A Series of Embarrassing Events

By J Forrester

Published on Oct 22, 2020


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction that contains graphic sexual content. It is purely for entertainment so please enjoy safely and legally. Resemblances to real people, places and events is unintentional (but would be really cool).

A Series of Embarrassing Events Chapter Eight: This was the Noblest Roman of them All


Noah's cock stirred; stubby and only a few inches long it filled with blood and doubled in size. As it expanded, his foreskin peeled itself back until the head of his almost hard penis was revealed but the foreskin was not quite fully retracted,

Noah moaned and snuffled in his sleep, dimly aware of the arousal but not awoken by it. Noah had occasional wet dreams and because his cock was a leaker and his spunk abundant it was a real mess. If he'd been awake, he might have reflected on his summer in France - especially the two mornings when Philippe aroused him and left him cum-covered for his dad and brother to find.

Although Noah's dad and brother were both in the house, neither of them was watching him sleeping naked and hard and starting to ooze pre-cum. However, Jamie was watching him. It had happened quite accidentally - Jamie had planned to be house sitting his parents' home because they were in Canada visiting family. He was of course planning a big ass (Halloween) party while the parents are away.

Instead, Daniel and Jamie had stayed up late playing Call of Duty: Something and drinking so Jamie had stayed in his usual room at casa McNelis. Thus, he exited the bathroom to return to the spare room and spied Noah through the gap of the ajar door.

Jamie nudged the door farther open - it was pitch black outside Noah had fallen asleep with his bedside lamp on, spilling white light across the naked teenager. Noah had rolled and kicked his sheets off during the night so he was exposed from head to knees.

Jamie had admonished himself from checking the fifteen-year-old out before but today Noah was fifteen years, three hundred and sixty-two days old and Jamie yielded a little to temptation. It was three days before Noah's sixteenth birthday but Jamie recognised the difference of a few days was no difference – he was five years older than Noah. If they were both in their twenties, no-one would think anything of a relationship or tryst between them; however, Jamie was twenty-one and Noah was a teenager and that made for a combustible controversy.

Noah stretched an arm above his head, exposing his lovely tufty armpit. Noah's nearly hard cock pulsed with nocturnal blood, squeezing pre-cum onto his hip. Noah's cock finished its growth and swivelled from three o'clock to twelve o'clock, creating an arc of pre-cum that was now dribbling into his hairless bellybutton.

A noise disturbed Jamie's voyeurism and in moment of rashness, borne out of fear of getting caught looking, he stepped into Noah's bedroom. Jamie pushed the door until the latch almost caught. No-one could see inside the room and Jamie could hear water running in the bathroom - Daniel probably having a shower.

It was now that Jamie became aware he was still damp from his own shower - his hair ruffled and moist; his skin hot and clammy. Jamie was dressed only in a towel as he gazed at Noah, the boy was obviously having a nice dream - his hard-on kept hopping and more pre-cum was oozing.

Jamie didn't want to get caught yet he edged closer. The room smelled like teenage boy - musky and in need of a window opening; deodorant and clothes needing a wash and thick with the pungency of sleep. Jamie crept closer to the almost naked Noah who was perfectly illuminated in the light from a bedside lamp – Noah had fallen asleep with it on. Only the teens legs remained covered by bed sheets.

Jamie carefully lifted the sheets aside to fully expose the beautiful boy. Noah's silky-smooth legs added to the magnificent package of Noah's pulchritude. Noah had a six-inch boner and a neat patch of pubes above his cock that were contrasted by a hairless abdomen and thighs above and below. Aside from the tufts of fair hair under his arm, Noah was smooth. Noah was still sleeping when Jamie knelt beside the bed and leaned over to lick the slimy of pre-cum trail left by Noah's cock - a trail from his left hip to his navel.

Noah moaned again, making Jamie nervous but Noah was a remarkably heavy sleeper so Jamie returned his lips to Noah's tummy, lifting the hard penis out of the way so he could put his tongue in Noah's bellybutton and slurp pre-cum out.

Jamie kissed Noah's scrotum – which was totally hairless compared to the scrub of pubes above his cock - and stuck out his tongue so he could lick up the entire shaft. Noah's breathing had quickened and it kept giving excited hops; Jamie knew he was watching the throes of a wet dream and an involuntary nocturnal discharge was moments away.

Jamie reached for his towel and loosened the knot so it fell away and exposed his own cock. He jerked it hard as he kissed the underside of the head of Noah's throbbing erection. Jamie used his lips to peel Noah's foreskin down its final few centimetres and the frenulum awaited expert attention.

Jamie had been reluctant engage Noah anytime the teenager had come onto him but Noah was so close to his sixteenth birthday... close but not quite. Jamie felt guilt but not enough to stop. He didn't stop masturbating himself or kissing Noah's dick. Jamie's interest in Noah wasn't just that he was a beautiful boy. Jamie had known Noah most of his life – he was charming, cool, smart, sweet, funny and friendly.

Noah's moans became more desperate and sensual and the boy was clearly very close to cumming. Jamie concentrated on kissing the frenulum and then loomed over the teenager's groin and popped his mouth over the head of the sleeping teen's cock.

Jamie was close to cumming too but slowed long enough to slurp the swollen head and release it from his mouth. A final few licks to the underside of Noah's cock found the fountain spurting hot cum which Jamie lapped up with his lips and tongue but left plenty on Noah's creamy skin.

Jamie finished himself off while watching the perfect, naked, sleeping beauty; Jamie caught his own cum in the towel he'd been wearing around his waist and once the orgasm subsided, he tied it around his waist and stood up.

Jamie pulled the cover up just enough to cover Noah's legs and groin and then he crept out of the room. It wasn't Noah's birthday until Saturday but Jamie considered what he'd done an early present that Noah would appreciate.

A short time later and Noah was awake and standing under a shower.

It was the mid-term holiday from school so Noah washed unhurriedly. Night-time spunk sluiced from his skin and he had another boner while washing under his foreskin. Noah rather enjoyed wet dreams - he was dimly aware of his arousal while he slept and retained a memory of prolonged sexual excitement. The evidence on his silky skin was like a cherry on the top and the orgasm within a wet dream always endured in Noah's memory.

Gradually, as the evidence of nocturnal emissions swirled down the drain, Noah's mind became alert to the day ahead. Although school was closed for mid-term, Noah has plans so meet his friends for a Halloween party at the school. The entire Sixth Form was attending and Noah was excited; Dan had helped him to come up with a costume – I mean, honestly, how did Noah keep falling for Daniel's help?

Noah wrapped a towel around his skinny waist and headed for breakfast. Daniel hadn't pushed Noah on his balls-out nudism since their dad had come home but he knew it was only time before big brother would approach the subject in some way.

Bruce McNelis was a medical doctor whose work had taken him to America. The man had been trapped there during the Covid-19 lockdown. Bruce had taken a secondment that should have seen him divide his time between lecture halls and surgical theatres, instead he'd had Zoom conferences with students and watched people gasp for breath as they died. Since it was America, a lot of people died because they couldn't access to healthcare never mind the treatment itself. The man was relieved to be home for his son's sweet sixteenth and he was grateful to his eldest son Daniel for looking after Noah in his absence.

Bruce had returned at the beginning of the week for Noah's birthday on Halloween. Since it was also the school mid-term holiday, they'd all spent time together as a family and Noah felt pangs of regret that they didn't get to spend more time together more often.

Bruce had noticed a certain level of liberation around the house that had not been the norm before the summer holiday to France. It was in France that Bruce had seen Noah totally naked for the first time in years - his son having slept nude. Bruce noticed that in some ways his son was growing up and maturing physically but in other was seemed almost naive.

The innocence with which he walked around France and now the house wearing very little was not what he'd expect of a fifteen-year-old - especially one who was turning sixteen in three days. The last several mornings Noah had turned up to breakfast only wearing a towel; since the boy had come straight from the shower, he probably didn't even have underwear on.

"Do you walk around like that when I'm not here?" Bruce asked conversationally.

"Sometimes he doesn't even wear the towel," joked Dan.

Daniel, Noah and Jamie laughed so Bruce laughed too - if only he knew.

When the laughter died down, Bruce grew serious.

"There's a letter here for you," Bruce said neutrally.

Noah saw his dad's hand on the letter, stopped chewing his breakfast and swallowed hard chunks of cereal. Daniel said nothing and Jamie, despite knowing the family better than anyone else, hadn't figured out what was wrong quite yet. Bruce slid an envelope across the table and Noah looked at it reservedly.

He knew the stationary well enough to know it had come from HM Prison Ferrous Heights. Noah took the envelope from his dad but said nothing.

"It's from your mum," Bruce said unnecessarily.

"I know who it's from," Noah said huffily; "I'll open it later."

Now Jamie understood the tension in the room and changed his silence from bewildered to uncomfortable. Noah ate his cereal too fast - the milk not even having a chance to soften it - and excused himself.

"I didn't mean to upset you, Noah," his dad said when he was nearly out of the room.

Noah turned back, walked around the island unit to give his dad a hug. His dad smelled of aftershave and felt thick with muscle; conversely, Noah was skinny, soft and damp while Bruce returned the embrace.

"You didn't upset me dad," Noah assured him.

Noah went to his room and tossed the envelope in a drawer - a letter and a card for his sweet sixteenth probably. Mail from his mum always made him feel guilty for not writing or visiting more often. No sooner had the guilt flirted with Noah's mind did he push it away and set about getting dressed. The sooner he ignored the envelope, the sooner he could go back to feeling happy and carefree.

Once Noah was dressed, the McNelis boys went for a walk. They had lunch at McDonalds and chatted about everything and nothing. His dad wouldn't be home for long – he'd head back to America next week – and Noah felt guilty whenever he had plans away from home. The teenager felt like he should see his dad as much as possible but he had his own life too.

Noah was dwelling on this as they got home because he had plans with Toby, Samir, Matty and Ronan. His dad reassured him that going to a school party was not something he should miss out on. Noah hadn't originally planned to go. But then, last week, during the last lunch before school closed for mid-term...

"Ok, so I was thinking..." said Mateo between mouthfuls.

"Oh no," groaned Noah. Then, teasingly, he asked; "What have we said about you thinking, Matty?"

"Try to cut back a little?" Mateo replied cheekily.

"No good ever comes of it," said Toby, joining in on the mocking.

"We've warned you about thinking," Samir admonished humorously.

"Oh, ha ha," Matty replied. He turned to Ronan; "You got anything funny to add?"

Ronan was slow to respond, like his brain was in deficit of attention.

<<I mean, when you think about it, yoghurt is really just stuff with bits in it.>>

In reality, Ronan was trying to filter out the bewildering voice speaking in his right ear.

"Nope," Ronan replied; "I think you're great."

"Aw, thank you," Matty responded.

Mateo offered a high five to Ronan who looked at the hand like he'd never had a high five before – he hadn't.

<<You're first high five? My little Ronan is growing up.>>

Ronan held up his hand but it was Matty who closed the distance with a satisfying pat. Mateo was thinking Ronan was either slow or weird and possibly both, but he liked him a lot.

"I was thinking about the Sixth Form Halloween party," Ronan addressed everyone.

"Not going," Toby said automatically.

"Why not?" asked Noah worriedly.

"It's stupid," Toby said.

"I was thinking," Matty interrupted before things got too negative; "We could all go together."

"It might be a good laugh," Samir agreed.

"I don't have a costume," Ronan said.

<<You could go as an idiot with an off-putting personality. Wait, you can't go as yourself.>>

Ronan had actually been invited to a party at the weekend and he did have a costume – his mum had bought him something – but Ronan found it hard to be interested in social activities. Ronan found it even harder to interpret body language and other social constructs.

"None of us have costumes, we can make something at home," Noah suggested.

"We could have a group theme," Matty said excitedly.

"Scooby Doo characters?" Samir suggested.

"Pokémon?" Matty proffered.

"The Famous Five?" Toby said – hadn't he said he didn't want to go?

"Noah can be Dick," Mateo jested.

"You can be Anne," Noah replied.

"The costumes will need some work," Samir interrupted.

"So, we're all in?" Mateo asked; "Toby?"

Toby had been alternately moody and withdrawn then his normal self for weeks. Only Noah really knew what was going on and the others navigated Toby's mood swings as best they could.

"Yea, ok," Toby agreed; "But no group costumes."

Noah had almost forgotten about the Sixth Form Halloween party. He remembered the night before and had a small panic but his big brother had come to the rescue. Together they learned how to fold an old sheet into a toga and Noah was going as a Roman.

The white linen sheet was soft and slightly frayed and thin too. However, it was folded in half to double the thickness before being draped over Noah's left shoulder nearly to the waist. The rest fell over his back, which was picked up and wrapped around his waist with the final end being tucked and pinned in place at the front.

"It's going to be cold out," Bruce McNelis said; "Maybe get changed into your costume at the school?"

Bruce thought his son looked like a very cute Roman but hoped Noah would wear underwear beneath the toga. He was about to make a joke about it but decided against embarrassing the boy (if only he knew how much Noah enjoyed embarrassment).

Noah's wet dream felt like a long time ago but it had only been that morning. After spending the day with his dad and Daniel, Noah got home and spent a short time getting ready for the Sixth Form Halloween party. He took his dad's advice and packed his thin costume. Noah took a bus most of the way (oftentimes his brother took him to school) and he walked the rest of the way to school It would have been quicker to let Daniel or his dad drive him. It was getting cold and would be freezing by the time the party ended; it was after all early evening in late autumn of an elderly October. Noah's jacket was zipped up and a scarf wrapped around his neck but his nose was getting red.

A call sounded: "Hi, Noah."

Noah turned to see Ronan jogging across the road to meet him.


"Shut up," Ronan muttered.

Noah saw Ronan talking to himself but had come to accept it as one of Ronan's quirks.

<<Eskimo's are actually called Inuit's. I knew it.>>

Ronan ignored the bad joke.


"Debatable," Ronan said; this time covering his mouth with his hand to cover the comment.

"Hi Ronan," Noah replied.

"Hiya, Noah," Ronan said and his breath misted in the air.

They fell into step together chatted about the party. Noah was starting to enjoy Ronan's presence in his friendship group. He was clever, a decent sportsman, had a remarkable film, TV and music knowledge. Ronan was also a peculiar blend of smart and... well, it would be unfair to say stupid - unfocused, perhaps? He was cute too. Ronan had been inducted into the ranks of Noah, Toby, Mateo and Samir and now spent class-time, break-time, lunch time and many other times with them. Ronan could be awkward but seemed more relaxed as they got to know him. However, sometimes Ronan seemed faraway and aloof in a way that Noah chose to find endearing. Toby and Mateo chose to call it weird.

<<I'm a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle here is my spout.>>

Ronan ignored the nonsense being sung, which was hard because the attention-seeking voice was getting louder.

"What costume are you wearing tonight?" Ronan asked.

"I've got an old bedsheet so I'm going as a roman," Noah replied.

"Obviously," Ronan replied with a twitchy smile.

"I'm making a toga. What about you?" Noah asked, laughing at Ronan's reply.

The boys had all chosen to keep their costumes secret until the party.

"I've got a hospital gown and make-up and a face mask..." Ronan listed.

"Covid patient!" Noah exploded excitedly; "That's genius."

<<Genius. Not stupid. Contemporary. Well done, Ronan.>>

It felt nice to get positive commentary and Ronan hesitated to admit it.

"Thanks for asking me to hang out. It's been hard making friends, you've made it much easier," Ronan said quietly.

<<Lame. Lame. Lame. You sound pathetic. Pathetic. Lame.>>

"That's ok. You're cool, Ronan," Noah said.

<<He's just being nice.>>

"Not as cool as me but..." Noah joked and left the sentence incomplete.

"Ha ha," Ronan said.

<<Who says ha ha? You should have just laughed. Ha Ha. Tee hee. Idiot.>>

Ronan hoped the voice wasn't going to be an asshole all night.

"Sorry, what?" asked Ronan, realising he'd missed a question.

"Do you have any plans for Halloween night?" Noah asked.

"I dunno. I was kind of invited to a party and have another costume I could use but I'm not sure if I'll go not," Ronan confessed.

Big social gatherings were a lot of pressure, kind of stressful, loud and Ronan wasn't sure he was up for it.

"What costume? Better than a virus patient?" asked Noah.

<<Eighty-eight miles per hour!>>

"Marty McFly," Ronan admitted.

<<Are you saying you built a time machine out of a DeLorean?>>

"Great Scot, really?" Noah replied; "Why didn't you wear that tonight?"

"It's pretty neat but... I dunno... is the world ready for a brown Marty McFly?" Ronan said.

"Fuck yea," Noah responded but Ronan wore a strange look and rubbed his ear like he had a headache; "Is something wrong?"

<<Well, I figured what the hell?>>

Ronan was sorely tempted to tell Noah about the voice inside his head but how could he? His new friend would think he was crazy. Ronan thought he was crazy.


"I just over-think things sometimes," Ronan replied; "What are your plans for the weekend? "

Ronan rushed things away from talk about himself. They were nearly at the school where they'd meet the others and the pressure would be off Ronan a little. He could melt into the background again.

"I don't know yet," Noah admitted; "It's actually my birthday on Saturday. My brother Dan wants me go to a Halloween party with him but..."

Noah shrugged.

"Happy birthday, dude," Ronan proclaimed.

<<Dude? Did you just say dude? Are you an idiot?>>

Ronan blushed and seethed - he hated when the voice turned on him. He cast a look at Noah who seemed quite content with being called "dude."

"Thanks," Noah responded; "My dad works away a lot though so I might stay home and celebrate turning sixteen with him. He came home for my birthday so I don't want to swan off and just leave him in an empty house."

<<World's smallest violin just for him.>>

Ronan resisted calling the voice an asshole and wished it would return to just being a referential annoyance.

"You're not going to hang out with your friends for your big day?" Ronan asked.

"You're my friend too," Noah assured him; "Besides, we're hanging out today. You, Toby, Matty and Sam."

"I'd have got you something if I'd known," Ronan insisted.

"Don't worry about," Noah assured him.

<<Yea don't worry. You're just a terrible friend.>>

"Maybe we could all go to the movies on Sunday or something? My treat?" Ronan suggested.

<<Like a date? Roses are red, violets are blue, Halloween is scary and so are you.>>

They spotted Toby who was a few metres from the main school gate. Ronan thought his suggestion of catching up on Sunday would just be ignored. Then Ronan feared that it sounded like he'd been asking Noah out (which he hadn't) but Noah had no reason to think he was gay.

<<You're over thinking it, moron.>>

Ronan just wanted to hang out as friends.

"Hey Toby," Noah said.

"Hi. It's so cold I can't feel my pockets," Toby said.

Ronan and Noah chuckled.

"Ronan suggested we all go to the cinema on Sunday, what do you think?" Noah asked his best friend.

Ronan saw a split-second expression on Toby's faced: displeasure.

<<He's peeved, miffed, pissed, annoyed, aggravated, irked, bothered, irritated...>>

"It's ok if you don't want to," Ronan rushed in.

As much Ronan hated the voice, it was a cannier observer than he was. Was Toby annoyed that Ronan - a new friend, an interloper - had suggested plans before Toby - the best friend - had a chance to? Maybe he had a surprise planned or something?

"That sounds like a great idea," Toby replied dryly.

"Cool," Noah said cheerfully; "Hey, assholes aren't you going to say hello?"

Noah had shouted to Samir and Mateo who had emerged from just inside the school gates – evidently waiting for them. Noah's shout attracted disapproving looks from an elderly dog walker, a few prudish parents who were dropping their sons off and basically all adult humans. Noah half ran and half skipped towards them, leaving Toby and Ronan behind.

"My asshole is frozen closed waiting, you cunt," Mateo was heard to reply.

"He's my best friend you know," Toby said snappily - heavily emphasising the determiner.

<<You're in trouble now.>>

"I know. I didn't mean to step on your toes or anything," Ronan replied.

"You shouldn't just turn up holding his hand and make plans without his real friends," Toby added.


"Right. Sorry," Ronan said glumly.

<<On the plus side, Toby thinks Noah wants to hold your hand. Yeah you got that something, I think you'll understand, When I say that something, I want to hold your hand.>>

While the voice contentedly sang The Beatles, Ronan blushed but felt unfairly chastised. Toby sounded jealous that Noah had been talking to him.

<<I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry that I made you cry, I didn't want to hurt you, I'm just a jealous guy.>>

"Toby, do you not like me?" Ronan asked.

Toby stopped and seemed to think about it - Ronan didn't need his cannier observer to tell him that Toby regretted what he'd said. Usually the voice would chip in anyway but he'd STFU for a change.

"Sorry, Ronan," Toby replied; "I'm just... never mind."

Ronan hadn't been friends with Toby and Noah et al long enough to probe deeper, he wanted to but it felt awkward. Ronan knew how he'd react if someone asked what was wrong with him - Noah had asked just ten minutes ago - and that reaction would not involve opening up and spilling his guts.

Toby was too close to Noah and the others to admit why he'd been such a jerk – not that he'd admit it to Ronan anyway. He couldn't tell anyone about his self-loathing.

"Ok. So, do you want to go out for Noah's birthday?" Ronan ventured.

"Yea. Yea, sure. It'll be fun," Toby said cheerfully and seemed to mean it.

Toby and Ronan quickened their pace and in ten seconds had joined the others. There seemed to be a heated debate going on as they approached the doors to the school. Samir turned to clue them in:

"Guys, we're having a debate about mohair versus tweed. It's getting ugly, do you want to chip in?"

The Sixth Form Halloween party involved not only the Year 12 and Year 13 boys but also the former Year 13 boys. When Covid had brought the school year to a grinding halt back in March, the school leavers had missed out on the final months of school. They'd never get those last days back and moreover, they'd missed chances to have a Prom or any other big gathering; thus, when the Five Dukes Boys School approved the Sixth Form Halloween party, Upper Sixth decided to invite their predecessors.

The school was therefore buzzing with even more activity than would have been expected. Boys aged sixteen (or almost sixteen) to eighteen or nineteen were larking about. The costumes ranged from Power Rangers to Pizza's.

Samir revealed he was dressing up as a zombie – his makeup was not a million miles from Ronan's. Toby had a Batman outfit; the classic no-muscles 60's version which was pretty cool actually. Mateo, reliably, had delivered something uniquely Matty-ish; he had a Tigger onesie and tiger face paints.

The boys found a quiet place to get changed – the boys toilet. It was a popular place for peeing and changing into costumes. The five friends relocated to a toilet far from the maddening crowds occupying the areas around the assembly hall where the party itself was pumping out music.

Samir and Ronan helped each other with their costumes and Toby hit himself in a toilet stall. Noah watched Ronan who kept a white t-shirt and plaid pyjama bottoms on underneath his hospital gown.

"Are you getting changed or are you going to stare at our hot new friend all night?" Matty asked.

"You think Ronan is hot?" Noah asked innocently as if he were oblivious to the fact.

Matty had done his face first so the paint was nearly dry when he started taking his shirt and trousers off. Noah looked at Matty's arms as the emerged from a ribbed vest and at his legs which were strong and lean and furry. Matty was wearing white underpants too that contrasted his Mediterranean complexion.

"I know, I'm wearing Y-fronts," Matty confessed.

The ever-affable Mateo blushed at the embarrassing undies.

"I like them," Noah responded.

Noah too had been undressing and was now barefoot but for sandals. He was shirtless, his jeans were off and so he was exposed in just a pair of navy-blue briefs. The dark blue underpants contrasted Noah's fair and hairless skin.

Noah took out the white linen sheet from his bag. He'd been practicing how to wrap and tie it but something felt wrong. Whenever he had practiced, he had folded the double bed sized sheet in half first but...

Fucking Daniel! Noah's big brother had cut the sheet in half, thus it no longer needed to be folded. It also meant it was not double thickness, but only a single layer. A single, thin layer of soft, slightly fraying and gauzy material. Too late to change things now. Noah draped it over his shoulder until it reached the top of his briefs; then he lifted the rest of the sheet that descended his back and wrapped it around his waist. The material wrapped around his waist twice and then he pinned it at his left hip.

Noah had arranged the bottom of the sheet so the `skirt' was just above his knees; Noah wanted his legs to have the freedom to move but that meant exposing his hair-free legs and showing a bit of silken thigh. The sheet over his shoulder covered Noah's left nipple but exposed his right nipple and scrubby right armpit of fairly insignificant hair.

"You're not really wearing that, are you?" asked Matty.

"You... you don't like it?" Noah asked, frankly surprised that Mateo didn't like it.

"I love it but the dark briefs under white linen?" Mateo asked.

"Oh... I hadn't really thought about it," Noah confessed.

Mateo surprised Noah then; his friend had been about to put on his Tigger onesie but instead pulled down his white Y-fronts. Noah gawped at Mateo's exposed dick. It was flaccid but nice to look at and the bushy pubes and balls were intensely eye-catching.

"Here," Mateo said.

Matty gave Noah his white briefs and pulled the onesie on without underwear, though he still had his vest on. Matty was dressed when Noah was still stood holding his friend's used pants.

"Put them on," Matty said with a grin.

Noah reached under the `skirt' of his costume and pulled his own briefs down. They fell to his ankles and he stepped out of them. Then Noah slipped his bare legs into Matty's used underpants and pulled them up. The white Y-fronts would go better with the white linen of the sheet and he managed to get them up without flashing Matty. However, Matty was bigger than Noah. Matty was at least one waist size bigger so the underwear felt looser than Noah was used to.

He hoped it wouldn't cause any problems later.

Fat chance.

The Romanesque toga of Noah's costume was secure. Noah made sure of it.

After putting all his clothes, including his briefs, into his bag Noah and Matty joined the others.

<<Fear him not, Caesar; he's not dangerous. He is a noble Roman, and well given.>>

Ronan was looking at Noah's legs and half exposed chest. Had he realised how beautiful Noah was?

<<I'd give him one.>>

The voice had jumped from Shakespeare to crude fucking in one step.

"Nice costumes," Ronan said to Matty and Noah.

"You look cool too," Mateo said; "Don't cough on me."

Toby could barely look at Noah. Noah's feet were almost bare thanks to the sandals and his legs and his chest... Toby opted to say nothing and led the way to the assembly hall.

"Your costume is great Noah. Very brave. Aren't you worried someone might... accidentally untangle that toga?" asked Samir.

"Infamy, infamy. They all have it in for me," Noah declared – imitating Kenneth Williams.

<<Though thou speak'st truth, methinks thou speak'st not well.>>

Ronan listened to the voice and recognised that it too had the same dirty mind as him... or he had the same dirty mind as it? Would people have it in for Noah? Would they try to snatch the toga to get a cheap laugh?

The boys were laughing at Noah's impression. Before even reaching the Halloween party they had been spotted and comments and jokes were made. None of them were cruel – the comments were actually complimentary. Noah's costume was agreed to be...

"A brave choice for a boy," said a former Sixth Former who's name Noah didn't know.

The Sixth Former was a tall eighteen-year-old with ginger hair and dressed in a Gryffindor uniform.

"The Roman's liked boys, didn't they?" said his friend – a snake of a boy in a Slytherin uniform.

<<This was the noblest Roman of them all. All the conspirators save only he, did that they did in envy of great Caesar.>>

The boys entered the hall.

Nothing untoward happened. Not right away at least.

The whole room thumped with music. Boys danced and drank – a few of the older boys had snuck in alcohol but most of them were high enough on loud music and friendly banter. Everyone, even stick in the mud Toby and socially awkward Ronan, got up to dance. Noah liked the dance floor – he was centre of attention but so was everyone.

Noah was getting hot and sweaty and wiped his brow, glimpsing his own moist armpit of lacklustre hair. On the stage, the lights were bright – the entire back wall of the stage was brightly lit, backlighting the DJ and a series of Halloween props. The props cast shadows over the floor of the stage but their opportunity for scariness was diminished by the bright light. They would have been more effective shrouded in darkness.

It was between songs as the centre of the hall emptied and boys decided if they were going to rest or dance some more when it inevitably happened. Noah hadn't noticed the bump that had released the catch of the safety pin at his right hip; it remained secure but a simple pull would remove the pin and then the toga...

Noah was in the centre of the almost empty hall when the toga began to unwind from his waist, dropping to his feet and the weight of the sheet pulling the rest off his shoulder until the entire thing was on the floor.

Noah was so surprised that he just stood – exposed in his embarrassing white Y-fronts. They weren't even his embarrassing white Y-fronts, they were Mateo's. Not that that detail mattered right now. Noah's bare chest, bare back and bare legs were exposed to the entire Sixth Form. Noah was deeply embarrassed.

The laughing was a mixture of harsh mockery and embarrassed for him; some of it was simple teenage excitement over exposure – it was pretty funny. The five or ten seconds that Noah remained frozen for stretched into infinity. Worse still, the pants were too big for him so they sagged low on his hips; if he had more pubes the bush would have been exposed. That made it worse – his pubes were so faint and small that they didn't show. His ass showed though – just a glimpse of the little mounds and a hint of hairless crack.

Finally, Noah scooped up the sheet and ran from the room.

Noah didn't want to try and re-dress the toga with a fucking audience.

Noah fled to a vacant classroom but didn't even get the door closed because Mateo pushed in after him.

"That was amazing!" Mateo declared; "By which I mean, are you ok?"

Noah sheepishly held the sheet in front of him, covering parts of his body but ironically highlighting his near nudity even more.

"I'm ok," Noah answered.

Mateo closed the door and rushed to Noah, planting a kiss on his lips. Matty's hands found Noah's shoulders and they embraced. Noah was quite caught up, dropping the sheet to put his hands on Matty's furry body. To be clear, it was furry because of the Tigger onesie. Mateo's lips were free of face paint but close up to Matty's face, Noah could see the black and orange. It made him giggle which ended the kiss.

"Thanks for checking on me," Noah said.

"Yea..." Matty replied; "Can I suck your cock?"

"Are you crazy?" Noah asked.

"I'm serious," Matty insisted; "You're the nudist, exhibitionist; you're used to risky risqué behaviour. So really, I'm the crazy one."

"What if we get caught?" Noah wondered aloud.

"I've closed the door," Mateo pointed out.

"Well..." Noah struggled to think of a reason to not get a blowjob and, being a horny teenager, couldn't think of one; "Well, it would be rude to refuse."

Mateo chuckled – in his orange and black Tigger costume, he looked adorable. It was strange to see him drop to his knees; the image of a cartoon tiger on its knees in front of a nearly naked boy was quite something.

Noah dropped the sheet on the floor, where it piled around his feet between himself and Matty. Mateo then reached up and yanked his underwear... Noah's underwear... the underwear down to the floor.

Matty smirked at the flaccid three inches of boy-cock in front of his face. He leaned forward and shoved his face in Noah's groin. He nuzzled the scratchy patch of pubes and sniffed around the root of the fattening but still limp penis. When Matty's face started sniffing around Noah's sweaty balls, he felt the weight of Noah's penis increase as it became turgid.

Matty sucked one of Noah's silky balls into his mouth and Noah felt enormously pleasurably sensations fill his body. Instinctively, Noah's hands found the top of Mateo's head as his friend continued to gobble on the low hanging eggs under Noah's dick.

"Oh fuck," Noah said.

Mateo finally freed up his mouth and looked up to smile at Noah.

"Boys always say that," Mateo said.

Noah giggled and Matty grabbed Noah's hips and turned him about thirty degreed and pushed him against the teachers desk at the front of the vacant classroom. Matty shuffled forward on his furry knees and looked up the length of Noah's naked body. The underpants were now behind Mateo but the sheet was still sprawled carelessly across the floor around them.

Matty gripped Noah's cock and stroked it a few times, pumping it until precum began to ooze. Since Noah oozed quickly and copiously, spitting slick and sticky goo onto Matty's hand. Matty leaned into Noah's erection and took it into his mouth.

Noah made happy noises as Matty's head bobbed up and down the firm pole. Matty stoked Noah's bare legs with his hands and looked into the sweet oval of Noah's bellybutton as he tasted the sweetness of Noah's precum. He could still taste the saltiness of sweat covered goolies.

Noah helped by pumping his groin into Mateo's face to which Matty responded by grabbing Noah's peachy ass cheeks. Noah felt a finger of each hand reach toward the crack of his butt.

Then the classroom door opened.

Matty froze with his mouth five inches deep on Noah's throbbing cock; out the corner of his eye he could see two boys. Noah turned to look at them – two former Sixth Form boys, at least they weren't still at the school, were checking out the scene in front of them.

They could see one boy on his knees in a Tigger onesie and another totally naked, hand and getting a blowjob. Noah was caught in profile by the boys so his thin and lean body was totally exposed; his cock could have been exposed if it weren't in Matty's mouth; the snug, loose balls hung down to Matty's chin; moreover, Noah's embarrassingly sparse body hair was evident to the new arrivals.

"We didn't realise this room was taken," said the boy who was dressed as Hercule Poirot.

"We were looking for a place to not get caught doing... that," said his friend, dressed as Danny Zuko.

"Maybe lock the door next time?" Poirot suggested.

The boys laughed but didn't linger and they closed the door behind them.

"Well, that could have been embarrassing," Mateo said.

Was that sarcasm? It could be hard to tell with the eternally joking Matty so Noah groaned.

"They saw me naked," Noah whined.

"They seemed to like it," Matty answered.

He punctuated his answer by holding Noah's cock so he could lick it from root to tip.

"Finish me off quick before anyone else comes along," Noah said.

"You old romantic," Matty muttered.

Matty took Noah back into his mouth and slurped the generous helping of precum that leaked out. Matty's mouth was warm and deep and it took Noah's six inches without gagging. Noah put his hands on either side of his hips, gripping the teachers desk as his ass was pressed against its edge.

Noah imagined doing this to a classroom full of peers and it made him even hornier. He was naked but for sandals and getting his cock sucked – the idea of an audience of boys sent him over the edge.

Noah's cock blasted cum into Mateo's mouth; Matty was caught by surprise but he swallowed and gulped it down.

Noah's cock was a firm pole dispensing plenty of cream and eventually Matty could hardly breathe. He came up gasping but returned to the rod of meat and gave it a few more licks before wiping his mouth.

"Fucking hell, Matty," Noah said.

"You know, I quite like this sucking naked boys thing," Mateo admitted.

"Welcome to my world," Noah replied.

Matty looked behind him and located his underwear – the Y-fronts Noah had been wearing. He used them to wipe dregs of cum from his fingers and then to wipe the slime off Noah's cock. It was only once this was done that Noah realised the undies would be badly soiled.

"What am I supposed to wear now?" Noah asked.

Matty looked at him and grinned.

"You want me to go commando?" Noah uttered.

"Hell yea. It'll be fun. No-one will untangle your toga again," Matty predicted.

"But..." Noah started to protest but stopped.

He realised that he had not other pants so there was no point arguing; besides, he was taken with the idea. It was an exciting prospect. As Noah arranged his toga, Matty found a pin in the teacher's desk drawer. Noah fastened it in place and looked at himself in the reflection of the window.

He looked decent – just as he had before. His bare legs were exposed from just above the knee and his bare feet, though sweaty from the excretion of sex, were also still visible. Noah's right nipple and armpit were again revealed but on the whole, he looked very much the same as before.

Noah felt different though – knowing he was commando.

Matty stuffed his used underwear inside is Tigger onesie and then walked to the classroom door. There was no-one in the corridor outside and they walked back to the assembly hall where the music was still playing. Not far from the hall, two boys looked at him and smirked. Noah didn't know their names but he was pretty sure they were in the Upper Sixth.

"Is it true you got pantsed?" asked a lad who had barely tried with his costume – he had a football kit on.

"And that you were wearing Y-fronts?" asked his brain-dead friend (dressed as a zombie).

Noah didn't reply but he hoped the rumours wouldn't last.

"Don't worry, Noah," Matty said; "I know you felt like everyone was looking but it sounds like not that many people actually saw."

"But they are talking," Noah worried.

"Yea and you'll be forgotten by the next episode of Strictly," Matty assured him.

Noah hesitated at the door to the hall; "I need to pee."

Noah went to the nearest toilets while Matty went in to catch up with Toby, Ronan and Samir. The toilets were empty and Noah absent mindedly went to the urinal. He pulled up the `skirt' of his toga to release his penis, which was now flaccid, but didn't really notice how it would look to anyone who walked in.

Of course, three boys walked in; dressed as the police, fire and doctor trifecta.

Noah was stood with his bare legs and exposed bum, clearly no underwear in sight and piss drizzling from his dick. The fact he was mid-stream meant he couldn't stop. The boys looked amused but embarrassed – no teenager wants to watch another boy.

And yet all three were looking at Noah's stubby dick and exposed balls and bum.

"No underwear?" asked the doctor.

"That's a brave look," said the fireman.

"You guys shouldn't be looking at him while he's trying to pee," said the policeman.

They left him alone after that and once Noah shook off, dropped the toga and washed his hands, he finally rejointed the party. Matty was right – not as many people had seen him as he had feared. It circulated as part urban legend and part funny story but none of it was malicious. Samir, Ronan and Toby expressed sympathy and avoided asking why it had taken so long for Matty to retrieve him.

The party continued and Noah re-joined the dance floor once or twice – if only to keep up appearances. No-one seemed to notice he was commando and nothing peeked out or exposed itself. Noah was acutely aware of it though because his balls kept swinging from left to right and his wilted penis flopped around when he danced.

The night was coming to an end when Dural, a boy in Noah's year at school, insisted on a group photograph. Dural had a fascinating American lilt – his family were from Vermont and he was born in the state but largely raised in England (regular, not new). There were too many people to fit on the stage all at once so they broke down into the former Upper Sixth (those who had left school and been invited to the festivities), the present Upper Sixth and then the Lower Sixth. Noah joined the others in the Lower Sixth, arranged in a row with a cornucopia of different costumes. Noah was stood at one side with Toby and Samir on either side of him. He hoped no-one on the hall floor below him could look up the `skirt' of his toga but that wasn't what he should have been worried about.

Most people didn't notice but those that did had a good giggle about it. The powerful stage lights at the back of the stage shone over the backs of all the boys; it also shone between the legs of a toga-clad teenager whose legs were parted.

Noah's dick and balls were illuminated on his toga, casting their shadow and emphasising his commando status. Noah didn't know he was practically showing off his genitals and no-one had the heart or the inclination to tell him.

With the picture taken, on which it was less obvious that Noah's penis was foreshadowed, the boys all started to disperse. Toby, Samir, Ronan and Matty all had transport home and inevitably, Noah was last to get his ride home. He was left waiting outside the school – feeling naked because the linen toga was a thin costume. He could and perhaps should have gotten dressed but no-one else had. The roman boy stood in his toga with a schoolbag on his back and feeling the wind across his nipple, between his smooth legs and up his hairless thighs. A breeze kissed his bald balls and uncovered penis, which shrank and his balls pulled up. He would make a pathetic sight if exposed now.

"Noah," his dad called.

Noah had been daydreaming.

"Hi, dad," Noah replied as he climbed into the car.

"Did you have a good time?" his dad asked.

Noah thought about it before answering; "Yea. Actually, I had a great time."

A wall of heat welcomed Noah home - it was magnificent. After he took his jacket and shoes off, Noah padded into the living room in his bare feet and found Dan engrossed in an article in the Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Noah thought he hadn't even been noticed and he turned to leave - maybe to put the kettle on for a cuppa or to see where his dad was.

"Alright buddy?" asked Dan.

Noah turned back and nodded; "I thought you were busy. Didn't want to interrupt."

"I'm getting cross-eyed reading this thing. I need a break," Dan admitted.

"Dad's putting the kettle on. And reheating pizza... do you want some?" Noah asked his big brother.

"Sounds good, little brother. How was the party?" Dan asked; "And why aren't you wearing any underwear?"

"Is it that obvious?" Noah asked, covering his crotch.

"No, I've just met you," Daniel replied with a laugh; "You're a naughty, dirty, kinky kid."

Noah laughed hard at that; "I should put that on my Sextr description."

Daniel laughed this time and shook his head in mock dismay.

"By the way, I told dad about Jamie's party on Saturday," said Daniel.

"Yea?" Noah replied unhelpfully.

"I know its birthday night but dad doesn't mind if you'd rather get out and maybe have a sneaky beer or something. You don't need to stay home and play scrabble," Daniel told him.

"Scrabble?" Noah said.

"It's your sixteenth birthday, Noah. You should get out and have a life and meet new people," Dan said.

"I'm not wearing the toga again," Noah insisted; "I know you messed with it by the way."

"Me?" Daniel protested innocently; "So what do you say? You come?"

"I don't have a costume," Noah replied noncommittally.

"Oh, I've got an idea for that," Daniel said archly.

Noah should have known better.

A reader/ correspondent/ friend asked a good question last week. Will Noah wear a covid mask? The short answer is no. Please wear a mask - there is no solution to containing Covid-19 that does not involve face masks. Anyway, the reason why Noah doesn't wear one is because I started writing in late 2018 and finished on the last day of 2019. References to covid so far have all been during editing but accommodating covid restrictions would involve substantial rewrites. It's a shame because there are a few scenarios when Noah could have worn a mask with good effect on the story but it just doesn't make sense now.

Wear a mask!

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Chronological order: School Exhibitionism, The Symposium, The Embarrassment of Riches and Do As You're Told. Also see: Anthology.

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Email me: niftyencomiums@gmail.com

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Next: Chapter 10

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