A Series of Embarrassing Events

By J Forrester

Published on Feb 26, 2023


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction that contains graphic sexual content. It is purely for entertainment so please enjoy safely and legally. Resemblances to real people, places and events is unintentional (but would be really cool).

A Series of Embarrassing Events Chapter Twenty-One: Home Schooled


When Noah logged into Sextr, he had a Message-Me from Mr Godetia. Noah had very nearly reached the end of the month without addressing his concerns about EMARP events with Mason; he felt the man should have mentioned they were recorded and were technically, or very actually, pornography. Noah didn't very much feel like having a conversation with Mason unless it was face to face.

Noah also felt frustrated that it had taken Mason so long to communicate. He must have become aware that Noah knew the truth after his last EMARP so why wait four weeks to address it? Noah had come to accept he was still interested in the EMARP events but didn't want Mr Godetia to think he was a pushover or a doormat so his response offered a reluctant agreement to meet next weekend. But first...

Noah also had a Message-Me from Kyo. Noah hadn't seen Kyo or Scott since the excitement of Valentines night and hadn't fooled around with Ronan or Matty recently either. It wasn't as if Noah had a dry spell, just two days ago he'd had been stripped in the street by Dural, Jasper and their friends. Noah was finding himself increasingly addicted to sucking, fucking and masturbating; to embarrassment, exhibitionism and exposure. Noah was quite happy with the intimate opportunities presented by Kyo inviting him over after school.

Noah contemplated getting changed out of his school uniform but decided it might be a little thrill to play the schoolboy part to full effect. Since Kyo was home schooled, Noah assumed he didn't wear a school uniform. Noah just had to get through his afternoon lessons first; actually, he had to get through lunchtime first.

"There was an interesting article in the local newspaper," Matty said casually.

Matty didn't have a physical newspaper as they sat down to lunch but he had the digital version open on his tablet and seemed quite excited about it. Whatever "it" was. The Five Dukes Edition, usually just referred to as the Fifth Edition, was published weekly and carried stories of regional interest. Noah couldn't imagine anything interesting in it – the front-page last Friday was about a cat and dog that had been friends for ten years.

"What article?" Noah asked, looking around for Toby and Samir who hadn't arrived yet.


Ronan sighed but refrained from responding to Herman's invisible voice. He looked over Matty's shoulder and grinned when he saw the article Mateo was talking about.

<<Forget Noah! Find this boy immediately!>>

"It's called, exposing the naked youth, we mean truth, of Five Dukes," Mateo begins.

Noah held his breath and felt a sinking feeling.

"When we heard reports of a streaker near Baron's Lee park, we didn't know if it was a joke or a comic strip. Surely something like that couldn't happen in such a quiet town?" Mateo continued to read.

<<The paper actually printed a picture!>>

"A... a streaker?" Noah asked, hoping to cover his own guilt.

"We lay bare the truth of multiple reports that, on Wednesday afternoon, a naked teenager was spotted in the town of Baron's Lee. We later received multiple pictures as evidence but most of them are unprintable. However, the penis, we mean pen is, mightier than the picture," Matty laughed at the word play. "The police are investigating the incident but witnesses, while quick to report to us, have been slow to assist with enquiries."

"They do have a picture," Ronan pointed out; "Nice ass. You and this streaker would make a cute couple."

Noah laughed, relieved that his friends hadn't instantly assumed it was him. They must have thought it was some other ridiculous, nudity-motivated daredevil.

"The police have advised there is no cause for alarm and that it is likely an isolated indecent. We mean incident," Matty giggles again.

Noah joined in the giggles but his jaw dropped when Matty turned his tablet around for Noah to see the picture that went with the article. It was of a bare boy's naked butt, running away. He was clearly only wearing shoes and socks... Not he. Noah! He was looking at himself in the local newspaper. Noah's fingers touched the screen and when he zoomed in between his legs, he could clearly see a hint of his own balls drooping between his thighs. He could hardly believe the paper had gotten away with printing even that picture.

"He must have been doing a Task-Me like you do," Matty suggested.

<<We should Task-Me Noah to strip naked right here!>>

Ronan didn't disagree that such a show would brighten up the lunch hour. Noah was about t reply when Samir and Toby finally pushed through the crowd. The three boys shared a look of agreement that they should change the subject to something less 18-rated.

"What are you guys talking about?" Samir asked, sitting down while toby sat opposite him, next to Noah.

<<The French Revolution!>>

"Nothing much, we were waiting for you guys," Noah said.

Noah and Ronan were trying to think of a new conversation that didn't involve bare bums, luckily Matty was a dependable source of nonsense.

"Ok, so I have a question," Matty started.

Everyone groaned.

"What?" Matty asked innocently but his cheeky smile said he knew quite nicely why they'd reacted as they had. Mateo was chronically incapable of being serious for too long.

"It's just that your questions are usually things like: is a Jaffa Cake a cake of a biscuit?" Samir said gently.

"Or, hyperspace versus warp drive?" Ronan recalled.

"Or, would a rose by any other name really smell as sweet?" Samir chipped in again.

"Or, how do we get Dothraki, Klingon and Sindarin Elvish added to the school's curriculum?" Noah offered.

Matty laughed jubilantly; "That was a good one."

Toby was too busy sulking to contribute and the others were busy dissuading Matty from his question to notice Toby's introversion.

"My question is," Matty said, ignoring all objections: "If you had to invent a new crisp flavour based on an inanimate object, what would it be?"

There was a brief pause as they all took in the question.

"I'm not even sure how that would work," Ronan said; "Do you mean like... armchair flavour which would taste like..."

"Your ass," Samir offered.

"I'll try them," Noah and Mateo replied.

"Gross," Samir said.

"Or laptop flavour? Which would taste like alone time in your bedroom," Noah suggested.

"I'd definitely lick that flavour off your fingers," Ronan agreed.

"Gross," Samir said again.

"What do you think, Toby?" Mateo asked.

While the others talked about savoury food with flavours of inanimate objects, Toby was thinking about something Samir had said when they'd been doing homework together.

"Hinduism is a non-dogmatic faith community so there's no official Hindu position," Samir explained when asked about his faith's attitude towards gay people.

"So, you guys are cool with it?" Toby asked sheepishly.

"Well it's more complicated than that. Hindu teachings hold the inherent spiritual equality of all beings... so we shouldn't judge or reject others but accept them on our mutual paths towards moksha," Samir answered.

Toby had never really noticed how beautiful Samir's eyes were. He was such a kind and gentle boy and Toby appreciated the softly-softly approach Sam had presented when he needed it.

"What's moksha?" Toby asked.

"It's the ultimate goal of life. The freedom of atman, or eternal soul, from the cycle of birth and death," Samir explained. "But Toby, there are plenty of interpretations of Hindu writings that are critical of homosexuality. Just like when Judeo-Christians get all bent out of shape about Leviticus."

"Well you're no help, are you," Toby responded glumly, but he smiled.

"Be a good person. Do good things. Those are our responsibilities in life, Toby. That's what people should do, no matter what they believe or who they love or who they don't love," Samir said.

"I try to be good, Sam. I really try. I just don't know if I can be good and also... feel... this. I keep thinking I'm being tested. Noah and Ronan and Matty are all happy and I feel like a failure," Toby confessed.

"They've all come out and admitted they're gay or bisexual," Samir observed; "You've still not said it. I'm not criticising."

Toby went quiet for a while.

"I saw Noah naked last year and it awakened something inside me. I pushed it back down and I thought I was in control of it but it's like it just curled up in the pit of my stomach and waited. Then, in January it woke up again and..." Toby had tears in his eyes.

He couldn't tell Sam that he'd touched Noah in his sleep; the secrecy was the only way he could bring himself to do it, but it was wrong.

"Sometimes men love women, sometimes men love men and sometimes you change your mind. You're going through a lot as your body matures and maybe..." Samir was interrupted as Toby continued.

"And I think I'm in love with him. He's the only one I really think about. No offense. He's my best friend and I look at him and I feel something," Toby confessed; "How can I ever tell him when I can't even accept it myself?"

Samir was quiet for a moment. Toby's feelings of failure, his faith-based aversion to his own sexuality and his uncertainty were all concerning. Equally concerning was that Toby would pin a lot of hopes on Noah; Sam worried that Toby perhaps hadn't noticed Noah was very lax in the fealty his affections.

They boys continued with their homework and didn't touch on Toby's problems again except for one moment ten minutes later when they were solving a Physics problem and Toby returned to the topic with non sequitur style.

"Thank you for being here for me, Sam," Toby muttered.

"You can count on me," Samir promised.

"I know."

"Earth to Toby. Earth to Toby. Come in Toby," Noah said.

Noah reached out and touched Toby's hand and Toby let the contact linger as he snapped back to the lunch table and a discussion about what inanimate object flavoured crisps would taste like.

"I think I'd flavour them like old Android phones," Toby replied.

<<He's clever. Have you figured it out yet?>>

"That is genius," Ronan said.

Toby was happy with the compliment.

"What, it would taste like internet search history?" Matty asked.

"So... gay porn and cheating at homework?" Noah suggested.

"No," Toby chuckled, blushing that he was thinking rather more cunningly. "They'd taste like pie, Oreo, marshmallow, Kit-Kat... that might be fun."

"That is genius," Noah said quietly.

Toby was even happier that Noah thought it was clever.

"Not one dirty joke in sight," Mateo said with mock disappointment.

Samir rectified this with a vagina reference; "What would your bedroom rug taste like?"

Mateo, having never performed oral sex on a woman nevertheless laughed at the joke and the others joined in - with the joke, not the carpet munching.


After school, Noah made his way to Kyo's house. Like Noah, Kyo lived on the edge of the affluent city of Dukesbridge. The houses grew bigger as Noah walked from the larger roads and into residential streets. It was late February but a mild afternoon so Noah took off his school blazer and walked in his shirtsleeves. When he arrived at Kyo's, he rang the doorbell and was greeted by the sight of the pretty Asian boy.

"Hi, Noah. Come on in," Kyo welcomed.

Noah was asked to take his shoes off at the door and was then given the guided tour of the house. As Kyo walked Noah around the house, Noah checked out the fellow teenager's ass. Kyo was wearing ankle socks, cargo shorts that were very flattering of his ass and a polo shirt.

"Your dad isn't home?" Noah asked as they headed upstairs.

Noah managed to make the question sound like a sexual proposition.

"Nope," Kyo grinned back.

Kyo managed to make his reply sound like agreement to a sexual proposition.

"Where is he?" Noah asked.


Kyo showed Noah into his bedroom and when the door was closed, he turned to kiss Noah on the lips. They wasted no time getting down to business; on Valentine's Day, Kyo had suggested Noah teach him some sex education. Noah dropped his bag and blazer at his feet and enjoyed the oral contact.

"You can make yourself comfortable if you want," Kyo said at last.

"Comfortable?" Noah replied but he knew what Kyo was saying.

"You like to be nude at home, don't you?" Kyo stated and he reached over to pull at Noah's tie.

Noah let his tie be unknotted and then Kyo began to unbutton his shirt.

"At my own home, I like to be naked," Noah re-joined; "Never in a friend's house."

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of standing in the way of your unique self-expression," Kyo said seriously.

Noah caught the cheeky smile on Kyo's face and when the old friend lifted his eyes, they were filled with mischief. To think that until a few months ago, Kyo and Noah hadn't seen each other for five years and now Noah was being stripped in the boy's bedroom.

"What if your dad comes home?" Noah asked.

"Tell him the truth," Kyo said.

"You want me to stay naked and just tell him I'm a nudist?" Noah asked.

"That's the truth, right?" Kyo asked.

"I'm most comfortable when I'm naked, that's true," Noah confessed; "Won't you find my nudity distracting?"

"I find you distracting with or without clothes on," Kyo admitted.

And with that sentence, Kyo slipped Noah's shirt off his slender, bare shoulders.

As much as Noah had enjoyed being undressed so far, he took over the stripping duties. Noah removed his school trousers and socks and stood in just his underwear. He really did like being naked but he'd never done it in someone else's house. The idea of Kyo's dad catching them was equal parts exciting and embarrassing which just made Noah want to do it more.

Noah took off his underpants and all his clothes were neatly folded and placed in the corner of the room. Kyo eyed Noah which was something he was used at home when Daniel or Jamie arrived home to find him naked; even his dad, when he was home from America where he worked for most of the year, would look Noah up and down.

Kyo looked at Noah with obvious sexual interest; the slim body but with nice muscular definition building on his legs, chest and arms; the hairless legs, smooth skin and naught but a small patch of hair above his penis and under his arms; the thick blonde hair that was rapidly crying out for a trim. Noah was a twinky dream but Kyo managed to resist.

To Noah's surprise, Kyo really did want to study and do homework. Noah suspected that his friend got off on mixing the mundane with the marvellous. Kyo had every intention of further intimacy but the boy was a canny manipulator - making Noah wait for the moment. They sat on Kyo's bed with notes and books; Noah was sat with one leg over the edge of the bed and his left leg crossed underneath his ass.

The position gave a clear and unobstructed view of Noah's penis which was limp across his left hip. For Kyo, it was a treat to look at Noah's nudity and he was bewildered by the lack of arousal.

"When I get naked, I get hard," Kyo said at last.

Noah chuckled before replying - it had been commented on before.

"It's one of the reasons I know my interest in nudity isn't exclusively driven by sex or exhibitionism," Noah replied. "I like being naked and it makes me feel good."

"But you like being exhibited too. We've established that with your adventure in the cinema," Kyo noted.

"I get off on embarrassment and exhibitionism," Noah confessed.

He almost told Kyo about EMARP too but it didn't seem like quite the right time. Besides, Noah hadn't fully dealt with his feelings about them now that he knew they were filmed and he had his best friends or brother to talk to if he wanted more insight.

"If I said your little dick looks cute... would that be embarrassing?" Kyo asked.

Noah blushed but he wasn't very embarrassed about it. He wasn't hard and Noah was very happy with his erect size.

"A little," Noah admitted; "I guess I'm blushing because people don't normally talk about their penis, do they?"

"Your willy is only a few inches long right now," Kyo persisted. "Do you go naked in the locker room at school?"

"Yea," Noah admitted.

"And all the other boys see you with your little willy and hardly any pubes," Kyo continued; "You're supposed to be sixteen but you've got the hairs of a fourteen-year-old."

Now Noah was embarrassed.

"It's ok because you're getting taller and more muscles so you look like a proper teenager. But the small dick and the short pubes is just pitiful," Kyo mocked.

Noah felt his penis grow by half an inch and then a little bit more. His penis had been hanging short and slightly to the left and as it expended, the excitement muscle glided over Noah's bare thigh. Kyo was about to reach for it - the studying was now a distant memory - when the two boys heard a noise downstairs. Kyo looked at Noah and grinned - his dad was home.

"It's up to you if you want to get dressed," Kyo said.

"I don't want to get dressed," Noah replied.

"My dad is bisexual," Kyo added.

"Seriously?" Noah responded with excitement that surprised himself.

"He's out of your league, mate," Kyo said with condescension but he was only joking.

Kyo wasn't sure why he'd mentioned his dad's sexuality. His dad had been with women and men across Kyo's sixteen years; like Noah, Kyo's parents had been unmarried before and after his birth and their relationship hadn't lasted in the end. Unlike Noah, Kyo's mother didn't kill a man - she just slept with one who wasn't her partner at the time.

Noah remembered Saito Hisoka as an attractive young man, very much an older version of Kyo. Five years ago, Mr Saito (he was addressed as Hisoka, his given name, by his friends and family) had been a keen cyclist and Noah recalled seeing him in cycling shorts and checking out the lump in the front of the stretchy material.

"Does your dad still cycle?" Noah asked.

Every year, Mr Saito participated in multiple cycling competitions such as New Forest, West Coast Classic and Orro MagnifiCat Sportive. He'd also raced in the French Revolution by travelling back to the 1790's; only kidding, French Revolution was a 2019 ride from Dover to Calais in which Mr Saito had done rather well.

"You remembered that? Yea, he does and I'm getting quite into it too. You'd fit right in with your hairless legs," Kyo suggested.

"Yea, maybe the World Naked Bike Ride?" Noah suggested.

"Don't tease me," Kyo answered.

They had just about finished giggling about that when there was a knock at the bedroom door.

"Come in," Kyo replied.

He was excited to see who handled it better.

Mr Saito walked into the room and had already begun speaking when he spotted Noah.

"Kyo, I hope you remembered to... oh my..."

Mr Saito turned away, blushing across his café au lait skin.

"Oh, sorry dad, I forgot to say I had a friend coming over," Kyo said.

"Why have you got a naked boy in your bedroom?" Mr Saito asked.

"Because a naked girl would make me sick?" Kyo replied.

Noah laughed and soon Mr Saito joined in too.

"This is Noah. You might remember we went to Primary School together? Also, he's a nudist," Kyo added casually.

"It's ok to look at me, Mr Saito," Noah chipped in helpfully.

The man had no choice but to turn and welcome young Noah. Mr Saito was clearly more embarrassed than Noah, unsure where to look and yet curiously enrapt by the beautiful teenager. Noah decided to have some fun with it.

Noah stood up and walked towards Kyo's dad with his arms at his sides so his penis remained exposed. Kyo took the opportunity to check out Noah's tight little bare butt. Noah uncertainly extended his hand for Mr Saito to shake but kept it at hip level and barely seven inches from his groin. If Noah had been hard, his hand would only just be forward from the head of his erection.

Mr Saito took Noah's hand and shook it and as he was about to let go, Noah made sure the back of the man's hand brushed against his penis.

"Oh, sorry," Noah said convincingly - he maintained the air of uncertainly and bashfulness.

"You're blushing too Noah," Mr Saito commented - hoping to distract from his own discomfort.

"No-one sees me when I'm at home," Noah lied; "I guess it's kind of embarrassing being seen by you."

"I can see everything," Mr Saito said and then stumbled; "I mean, I can see it. That. I can see that."

"Oh gosh, I know," Noah chuckled at himself.

To add to his act, Noah gestured with his arms wide as if to say: look at everything. Then he brought both hands to his head, exposing his meagre pits. Mr Saito was almost breathless as he looked at the breath-taking boy and then decided he shouldn't be looking.

"Eh, are you ok?" Noah asked concernedly as Mr Saito balked.

"I should go..." Mr Saito said.

"You seem stressed," Noah added.

"That's hard... ly... your problem," Mr Saito said and closed the door on his way out.

"That was so hot," Kyo commented.

Kyo reflected on the fact he'd just been excited about Noah exposing himself to his dad.

"Do you want to look at my little penis again or do you want to make it big?" Noah asked.

"Come here and make mine big," Kyo replied.

Kyo was sitting on the edge of his bed with his legs wide and as Noah approached, Kyo pulled his polo shirt off so he was topless. Kyo was thin around the middle and flat around the chest and Noah liked the teenage physique. Noah dropped to his knees and opened Kyo's shorts to expose his underwear and without waiting pushed his nose into the musky opening of the shorts.

Kyo was quite happy with Noah's nose nuzzling his boxer-clad dick and felt himself starting to firm up. He lifted his ass and pushed his shorts down and before he could sit, Noah had also grabbed the boxers and was pulling them down too.

Kyo wasn't about to object or resist - this was why he'd invited Noah over. Kyo was intrigued by Noah who was very cute, intensely attractive and whose confidence was unlike anyone else Kyo knew. Who else would bear his penis to strangers or to a friend's dad?

Kyo's bum touched his bed again and Noah's hand took a hold of Kyo's sweaty balls and then stroked the damp cock. Kyo looked down at the naked boy between his legs and closed his eyes as his dick began to harden. Kyo's erection was smaller than Noah's at full mast but Noah's cock had only thickened slightly.

"How are you not hard?" Kyo asked.

"Do you want me to get hard too?" Noah asked.

"Oh yea," Kyo answered.

While Noah stroked Kyo's dick, he began to pull on his own and after a few minutes both were hard. Kyo's was about six inches and Noah's was nearly half an inch longer. Without waiting for instruction, Noah went down on Kyo and too the cock in his mouth.

Kyo moaned and licked his lips then put his hands on Noah's head.

This wasn't his first blow job but there was something special about this. The organisation of it, the privacy of the bedroom, the mutual nudity - Kyo had never been intimate in these terms before.

As Noah's head bounced up and down on Kyo's cock, Noah felt his erection begin to messily discharge precum all over his thigh. Kyo kept hands on top of Noah's head as the boy sucked and slurped on his cock. Kyo felt pleasure sweep through his body but he didn't want to cum - he hoped the excitement was just beginning.

"Wait a sec," Kyo stalled Noah's lips and mouth and tongue.

Noah freed Kyo's cock from his mouth with a pop and slurp and smacked his lips as he looked up.

"You were really enjoying that, weren't you? Kyo asked.

"Yea. Don't you like sucking cock?" Noah asked teasingly.

"Have you had much practice?" asked Kyo.

"A little," Noah admitted.

Noah moved his hands to Kyo's cock and stroked the mouth-soaked erection; wet sounds filled the room as Noah's hand slipped back and forth over the head of Kyo's dick.

"Do you want to put a little of my cock in your mouth?" Noah asked. Then he added; "No pressure."

Noah appreciated that not everyone was as carefree when it came to sex as he was.

"What do you have in mind?" Kyo asked.

"How about we sixty-nine?" Noah suggested.

Kyo pushed himself back on his bed to make room for Noah who lay down facing his friend; each face now had a cock pointed towards it and each face inched towards that cock with interest and enthusiasm.

Noah felt his dick being enveloped by the warmth of Kyo's mouth. He couldn't help himself from thrusting into Kyo's face - just an inch but it was enough to surprise Kyo.

"Sorry," Noah apologised; "I was excited."

Kyo released the cock to reply; "That's ok. Put my dick back in your mouth if you're really sorry."

Noah was really sorry so he obeyed. As Noah began to deep-throat Kyo, Kyo made great efforts to do the same. He wasn't as experienced as Noah but he was just as excited.

Kyo built up a rhythm, breathing through his mouth and bobbing back and forth on Noah's cock. It wasn't massive but it was big. Kyo took it out his mouth a few times, not just to give his jaw a break but also to gaze affectionately at the impressive organ.

Kyo swallowed the copious lubricant emitted from Noah's dick – it was slick and sweet.

Noah also bobbed and slurped, then he took a breath and licked all the way down Kyo's shaft. He didn't stop there, he kept going and drew his tongue over the sac of Kyo's testicles. For all the comments made about Noah's lack of pubescent prestige, Kyo wasn't much better.

Kyo's chest was smooth but for a few whisps of black hair in the middle of his chest; the patch of hair above Kyo's dick was a furry explosion of wiry hair that partially obscured his flaccid penis but only if it was particularly cold; however, it was Kyo's testicles that were the focus of Noah's interest.

Kyo's balls were not quite smooth but the hair was only a fuzzy nest, the briefest of pubic wrappings that made sucking them quite pleasurable. There would be no pubes stuck in Noah's teeth with this one.

Noah heard pleasurable moans from Kyo's throat as his balls were sucked. Noah was caught quite off guard when he felt Kyo's hand on his smooth back and slipping down towards his sacrum. Kyo was able to slide a finger down the crack of Noah's ass and teasingly probed the sphincter therein.

Noah felt his cock go free and Kyo spoke again.

"Have you ever used a masturbator?" Kyo asked.

Noah took his time finishing with Kyo's balls.

"Is that when you get a friend to jerk you off?" Noah asked merrily.

To emphasise his point, Noah stroked Kyo a few times.

"No, I mean like a pocket masturbator or a cock sleeve, whatever you call it," Kyo responded.

Noah shrugged ignorantly.

"I'll show you," Kyo offered.

Kyo crossed his room, giving Noah the opportunity to appreciate his friend's ass. It was petite and tight and smooth just like Noah's. Noah also took the opportunity to appreciate Kyo walking back towards the bed with his erection swinging in front of him like a compass finding N for Noah rather than North.

Kyo held in his hand a rubbery (silicon) flesh-coloured tubular item about 10cm (4 inches) long and 4cm in diameter. Up the middle of the tube was a hole, a shaft into which one pushed their cock.

"It's got ridges and bumps inside," Kyo reported; "I guess it's supposed to simulate an anus."

"Or a vagina," Noah suggested.

"Don't be disgusting," Kyo joked.

"If you want to have sex with an anus, Kyo... You can fuck me," Noah said seriously.

Kyo looked taken aback and a little bit scared.

"Um... no thanks," Kyo replied.

He could tell Noah was surprised to be turned down especially after Kyo had expressed disappointment in the cinema. But the actual offer for sex with Noah was quite a different thing.

"The thing is, I don't want to just have sex some random afternoon," Kyo explained; "I'm not saying I'm waiting for the right person or that I want to be in love when it happens but... I want it to be exciting and to mean something. Anything."

"You don't think it would mean anything with me?" Noah asked.

"You literally had sex with Scott in the cinema less than two weeks ago. I think you'd let my dad fuck you if you had the chance," Kyo responded.

"Yea... I guess," Noah joked with a casual shrug.

But they both appreciated there were some truths to Kyo's assessment of Noah's insatiable and almost indiscriminate sexual interests.

"So, yea I don't think it would mean anything. Maybe another time? But not this time," Kyo said.

Noah was left wondering what it said about him that he was so lax with his affections. The pondering didn't make him feel good so he turned his attention back to the thing in Kyo's hand.

"Do you want to show me your masturbation sleeve then?" Noah asked.

Kyo took lube from his beside drawer and squirted some onto each end of the masturbator, then pushed his finger down the central shaft to spread the lubricant. He dribbled lube onto his cock too and wiped his finger and hand on his dick, smearing lube down the shaft.

Noah sat beside Kyo on the bed, casually playing with his dick as Kyo put the wobbly masturbation sleeve onto the tip of his cock and started to press down. The silicon spread wider like the sphincter of an anus (or a vagina, joking) and engulfed the head of Kyo's dick.

It didn't have the same tightness of an anus, not that Kyo knew, but it was very pleasurable as the mould inside the shaft was filled with lines, bumps and grooves that created magnificent sensations as it was slid up and down.

The outside of the masturbation sleeve was quite smooth except for four contours running around the girth of the tool like a grip. Kyo loved the feel of it as it slid up and down. The motion of the tubular sleeve made wet slapping and sucking noises that were punctuated by moans from Kyo.

Noah was casually touching Kyo's leg, caressing his inner thigh and exciting the boy even more. When Kyo was close to cumming, he asked Noah to take over.

Kyo surrendered his grip and Noah took control; it felt different with someone else's hand on the masturbator - just like masturbation feels different when it's not one's own hand. Noah knew how to extend the moment, sliding it up and down with particular attention to the head of Kyo's cock; then he slid it all the way down the shaft of Kyo's dick.

Because the masturbation sleeve was only four inches long and Kyo's cock was nearly two inches longer than that, the glans of Kyo's cock peeked over the top while the root of his erection was encompassed. Noah leaned over and kissed the shiny head and then knew it was time.

Noah stroked up and down with quickening strokes and Kyo's toes curled as he finally shot streams of cum over his latte coloured skin. Kyo's cum landed on his chest and stomach, creating a satisfying pool in the belly button and dripping over his hip - except Noah caught that errant dribble with his finger.

"I forgot to get a towel for clean up," Kyo said breathlessly.

Noah licked the cum off his finger, pulled the masturbator off Kyo's cock and leaned over to lick Kyo's skin. Noah cleaned Kyo like a cat, tongue bathing him while Kyo giggled. Noah drank the cum out of his belly button and then finished licking the skin clean up to Kyo's chest.

"This looks pretty cool," Noah admitted.

"You can use it next if you want," Kyo suggested.

"Would you think I was dirty if I said I don't want to clean it first?" Noah asked.

The answer to that question was "yes" but Kyo didn't want to be the buzzkill who pointed out that sharing sex aids required proper cleaning to avoid problems for either party. Not that Kyo had anything to give to Noah but it was good practice.

With his skin clean, Kyo pulled a towel from a drawer and wrapped it around his waist; he walked to the bathroom to wash the masturbation sleeve inside and out. Kyo noticed the afternoon had worn on longer than he'd realised and on his way back to his bedroom, he nearly walked into his dad. Kyo hid the masturbation sleeve behind his back.

"Do you still want to go for a bike ride before dinner?" his dad asked.

Hisoka looked his topless son up and down, his abdomen wrapped in towel and his legs showing beneath it's edge. It was not a matter of sexual appraisal – he was wondering why his son only had a towel on when Noah hadn't left the house yet.

"Noah and I are nearly done. I was going to take a shower before we go cycling," Kyo explained.

"Before we go cycling?" Hisoka asked sceptically.

"Yup," Kyo replied and he pushed past his dad before any more questions could be asked.

"I'll get changed then," Hisoka said to his son's back.

"Ok," Kyo replied.

Kyo opened his bedroom door and threw the masturbator to Noah who caught it.

"Knock yourself out. I need to take a quick shower now," Kyo said with slight annoyance.

Kyo had wanted to watch Noah pleasure himself but occupied himself with backing up his excuse.

"Ok..." Noah responded.

Kyo closed the door and started back toward the bathroom. Then a wicked idea came to mind. His dad hadn't closed his bedroom door just yet so Kyo knocked and pushed it open. His dad had looked out stretchy cycling shorts and t-shirt, reminding Kyo that he needed his too. Perfect.

"Noah's just finishing one last problem. Will you go check on him in five minutes?" Kyo asked.

"Of course I will," Hisoka agreed.

Perfect. Kyo went back to his bedroom and saw Noah was hard again. Noah was standing and his dick was dribbling so much precum, Kyo almost thought his friend had shot his load already. The slippery strands had already slimed Noah's toes but he didn't seem to notice. Noah liked being watched as he played with his dick and prepared to lube the masturbator.

"I just came to get my cycling shorts," Kyo said; "There's a mirror on the back of the door. You should jerk it while looking at yourself. You're fucking hot stuff."

"I know," Noah replied immodestly.

Kyo also picked up a t-shirt and as he left, he pulled the door over but he made sure it didn't catch - it looked closed but was actually (only just) ajar. Perfect.

Noah liberally applied lubricant to the masturbation sleeve before pressing his cock into the puckered anus-shaped hole. It was warm and rubbery inside, stretching over his cock and creating a wave of pleasure as it passed over the head.

Noah slid the rubbery appliance up and down his cock, almost giggling from the sensations of pleasure that passed through him. Having never used such a device before, Noah hadn't known what to expect; what he experienced was quite exquisite as his hand slid the masturbator up and down his cock. It wasn't like using one's hand - it went above and beyond the pleasure of a mere grip.

"Oh, I'm buying one of these," Noah said to himself.

Noah walked to the middle of the room and looked at Kyo's bedroom door. Sure enough there was a mirror and in it was the reflection of a beautiful, naked, skinny, smooth, fair-skinned boy with a massive erection. Noah felt his precum ooze onto his feet and strings of the goo slopped onto his thigh too.

Noah's hand was pumping faster now and he was building up to a superb orgasm. Noah, despite his many boy options and active sex life, tried not to masturbate every day; the result of saving up his ball juice was an orgasm like the one he was about to have - messy and plentiful.

Noah stepped closer to his own reflection. Gripping the masturbation sleeve, he pulled it up over the head of his cock and back down over it several times; concentrating on the glans and frenulum of his six-and-a-half-inch boy cock.

Noah stepped closet to the mirror, enjoying the view that the boys in his life and the men at the EMARP's enjoyed. There was self-adulation in masturbating to one's self and Noah could think of no better worship than to spew his load all over his own reflection.

The ridges and bumps inside the sleeve finally took Noah to the tipping point; he continued to jerk but he knew that he had reached that point at which momentum for change became impossible. He was going to cum.

Then there came a knock but as the door was not properly closed, it swung in a little so the entrant pushed the door wide, assuming consent to enter. Mr Saito was standing in the threshold and his eyes fell upon the naked sixteen-year-old schoolboy.

Then Noah came.

Mr Saito looked great in his tight t-shirt and stretchy cycling shorts that hugged a neat lump in the front. He wore an expression of surprise and his mouth fell open.

Hisoka had felt strange coming home to find a naked boy in his son's room. That Noah was a nudist had seemed odd but as a twenty-first century man he tried to be accommodating to all lifestyle choices.

Noah's cock released hot cum at 30MPH and splashed all over Mr Saito's shorts. The subsequent shots blasted his legs and the remaining discharge slopped over Noah's hand and onto his feet and the floor of Kyo's bedroom. Noah's ejaculate had always been messy and this was no exception.

Noah and Mr Saito were stunned into silence and immobility. Noah eventually recalled himself enough to pull the masturbation sleeve off his cock with an obscene sucking noise; the sensation as it passed over the over-sensitive post-release cock head was whimper-inducing.

Noah was absolutely mortified –not only was he naked but also erect in front of the man. Kyo must have known he'd be caught. Yet Noah did not cover up his floppy-hard penis even as it left him exposed to Mr Saito.

"I'm so sorry, sir," Noah said at last.

Then a wicked idea came to Noah. He stepped forward while wiping his own cum covered hand on his chest and abdomen and dropped to his knees.

"Let me clean that for you," Noah suggested.

In moments Noah's tongue was licking his own spunk off the exposed skin of his friend's dad. There were streaks of jizz on Mr Saito's thigh that Noah swallowed down; next, where the shorts met bare skin, Noah licked his way onto the stretchy fabric.

Mr Saito was still filled with indecision. He wanted to tell Noah to stop and back away and he tried not to look at the naked boy on his knees with a bare back and a beautiful curve to his little ass.

He tried but he didn't succeed.

Instead, Mr Saito let Noah's tongue lap up the boy-juice that was on his shorts and for good measure, Noah licked across the Mr Saito's bulge too.

Noah sat back, pleased with himself and Hisoka couldn't help but see the wide-eyed innocence of the teenager - filling him with guilt and adoration for the boy.

"I... I'd love you to be a model for my health class sometime," Mr Saito said.

The words were out before he'd given it any real thought. Noah stood up and appraised the man who, to his credit wasn't hard (though his dick had definitely chubbed up). Noah wondered how to respond.

"I mean... Kyo said you're a nudist so you seem comfortable being naked and you don't seem embarrassed about arousal..." Mr Saito said.

In truth, Noah was embarrassed to be seen by the man but he thrived on such a feeling.

"You teach a health class?" Noah asked eventually - as if that were the pertinent question.

"Yes," Mr Saito replied animatedly.

In truth the man was happy to move things along to a less tawdry conversation. The clinical aspect of health felt less bawdy than just looking at a naked boy his son's age. Why had the naked teenager still not covered his penis or put underpants on? To distract from that distraction, the man went on.

"I home school Kyo but I host some classes for youths who have missed aspects of education, commonly sexual health. Education helps to reduce STI's and unplanned pregnancy," Mr Saito cheerfully explained.

"I'll think about it," Noah answered.

"Great," Mr Saito replied. Then he added: "I didn't mean to walk in on you doing... that."

"I probably shouldn't have been doing... that... here in my friend's house," Noah admitted.

"Well, you're young. Sexual excitement is tough to deal with sometimes, Noah," Mr Saito reassured him.

They both seemed most comfortable ignoring the fact that that sexual excitement was staining Mr Saito's shorts. They both heard the click of the bathroom door that declared Kyo was about to return so Hisoka departed before his son got back.

Kyo re-entered his room in his cycling shorts and t-shirt and drying his hair. He looked at Noah and grinned; Noah was sat on the bed, his legs parted and his cock had clearly finished doing something. Noah responded to the grin by offering Kyo his masturbation sleeve back.

"It's still warm if you want to slurp my cum out of it," Noah suggested filthily.

"Not really my thing, thanks," Kyo replied.

Silence stretched between them and Noah could tell Kyo wanted to ask if his dad had come in while he was in the shower. Kyo thought he saw a cheeky challenge in Noah's eyes and dared to dream that Noah had been caught jerking by his dad.

In the end they both laughed and the truth lay exposed but unspoken.

"Have you got time to walk me to the end of the road?" Noah asked.

"Are you going to go like that?" Kyo asked.

Noah was still naked and chuckled at the idea.

"I'd love to but maybe another time. There are only so many times I can expose my penis in one day," Noah told his friend.

Noah got dressed in his school uniform and Kyo went to tell his dad he'd be back as soon as he'd walked Noah out. They were out of the driveway before Kyo spoke again.

"My dad mentioned something about a health class? Said you'd know what he meant. Is it ok if I give him your number and he'll text you?" Kyo said.

"Yea, that's fine. Your dad is cool," Noah remarked.

"Yea, I guess. I miss school sometimes though. I miss the uniform," Kyo said and winked at Noah who was in his school uniform.

"You like a sexy boy in uniform?" Noah asked.

"Who doesn't?" Kyo replied; "My dad and mum were both from wealthy families, he's got investments, he tutors kids for exams and does some seminars for universities..."

"But he mostly teaches you?" Noah asked.

Kyo nodded and he felt guilty that he sounded ungrateful to his dad. Mr Saito could afford an expensive education for Kyo - like Five Dukes Boys School – but he taught Kyo himself. Kyo didn't want to be churlish about it.

"He's a great teacher. But I miss having boys to talk to," Kyo admitted. He thought for a moment before adding; "We had a friend in Primary School... Tobias Rosen-something?"

The question had almost surprised Noah. He was surprised how little he talked or thought about the boy who'd been his best friend for a long time. Was Noah using past tense? Noah excused the tense of the sentence and asked himself, who's fault was it that that had changed?

It wasn't a very productive question.

"Rosenthall. Toby. We're still friends," Noah replied but his voice was tight.

"Are you sure? You sound annoyed or something," Kyo said.

"We are still friends," Noah emphasised; "But I told him I was a nudist and came out. Then another friend came out. Then a new friend came out and... and Toby didn't come out but I think he has feeling's he's not talking about. Well, he's not talking to me about it."

"That's tough. You guys have been friends a long time," Kyo said sympathetically.

"I tried to talk to him about it. I mean, I don't know if he's gay or curious or if he's worried about my soul or what's up. I tried to talk to him and he was kind of a dick about it," Noah said (trying not to sound bitter).

"So now you just don't talk?" Kyo asked.

"We're still friends," Noah repeated himself. "We hang out and talk about nonsense but I can't confide in him right now. I could never tell him about you and Scott and other things," Noah confessed.

He was thinking about the EMARP events. It occurred to Noah that a health class was the kind of crazy thing he'd do for an EMARP.

"You can talk to me if you want," Kyo said gently.

They'd come to a stop at the end of the street. Noah was going to make his way home and Kyo was going to go cycling with his dad. It had been a good day but it hadn't turned out the way Noah had expected.

Most unexpected of all was the talk about Toby. Noah knew it was unfair to leave things the way the were - Toby had been his best friend since moving to Five Dukes - Noah just didn't know what to do or say. He didn't know what the problem was.

"I appreciate the offer," Noah replied.

"See you later, Noah," Kyo said.

Noah started walking on and Kyo grinned all the way home. Should he have mentioned Noah hadn't zipped his flies up?


Noah's life wasn't all nudism and sexcapades. Sometimes he just went to school, did homework and went to school again. One didn't go to an expensive public school without studying hard. However, he took a break to make arrangements with Mr Godetia.

It was five weeks since Noah's last EMARP - the one that took place in a makeshift doctor's surgery and during which...

He'd been given a doctored (no pun intended) hospital gown, made to take his underwear off in the waiting room, physically examined while naked, left jerking off with the door open while his legs were splayed, jerked and watched by three lads, made to take his gown off and be naked in the waiting area and finally mocked for being stinky and spunky while putting his pants back on.

The biggest thing to happen though was talking to the four actors after the event. They revealed his sessions had been recorded and Noah felt quite the fool for trusting Mr Godetia. When Noah had started explicit role-playing, Mason Godetia had said the events were not recorded and only live attendees would see him naked and sexually exhibited.

There were edited films of him naked and erect somewhere online for fucks sake!

There had always been an element of vanity to his participation in the role-playing - he wanted to be adored – but Noah couldn't help but feel exploited. Noah had spoken to his big brother about it and realised that he had entered the scenarios exploiting his own sexuality; he wanted to be watched and aroused and exposed. Why did it matter that it was recorded?

Because: "It makes me feel like a porn star!" Noah had told Daniel.

Noah had agreed to meet Mr Godetia, who was clearly uncertain how the conversation was going to go. The man took off his jacket to reveal tattoos up each arm. Mason was a man in his mid-thirties; just short of six feet, brown hair, eyes and beard and a physique that was shown off by a tight black t-shirt. Mr Godetia remained quiet – waiting for Noah to say what he wanted to say. Noah was dressed in black jeans and a loose white shirt with a jacket over the top. They were in a cafe in the city centre, secluded in a corner.

It was Daniel who made Noah realise that he didn't seem to have a problem with the explicit and overt sexualisation until he found out it was filmed. Fundamentally, nothing about the events had changed – Noah's excitement and interest remained the same. Noah wanted to participate in another EMARP but he had to tell Mason why he had absconded for over a month.

"...dishonesty," Noah concluded his complaint. "You shouldn't have kept things from me."

"I should have been honest with you," Mason agreed.

After Noah's last event, the other actors (Dale, Nico, Cyril and Liam) had explained to Mason that they'd let the cat out of the bag. Mason had always intended to tell Noah the events were recorded eventually but his frustration must have shown. Dale, to his eternal credit, defended the others and took responsibility for all of them.

"We all signed up to these events," Dale said; "All of us play the part, we get our cocks out, we fuck on film and in front of a live audience... Noah should have been told. Don't get pissed at us because you lied to the boy."

Dale was right. Mason had lied to Noah to get him to sign up to the EMARP events and now he feared that Noah, a very popular attraction, was lost to him. Noah had ignored multiple Message-Me's and eventually, he realised it was folly to harass the teenager.

WaitingForGodetia: {I'm sorry I didn't tell you everything and that I haven't given you the space to think about it. Write to me when you're ready, if you want, and we can talk.}

Mason was quite aware of the risk he had taken when he recruited Noah. A sixteen-year-old participating in live sex events was one thing; selling film of those events was another. After a month, Mason figured he had failed to seduce the boy to return to the fold. He had started to wonder if he should drive up the cost of Noah's filmed exploits since there would be no more. Then Noah got in touch and the two agreed to meet in the same place they'd first met face to face.

"Yes. You should have been honest with me," Noah agreed.

"I lied when I said we didn't record the events," Mason confessed; "I told you that attendees have to actually be at an event to see you which makes each event unique. That's true enough... but we also film pretty much everything. You're very popular."

Mason added the last comment as a sweetener.

"Yea. I bet men in their thirties and sixties love jerking off to a sixteen-year-old boy as he's stripped naked and wanked off," Noah responded dryly.

Thankfully, the conversation remained at a volume where they were not overheard.

"Sixteen is the age of sexual consent..." Mason pointed out.

"But eighteen is the age of photographic consent. And pornographic consent," Noah replied. "I'm not an idiot. I thought you were going to be honest now?"

Mason had always been very careful about the models he chose. One can't run a business like he does without caution. Liam was the only other sixteen-year-old Mason ever recruited but he was now twenty. The very reason why Mason did not recruit younger actors was the limitations it put on filming them... and the morality of it or whatever. Blah blah blah.

In some ways it wasn't worth the hassle. In other ways, an actor Noah's age was a goldmine.

"I recruited you for the same reason I recruit anyone, Noah. You're beautiful and you wanted to show yourself off," Mason reasoned; "I always intended to level with you."

"But you wanted to have me hooked on the experience first," Noah observed.

Throughout the conversation, Mason had found Noah hard to gauge. Was he angry? But Noah had crooked smile no which made him think Noah was still interested. Still, Mason squeezed the bridge of his nose - he suddenly felt quite frustrated.

"Noah, do you want to continue participating?" Mason asked.

Noah could now see the shrewdness beneath Mr Godetia's usually affable smile.

"Yes, I want to continue," Noah replied.

Noah had realised that he felt the same way about his role-playing being online as he did when mobile phones captured his nudity and arousal during his mad adventures. It turned him on. EMARP gave Noah the opportunity to explore his nudity, exhibitionism and humiliation in a safe environment and he wasn't going to give that up.

Noah also wasn't going to let Mason get off scot-free with lying; hence the charade of confession and disclosure. It was also helpful to know if anything else had been kept from him but it didn't appear so.

Now that the air had been cleared, Mason invited Noah to participate in another EMARP.

"I want you back. Like I said, you're very popular," Mason said.

"Do you think I'm so popular because I'm young? Do people know?" asked Noah.

Mason chuckled softly before replying.

"Your online profile says you're eighteen but have you ever looked at those kinds of profiles? Adult actors are eighteen for two or three years sometimes," Mason observed. "Is it because the site isn't updated? Is it because eighteen sells better than twenty? Or is it because the `eighteen-year-old' needs a few years to grow into it?"

"Are you saying all studios lie?" Noah asked.

"No, of course not," Mason said exaggeratedly; "That would be wrong."

Noah said nothing in reply to Mr Godetia's sarcasm.

"Have you ever asked yourself why barely-eighteen or barely-legal is such a popular category?"

"Because people are perverts?" Noah asked cynically.

"School uniforms and cheerleading outfits, siblings, virginity... all that stuff makes for the most lucrative products. Why is that?" Mason asked.

Noah wasn't sure he had an answer but Mason had thought about it already.

"Because people are attracted to taboo and fantasy. They lust over youth, virility, innocence and beauty," Mason answered his own question. "The people buying my product like you because they think you're eighteen but don't look it."

"And who are you to disabuse them of that illusion?" Noah asked, this time with a smirk.

Noah liked the idea of so many men lusting over him.

"Indeed," agreed Mr Godetia; "Now what, Noah?"

"The show must go on?" Noah suggested.

Mason was pleased Noah was so willing to participate again. Even without any details Noah was excited.

"Agreed," concurred Mason; "How do you feel about working with others?"

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Chronological order: School Exhibitionism, The Symposium, The Embarrassment of Riches and Do As You're Told. Also see: Anthology.

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Next: Chapter 24

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