A Real Surprise, Part I

By Brian D

Published on Oct 29, 2013



Author's Note:

What follows is a work of fiction. It does contain a minor and man/man sex - if this is not your taste, or if it's illegal to read such material in your area of the world safely browse away.

The characters exists in a fictional world where many of the concerns that are part of our normal daily life do not exist. Keep this in mind while reading this and always mind your own safety and health.

Comments are welcome at: hotandsunnytoday@yahoo.com.

Part I

It was just another crappy day at work and I was sitting at a typical NYC diner trying to take some time for myself, reading the newspaper, and getting a bite of lunch in before going back to the office drudge. I was pushed slightly by a person moving by me to get to his seat at the table next to mine and without looking up I said "sorry" for no real reason as it was me who was bumped into.

After the waiter left that table, I heard from the man at the next table, "You should have moved away when I got in." I looked up in amazement and saw a man in his mid 40's with jet black skin tone, shaved head and a short cropped beard. It looked like his days (and possibly nights as well) were spent in the gym as his arms and chest were bulging from under his tee shirt. I definitely knew there was no reason to confront him and softly said, "You are right, sorry again." I went back to my paper very aware that he was still looking at me.

"I will have the turkey sandwich," he said at me. "With mustard, tomato and lettuce." I looked up once again and saw that there was no waiter and he was still speaking to me. "You are going to buy my lunch," he informed me. "I am?" I asked. He just stared at me.

The waiter came to take his order and I said to him, "Give him a turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato and mustard. And please put it on my tab." The waiter nodded and left.

"Your good looking and smart," my imposing neighbor remarked to me. I replied, "Thank you."

He added, "and your off to a good start." I looked quizzically back at him. "Now you will get up and join me at my table," he demanded. Perhaps not quite getting it, I said, "But I am done and I have to get to work."

"I do not want to eat alone," he insisted, "and I am sure you want to see me again, don't you." Without any good reason other than being drawn to him, I replied, "I do." Without any further discussion, I got up and moved to his table.

His sandwich came and he looked directly at me as he ate. After a short pause, he asked, "So are you an accountant, lawyer or something?" I was not a difficult guess as I was wearing my suit, tie and looking generally like a professional. "Yes," I said, "I'm a tax accountant." He ate another bite and said, "ok."

After he finished the last bit of his sandwich, he reach across the table and took the pen that was in my shirt pocket and wrote and address on a napkin. Pushing it across the table, he said, "I finish work at 6:30. You will meet me at my apartment at 6:45. If you are not there, lose the address and don't try to come another time. I may not be there by then but you will wait for me outside my building. Wait there and don't leave no matter how late I am."

He got up from his seat as the waiter brought the check for two lunches – and which I paid.

When I got back to the office, my mind was distracted. Calls from clients were put off and my mind just returned to the nameless person who I had bought lunch for, somewhat against my will. At some point it hit me that I would just go through my day and not show up at the appointed time. For all I knew, it was a grand joke to get me to buy a stranger lunch and just to have me wait at some building.

For some reason, when it was 6:30 I looked at my watch and thought to myself, well, I guess there is no harm to at least going to the address. To see if it is even a real place. I packed up and left the office walking the short distance to the address on the napkin.

In fact, the building was a building with walkup apartments. It was a little after 6:45 and it was nice evening, so I decided to assuage my curiosity and see if the dark stranger would even show up. I could just shake hands, compliment him on the joke and head home. However, as I waited, my heart started to race a bit more. Then I saw him coming down the street. He was still large and imposing as I had remembered him. "Come on up," he said as he neared me. He opened the lock and I followed him up the three flights to his doorway. He turned to me and kissed me. I was totally aghast. I sputtered out, "but I am not gay..."

"Listen," he said, "you may tell yourself that, but you would not be here if you did not want my dick. And you certainly would have not have paid for my lunch." Although I had only had girlfriends and only had some casual male on male fun in college, I knew he was right. He then grabbed my hair and kissed me again, and this time I returned his kiss feeling drawn to him. "Better," he said.

When we entered the apartment I was surprised to see how beautifully it was furnished and how spacious it was. I could see two bedrooms leading off of the main living area with a kitchen down the end of a long hallway.

He turned to me and ordered, "strip down completely and put your clothes on the sofa." Reason must have left me as I did as he instructed and after complying, stood naked and exposed before him. He sat down on the sofa and pointed to the floor next to his feet. I sat down and rested with my back against the base of the sofa. I felt his hands rubbing through my hair like a pet. And it felt nice.

"I want to learn about you," he said. "Well, I come from a small family. Just me and my sister. Both of my parents are still alive living in Darien. I became a tax accountant and it consumed my time. I just never got around to marrying although I have had a few long relationships. Now that I am 47, I am guess I may never marry. But I am ok with that." I paused and then continued, "I love sports and travel. Good food too." As I saw speaking, he took the heel of his shoe and started moving my cock around. "Your small," he remarked without any implication. It's not the first time I had heard that. "But I like small," he added. To that I was surprised.

He then stood up. From the floor I felt like I was looking at a giant. He took off his shirt showing a chiseled, totally hairless body. "He looked down upon me and ordered, "Take off my pants." Starting with his shoes and moving to his belt, I undressed him from a position on my knees. When I pulled down his pants I saw that he was not wearing any underwear and a perfect dick became exposed. I actually felt a little weak.

He then sat down again and pointed at a spot on the floor between his legs. I sat down facing him staring straight into his dick, lap and midsection. "OK," he said. "I am going to tell you how this is going to work. It is not a negotiation. You either accept or get dressed and leave. If I didn't see in you something I want, you would not be here. But I do not flatter or heap on praise. Do you understand?" I only nodded in response.

"I work as an elite escort. Unless I am traveling, I keep fit. It is my livelihood and it has treated me well. I like it and don't want to change a thing. Most of my customers are repeat ladies and some men. As you are gay, I am bi." I started to interrupt him to say that I was not, but he slapped me across the face. "I will not be interrupted when I am speaking. Do you understand?" I just nodded again feeling the sting.

"Yes, you are gay and you will come to enjoy the freedom of that knowledge. But the sole direction of your desire will be aimed at me. You will become what I want you to be. No questions. You will do as I say. This is a matter of faith and trust. To that end, I will agree that at any point of the first 90 days that we get to know one another, you may leave and we forget we know one another. Understand?" I nodded yet again.

"During that 90 days, it will be my goal to make you understand that you are a low person. You will do things you never thought you would do. It may disgust you. There is a purpose. However, you will know that you get to serve me and that you will be special to me. That you will be the only one in my life." He let that statement hang. "During that period, you will outline what you need to live on financially. I will review it with you. You will then turn over your paycheck to me and I will make payments for you. You will not need money." I began to object and he slapped had me again and took his toes and pushed it into my balls applying uncomfortable pressure. "I thought you understood you are not to interrupt me. Remember, during the 90 days you can terminate this at any point and for any reason. Do you want to do so now?" I whispered "no."

"After the 90 days," he continued, "if you want to go forward and if I find you have pleased me and worked hard for me, I will take you on. At that point you will be my property. I will take care of you and protect you."

He looked hard at me and said, "Is this something you want?" "Yes," I heard myself responding. "Sir," he imposed. "Yes...Sir," I stammered in return.

"Are you sure? You must be sure," he said.

"Understanding there is a 90 day window, I want it Sir," I answered. "Very much so. But I am afraid my lack of experience will disappoint you."

He smiled and said, "I am willing to train you. Now how much do you want to touch my dick?"

"So much Sir," I let out.

"Good, because your training will start now. You will show me how much you want to please me." With that, I reached forward and touched and examined that lovely member. Black with a beautiful pink head. Unlike mine, uncut and large. Even with my lack of experience, I knew that it felt right. I took my tongue and licked the tip and kissed it immediately after. I felt my still unnamed stranger relax and lean back. "Take your time fag," he said. And I did just that. I emblazoned in my mind every inch of his dick. Licking it, kissing it, touching it and feeling it getting more engorged. Then I felt one hand take the back of my head as he fed his dick to me. And it was perfect. I just wanted to feel his pleasure through my attention. I notice that my cock was rock hard and I reached down to touch it. With that I felt a hard slam across my head. Sternly he said, "Who told you that you could touch that little clit? If you do it again without permission, you will know what true pain is. Your only pleasure is that which you get through me. That's it. You understand?" "I do Sir," I muttered through the pain and daze.

I then felt his hands hold my head like a vice grip and he began plunging his dick deep into my throat. I tried to control my breathing but he was simply too large and I began to gag. "Don't you dare gag," he ordered. Tears began to roll down my face.

He then grabbed my hair and pulled me so I was slung over the back of the sofa. My heart was racing as he leaned over me and whispered in my ear, "Now tell me why I should take you as mine." My head spinning, I said, "because I am yours and I need to be fucked by you. Owned by you."

He turned my head with his powerful hands and kissed me deeply and passionately. His tongue probing my mouth. "You will relax and you may enjoy that you are giving me pleasure," I heard him say. While his body pressed hard down on me holding me in position, I felt his lubricated fingers opening me me. He then ordered, "You will take my dick and put it in you." With that, I reached back and grabbed hold of his essence and moved it to my opening. As I began to advance his tip into me, I felt his firm hip pressure taking over and his wonderful shaft plunge into me.

He lifted from me and begun a rhythmic motion. And it felt wonderful. I reached back to feel his balls. Without realizing it, I began to move with the same rhythm and heard myself moaning as I had never done before. I felt his hand grab my cock, or clit, squeezing it. His fingers, covered with my precum, found their way to my mouth and I licked them clean. He leaned forward against me again, whispering, "You are such a good girl." Why this drove me crazy I cannot say, but it did and I began thrusting harder against him.

In my mind, I knew I wanted him to cum in me. To have his seed inside me. To know that things would be very different after that. Perhaps he thought the same because he came hard and with violence I didn't know was possible. His dark body pressed limply against me in relief, our sweat merging. I was completely hard but loved having no relief. It was my continued tie to him. A raging desire. Our bond.

His hands caressed my body and without warning, he pulled out and said, "Ok, dress now and meet here tomorrow. When you come into my place, you strip down. I will start teaching you protocol." He then added, "You will go right from here to buy a butt plug, cock cage, and collar – ones that you think will please me."

He said, "I have a customer coming over and have to get ready for her."

As I walked down the stairs, I felt great.

End of Part 1. If this is worth continuing, please let me know.

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