A Ride To Remember 01/gay/male/beginnings

By azstoryguy

Published on Sep 13, 2024


A Ride To Remember 03

This is a complete work of fiction which may be based on real people, places and events interspersed as necessary with completely fabricated elements. To avoid unwanted fame and fortune, character names have been changed to protect the innocent. As with most of my stories, it is set in the Southwestern United States. No effort is made to follow guidelines of political correctness. If you are easily offended, perhaps this story is not for you.

Written in conversational style, which means some rules of grammar are thrown out the window. All typos and grammatical errors are owned by the author.

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Copyright 2024 Azstoryguy@gmail.com

Thank you for reading.


[ ] brackets are used to indirectly make an occasional point not specifically covered in the dialog.

+++ are used to denote chapters. Kind of a trial idea.

All extraordinary claims have been vetted by hours of copious internet research! :-)

From Part 02:

"I also took a shower and got all cleaned up for you," he said softly.

"Hey! That's not fair! I'm still...," I started to protest.

"You're fine. I wanted to be clean because," he stopped and looked down at the floor, "Because...!"

He raised his head back up and looked directly in my eyes.

"I want to give you what I promised...!" he said softly, "The one thing we haven't done yet...!"

Part 03

+++ An Unexpected Ride+++

"AARON! Look...Bro...You don't have to do anything...!" I started to protest.

"But I WANT to," he interrupted me.

"You NEVER have to impress me; You did that the first time we met...!" I replied.

"But I DO want to! I mean...I'm gay...so how can I...!"

"You might not like it," I cautioned.

"I'll never know unless...I...unless...WE try," he countered, "Besides...I saw how YOU reacted when I...when I...!"

"Fucked me?" I giggled.

"YEAH! You sure looked like you were enjoying it...A LOT!" he hooted.

"I was!" I blushed, "It was the best fuck...THEY were the best fucks of my life!"

"Then why...can't I at least try...?" he asked.

It was obvious Aaron's mind was made up. He wasn't going to relent.

"Okay...But...well...just because my cock is nowhere NEAR as fucking HUGE as yours doesn't mean it might not hurt...especially since it's your first time!" I cautioned.

"You cock is just fucking fine...!"

We both laughed...

"And it won't hurt! I KNOW it won't! Remember? I've been practicing for this day all summer! And wondering about it...What it must feel like...since like our first night together!"

Hearing his confession brought a tear to my eye...

"You thought about it THAT far back?" I gasped.

"Yeah! And then...well...seeing how much you were in to it, and then watching videos...!"

"`Research?'" I hooted.

"Yes!" he blushed before continuing, "Besides! You can't tell me you haven't thought about tapping my ass!"

Now it was MY turn to blush!

"And, well..." he giggled while staring at my 8½" bone, "...it looks to me like you're primed and ready to go!"

"I...I..." I stammered.

"PLEEEEEASE!!!" he begged.

His wide doe eyes and cute mischievous grin knocked down the last pieces of my resistance...

"Okay!" I chirped, "But you damn sure better say something if you want me to stop!" I said.

"GREATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!" he hooted.

"Now...get down on all fours!" I barked.

"OOOOOOHHH! Take charge and pound my hole," he laughed while rolling over and getting in position.

"Don't worry, Babe, that's coming. Or maybe it should be `c.u.m.m.i.n.g!'" I chortled while spelling out the word.

"Deep inside me, Stud! Just like I did to you!"

"Guaranteed! But first, I wanna snack!" I said.

For a moment, he looked confused until I pushed him face down on the bed so his butt was arched up and ready. Like every part of Aaron's body, his asscheeks were firm and muscular. A slight dimple adorned each flank. In between, within in the darkness of his most private place, I could see his boy hole twitching in anticipation.

With one swift move, I leaned in and buried my face in his ass. My tongue pushed into his hole. His moans echoed in the room as I felt his body pushing back against me.

"OH FUCK!!! YES!!! EAT MY ASS, NATHAN!!!!" he screamed.

The essence of strawberries and soap wafted into my nostrils. I moaned and tried to probe deeper into his tight hole.


I feasted on his boy cunt for a good fifteen minutes; by that time Aaron was mewling and begging for the next step. Slowly (and reluctantly) I withdrew and sat up.

"How do you wanna do it?" I asked him.

He seemed to mull it over for a few seconds.

"A lot of times, especially if it's a guy's first time, it's easiest to let me lie back and have you ride it," I suggested.

"No! That won't work!" he quickly replied.

"Why not?"

"It could get messy. Very messy! REALLY messy when I cum!" he laughed.

"Huh? I've seen you...!" I started to reply.

"Think about it! No, you haven't actually SEEN me cum! You've always taken it...one way or another!" he hooted.

His statement was true!


"Like THIS!" he exclaimed, rolling over on his back, "I wanna see...look in your eyes when...you...fill me up...!" he panted.

My cock was harder than ever as our gaze met...

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

"YESSSSS!!!!" Aaron cried.

Reaching for the lube, I slicked up my bone and then proceeded to do the same with his hole. As my middle finger penetrated his ass ring, Aaron let out a low, guttural howl.

"I'm gonna take you for a ride," he hissed, "One that you'll never forget!"

I think he had that backwards; it didn't matter, though, as I slid my pelvis into position.

"Get ready," I warned.

"Do me!" he hissed.

The head of my cock pushed into Aaron's hole, past his sphincter, and then deeper until I bottomed out. My pelvis was pressed against his butt cheeks. His eyes were glowing with excitement and arousal.

"Did it hurt?" I asked.

I was concerned because my penetration had been faster than planned.

"NO!" he exclaimed.

Slowly I began to pump his tight hole; and it WAS sooooooo tight!!!

"Fuck...you're so fine!" I whimpered as my thrusts became quicker and more urgent.

"Get ready," he laughed.

I didn't have time to question what he meant; before I could say a word, Aaron locked both of his legs around my thighs...just below my hips...and in one strong move, pulled me towards him. That drove my cock deep inside his lithe, young body.

"Now I'm gonna fuck YOU!" he hissed, "I'm gonna milk all the cum out of your big floppy balls!"

My mind was trying to comprehend what was taking place! Yeah, I was fucking Aaron, but he was, in a way, fucking me! Pulling my body into his, then releasing. Over and over...I literally was jack-hammering his boy cunt!

"YEAH!!! YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Aaron screamed, "Bet you didn't expect this!"

He was so right! Most guys I fucked just laid there and let me do my thing. Once in a great while, one would show a little energy...but not like what was going on right now! Aaron owned me! His physical strength was magnifying my thrusts as I hammered his tight hole. And it IS soooooo tight! I could feel his muscles contracting, trying to squeeze the cum out of my cock! I had tried that when he fucked me, but the size of his tool was too overpowering.


Our lips met and his tongue forced itself inside my mouth. Now I was fucking him and he was, in a way, double fucking me! Our moans echoed off the walls of the bedroom; we were two boys lost in complete lust! The bed springs squeaked over and over as I thrust deep into his virgin hole.

"FUCK ME NATHAN!!! FUCK ME FOREVER!!!!" he screamed.

I could feel the pressure rising in my balls. There was no way this could last much longer.

"I...I...I!" I screamed, "Mark me, Aaron! Make me yours too!"

I wanted Aaron to brand me like I had done to him. It would be sealing our relationship.

"OH FUCK YES!" he cried, "I'LL DO IT AS LOW AS I CAN...!"

Twisting to one side, he turned and began nipping at my neck.


I didn't care if anyone could see it or not. Now Aaron and I were completely bonded. Me for him and him for me!

"Oh Baby!" I cried.

He knew what I meant...

"Cum inside me!" he pleaded.

His cute face with those dreamy blue eyes and wildly uncontrollable hair sent me over the edge.


I could feel my balls pumping their thick hot load deep into Aaron's guts. His ass muscles gripped my cock and milked every drop out of my aching bone.


"OH YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!" I cried.

His legs pulled me against him, forcing my cock in as deep as 8½" could go... My eyes watered as I felt his body lift both of us up off the bed before dropping back down, in effect, forcing my prick in even harder.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed.

My hair was dripping with sweat as I settled into him. His arms were wrapped around my body, holding us together as one. It occurred to me that he hadn't yet shot his load. I didn't have time to dwell on that fact before he again began driving my cock deep into his hole.

I had assumed we were finished. It turns out, things were just beginning!


This blonde-haired, blue-eyed "surfer boy" DID own me! Without missing a beat, I resumed pounding his hole...aided, of course, by his strong, lithe legs, driving me deep into his boy cunt for a second time!

I had never done anything like this before! Yeah, I could easily cum two or three times in a row, but not as quickly as I felt was about to happen. My balls were on fire as I kept hammering away at Aaron's tight hole, which showed no signs of loosening up. Quite the contrary, his muscular butt was expertly squeezing...milking my throbbing boner!



I had no idea where THAT came from; maybe Aaron's vocalizations were rubbing off on me! He had turned my mind completely around; making me rethink everything about having sex!

The harder I pummeled him, the louder he got. He even managed to repeatedly lift up his (and my) body; over and over, driving me deeper into his boy cunt. I mean, not once, but CONTINUOUSLY!!! I never saw anyone crave getting fucked like Aaron Woodward!!! He wasn't the least bit tepid about getting nailed. Not at all! He WANTED it; almost like he wished it could go on for hours! His strength and endurance were on full display as we raced toward the finish line...



With that, I lost control. Completely. My cock erupted, sending its thick white dick honey deep inside his ass.


I'll never forget what I heard next. A low, guttural howl; like a cross between a coyote and a wolf as Aaron shot his load. The sound echoed off the bedroom walls. My 2½ acre lot paid off in gold dividends as his wolf calls continued. I wondered what it would have been like if we had been in an apartment at this moment... The neighbors probably would have been calling the police to report a wild animal on the grounds...

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed...over and over while continuing to lift both of us upwards; driving my erupting cock deeper into his ass.

Our bodies were pressed tightly together; yet suddenly, I felt a new sensation as his huge fuck stick cut loose. A squishy, warm, slippery feeling as our bodies slid back and forth on his jizz.

"SWEET FUCK!! OH YEAH!! DAMN!!! I NEVER KNEW!!! OH NATHAN!!! IT'S SO FUCKING WICKED!!!!" he moaned as his ass muscles milked my bone for every possible drop!

We finally pulled apart. Reluctantly, my cock slipped from his hole with a loud "plop." Rolling over, my eyes widened at the sight before me. Both of our chests were covered with thick white cum. It stretched upward all the way to Aaron's throat! Little rivulets of jizz seeped down the sides of our bodies. I turned to him and smiled. His face radiated utter bliss and contentment.

"I told you it would be messy!" he giggled.

"I know.. but...there's so much!"

"You should know! You've swallowed enough of my loads!" he hooted.

"Yeah! That was swallowing! I never actually SAW how much cum...!"

"A fucking geyser!" he laughed, "Something else most girls didn't seem to like...!"

"I like it," I replied, "In fact, so much...!"

I stopped speaking and leaned over Aaron's tight chest and started lapping up his jizz.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" he moaned as my tongue fought for every drop of his tasty seed.

After slurping up the last of his juices, I again rolled over on my back.

"Now it's my turn!" he exclaimed with a cheeky smile.

The sensation of his hot tongue carefully attending to my body made my cock spring back to life.

"Oh Oh!" Aaron cackled, "Looks like Nathan's got another boner!"

"Oh yeah? What's THAT?" I replied while pointing to his massive cock rising upwards in the cool air.

"It does that a lot when I'm around you," he smirked.

"Maybe I better take care of it...!" I offered.

In seconds we were both sucking each other. Amazingly, I came really fast and hard. As usual, Aaron took it like a pro! More impressive was how handily I downed his thick hot jizz. Especially now that I knew just exactly how much cum his cock actually produced.

+++My Own Personal Power Bottom+++

After we finished, my mind was still whirling with what had just transpired.

Gazing into his alluring deep blue eyes, I said, "May I ask you a question?"

"You already did," he shot back.

"Smart ass!" I giggled.

"Smart and very fuckable," he hooted.

"Well yeah...that's what I want to know... I mean...Please don't get mad at me or...!"

"What?" he said with an impish grin.

"But...you never have been fucked before...?" I started to ask.

"Nope. You are my first," he replied.

"Well..That's just it...I've NEVER fucked a guy before where...well...I may have been fucking you, but you were controlling me. Everything. All of it. Like a power fuck on steroids," I chortled.

"Then I was okay? I wanted to make a good impression...!" he started to reply.

"AARON! For fuck's sake! You MADE an EXCELLENT impression on me at the gas station when we first met in Tucson!" I laughed.

"Really?" he said softly.

"Yes, fucking REALLY!'" I said, "But...how did you know...I mean...what to do...and you did it like a...a...power bottom,' only with sound effects!"

He gave me a funny look.

"You never heard of that phrase?"

"No!" he chirped.

"Then you need to look it up! Along with `flip fuck!'" I giggled, "And I sure hope what we did is just the first of many, many more times!"

"OH YEAH!" he brightened up while beaming with pride.

"But how? Where did you learn...and that howl!!" I giggled.

"Well..." he stammered, "I kind of...sort of watched...videos of guys doing it and...in a lot of them, the guy getting fucked...!"

"The `bottom,'" I interjected.

"Yeah! They just seemed like...I don't know...not really, completely energized...but the minute your cock slipped inside me...it was like something switched on. Something I had wanted all my life but I didn't even know about...!" he explained, "I guess that doesn't even make any sense!"

"Yes it does. You've been living your life for the satisfaction of others. Not for what is best for you," I said.

"Yeah! I know that now! The whole `getting married and shitting out kids' thing doesn't appeal to me at all. I know now! I really do! I want to be with a guy who respects me, who will treat me nice, who shares some of my interests, and who won't stab me in the back," he said softly before looking me in my eyes, "I hope I've found him!"

I couldn't help it; tears started flowing out of my eyes!

"Forever!" I whispered, "I think you're a true `keeper,' and I hope you feel the same...!"

I didn't get to finish; No, I didn't HAVE to! His tears were flowing just like mine!

"Yes!" he said softly.

"`Yes' what?" I asked.

"Forever!" he cried.

We cuddled and cried for a long time. His steely-hard cock was pressed against my stomach.

"I just hope you don't wear me out," I chuckled.

"Two holes and a pole!" he giggled.

I ruffled his hair then looked at the clock.

"Holy fuck! It's past noon!"

"Guess we might as well skip breakfast," he hooted.

"How about grabbing a sub or something...I mean, if that fits your dietary regime!" I laughed.

"That `dietary regime' is what helped me get the body that you like to ride!" he chortled.

"Point taken!" I said.

"Seriously...I am pretty obsessive about what I eat...but I mean...when I was at NAU, a lot of that...No, MOST ALL of that went out the window. It was lots of crappy fast food and cafeteria garbage," he explained.

"You look just fine to me," I said as my eyes roamed the length of his tightly packed body.

"Yeah, it may to you...but I see things that I want to improve...anyway, it doesn't mean I can't splurge and break my dietary habit...so yeah, some subs would be great...maybe we should shower first?"

"Yeah! I guess we do kind of reek of sex...!" I roared.

"Although that's not necessarily a bad thing," he said with a twinkle in his eyes, "I mean, going out together with the scent of sex hanging on us like a heavy cloud!"

I laughed at the imagery.

"But the real reason is...I kind of wanted to see if both of us could fit in your shower at the same time!" he confessed.

Once again, Aaron had thrown me a complete curve! His mind was always about a mile ahead of mine.

"Let's find out," I giggled.

We did fit. Perfectly. My cock also fit perfectly inside Aaron's ass as he bent forward and braced himself against the wall.

"Fuck me hard," he barked.

The cascading water from the shower made the whole experience so surreal. Even in this position, Aaron was still trying to dominate both of us...and doing a pretty good job! The way his ass muscles gripped my bone...made it seem like he was actually milking the jizz out of my aching balls!

It didn't take long before he threw his head back and cut loose with a long, guttural howl. The closeness of the shower enclosure made his passionate scream reverberate though my body.

"I'm actually making him feel this way!" I thought to myself, "No one EVER reacted to me like this before!" I thought

"OH FUCK!!!!" he screamed, "CUM WITH ME, BABY!!"

I wasn't quite "there" yet, but hearing (and feeling) his animalistic passion quickly drove me over the edge.


I felt my cock dumping another load in Aaron's tight, muscular ass. I don't know how I did it. My arms wrapped around his chest for support as I gave several long hard thrusts into his boy cunt. That triggered another "wolf howl."

Finally spent, I leaned in to him and gripped his warm, pulsating body. The water from the shower cascaded down over both of us as I removed my aching cock from his dilated hole. That gave Aaron the chance to spin around and pin me against the shower wall. His eyes blazed with life.

"One chance," he whispered, "Just one chance! I promise I'll be good to you! It'll be like this every day for the rest of our lives!"

The water from the shower hid my tears of joy... Our mouths met. Tongues probing. Searching. Feeling. Cries of joy filled the tiny space. Aaron broke free and stared at me.

"Forever!" he whispered while dropping to his knees.

I knew what he was going to do. Or at least try...

"Baby! I don't think I can cum again so soon!" I protested.

He looked up at me; his eyes were glowing with energy.

"Wanna bet?" he said with a cheeky smile.

I shuddered as he swallowed my tumescent prick.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I moaned as his tongue went to work on my fuck stick.

Could I cum AGAIN...so soon? I mean, it's like we couldn't stop...Or didn't want to! Aaron's tongue and throat began milking my cock; trying to force another load out of my overworked balls.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I cried as he swallowed all of my 8½."

My body began to buck and thrash; I grabbed his head with both hands and started fucking those luscious, thick lips. He moaned. I screamed. Harder and faster. Forcing my bone down his throat. He didn't protest; in fact, he placed his hands on mine! Aaron's gorgeous mouth was my personal fuck hole! I couldn't believe it as my cock began to swell up and throb. I was going to cum AGAIN!


My body pressed forward, pinning him against the shower wall. It was going to happen! I felt my nuts churning, broiling, like a volcano ready to erupt. An explosion of thick, creamy, hot boy cum was about to go down Aaron's throat!

"GET READY!!!!" I screamed.

Aaron let out a low moan. I guess that was the muted version of his "wolf cry" since my cock was lodged in his throat. It sent me over the edge. I slammed my body into his face as jizz began spewing out of my prick.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, "EAT MY FUCKING LOAD!!!!!"

He did just that. Without missing a drop! Standing up, we kissed again. This time I could taste my spunk in his warm mouth. Our tongues danced around before we broke apart.

"Finish me off, Baby!" he pleaded,.

I felt him drag my hand down to his massive tool.

"Fuck! He's so HUGE!" I thought to myself as I held his "baker's dozen."

I started to drop to my knees but he stopped me.

"No," he whispered, "I want you to see me cum. I want you to see what I meant about `being messy.' I want you to see what you've been swallowing like a pro!"

Aaron arched his back and thrust his cock outward. My hand slid up and down its entire length. Gotta easily be a three-hander!" I thought to myself

"Watch this, Baby!" he moaned.

Even the cascading water from the shower couldn't hide what "came" next. Pulsed jets of spunk began firing from the massive, gaping piss slit on the tip of his tool. His moans were back; followed by another long, low howl...


I lost count after twelve or so...the power of his cock was amazing. I felt it pulsating in my hand; each time he shot a wad of cum, his tool throbbed in response!


His eight-pac heaved with each release of cum; lowering his head, our eyes met. I could sense happiness and joy in his angelic face.

"That...was...holy shit! Fucking over the top!" I laughed.

Considering how many times Aaron had already cum in the past twelve hours, I wondered what his FIRST load would have looked like! The shower quickly washed away "evidence" of his eruption...then he gently washed my body and I responded in kind. Exiting the longest shower in history, we both dried our bodies and stood in front of the mirror.

"We make such a nice couple," he said.

"Yeah! So much alike, but yet different!" I replied.

Our eyes lingered at the reflection of both of us for a very long time before I finally spoke.

"I'll go get your clothes," I stammered.

If I hadn't acted, it was inevitable we'd end up back in bed in very short order. Heading to the laundry room, my mind kept processing everything that had happened in the past sixteen or so hours. On top of my thoughts was how I responded to Aaron...I mean sexually...It seemed like he had some ability to push me over the top; unlike any other time in my life. Not that I was a "one-shot shooter," No, that wasn't me...but Aaron flipped some kind of switch that turned my sex drive on full.

"I have a high sex drive," he had told me. "NO SHIT!" I laughed to myself. I gathered up his clothes and headed back to the bedroom but stopped when I saw him browsing the DVDs I had borrowed from Dad. Casual as can be, there he sat in his "birthday suit," looking at the titles. It was also the first time (I think) that I saw his massive cock "at rest." It was something amazing to see: thick, meaty with heavy folds of skin which I knew from experience quickly disappeared and gave rise to its immense length and thickness. Just as my mouth watered at the view, he glanced up and me and shot me the cutest smile.

"You like...westerns...?" he started to ask.

"Well...I never really paid much attention to them but...they belong to Dad...he said I might like them...!"

"Tombstone' is wicked! So is True Grit.' The girl who played Mattie Ross...Hailee Steinfeld...it was her debut on the big screen. She was only like sixteen years old...!" he said.

Of course none of this registered with me.

"Have you watched them yet?" he asked.

"No," I replied.

"GREAT! After we get something to eat...maybe we can...!"

The pleading, puppy dog look in his eyes made me wilt inside.

"Here's your clothes...and your hat," I said.

Aaron reached over to the couch, grabbed an identical hat and handed it to me.

"Maybe...sometime...we could wear them...when we go out together?" he said quietly.

"What do you mean `maybe?' How about EVERY TIME!" I laughed.

He seemed relieved as his eyes raked up and down my naked body.

"I'll get dressed," I said while turning towards the bedroom.

I knew if I remained, we would start up all over again!

"Wear something...nice!" he called out to me as I walked down the hall.

I picked out a pair of very distressed skinny jeans and a well-worn T-shirt. It was then that I wished my body had more tone to it. Aaron is like a piece of living eye candy; next to him, I feel like a little kid...even though I am five years older!

Back in the living room, I stopped and stared at the sight before me.

"What?" he asked with a cute grin.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to...to...how fucking hot you are!" I stammered.

"Don't sell yourself short. You look...," he paused, "Finger licking good!"

We both laughed at his comment. I grabbed my new hat and headed for the door.

"You're really going to wear it?" he gasped.

"Of course! I told you I would!" I giggled as I fitted it to my head.

Aaron did the same and we headed outside.

+++Our First "Date"+++

"YUCK!" I exclaimed as a wave of heat and humidity slapped us in the face.

"I told you it's really shitty out...!" he started to say.

"Yeah! If we had many days like this...!" I started to say.

"Just like Mobile!" he groused.

"Really? No wonder you didn't like it there! The good news is this should blow over and kind of dry out by tomorrow or Monday at the latest," I said.

Backing the 4Runner out of the garage, we started out...This wasn't like that ride from Tucson to Flag. Now we both knew about and had each other! Aaron is my boyfriend! In just a day, I had gone from the pit of despair to complete ecstasy! And he's one fine stud to call my own! It's kind of funny how we compliment each other. I guess someone could actually mistake us for being brothers.

"Two peas in a pod," he said, bringing me out of my dream state.

"Huh?" I grunted.

"That's kind of how we look...!" he explained.

"Except our hats discreetly tell another story," I giggled.

"YEAH!" he chirped.

WOW! Going somewhere with Aaron! Our sexual demands had been met (for the moment) and now I had an excellent chance to observe my new found boyfriend. He proved to be more than I ever could have hoped for. Smart, witty, personable, considerate and kind. A good listener. With a wry sense of humor. I wasn't looking for faults in him. Not at all. I'm sure I have plenty of my own there...it's just that up until now, almost all of our time spent together had been comprised of sex. Raw, primal sex. The kind a guy can only dream about. It's what happens after the sex part is over with that really matters. What comes next? In Aaron's case, I was more than rewarded. He actually wanted to go places and do (non-sexual) things with me! No other guy had ever expressed any such interest. It was always just a quick hook-up and then goodbye!

I knew full well that Aaron would have to continue living at home at least for the immediate future. That's fine. He's definitely worth the wait!

The biggest thing I observed about him is how completely unaware he is of his effect on others! He also seems so innocent and clueless about the fact that other people notice him. In a big way. He carries himself with confidence Not with a swagger or arrogance, but rather as someone who radiates an infectious personality.

I caught Aaron staring at his phone. His eyes were like huge, round saucers...

"Me? A `power bottom?'" he giggled.

"Sure seemed like it to me!"

"I just wanted to do the best...to be the best...I always try...no matter what I am doing! You know, like I said, just give me one chance!" he whispered.

"Don't worry there! You've passed everything with flying colors!"

"Hmmm!" he mused.

"What?" I asked.

"`Flip fucking!' We have to try that too!" he giggled.

"I've created a monster," I hooted.

"No. You just happened across someone with an over-the-top sex drive!" he chortled.

"Then I have to `tame the beast!'"

"Good luck with that!" he laughed.

"Oh? Sounds like a challenge to me! I bet I can rise to that occasion!"

"Well...you certainly have been rising a lot since last night!" he chuckled.

So is Aaron: very easy to talk to. A tremendous sense of humor and personality...and completely devoid of the typical straight boy swagger that's usually 99% bullshit...

While waiting in line at the sub shop, I noticed that other guys were checking him out! Yeah, some girls were too, but it was the guys that interested me. No, wait, I don't mean I'm interested in them, but rather how they perceive Aaron... I have no idea if any of them are gay or not...but Aaron is the kind of guy who draws attention just by being there.

One thing I DID notice was that our T-shirts did a piss-poor job of covering our mutual "brandings." I think Aaron figured that out as he reached up once to rub his mark and, well, he had to know it was above the neckline of his shirt. So what did he do? Nothing! It's not like he faked out and tried to hide it. In fact, he just gave off a cheeky grin while glancing over at me!

On the way home, I timidly broached the subject to him...

"I guess I bit a little too high," I said timidly, "I mean, I could see...!"

"No worry! I already noticed that before we went out," he laughed.

"And it didn't bother you?"

"No. Why should it?" he laughed, "It lets people know I am...committed!"

My head swooned at his words.

"The only people I have to be concerned about are Mom and Dad, and I don't deal with them very much," he added.

I could sense bitterness and sadness in his voice!

"I bet you didn't notice how many people were checking you out..." I started to say.

"You mean...guys?"

"Of course!" I giggled.

"NO! I didn't...!"

"GOOD! I don't need any competition," I hooted.

"Not likely!" he chuckled, "I don't `play the field!' Especially when I've already found someone I want! Besides, I was too busy trying to avoid the red head who was staring at me...!" he started to say.

"Oh yeah...her!" I laughed.

"Yeah!" he replied, "You know, there was a time when I would have probably tried to go for someone like that...Now...it all seems so distant and foreign to me! I'm just glad we found each other and that you had something I didn't...!"

"Something? Like what?" I asked.

"Courage," he replied.


"The courage to hit on me...!"

"I'm just glad you didn't decide to kick my ass," I laughed.

"Me? NEVER!" he said with a smile.

"I thought a lot about it before I propositioned you. I thought you might beat the shit out of me and leave me bleeding by the side of the road!" I giggled.

"I look THAT intimidating?" he gasped.

"No. Not intimidating. More like confident, and well, like someone who has their shit together. I never imagined for a second that someone as...as...fucking...HOT as you wouldn't have twenty girls crawling all over you!"

"I...when you...asked me...I was scared shitless. I mean...I had been thinking about guys...I mean, like, doing it with a guy...for a while...but deep down inside I was terrified...!" he confessed.

"`Terrified?' You? Why?"

"Of not knowing what to do. Of not being good enough...!"

"Everyone has to start someplace," I replied, "And for never having done it with a guy before, you sure seemed to know the ropes..."

"Because you were kind and showed me what I needed to do..!"

"I seem to recall you figured most of it out yourself," I laughed, "And when...I tapped your ass... it was so out of this world for me!"

"ME TOO!" he squeaked.

"I know I'll never forget it as long as I live!"

"Oh great!" he yelped.


"Now I have to be at LEAST as good every time from now on..."

"I don't think that will be a problem," I laughed.

Once back home, we crashed out in the living room and fired up a video. We spent the entire afternoon watching all of the videos I borrowed from Dad.

"Maybe..we...could go to Tombstone sometime?" he asked in such a shy voice...

"Fuck yes! Maybe get a room there and spend the night"

"And fuck like cowboys?" he hooted.

"YEAH!" he exclaimed, "But what about now?"

"Well...I guess we'll just fuck like boys!" I giggled.

And so we did. Starting with Aaron offering me his ass while the gripped the edges of the island in the kitchen. Again, he commanded the show...thrusting his butt outward which forced my cock deep inside his guts. My arms were wrapped around his searing hot, tight chest while I drove my 8½" bone like a jackhammer.

"Gonna...cum!!" he panted, "Will be...very messy!"

"Go ahead, stud! I can't hold back any longer," I screamed.

My vocalizations paled in comparison to Aaron's long, low, guttural wolf howls. As I felt my cock emptying its load inside his tight hole, the sound of cum striking the pedestal of the island could plainly be heard! Lots of loud, noisy "splats!"

Sliding my bone out of his ass let him stand up, turn around and shoot me the cheekiest grin.

"Look!" he chirped.

My eyes bulged at the sight of his cum shot...

"It looks like someone was power painting!" I roared.

"I told you!" he hooted, "Messy! Always like that!"

"Well...at least for now you're satisfied...!" I started to say.

"Oh? You think so?" he grinned.

I felt his hand grasp mine and off we went to the bedroom...

"Power bottom?" "Power top?" Aaron was skilled at both! The more we did it, the more he mastered control of his body, and in so doing, my body as well! We savored each other until almost nine in the evening. My ass was sore but it didn't bother me at all. Aaron was completely lit while my cum seeped out of his boy-cunt!

+++Going Public+++

"What about dinner?" he asked me, "I know you don't have any real food to eat...!"

I blushed at his (correct) observation.

"We could go out," I suggested.

"Can you walk okay? I know I pounded you a little bit harder that last time," he chuckled.

That was certainly true! I think we were both testing the limits of my body versus his "baker's dozen" cock. So far, no damage had been done...

"Do you like...I mean...can your strict diet allow for Mexican food?" I asked.

"Well, in Flag I ate...with great displeasure...a lot of `Taco Hell!'"

We both laughed...

"No... I mean some really fine Mexican food!" I replied.

"GREAT!" he exclaimed.

"Perfect!" I said.

After a quick shower...well, sort of...I mean...you can't cram two horny boys into a small enclosure and not expect SOMETHING to "come up..." which it did...we were off for an evening out together...

"It's kind of like our first date," I giggled as we arrived at our destination.

"Yeah!" he said.

His eyes had a dreamy, far-away look...

I selected an "upscale" restaurant. Not formal dining where you need a shirt and tie. No, none of that for me...but definitely a quantum leap above fast food garbage. We were seated in a nice private alcove in the corner of a large dining area. The lighting was low, enhanced by small lamps at each table. The perfect place for me to spend an evening with the hottest boy on Earth!

Our server was a young Latino guy. His eyes roamed across both of us as we placed our orders.

"He's checking us out," I whispered to Aaron.

"I don't get how you see things like that!"

"GOOD! I don't want you learning how to cruise other guys," I giggled.

"No worry! Even if I knew how, I'm not going to even think about trying," he replied.

Our conversation ranged from the movies we had watched to a possible trip to Tombstone and more.

"So now are you more interested in Westerns?" he asked me, "They have a timeless appeal. You can watch one that's thirty years old or even more and it doesn't matter!"

"That's because they are set in the past," I opined.

"Duhhh!" he grinned.

"A time with no air conditioning, no plumbing...outhouses!" I made an unpleasant face, "No clean water. No nothing!"

"Yeah but when you watch most Westerns, all that seems irrelevant," he said.

"Because the story isn't about how hard life must have been then! Shoot! By the time you were thirty..."

IF you lived THAT long!" he interjected.

"Yeah! For sure! Anyway, you were, well, it's like being fifty or sixty today!"

"Yeah but all that matters is does goodness prevail and does the hero get the girl?" Aaron laughed.

"YUCK! I mean, I hope goodness wins, but he can HAVE the girl!"

We both laughed at my comment.

"I bet there were plenty of gay cowboys," Aaron mused, "Just think about it. Lots of long nights out on the prairie or wherever with no one but other cowboys..."

"Or your horse," I hooted.

"EEEK! Maybe that's where the phrase `hung like a horse' came from!" he quipped.

We both broke out in more laughter...

Aaron talked a lot about astronomy and the Cosmos.

"It's infinite," he said softly, "That makes us look pretty puny! I mean, it's been around forever and goes on forever while we're so... temporary! If the Universe is 26 billion years old, which is what they think now, and the Earth is four and a half billion, humans get only seventy years or so to live. And only forty of those years are as adults. We're just starting out... I don't want it to go to waste!"

I wasn't used to hearing thoughts like that from, well, most anyone...let alone someone who's just starting out in life!

"If I'm only going to be here a short time, then I want to be with someone I care about and I want to do something interesting!" he said softly.

My eyes started to water...

"You're so sweet," I whispered.

"I'm not supposed to be `sweet.' Dad says I'm supposed to be rough, tough and ready for action!"

"Screw that," I barked, "But anyway, you ARE rough, tough and ready for action! At least from what I've seen so far!"

"Yeah but my parents want me to get married, settle down and hatch out a big family!"

"Lots of little wailing bundles of crotch fruit?" I hooted.

Aaron almost choked on his drink when I said that...

"Where do you get this stuff?" he exclaimed.

"From Brian. I've been debating about introducing you to him!"

"What's the problem? He's the one who sent you my Craig's List ad, right?"

"Yeah, and the `two holes and a pole' guy," I chuckled.

"So is he butt ugly or...?"

"No. He kept telling me that you were a mistake."

"Because I was hung up on pussy?"


"Well, he's wrong. You helped me figure that out on our ride from Tucson to Flag...!"

"Oh is that it? Seems to me like I was busy doing something else...several...in fact many...times!"

"Like I said, helping me figure things out!" he laughed.

Aaron is like an aphrodisiac. The more of him I experience, the more I want...

"Besides Tombstone, we should go to Kit Peak Observatory," he suggested, "Have you ever be there?"


"Then put it on your...Uh...our calendar," he said.

"I was also kind of thinking about us going back to my parents' cabin at Mountainaire," I suggested, "Like in the winter when its nice and cold. We could curl up by a nice fire and...!"

"As long as it has indoor plumbing!" he giggled.

"With all the heat we would generate...!" I started to say.

"We wouldn't need a fire!" he laughed.

As our dinner progressed, Aaron was finally able to discern that the server was checking both of us out...

"Why not?" I laughed, "We're the hottest couple here..!"

"More like about the only couple here," Aaron laughed.

That was true. For a Saturday evening, the place was very empty.

"Maybe the storm had something to do with it," I suggested.

Whatever the reason, the sparse number of diners allowed the server to make frequent appearances at our table.

"Maybe he saw our hats," Aaron laughed.

"I doubt it; I mean, it's too dimly lit in here for him to notice...!"

"Then it must be us!"

"More likely, it's YOU!" I chortled.

The added "attention" from our server was like icing on the cake for a perfect evening! The food was excellent and Aaron...what needs to be said? In my mind I kept thinking about...this was the first real "date" I ever had with a guy. There had always been lots of quick sex in some really unusual places, but never any actual quality time. And oh yeah...Aaron's dreamy qualities never seemed to fade. He was so confident and intelligent yet kind and easy going. All rolled into one perfect package!

After finishing our meal, I paid the tab. I saw no reason to expect Aaron to contribute anything. He doesn't work. I do. Some day after he achieves his very lofty career goals, then I'll let him buy my dinner!

As we left the restaurant, our server gave us one last full, cheeky smile. We returned the same and thanked him for his services.

"Have a nice evening together," he said.

"Oh we plan to...!" I started to say.

"YEAH! Now we're going home for some dessert!" Aaron giggled, "Including a nice big cream pie!"

I had to fight back breaking out in laughter at his remark. That was nothing compared to how I felt as he placed his hand on my ass while we exited the establishment!!

Out in the parking lot, riotous laughter overtook both of us.

"`A nice big cream pie?'" I hooted, "WHERE the fuck did you come up with that one!"

"Just like the ones you gave me today," he cooed.

"Yeah, well, the only reason you can't give them to me is because your cock dumps its load somewhere deep inside my ass, never to be seen again" I chortled.

Arriving at the 4Runner, Aaron pressed me into the side of the vehicle and gave me a deep, long, full-throated kiss. My cock sprang to life in less time than it takes to breathe...

"Oh fuck, Baby!" I cried as we broke free.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!" he hissed, "Let's do it right here!"

"HERE?" I said while looking at the mostly empty parking lot.

"Why not? It's dark. No one will notice!"

I looked around again. There were no vehicles close by. Another "plus" was the fact that I always park way the fuck out in the middle of nowhere, so no asshole gives the 4Runner any door dings. Tonight I was parked along a row of palo verde trees. On the other side of the trees was a drainage wash.

"Yeah. It seems kind of...!" I started to say.

"EXCELLENT!" Aaron squeaked as he dropped to his knees and popped my jeans open in about a half-second.

"OHHHHHHH!" I whimpered as he mouthed the outline of my cock. Things quickly got even better as he peeled the denim fabric down and swallowed my bone in one quick gulp. My head fell back against the vehicle while I arched my body outwards.

"SUCK MY COCK, STUD!" I cried..

All he could do was moan. Those sounds increased as I grabbed his head and began fucking his face.


Aaron was a master at deep throating my bone. No gags. No coughs. Nothing but unrequited bliss as lips, tongue and throat milked my aching fuck stick. Just sitting with him while dining had fired up my testosterone to a boiling point. An aphrodisiac. That's Aaron, all right. Raw, unbridled sexual energy! He turns me on by just being next to me!

It took me about three minutes before I felt the pressure in my balls building.

"Get ready, Baby," I hissed, "Nathan's gonna give you some tasty cream!"

Did that deter him in the least? Not at all. In fact, he redoubled his efforts and I quickly shot a thick load of spunk down his willing throat!

After finishing, he stood up and we kissed. I could taste my residual cum in his mouth...

"I wanted to do that to you all evening," he whispered.

"Part of that `over the top sex drive?'" I chuckled.

I felt him pull my hand down to his thigh... There it was...that "baker's dozen" stretching down almost to his knee!

"I can't leave you like this!" I laughed while dropping down his waist... In seconds I had skinned his fat cock out of those faded Levis. Its mushroom head looked swollen and angry. A long strand of precum dripped down towards the ground. Quickly I moved to intercept it. None of Aaron's precious nectar should ever go to waste!

Opening wide, I tried to swallow as much of his fat cock as possible. It didn't matter to me that we were outside. It was dark. No one would see unless they were looking...

"Oh yeah, Baby, suck my big fat cock," Aaron hissed as his hands grasped my head and began guiding my movements.

I could feel his big tool lodged in my throat...harder than usual...or so it seemed...his breathing rapidly increasing as did his (somewhat muted) vocalizations.

"This...isn't going...to take...long," he cried.

Truer words were never spoken! In less than a couple of minutes, Aaron's body tensed up. His breathing flew off the chart while his cock expanded in length and girth, forcing me to back off lest I choke.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelped.

I felt a sudden blast of warmth fill my mouth. A reflex swallow took place just as round two arrived. Then three, four...and on until I lost count nearing twelve or so. Since I had finally seen Aaron's cock blasting its load in free air, it amazed me that I could handle all of his cum without choking. But I did!

"Oh fuck, baby! You're damn fine!" he mewled as I let his swollen hose slip from between my lips.

"That sure seemed fast!" I giggled, "Faster than usual!"

"I know...I just got so...turned on...I think it's because we're outside like this!" he panted.

As always, I watched with amusement as he tried to stuff his fat rod back inside his jeans. I would have offered to help, but that no doubt would have lead to more...things happening. I was still kind of nervous about being outside like we were.

On the trip back home, Aaron was very talkative about what we had just done.

"Outside like that! I really liked it! Maybe we should try that more often!"

"Oh? Getting tired of our usual routine already?" I quipped.

His head quickly turned in my direction.

"Hardly! Never! I just like to...expand our skill level!"

I laughed at his choice of words.

"You did all right, too!" he added.


"Yeah! I knew I came really super heavy and you took it all...!"

"I never want any of your jizz to go to waste!" I hooted.

"Great! Because I have some things planned for when we get home," he laughed.

"Oh?" I chortled.

"Yeah! `Flip fucking!' I definitely wanna try that...!" he said with a twinkle in his eye.

We did try it. Aaron was hooked. Hell, I think he was "hooked" on anything as long as we were both involved! The night went on for hours; not that I was complaining! Lots of "bed time," making the springs squeak in protest, and lots of hot showers so we could start fresh all over again.

Aaron hadn't lied. He does have an over-the-top sex drive. Yet he always approaches every time with care and attention. Nothing mechanical or routine. Most of all, he always makes sure I'M satisfied when we're through! How the fuck did I ever luck into someone so damn sweet????

The night turned into a replay of the one before. Aaron was inexhaustible. Yet somehow, I managed to keep up with him! We finally fell asleep in each other's arms around three in the morning. My ass tingled and was loaded with his cum, but it was worth every second of our time together!

We awoke around ten. Aaron was cuddled against my back side. I could feel his long fat bone pressed against my spine.

"You slept in! I guess all that military-type regimentation is starting to wear off," I hooted.

"Yeah! You're corrupting me!" he laughed.

"I could always stop...!" I chuckled.

"NO! NO!! Keep corrupting me!" he giggled.

"I think you got that one backwards! You're the one who tempted me into doing it out in the open last night...!"

"You didn't say `No!'" he smiled.

"How could I ever turn you down? Just like right now. I feel your cock pressing into my body and...!"

"Yes?" he looked at me with lustfully dreamy eyes...

In seconds I was on my back as Aaron drilled my hole again! Then we showered and I tapped his tight boy-cunt. His wolf-like howls shook the walls of the shower enclosure!

The difficult part was breakfast. I had nothing but toaster pastries and little microwavable meals. Standard fare for me, but I could tell Aaron thought they were like food from another world...

"I can't believe you actually eat this stuff," he hooted.

"Every day," I replied.

After finishing up breakfast, his face lit up like a lighthouse.

"Let's go," he suggested.

"Go? Go where?"

"Grocery shopping!" he laughed.

Off we went again on our third trip out in public! Both of us sported our distressed jeans and signature baseball caps. I could tell he was so happy that I would wear it out in public. Why not? I'm not ashamed of who I am, and for sure as hell not ashamed of the smoking hot stud at my side!

The trip to the grocery store was a riot. My attention was split between ogling Aaron's tight ass as he amassed a huge shopping cart full of groceries, watching other people in the store (especially the ones who noticed us; there were several!) and yeah...that cart full of "stuff."

"Are you sure you know what to do with all of this?" I asked him.

"Have I let you down yet?" he replied with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah, I mean no, but...!"

"Listen, `microwave boy,' you're entering a new world now. Aaron's world of tasty and healthy foods!" he chortled.

"Will eating them make my cock grow any longer?" I giggled.

"Your cock is PERFECT just the way it is now!" he chortled.

He insisted on trying to pay the bill.

"Save your money!" I told him.

"But...but...I can't have you paying for EVERYTHING!"

"Aaron...look...some day after you've discovered life in outer space or another dimension or whatever, and you've made a shitload of money, I'll be there to collect. In fact, I might even retire early and let you care for me for the rest of my life...!" I laughed.

"I like that," he said softly.

"What? Which part?"

"The part about caring for you for the rest of your life! Of OUR lives!!"

"That might be a long time...!" I started to say.

"That's fine! I'm not going anywhere," he quietly replied, "At least not without you!"

My eyes started to tear up...I was brought back to reality by Aaron poking me in my side.


"I asked if you have a blender...or a food processor, and a waffle iron, and...!" he ticked off a long list of items. Most of my answers were "No."

"Then after we get this stuff back to your house, we better head out to Walmart," he laughed.

By the end of our shopping trips, I had spent a few hundred dollars but my kitchen now had a "lived-in" look. Before, it had been pretty sterile and lifeless. Then there was the refrigerator! It was packed to overflowing with all kinds of food!

"You know, I have no idea what to do with any of this stuff," I confessed.

"Don't worry. I do!"

To me that meant Aaron was obviously planning on spending a lot of time with me! I don't know the particulars of his plans, but from what I had observed of him so far, I knew it would work out with complete success!

By the time we finished with our shopping, the day was pretty much spent. I knew he would have to be leaving soon to pick up his parents. There was just enough time left for...

"...OOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!" he howled as I dumped a load of my cum in his ass.


"What do you mean `if I can?' I'm not ready for a rest home yet!" I giggled as I kept slamming his hole with my achingly hard bone!

He got his wish and so did I as I quickly shot a second helping into his hungry ass. Naturally that meant we had to shower; I mean, I couldn't see him going to pick up his parents while reeking of sex! Of course, the shower led to more...things...before we finally emerged squeaky clean.

My tongue was hanging out of my mouth as I watched him slither into his faded Levis.

"You're gonna change before you pick up your parents...aren't you?" I asked.

"Fuck no! Why should I?" he groused.

"Oh...I can think of a pretty large reason why...!" I started to reply.

"Fuck it! I'm nineteen, I've got a big cock! I have a drop dead cute boyfriend! I'm not hiding ANYTHING!! EVER AGAIN!!" he declared.

Sadly, it was time for him to leave...

"I don't wanna...!" he started to say.

"And I don't want you to... I miss you already and you haven't even gone anywhere yet!" I confessed.

"When can I come over again?" he asked in a timid little voice.

"Are you kidding? I wish you could stay right now! How about tomorrow?"

"What time?"

"I get off work around 4:30. Allowing for traffic and time to shower and change...maybe six?" I said.

"IT'S A DEAL!" he exclaimed.

We kissed. Long and deep...

"Baby! We can't start again!" I chuckled.

"I know...It's just that I...you...!" he replied with teary eyes.

"We're only beginning! There's plenty of time ahead!" I said while ruffling his fluffy hair.

"So what are you going to do now...?" he started to ask.

"Probably go over to Mom and Dad's for dinner," I replied before pausing, "And...!"

"And?" Aaron asked.

"And tell them about how I just met the most beautiful guy in the world and that we're now boyfriends!"

"Boyfriends forever?" he asked.

"That's my plan!" I said softly.

"All I ask for is just one chance," he sniffled, "I promise I won't fuck it up!"

I had to kiss him one last time then we walked out to his car.

"YUCK! It still feels miserably hot," I yelped.

"Yeah but the storm brought us together," he whispered.

Somehow, Aaron always seemed to know just the right thing to say!

"I'll call you this evening," he promised.

"GREAT! I should be back home around 7:30 or so," I said.

I watched as he turned his car around and drove down the long gravel driveway. Once back inside, a pang of loneliness hit me the minute I closed the front door. I could detect Aaron's scent. It was everywhere. Or maybe it was both of ours mixed together...the bedroom reeked of our passion. I wished I could bottle it and save some for later, as I knew the aroma would soon fade.

There was one big difference this time, though...unlike that first night in the 4Runner, I knew my "surfer boy" would be coming back soon. My ass twitched at the thought of his big cock snaking its way deep inside my body. I felt a familiar presence pulsating between my legs...

"Barely gone and already," I laughed, "What should I do?"

The answer came as I quickly devoured my cock and drank down a huge load of hot, thick cum. It wasn't the same as Aaron's, but it would have to do.

"Until tomorrow," I moaned, More than 24 hours to go!"

I pulled out my phone and called Mom...

"Hey!" I chirped, "Do I ever have something to tell you...!"

+++My Special Greeting+++

Monday came; it had to be the longest day of my life. Work seemed to go on forever...even compiling all the record totals of precipitation from automated rain gauges couldn't push Aaron out of my mind...

"Is that fucking clock even working?" I thought while repeatedly glancing at its hands, which seemed to be moving in ultra slow motion.

I had slept like a bear the night before...alone again in my bed with the stuffed bunnies. Aaron had called around nine.

"Everything okay?" I had asked him.

"As good as it never gets" he replied.

"No problems?"

"Yes. One big one! And it misses you!" he laughed.

His voice; the pitch and timbre...were hypnotic...

"I'll take care of that for you tomorrow," I promised.

We both laughed...his was so deep, strong and so sexy...

FINALLY it was time to go home! I had to fight the urge to break all speed limits getting there! Pulling into the driveway, I hurried inside and started stripping off my clothes as I danced down the hall to the bathroom. A quick shower, time to brush my teeth and make sure my hair looked just "perfect," then the doorbell rang. Yeah. This time I had left the security gate unlocked so Aaron wouldn't have to stand outside and pound on it...

I saw his car parked in the driveway...and suddenly a devilish thought popped into my mind...Peeling off what few clothes I had on (just a T shirt and some tiny athletic shorts), I decided to greet Aaron in my birthday suit...

Opening the door, I shot him a cheeky grin...

"Hey," I chirped.

His eyes turned into huge saucers as they raked up and down my thin frame.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he squeaked.

Grabbing one arm, I quickly pulled him inside. Our lips met as he furiously started stripping off his faded Levis and a very form-fitting, well-worn T-shirt.

"Oh Baby! I've waited all day for this..." he moaned.

I led him down the hall to the bedroom where we quickly engaged in some hard (in more ways than one) passionate sex. Complete with moans and Aaron's sexy "wolf howl."

"That was fast," he said as we took a break.

"I thought today would never get over with!" I replied.

"I liked the way you...uh...greeted me," he snickered.

"Good! I'm not one for wearing a lot of clothes; especially in the summer!"

"I'll keep that in mind," he chirped.

There was a devilish quality to his adorable smile... We made some small talk before reengaging in more...mind-blowing sex. Aaron laid back and made it perfectly obvious he wanted me to mount his tight ass. I did, and in record time blew a huge load deep into his guts. Without any significant pause, he flipped me over and returned the favor...

"A flip fuck?" he giggled.

"Good enough!" I laughed.

"Hopefully you've worked up a good appetite...!" he started to say.

"Sex can do that," I chortled.

"...Because now I'm gonna fix you dinner!"

"BABY! You don't have to do that...!" I protested.

"I know that. I WANT to!" he said.

We strolled into the kitchen. I watched Aaron gather the items necessary for whatever he had planned. Then there was a pause as he looked out onto the patio...

"Ohhh!" he grunted.

"What?" I asked.

"Where's your barbecue? You do have one, don't you?"

You mean a...like...grill with charcoal and all that stuff?" I stammered.

"Of course, silly!" he laughed. "and `all that stuff!'"

"Well...I...uh...don't have one exactly...!" I stuttered.

"You don't have one exactly?' Just what does THAT mean? Maybe you have a virtual grill?'" he snorted.

"Uhhh...No...more like none at all...I mean...what exactly would I do with one?" I replied feebly.

"Well...Most people COOK on them!" he snarked, "You know, with charcoal, fire and...!"

I was blushing beet red...

"Never mind," he said without breaking stride, "I'll just fix us something else...!"

"I don't want you to go out of your way...I mean, we could order something...!"

Aaron just rolled his eyes and shook his head negatively.

"See all that food in the refrigerator? It's meant to be cooked and eaten. By us. Together," he giggled.

"Something else" turned out to be chicken Florentine, which he whipped up like a pro...

"That was fantastic," I said as we washed dishes together.

Sure, I have a dishwasher, but doing it this way gave for some close contact time with Aaron. That quickly led to me dropping to my knees and swallowing a load of his thick, hot cum.

"Dessert!" I chirped.

"Tapioca!" he hooted.

We both laughed.

"Now I want some," he announced.

"All you can eat," I chortled.

"Don't ever say that! I have an endless appetite..."

"Yeah...for ME!" I laughed.

After dinner and our mutual "desserts," we ended up sitting on the sofa. I gently twirled his hair while he nuzzled my neck.

"I hope it always stays like this," he said softly.

"I've been on `cloud nine,' wherever that saying came from, since you turned up at my doorstep Friday evening!" I confessed.

"All I did was watch that fucking clock...all day long," he replied.

"Me too!" I chirped.

It was better; much better than I ever expected! Aaron Woodward is perfect for me! I only hope I can make him happy in every way!

"But we do need to get a grill," he said softly.

"You don't give up, do you?" I laughed.

"I almost did with you...but something inside kept pushing me on...that first night we met...I mean, as I walked home, my mind kept telling to go back and get your address and stuff...but I was too shy to do it. You'll never know how happy I felt when I opened my backpack and found that paper you left for me...!" he confessed.

"I'm so glad I did that!" I replied.

"ME TOO!" he exclaimed.

We looked into each others' eyes. Our bond was growing stronger every minute we were together!

"Okay! Let's go!" I chirped.


"Home Depot, dummy! Where else would you go to buy a barbecue grill!"

We stuffed ourselves back into our clothes and headed out. Of course, we both wore our hats...

"I know what you're gonna say, but I'm paying for it," I said, "No other options! Just add it to your tab!"

We both laughed.

"That's gonna be a pretty big bill!" he laughed.

"Well then, it matches something else you have that's very big! But I'm not worried. I've already collected and it's paid in full!"

"Collected? How?"

"Because I have YOU!" I said softly.

We pulled into the Home Depot parking lot.

"Damn!" he whispered.


"I was gonna hit you up for a `quickie'"

"Don't you ever stop thinking about sex?" I roared.

"It's that hyper-sex drive of mine," he giggled.

"We'll have time later," I promised.

As we walked across the parking lot, I noticed how Aaron kept very close to me. I've seen gay boys walk like that; it's not at all unusual. On the other hand, straight boys usually like to keep a "buffer zone" around their `buds' lest they actually brush against one another... The games some people play...What surprised me the most was how Aaron kept very close to my side... It made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.

I watched as he picked out all the needed accessory items. I wouldn't have known where to start. We found a really nice grill for under $200.

"Charcoal is the best," he said, "And another bonus is now...in the summer, you won't heat up the kitchen like with a regular oven...!"

I had watched Dad hundreds of times as he cooked outdoors on our patio, but never really paid any attention to exactly how it's done...

"Wait until you taste baked potatoes roasted in charcoal," he said while licking his lips.

Watching his sexy tongue made my cock lurch to attention...

We carefully loaded everything in the 4Runner right before the store closed.

"There's only a couple of things to assemble and it'll be ready to go," he chirped.

I stared into his deep blue eyes and felt myself being drawn into him...He picked up on that right away!

"Baby," he said softy.

"What?" I giggled.

His hand snaked over to my thigh...

"What? Here? Now? We'll be home in a few minutes!" I chuckled.

"Then we can do it again," he replied.

As usual, I had parked way out at the end of the lot... I made an instant mental note to ALWAYS do that now; no matter how long the walk to the store.

"You're too fucking much!" I laughed as his fingers began tugging at the buttons on my jeans.

I arched my butt upwards so Aaron could skin down the Levis. My cock popped out and lurched into freedom...

"Always ready," he hooted.

"Yeah! Always for you...!" I started to say as he swallowed my cock down to its base.

"OHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I moaned while grabbing his head and forcing it on my aching tool.

There was something about doing it in a public place that heightened all my senses. My cock quickly expanded to its full dimensions while that familiar feeling in my balls began to grow.

"I'm gonna feed you really fast!" I moaned.

"Fast" came quicker than expected, as my prick began unleashing its nectar deep down Aaron's willing throat. He moaned as I fed him continuous spurts of my hot cream...

After we finished, he sat up and gave me a cheeky smile

"Good?" he chirped.

"No. EXCELLENT!" I laughed.

"It's a lot of fun doing it like this," he said.

"As long as we don't get caught!" I said.

After arriving back home, we placed all the items in the garage.

"I can start putting this together now," he suggested, "Just get your tools...!"

"Tools?" I replied.

"You DO have basic tools, don't you? Like wrenches, screwdrivers and stuff...!"

The blank look on my face said it all...

"Incredible!" he chortled.

"I guess I never had any need for...!"

"It's okay! I can bring mine over the next time...!"

"You mean tomorrow, right?" I smiled.

"Really? Tomorrow? Is that okay?"

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"No! You have to book an appointment first!" I snarked, "Of COURSE tomorrow!"

"GREAT" he exclaimed, "It shouldn't take me more than forty-five minutes or so...!"

"I have a better idea! If I give you a key, you can come over early and put it together so it'll be ready when I get home!" I said.

"A key? To your house?" he exclaimed.

"No! A key to the house next door!" I chuckled.

"Well...I...I mean it's your place and...!"

I pressed a key into his hand.

"And you're a huge part of it," I whispered to him.

As I finished showing him how to disarm the security system, Aaron swept me off my feet and carried me to the bedroom. I was giggling like a little kid as he stripped off my clothes before staring me in the face.

"How do you want it?" he asked.

"On my back. Deep, hard and fast," I croaked.

Aaron obliged. He also cut loose with his wolf howl as his cock flooded my guts.

"I wish I could stay over," he said softly.

"It's okay. Don't rock the boat with your parents."

"You're the best," he said while trying to stuff that long hose back into his jeans.

"I...uhhhh!" I stammered.

He shot me a curious look.


"I was kind of wondering what you're doing on Sunday!" I said softly.

"Hopefully, I'll be here with you," he laughed.

"That's good because I sort of have a surprise for you...!"

I could see his curiosity was really piqued...


"Yeah! I want... I mean...I would like...Oh fuck!! I want you to meet Mom and Dad! At their place! For dinner together!" I exclaimed.

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