A Rough Night Ahead

By Zed Gispel

Published on Sep 7, 2018



A semi-true story based simply on the framework of the event. From there, my imagination went wild ( as it tends to ) and my writer's brain filled in the rest. This is the first time I am "formally" writing and "publishing" a story like this, so please feel free to offer advice on how I can improve or what you want to see. Along with that, consider donating to Nifty since they are the reason that you are able to read this at all right now, along with thousands of other hot pieces of literature. Enjoy!

Late at night was when it happened. I was in my dorm, and my roommate had just left for the night, as he would usually do. I was on my own, much to my delight, though I can't say I was surprised considering I had been every other night this week so far. Going through the nightly maneuvers, I got my clothes ready for tomorrow, a blazer and a white button up shirt with suspenders (so I could look classy even if it got hot), and started getting ready for bed. I threw on a shirt so that nobody would see my upper body, and just had underwear on below. Much more comfortable that way. Stepping into the bathroom, I slightly closed their end's door so that I would feel a little less exposed. As I got up from using the toilet, I noticed that my butt was a little wet. "Gross! They pissed on the fucking toilet!" I wiped as much as I could with toilet paper before grumpily flushing and exiting the room. I tried pulling the ends of my underwear up a bit so that it wouldn't get any leftover substances on it. I grabbed some baby wipes from my drawer and wiped my thighs. "That's just disgusting, who pisses on their own toilet seat?" I just couldn't get over it, it seemed so gross. I made my way back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Spreading my legs apart so that I wouldn't step on my roommate's bathroom mat as usual, I grabbed my toothbrush and squeezed some toothpaste onto it. I heard plenty of commotion coming from my suitemate's dorm and began to step away towards my dorm, when suddenly one of the people they were having over came in. "Oh, sorry, I was just heading out" I said in a slightly panicked manner. "Heyyy, nothing to worry about man. Why don't you stay and chat a little?" he responded, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I was trying to get ready for bed. "Uh, no I really shouldn't." I shook my toothbrush a little hoping he would get the idea. "Dude, there's no reason to be so uptight about it..." He drifted closer, grabbing my wrist and keeping me in place. "Ah, not so hard! I'll stay and talk if you want but there's no reason for that!" I writhed a little bit as his grip tightened more and more. "Man it's too late to talk. I think you owe me an apology for trying to diss me like that." At this point I could tell he was a little groggy, especially from his breath. I was beginning to worry a little. Though, surely if there was this many people in the hall at the moment, then there was no way things could get THAT bad. I gave in. "Alright I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to go away..." "Nah, that's not enough. On your knees, I want to see you beg for my forgiveness." Didn't that seem a bit much, even for an intoxicated douchebag? I was already apologizing on behalf of HIS stupid interest in this. Regardless, I didn't want to provoke him anymore, so I reluctantly started to get down. I shuddered in disgust as the floor was a little wet and my bare legs were touching it. "I'm gonna have to shower after this" I thought. Just as I began to speak, frustratingly uttering "I am", he pulled my head in towards his groin and held it there. "Hey guys, this fag in here is trying to give me a blowjob!" he yelled back to the other dorm. "What? No I'm n-" He shoved me into his groin again, this time more forcefully, holding me there so I couldn't get back or see anything. I tried pushing away with my free hand, but he grabbed it with his other hand. I didn't want to drop my toothbrush on the floor, so the second best thing that came to mind was the shower, seeing as we were right next to it. I tossed it in there and hoped for the best as I used my once occupied hand to push him away again. But it was stopped. "How could he stop it?" I thought. "There's no way he has another free hand to grab it!" That's when I realized it wasn't' his hand at all. Whoever this was had colder, slightly larger hands, made even more apparent when they grabbed my other hand as he put more pressure on my head. Suddenly I heard voices. Plenty of hysterical comments and laughter erupted as they seemed to walk into the room. "Lemme get a picture of this!" someone said as I saw a bit of a flash out of the corner of my vision. This continued for about a minute before someone said... "Well? Is he gonna do it or what?" Everything got silent. My hair was pulled back as I was now looking into the face of the douchebag. "He's got a good point. Why the hell haven't you started yet, faggot?" His eyes were falling, but I saw nothing but absolute focus in them. A smile slowly came onto his face as I could tell my face was warping into sheer horror. I didn't feel like I could speak, much less breathe. I was just beginning to notice the faint scent of weed in the air what with there being numerous (apparently) high guys in the room. A million questions were shooting through my mind, "How does he know I'm gay? Why is this happening to me? Am I still wearing only underwear? Why am I still just sitting here? How are they all even fitting in here?" Then, as if he knew what I was thinking, he quietly muttered just loud enough for me to hear, "I pegged you from the start." My eyes couldn't have opened any more than they were at that moment. I was putting 2 and 2 together, and I didn't like the result. ->To be continued...-> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I apologize for it being a little short, but I'm simply too tired to continue anymore tonight. Please feel free to email me at <guyswithaz@gmail.com> if you have any comments or critique to offer! Keep an eye out for the next chapter, where things spice up!

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