A Rebirth

By ozzalone65

Published on Jan 23, 2021


This is a tale based off a guy that I have had in a few stories. Tony. A hot guy I have had the great pleasure to hook up with on now multiple occasions. So this is a new story about the fucking delicious stud with the big delicious butt slapping balls.

And this story is created as an almost continuation of another story I am writing "the Last Man in Earth" but in itself a somewhat separate tale as his name is alternated for it as I spans a different life.

Enjoy this story.....

A Rebirth (2)

... I shall tell you of how I met this fascinating man. This gorgeous and fascinating man. My father's workshop of construction built not only for our village. He and I and his other workers would get in a caravan of carts and go to other nearby villages to build as well. And I would go with him as part of his team. There is another more seaward village 40 miles to the south of us. Carpath is primarily a fishing village. Most live near or even on the waters of a lovely bay. It's a gorgeous place. And after the first visit there I wanted to move there. But of course I didn't. I had responsibility in my village Besides I had not met anton there yet. It had been on the fourth visit to the smaller Carpath that I found myself in the presence of this stunning man.

"We are to help build a new food center for them" my father said when the trip began.

A food center in a shopping arcade that has a few buildings and open areas where merchants sold their wares. Anything from food to clothing and such. We had a grand one in our village. The Bellmontis shopping arcade. A grandiose shopping palace where Talia and many other sold items that they made. The one being built here in Carpath was smaller of course as their village is but a third the size of mine. But their arcade was to be built half on land and part on sea. An extravagant undertaking. We were to meet with the carpenters and builders from that village to create this structure that was to have piers that were to hold booths and small shops and one fantastically eatery. It seemed a spectacular arcade. This endeavour was being lead by the fishermen that were the main source of revenue in Carpath. I looked about the fishing village and the people mulling around in the current sellers market there. It was crude with old pop up tents that were raised each morning. And cases and ice boxes to hold the catches for sale that day. It was there that I met the exquisite Anton. He was the eldest son of the fish captain that ran most of the boats there in Carpath. Jerman (Antons father) was meeting with mine in the square to work out the details of the build. There was a meeting place. In the main city building that this was to be discussed.

"Good day Jerman" my father said to the thick man "Good day to you sir" he said back "How was your trip here? "Uneventful. Thankfully" father stated "Good. Good. " the other man replied

They began to discuss the build. My father had already introduced me as his son. I shook the mans hand as he greeted me. He was a fairly attractive man for his full stature. Round yet sturdy face. The beard him and the soft eyes were quite appealing. Even if he was a bit on the stocky side. I sat to the side as they discuss how the plans were to be fulfilled for this new structure. I looked at some of the other men in the room. Several were from my fathers team in my village many I have known for years. All strong but heavy set men with guts and flab is strange places. But as I sat there in the room, listening to my father talk of workload and man hours, he walked in to the room. My eyes instantly fell in this stunning man. He was about my age, tall lean and muscular. The shirt he wore had shorts sleeves to show off his strong sinewy arms. There was a tattoo on hus shoulder that peered out from.just under his snug fitting shirt. His strong chest pressing to the material of his shirt, showing off the shape of his chest. He had a beard like gus father, but it was not so bushy. More trimmed than most men had. And his pants were fitting very nicely to his lower body. I could see there was something in them that was of substantial size.

"Oh my God" I huffed to myself. "Who is this magnificent man" "I wish to have him"

All these words flashed in my head and no where to be heard. For that would be uncomfortable. I just looked at the beautiful man as he walked through the room. He headed towards where my father and Jarman sat. I could see his backside now. Full and round buttocks that screamed desire at me. My eyes widened in my escalating lust.

"Father" the sexy man called out

'Wow' I sighed as I heard this mans voice. Subtle echoes of a deeper tone than most men. With a tiny nasal inflection. But I sweat his voice melted my loins. And other parts of me. Then I saw that his father was Jerman. This gorgeous man was the selfish captains son. I hear fell out if my chit as I saw him pause there and stand near his father. Crossing his hands as he stood by.

"This is my son Anton" Jerman said to my father "You will see him about alot" "He has a good amount of ideas to this" "And I wish him to work with you and your best men"

My father leaned up and gave Anton his hand and they shook. The sexy man smiled at dad and he gad me only wanting him more. Then my father turned and looked at me. Saying to the beautiful man I was his son. And he introduced me to him as well.

"Come" he said to me "Here. This is my son Orin" "Well hello Orin" Anton said as he let out his hand to me. "It is a great pleasure to meet you"

I moved to them and shook his hand. His grip was strong and manly. And he smiled at me as he said his hello. I greeted him back and said it was good to meet him as well. Then my father suggested that Anton work closely with me as I was fir the most part a working foreman to his team. I did not handle to much if the heavy work. Most paperwork and lighter duties. Hammer and nail and measurements for the cuts the real workers did. And I was fine with that.

"My son is my right hand" father said "You both can discuss plans on any changes that you see fit"

Anton agreed and smiled. Saying it would be great to work with me on this project. I looked at him and I swear i saw him almost wink at me. I was probably wrong. But it was alarming to assume that of him. But maybe it was just my desire that was playing tricks upon my head and its thoughts. I surmised it to be just so and then sat back down. Anton had to leave the room as he had his other duties at the docks.

"I will meet with you later Orin" he said to me

He placed a hand in my shoulder and then he squeezed at it. This rich by this man set my body to boiling again with lust. I looked back to see his butt in those pants again. And my dick sprang up in my lap. I cursed my desire as I sat there for the rest of the (thankfully) long meeting....

More to cum

Next: Chapter 3

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