A Sexual Journey


Published on Dec 6, 2008


Intro to all stories: I was counting the number of blowjobs I had given the other day, and when I got into the 30's, I realized that I had truly blown, and sometimes fucked, many a man. Some were totally hot encounters, some were awkward and unsatisfying. But each has a place in my mind and I will try to write about each. I'm sure I cannot maintain chronological order, so only the first story will represent the first time. I hope you enjoy.

After my first encounter with another man, a great blowjob and a chance to suck on another man's dick, I was feeling many different things. I had feelings of anxiety, shame, elation and wanting all at once. On thing I knew was that eventually I would be back for more, and I knew that the amount of traffic in the library bathroom was my ticket.

After a few weeks I began to frequent the same bathroom stalls I had earlier. There were many messages there, all of them gave me a hardon and all of them made me want to act out the many fantasies I was having about oral sex with a man.

I went to the same stall I was at before where I was solicited so kindly by the man of my first encounter. There is a smell in a bathroom, one that must be a combination of cleaners and human beings that seems to be especially prevalent in places where men come to meet. I catch it here and there, always in a public restroom, and always it makes me remember these times. It was while I was thinking of this smell, inhaling it, reading the wall, when I looked to the TP dispenser and saw a small slip of paper there. I pulled it out and there was an address with a date and call to action. I read that paper twenty times, my dick pulsing in between my legs. Finally, I got up, pulled up my pants, and left the library for my car. I was dressed in jeans, a jean jacket, and sunglasses like the CHP would wear.

I drove calmly to the address that was written down. I was a total novice to all of this, so for all I knew it was an invitation to an ass whooping. I climbed the steps to the apartment building, and knocked on the door. The young man that answered was nothing special, but nothing hideous either. I handed him the note I had in my hand. I must have had an intimidating look, because he looked at it, and then handed it back to me saying, "what's this?"

My heart was beating like crazy, and I totally chickened out, turned around and walked. As I descended the stairs of the apartment building, he called out, "what's your name?"

I kept walking and didn't answer. It wasn't until I calmed down on the ride home that I realized that it was me that looked like I was going to kick someone's ass, and him that was intimidated. He asked my name to try to get me to come back around, only I was still too chicken.

But that's not the end of the story...

A week later I was in the same stall, and this time I read a message with a phone number to call. I wrote it down, walked to the payphone at the basement of the library and called it. A voice answered and I offered to come over. I was given the address, and wouldn't you know it, it was the same address. Of course I didn't waste any time getting to my car and getting there.

I knocked the door, this time not dressed so thuggish. I was invited in and this time I wasn't going to run scared. He asked me what I wanted, and I looked him in the eye and said, "I want to suck you."

He led me to the bedroom and laid down on his single bed. I pulled down his shorts and went to work on his 5 1/2" tool. It wasn't huge by any account, but it was a step up from my first encounter.

I put it in my mouth and went to work. I moved up and down, side to side. I sucked hard and I sucked soft. I licked his balls, and slobbered on his head with a gentle suckle. I moved up one side of his shaft and down the other. I wanted to give it every angle I had, and experience everything I could. After a time I had him flip around and get on my chest and fuck my mouth. I looked up at him as his hips gently thrusted his cock into my eager mouth. The whole time I was anticipating an orgasm straight into my mouth. It never came.

After some time, I got tired, and offered my cock to him. And boy did he want it. This was my first introduction into the difference between a "top" and a "bottom". I didn't realize that I loved both, but there were many out there that preferred to bottom, and this guy was one of them. He sucked me long and deep, and as I moaned for "deeper" he said "don't cum in my mouth, OK?"

"OK," was my reply, and I was true to my word. I told him I was cumming, and he quickly moved his hand in place of his mouth and jacked my cum all over my chest. Then he stood up and asked if he could cum on me. I told him no, stood up, walked straight his bathroom, and then used his towel to wipe my cum off my chest. I walked right back into his bedroom, put on my pants, and walked out without saying a word.

Next: Chapter 3

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