A Rock Ape's Cocktale

By Rampage

Published on Nov 27, 2016



Hi, folks! Let me introduce myself. My name is Cassidy Gibson. OK, don't all laugh at once. I guess my late parents had a strange sense of humour when it came to naming their pride and joy. I've been called 'Hopalong' by family, friends and school mates since infant school. Anyway, this is not about the dim and distant past but about the present. I'm currently serving a self-imposed 10-year sentence in the Royal Air Force Regiment and right now I have just flown in from Kandahar Airport in southern Afghanistan, where I lead a security patrol round the airfield, mainly at night. I can boast the rank of corporal and I'm just about halfway through my tour there. I have been sent on a two week Rest and Recuperation leave (known as R&R). As I no longer have any immediate family back in the UK, I opted to take my leave (or furlough as it is known to our allies) on the beautiful island of Cyprus, which is why I'm here at RAF Akrotiri stuck in the Arrivals Lounge with a turd of a surly sergeant Movements bloke glaring at me as I wait for transport to take me to the resort of Limassol.

There are just two places on the island where servicemen on furlough can find accommodation in Limassol. First, there's the Katsellas Dome Hotel, a first class multi-star rated establishment patronised exclusively by officers and occasional wealthy tourists. Then, for the remainder of us humble mortals, there's the more modestly named Bay Inn, which is more like an up-market YMCA hostel with shared rooms, and this is where my lowly status dictates I will stay. I don't mind that as I always reckon you're more likely to find good hot action in the cheaper places anyway - and boy, do I need some good hot action right now! I have been eyeing up the hunky corporal behind the Arrivals Desk but he does not seem too keen on having the sizeable bulge in his shorts ogled and being given the come-on by some grimy looking sex starved bastard in a uniform that looks as if it could do with a visit to the nearest dry cleaners and himself a good long shower. I feel as horny as a jackrabbit for a piece of ass. I've got a raging stiffie right now just thinking about the possibilities. But at last, the transport has arrived in the form of a Landrover and I'm chuffed to see they haven't stinted on providing a driver one can only describe as 'a piece of beefcake'! His only fault was that he never opened his mouth once until we arrived at the Bay Inn and then he only spoke to tell me when he would pick me up to return to the base to get my flight back to Hell Hole. Miserable bugger.

After I had gone through the preliminaries of checking in, Demetrios the desk clerk (who I later discovered was a man of many surprises) escorted me down to my room and gave me a card on which simple but essential bits of information had been printed. He told me when dinner would be served and when the bar would be open. He also said there were several guys staying there and I would have to share a room with another bloke. I said, "Don't worry about it, Demetrios. That's routine where I've just come from!" I tried to get at least a smile out of him but, like most Cypriots, until he got to know you he never so much as blinked an eye. Dinner was good but rather greasy, too much olive oil I suppose, but I was so hungry I ignored it. By the time I'd finished eating, it was close to 10pm when I walked into the hotel bar, to find it just about empty. Demetrios had donned his bartender's hat and offered me a choice of local beer or the famous Greek drink known as 'ouzo'. As he poured me a glass he looked me over and asked, in a business like way, if I wanted "zhig-zhig". That's a bit of local slang heard all over the Middle East and you won't find it defined in any dictionary. It's usually translated as "fuck-fuck" and is probably the first word thousands of servicemen over the years have learnt on the first day they arrive anywhere in the Near or Middle East. Sure I wanted a "fuck-fuck" but I was not about to tell Demetrios it was a hunky guy I wanted to do the business with. Nor was I going to admit to him that I had never actually done anything apart from exchanging hand jobs with other boys at school (but that don't count as far as I'm concerned.) Ever since puberty, the thought of doing it with a female has always brought me out in a cold sweat. All that soft, gooey flesh and those rubbery tits - ugh! Give me a hard, well-maintained male body any day. Before going on I had better explain one or two things about myself.

Ever since I had enlisted I had taken great care to hide my true sexual feelings. I even resisted having my cock tossed off by another guy - so far, that is - but it is becoming more and more difficult not to give in to my roaring randiness with so many lusty, sex-starved young men around. It would have been the easiest thing in the world to be caught bending over one night in the shower and end up with a big, hard cock up my back passage. I also had a fear of being sussed by some dim-witted, beer-crazed, oafish lout who would yell, "Hopalong! Yer a fuckin' faggot!" which everyone in the Mess or the canteen would have heard, momentarily halting the boozing and raucous laughter at some of the filthiest jokes ever heard, swing round and see me standing there with a scarlet face giving everything away. As it was, I was already being mildly harassed by some of the more macho Rock Ape bullyboys for being, in their eyes, just a little too sexually ambivalent and, therefore, suspect. On balance, though, I had some good mates and one of the most heavily macho guys around came to my rescue by stepping in on a confrontation I was having with a burly drunk who'd accused me of spilling his beer. As if I'd do such a thing - even if it would have given me the chance to wipe the liquid off the bulging crotch of his shorts (and discover if that bulge was real!) Now let me continue the tale.

Tonight, I have promised my throbbing testes they are going to be given the opportunity to discharge the bubbling man-cream stored in them. Moreover, it is not going to be a hand job but a real hard, man-to-man fuck session. I must have given Demetrios some signal that I was really hard-horny as he persisted in assuring me he could get me a nice 'clean' girl 'very cheap' who would let me do anything and give me a fantastic time. I belched loudly and made out I was too drunk to indulge in any 'zhig-zhig'. I made my excuses to him and wandered off to my room, saying I was tired from all the travelling I'd done that day and the ouzo was making me sleepy. I did not mention that I wanted to find out what all the other horny young guys like me were up to in this hostel. I was definitely attracted by the thought of having to share a room and hoped my room-mate would also need to indulge in a little all-male rumpy-pumpy action.

The Bay Inn might not have been as grand as the Katsellas Dome but all the rooms were surprisingly spacious and clean. However, there was no hot running water. Demetrios told me that a jug of hot water for shaving and washing would be brought to the door of my room in the morning by the hostel's tasty seventeen year old 'trainee', whom I had caught a quick glimpse of as he was hosing down the flagstones in the courtyard when I was signing in. I enquired what the lad - who was called Andros - was training to be but hawk-eyed Demetrios had caught the gleam in my eye and he heavily insinuated that Andros was not permitted to enter guest's bedrooms for any reason! Andros would knock on the door and leave the jug outside in the passage. My filthy mind instantly conjured up a vision of me knocking on his back door and leaving my jug of cream in his passage!

The lack of running hot water was not the only modern convenience the hostel was short of. In a corner of each room were two large urns of fresh water. These were placed there because the cold water taps in the showers and hand-basins drew on seawater! I instantly thought of Nellie Warbush in South Pacific and said to myself, "There you go, Nellie, try washing that man outta your hair in that - if you can!" Even the ablutions back in Afghanistan had hot and cold running water (albeit severely rationed.) But then, I thought, at least here I had privacy and the possibility of an intimate encounter with a total stranger, unlike back in Kandahar where you had to shower in the open, in the nude, and woe betide you if you allowed your dick to rise more than a millimetre! The 'intimate encounter' thought brought an instant ache to my heavy, over-loaded balls.

Having unpacked my few bits of clothing and personal effects earlier, I stripped off and flopped down on one of the two beds. Dreamily fondling my nuts, I noticed the other single bed in the room must be occupied. Odd bits of clothing were lying about here and there and the bedside locker was strewn with personal articles. What was this guy like? I mused. I was already half asleep as I stretched out full length and naked on the hard bed. I covered myself to some extent with the thin Egyptian cotton sheet, draping it seductively over one leg, pulled up as far as my groin, being careful to ensure that my pubic hair and about half an inch of thick, semi-tumescent dick were on view. I recalled Demetrios telling me my room-mate was an Ozzie paratrooper on his way home after a two-year stint with the Parachute Regiment in the UK. With any luck he just might also be a hot and horny stud! With that thought lingering in my mind, I closed my eyes and drifted into a light sleep.

It felt as if I had only just closed my eyes when the door opened, the light spill from the corridor illuminating not only my bed but also my entire naked body. I tingled with lustful expectations as the door slowly swung open. Through half-closed eyes, I made out a tall, well-built guy who quietly strolled into the room and gently closed the door. I guessed he'd been told by the ever-watchful Demetrios that he now had a room-mate. He must also have noticed my recumbent naked body as he came into the room. Greatly to my relief, he refrained from switching on the light and paused only long enough for his eyes to adjust to the room's natural night-glow. He padded on bare feet over to his bed, which he had obviously repositioned beneath the window while he had the place to himself, to catch any cool air that might be around. I opened my eyes wider, straining to see if I could get a better look at him with the aid of the moonlight streaming in through the open windows. He was a hunk! My heart pounded in my chest as certain feelings I had been attempting to bring under firm control stirred deep within me. My palms were sweaty, my mouth dry with wild and lecherous excitement. I was becoming aroused. I was being seduced by the lascivious thrill of voyeurism as I watched him slowly undress. He was standing no more than a few feet away from my heated, lustful body.

Stepping out of the loose thin shorts he was wearing, he let them drop to the floor and kicked them under his bed with a sand encrusted foot. In doing so, he exposed a well packed pair of Speedos. His shirt was already unbuttoned and open in front, giving me a tantalising view of hard ridged abdominals and a glimpse of a nipple projecting arrogantly from the silkily smooth mound of his left pectoral as it caught the moonlight. His entire body was bathed in a wash of argent luminescence as he moved silently and voluptuously before the window, a sleek cat on velvet paws stalking its prey. I gasped at the beauty of his undulating muscles as he shed his shirt and bent over to remove his Speedos. He turned as he did so, his backside facing me, revealing his pinkly pouting pucker. Beneath the broad peach shaped arse cheeks his generously weighted sexual organs hung low, displaying a scrotum encasing a pair of testicular fruits that would not have disgraced a prize bull. He held that pose for at least thirty seconds, his sensuous offerings swinging between his shapely long legs, almost as if he was inviting me to take a long, hard look at his copious wares, tempting me into committing some kind of sexual move.

"Wow!" I sighed inwardly, casually licking my lips. I was spellbound, lusting, my arousal intensifying as the barely concealing sheet tented towards the ceiling. Although I could not make out his face clearly, I knew he was testing me - I could see the gleam of his eyes as he peered at me, head between his legs. He knew I was a hostage to his untamed, raw sexuality and that I was watching him with the deadly paralysis of a rabbit mesmerised by the glare of car headlights at night. He straightened up and moved languorously over to the wall in a deliberately seductive way, his heavy load of fuck meat swinging like a pendulum relentlessly ticking off the seconds to when he would take me. He knew I was already his slave. Nearly blinding me, he switched on the light and caught me wide eyed in a most compromising condition. His massive cock, looking at least ten inches in that glare, extended before him as he came up level with me and subjected me to a penetrating, searching look, before his strong handsome face broke into an impertinent grin.

"Hey, cobber" he growled softly, "I'm Dan, I guess you're my room-mate." He paused. "Hope I didn't wake you." He continued grinning at me with a look that made a laughing stock of his statements of concern. His smoky eyes told me he was pleased to find me awake, naked and aroused, sporting an obvious rigid hard-on. The light overhead threw his face into shadow but I could see his eyes lewdly lingering over every inch of my body. His perfectly arched eyebrows and crew-cut hair were very dark and the pungent tang of his maleness was as obvious as dog's balls. His supreme Ossie virility was strongly reinforced by his sexual odour. I was mute, struck dumb by the excitement generated at this exhibition of rugged masculinity as Dan moved over further to my bed and leant over me. His sparkling eyes locked on to mine as he pointed to the stain of pre-spermal fluid leaking through the thin cotton sheet. The contour of my hard knob was clearly defined by the wetness.

"Looks as if you're having the same problem as me." He was attempting to make conversation. I found my tongue at last, moistened my lips and a little apprehensively responded.

"Hi, I'm Hopalong."

We shook hands with sticky fingers, where we had been touching our wet cock slits. My head was still buried into the pillow so I raised myself to a sitting position on the bed to greet him. In doing so, my mouth found itself in line with his prodigious maleness, only an inch or two away from my lascivious, burning lips. He only had to lean slightly forward and my lips would part, his manhood would slide into my gaping mouth and down my throat. His large mushroom shaped glans was still leaking sticky clear fluid as he gently ran it over my parched lips, thereby giving me a foretaste of delights to come. I was not sure what was expected of me, never before having taken a man's dick into my mouth. I simply looked up at him, licked my gummy lips and tasted the salty ooze coating them.

"You've not tasted cock before, have you, mate?" He spoke kindly, his low deep voice causing me to prickle all over. What was making me yield my very essence to his seductiveness? I was bewildered, bashful and lustful all at the same time. "No, I haven't," I replied, feeling the soothing touch of his hands on my shoulders. I looked into his face, bathed in glittering moonlight. His eyes refracted rays of translucent opalescent light. I felt a wave of unalloyed lustfulness building between us and heard the wild drumbeat of my surging blood increase to a thunderous roar as unrestrained lechery engulfed me. Unresistingly I was raised into the embrace of his muscular arms and came face to face with him. Looking down on me, he clamped his mouth on to mine as he drank my soul. He had gained an easy victory and mastery over my yielding, submissive body and mind. He could do to me whatever he desired. I had surrendered my body to this incarnate god. I craved to have him press my face against his thick, pulsating manhood, my lips and tongue tracing the jagged veins embossed along its otherwise smooth and silky length.

"Just relax," he whispered, "I want to show you how to awaken the body's passions and take you on a journey you will never have been on before. As military men, we will suck each other's cock with our voracious tongues and fuck each other's arse with our brave little soldiers." After smothering my face and neck with kisses, he sucked deeply on my erect nipples. His hot lips, moist tongue and nibbling white teeth sent shivers of orgasmic pleasure through my entire body. He bathed, licked and nibbled his way down my quivering torso until he finally buried his face in my crotch. My fingers ran wildly through his brush of raven black hair, pressing my fingers into his scalp with almost uncontrollable lust as he took my manhood into his hungry maw. I groaned aloud as he plunged his nose into my hairy scrotum and sucked on my tight ball bag, rolling and swirling its contents around with his tongue. I found myself being laid back on the bed as he raised my parted legs with his large strong hands up towards my head. To me, he was both divinity and monarch whilst I was his acolyte and vassal whose only reason for existing was to service his pleasure.

Gently grasping my buttocks, he pulled them apart to reveal my hidden roseate furrow. "Mmm!" was all he uttered, flicking his tongue against my most private parts like a basking lizard, making me shiver, wanting to scream out with the rapture of his lips tracing every millimetre of my tender inner flesh, simultaneously stroking and pulling at my rampant cock. His hands searched for and probed my most receptive and privy parts, accompanied by a strange hypnotic droning purr that in some mysterious way intensified the fathomless ecstasy I was experiencing. His amazingly hot mouth easily swallowed the full length of my eight inches of pulsating, leaking rigid cock. I had always thought my cock was big when it was fully aroused but now my manhood seemed to fade into insignificance next to Dan's massive, darkly throbbing man-to-man missile. He was preparing me for a climax of unimaginable force and power. He took me with deep throated suction, almost swallowing my balls as he fingered my anus with fingers lubed with my own pre-seminal juice. In my haziness, each of his fingers seemed to be nearly as thick as two of mine and he masterfully opened me up to accept three together, preparing me for the entry of his fleshy, spongy glans. Writhing and lunging with carnal lust under his firm, smooth and gentle touch, I was a volcano on the verge of erupting hot, creamy lava in successive seismic convulsions. I was amazed to find myself humping his fingers, forcing them to glide in and out of my rectum. Almost without warning, I detonated a load deep down his throat. It was the most profound orgasm I had ever experienced. In my delirium I tugged fiercely at his cropped hair, making him cry out. I produced so much semen his mouth began to overflow and he had to release me, even though I continued spurting streams of thick cum all over his chest and face, some of it even splashing into his hair. Then he entered me.

The crown of Dan's massive cock felt as big as a baby's fist as it forced its way into me. I feared I was about to lose consciousness as I felt my sphincter being stretched to the point of rupture. Tears welled up in my eyes as his rigid manhood entered me, my ring snapping tight behind the deep ridge of his cock head. I managed to conjure up a bravely defiant smile as I looked once more into his blazing eyes. His soothing voice anaesthetised me through the pain of his entry and the loss of my virginity as he slowly inched his heavily veined cock further and further up my rectal passage. The fullness I experienced in my bowels and the pressure on my balls were incredible. Within a very short time, the pain became enjoyable and I rapidly grew accustomed to the beefy log within me. Gradually, I became aware of a deeply seated sensuousness as my prostate received a massage from his gentle shafting of my passage. I smiled broadly at him with eyes bright with a new lustre. He was my gentle giant and I had his giant prick firmly lodged up my arse. I was still finding it difficult to believe I was being shafted by such a monster. I thought I would be lucky to be able to walk and not look bandy-legged in the morning! I was now totally with him as he increased the speed and depth of his rhythm, taking me on a frenzied, joyous ride towards oblivion. I was bucking to meet Dan's deepest lunges with cries of wanton ecstasy. "Oh, yeah! Fuck me, Dan! Fuck the living daylights out of me! Give me all of that huge cock! Pump your juices into me! I want to drain you dry!"

He knew I was in pain again from the savage onslaught on my raw and gaping hole, but I wanted to feel his sperm jetting inside me. I tried to empty my mind of extraneous thought and willed him to shoot his load. We were both in a lather of musky sweat and sticky juices, bucking and heaving. At last he was there, at the point of no return. I could see it in his eyes as they glazed over in a wave of primordial lust. His mouth gaped open as he emitted a guttural moaning sound and wad after wad of thick creamy semen from his cock slit, discharging deep into my flaming, ravaged channel. After we had rested, we started all over again and this time he let me fuck his gorgeous arse - and what a ride that was! We spent the next three days and nights doing nothing except eating and sleeping between fucking and sucking as if it was going out of fashion.

I had taken to sitting at the bar on a bar stool, instead of lounging in one of the leather armchairs as this allowed Demetrios and I to get to know each other better. When the bar was relatively quiet, he and I would exchange dirty jokes and talk about sex, more sex, and even more sex which had the inevitable result of me getting hornier and hornier until my cock dribbled a steady flow of pre-cum and Demetrios could see a fairly sizeable damp patch in the crotch of my cargos. He had also twigged me as being a horny guy who enjoyed the company of other men and allowed me to catch a glimpse of his bulging crotch now and again. He told me that he'd noticed Dan always went to my room after the bar closed. "You have zhig-zhig with him?" he boldly asked me one evening. He was not wearing his barman's uniform that evening, but was dressed in what I call standard gay bar livery: crotch-squeezing faded jeans and an almost see-through T-shirt hugging every muscle it could find. I was about to make some sort of non-committal reply when I looked up and saw Dan standing behind me.

"Getting off with this dishy barman, Hopalong?" Dan's voice had acquired a kind of sharp edge to it, something I had not noticed before.

I thought, "Oh, fuck! Dan's jealous, he thinks Demetrios and I want to fuck. Better be careful here." I was embarrassed, not to say mortified to have upset Dan.

"Er - no, Dan. We were just talking and having a laugh. Sorry." Dan shot one of his piercing looks at me.

"Think I'll leave you two alone to carry on having a laugh." I cringed at the sarky tone in his voice.

"No, no, no. Stay, pliz." broke in Demetrios, "I go to bar and get some drinks. You guys want another beer or ouzo?" I nudged Dan's arm and whispered that I thought we should go to our room.

"Oh, dragging excess baggage with us I suppose?" was all he said. Demetrios soon came back with our drinks and as he placed them on the table, Dan suddenly grabbed one of his buttocks.

"Hey, how about Demetrios here comes back with us, he's off duty tonight so he's free. How about it, Demetrios? Care for a heavy drinking session with a couple of horny guys gagging for a night of all-man sex?" Demetrios said nothing but stepped back to get out of range of Dan's roaming fingers, which had been attempting to find his arse crack. He quickly went behind the bar and disappeared into the stock room.

"Dan, don't do this, please." I knew if I wanted to keep him I had to take a firm stand with him.

"D'you still want to fuck with Demetrios?" I could not answer. "I wouldn't blame you if you did. Be honest, now." I again told myself to be careful but another part of my psyche said, "Don't be a fucking idiot. Give him what he says he wants, a really honest answer, see how he'll like that!" I decided to be really honest.

"I must say that it would be rather nice but I really want to fuck you and for you to fuck me. Let's go to our room, eh?"

Dan called out loudly, "We're going to Hopalong's room for some fun, Demetrios. If you wanna join in, you'll be welcome." There was no immediate response. I thought, "So, you want to see if I've got the guts to go through with this. Just watch me." Dan grabbed my arm and dragged me roughly down the corridor to our room. When we got there, he half threw, half pushed me on to my bed.

"You do realise, don't you Dan, that Demetrios was trying to pick me up before you butted in?" I said, icily quiet.

"I know," Dan said, with a meaningful grin. At that moment we were interrupted by a timid knock on the door. I was thankful for the interruption as I could see Dan and I could end up bashing each other to a pulp.

"Fuck," growled Dan, "who's that? Can't be Demetrios, he'd just walk in." He went over to the door and jerked it open. We were both momentarily stunned to see young Andros standing there, naked except for a pair of very thin briefs trying unsuccessfully to conceal his goodies.

"You'd better come in, kid, standing there like that," said Dan as he grinned lewdly at me.

"Mr Demetrios send me," said Andros, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "He say you like to have some fun with me. No?" As he spoke, he put a hand down the front of his flimsy briefs, grabbed hold of his teenage hard-on and made some wanking movements. Dan and I looked at each other, burst out laughing and all the tension which had been building to a serious level between us dissolved. I also noticed that Andros was exhibiting a very enticing bulge in his flimsy briefs making my cock visibly twitch in my shorts. Andros leaned forwards and put a hand on the swelling in my shorts and gently stroked it. "Very nice," he breathed.

"Oh, go on Hopalong, I can see you're gagging for it. I'll just sit back, fondle myself and watch the cabaret." I decided that if Dan was still playing silly buggers with me, I'd give him something to watch! Squeezing Andros's lusty young thigh, I put my beer down on my locker and said, as alluringly as I could, "C'mon Andros, let's give this grouch something to see."

Andros had a seductively saucy smirk on his face as he began to twig what I was up to. I could see he was thinking that Dan was simply a voyeur who got his buzz from watching me having hard sex with other guys. I thought that if that was what he imagined, OK; that was better than the truth. He moved slowly forward, his hand slowly pulling on his cock, until he was standing beside me. He leant over and planted a soft kiss on my cheek, his mouth moving towards my ear. His tongue was warm and wet as it tickled the edge of my ear lobe. My pulse had picked up speed and my breath had quickened, more rasping. Andros's hand slid down to my crotch, giving it a gentle squeeze. He must have felt my rigid cock twitching again.

"Stand up, pliz. Take off your shirt," he whispered. Without even looking across at Dan, I removed my T and threw it down on to the floor. Andros gave me an appreciative look and smiled. He reached up and gently caressing my torso, dragged a finger lightly across my erect sensitive nipples, a move which made me gasp with delight. Dan had never done anything like that, he only pinched and twisted them.

"So nice," murmured Andros as he picked up his tempo and leant down towards my dripping cock slit. Tenderly he cupped my balls with one hand and stroked the shaft of my cock with the other. I trembled as he touched me, yearning for him to take me into that sexy mouth. Leaning down even further, Andros probed my scrotum with his adventurous tongue. I trembled even more as that voracious organ coiled itself round my balls, gradually moving upwards, the tip tracing the thick vein on the underside of my cock until it reached the burgeoning head, where he lapped up the heavy flow of pre-cum that was oozing from there. Without warning, he swallowed me - whole!

I gasped. My entire body was shaking as if a bombshell of pleasure had exploded through every fibre of my being. I thrust my cock deep into Andros's throat and was surprised when he did not gag once but took every millimetre without so much as a groan. It was an incredible feeling when I realised that however much I was getting off with the moist, warm interior of Andros's mouth gripping my cock, I was becoming even more inflamed by the idea of Dan lasciviously watching us; I threw my head back, the muscles of my back tensing up and my buttocks clenching as a youth we hardly knew sucked heavily on my cock. Sliding a hand between my legs, Andros plunged his youthful fingers into my arse crack. I moaned quietly as he massaged my hole. Quickly removing his hand, he moistened his fingers in his mouth, returned his fingers to my arsehole and pushed his wet fingers against my arse ring, gently working his index finger inside. "Oh, yeah!" I moaned as Andros, somehow sensing my cock was on the verge of exploding, sucked it even faster and harder. I did not want to cum just yet but I could not pull away and instead, overcome by the effect of the suction, I thrust my throbbing cock in and out of his mouth. "Oh, Jeez! I'm gonna cum!" I roared in halting breaths. Andros had no time to pull his mouth away when I shot my load. Thick, creamy jets of my sperm bathed and washed his mouth as well as the entrance to his throat. As the spasms began to lessen, I pulled my cock out and milked every last drop, dumping the remaining jizz on to his smooth teenage face, watching my sperm coat his swollen lips. My orgasm was so strong I felt lightheaded, wanting to collapse right then. I had to remind myself that I was in no way finished for the evening. I turned to look at Dan.

He was still sitting in his chair across the room, his fly unzipped and his cock being stroked while he stared at us, looking for all the world as he was in some sort of hypnotic trance. Andros was sitting on the edge of my bed fondling his juicy teen balls. I slowly moved in and straddled his lap, leaning forward to kiss his lips and allowing my tongue to slide into his mouth; he quickly followed my lead and I felt his tongue meet mine. I could taste my cum on his lips, feel it wet on my cheeks. I began licking my sperm off his face, curiously enjoying the taste of myself. I had not done this with Dan during the short time of our acquaintance and the thought crossed my mind, "What the fuck does he think now, watching me do this with another guy?"

I moved my mouth lower down, kissing Andros's neck and shoulders. Sliding off his lap I knelt in front of him, delightedly gazing at the youthful flesh I had uncovered: a broad, smooth chest tapering down to a flat stomach, where a thin trail of dark hairs started at his belly button and ran down to join up with his crotch hairs. I followed that trail with my mouth, lightly encircling his navel with my eager tongue, followed by dragging it down to the wiry bush of teenage pubic hair. We were both fully erect once more and I had a good close up of Andros's outrageous eight inch long and unbelievably thick uncut cock, just the way I like cocks to be. The head had unceremoniously shoved his foreskin aside and was oozing a gooey flow of pre-cum. That cock was so beautiful I pounced on it, determined I was going to devour every inch of it there and then. I devoured every centimetre and made Andros murmur, "Aaah! Feels so good!" He pushed his hips upwards and ran his fingers through my hair. The crown of his cock hit the back of my throat and my nose buried itself in his soft, sweaty, teen pubes. Gently pushing against his chest, I made him lie back on my bed, waiting for me. With no further shilly-shallying, I propped his legs on my shoulders, lowered my face between his legs and licked and sucked those juicy teen balls. After a few seconds of this treatment, I progressed to stimulating his cock with my tongue. Propelling his legs back towards his chest I elevated his husky young arse into the air. The boy was now panting and made strange noises in his throat as I grabbed both arse cheeks, pulled them apart and revealed his tight faintly brown arse ring surrounded by dark, curly hairs. Pressing my lips against the pink centre, I kissed his hole gently then stabbed it with my wet, probing tongue. He writhed as I rimmed him, moaned loudly as I forced my tongue past the lips of his arsehole. Reaching round his thigh I got hold of his throbbing cock and pulled on it as I licked his arsehole clean.

At that moment I felt as if we were being stalked by an unseen presence but looking up I saw it was Dan, his naked body throwing a shadow over us. Without saying anything, Dan flashed me a wicked grin and knelt on my bed with his legs astride Andros's chest. He thrust his rigid cock between Andros's trembling lips, muting the lad's moans. I carried on savagely eating the lad's arsehole and jerking his unbelievably hard cock while he sucked on Dan's cock. After some of this treatment, Dan lifted his body over the boy's face and lowered his arsehole on to Andros's ravenous mouth. He wriggled his tongue between Dan's tight buttocks, slurping at his hairless arsehole. "I wanna shag you boy," Dan growled as he rode the trick's face. He suddenly dismounted and left the room. He soon returned, however, bringing a bottle of lube with him. He told Andros to hold out his hand and when the lad did so, Dan promptly upended the bottle and squeezed a small dollop of the lubricant in Andros's palm. Standing up, I faced Dan. He leant forward as if to kiss me but I stepped back. My arse was in front of Andros's face. He reached up with his lubricated hand and pulled my arse open, the lubricant on them making his fingers slide into me easily. Dan knelt down in front of Andros's crotch and brushed his fingers over the young throbbing leaky cock. With his other hand, Dan spread the oily liquid around the lad's receptive arsehole and thrust his fingers deep into him.

"Pliz be careful," Andros murmured, "I have only had three cocks in my arse in my life." He was simultaneously fingering me and grunted, "I would like to fuck you now."

It was time. I told him to remove his fingers and I squatted down, reaching behind and taking hold of his cock, guiding it into me as I slowly sat down. My arse was playing at silly buggers and resisted slightly. I had to put all my weight on it to make Andros's eight-incher slide into me. I moaned a little when there came a sharp pain as his obscene prick filled my arse but that discomfort quickly transformed into an ardent familiar pleasure. Slowly, I began to rock back and forth on Andros's cock. Dan had already lubed his cock and was holding it poised to plunge deeply into Andros. This he did - suddenly, causing Andros to shout loudly and dig his fingers into the flesh of my torso. Dan sank his rigid cock into Andros's butt and grabbed the boy's legs, raising them over his shoulders. I fell backwards against Andros's chest in a kind of chain reaction. Without missing a beat, Andros slid an arm around my waist and planted a slobbery kiss on the back of my neck. I rode the boy's eight inch cock as if I were a rodeo cowboy, bouncing and bucking on that thick tube of male flesh. Dan rammed Andros's arse with equal vigour, giving short, sharp grunts with each thrust. My cock was rigid when Dan grabbed it with a lubed hand, jerking me off as he plugged Andros's butt. He leant forward and did one of his favourite tricks, he bit one of my hard, erect nipples. My body was being put through more pleasures in one night than it had been in my entire adult life. With each stroke of my cock, each thrust up my arse, Dan brought me closer and closer. I knew I could not hold out much longer.

"Oh, fucking Jeez! that feels sooo..." Sperm erupted out of my cock in thick streams, splashing on to Dan's chest. Dan, who seemed to get his jollies by watching me shoot my load, started to fuck Andros even harder, plunging into his arse so deep I was becoming seriously concerned he was hurting the boy. However, pain was obviously the last thing Andros was feeling. Groaning and grunting, his body was wildly writhing and squirming beneath mine. Thrusting his cock up into my arse, his body froze. He dug his fingers into my skin as he shot his load, making a guttural sound that never seemed to quite go away. Dan came about the same time, his body tensing as he threw back his head, roared like an Alpha male lion and shot his load. He pushed his hips forward a few more times before he finally slumped forward against my chest, gasping for breath.

"That was so fucking hot," he gasped. "What made you think of that?" Neither of us had seen Andros leave the room but when we had recovered a little and looked around to see if he was OK, there was no sign of him. Dan and I shrugged our shoulders, looked at each other and smiled, then slept through what remained of that awesome night.

As I prepared two days later for my return to Hell, I could not help thinking, "Shit! I've had plenty of recuperation, but as for rest..."

Laurie Page, November 2016

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