A Slaves Induction

By MACK Wayne

Published on Oct 9, 2011


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the express permission of the author, me.

A Slave's Induction


Part of the human condition is its ability to adapt. Humans can adapt to most any use and learn to operate within the confines and conditions sometimes forced on them. Such is the case with slavery. Slavery has never commonly been about choice. By definition, it is "the involuntary subjection to another or others." It connotes "captivity, compulsory service, and complete ownership and control by a master - often involving burdensome service and degradation." Such is the stuff of interest to this author. Sexual orientation is sometimes - but not always - of concern to the collectors and buyers. Sometimes only the description and look and sometimes demeanor - maybe occupation - perhaps intelligence etc. are the required conditions.

The male captives I create serve mostly homosexual needs and purposes, with gay sexual orientation only sometimes a requirement. A mouth is a mouth - an ass, an ass - a body, a body, and any parts can be forced, used, and trained, to perform as needed for the ones that own them. The primary considerations involve necessary eye appeal. The gold standard for success in the collection and sale of sex objects/ slaves/ property - is primarily regarding how it looks. in A Slave's Induction, Bill knows the taste of his clients and works to compliment that taste whether it is for a certain ethnic composition - or coloration - or cock size - musculature or lack thereof - whether hairy (the color of the hair) - or smooth - age (from young to mature) and sometimes combinations of the above.

Eye appeal is almost exclusively the all-important deciding factor - just attractive appealing flesh provided to the buyer for his use and purposes as owner of an expensive object. In the upscale slave market - it's much like buying anything else of quality. Just as with an automobile, or boat, or plane, or other item of considerable capitol investment, customized preferences are what it is all about. Bill is accomplished at satisfying both specific orders, and collecting merchandise that he knows will have appeal based on his experience with what sells in his market. His biggest volume clients are fairly fixed in the "type" they need and want. One such man only buys hairy well-proportioned gingers - another, smooth and younger, yet another loves dark swarthy Mediterranean hairy muscle - and so on.

Bill is a premier sadist. He operates from the standpoint of conviction about occupying his rightful place. He gives no thought to luring - obtaining what he will, and doing with it what he wishes. He is a businessman who trades in living merchandise - a flesh peddler - one of the oldest forms of trade. Tom is one of the many who have been lured into Bill''s lair. Those he obtains are for sale with very few exclusions. Tom was one such exception. He was kept for Bill's personal use and reorientation. Nick was another example. Whether Tom obtains the degree of favored status Nick enjoys is something only time will tell.

Nick was like the quintessential lost puppy. Retrieving it from the gutter - saving it from literal demise - had an effect on Bill no other acquisition ever had. Physically, emotionally, and mentally, he broke the tough & powerful UFC contender into pieces and rebuilt him just like he did Tom. Nick is his loyal dog, devoted slave, unquestioning attendant, obedient fuckhole, trustworthy confidant, and entertaining toy - property, and object. Where he had learned to thrive in Bill's world - he would no doubt be lost, whither, and regress, into his former condition outside of his ownership and control. Tom's suspicion regarding Nick not touching himself was not unfounded. He had been warned not to do so without permission. Bill caught him disobeying - told him he hoped he'd enjoyed himself, because it would never happen again, and it never did.

The invitation on the DVD to express interest in seeing more of t.o.M. as henchman in further video adventures produced considerable reaction. Interest indeed, was expressed for seeing more of the beautiful creature that had tortured so cruelly, and relieved his victim of its balls with such panache and passion. Bill's decision to use Tom for the specific purpose was completely verified and confirmed. And - of course - everyone wanted to know and view the fate of the nuts last seen hanging around their former owner's neck. The following week t.o.M.'s empty sacked, nutted, gelding was sold - along with a complimentary copy of the movie and its frozen separated manhood - to a very satisfied buyer. Six weeks later Bill informed Tom the nutting was a success - that the castration had healed without a hitch, and the slave's cock had been removed as well. Its wealthy owner - a straight man - loved sex parties, and always had something exotic and different for his guests. He wanted a naked nullified straight gelding as a show piece for the women to tantalize - for everyone to watch them use the slave's tongue as its only sex instrument - eating them out without the equipment or ability to get off.

Of course the men would tease it mercilessly. The parties were known for having essentially no limits, and attracting the biggest players from all over the world. Masters and Mistresses would bring slaves - male and female. There was an atmosphere of anything goes - gay - straight - and a fully altered and relatively freshly mutilated eunuch, would certainly be a welcome addition to the equation of the debauchery. The buyer sent pictures for Bill's enjoyment of the fully nullified slave. The slave's never fucked ass would be raped - the one to draw first blood wiping his cock with his tidy whities, loudly proclaiming ownership of its virginity to everyone's applause - just as if a bitch's hymen had been torn.

Tom could certainly never have known what course his life would take as he focused from across the bar that night on the god-man who would so effortlessly assume his ownership - take such complete control - even to the removal of his humanity, and the creation of an abject of torture, ridicule, humiliation, pleasure, and convenience, installed in its place. As usual he was one of Bill's victims - his choices having nothing to do with the reality of what was happening to him. Right up to his installation in the cage, he believed he would walk out of what he would learn was Bill's lair. He'd never dreamed of a world where someone such as Bill was supreme and preeminent - where so casually invited and ensconced, his presence would become an induction - his condition - involuntary imprisonment. Never would it have even crossed his mind, someone (no less himself) could be turned into a toilet - a toy - an instrument of suffering and service, for the benefit and entertainment of a man who seemed - although authoritative and seductive - as benign, friendly, and beneficent as Bill, on first introduction.

Bill's world was real. His preeminence was unquestioned, and his authority irrefutable. He saw Tom from the beginning where he would end up. He knew what he wanted of his prey, and it was a fait accompli the moment he decided it in the bar. Only the length of time, and the method used to play with his victim were variable. Like the King of the jungle that plays with its quarry before consuming it - or similarly the cat with the mouse - Bill was the same. The hunt and pursuit were part of the pleasure. Training slave meat came as naturally to Bill as falling off a log. It was a calling - an orientation - a right. And with his brightness and education in dealing with the mind, when he had one in his clutches, there was no hope of the retention of its self or of its humanity or of its being ever what it had been in the past. So Tom was no exception - just rule of thumb in Bill's world of natural dominance and studied control.

As was established in the story, some of the men and boys he collected, were sold "as is" - fresh meat so-to-speak - their owners wanting unconditioned slaves - either their lack of conditioning a part of their suffering as they slaved without option - or wishing to train it themselves in their own way. But there were those, with Bill's well established reputation for the re-creation of man into slave, ready for unquestioning performance - who would indulge in paying extra to have Bill work his magic - turning a selected purchase into an obedient slave - a broken and reassembled object ready for suffering and service without resistance on delivery.

The change in Tom's creature hood was a permanent irreversible condition. What he had - who and what he was when a person, would be maintained remembrances. He would be forever mindful of the totality of what Bill had done to him - of his power in creating the slave and object he wanted - that which would be an unquestioning instrument of suffering and service, entertainment and convenience, to its Owner and Master.

Tom was dropped into the pit of despair once more, and spent one more night in the cage to refine his sense of dedication to - and focus on - his Master as his only reason - desire - and need. The front door could have been left open and the keys to the car on the table, and it would have no effect on his desire to change the way things were now. When he looked in the mirror he saw his Master's property - just as when Bill looked at him he saw a reflection of himself. Tom saw only what he had become - an object of his Master's design - his toilet - his instrument of pain and suffering - his playground - nothing else. He thought with his Master's mind and pissed with his Master's dick. He yelled out in pain with his Master's voice. He hung from his Masters hands and feet waiting for his Master's use.

Bill made several more movies with Tom as his henchman - each better than the last, and each selling better and for more profit. The covert and cloistered audience to whom he distributed grew, and along with it, his business of flesh peddling. Less and less was needed in the form of instruction for Tom to know what to do, and how to do it for his Master - and at times for Nick. On the rarest of occasions, he was even favored to sleep with his Master - a privilege he had dreamed of for what seemed an eternity - and sometimes with Nick.

Tom felt a sense of belonging that included him as a privileged object of lesser stature, but still somehow on the inside. His duties began to involve interaction with the slave stock on hand at any given moment - their preparation - or discipline - or whatever else was required. He served anyone his Master ordered in whatever manner - several times even given on loan or rented out.

His suffering never ended. His pain and the enjoyment and entertainment it offered Bill were a large part of his reason for existence and something he came to expect and accept. He was truly his Master's object of suffering and service - and when he went periods of time without pain, its absence felt somehow wrong - like something was missing.

One night Nick revealed to Tom that there was a man offering a great deal of money to the Boss for his purchase - that he kept raising the anti to Bill's refusal. That night Tom lay in bed worried. He fought back tears at the thought of being removed from the presence of the Man whose property he had become - the godman who had created of him the object he intended. He considered his thoughts. How different they were from in the beginning when his worst terrors had to do with becoming what his tormentor was describing and threatening/ promising to make of him.

Here - now - having been enslaved and transformed as promised into his Owner's dehumanized - objectified - degraded - used and abused property, he realized his greatest fear had become being separated from him. Bill had done such a thorough job of brain washing Tom, the only thoughts remaining regarding himself, were of how faithfully he accessorized - accommodated - pleasured and obeyed his Master. Through the use of hypnotherapy, psychotropic drugs, and psychological skill, Bill had made himself Tom's only focus - instilled in him the sense of obligation to obey no matter the consequences - and strengthened and enhanced his dependent demeanor.

Tom feared removal from his reason for being. His Master was everything. Bill had made sure of it. His pleasure, His convenience, and His requirements - no matter how painful, humiliating, or consuming - were what gave Tom his only purpose. He venerated - worshiped - feared - even grew to love his abusive Master for being as he was and taking what was rightfully His.

There WAS indeed a client seeking Tom's purchase, but Bill had no intention of selling him - at least not now. He only had Nick tell him about it to foster separation anxiety - to intensify Tom's affirmation of those Master-related emotions - just another way for Bill to entertain himself by the use of the mind he loved playing with. He enjoyed every bit as much, fucking a slave's brain, as he did its body. His accurate philosophy was - take control of the mind and the body will follow.

Tom could no more have regained functionality in the outside world than he could fly. It just would not have been possible. Bill's manipulation and alteration of the slave's thought patterns were irrevocable. His advanced methodology including intense mind exercises could not have been undone. His clients that opted for slaves with altered states of consciousness (adjusted attitudes) always marveled at the results of Bill's effectiveness.

Thanks to MY readers for your enjoyment and loyalty to the story. Watch for more MACK Wayne submissions in the near future to Nifty. "slaveMaster Tempter" is the latest submission.

Comments welcome: mackxwayne@hotmail.com MY web site - the man behind the words - http://www.MACKsf.com curious about images that serve to inspire the scenarios - let ME know...

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