the man.

"You are cold" he said "Do come in and get warm. Go and sit by the fire whilst I get you some hot milk"

The man left the room and David had a chance to look around the room.

Over on the table he found a gay magazine under the newspaper. As he was looking at he the man came back in.

"Ah I see you have found my magazine. I am quite lonely and I need some pleasure now and again"

"Its cool" said David "I am gay myself"

With that they both relaxed a little.

"Why are you helping me?" said David

The man replied "well because I can" said the man "I don't like to see anybody suffering and you were in need. I once had a son. He died of a drug overdose and I have never had the chance to help anybody like you before. You remind me of my son"

"But you are gay" said David.

"Gay men also have sons" said the man.

"I cannot pay you" said David

"Did I ask for money?" said the man

"ok " said Daivd

After a few seconds silence David said "I suppose you want to give me a blow job of somthing like that?"

"No" said the man "Yes I am gay and you are a sexy young boy but I would never take advantage of somebody who was obviously desperate"

The man continued "Look, why don't you go into the shower and clean up and get warm. Shove your clothes out to me and I will dry them. You can use the robe in the bathroom to cover yourself. I will make you some food and you can sleep on the sofa tonight.

David had no real choice and so he agreed.

David went into the bathroom, removed his clothes, threw them out and then locked the door. He took a lovely warm shower.

Ten minute later he came out feeling a completely different person. He sat down to a simple meal of chicken pie and baked beans which had been in the micro wave.

"Sorry" said the old man "I really am not much good at cooking"

David gave thanks and scoffed down the warm food.

The man was watching the boy intently. David reminded him very much of his own son.

The man could not hold back and said "you remind me so much of my own son. Same build, same looks. He died when he was 18 but that was 40 years ago.

David looked up but made no comment. He realised the man had probably been depressed for over 40 years!!

David finished the meal and looked up at the man expecting that now he was expected to open his robe and give access to cock. The man made no such move. It was late. The man came back in with a couple of blankets and simply said "here, use these to keep you warm"

And with that the man left the room and he heard noises of the bathroom for a few minutes and then all went silent.

David lay down on the sofa and put the blankets over him. He half expected the man to come back during the night and start having a go at him.

The next morning at 8am he was woken by the man with a cup of tea.

"Good morning sleepy". The man smiled down at him. "Breakfast is in 10 minutes. You will find a new toothbrush waiting for you in the bathroom"

David had slept the night through. He had heard nothing and he was pretty sure he had not been drugged and molested.

10 minutes later he was eating a full English. The man said that he would ask David to leave by 9am since he had to go out. David thanked him for his kindness.

David left at 9am and as he cross the door plate the man said "if you are still in trouble tonight then you are welcome to come back"

David said thanks and went off down the road trying to think of ideas for job searching. He did not want to end up in a shop front again.

David tried very hard that day. On his phone he located more than a dozen car workshops and he talked to alot of the owners with varied results. David was a good looking blond and he had no hesitation in using his good looks to ingratiate himself with any guy who showed an interest. One guy in particular gave his the elevator look and David gave him back his best smile. The man said it might be possible but could not offer anything right now. He took David's phone number. At 7pm he was tired and depressed. He had knocked on at least 50 doors and nobody would give him a job of any sort. He found himself in Dean Street once more and decided he would see if the old man would take him in again.

He was in the shop entrance no more than 20 minutes when the front door opened. The old man beckoned him over and to enter. David ran over the open door without hesitation. He thought if the old man meant him harm it would have happened yesterday.

Once more he had a shower and ate a plate of food. They talked for a while and David told the man his story of the last few days.

The man reached over to shake his hand and introduced himself as Harry.

David slept on the sofa again.

These events repeat themselves for three more days. Harry asked more and more what David was going to do long term.

David looked up. He put his head in his arms and said "I don't know and started crying"

Harry came over and took the boys head into his chest and gave him a hug. This was the first physical contact of any meaning between the two.

After a couple of minutes David pulled away. Harry said "I hope I was not too familiar"

David replied that it was ok but that he was just a bit unsettled.

Harry went off to bed and David opened one of the gay magazines he found on the floor. He looked at some of the pictures. He moved his hand to his trousers and moved inside his underwear and started massaging himself. As many young boys do, he found masterbation a useful answer to stress. He was certainly stressed!

He fell asleep. Two hours later he woke and went to the toilet. He saw Harry's light was on. It was 2am but Harry was reading. He knocked on the door and Harry beconded for him to come in.

"Can I join you?" said David.

And with that Harry lifted up the bedclothes and David got into the warm bed.

David fell asleep within 5 minutes.

In the morning David was awoken with a cup of tea. He sat up in the bed and said "Harry , when I got into your bed last night why did you not come on to me?"

Harry looked at the boy and replied "You are very sexy David, I am very much getting to like you as a friend and a son but any contact between us must be your choice and not mine. I don't want to take advantage of your back luck and sadness"

David reached over and took Harry's hands and placed it on his cock. He was hard.

"I want to give myself to you. You have been so kind to me"

Harry smiled and rubbed the boys groin. David closed his eyes and enjoyed the attention he was being shown.

Within 5 minutes David's breathing got quicker and quicker. Suddenly his body tensed and he came spreading his sperm all over Harry's hand and the bedclothes.

David and Harry relaxed for a few minutes. Harry stroked the boy's blond hair and neck with his hands.

"Let's talk about your future," said Harry. " I think you need some help and advice. Let's use the day to see how we are going to get you out of this mess"

"OK thanks," said David.

David reached over and held Harry's hand.

Breakfast was over. Harry said they should go into the lounge and talk about it.

David said that he would really like to become a car mechanic. Harry smiled.

"Why the smile?" said David.

"Well as it turns out I have a few friends in the business. I might be able to help you"

Harry continued "David I would like to help you and I have a cheeky suggestion."

"Yes" replied David

"I can do my best to try and find you an apprentice place. You will also have to go to night school. However a place to live is vital. I can offer you to stay here at least for a while. I will clear out the spare room and you can sleep there. I am very happy for your company and there is no pressure for you to offer yourself to me but I will be very happy if that happens."

David reached over to Harry and kissed him on the lips. A really deep french tongue kiss.

"Dont worry" said David. "I give myself to you freely Daddy. I hope you will let me in your bed now and again"

Harry started crying with happiness. "Anytime" he said.

That evening David came back into the house at around 5pm. He was still looking for off jobs of his own back. Harry met him and he told that one of his friends had offered him a meeting the next day with a view to an apprentice in a car workshop.

The boy walked up to Harry and Harry put his arms around David.

"Let's go to bed," said David.

"It's not bed time?" said Harry.

"Not to sleep silly" said David.

David led him up the stairs and into the bedroom. He stripped off his clothes in front of Harry and got into bed. Harry stripped off and followed him.

David looked at him and said "I am yours Daddy"

Harry moved down to the boys groin and engulfed his rock hard penis with his mouth. He came into Harry's willing mouth within 5 minutes.

"Good boy" said Harry , licking the sperm off his lips

David turned on to his stomach. Looking back at Harry he said "fuck me please Daddy"

Harry was still virile enough to be able to please the boy. He did as was asked.

David started his apprenticeship in due course and he continued to live with Harry. He continued to sneak into Harry's three times a week. All was well.

A few months later Harry could see that David wanted to say something but could not quite dare.

"What is it David" said Harry "spit it out"

"Well it's like this. I have met a boy I like"

David waited for a bad reaction that never came.

"Well thats just great for you David. It's about time you started seeing boys of your own age. If you need to have somewhere private to be then feel free to bring them back to your room here".

"You don't mind?" asked David

"Not in the least. I want to see you happy and that would certainly not happen if I tried to stop you seeing others".

And with that David was happy to see a few boys and one in particular he was very warm on one boy named Darren who was also a mechanic. David told Harry everything and I mean everything!

Four years later David had passed his city of Guilds and apprenticeship exams. He was now a fully fledged car mechanic. He thought of finding a place to live with his boyfriend but the cost of lodging in London was so high his wage could not bear it. David brought the boy back to his flat more and more and to meet Harry. Harry was introduced as his step father.

Six months later David arrived back from work at 5pm and Harry sat there with another man. They were obviously waiting for him.

"SIt down David. There is something I must tell you"

David sat.

"David, I am ill. I have cancer of the kidney and it's non operable. I have probably 3 months to live."

David started sobbing.

Harry continued "I have not been quite 100% honest with you until now since I had to be sure of your motives. I am now quite sure you are a good lad and worthy of my trust. This gentleman here is my lawyer will confirm that since I have no family at all I will be leaving all my property to you. I have not told you before but this is significant. I even own the car workshop you now work at"

David was astonished.

"David, my businesses are worth over 400 million. This house alone is worth over 10million. London is an expensive place. When I die you will have to pay a lot of tax and you will have to sell some of the properties but Mr Green here will help you with these matters. There are some trusts set up so the tax man will be kept at bay. I hope you use the money wisely and try to help those in need as I have helped you"

David broke down once more and went over to Harry and placed his head in Harry's lap.

"How am I going to manage without you?" said David.

"I know it's hard my David, but I am happy to have been able to help you and get in return a son with benefits. You have made a lonely old man very happy. Mr Green will help with the legal details but just you go and get hold of that boyfriend of yours and be happy together in whatever way you see fit. And don't let anybody tell you otherwise."

Harry died as expected 3 months later. At his funeral where Mr Green, David and David's boyfriend.

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