A Sizeable Difference

By Ezidzejave Edizejavi

Published on Feb 3, 2022


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A Sizeable Difference

VI - Linebacker

by eddie edizejavi

Rod was sitting on his bed, his hair still wet, struggling to put his pants on. He had gotten a little too beefy for them now.

He grunted in frustration, shirtless, flexing his abs as he tried to pull them past his thick thighs, and it didn't matter how hard he'd have to try. These were the pants he wanted to wear to the party, so these were the pants he'd wear to the party.

He got up, closed his legs and tried to relax, hoping to make his muscles soft enough to let the waistband squeeze and slide right through. Then he grabbed it, pulled it up firmly one more time, realized this still wasn't enough, and began hopping a little, making very little progress, keenly aware of how ridiculous he was looking.

At least Nate wasn't here to see him like that.

He had only managed to get them up against the underside of his buttcheeks when he stopped and thought about all the trouble he'd have to get off them later, and realized that, as good as they'd look on him, being able to pull them down was priority number one. Especially tonight.

The Linebacker thought he wasn't gonna stop getting bigger any time soon, and that he should probably begin going through his clothes every now and then, to avoid this sort of trouble in the future. He glanced at his wardrobe, then finally settled for the last pair of jeans he had bought, which were a little too casual, but at least large enough for his big butt.

They fit like a glove. The hunk stood in front of the mirror, turned around and cheered up when he saw how snugly they pressed his asscheeks, making them look even firmer than usual. It was a shame Nate wasn't here to see him right now. As frustrating as it could sometimes be, the stud felt proud of the size he had managed to achieve. He turned around again and flexed his biceps, smiling, then made a stern, sexy face, and threw himself a little kiss. He was gonna kill it tonight.

His green plaid shirt was lying on his bed, and when he bent over to grab it, the jock heard the door opening, and realized what a great view his roommate would have as soon as he entered the room. He pretended like the shirt was a little out of his reach and took his sweet time to get back up and turn around, making sure to give Nate enough time to appreciate his rear end.

"Hey, dude," he said, glad to find his teammate's face even more flushed than usual.

"Hey," the other hunk answered sheepishly, trying to look away. "You're getting dressed already?"

Rod began putting his shirt on, making sure to flex his pecs as he did it.

"Yeah, I'm meeting a friend before the party," he answered, putting his hands on his hips in a way that pulled the sides of his unbuttoned shirt back, revealing his torso. He just loved how easily flustered Nate got.

"Oh," the boy said, looking at his feet, like he didn't want to stare at his buddy's abs.

The stud looked at him, a little confused by the hint of disappointment on his voice, then began buttoning up. His phone beeped, telling him his date had arrived, and he rushed to finish getting ready, checking himself in the mirror one last time.

"See you later?" Nate asked, before making a face of regret at how needy the question had sounded.

The Linebacker smiled at him for a second, then felt his sad puppy face stir up something inside of him. "Sure," he answered, before stepping out, shaking his head.

That cute boy. Always melting his heart.

The jock had to walk a few minutes to get to the place the guy he was meeting would pick him up.

Rod had been messing around with some dating apps these last couple of weeks, out of pure boredom, enjoying the attention all those thirsty men threw at him, especially when he sent them a dick pic. And for the most part, the praise he received was more than enough to get him off between the casual encounters he had on campus here and there. The Linebacker had never experienced a dry spell in his life, he could get it anytime he wanted, and that made it hard for him to ever get really interested in anyone he met online.

At least until he met Daniel, an older guy, whose compliments, a little more articulate than the same "ur so big" everyone else sent him, grabbed his attention. A few days were all it took for that man's eagerness to meet in person to finally make the hunk agree to fuck him.

Though they didn't spell it out, of course. Above all else, Daniel was a classy kind of guy, who had a way with words. He seemed to know exactly what to say to get the stud going, and he knew how to be clear without ever being explicit. And tonight, it was evident. They were gonna do it. Hard.

"Hey, Daniel," the jock said when he found him, sitting on the hood of his car.

"Hey, Rod! How's it going?" the man asked, standing up and shaking his hand firmly, excited, looking at him from head to toe. "It's good to finally see you face-to-face."

"You too," the hunk said, noticing how he looked even smaller than in his pictures, a full head shorter than him.

Daniel was in his early forties, but was short and thin in a way that made him look younger, almost like a twink, except for the way his dirty blond hair was beginning to lose its color. His lips were thin as well, his small nose gave him a somewhat delicate face, and he was wearing a red t-shirt, paired with a pair of jeans and some unremarkable sneakers that made Rod feel overdressed.

"Fuck," he said, "if I knew you'd be looking this sharp I'd have tried a little harder. Sorry about that."

It was like he could read the Linebacker's mind, but the smile on that man's face still made it seem like he wasn't actually bothered about that stuff at all.

"It's okay, you're looking good too," the stud smiled back, politely and maybe a little too apologetic, making a mental note to try and sound cooler than that from now on.

The drive to that guy's apartment was short, but still long enough to give them some time to talk. Daniel was all smiles, lively, and looked like he wanted to make Rod feel more comfortable, making conversation in the same deft way that had made the jock interested in him in the first place.

And as time passed, and he felt more at ease, the Linebacker began getting aroused by the idea that, in a few moments, he was gonna give that man more than he had bargained for. That's what it was all about, in the end. He was gonna love fucking his brains out.

Rod had been mulling it over for quite a bit now, almost obsessed. He had never been able to fuck someone with all he got, he had always been forced to be very gentle, very kind, so as not to hurt the young guys he met all over, and who were just as inexperienced as him. The idea of hurting someone with his cock put him off, but still, he just wanted to know how it would feel like not having to hold himself back so much. And over time, having had to fuck nice and slow again and again, more than once having been asked to stop, having to use his hand to finish, he began feeling a little frustrated. No one seemed up to let him do it like those guys in porn movies, most of which were very hung, though not as hung as him, sure, but even so, they didn't seem to have any trouble finding someone who could take it.

In the end, being this big had proved itself to be a curse in disguise.

But then came Daniel, silver-tongued Danny, who seemed to know just how to push his buttons, talking to him with respect, grabbing his attention with interesting remarks, complimenting him now and then in a subtle, simple way that somehow made him feel even more flattered than usual, and who, most important of all, seemed to be an experienced guy, a man who had been around, who could handle the things life threw at him.

Which is to say, of course, that Daniel looked like someone who could take a big dick up his ass. Rod just couldn't wait to get in bed with him, and plow his lights out.

When they finally got into his apartment, the hunk was impressed by how neat it was, by the fact that it didn't smell like socks, unlike his dorm room, and by how many books and paintings there were all over the living room, not a single naked wall to be seen. A few more tables and the place would look just like a library.

"Have a seat," the man said, pointing at the big sofa in the middle of the room. "I'll grab us something to drink. Do you want anything?"

"Sure," the stud asked, noticing the well stacked cabinet bar in the corner.


"Why not."

The man smiled. "Yeah, you look like a whiskey kind of guy to me."

Rod laughed, thinking he was more of a beer keg kind of guy. "Whiskey's okay, I guess."

"Then try this one," Daniel suggested, grabbing an expensive-looking bottle and pouring its contents over some ice cubes, then handing it over to him.

It was strong, but went down surprisingly easy, with a powerful aroma, sweet and oaky, that lingered in the jock's mouth. Unexpectedly good.

"It's nice," the hunk said, thinking this was one of those dangerous drinks, so tasty you could get drunk without even noticing.

"You like it?"

"Yeah," he replied, sipping a little more.

"Yeah, I thought you would," the man smiled, pleased. "It's smooth and overwhelming at the same time, isn't it?" he asked, looking deep into the stud's eyes. "Reminds me of you."

Rod laughed and looked down at his glass, shaking his head, impressed. Fucking Daniel. Always toying with him like that.

And the worst part was how much he loved it.

They kept talking for a while, about college, football, Daniel's work as a translator, and so on. But as delicious as that drink was, and as entertaining as that man could be, the Linebacker began getting a little impatient with all that cleverness and politeness, and tried to steer the conversation into a more sexy direction, spreading his legs in a suggestive way, running his hand over his crotch whenever he took another swig, then further down his leg, tracing his dick, and making sure to give that guy the stern, sexy look he had practiced earlier.

The man raised his eyebrows when he noticed how much dick there was inside those pants, going down along the jock's left thigh and being pressed against it, simply too big for the crotch area to fit it. He looked back up at the hunk's eyes, a little flustered, with an interrogative look, and the stud took yet another sip, slowly, before giving him a cocky little smile, thinking "Yeah, I know."

Daniel chuckled, put his glass down, stood up and sat by his side, so close their knees were touching.

"You're very well-built," he said, now staring at the jock's biceps. "Mind if I feel it a little?"

"Go ahead," Rod answered with a little nod, trying to sound nonchalant, but actually feeling anxious for that guy to finally begin worshipping him.

That guy's hand looked very small as he groped the hunk's arm, squeezing it and laughing a little, fascinated by how solid it felt.

"Do you like it?" the stud asked, lifting his arm and flexing, so that he could have something to be actually impressed about.

"I love it," the man replied.

"You do?" the jock said, happy to hear it. "Tell me what you love about it."

Daniel grinned, apparently pleased to see the Linebacker was that kind of man.

"I love how sturdy it feels."


"Yeah, so bulky and tough. Fuck, you're stunning," he emphasized, now having trouble to run his fingers up the hunk's sleeve, too tight by the way he was flexing, then running them all the way to his forearm, caressing the veins and tendons under the brown skin.

The stud smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

The man widened his eyes and nodded, strongly agreeing. "And I guess I also love how small you're making me feel."

"Really?" Rod asked, a little surprised by that. He had noticed their difference in size, of course, but he wasn't expecting it to be part of this.

Daniel flexed his arm and put it right against the jock's, making him laugh. That little man looked so cute doing it like that.

They both pulled their sleeves up, in order to see it clearer, and the hunk suddenly felt like touching that guy's arm as well. Its skin was smooth and soft, and pale in a way that made Daniel look even more delicate in Rod's eyes. It was so skinny he could almost wrap his hand around it completely, while the small guy was now using both of his hands to feel him up, pressing his biceps very firmly, like he couldn't believe how hard they were.

And somehow, that made the stud feel even prouder of his own body, like he had suddenly become manlier just by standing at Daniel's side. He realized that it worked both ways, he was liking how big that guy was making him feel.

Fuck, the things he was gonna do to that small guy's hole.

They couldn't stop smiling, this game was getting more interesting by the minute.

"What else have you got?" Daniel asked, lifting the jock's shirt, thirsty for more.

Rod got up and began slowly unbuttoning it. The small guy sat closer to the edge of the sofa and tried to touch him, but the Linebacker just grabbed his hand and pushed him away. He wanted him to sit back and just watch for now, and kept staring at him straight in the eyes, enjoying the effect his gaze was having on the short man's mind. And after what felt like the hundreth button, the hunk threw his shirt across the room and stood in front of him, towering over the short man and feeling very good about it. Shit, he wasn't expecting that to turn him on like that. He began flexing again, now showing off not only his arms, but also his pecs and abs, and Daniel sheepishly sat up again, giving him a look like he was asking for permission to touch him, which was granted, and he finally got close enough to begin running his hand all over that torso, feeling the stud's hairy chest, lightly at first, but groping everythin he saw before long, running his fingers over every crevice between those rigid muscles, exploring every nook and cranny, entranced, hypnotized. His hands were shaking a little, out of pure excitement.

"Holy fuck," he whispered, "you're unbelievable." He extended his arm and began massaging one of the jock's nipples, making it instantly hard.

"Yeah? How so?" Rod smiled, looking down at him, never getting tired of those compliments.

"You're just perfect," the man answered, now resting his face against those rock-hard abs, before beginning to give him little kisses here and there, running his nose against his happy trail and sniffing his scent in, apparently thrilled by the way the hunk's body hair tickled his lips. "You look like a fucking titan," he continued, now exploring the Linebacker's thick thighs, "right out of a history book."

Rod laughed, he hadn't heard that one before. Then he felt like it was time to step things up a bit.

"Alright, take your shirt off too. Maybe I can make you feel a little smaller still."

Daniel stood up, his face now right against the stud's pecs, and took his shirt off in a hurry. Having so little body fat, his muscles were actually very pronounced as well, though minuscule in comparison. And the Linebacker was pleased to see how smooth that little guy was all over, completely shaven. He liked the idea of being the hairy one of the two. Then they began feeling each other up again. Rod was amazed by how much bigger than that man he was, it made him feel so fucking powerful, like he could break him in half with no effort at all. Fuck, he was gonna screw that small man so hard he'd take weeks to recover from it.

The jock leaned over, hugged Daniel's waist and lifted him off the ground with ease, impressed by how light he was. The short guy gasped, flustered, and looked like he was loving being manhandled like that. The Linebacker looked him in the eyes, then tried to crush him as hard as he could, just to see how much he could handle, making the little man gasp again, widening his eyes and grabbing his shoulders firmly, like he was trying to reciprocate all that force. He looked so beautiful, losing his mind like that, that the hunk couldn't help himself and kissed him passionately, squeezing him even harder. And it felt very good not to know if the small guy was moaning with pain or lust. Probably both.

"Where's your room?" the stud asked with a bold smile. Daniel seemed to be having trouble breathing.

"Right there," he pointed, before embracing that giant's neck and kissing it eagerly.

Rod carried him without any trouble.

And when they got to the bedroom, he felt like getting rougher with that man, and threw him on his bed with more force than was needed, just to make a point, making sure he understood how much he'd be tossed around tonight, and making him moan, bewildered by the excitement, widening his eyes as he stared at that shirtless jock.

The Linebacker stepped back and began undoing his pants, giving him a stern look and stripping down slowly, enjoying how that little show was making that guy hopelessly fired up, and feeling his heart pumping harder and his blood rushing faster through his veins the closer he got to his goal. Rod was breathing hard, snuffing down his nose, like a bull preparing to charge. And when he finally dropped his boxer, he already knew what that man would say.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Daniel whispered, out of breath, suddenly looking a little more worried than excited.

"What?" the hunk asked, putting his hands on his hips and looking down, playing dumb. "My dick?"

The short man's chuckle sounded somewhat apprehensive. The Linebacker was standing in a wide, firm stance that was probably second nature to serious football players like himself. The sun had already finished setting, and the bedroom's curtains were partly closed, but the street lights coming from outside were more than enough to show him in all his naked, stunning glory. Daniel could now finally appreciate the whole package: the absurdly wide shoulders, the insanely strong upper body, with its unbelievably hard pecs and biceps, the surreal abs, the crazy thick thighs, the stupidly manly, big feet. Hairy all over.

But nothing compared to his cock.

It hung between his legs, straight down, too long and fat to support its own weight, but still arching in a pleasant way, and leaning to the left. Uncut, its head was still hidden by the foreskin, but it was easy to see its shape underneath it, rounded, big, though not as thick as the shaft, which got wider and wider until its midsection, then became thinner towards the base. Although, actually, "less girthy" was probably a more accurate way of describing it, given there was nothing "thin" to be found on that stud. Or maybe "less unreasonable." "Less frightening?" Daniel was having a hard time finding the words to describe what he was seeing.

"What are you gawking at?" the jock laughed, hopping in bed and grabbing one of the little guy's knees, pushing it down against his chest and exposing his butthole, amazed by how smooth, pink and small it looked, twitching in anticipation. "You're quiet, what happened?" he asked, mocking the dumbfounded look on the small man's face, before laying his cock over his asshole, glad to see the sight of his dick was enough to shut him up.

The little hole disappeared under his hefty member, and Rod noticed how massive he looked, lying across that short guy's buttcrack and taint. He grinned, already picturing himself ravaging that tight little ass, grabbed the base of his dick, and began swinging it up and down against Daniel's butthole, smacking it loudly.

"Holy shit," the small guy said when he felt exactly how heavy that thing was, shaking as every hit seemed to harden it a little more. But he seemed too overwhelmed to say or do anything, and lay on his back, completely limp, simply allowing the hunk to pin him down as hard as he wanted.

Rod spitted on his ass, spread the saliva with the tip of his dick, getting him all nice and wet, making him moan louder and louder, then lined his cock against his pink hole. "You ready?" he asked, his tone still mocking the helpless short man, but didn't wait for an answer, and began forcing his way in.

Daniel shook even more, clearly thrilled by being used like that.

But things began going downhill from here.

As much strength as the Linebacker put into it, he just couldn't get more than the tip of his dick inside. The little guy moaned, winced and groaned, a little out of his mind, and looked like he was doing his best to let him in. Daniel was breathing hard, gasping for air from time to time, then exhaling loudly, cursing and swearing. But every time the stud managed to push his member a little further into him, he just tensed up again, as if scared, and let out a little whimper.

Rod became annoyed, and his dick began getting a little softer. "Relax dude," he said, sounding upset, "just open up. Let me fuck you."

But all Daniel could do was put his hands on the jock's belly, pushing him away whenever he got too deep, and asking him to "take it easy," over and over again, for a few minutes, forcing the hunk to slow down more and more as they did very little progress, until the stud gave up, let go of him and stepped back, staring into the small man's eyes, visibly angry.

"Holy fuck!" Daniel said when he was finally free, panting. "Sorry, man, you're just too thick. Jesus. You can't just shove it in like that," he complained, laughing a little, like he couldn't believe this was happening. "I need a little time to get used to it."

"Oh yeah?" the jock asked in a harsh tone, doubting that guy would be able to take it all the way like he wanted. He thought someone in his forties wouldn't have such a tight hole.

"Come on, don't be like that," Daniel tried to cheer him up, noticing his bad mood. "I'm sure I'm not the first guy you almost broke with that thing," he said softly, fondling Rod's dick and balls in a thoughtful way, trying to get on his good side again. "You just need to learn to tease it a little more, that's all. Come on, lie on your back. Let me handle it, you'll see."

The hunk kept staring at him for a second, with a menacing look, still cross, then lay on his back, put his hands behind his head and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, eager to get this going as soon as possible.

The bed was a little too small for him, and his feet were dangling in the air, out of the mattress. But he was used to it.

The short guy grabbed a bottle of lube from his drawer and applied it on the stud's dick generously, massaging his balls and shaft in a way that made it fully hard in no time, looking like he was having a hell of a good time taking a closer look at it, squeezing and jerking, swinging it around like a club, and smacking it against the palm of his other hand.

The Linebacker's dick was very long, without a doubt the biggest one he had ever seen, but what made it actually impressive was how thick it was, absurdly girthy like he didn't know someone could be. Lubed, the foreskin was sliding with ease over the shiny purple glans, finally revealing it, and making the slit on the very tip of that cock open and close as it went by, making that little hole look much bigger than necessary to shoot the amount of cum the average man could yield. But that jock wasn't an ordinary man. Daniel wondered how much seed and testosterone those big balls could generate.

He straddled the hunk, grabbing his cock and jerking it against his asshole for a while, teasing himself and closing his eyes in pleasure, with a grin that made it obvious how excited he was feeling, then began guiding the Linebacker's manhood into his ass.

And all the while, all the stud could think about was how much he wanted to be the one on top, the one in control. He wanted to grab that little man and throw him on the bed, spreading his legs wide and holding him in place, making him lie flush on his belly as he fucked him like there was no tomorrow. But Daniel obviously wouldn't be able to take it like that, so it was just out of the question. More than doing it, maybe what Rod really wanted was someone who could handle it, who would ask for it. Fuck, how hot would it beto hear a guy groaning, begging for more, even as he gave it all he got? An insatiable guy, who'd force him to put his back into it, so hungry for more he'd have to put his shoulder to the wheel, screwing him harder than he ever thought he could screw someone, and then even harder, then harder, and harder, and harder...

But that would probably never happen.

He sighed again, feeling the small guy's tight hole slowly swallowing his dickhead, and tried to stop worrying about it. Having been born with a cock that huge, and apparently not even knowing how to properly tease someone's hole with it, he accepted this was most likely his only option, and resigned himself to his fate, which seemed to be letting people take as long as they needed as they slowly eased his dick into them.

Daniel did his best, and after a moment or so already had half of Rod's cock up his ass. To his credit, that was quite impressive, given the size of the task, and only someone as experienced as him would have been able to pull it off, not panicking as that thing stretched him with no end in sight, but instead relaxing and enjoying that staggering ordeal.

The short man began going up and down, slowly at first, then began picking up the pace, little by little, moving his hips in a way that made the Linebacker excited again, showing him how much of a good bottom he was, even if he still wasn't taking that beautiful monstrosity all the way to the base.

Rod threw his head back, loving the way that guy was sitting on his dick, then grabbed his hips, finding it hard to control his lust, and began thrusting upward and pulling him down, ready to take charge again.

But the little guy still wasn't ready for more than half his cock, and used the fact that he was the one on top to his advantage. This wasn't Daniel's first bucking stallion. Every time the jock tried to shove more dick than he could endure, the small man simply got a little higher, never losing control of the situation, taking him a little deeper over time, but on his own terms, at his own pace. And that way he began enjoying himself even more, feeling like he was beginning to lose it, grunting and panting, ecstatic, looking down at the young men on his bed and making sure to ride him in an enticing way that showed how much he loved his huge cock.

The hunk felt a little frustrated again, anxious for the short guy to finally get loose enough to sit all the way down. But he realized that, if he wanted that to ever happen, he'd have to let go, and decided to give up on being dominant. His dick was now two thirds of the way inside already, and he could feel it hitting against Daniel's guts, like there was a wall inside that man he wouldn't be able to pass through. It didn't feel bad, to be honest. In fact, it felt kinda good. Real good. The stud sighed again, and began holding the little man's hips once more, but gently, trying to focus on how nice it felt, and before long he got the impression he was close to cumming, and tried to pull him down a little more, just a little this time, as if tenderly asking him to please try a little harder, just a little deeper now, that's all, so that he could stick it inside all the way at least once before shooting.

Daniel seemed to have completely lost his mind, and was going up and down on the Linebacker's cock as fast as he could, arching his back and moving his hips in provocative ways, doing his best to get a little deeper, without much success, having apparently reached his limits, but still trying anyway, mad in heat, groaning and panting with sounds of pain, desire and exhaustion. He looked down and saw the jock's handsome face, now contorted in pleasure, so different from the menacing look he had given him just a few minutes ago, almost like the hunk had been subdued and was now begging him to go down harder, like that hole wasn't something he wanted to take by force anymore, but instead something he had to ask for, really nice, if he ever wanted to get it.

"Please," was what Daniel could see written all over the stud's face. "Please, I need it."

The small guy felt a shudder down his spine, but that stunning jock was just too hot to deny, and decided to try a little harder still, bouncing on his cock with even more enthusiasm, sure that he couldn't extend his hole any wider than he already was, feeling completely loose, absurdly receptive, gaping like never before. And still trying to go a little further.

Fuck, he couldn't remember the last time he had tried so hard.

Then Rod gasped, tightening his grip, and when the short man realized the Linebacker was shooting his load, the excitement somehow made him suddenly open, unthinkably so, and he lost all strength on his legs, unable to bounce back up, and sat down on that cock, swallowing it completely for the first time, like his asshole had no limits, and felt the hunk's cum hitting deeper inside of him than any man had ever reached before.

The stud seemed surprised, and widened his eyes with a big dumb grin on his face, like he had finally gotten his wish. He grabbed the little guy's hips with even more force, almost crushing them, and pulled him down with all he got, holding him in place as he dumped his load into him, manhandling him in such an overpowering, overwhelming way that he began shooting as well, cumming all over the jock's hairy chest, and his hole began twitching very hard, completely out of control, squeezing that monster cock hard, milking it to the last drop, before his body went limp and, with a shudder, he collapsed to the side, completely beat, feeling a pound lighter when that dick came out of his ass.

They stood still for a while, out of breath, the small man lying on top of the hunk in an uncomfortable position none of them had enough strength to get out of, looking at the ceiling with smiles on their faces, until enough time had passed for them to regain control of their bodies.

"Fuck, Rod," Daniel panted, "no one's ever overworked me like that before." He could still feel the phantom pain of the stud's member so deep up his ass it was like it was poking his heart, and could already picture himself having trouble sitting for the next couple of days.

The Linebacker looked back at him, his dumb grin still on his face, then looked back up at the ceiling, and his smile began to slowly fade away, like a worrying thought was brewing on his mind.

As his orgasm subsided, his frustration came back, smaller this time, but still there. It had been very good, right there at the end, when he had his dick all the way up inside, shooting his load as deep as he could get, finally free to grab that short guy and hold him down very hard, not suppressing his strength anymore, just using that fuckhole however the fuck he wanted to.

For a few seconds.

And as good as it had been, it was still just a taste of the thing he was actually after.

He sat up, his breathing almos back to its normal pace, and began looking around, trying to find his boxers.

"Listen, I gotta go," he said, getting up. "There's a party tonight."

Daniel stared at the big jock for a second, a little confused, then made the face he always made whenever it looked like he could read the hunk's mind.

"Okay, I can drop you there," he said, getting up as well. "But let's take a shower first, what do you say?" he asked, getting very close to him, putting one hand on his shoulder, friendly, and using the other to smear the cum on his hairy chest.

The stud chuckled, noticing how he reeked of sex. "Yeah, we probably should."

Daniel smiled and said "let's go," grabbing his dick and dragging him toward the bathroom. "I bet I can still show you a thing or two before you go."

There was a guy passed out on the yard out front, and his friends were trying to get him up. Beer, vodka, tequila.

But you already know all that.

Rod was probably the last of his teammates to get to the party, and took just a few seconds to find most of them, hanging near the beer kegs, as he thought they'd be.

The Barbarians greeted him, even chummier than usual, way too drunk for this early in the night, and handed him a paper cup, filled to the brim, shouting something about foosball and a basketball team.

The Linebacker looked around, checking the party out. There were a lot of friendly faces here tonight, and as always, it took him a few minutes before people had stopped approaching him, like everyone he knew in that room could spot him from miles aways, and had decided, all at the same time, to gather round just to give him a pat on the back.

He loved every second of it.

Then, eventually, it was over, and he was left to swig his beer in peace, asking himself if it had always tasted like that. Any other night, he would probably begin walking around, taking a second to talk to as many people as he could, catching up with his friend's friends and getting to know their friends, before he eventually decided it was time to start prowling, in search of some action.

But tonight he felt a little out of it. sex wasn't driving him, he wasn't craving attention. And above all else, he couldn't stop thinking about his shower with Daniel.

"Hey, big guy," someone said in an unmistakable Texas accent.

Rod turned around and saw Jordan, probably the only football player still not completely drunk, who grabbed his hand and squeezed it with an unnecessarily tight grip, smiling and making that tough-guy face that went so well with his square jaw.

"Hey, shorty," the jock replied with irony to the hunk standing just a few inches shorter than him, deciding to try and crush his hand as well, making him wince first and winning that little game. Just like on the first day they'd met.

Having been born in Houston, both studs hit it off on the very first day they met, in spite of the Linebacker having never set foot there since he was four, when he moved to Maryland with his mother and sisters. Maybe the accent reminded him of his origins, and maybe the Running Back was just glad to have an excuse to make a friend on the team. But either way, they became buddies on the spot, even before realizing they had more than football and a hometown in common.

"So, how did it go?" Jordan asked, piercing the jock with his steel-blue eyes.

"Yeah, you know... it was okay."

"Just okay? I thought you said you were gonna make the guy see stars."

"I never said that."

"No?" Rod's teammate asked, scratching his manly chin. "Maybe I'm thinking of a different donkey-dicked douchebag, then."

"Haha," the hunk said dryly. "Fuck you."

They both smiled. Some people were passing through and forced them to take a step closer, making their forearms touch as they held their beers.

"What about you?" the Linebacker asked, eager to change the subject, drawing a big circle in the air, like he was pointing at everyone in the party. "Anything good yet?"

"No, not really. You know I'm not like that," the Running Back replied, leaning in and talking lower.

Right. He preferred doing it online, where the risk of being punched in the face by a hot straight guy was much lower.

"I can't just go around chasing dudes like you," he continued, almost whispering now.

Rod didn't get why he was like that. Well, he did, but not really. He didn't know why guys like Jordan couldn't just say "fuck it," and stop worrying about what everyone else would think.

On the other hand, though, he had been told he just thought like that because nobody would be dumb enough to mess with him, which, to be honest, had actually been his experience so far.

"Alright, alright," he cut his buddy short, seeing how uncomfortable the subject was making him. "Sorry, I won't ask anymore."

"Right," the blue-eyed stud grinned, finding it hard to picture Rod saying sorry and actually meaning it. "Fuck you too."

They smiled, then someone bumped on Rod's back, making him almost spill his drink on Jordan, which he avoided by taking another step forward, grazing the jock's crotch with his thigh, and noticing he had a chubby down there.

They exchanged a conniving look, but then yet another person tried to pass through, and they had to raise their cups so as not to spill them.

"Fuck this shit," he said, pointing to a less crowded area. "Come on, let's get wasted."

The guys Rod was talking to asked if he wanted to come with them, then left to smoke a joint somewhere. He refused, not a big fan of how anxious it always made him feel, forcing him to think about stuff he didn't want to think about. Jordan loved it, though. Most of his friends did.

The hunk walked around aimlessly, thinking he had finally gotten drunk enough to get a little mellow, but still not in the mood to talk to people, or to listen to them. He just wanted to be left alone for a while. He just wanted some time to think.

He stood closer to the speakers, where he wouldn't be able to hear or be heard. The orange lightbulb overhead was shining a little too bright on his eyes, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to feel numb for a while. Another swig, and his cup was now empty. Right.

He looked to his left and there were some five or six girls dancing, plastered, laughing and having the time of their lives. One of them was holding a bottle of whiskey. He stepped closer, tried to say something, but couldn't hear his own voice over the music, then pointed at her bottle and at his empty cup, trying to make the friendliest face possible, not sure she was sober enough to play charades. Turns out she was, and she and her friends seemed very glad to share their booze. The one holding it began serving him, very generously, while the rest of them danced their way around him, surrounding the stud with their butts and drunken, suggestive, misguided and hopelessly ineffective dance moves. The jock laughed. Great. He had finally done it.

He took a sip of the whiskey, and was instantly reminded of the thing he actually couldn't stop thinking about: his last shower with Daniel.

And how eye-opening it had been.

He closed his eyes and threw his head back, and the orange light directly on top of him made his vision red instead of black. Rod noticed he was finally drunk enough to find random things like that interesting. And he pictured the little man standing in front of him again.

"No, you dumbhead," Daniel said, laughing and staring at the hunk. "I'm not asking if you wanna be my boyfriend. I'm asking if you've ever been in a relationship."

Rod wiped the water off his face and reclined against the wall, letting the shower head now soak his stomach. It was a little too low for him to stand under it. "No, I haven't," he replied, making a movement with his shoulders that signaled how little he cared for that.

Daniel was holding a bottle of soap, and liberally applying it to the Linebacker's dick. "Maybe you should," he said, cupping the stud's balls and grabbing his shaft by a handful. He seemed intent on getting it very clean.

"Why's that?"

"I mean, look at how you tried to fuck me a minute ago," the small guy said in a soft way, "like you have no idea of how big you are."

The jock resented that remark, but found it hard to stay mad at the guy rubbing his cock.

"Relationships are good for that, you know?" the short man continued, now having decided the hunk's dickhead was in need of some attention. "People talk, and learn how to please one another over time."

Rod chuckled and moaned a little, enjoying the way the little guy was handling his hardon, but still not convinced of what he was saying. He liked being single.

"Also, it would help you fuck hard like you want to."

The Linebacker stared at him, surprised, then softened up a bit, feeling that the handjob was starting to make his legs weak. He still wasn't used to that guy guessing his thoughts like that.

"How so?" he asked, not sure how the two things were related.

Daniel grinned, and began going a little faster, now playing with the stud's nuts too, delighted by how they felt, hairy and soapy like that.

"Your problem is learning how to tease someone enough to make them let you do whatever you want to them. People's assholes are absurdly malleable, you know?, but it takes some time and skill to get them there."

The small man doubled down on the handjob, like he was using it to emphasize his points.

Rod began breathing a little harder, but tried to keep a straight face as he pondered what that guy was telling him.

"So you're saying if I fuck the same person long enough they'll eventually get loose enough for my dick?" he asked, feeling the tension on his inner thighs rising.

Daniel laughed, amazed that the jock's skull was almost as thick as his dick. He pulled his ballsack down firmly, and began stimulating the tip of his dick very hard, ready to make him cum.

"I'm saying you don't know how to use your big cock, and you need a boyfriend to show you how to."

There was something about the way the short guy was talking to him, lecturing him with such direct remarks, that made the Linebacker fired up, like he enjoyed how bossy someone so small could be while pleasing him. And although he was trying his best to hold it a little longer, thinking about the things that guy was saying, he finally lost it, and began shooting his load very hard, bending his knees like his body had become too heavy all of a sudden. He closed his eyes, throwing his head back, and bust his nut all over Daniel, covering the little man's belly with his jizz in strong spurts. The hot water falling on his cock felt good, but the firm grip on his dick felt even better, and he let out a soft moan, so high-pitched he didn't recognize his own voice, before promptly groaning with a manly grunt he believed to be more dignified, and telling himself to try and not sound so girlie again.

Daniel let go of his dick, grabbed the bottle of soap agan, and began spreading it all over the hunk's abs and thighs, massaging him nicely, cleaning the mess he had just made.

Rod looked at his face with a thankful smile. The small guy's skilful hands were rubbing him down firmly, and having had his balls drained twice in a row was making the stud a little drowsy. If they were in a bathtub instead, he was sure he would take a nap right now.

"Here," Daniel said, handing him the bottle of soap and turning around, so that the jock could wash his back.

Now that the hunk's horniness had finally eased off, he could appreciate the short man's body more objectively. It was so tiny. He gave Daniel a relaxing rubdown, from the shoulders to the small of his back, then back up, and was amazed by how humongous his hands looked, his spread fingers with a big enough span to cover most of it at once.

Daniel moaned, approvingly, and continued making a few more comments about sex, general things he felt the Linebacker should know about.

He talked about the anatomy of the ass, explaining the anus, the rectum, and how sphincters work, then linked it to some observations on the psychology of a bottom, specifically himself, and what turned him on, what made him relax, not just physically, but also by mental stimulation, joking that fucking someone's mind is just as important as fucking their ass.

The stud tried to pay attention, in spite of his sleepiness, and the more it went on the more he felt like Daniel was giving him The Talk, with the difference of actually being informative about it, unlike his mother when she tried it several years ago. Poor woman. But the little guy was throwing so much information at him, saying so many things he had never considered before, that he actually felt like writing some of it down, taking notes on that sex ed class, which, come to think of it, had also been a cryptic and useless part of his childhood.

"Any questions?" Daniel asked, laughing, realizing he had turned that into a lecture by accident. But to his surprise, the jock did have some questions, and he felt a little sad for him when he realized how basic they sounded.

And for the next ten minutes, the small man did his best to explain what he could, especially when it came to the differences between porn and sex in real life. It was clear the hardcore stuff the hunk had been watching, paired with his lack of interest in exploring his own ass, was the cause of his misconceptions about how he could go about screwing someone. Then they fell silent, feeling like there wasn't anything left to talk about right now.

Rod kept giving Daniel a strange look, like he was embarrassed, feeling his pride hurt by how little he knew about life. The short guy smiled, understanding. They had been standing in the shower for so long they were almost dry already. He took a step closer, bringing their bodies right against each other, stood on the tip of his toes, in order to get on the stud's eye level, and touched his face tenderly.

They kissed, and for some reason it felt like it was the first time, intimate, passionate. Intense. The jock was holding his hips, helping him keep his balance, and shifting his head left and right as they embraced each other, his eyes closed, his tongue exploring Daniel's mouth, his pecs solid as the little man grabbed them, still not tired of feeling those muscles. Then they looked down, noticing that kiss had made the Linebacker hard again, and chuckled, ready for round three.

One of the girls tripped on her own feet and almost fell over Rod, making the hunk open his eyes, annoyed. Fucking drunk people.

He looked around, and it took him a second to remember where he was, and why the fuck he was standing so close to the speakers. His ears were almost aching now.

But when he looked forward, he noticed his roommate standing by himself in the middle of the room.

Nate was clearly drunk, and his eyes were barely open as he kept staring at something. He had a little smile on his face, like he was high, or daydreaming, and was slowly dancing to the music, leaning his head to the side like he was offering his neck for someone to kiss.

A boyfriend...

Rod kept looking at him, feeling like an idea was sprouting on his head, appreciating how fit his teammate was. And sexy.

Someone to show him how to use his dick...

That thought didn't feel new to him, it had crossed his mind before, although from a different perspective. He had avoided making a pass at Nate because they were roommates, and teammates on top of that. He felt it would be weird to have to see that guy every day after they had fucked, he had learned his lesson with Jordan already. But at least with the Running Back, neither of them wanted to bottom for the other, so it worked out just fine for them to be little more than buddies in the end. But Nate? Nate would definitely want his dick.

Which... was exactly what he needed now.

The drunk boy opened his eyes and looked around, startled, like he had felt the Linebacker's gaze. Then their eyes met. Rod felt like maintaining eye contact with him, maybe he wanted him to know how hard he was considering this right now. Nate looked a little spooked, as if he had been caught red handed, and the stud sipped on his whiskey and turned his head slowly, intrigued, trying to find out what his roommate had been staring at.

Then he saw the Quarterback.

McCarthy. Of course... Sean fucking McCarthy.

He turned his attention back to Nate, smiling, and the boy's pale face left him without any doubts. His teammate had a thing for the ginger beefcake.

Nate looked down, like he was going to pass out, then looked back up at the Linebacker again.

And for some reason, Rod felt like this had now gotten even more interesting all of a sudden. He would have to share, but it was all right, he didn't mind it.

They were all on the same team, after all.

The boy looked down again, and walked away quickly, almost stooping. The jock considered following him for a second, but gave up on the idea, figuring it was him that boy was running from. He probably wanted to be alone right now, and that didn't matter. He could catch up with him later.

The Linebacker took another swig of his whiskey, and man, he just loved the taste of it.

Then he noticed a cute guy eyeballing him from the other side of the room and stepped forward.

He could definitely go for a little snack right now.

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