A Rebirth

By ozzalone65

Published on Oct 27, 2021


This is a tale based off a guy that I have had in a few stories. Tony. A hot guy I have had the great pleasure to hook up with on now multiple occasions. So this is a new story about the fucking delicious stud with the big delicious butt slapping balls.

And this story is created as an almost continuation of another story I am writing "the Last Man in Earth" but in itself a somewhat separate tale as his name is alternated for it as I spans a different life.

Enjoy this story.....

A Rebirth (7)

... I stood there above him. Anton. Stood there above this gorgeous man that I had been working with on a project for his village. A special new marketplace for his town. He and I had just began this session if sex with some oral copulation. But now it was time for more. I know i wanted more. I wanted his rod in my buttocks. So I told him so. I moved to the bed and then crawled up onto it. Then i pushed my rear side to Anton. Telling him how I wished him to take my hole. Reaching back to it and spreading the butt cheeks to let him see the hole I wanted him to sex.

"Here" I said to him "Here us tour prize Anton". "Have your way with me"

Anton looked back at me as I held out my butt to him. He was still holding in to his very big member. Slowly moving his hand over it still. Keeping his weapon if sex at full erection.

"So you wish me to have this?" he then said in a question

I looked back at him, at his stunning body. The muscular chest and arms. His smooth yet rippled belly with the thin trail if hairs that moved down from his chest and to the brown bush of his crotch. Fanning out to it and the gorgeous stem in his hand. Anton then spat down on his member. The dewy liquid falling from his mouth in a long string as it went down to his rod.

"Yes" I declared to him "Yes Anton. I wish you to have me" "Give me that mans rod" "I need to feel it deep inside my body"

And as I said this anton pushed his rod at me. My hole at first puckering up and denying the man entry. And I was upset that my body did such a thing. To deny the both of us the pleasure that we wanted. I huffed and he sighed. But I said to him to spank my bottom. To strike with a heavy hand and hit me. I knew such a thing would loosen my anal muscles and he should be able to push on through. So he did. Anton lifted his hand up. The other holding and stroking at his penis as it stayed pressed to my hole. Then Anton swung down. The hand stuck my bottom, hard. A sharp stinging registered on my butt. Like tiny needles pricking away at me. But as I presumed it would, the blow reverberated through my bottom and my hole did indeed loosen. Just as I hoped it would anton felt this and thrust into my rectum. His big stem pushed past the sphincter and into my bowels.

"Ughnn. Godd!" I then cried out

It had been what I wanted. I wanted Antons rod in me. But had not expected such pain to rip through me. He was apparently bigger on my hole than I figured him to be. His long and puffy headed penis pried my hole opened and as he pushed through the hole widened it more than usual. So of course there was pain. Sharper and more intense than the poultry spank. It was like a hot poker slicing into my hole. Burning at it.

"Ughn. Ohh God!" I cried out "Anton. Ohh God. Anton!" "So big. Soo bloody big!"

My eyes rolled up into my head as I jerked forward from the hard piercing. I grabbed at the edge if the bed. My fingers grasping at it as the dull pain seemed to expand throughout my body. If I could have pulled myself from him I would. But as he felt my body lurch Anton grabbed at my side and yanked me back against him. So he was able to shove a great portion of his long member into my bowels. He too moaned as he felt the tight ring of my sphincter cla.p on to his rod. Vice like in its grip on his steely rod. But his was a.moan of utter pleasure

"By the gods!" He blurted "Your anus is soo tight. Soo tight!"

And this intense pressure my bowels had on him made him thrust harder to compensate. Anton gave me more and more as he went on in this pleasure. His rod driven down into my depths with each hard push. His big balls smashing against mine own as he thrust all the way into me. I was completely lost in my delirium of this incredible sex. Never had I felt so full, never had I wanted a man as I did this one. Never ever did I think I would be in instant infatuation with such a man as he. And I was. Anton was forceful yet somehow gentle at the same time. His hands caressed at my back as he continued to assault on my my bottom.

"Yes. Oh yes!" He shouted "I have needed this. Oh how I have needed this"

I did too. I had needed a real man to take me and Anton was just that. A gorgeous real man with manly lusts. And man with a fantastic sexual.prowess that seemed to consume me with each hard and deep thrust he pushed into me.

"Yes Anton" I crowed back "Ohh yes. You are incredible" "That weapon is astonishing. Ughnn!"

He sped up more and moved on my back more. Digging himself all the deeper now. His balls grinding against me as he gave me ever awesome inch of his cock. His body rubbed against my back too. I felt his heat on me and in me. A boiling hot heat that may set me ablaze at any moment. But I still urged Anton to go, to take me all. To give me everything he had. For i knew that as he edged closer to inevitable that he would explode. He would burst forth and impregnate my body with his seed. And I surly wanted that. I wanted to feel his heat inside, I wanted to fully belong to this stunning man I was with.

"Take me Anton" I cried out "Take my body and fill it up". "Make me your mate for always!"

And then his thrusts froze. It was but a milliseconds freeze, but he stopped motion for that briefest of moments. And that moments seemed to last and last and last. Like time itself he stopped and we were trapped in swirling haze. I felt my head spin in this realm. Pondering where I was. Was this death or some valley of pleasure. Some floating castle of awesome contentment. And then he howled behind me. Pulling me from the swirling abyss. And that was when Anton dis explode. He shouted his orgasm as it came on. Thrusting madly at my body now.

"Yes. Ohh yess.!" He yelled "Here it comes. Oh God yess!"

Then I felt the first blast. Like a natural geyser in stone it shot. The power if the blast nearly blew me off of him. But antin held to me as his body writhed on mine. Then multiple shots fired into my bowels. A hot thick eruption of seed. And after 8 shots he slowed in my back. His grinding thrusts slowed and then just stopped. Leaving him to gently twitch to empty out the remains from his big sack. And that sack was pressed and pushing at me as it still leaked out its contents. Then he deeply sighed at its completion. And I just lay under him, moaning softly from the wondrous exchange we had just had. Just laying there happily under this beautiful man as he leaned in and kissed my neck...

To be continued

Next: Chapter 8

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