A Series of Embarrassing Events

By J Forrester

Published on Feb 5, 2023


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction that contains graphic sexual content. It is purely for entertainment so please enjoy safely and legally. Resemblances to real people, places and events is unintentional (but would be really cool).

A Series of Embarrassing Events Chapter Eighteen: Lust, Actually


School had finished for the week and Monday was the beginning of spring break so the boys had decided to celebrate by agreeing a studying rota. `Cause they're not the cool kids. Samir and Toby were studying together, sensing a more intimate and less academic reason for a proposed Friday night studying session.

"I need to talk about something," Noah said suddenly.

Mateo and Ronan had gone to Noah's house to do homework and study after school. Ronan was grateful because his friends usually helped him to focus. Ronan often found himself distracted by Herman, the unwelcome invisible voice, talking in his ear. Matty just enjoyed the company and being daft. They both enjoyed sneaking glances at Noah because as soon as he got home, he'd stripped naked. Totally bare foot and bare butt naked - how could they not look?

<<And the sixth Hercule Poirot novel was The Mystery of the Blue Train. And the... oh, what the fuck does Noah want now, can he tell I'm busy?>>

Herman was busy listing Agatha Christie novels, for literally no fucking reason, while Ronan was trying to do Physics homework. It was no wonder that Ronan was struggling to keep up with his grades. Noah's question was a welcome distraction from a problem he didn't know the answer too. The boys were in Noah's living room and Noah himself was sat cross-legged on the sofa with Ronan and Mateo on the floor on their phones. They looked up at Noah's unprompted comment.

"Is it about conservation of energy?" Ronan asked.

"No," Noah answered.

"What do you want to talk about?" Matty asked.

"Ok, so... remember just before my birthday we were talking about Event-Me's on Sextr? And then you mentioned EMARP?" Noah asked - slowly moving towards the moment when he asked for advice.


Ronan stayed quiet for the time being. Noah had told Ronan about participating in an EMARP right before organising his own humiliating event at school - getting jizzed on by five guys while still clothed.

"The role-playing event where sexy things happen? Tell me everything!" asked Matty excitedly jumping to the conclusion that Noah had participated in an Explicit Mass Attendance Role Play.

Mateo was paying keen attention now, leaning forward enthusiastically – if he'd been a puppy, he'd be wagging his tail and peeing on the carpet. Noah secreted a momentary glace at Ronan, who already knew about the life modelling and the EUA scenario's. Ronan made very awkward eye contact and then looked away.

"I walked into a room full of strangers that was made to look like an art gallery and I was a naked life model, then I get a hard-on and came in front of everyone," Noah said and then added; "If you can imagine that."

<<Hmmm, hold on... yea, I can imagine that.>>

"You really did that? Please tell me there's more," Matty begged - he liked where things were going.

"In another one, I was taken into a room that looks like a surgical theatre. I pretended to be sedated, then a sexy doctor stripped me naked and jerked me off?" Noah suggested.

"That sounds humiliating," Matty noted. "But it's making me so hard. Are you hard, Ronan?"

"Yea, I'm hard too," Ronan admitted. "Have you done any more role playing?"

<<Please sir, can I have some more?>>

"I've did one more a few weeks ago. It was a medical clinic again and I was given a hospital gown that was too short. Everyone in the waiting room saw my underwear, which I had to take off in front of the so they all saw my ass. Then I had to jerk off in an examination room but the doctor left the door open and more people saw me and watched me cum," Noah regaled.

"Fucking hell, Noah! Did you really do all that?" asked Mateo, awestruck.

Noah nodded.

<<They should make a movie about this boy's life. And star him in the leading role.>>

"Seriously?" Ronan asked.

"It was really exciting," Noah confessed.

"You should have invited us!" insisted Mateo.

"The thing is, I need some advice," Noah ignored Mateo's rejoinder.

<<Have you noticed Noah's pubes are back?>>

Ronan watched Noah uncross his legs and put his legs over the edge of the sofa. He kept his legs closed but it was still easier to see Noah's penis now and his chest and abdomen were as beautiful as ever.

<<He's still kind of flat-chested but he's getting buffer. Buffy. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.>>

"What kind of advice do you need?" Ronan asked.

"Mr Godetia is the guy that organises events. Usually actors, the role players, are eighteen or older but..." Noah hesitated.

He was starting to feel foolish for having jumped into such a serious erotic organisation; had he even considered the consequences? No - that was why he needed advice.

"But he talked you into it?" Matty asked - his voice less excited than concerned.

As awesome as the scenarios sounded, Matty was a good friend and if Noah had been coerced, he would defend his friend. Somehow.

"No. Not really. I wanted to do it. I wanted to do all the events I've taken part in so far," Noah confessed. "I love being naked at home, as you can see. I think I love being humiliated; like when you guys, Dural, Jasper and Jonas shot all over me at school."

"That was pretty sick," Matty admitted.

<<He means "sick" in the contemporary sense, dog. It means "very good".>>

"The role paying stuff has been really exciting but Mason... Mr Godetia... told me each event was unique and only seen by the people who attended them," Noah told them.

<<I'm bored. Can I go outside and play for a while?>>

"No," Ronan accidentally answered the voice.

"You see where this is going?" Noah asked, assuming Ronan's comment was one of realisation.

"He recorded it," Matty said - the quandary dawning on him without Noah having to say it.

"Yes. He shouldn't have because I'm under eighteen. I'm sixteen so the sex is fine... I think..." Noah said uncertainly.


"When you think about it, it sounds like exploitation," Ronan said.

<<That's what I was going to say. Don't copy me.>>

"He didn't take advantage of me," Noah protested; "I made the choice. I've been thinking about it since I found out and I don't know that my choice would have been any different if I'd known about the cameras. But he shouldn't make explicit images of under eighteen-year-old's. I don't feel vulnerable but what if I was? One film involved me being stripped, molested and masturbated by someone old enough to be my dad."

"This is a lot to take in, Noah," Mateo confessed.

"What advice do you want from us?" Ronan asked.

"Well, I've been intimate with both of you and you both know I like stuff that, for want of a better word, is weird," Noah confessed.

"Atypical," Ronan suggested a better word.

<<Analytical. Asocial. Apolitical. Arterial. Abdominal. Anorectal. Abnormal.>>

"Exactly," Noah agreed; "I just don't know how I feel about being filmed."

"It sounded like you really enjoyed the scenarios when you talked about them earlier," Matty pointed out.

"I did. I do but when the other guys told me the scenarios were filmed... I just worry about who might see those videos. What if someone I know sees them? Knowing what I know now, would I be insane to go back and role play again?" Noah asked.

"Is that what you want advice about?" Mateo asked.

Noah nodded.

"I'm only sixteen," Noah said.

<<Talk him into it no matter what. Nothing must defeat his penis!>>

"You're basically making porn," Ronan rationalised; "But it's niche porn and it's not like guys at school are going to download it."

"Also, there was always a risk you'd get caught by someone you know. You're making these role plays in Five Dukes... you've always been taking the risk of being seen by people you know," Mateo pointed out.

"Yea... I guess so..." Noah agreed.

He still didn't want to mention that Dural and Jasper (amongst others) had shown up to his first event.

"Don't do anything you don't want to do, Noah," Matty insisted supportively. "You're right, they shouldn't film it but it's not you who'll get in trouble for it. You're just a boy who wants get naked in front of lots of people."

"I do enjoy that," Noah concurred.

"And now you can reach a wider audience," Mateo added. "Seriously though, if you want to stop... stop."

"What does Mr Godetia have to say for himself?" Ronan asked.

"Nothing. I haven't talked to him about it," Noah replied.

"Maybe you should take some time off and think about it," Ronan suggested.

"Good idea," Noah agreed.

It was already two weeks since his last EMARP and he had no intention of rushing into another one, especially knowing what he knew now. Fools rush in.

"On an unrelated note..." Noah said and heaved a great, cleansing sigh; "Do you guys want to fool around?" Noah asked.

Ronan and Matty looked at each other and then at Noah to whom they nodded affirmatively.

Noah approached Matty and kissed him, reaching down to grab his dick and give it a good squeeze. Ronan took the opportunity to move behind Noah and kissed his neck.

Noah and Matty continued to lock lips and Matty stroked Noah's bare arms, then moved his hands to Noah's hips and worked up to the armpits. Noah wriggled excitedly as he was tickled under the arms but Matty's hands didn't linger there, they moved back down and then up Noah's tummy and chest.

Ronan meanwhile traced a finger down Noah's spine before cupping bare buttocks and giving them a squeeze. The flesh was soft and warm and Ronan teased his way towards the crack which was just crying out for a face to be buried in.

Noah's hands continued to knead Mateo's cock through his shorts and Matty helped by humping Noah's hand. Finally, at last, Matty reached for Noah's engorging cock and gave it a few tugs until it got fully hard. Matty's hand was slick when he rubbed his palm over the glans and Noah moaned.

Noah was acutely aware he was still in his living room and the curtains were not drawn. He had long since forgotten about his nudity at home and the possibility of someone looking in and seeing him compromised. However, Noah sensed they were quickly moving towards the limits of Matty and Ronan's comfort zone; things were going to need to move to the bedroom in a moment.

For a minute longer, Noah enjoyed the pleasure of Matty and Ronan's ministrations - his cock and his ass reacting favourably to every caress. Just then, they heard the front door open and voices in the hall.

Matty's kissing became impossible as he was smiling, almost laughing.

"That'll be your brother," Matty said.

"Yea," Noah agreed.

"You brother sees you naked around the house a lot? Is it embarrassing? Is it embarrassing when he sees you with a boner?" Matty asked.

"A little bit," Noah answered with a sly grin.

"Good," Matty answered.

Matty stopped kissing and Ronan stopped grabbing ass - just in time for two people to enter the living room to see Noah not only stark naked but with raging hard-on.

"Hey guys," said Daniel.

Dan chuckled at the sight of his little brother's big erection. Just behind Dan was his best friend Jamie. Jamie's jaw fell open when he saw Noah's erection, especially since the kid was hard in front of his friends. Noah very much wished he could put his cock in Jamie's open mouth.

As Dan's best friend, Jamie was more or less a lodger in casa McNelis. It wasn't that Jamie had nowhere else to go but he and Dan were good friends and had gone to university together. Since graduating, Jamie's living in the McNelis home had given him freedom from his parents – especially now that Noah and Daniel's dad was out of the country for months at a time.

Dan and Jamie were both used to Noah's nudity around the house but it was still fun for the teenager to watch Jamie's eyes wander over him. It was a treat for Jamie too who thought Noah possessed a natural and innocent beauty - though Noah knew how to exploit his own pulchritude. Three months ago, Noah and Jamie had had sex - was it really that long? Perhaps Noah hadn't noticed because his attention had been stolen by Matty and Ronan (amongst others) and the EMARP's.

Noah was a glutton for attention and even though he and Jamie had not been objectively intimate since last November, Noah still thought about him and appreciated being looked at by the twenty-one-year-old. Jamie's attention was flattering and Jamie always looked - even when Noah was flaccid. Noah never covered up – not even when he popped a boner in front of his big brother.

"Did we interrupt?" asked Daniel with a smirk.

"No, we were just going to go upstairs," Noah answered.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Daniel joked.

Ronan and Matty left the room first so as Noah passed Jamie he pressed his lips against the twenty-one-year-old's. It was pure greed but he wanted to take Jamie upstairs too. He reached down and felt Jamie's hardness and almost invited him.

"I think your friends are waiting for you, buddy," Daniel told interrupted.

Noah grinned, knowing he'd turned Jamie on, and bounded out of the room.

"So, do you want to go upstairs too?" Noah heard Daniel ask playfully.

For some people, attraction was about love. People look for boyfriends or girlfriends or lovers or partners or spouses. Other people are motivated by desire. Noah considered that, at sixteen, he was young enough to just enjoy sex. He wanted to explore sex with different people in different ways so for him attraction wasn't about love.

Not love - lust, actually.

Noah got to his bedroom to find Ronan and Mateo shirtless on the bed together and kissing. He didn't feel jealousy; rather he felt his cock in his hand as he watched them. The boys bodies moved together, their chests touching and legs entangled; their lips were warm and wet and the intimacy was so hot to watch that Noah wouldn't have minded if he wasn't even invited to participate.

Ronan and Matty both had sallow skin but Ronan's was a shade deeper – by comparison, Noah had the complexion of a marshmallow. It was only minutes but Ronan and Marry were getting clammy with teenage sweat.

Noah stoked his cock while watching his shirtless friends kissing on the bed and after a few minutes, he advanced towards them. Noah knelt beside the bed and grabbed Ronan's ankles, pulling his socks off. He did the same for Mateo and then gripped Matty's shorts and slowly pulled them down and off. Matty's boxer-clad groin grinded into Ronan's denim crotch but Matty also reached towards those jeans and unbuttoned them; he pulled the zipper down and with that done, Noah yanked Ronan's jeans down until he tossed them on the floor.

Ronan was also wearing boxers and now he and Mateo were hard and only one piece of clothing away from nakedness. Ronan made the first move, tucking his hand into the back of Matty's boxers and caressing the pleasant mounds inside.

Needing time to breath, Matty stopped kissing leaned away. Matty and Ronan were facing each other on the bed and Matty took the opportunity to check out Ronan's chest which was quite beefy with surprisingly muscular pecs and a smattering of black hair across its centre that delved towards his belly button.

At sixteen, boys are changing all the time; Ronan, Mateo and Noah were all developing athletic bodies inspired by running, team sports and healthy eating. However, if manhood it was a competition, Ronan would be winning. Noah was quite happy winning the boyhood competition and Matty was happy in the middle.

Matty kissed the centre of Ronan's chest and then wrapped lips around a nipple. Ronan laughed and pushed Matty away and then pulled Noah by the hand so he collapsed on the bed with them.

<<Three in the bed and the little one said; "bend over, bend over," so they all bent over and one cried out and banged his mates and gave a shout...>>

Noah's hand was already in Ronan's boxers and a moment later those boxers had been pulled off and tossed aside. Never one to be left out, Matty removed his boxer too. Noah's mouth found Ronan's cock and started to suck on it with excitement; Noah loved sucking cock and it had been a while since he's last had Ronan's in his mouth.

While Ronan got his cock sucked, he leaned back with his arms behind his head, exposing bushy black pits. Mateo pushed his hand into one and then continued his attention on Ronan's chest. Ronan was deeply turned on by Matty's caressing while Noah sucked him off but he didn't like to be selfish.

"Put your cock in my mouth," Ronan invited Matty.

Matty shuffled up the bed and then swung his leg over Ronan so he was straddling Ronan's chest; Mateo leaned his cock towards Ronan's open mouth and felt his dick disappear inside.

Noah took a moment to breathe which meant taking Ronan's cock out of his mouth but he kept on licking it and stoking it with special attention to the head. Noah's own cock was already leaking - no change there then - and making a mess by dribbling on Ronan's thigh.

Matty pushed his cock into Ronan's mouth and Ronan gobbled it up, sucking and slurping on precum as it mixed with his saliva. The voice was blissfully uncommunicative for once, giving Ronan respite in which to enjoy the moment.

"Your mouth is so hot," Matty declared.

Matty felt his cock get wet and hot inside Roan's gob. Precum and spittle leaked silvery trails from Ronan's lips. Ronan licked it away and cleaned the head Matty's cock, slurping on the sensitive head until it was too much to stand any more.

Matty pulled his cock out and looked over his shoulder to gaze at Ronan's erection and was quite pleased with the sight especially as Noah was still down there kissing, licking and sucking it.

"How're you feeling Noah?" asked Matty.

After the serious conversation an hour ago, Noah seemed quite content now he had a cock in his face. Noah took Ronan's cock from his mouth and let it slap him in the face.

"I'm happy," Noah replied.

Matty got off Ronan's chest and moved towards Noah, tucking a hand under his chin and encouraging Noah to lift his face. Ronan watched as Mateo kissed Noah's lips which must have still tasted of his dick.

<<Remember in the film E.T. when Elliot says; "It was nothing like that, penis breath!" How did that get a certificate U from the BBFC?>>

Ronan ignored Herman's non sequitur and grabbed his dick, stroking it with Noah's saliva as lube. Mateo didn't want Ronan to feel left out so when his lips left Noah's he climbed on top of Ronan and their lips met. Bodies and dicks pressed together; Matty cold feel the wiry bristles of Ronan's chest hair while Ronan felt Mateo's soft skin and downy hair as their legs writhed together. Noah didn't feel left out – he was turned on by the sight of the boys fooling around.

"I'd love to watch you ride Ronan's cock..." Noah said the quiet part out loud.

<<Oh, yes please!>>

Mateo chuckled, his chest thumping against Ronan's as he did, and then rolled off Ronan and looked at Noah. Noah was looking at his friends – side by side, naked and very hard. Noah certainly had a penchant for nudity but his friends didn't seem to have any qualms or shame at this moment.

"You want to watch?" Mateo asked salaciously. "You dirty bastard."

"Ronan and I have both had sex, it's ok if you're not ready," Noah reassured Matty.

Matty was a virgin as far as Noah knew and he didn't correct the assumption.

"Oh, I'm ready... wait, you guys have fucked?" Matty found himself side-tracked. "Other people or each other?"

"Yes," Noah replied unhelpfully.

"In that case I definitely want butt-fucked," Matty declared.

"Can I record it?" Noah suggested.

"No," Matty drew the line.

Ronan sat up and glared at the other boys as if he weren't being included in the fucking decision process (pun intended).

"Do I get a say in this?" Ronan asked jokingly.

"Sure, you do. You get to decide what position I'm in," Mateo replied with a chuckle.

<<Bend over, bend over.>>

Ronan lay back on the bed and stroked his cock. Did he want to have sex with Matty? He was sixteen and not emotionally entangled with anyone. He had enjoyed the time with Noah and he felt mutually attracted to Noah and Mateo. Perhaps he was overthinking things. Matty wanted to pop his cherry and Noah wanted to watch and Ronan wanted to cum inside a boys ass.

"Come and sit on it, Matty," Ronan almost dared him.

Noah was delighted to jerk himself, his own sticky mess pouring out as he did. Matty teased Ronan as he put the condom on. As Ronan's cock was wrapped, Matty stroked it and pinched the throbbing head of the engorged member.

"We should loosen you up a bit first," Noah suggested.

Matty was excited to position his ass over Ronan's dick but it would be foolish to impale himself on a cock without preparing himself. Matty got on all fours beside Ronan and reached for Ronan's cock to keep him hard while Noah reached a lubed hand between Matty's legs and slopped lubricant all over his asshole.

"I've actually used a dildo at home," Matty confessed, though no-one had asked.

Noah slipped his finger over the greased hole a few times and then pushed a finger in, the sphincter yielded and within a minute another finger was probing his friend's anus. Without a word, Matty swung his leg over Ronan's body and he sat on Ronan's abdomen. Ronan's hard cock pulsated against Matty's sacrum until he could imagine a fountain of cum shooting up his spine – if Ronan hadn't been wearing a condom. Matty propped himself up with hands on either side and then lifted his butt until it hovered over Ronan's dick.

Noah shuffled off the bed and pulled his desk chair alongside the bed so he could watch the action while masturbating. Matty lowered himself on to Ronan's cock and Ronan started to hump Matty's ass. Matty cried out with pleasure and was delighted to feel a meaty pole inside him. Matty had fucked Noah last year and he'd been fucking himself with the dildo, but this was the first real boy cock he'd had inside him.

It was magnificent.

"Oh fuck, Ronan. Oh fuck," Matty cried out.

<<Harder. Harder.>>

Ronan didn't want to be any harder - he let Matty control the pace of things and the force with which things were proceeding.

"Oh my god, this is..." Matty bleated.

Noah remembered his first time with Jamie and pondered what Ronan's first time must have been like. To witness Mateo losing his virginity was a beautiful thing. His friend's asshole dilated and was filled with a thick, brown dick. Noah continued to pleasure himself, his hand slopped with sticky precum, but he was imagining himself in between his friends - spit roasted or double penetrated. Noah wanted to be like the creamy white centre of an Oreo, sandwiched between two brown biscuits.

Matty raised himself up and lowered himself while Ronan shoved up and brought his pelvis down so his ass buried in the mattress. As he grew tired, Matty slid into Ronan's lap, like sliding down a fireman's pole, until the cock deep inside him. Matty leaned forward and Ronan did too so the boys kissed again.

"This is my first time," Matty told Ronan. "Thank you. Oh, thank you."

Noah watched as Matty grinded his ass on Ronan's cock and lifted himself a few more times. It was all too much for Ronan's cock - the friction of Matty's sphincter stroked his cock just right and he burst his load to leave a big deposit in the condom.

<<Well, you didn't last long.>>

Ronan ignored the criticism because a moment later, Matty came too. His cum first leaked and then gushed and then shot in a series of geyser-like explosions. Noah's favourite thing was the mess that cum made and he wanted to rub his face on Ronan's chest but the moment belonged to his friends. He was just an observer. Matty pulled himself off Ronan's cock and chuckled to himself - he looked at Ronan with great satisfaction. He had made a boy cum with the power of his bum.

"That was awesome. And the best thing about being sixteen is we can do it again in half an hour," Matty half-joked.

They both laughed and lay beside each other; in tandem they looked at Noah who was still lazily stroking his stiff prick. Between Noah's svelte, smooth thighs we his blue balls and a cock weeping precum.

"Well, what are we going to do about you?" Mateo asked languidly.

Noah observed the two of them together - they made a nice couple. Not that Noah thought they were "a couple" in that sense but they still looked cute.

"You guys look quite cosy," Noah answered; "Why don't you take a break?"

The dynamics of all three of them needing to cum had not been well thought out and now Ronan and Matty were spent and sleepy. Noah didn't mind on this occasion because someone else had caught his eye earlier and now he couldn't stop thinking about it.


Noah hadn't been intimate with Jamie since his first time three months ago and he was curious what amorous activity he might be able to get tonight.

"You guys have my bed," Noah suggested.

<<Two in the bed and the little one said; "bend over, bend over," so they all bent over...>>

"I'll be back in a while," Noah promised.

Noah padded out of his room, barefoot and naked, and closed the door softly behind him. Noah took one last look at the couple (the pair) and almost chucked at the total lack of interest Ronan and Mateo had in his departure.

Noah stepped up to Jamie's bedroom door, which was right next to his, and found it ajar. The light was off but Noah nudged the door open and found the room empty. Noah instinctively knew where Jamie was. Last year, Noah had discovered his straight brother Daniel and best friend Jamie had sex sometimes.

To be exact, Dan exclusively fucked Jamie (no other men) and confessed he was hetero-flexible which meant he was eighty percent straight and the other 20% liked fucking Jamie. Noah had spent time online reading about hetero (or homo) flexibility but after a while he ended up watching porn featuring supposedly straight guys getting pumped - that was much more fun.

Light from the skylight cast across Noah's naked body as he walked across the hall and headed for Daniel's bedroom. When Noah had left the living room earlier, he had heard Dan ask:

"So, do you want to go upstairs too?"

Noah had thought his brother was suggesting Jamie join the teenagers in their orgy but on reflection, Noah suspected Daniel had been propositioning Jamie. Noah listened at Dan's bedroom door to confirm his suspicions and sure enough he could hear groaning and moaning inside. As quietly as he could, Noah opened the door so he could peek at them.

Jamie was bent over the bed with his ass stuck out and Daniel was stood behind him, pushing his cock in and out with sharp thrusts. Both lads were muscular and sweaty; Jamie's ass was a sweet and peachy bubble that Noah either wished to bite or to fuck himself.

Dan too was a very attractive man - it was hard not to check him out even though it was his brother. Dan was quite smooth, just like Noah, but with only some blond wisps on his legs and the back of his thighs.

A musky and manly odour was in the room, the two young men had been fucking for a while.

Noah's trance was broken by a wet droplet on his foot and he looked to see cock-drool streaming from his dick. Precum dribbled like a leaky tap and Noah was reminded that he had come to seek out the attention of a pre-climax lover. If he didn't hurry, Jamie would shoot his load too.

"Can I come in?" Noah asked.

Daniel and Jamie were startled by the surprise entrance but hid it well enough. The moment Jamie looked at Noah it was hard for him to stop looking; Daniel meanwhile, didn't try to cover his bare ass or raging cock from his little brother...

Like a regular person would.

...He just kept fucking his best friend.

Noah was used to the flattering attention of men so Jamie's gaze, while welcome, was expected. It was Daniel's eyes that caught Noah's attention. As Dan fucked a man, the straight guy checked out his skinny little brother. Noah was still incredibly smooth, though his pubes had grown back in. Noah's pubes were nothing but a short shrub above his cock; his legs and chest were totally smooth.

"I thought you had your own friends to play with?" asked Dan with a chuckle.

"I do. But they played with each other first and I thought I might find a new friend," Noah replied.

"Oh fuck. Fuck," Jamie moaned - unable to suppress the expression of pleasure.

"I'm really close to cumming," Daniel confessed.

"Me too," admitted Jamie.

"Ok, let's take a break," suggested Daniel, slapping Jamie's ass as he slowly pressed in with one last plunge. "Then we can think of a way to help Noah feel like he's not left out."

Daniel pulled his condom-clad cock out of his best friend's hole and Jamie straightened up. Noah had come to accept he truly enjoyed being naked; he was part nudist, part exhibitionist and part caught up in crazy naked adventures. At this moment, Dan had the same brazen and unselfconscious attitude to his nudity as he strut around his bedroom - still hard - without covering his arousal.

There were not many twenty-one-year olds who would be naked in front of their sixteen-year-old brother (also naked) without feeling shame. Jamie's eyes floated between the naked brothers and it crossed his mind that Noah and Dan's respective comfort being both naked and aroused around each other was awesome.

"I'll do you both a favour," Jamie suggested.

"Go on," replied Dan but he was suspicious.

"One of you can fuck my ass while the other fucks my face..." Jamie proposed.

"That's generous," Noah commented.

"If..." Jamie added.

"Here it comes," Daniel remarked - though he had no idea what Jamie was actually about to say.

"If," Jamie repeated as he turned to Daniel; "You let Noah suck your cock."

Daniel blanched – finally embarrassed by the situation.

"That presents a few problems for me," Daniel admitted nervously.

"I'm sure it does," Jamie said.

Then Jamie kissed Dan's lips and caressed his bicep; they were so close Noah might have believed they were lovers.

"One, I'm not gay. Two, you're the only guy I fuck around with. Three, Noah's my little brother," Daniel listed.

Daniel had told Noah that although he was flexible, Jamie was the exclusive male with whom he'd explored things in a physical way.

"One, I know you're not gay. Two, our relationship is purely physical and that's all I'm asking of you and Noah," Jamie responded; "Three, close your eyes."

"I should've just gotten myself a girlfriend," muttered Daniel.

"And four, you better save your cum for my mouth because I'm thirsty," Jamie teased.

Daniel laughed at that and sighed heavily as if submitting reluctantly. Well, he was submitting reluctantly.

"Should I even ask why you want to see my teenage brother suck my big cock... ok, I get it," Daniel confessed.

From a purely fantasy point of view, the incest angle of sex was a strange niche. No-one wants to fuck a sibling or a parent in real life and yet porn is littered with the genre. Perhaps it was the taboo or the indiscretion of it?

"How do you feel about this?" Daniel asked Noah.

"Honestly?" Noah replied; "It's concerning how many cock's I'm interested in."

The three boys laughed, easing the tension in the room and slowly Dan reached for his waning cock. Daniel stroked himself until he was fully erect again; it was not lost on him that he was masturbating in front of his brother but given what he was about to submit himself too, that was the least humiliating thing that was going to happen tonight.

Was he really going to let Noah suck his dick? Noah was not embarrassed in the slightest but the horny little fucker was an unstoppable, gay, nude machine. It was different for Dan – he wasn't gay.

"Jamie? You owe me big time for this," Daniel warned.

Daniel loved his best friend like a... brother... perhaps this was not the most apt phrase to pass though his mind at that moment. However, Dan did love Jamie and loved having sex with him - they were only friends, barely lovers and certainly not intimate in the gay relationship sense of things.

Most people wouldn't understand how a (mostly) straight man could fuck a guy but Daniel wasn't most people. He understood his own sexuality and making Jamie happy was something worth doing... even if it was weird.

"I'm going to take Jamie's advice and close my eyes," Daniel told Noah.

Dan closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head and a moment later he felt the soft lips of his sixteen-year-old brother wrap around his cock.

Noah slid Daniel's cock into his mouth and took the shaft halfway before pulling his face off the meat pole. The thick and long dick – eight glorious inches of it - bobbed in front of his face and Noah looked up at Jamie to see if he wanted more.

Of course, he did.

Jamie was just sorry he couldn't take pictures.

Noah gripped Daniel's cock with his hand and held it steady while his mouth engulfed it again. Once the cock was slippery and wet and deep inside his face, Noah put his hands on the back Daniel's thighs and stroked up and down. It was the touch right at the bottom of his arse – where the cheeks met his thighs - that did it. The erogenous spot sent horny ripples though Dan's body and made his knees weak.

Noah was a very nice cock-sucker - licking, stroking, kissing and sucking.

Daniel felt his whole dick getting deep-throated, filling the warm cavern of Noah's mouth. Daniel opened his eyes and looked down at the boy who was five years younger. There was a mixture of confused emotions for Dan as he watched that young face gobble his dick. The only male Dan had ever felt a physical attraction to was Jamie... and that hadn't changed.

"You... You can stop now," Daniel told Noah.

Daniel had to admit the blowjob had been very competent - another few minutes and he's have blasted his little brother's throat with jizz - but it didn't change his feelings towards men.

Noah let the cock fall from his mouth - he could still taste the precum and had to admit he hadn't expected to enjoy his big brother's cock so much. He hadn't closed his eyes for a single moment - he had enjoyed looking at Dan's naked body. Daniel was a very attractive man so Noah was secretly pleased by Jamie's request.

Even for a gay boy, sucking a family member's cock isn't typical sexual behaviour. Some people would be disgusted but Noah found himself contemplating EMARP and Mr Godetia and how the man would probably have made a fortune filming real brothers in such a sexual entanglement.

Daniel had grabbed his cock and he wiped the sticky head on Noah's lips, then tilted it up so the thick rod slid up Noah's face, nearly poking his eye out. Jamie was loving every moment of the sexual fantasy.

Speaking of Jamie - wasn't it time for the brothers to fill his orifices?

"That was magnificent," Jamie said.

"I'm glad you liked it," Daniel replied, hiding his own feelings about it.

"I'll let you guys fight over who gets my ass and who gets my mouth," Jamie said scandalously.

"Have you ever ass-fucked someone?" Dan asked Noah.

Noah nodded and Daniel showed little surprise at his little brother's sexual history. Dan handed him a condom gave Noah's bum a little smack to propel towards Jamie. Jamie's dick pulsed at the sound of the fleshy smack on the ass.

"I mean it Dan, I loved watching Noah suck you off," Jamie said.

"I'm going to fuck your face so hard," Daniel promised Jamie.

"Promise?" Jamie asked.

Noah had finally got the condom on over his immensely slippery dick. Jamie lay on his back at the edge of the bed so Noah could have sex with him standing up. Daniel meanwhile clambered onto the bed, one knee on either side of Jamie's head, and his cock pointed down into his friend's face.

Jamie lifted his head took Daniel's cock into his mouth. Daniel put a hand behind Jamie's head to hold it up while he used his other hand to steady his erection as it pushed in and out of Jamie's mouth.

Noah was standing at the edge of the bed, gingerly approaching Jamie's hole. Fifteen minutes ago, his own brother had been fucking that hole and now he was going to fill it with his considerably smaller cock. Noah was a little under six and a half inches while Daniel was wight inches. Noah hoped the adage that size doesn't matter was true.

It wasn't just Jamie's ass that had Noah's attention – his brother was on all fours, doggy style, fucking Jamie's mouth which meant his ass was facing Noah. Noah tried not to look at the peachy mounds and the hole that was tight and...

"Are you ok, Noah?" Daniel asked.

"Yea, I'm just getting ready," Noah replied.

Dan was true to his word, thrusting hard and deep with firm pushed of his groin. Jamie gasped and gurgled but took the deep throating without having to stop. Eight inches in the mouth meant Jamie was taking deep, straggled breaths though his nose.

Noah pressed the tip of his cock against Jamie's waiting hole and pushed against it. The muscular ring was slightly rigid and yet yielding; loosened by the recent fucking by Daniel. Jamie's anus seemed to pull Noah's cock in and he found it easier once the head of his cock had entered.

The sensation of his shaft as it drove deeper was fucking magnificent.

Noah pulled back until he felt a tiny tug on the swollen bell-end of his cock - like trying to pull out an arrow. Noah paid attention to that tug and used it as a guide to tell him to thrust again, which he did.

Ideally, Jamie would have moaned as Noah's big cock did an excellent job of hitting his prostate, but his mouth was too full. Jamie inhaled through his nose and felt a mixture of precum and drool escape his mouth.

Every time Noah thrust into Jamie's ass; the boy found himself six inches closer to his brother's butt. Unable to resist, Noah plunged deep and leaned into Daniel's ass. He kissed the tailbone and then slid his pursed lips down, licking salty skin as he did. Noah's tongue escaped his puckered lips, finding the crack between Dan's cheeks and daring to flick in and out.

"Ohmyfuckinggod! I am so close," Daniel warned.

Daniel made no indication to Jamie that his little brother was tentatively exploring a rimjob. Noah Never ventured farther than small kissed and gently, probing licks between the cheeks of Daniel's ass but he could tell Dan liked it.

Noah continued to fuck Jamie's ass while his face was busy with his brother's ass. Dan could feel his cock getting sucked and his balls knocking around against Jamie's chin. Daniel finally felt his cock burst and the cum flowed into Jamie's mouth like a faucet.

Jamie had to slurp and guzzle the sweet and salty jizz and then, even once the convulsions had stopped, Daniel wiped his cock over Jamie's lips. Jamie continued to nurse the leaking tip of Dan's cock until Dan, with a chuckle, patted his enormous member across Jamie's face. The fleshy smack of cock on cheeks, patting across his nose and swiped across his eyes made Jamie feel degraded but deeply satisfied.

Daniel clambered off the bed while listening to Noah's breaths which took on the short and sharp quality that preceded ejaculation. Daniel watched Jamie pull his thighs up, resting his legs on Noah's shoulders and then Noah held Jamie's thighs as he pushed in again.

Noah felt a brilliant load of cum flow from his cock and he feared it would take a week to refill his balls. Noah pulled out and held his aching cock while the convulsions subsided. Exhaustedly, Jamie dropped his legs, which dangled over the edge of the bed. Jamie's chest was sexy and glistening with sweat – all three of them stank of sex. Noah took the condom off and rubbed the sticky snot that coated his cock all over his smooth chest.

Jamie sat up and beckoned Noah forward. Noah glanced at Daniel who just chuckled at him – everyone seemed to know Noah loved cum because Jamie was about to spunk all over him. Jamie furiously pumped his cock but he was so close that the onanism only lasted a minute. It ended with a spray of cum all over Noah's face and chest. Noah felt delighted - he rather loved cum; his own, Jamie's, five boys in a changing room - it was all the same to Noah.

"Wow. Just... wow," Noah said.

Jamie laughed softly and happily and threw himself back on Daniel's bed while Dan wrapped a towel around his waist.

"I'm going to take a shower," said Daniel.

"Are you ok?" Jamie asked him.

"I'm fine. We should do this again sometime," Dan replied.

Noah put his hand up like a kid in a classroom.

"Not you," Dan answered the unasked question.

Daniel and Jamie had no formal arrangements about fucking. To make a plan would be to make more of the relationship than was the case. They were friends who sometimes fucked and that wasn't going to change.

"C'mon Noah," said Jamie; "I'll walk you back to your room."

"How gallant of you," Noah teased.

When Noah got back to his room, Ronan and Mateo were asleep. They were hung over each other, not quite hugging but close and entangled. Noah wanted to take a picture but resisted.

"Can I sleep in your bed?" Noah teasingly asked Jamie.

Jamie looked at the bed and saw there was no space for the teenager.

"Sleep only, ok?" Jamie emphasised; "I don't wanna fool around."

"Oh, you're going to sleep there too?" Noah joked.

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Chronological order: School Exhibitionism, The Symposium, The Embarrassment of Riches and Do As You're Told. Also see: Anthology.

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Email me: niftyencomiums@gmail.com

My blog: https://niftyencomiums.blogspot.com

Next: Chapter 21

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