A Sizeable Difference

By Ezidzejave Edizejavi

Published on Jan 28, 2021


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A Sizeable Difference

II - Gridiron

by eddy edizejavi

There was a long silence.

Nate Howlett stared anxiously at the Assistant Coach's locked office. He could swear the only thing making noise in that empty building was his heart, uneasy about the idea of what was going to happen in a few moments. Memories of the last days raced through his mind, firing his nerves up with all the electrical signals of arousal. His skin became incredibly sensitive, as if anticipating a pleasuring touch. His pupils dilated, his nipples got hard, his penis was filled with blood. His nostrils flared, picking up the characteristic scent of sweaty young men that had been forever infused in the walls of the locker room not far from where he stood. Nate felt like a hound whose master had ordered to stay put, and waited for the next command, almost unable to contain himself.

But he didn't have to wait for long.

"Come in, Howlett," he heard Greg Marino say in his familiar deep voice. His trainer's low register was enough to make him shiver, and, in a Pavlovian reflex, it also never failed to make him salivate.

He gathered his stuff and entered the office, his heart beating painfully hard. He still got as nervous entering that room as he did the first time, even though that seemed like ages ago by now.

"Take off your clothes," Greg said matter-of-factly, crossing his arms and standing in front of the locked door, blocking the passage, and making his player feel caged, just like he did before every practice. Nate liked feeling caged. It made him feel like Greg was in charge, and the idea of such a manly man being the one with all the power made him comfortable. He knew he could trust that man, and things were much simpler when all he had to do was obey.

Nate liked obeying.

He took off his clothes while the Assistant Coach watched, and the fact that only one of them was getting naked made him feel exposed and vulnerable, somehow less of a man than the guy who got to stay dressed and warm. He didn't quite understand why, but this was a reassuring feeling, as if his trainer, being bigger, stronger, older, and well hung, had some kind of right over him. Somehow this felt right.

Somehow it felt good to be put in his place.

But it seemed like the heater was never working in that room, and it was uncomfortably chilly. Not only that accentuated the discomfort Nate naturally felt from exposing his small penis to someone else, but it also made it shrink even more, exacerbating the issue that had gotten him there in the first place. Nate was ashamed of his tiny dick, and stripping in the cold wasn't a pleasant experience. His teeth were chattering a little. He tried to stand still, although shivering, completely naked, and with his arms by his side so that the Assistant Coach could have a good view of his body.

Greg looked at the jock's well-defined muscles, always impressed by the amount of work that young man had put into looking so strong and masculine, but couldn't help but chuckle at the way the small member between his legs just made all that effort useless. He got closer to the hunk and pinched his small cock, his callous hand and thick fingers emphasizing how little it was, and snickered. "I'll never get used to how tiny this thing is," he said, hurting the jock's feelings with his dismissive tone.

But it was all just part of his "treatment." Nate knew that his trainer only said such belittling things to make him lose his fear of rejection. The idea was that if he listened to that kind of demeaning remark often enough, he'd get used to it, and those words would eventually lose their power over him. But for now, they still hurt. And the fact that it was all true made him feel helpless. He did have a very small penis, after all, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

So he lowered his head, as ashamed as he felt every time he stripped in that office, glad only to know that now Greg would open his fly and take out his cock, forcing him to jerk both of them off at the same time, rubbing their dicks against each other, measuring them, comparing them, attesting how incredibly different they were, so that he could "come to terms with just how small" he was and "stop being in denial."

But the Assistant Coach had something else in mind for today.

"Kneel," he ordered, and as the confused jock obeyed he took another step forward, getting his crotch just inches away from his face. He gently grabbed the hunk's chin and made him look up at his eyes. "I think we've made some progress so far, but now we have to step things up, otherwise you'll stop improving your condition." He undid his pants and took his semi-hard penis out. Nate had never had a cock so close to his face, and that startled him as if he had accidentally gotten too close to something big and menacing.

And in fact, he had.

The trainer grabbed the top of his head, holding it in place, and then began rubbing the tip of his dick all over Nate's mouth. The jock felt like his heart had skipped several beats, and the precum coming out of the Assistant Coach's member tasted salty as it lubricated his lips. The world's best chapstick.

"From now on you're gonna suck me off before going to practice," Greg said, now hitting Nate's mouth with his cock, making him flinch in anticipation every time. "It's time you learned just how much fun you can have, even with that small dick of yours, and stop seeing it as a burden. But since it's just so goddamn tiny, you should better learn how to get pleasure out of other parts of your body as well," he continued, but Nate wasn't able to hear him well over the smacking sound of that dick against his forehead, Greg's nuts now resting on his chin. The way the Assistant Coach laid his penis across the hunk's face made him fall into a trance, able only to focus on the warmth that emanated from that surprisingly heavy piece of man meat, and he felt like one of those dogs that anxiously waited for their master's permission to eat the treat balancing on their nose.

"Now suck it."

Nate didn't have to be told twice. He opened his mouth and put it around Greg's dick in less than a second, keen to finally find out what it tasted like. The Assistant Coach chuckled at his player's eagerness and crossed his arms, deciding for a hands-off approach, allowing the hunk to suck him as he pleased for a while, waiting for him to get acquainted with the task he would be performing regularly from now on.

Nate sucked the cockhead vigorously, surprised by how much he was having to open his mouth to get it in, and ran his tongue all over it, already addicted to the taste and smell he had so far only dreamed about, all the while making sure to keep his teeth from touching it. He had no prior experience in this department, but he knew he shouldn't disappoint or, even worse, hurt his trainer. He always tried his best to anticipate his needs, and was always thinking about what he could do to improve his performance and make the Assistant Coach proud of him.

That kind of mentality was going to get him very far in life.

But then Greg decided he had let the jock have enough fun already. "Alright," he said, "it's my turn now."

He firmly grabbed the young man's head and began pushing it toward his pelvis, making the jock swallow more and more cock. Nate liked the roughness of it all at first, but gagged and had to pull back when he got almost halfway through. His trainer laughed.

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it."

They tried again, but once more Nate had to stop before half his job was done. He was getting the impression that every time he gagged on Greg's cock it got a little bit harder, showing how much the Assistant Coach enjoyed it when he reached his limits. And so he was having to open his mouth a little wider each time, so much now that he could feel his jaw muscles burning. He hoped Greg's cock wouldn't get any harder, but every time he gagged again he realized this was becoming a bigger and bigger challenge. Greg's girth was impressive, but he still hadn't got as stiff as he could. Lucky for him, the jock kneeling in his office would surely get him there.

And as a testament to Nate's sheer willpower when it came to pleasing his trainer, it took him only a few minutes before he had acclimated himself and was now sucking that dick with more skill, making the Assistant Coach start moaning in approval, saying "Good boy, good boy," over and over again. Nate was flooded with a warm happiness he couldn't understand. He was feeling completely exposed, buck naked in that chilly office, kneeling on the hard cold floor, sensing the body heat coming from the manliest man he had ever seen, who firmly assaulted his throat, grabbing his head and alternating between giving him commands and praise. It was uncomfortable, but in a nice way. It was good, but it hurt. He didn't know if he wanted to stop or ask for more.

It was a disorienting pleasure.

"Deeper," Greg ordered every time, and when the hunk managed to get that cock a little further down his throat he would again say "Good boy, good boy," in a cycle of positive reinforcement that only made Nate try harder and harder to please him.

But the player felt overwhelmed every time he gagged, and Greg allowed him to try and catch his breath, but kept holding him by his neck and reprimanded him with a slap, hitting his face a little harder every time Nate pulled away from his penis again, well aware that positive punishment was just as crucial when conditioning a young man to do better next time. And while Nate tried to catch his breath in the few seconds his trainer allowed him to have an empty mouth, Greg continued to slap the boy's face with his dick, not letting the momentum die, covering him with the drool he had left on his trainer's hard member, steadily turning him more and more into a wet, disheveled, breathless mess. Nate had completely lost control over that situation, and was now only trying his best to keep up with the Assistant Coach's demands.

"That's my little cocksucker," he heard his trainer say in a very low, sweet voice when he finally managed to reach the fast pace Greg was asking for, and the warm happiness Nate was experiencing suddenly became tenfold. Being so tenderly called a cocksucker made the jock close his eyes, his mind slowly slipping away as he realized how much he liked what he was doing. He wanted to be in this moment for the rest of his life, the pain and the shame he felt only making his pleasure stronger, his feelings of inadequacy suddenly turned into a part of his lust every time Greg reminded him of just how tiny he was compared to the big dick he was having so much trouble swallowing.

Nate's cocksucker instincts finally kicked in.

And without being instructed to, he began sucking that cock with a twisting motion very similar to the way Greg had taught him to jerk it off. The Assistant Coach moaned a little louder and looked at him with a big grin on his face, glad to see his player had been paying attention to the lessons and building a useful body of knowledge. "There you go, that's my boy. I knew you'd be good at this," he said as the jock tried to smile with a mouth full of dick. From this day on he would always link the taste of cock to a feeling of fulfillment few other things in life gave him.

And you could see on his face that his first blowjob already made him proud to be a cocksucker. Which is why Greg thought it was time to make today's lesson memorable.

Nate was kneeling in front of him, paying attention exclusively to the cock in his mouth, and completely ignoring his own tiny dick. Greg shifted his balance to his left leg, and with his right foot began gently poking that thing, which was probably hard, even though he couldn't tell without a closer inspection.

"Do you see it?" he asked, with the cheeky smile he had on his face every time he was about to do something Nate might not like at first. "Even though your dick is so small you're still having a hell of a good time, don't you think?"

Nate looked up at the Assistant Coach, his cock still in his mouth, and the light kicking he was getting on his dick made it a little harder to focus on the task at hand. He wanted to forget about his tiny his penis right now, and focus only on the things in life that gave him pleasure, not shame.

But Greg continued getting a little bit rougher with it, until he finally rested his foot on Nate's cock, pressing it against his pelvis and rubbing it with the rough sole of his shoe, alternating between giving it just enough pressure to please the hunk and stepping on it just hard enough to make him wince.

Nate suddenly stopped sucking his trainer when the pain got too much to bear, and began whimpering. The Assistant Coach didn't like that.

"I didn't tell you to stop," he said, in the firmest and angriest tone he had ever used with Nate. The hunk got back to sucking his trainer, alarmed he had upset him, and tried his best to ignore the pain and focus only on pleasing him, no matter how hard it got.

"That's it, keep sucking," Greg continued, now rubbing the sole of his shoe against Nate's dick in a nicer way. Then he stopped and stood still. "Now you do it. Try humping it."

Nate felt relieved that the Assistant Coach was having mercy on him, and began humping the rough underside of his shoe, clumsily at first, but slowly getting used to it as all the precum he had produced so far made that material feel more slippery and pleasurable against his little dickhead. And he slowly became more and more excited by the feeling of rocking his hips back and forth against that huge foot, impressive in size just like anything else on his trainer. He realized Greg could use pretty much any part of his body to humiliate him and emphasize how small his dick was. The Assistant Coach was a big man all around.

"Atta boy, keep humping, little man," Greg said, his cheeky smile back to his face. "That's all you're ever gonna get to fuck with that tiny little dick of yours," he laughed, and then stepped on it a little harder again, making the poor hunk whine. But Nate kept humping anyway, too excited to stop rubbing himself against that stud. And all the while he never dared to back away from his trainer's cock, and continued giving him the best blowjob he could.

And so the lesson suddenly dawned on Nate. This was a new low for him, feeling so grateful to be able to fuck a man so much better than him, even if by "fucking" he actually meant "humping the sole of his shoe." He felt glad he got to please that cock with his mouth, even if meanwhile that man stepped on his dick like it was just a little piece of trash. He had never felt so belittled, so ashamed about his penis being so ridiculously small that being underfoot seemed like its rightful place. And as he tried to deepthroat his trainer once again, he felt like an insect that would always be trampled on.

And feeling this much pleasure while hitting rock bottom rewired his brain. The pride he felt at his rapidly developing cocksucking skills and the shame he felt at his inadequacy were fused in one mess of an orgasm as Greg stepped on him harder. And when the Assistant Coach realized what was happening, he doubled down on it, and happily trampled it without mercy.

"That's it, you cocksucker. Learn your place," he said with a mean smile as the hunk began whimpering harder, still sucking him and rocking his hips against his foot as hard as he could, shooting more cum than he thought those small balls of his could ever hold, and smearing it all over the sole of the Assistant Coach's shoe.

But in spite of all that pain and intense orgasm, Nate was still trying to focus on giving Greg a great blowjob. And although his mind slipped away and he froze still a few times, paralyzed by the overwhelming mix of strong feelings, he always snapped out of it and went straight back to his job, and he was doing his best not to lose control over his mind, even as it drifted away in pain, pleasure, shame, and thankfulness as more and more cum came out of his little dick. He was trying to hold on to the salty taste of what he assumed was the Assistant Coach's precum leaking on his tongue when that big dick began throbbing.

Greg grabbed Nate's head with even more force and started making him go deeper and deeper, not giving him time to catch his breath anymore. "That's it, little man, here's your prize," he said, pulling back at the exact moment he began shooting, and pointed his cock down at Nate's chest, hitting it with strong bursts of semen, moaning loudly as he shot more and more ropes of cum, in an apparently infinite supply of sperm. Nate felt the familiar touch of Greg's hot, thick load splashing against him, slowly running down his smooth torso in a wet, warm sensation. The way that load felt against his skin made him want to be covered in it from head to toe, like having a hot bath on a cold winter night. It was the first thing on his mind every morning, the reason he got out of bed, and now that he was finally getting it, he suddenly became proud of himself, happy he had managed to endure all that pain in order to be rewarded with the sweet face the Assistant Coach made as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back, overwhelmed by the consequences of Nate's hard work.

The Assistant Coach stopped shooting and stood still for a few seconds, having a few orgasmic spasms now and again as his player insisted on licking the tip of his dick, hungry for the taste of his load, until he was finally able to open his eyes. He looked down at the mess he had turned Nate into, smiling and panting, satisfied by the sight of such a beautiful boy covered in his cum. "I knew you had a talent for this," he said, slapping the young hunk's face gently and cleaning his dirty shoe on his thigh, reducing him to a doormat.

"Now all you have to do is practice," he laughed, "and you'll become the best cocksucker on campus."

Nate smiled at that idea, amused by his newfound talent. He tried getting up, but lost his balance and almost fell, his legs numb from kneeling for so long. Greg reacted quickly, grabbing the boy by his arms, making him feel weak as his trainers' strong hands squeezed him, pulling him up straight and keeping him standing.

Their faces were very close. Trainer and player looked deep into each other's eyes, basking in the same afterglow as they breathed hard, their skins still too sensitive to the touch. Nate could see how proud of him the Assistant Coach was feeling, and was surprised by the way his trainer's gaze pulled him in with a strong, magnetic force.

"I hope that wasn't too much for you to handle," Greg said thoughtfully, now gently petting him with his heavy hand. The jock felt suddenly moved by the genuine way his trainer seemed to care about his well being, but didn't have time to hold his tears back before Greg leaned in for a kiss, their first one.

Nate closed his eyes and felt how soft and warm the Assistant Coach's lips were, so welcoming and passionate, and how his stubble scratched his smooth skin, making it itch a little, giving that kiss a masculine harshness, quickly accentuated by the way Greg rubbed the tips of their tongues against each other, invading his mouth and sharing in the taste of cock and cum that was still fresh on the boy's breath. The jock laughed at the thought that their first kiss was just like everything else about that man: tender, yet rough. And his legs gave out again, partly because of how banged up he was, but also because of how that sweet kiss made his heart melt. Greg held him again, and once more helped him stay on his feet.

And Nate wished that man would always be there to catch him.

The Assistant Coach's cheeky smile came back to his face as he stepped away. Nate knew that now it was time for him to put his clothes on without cleaning himself up, as one of the most important parts of his treatment involved going to practice still covered in cum, so that the lesson remained fresh on his mind all day long.

He was still shirtless when his trainer got closer to him once again.

"Hey, take a look at this," he said, taking his phone out of his pocket and turning it to Nate. He opened a gay dating app the jock recognized as the one he had never dared to install. Hooking up with someone would mean showing his cock to a stranger, and that thought alone was enough to paralyze him in fear.

On the phone, Greg was showing him a profile called COCKSUCKER-IN-TRAINING, all caps.

Nate's heart skipped a beat.

"I made this for you," Greg proceeded, "and I'm gonna pick a few guys for you to suck off. You have to get good at sucking as many different dicks as you can," he smiled, seeing Nate's eyes widen as it became clear his trainer was about to whore him out. "And don't worry about your little problem here," he continued, joshingly smacking his balls, "I have it all figured out.

"There is a bathroom here on campus that is pretty much abandoned. And in that bathroom, there is a stall with a little hole on the wall."

Nate's heart sank.

"This is how it's gonna work: I'm gonna send you a message telling you to drop everything you're doing and go to that glory hole, and then you're gonna suck the guy I picked for you. You're gonna suck his cock as best as you can, and you're gonna give that guy the blowjob of his life, and when you're finished you're gonna stay there until I say you can go."

Nate had no words.

Greg gently put his hand on the jock's face. They were facing each other, and the trainer leaned his hips forward a little, making their crotches touch, but avoiding his sticky chest. And the warm happiness Nate felt whenever Greg bossed him around flooded his body once again. Even soft, the Assistant Coach's penis still felt huge in his pants, a practical reminder of who was in charge.

"You're doing well, Howlett. But you gotta understand that the more cock you suck, the better you'll get at it, and the better you get at it, the more fun you're gonna have. You need to have as much fun as possible so that you can finally realize that tiny little dick of yours is not a burden on your life."

Greg gave Nate a gentle slap, friendly, yet dominant.

"You'll love it, you'll see."

And the Assistant Coach tapped his shoulder, signaling he should hurry up and get the hell out of his office. He sat at his desk and began working on something on his computer, making the jock feel a little sad that the display of affection he had yearned for so long was already over.

He just wished they could kiss again.

Nate finished dressing up and mopped the cum stains on the floor, as usual. He left the office under the impression that Greg now owned him even more, and the cum on his chest made his shirt wet and sticky while he wondered if he would end up regretting this next phase of his treatment.

But now he had to hurry up and get on his uniform to go to practice. The rest of the Baltimore Barbarians were already changing in the locker room, and his day was just starting, even if he had no strength left on his legs.

Thank you for reading this story! If you'd like to give me feedback, or just get in touch, feel free to do so at edizejavi@gmail.com :)

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Cheers, eddy

Next: Chapter 3

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