A Rapid Change in Lifestyle


Published on Oct 18, 2023


Dear Nifty-Readers,

I hope you are all fine and have been waiting for the continuing saga of Chokee's ongoing adventure as a hardcore patriotic skin. Now Chapter 51 is finally out.

We're getting now to the final step that Chokee must take to become the ultimate star in his new world.

Finally, as usual please don't forget to make a donation to Nifty if you can. The guys are doing a really great job helping us express our free minds. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

And now please enjoy Ch. LI.

A RAPID CHANGE IN LIFESTYLE/ Chapter 51: The Final Break with My Old Life (Part 2)

Pat, who needed even less sleep than I did, woke up at around 7am. It was Monday, my last day in freedom before my new life as a power skin musician and one top leader of the brotherhood would start. Pat had to leave for some business and he made it pretty clear - just by way of his body language - that he didn't want to talk about it for now. Before he left, we were having one coffee together. Both of us were quietly enjoying our morning cigarette, when Pat suddenly had the idea to satisfy his sadistic nature. In one move he jumped out of his chair and pulled down my shorts. Then, without any pause, he started to give me one of his top performance blowjobs so that almost instantly I had to moan and scream. This dream-like moment didn't take long however, 'cause shortly before I was ready to shoot, Pat interrupted his unique treatment without any pre-warning. He got up again, gave me a dirty smirk and said that he had to leave now immediately. I was so stunned and of course also disappointed and didn't know what to say. But Pat, as it was so typical of him, again had a special purpose - apart from giving me a hard time. His ultimate goal was just to see me in the right mood for my ex-cunt.

"I want you to be super-aggressive now. When she wakes up, she'll be having the nicest memories about what happened the other night. Of course her fuckin' mainstream attitude will constantly try to fight these memories. So show the bitch her limits and make her see that it's you who has the sole control from now on," Pat told me with a dirty grin and then left shutting the door behind him.

Indeed: as soon as Pat was gone, the fact that I now had to stay alone with Cindy made me already a bit angry. I started to think that Pat's sudden interruption was her fault and therefore it was also somehow her obligation to help me with the relief that I deserved so rightfully. That thought also made me pretty hot again and my tool grew instantly. I was really ready for some action.

As predicted by Pat, Cindy woke up quite late this morning. It still took another hour after he had left. For the first time after my conversion into a hardcore fighter skin, I was alone with a cunt. Fortunately, thanks to my mental education and hard training that I had received from Pat (and the entire brotherhood) especially the night before, I was neither intimidated nor panicking anymore. On the contrary, I felt turned on and ready for my next adventure. So I grabbed a cup, filled it with coffee and with a dirty smile added a strong portion of libido enhancer. Then I went to the bedroom area to watch the waking-up process of my ex. I positioned one of the old wooden stools next to the mattress, sat down with legs apart and made sure that the bitch had to look directly into my crotch when she opened her eyes. While sitting in front of her only in my black shorts, which weren't the cleanest anymore and were full of cum stains from my hot games with Pat the night before, I could see that the cup that I had taken was used and dirty. Only for a second or so I wanted to get a fresh cup, but then I immediately realized that the dirty cup exactly represented how it should be. 'Cause what I needed to teach the bitch was that all her traditional materialistic thinking would be completely misplaced here and that she better be happy with what I was ready to give her.

Now I was looking at my ex-cunt, while she was waking up. She was constantly turning around in her bed and from her body movements and the way her hands were touching herself one could tell that she must have had the most agreeable dreams. It seemed that she wanted to revive once more all the hot action that was going on the other night and only that brought her close to another orgasm. However when suddenly opening her eyes she appeared quite disturbed and for a moment didn't know where she was. Then she discovered me sitting in front of her with a visible hardon and lighting a new cigarette, topless with my completely new body composition and all my ink. Of course the bitch looked shocked and terrified right away. Then, when she realized that everything hadn't just been a dream and that what was in her mind had actually happened, she was close to freaking out completely. Maybe, for a short moment she even thought about starting to scream, but then decided to jump out of the bed and look for her clothes - which Pat and I had already thrown away, 'cause their odor of perfume had been unbearable. Before she could get a hold and stand up straight, I grabbed her head firmly and told her in a very threatening tone:

"Morning, sweetheart! You better stop immediately to do any crazy things. I could cost you a lot. Rules have changed and I'm sure you remember that you bitch wanted everything that had happened deeply. So don't dare make a drama out of it! 'Cause if you do, I would need to go to Pat and believe me, he's not a particularly funny guy when he feels threatened or misunderstood. And neither am I. So better you stick to your needs and urges and accept that you had something very special the other night which you'll never have again anyway."

Cindy tried to get away from me by any means so that the old wooden chair with quite some noise tipped over and one chair leg broke. I answered her wish by slapping her face once again and pushing her with one decisive and violent move back on the mattress.

"Stop this immediately and don't move, fuckin' bitch! Look what you've done, you dumb egoistic thing. You're destroying all the precious furniture here. Or do you want me to beat up your ass as it never had happened before? I'm really serious now," I screamed.

My strong reaction combined with my looks and buffed-up muscles helped to reach my goal and make her shut up. She was now sitting on the mattress looking at me in anxiety. I took an easy breath and then started another cigarette, while the bitch was recovering a bit from my sudden outbreak. Only after taking a deep puff and screening her intensively - a bit similar to Seth - I continued, this time shouting slightly less:

"Stop fighting against what you had the other night! Your body really needed it and it's only your fucked-up mainstream thinking that keeps you from accepting it. So stop behaving like a drama queen and making any fucked-up scene here, I've always hated that about you. But if you do, the consequences are entirely on you. My mate and I will then really think about some serious alternative solution for you. It's your choice! Does your fuckin' bird brain get that?"

I guess Cindy understood what I meant and also felt my disgust and outrage about her behavior., Mostly of course because she saw that this would be the only way to protect herself, she quickly became completely quiet and then nodded slightly. But not only that. Even though she was now covering her body with the blanket, I could see that in a moment when she didn't feel watched by me, the tip of her tongue slightly touched her upper lip when she was quietly looking at my buffed-up body and deep inside admiring it. Her eyes told me that - even though she said nothing - she was far away from feeling disgusted by me. Sure, she was intimidated, but my new control over her also gave the cunt the unique possibility to realize what she really wanted. There seemed to be a sound balance now between the fear that every cunt needed to have of her master and a feeling of total horniness and attraction. When I noticed this, I decided that I had to push her even more and go to the maximum. Suddenly I kneeled down on the mattress opposite her with spread legs so that my crotch was almost touching her nose. Then I held the cup under her nose.

"Drink it, baby. This will do you good, 'cause it'll bring you into the right mood," I told her, making it more sound as an order than a favor. She looked at the used cup and when she saw the dirt, she dared make a disgusted face. As an immediate reaction, I gave her a heavy slap on her right cheek and started to shout at her again:

"Stupid bitch! Who do you think you are? I'm doing you a favor, try to show some good manners and bring coffee to your bed, and you do nothing but complain! Shame on you, cunt! It's time to teach you some obedience. And you'll learn, either the nice or the hard way - and this is the last thing that I'm doing here. And now one last time, unless you wanna create a kind of real outbreak here that you've never seen before in your entire life: Drink it!"

Again the bitch was totally overwhelmed by my sudden mood change - exactly as I had expected. She was touching her cheek, but didn't dare say anything more, and then finally started to take a sip.

"Finally you start to understand, you dumb thing. Believe me, hadn't you drunk it now, I would have personally opened your damn mouth and poured in the entire stuff in one single go," I barked at her with a dark grin.

This little incident clearly showed me that the cunt had taken the necessary lesson and was ready to accept my full and absolute authority. So while my left hand was now holding the cup and still feeding her with coffee, my right hand quickly went under the sheet below her shorts and went right away to her pussy. As expected she was completely wet down there and started to breathe heavily as soon as I had started with my treatment.

"You're hot for me, baby, huh? You just adore my new self, don't you? You can't wait to be fucked by the man you're looking at now," I said while showing off my body and flexing my biceps muscles so that every muscle of my buffed-up upper body was on full display.

Suddenly, I took the cup and threw it on the floor. While Cindy was still not sure whether again she had done something wrong, I grabbed her head roughly and pulled it towards my chest right at the spot where the word OBEDIENCE was inked. Then I made her lick my chest and was sure that she understood the symbolic meaning of all this which couldn't be any better.

"Yeah, bitch, that's what you like. Look at every letter and seize its meaning! 'Cause I demand total obedience from you. So you better learn quickly. Your only task is to serve me. Tell me now how much you like it!" I told her with a rough voice.

She didn't react at first, most likely because she was just overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. But since I needed to teach her that absolute and total obedience from now on formed her ultimate obligation, I grabbed her once more on her shoulder and shouted rather violently:

"Hey, cunt, don't you listen? I want to see just how happy you are. Is that too difficult for your bird brain to catch?"

While saying this, I intensified the grip on her shoulder, but also my finger games around her pussy became stronger. This time the bitch understood quickly that I was offering her two options and that she had to make an instant choice now, if she wanted to avoid another outbreak of mine with more serious consequences for her. Then, suddenly it seemed that she got completely out of control; she was closing her eyes and moaning softly:

"Oh, I just love it. I never felt this before."

"Yeah, I know. My baby has never had a real man yet, huh? Even though, back in my old life. you fucked with someone else without even telling me, cunt. But anyway, a bitch like you needs a real man and believe me you're going to have more than enough of that with me right now," I replied with quite a sarcastic tone.

Cindy, when hearing this, suddenly stopped sucking my nipples and looked at me rather shocked. But I gave her a dirty grin and went on:

"Don't lie about it! You can't hide things from me anyway. I found out yesterday about this, 'cause obviously you're no virgin anymore. It was probably one of your law school assholes. But it's ok, I really couldn't care less now. And I'm sure that scum didn't have a clue of what someone like you really needs. But I will."

Then I stood up from the mattress and made Cindy kneel down in front of me and lowered my shorts. For all that I didn't have to use much force anymore. After that I started giving her a basic blowjob lesson.

"Take my tool in your mouth and swallow every fucking inch of it, cunt! That's what both of us need right now. And you better do it well, 'cause otherwise you'll get to know a different side of me. Start NOW!" I ordered her.

This time it didn't also turn out necessary that I would need to open her mouth by force. She did it voluntarily and when she took my tool in, I could feel how hungry she had been for me and my tool already. Her tongue was just craving for my cock. Of course, her efforts were nothing compared to the standards I had meanwhile been used to in the brotherhood, especially from Pat. Just by nature she couldn't know as well as a brother how to treat a man's tool. But at least her tongue tried hard and this, also due to my training and my discipline, was enough to get hard and make her feel what it was like to be with a real man.

I closed my eyes and imagined being with Pat and Seth while I was pushing her head hard back and forth to get her into the right rhythm. My tool had meanwhile become fully erect and was hard like a stone.

"You bitch are doing quite well now. Seems you've finally come to understand what the needs of a real man are, huh? But I want you to learn more. So we're going to the next level now."

Immediately after saying this I pushed her mouth away and made her kneel down on four legs.

"Hold your ass up now, baby! 'Cause you're getting the best doggy-style fuck that you've ever seen," I shouted.

I could see from her face that at first the bitch seemed to be disgusted by my language and wanted to protest but of course didn't dare anymore. Also, her curiosity and horniness took over again and she got into the expected position quickly. Of course she also knew that she didn't have any real option and that I wouldn't have accepted any 'no' anyway.

When entering her asshole, I had to focus again. Yeah, I was a bit nervous, since this was still my first time with a cunt alone and I wanted to keep my hardon and not show any slightest weakness in front of her. So again I used my sense of imagination; living images of Seth, Lars, Phil and of course Pat in various positions would then pop up in front of my eyes. That kick and the fact that this awful perfume smell was fortunately gone, 'cause Pat had made sure by covering her with his jacket and other used clothing that her body had taken on the manly odor of the brotherhood, really helped enormously and made me forget that for my taste of course a lot of cock was missing in this scene. Within no time, I was fucking the cunt like crazy and with an enormous speed. So it was Cindy now who had to put her hands against the wall to keep up with my speed and not fall down - something which I didn't really care about, 'cause my fuck strokes had taken me into an absolute high mood. Simultaneously, she was moaning quite nasty and the contractions of her asshole made me realize how much she was enjoying my treatment.

"Oh, baby, seems that this is what you've been waiting for all the time, huh? You're hungry like a wolf," I shouted into her ear.

Then, again suddenly and without any pre-warning I got out of her ass, turned her around on her back, spread her legs and then, before she even realized what was happening, re-entered her in a classical missionary position. The feeling of my cock being in a pussy was strange and felt still a bit unknown. But my seemingly unlimited libido and my self-discipline helped again not to end up in any embarrassment. I stayed hard all the time and could also keep the intensity of my fuck strokes.

Even more, when her tongue indicated that her lips wanted to be touched, I got close to Cindy's head and gave her one of my aggressive kisses which she obviously enjoyed enormously. I bit into her lips and cheeks and she moaned heavily in return. Then, shortly thereafter all her muscles and her clitoris contracted and she must have experienced the orgasm of her lifetime. She was closing her eyes and for minutes she was only able to scream and moan and couldn't talk at all anymore.

The fact that I had brought the bitch over the edge made me really proud. So I had to come pretty much simultaneously. While coming, I held Cindy's body close to mine and made sure that she couldn't flip away by accident. So, just as Seth had taught me and as it had to be, my entire load ended up inside the cunt - with me screaming like a wild animal. When I was done, I started to shake a bit and let myself fall on Cindy's body, which was now totally covered with pure heavy muscle. Only when I realized that she was having real problems breathing under total weight, I got off her and was laying next to her for some minutes of recovery.

After some minutes of complete silence I started to talk again:

"Wow, baby. You really got it going. I didn't know that you can be hot as hell. But one thing is that you need to get used to the weight of a real man. Get it?"

Cindy didn't answer, 'cause after her wild libido attack the bitch again felt embarrassed. But at least she nodded slightly and I decided to let this pass for once. The cunt was realizing that all her thoughts and values that she had had before didn't fit to what she was actually doing. I could strongly feel this and also knew that a character like her would never be able to get out of this vicious conflict. So I went on:

"Listen, honey! I know that you don't know what to do now, 'cause quite a lot is now going on in your little bird brain. That's fine with me. And I also believe that we shouldn't go on with this, 'cause we have a common history which will always be in the way. But if you just wanna fuck around wildly, of course I can help you, if you want. I mean there are really good mates of mine out there."

At first, the poor dumb girl obviously didn't have a clue what I was talking about. So I smirked a bit, started a new cigarette and explained:

"Listen. What I mean is, that when you have these urges again, I know a lot of brothers who can make it heaven to you. They can really fulfill all your dreams."

I was thinking in particular of Phil whom all cunts just adored and who knew better than any other brother what the true needs of a pussy were. I had to smile for a moment when thinking of Phil being busy with Cindy. It would really be a hard but good lesson for the cunt. Then I exhaled the cigarette smoke against her face.

Even though I was sure that deep inside Cindy must have been quite intrigued about my proposal, it was just impossible for her (yet) to talk about it. After coughing a bit because of the cigarette smoke, she suddenly stood up from the mattress and was looking again for her clothes. Obviously she wanted to dress up now.

When I told her that her original stuff didn't make it and that we had to throw it away, she looked quite shocked but didn't dare make a scene anymore, 'cause meanwhile she knew pretty well about the consequences. Then the shock in her face even intensified, most likely because she started to believe that I would want her to go naked outside. When she told me about her fear, I had to laugh out loud:

"That's really a good one, sweetheart. People would actually like what they get to see now. Maybe even your folks. But I'm not cruel, so I'll give you something to wear."

I got a pair of hot vintage cut-off jeans and a black t-shirt with a huge iron cross and the word PATRIOT on it. Both pieces were emphasizing her ass and her tits like nothing she had ever worn before.

"This really suits you. It emphasizes your body the right way and gives people a hint about what you really want. You just look damn hot," I barked with a grim smile.

This time she didn't dare object anymore. She knew that this could have ended in another outbreak of mine and that the likelihood that I would change my mind and leave her entirely naked, would have grown enormously. Also I felt that deep inside, of course without being able to admit it, she also liked what she saw in the mirror.

"Just perfect! I've never seen you that hot ever before, sweetheart. And if you don't feel comfortable in front of your folks, then maybe I'll allow you to cover yourself with your coat. I think at least this piece survived somewhere. But in the car I want you just like you are now without any coat, understand?" I told her in my commanding voice and gave her a wet kiss on her cheek to demonstrate my right of possession over her.

She nodded with a slight smile and then indicated quietly that she was ready to leave. It was good to see that only after a few harsh lectures by me, all the former dominant bitchiness had completely vanished and had now been replaced by total obedience - just as mother nature wanted it.

Still being the gentleman that I was, I threw myself into my regular skin outfit and offered her a ride home in one of Pat's pickups, even though another part in my brain told me that I should have sent her to the next bus station so that she would learn about the life of regular people (and also to make sure that from now on and forever she would consider me as her superior and no longer as her partner who had any obligation to help her). But since after this unique power fuck I was in a really good mood and my ex-cunt had stopped showing any resistance, I remained polite.

When we finally sat in the car, we didn't talk much. I was puffing my cigarette and she was watching nervously on her cellphone all the time and obviously tried to send some messages. Only one time she asked whether she could open the window, which I replied with an immediate and rough 'no', 'cause the cigarette smell was helping me to catch a clear thought again. I drove her into town again and stopped not directly in front of her house, 'cause I didn't feel like being seen by some scum that only existed in my previous life, in particular not by Cindy's shitty parents. I also wanted her to walk for some 15 minutes or so to avoid any impression that I was her chauffeur.

"I guess you can walk from here, sweetheart. By the way, I really hope that we understood each other before and that you won't tell any crazy stories about us or about what happened the other night or this morning. Otherwise, it could get really nasty - if you know what I mean. And I'm sure your sweet face wouldn't want this. Let's go on with our two lives now. Capisce?"

I took another deep puff, enjoyed the silence for a second, and then continued:

"And my offer really stands by the way: if you want it again, give me a call. I left a short message on your cell. Sender appears as "Miller I". You just need to press reply and I'll answer, I promise. Agreed?"

She looked at me shortly, even smiled a bit, and then said quietly and without sounding offensive:

"You've become a real jerk."

"Watch your mouth!" I said again with a loud voice, then grabbing her head once again and pulling it towards me so that I could give her another deep aggressive kiss. Quickly I pushed her head down between my legs and went on with my tool again growing rapidly to its full size:

"Sniff it, cunt! Take a deep breath, 'cause that's the kind of scent you're going to crave for in the coming days. And that's exactly the reason why you will become wet immediately whenever Pat or myself will be around you. Isn't that right?"

Cindy indeed was breathing and inhaling heavily now which proved to me that deep inside she had gotten addicted already to my man scent. Only after some further minutes of playing, I took my hands from her head so that she could get up again. It took the bitch a while to recover, then she nodded shyly and then we had one last kissing session, just as wildly as before when we were still back in the house. I ended the session with another wet kiss on her cheek. All that gave me further affirmation that Cindy was already heavily into us and would not dare talk. So I decided that it was safe enough to let her leave the car and not go to any alternative solution.

Before she shut the door, she turned around once more and asked:

"By the way, shall I leave a message with your parents?"

I must have looked quite angry, 'cause Cindy's eyes started to look quite scared.

"Don't dare, bitch! They're really the last ones I wanna talk to now. So keep your mouth shut or I must think again whether I can really let you go. And better put your coat on!" I barked.

I think the cunt really got the message, nodded one last time, then shut the door of the car and left. I had to laugh at myself when I imagined her running into her folks and having to explain her new outfit. For a short while I thought about running after her, pulling her coat away and then giving her shitty mother an anonymous call so that her folks would wait at the front door when she was showing up. But again I was just too nice or maybe I also just didn't care enough.

In any case, it would only be nine months later that Pat and I would hear from Cindy again.

Pat was laughing his ass off when I told him the whole story. It was again one of his typical hysterical laugh attacks.

"I can't believe it. You've become a pussy fucker so much quicker than anyone would have thought. Nobody can call you a sissy faggot from now on, that's for sure. And you know the best part of it?"

I looked at him but didn't know what to say.

"If she gets pregnant, no one can tell whether the child will be mine or yours. So it's going to be our joint responsibility," Pat shouted while still breaking out in dirty laughter. and inhaling heavily from his cigarette

I really didn't know what to do or say since I was not used to this kind of situation. For Pat, on the other hand, this was much different. The pregnancy thing gave him an enormous kick, 'cause in his mind making a cunt pregnant was the ultimate objective. And so he appeared really thrilled. When, only after minutes, his laugh attack was finally over and Pat saw my worried face, he again became the good mate on whom I could rely no matter what. He put his arms around my shoulder and said:

"Come on, comrade! Don't worry, it's fun and having more sperm and genes of our quality out there on earth is really a good thing, don't you think? And when it comes to money and alimonies: don't worry, my producer's wallet will never get empty. I'll help you, that's for sure. And you can bet your ass that all this will in no way interfere with our plans and your career. That, by the way, was also the reason why I was out."

I started to get curious and looked at Pat intensively.

"Mate, I'll tell you the details while we're having another heavy training session. It's time for this anyway. Let's have our energy drinks and then start. What do you think of that?" Pat asked.

Immediately my mood rose again, we both changed into our workout gear (with black sunwheel and iron cross logo) and started with heavy leg presses. While I was doing my reps, Pat as promised told me about his plans while we were sweating our asses off and heavy music was coming from the apartment's sound system motivating us to get to our absolute limits. Pat made me listen to one song that he had composed especially for heavy workout sessions and that he had titled COME AND GET A PIECE OF ME:

You don't need a crystal ball

To see I have it all

'Cause here Iam

Close your eyes and I'll be your superman

'Cause here Iam

Come and take my load while you still can.

While the song was playing and during one of his short recovery breaks, Pat told me that he had been out and had already identified two comrades, Nash and Santo, who really had a heavy reputation in the RAC scene as musicians who didn't know any boundaries. The first one was a drummer and the other one was one of the best guitarists - of course only coming after Pat, since the first guitarist, lead composer, and lead producer in our band would of course always remain Pat. The plan now was to form a new band and to create a real hype about it.

"Listen, brother. As Seth has already explained to you the other day, we will not only play in right-wing scene clubs - of course I know that this is most fun for you - but we need you to get popular also among young mainstream guys who are having a lot of doubts - so young teenagers in particular. Seth and I talked already about it and we both agreed that your multiplier effect needs to be as great as possible. You've become a real jock, Chokee. I mean everyone's going to be hot for you just by way of looking and we need to make use of that. Get it? Therefore the appearance of the band will be two-fold. For your growing number of mainstream fans, we will use a more reserved setup with songs that are more melodic but will make them start thinking about their sad existence. And in our home clubs you can be as wild as usual. And you're going to try everything that's in your power to pull those cowards over to our side. I mean we can use all means that we believe will work. What do you think of that?" Pat asked while giving me a dirty grin and lighting a new cigarette.

I immediately liked the idea and couldn't wait to try it out. And indeed, as I already told you earlier on, it was this concept that led me and the whole brotherhood to an incredible success - of course also thanks to the careful preparations by Chris-Boy and my constant admirer Keith. The strategy and tactics always remained the same: for those 'light' gigs they made sure that also 15 to 20 hardcore brothers would show up. Their job was to screen the audience and make sure that only the best ones were to become new recruits. Needless to say those brothers had been carefully prepared for their job and were constantly guided by Seth, Chris-Boy and Keith. The most important part in this early stage was of course to spread the rumor that there were much harder and better performances of mine at some special gigs but that the access to those events was very limited. Of course this triggered an enormous curiosity with most of the young teens and very quickly they would come to Chris-Boy and Keith and ask or better plead in front of them for admission. In those moments, the two brothers however reacted very cool and distant at first and would screen such new material heavily. If they had any doubts about their commitment, it was normally Keith's task to give them a raw punch in their face and throw them out so that they wouldn't dare ask or show up ever again. Only those youngsters of who we believed that they had the potential to become real hardcore skin fighters - normally a maximum of five to ten people per gig - were taken one step further. Chris-Boy, of course, only after the potential new recruit swore that they would keep everything totally secret, would tell them the further details about those mysterious hardcore events. The most important part was of course that in order to be admitted they would need to participate in a special initiation class that would take about five days to a full week and during which they had to stay overnight, 'cause they needed to be focussed and willing to learn 24 hours a day. As you can imagine, already out of the pure curiosity of a typical teen, almost all of those young and still inexperienced teenagers agreed pretty much immediately.

The initiation class itself took place one or two days later at a special compound which was close to the center and that Mr. McKeese gave us for free with great joy, when I asked for his help. Mr. McKeese - who was a genuinely nice guy and adored the brotherhood like nothing else - liked me and my plans instantly and promised to do everything he could.

"Please let me help you. It's one of the best ideas that I've ever heard of and I wanna be part of it. After all, I want my assets to produce something good and useful," he said to me and was extremely happy when he learned that the brotherhood finally accepted his proposals. Mr. McKeese always appeared a bit shy to me and the other brothers and showed the necessary respect right from the beginning. When I allowed him to address me as 'brother', he got really happy and we ended up in a huge and intense hug - something that I knew he had been craving for all along. But of course this was ok with me.

All brothers would soon call the compound the 'conversion center'. It was another rather run-down building which earlier served as a residence for factory workers and seemed to have been empty for ages. As with the other compounds, as soon as the decision was made, Mr. McKeese renovated the inside in great detail and made it ready for us in record time so that it could best serve our new purpose. I'm sure that Mr. McKeese must have incurred a lot of costs, but money as always was an off-topic in the brotherhood. The building itself had an almost endless number of rooms and, similar to the center, appeared like a labyrinth to any outsider. For Chris-Boy this division was just ideal, 'cause - even if a large group was there - it offered the possibility for an individual one-on-one treatment whenever the necessity arose. The unofficial name of the building already indicated its main function which was to have a completely secluded place for those teenagers who came to us for the very first time. Chris-Boy wanted to be absolutely sure that his precious new material in this critical initiation phase would be completely isolated and not be exposed to any distraction. It was also super important for him that any 'bad apple' could be isolated right from the beginning.

As soon as the recruits showed up, the specially designed program would start. The youngsters were now told that they had to stay in the compound during the entire duration of the program and that they were not allowed to walk out. All recruits were supposed to sleep in one big dorm room with several bunk beds. When shouting out all these rules right at the beginning, Chris-Boy, naturally on purpose, created a rather tense and challenging atmosphere. Some of the kids got frightened, but this fear helped to get the group dynamics going.

After these initial orders, the recruits were told by the brothers on duty that they needed to strip right away. Again, one could always see the fear in the eyes of our 'victims', when they heard that for the first time. But it was now too late for them to run away, for one because of the group pressure and second, because Chris-Boy and the other brothers would shout with an iron voice making thereby clear that any resistance was useless and would bring them into serious trouble:

"Listen, you awful scum! Either you do as we say here and follow NOW. Or all this was the last chance for you and I'm going to beat your ass as you have never seen before. And in this case you'll stay our eternal enemy and you better never show up in any of our places again. It's your choice now! Either you show some courage or now you will be nothing but worthless scum for us forever."

I guess it's no wonder that almost everyone - I can hardly remember anyone who would remain disobedient - didn't dare walk out but stayed and submitted himself now fully to Chris-Boy's program. When they all stripped as was demanded from them, Chris-Boy had already told the brothers on duty in advance that they were supposed to touch the recruits whenever possible and create the necessary manly atmosphere. So, when the youngsters stood naked in front of us, my mates would start the classical man talk and make nasty comments about the recruits' small dicks and about the condition of their bodies in general. But they were watching out that the overall atmosphere was kept friendly so that the teens would not get scared or frustrated, but finally loosen up a bit. Mostly that worked quicker than expected, 'cause the typical manly curiosity rapidly gained the upper hand and led to some mutual but still innocent touching.

After that, and of course still naked all the time, each of them was told to take a seat on a barber chair so that every recruit - one after the other - would get the necessary haircut. And it was Chris-Boy, Keith and the other brothers who alone decided whether their heads would be completely shaved or whether at least some hair somewhere should remain - something that mostly depended on the recruit's look.

After that the young boys again had to stand up in a row against the wall. Chris-Boy, Keith and the other brothers were walking through the line and again started to touch the recruits and make comments on their physical condition and the necessary improvements. Chris-Boy had instructed us that only the slightest hesitance would be enough to incite another outbreak of the brother in charge. After a thorough punch, the brothers would shout at such a young recruit something like:

"You awful piece of shit! You better learn now that you have no other choice but obey. And if a brother touches your terribly shaped body, you better enjoy it and see it as an honor. I hope I made myself clear enough!"

Only after such an outbreak and after some additional time of total nudity, the youngsters - most of whom were meanwhile scared like shit (but of course lso curious) - were given the typical skin gear (combat pants or bleachers without any underwear, muscle shirts with very explicit logos, and of course boots), which they were told to put on immediately. Chris-Boy of course always made sure that the wear was tight enough and also looked uniform so that there was no room for any individualism at that critical point. He wanted them to experience the group as their ultimate and only focus. Also, on Chris-Boy's instruction, the wear that was handed out was of course used and partially already dirty gear. So these recruits, at a very early point, made the fascinating experience of wearing a used outfit that had already the scent where they needed to get to. By this trick, Chris-Boy always managed that the new recruits would quickly identify themselves with the traditional working-class style and also with the classical man scent going along with it.

Shortly after lunch on the first day, the training would start by injecting one of Pat's super cocktails into the veins of each youngster. Just as it happened to my ex-cunt Cindy, the recruits immediately fell into a stage of trance and then they were taken to a special video room, where they had to sit in front of a huge screen. Special headphones were put over the ears of each kid and then the computer program that Chris-Boy had specially designed for this recruitment purpose started to run and in a rapid sequence showed endless pictures representing the classical skinhead way of life. Along with that, heavy RAC and NS Metal music was constantly playing and an iron voice was telling them, over and over again, what the new way of life really meant. In particular our core values like loyalty, eternal comradeship, help for those who we were expected to protect, but also total and boundless hate against any scum and elimination of traitors were being repeated over and over again. As Chris-Boy told us, the most important thing about this hypno training was that especially at this early stage a strong undestroyable link between the indisputable values and beliefs of the brotherhood on the one hand and the recruits' sexual desire needed to be established. And for that, Chris-Boy had integrated into the sequence of pictures extremely hot scenes as they were happening here in the brotherhood all the time.

"There is absolutely nothing better than to create an atmosphere where your cock controls your thinking and tells you what to believe in. It'll make them totally immune against any stupid mainstream try to turn the clock back. Just believe us," Pat and Chris-Boy used to say.

And indeed, the outcome of this treatment on the second conversion day was really just ground-breaking. After a long recovery sleep, most of the mental resistance appeared to have gone away and the youngsters seemed perfectly open to any new ideas. Pat had made sure that when they woke up from their trance the next day, they didn't feel any tiredness, but were instantly ready for their training. So when the brothers started to ask the right questions like 'Are you really happy?,' 'Don't you think it would be great to feel this form of comradeship all the time?,' Aren't you in truth much manipulated by the press and also by what your folks and society want from you?' the young recruits would get a lot of doubts - just as we wanted and predicted it would happen.

Of course, these first days weren't enough for an entire conversion. That would have been unrealistic and it was definitely not the purpose of it. The goal was to trigger the curiosity of this young material, make them familiar with a new way of life and especially cut them off more and more from any stupid influence by mainstream scum. And for all that, a sound ideological basis was absolute key. The daily routine during this very first period had been planned in every possible detail by Chris-Boy and Keith.

In the morning they had a joint breakfast. It was mostly Seth who gave a short lecture there about what the brotherhood really meant, what values it had and what a true skin life stood for. Then there were different sports plays from which each recruit had to choose. One mandatory part was of course the martial arts sessions. There, the brothers in charge would make sure that the recruits were fighting topless, only with gym shorts on, that they would show enough courage and would finally lose their fear of getting into a heavy beat-up. As part of this session, two brothers - and mostly Keith was one of them - would also demonstrate heavy show fights and of course it took the new recruits a while that - even though it looked raw and heavy - it wasn't that serious. So physical violence became a normal and steady factor during the entire initiation program.

Lunch would again be a joint event and on Chris-Boy's instruction, the recruits would be pre-seated so that every brother had a chance to get to know each recruit and make up his mind about him. They were asked countless questions and the ultimate goal was to create an atmosphere of competitiveness on the one hand, but also total trust and companionship on the other.

In the afternoon the hypno sessions started and thereafter, during the later afternoon, there was also some spare time during which the youngsters could ask the brothers on duty some of the many questions they had. It was part of the program that each recruit got assigned one mentor and it was his task to make the recruit feel comfortable and ready to loosen up quickly. We of course made sure that also smoking would become a regular and perfectly accepted habit among our new followers. The majority would normally ask for it already shortly after their first hypno session. And it didn't take long until the whole group was infected - including and in particular those who came to us as radical non-smokers. As usual, no one wanted to stand back.

Dinner again was organized as a joint event in a pre-seated manner - with the recruits of course having to help with all the preparations, 'cause they were supposed to experience the feeling of being part of something much bigger. As Seth and Chris-Boy kept saying, this young material needed to seize, live and feel the values that were forming an eternal bond between all brothers.

After dinner everyone was expected to show up in the so-called main hall of the building which was closed by the entrance. Chris-Boy and Keith would always select the movies that they wanted to show to the new recruits and which of course needed to have a certain content - like heavy fighting scenes, the skin way of life, the core values, and of course also the hate against any mainstream scum. During those performances, it was of course not only accepted but perfectly welcome when some brothers would disappear with their proteges and fool around in one of the countless separate rooms. This kind of interaction was much appreciated and at this stage also made more sense than any action between the new recruits themselves, 'cause they were still far too inexperienced. The brothers would only tolerate this kind of thing when the kids were finally alone in their dorm and were constantly being video-taped.

To trigger the necessary degree of excitement and fascination on the part of our new recruits, all of us tried to present ourselves during the entire course from our really best sides. Only in those few cases - they almost never happened because of the sound pre-selection - when we saw that our training didn't produce any sound results and that the recruit in truth was scum the brothers switched the modus pretty suddenly. Such scum was first brought to one of the small rooms at the upper levels and got totally isolated at least for 24 hours. Thereafter, the brothers made such an asshole the target of an extremely humiliating treatment - including a heavy beat-up by Keith - and with all other recruits having to follow by video transmission. Only after this torture which was meant to break the scum also mentally, the scum was thrown out of the building and warned never to show up again. I'm sure that those few losers would never forget in their lives these few moments which would always remain the most embarrassing and disgusting for them. But as said already, apart from these minor incidents, Chris-Boy and Keith had instructed every brother to be extremely nice and forthcoming to our new admirers.

I guess it's not surprising when I'm telling you that Pat would always add to his miracle injection cocktail a strong libido enhancer whose effect was intensified through the pictures they had to watch during their hypno sessions. It was fun to see how, from their second day onwards (after they woke up from their hypno), all new recruits constantly had to fight against a huge hardon problem, which became immediately visible, since their tight new skin gear naturally emphasized their crotch and in addition they were not allowed to wear any underwear. The brothers in charge with the training were instructed to constantly pick on them, but in a way that made clear that in truth everyone of us considered this reaction as perfectly normal and that it was something to feel proud of instead of being embarrassed. This relaxed atmosphere naturally helped to get those youngsters to loosen up quickly and make them feel much more self-confident and comfortable about their sexuality.

When we were planning our first conversion sessions, all of us were still quite curious about how the youngsters would behave during night time. Needless to say, Chris-Boy and Keith had of course bugged the whole dorm room so that it was video-taped during the entire night time. To me it was no surprise that almost all of our new followers, after being exposed to so much masculinity during daytime and of course heavily supported by the pictures they had to watch during their hypno experience, had heavy jerk-off sessions when they felt being alone. But some of them already started on the second or third night of their initiation to go far beyond that and for instance already sought to give or receive their first blowjobs together with one or several of their fellow recruits. It was logical that Chris-Boy and Keith were using exactly those materials on the following days to uphold and strengthen the commitment and discipline within their recruit group and motivate them to even more masculine conduct together with their mentor.

It was normally on the third and fourth day when it was my job to show up at the conversion center and contribute my part to a successful transformation. Of course, when these kids saw me, they immediately recognized the singer from the light gig that they had attended days before. But now, just like them, I was dressed in heavy skin gear and my tattooed and totally buffed-up body was on full display. I also didn't hide any of my true thoughts so that they could learn about my true personality and my true self right from the beginning. Therefore I became the center of attention pretty much immediately. Of course, first I had to overcome this always existing hesitance which one feels when he suddenly sees his idol in person. But that was not difficult; we just needed to have some beers in classical working-class style so that they could experience on their own that I was far from having any allures if they also acted truthfully. Even though patience was not one of my greatest qualities, I took all the time in the world that turned out necessary to answer their questions. Chris-Boy would always tell me in advance who among the new class were the more aggressive ones with clear leadership skills and who in particular had shown the strongest sexual desire. Needless to say, I would turn a special eye on those youngsters and almost always it didn't turn out to be difficult at all to get them quickly to a point where the only thing they were craving was fooling around with me in one of the separate rooms. Normally, after a certain while, they would beg on their feet that they were allowed to spend the night in my bed. Very often I would end up with several recruits in one bed and there of course I was able to add a thing or two to their sound development. The surprising thing was that - even though it was mostly their first time - those youngsters wanted to go even further than I was willing to go given their early stage of development. I still must laugh, when I remember in particular one recruit who suddenly told me:

"Please fuck me hard and heavy! And if this means that you want to tie and beat me up during the entire session, then please do it!"

Of course I had to smile at him, but after some discussion we came to a good form of compromise for our first play, 'cause I wanted to make sure that I wouldn't break the willingness and commitment of this young and talented new follower on his very first night of real male sex.

When, normally after five or six days in a row, the initiation course was over, the brothers on the very last night, organized a huge farewell party - that by the way was the only event, where alcohol was allowed and where almost every recruit ended up completely drunk. This event of course further deepened the strong emotional bond that all the recruits had built up with the brotherhood. So it's now wonder that at the end of the program the classical reaction in almost all the cases was that the recruits didn't want to leave anymore. They had found a lifestyle that they now felt enormously attracted to - sexually, emotionally and ideologically - and they of course feared nothing more than that this would end up abruptly again. For almost all of them it was also no question that they wanted to leave their skin gear on - something which we supported of course, while we were laughing our asses off, when we thought of the stupid faces of their folks when they were handed back their precious sons. When the recruits would ask about the details of the next hardcore gig - which had been the official reason for the conversion class they had just attended - we also cautioned them and told them that they should join our Telegram Channel first and then they would learn what the next steps would be. For Chris-Boy, however, with his street-smart instinct, it was exactly this kind of insecurity that he needed to keep the flame and motivation alive during this first very sensitive period.

"I want our recruits to fear nothing more than not to belong to us anymore. I want them to crawl on their feet to become a part of us. That's the only attitude I wanna see at this stage - absolute commitment, absolute obedience and total gratitude towards the brotherhood," Chris-Boy and Keith explained and they were right about this training method.

I guess you can imagine now how relieved our young recruits were when after some days we of course kept our promise and contacted them again through our Telegram channel and gave them further instructions about what the next steps would be. When I got to see them again, they really did everything in their power to please the expectations of the brotherhood.

I know that I got lost again in my story, but these new conversion classes were really something which belonged to the most fascinating achievements, 'cause they guaranteed an almost endless number of new followers and supporters. The sheer explosion in size necessarily also brought some changes to the brotherhood, 'cause more space and more leadership staff was needed.

But now back to our workout session at Pat's place on my second day, after I had dropped my ex-cunt and Pat had come back from his assignment.

"We can make some demos later on and see how all this sounds. Believe me I will create a real brand and your fanbase will just be crazy about you. They'll freak out when they see you and you'll fuck the mainstream chicks like shit and later on their boy-friends as well, while we make the chicks watch the entire scene. Hope this will make them realize what scum they are and that the boys have a long way to go," Pat suggested with a huge excitement in his voice.

When Pat said this, we once again burst out laughing. But just the thought of performing such a gig really made me hot and hard. Pat, with his investigative instinct, noticed that of course right away and so we were using the workout bench for one of the most intense power fuck sessions that I had ever had. Pat's fuck strokes were so hard and heavy that even for me it was difficult and at one time I couldn't keep the balance and fell down. After one heavy laugh attack, both of us however quickly re-positioned ourselves again and went on with our heavy fuck session. Typically of him, Pat demonstrated by every move that he had absolute control. Had someone heard us without knowing what the both of us were really into, his first impression for sure would have been that a murder or other serious crime was going on. But fortunately we were alone in this huge and lonely place.

"You're my creation. My cock is your ruler now," he screamed with saliva around his mouth. When he saw how much I appreciated his treatment, he came close to my ears and whispered:

"Isn't that much better than being with a cunt?"

"Oh yeah ... you can bet your ass it is," I groaned and closed my eyes for a moment.

It didn't take long and the two of us were ready to shoot, since the both of us needed it deeply. When we came, our moaning was so loud that you could have heard it everywhere in the apartment, even though it was so fuckin' big. So again it was good to know that there was only Pat and myself around the place.

After our session had ended and after some additional recovery time, we cleaned the workout bench and the floor a bit with our towels and then went to Pat's high tech bathroom which, like the other day, he quickly transformed into an intense steam room. After an intense 20 minute sweating, we had a shower and then got dressed again. After that we went to his rehearsal studio and started with the really hard work, 'cause Pat wanted to produce as many different demo videos and soundtracks as possible so that there would be a sufficient variety to choose from during our gigs. Needless to say the whole exercise took three entire days until we were done and had made up our minds about the most promising style of our future band. For the demo videos, Pat always made me wear different gear and he was in particular interested in how I would appear in the mainstream music bars and what would help to make a first connection to the audience.

"Don't you think it's a kind of betrayal to our cause if I hide myself? I really don't know whether Seth would like this idea," I asked Pat at one point.

Pat smirked and, after lighting a cigarette and inhaling deeply, replied:

"It's not about hiding, mate, 'cause both of us are ready to stand up to our beliefs at any place at any moment, aren't we? It's all about intelligent striking. 'Cause we need more support, right? And the more we get, the better it is. And against mainstream scum all means are allowed, don't you think? Seth told you the same thing yesterday, didn't he?"

To me, all this started to make sense. But before I could say something, Pat gave me the ultimate argument.

"Also think of Dan. Same principle! Deep inside he's a hardcore fanatic - maybe even more than you and I - and on the outside he works as a high school teacher and is really working hard to recruit as many followers for our joint cause as possible. Just take Keith, he's the perfect example of a successful recruiting process."

The more I thought about it, Pat was definitely right. His words reflected pure logic. And finally, the last burden was also taken away from me, when Pat told me:

"Of course I also talked to Seth about all this. He supports the whole plan. You'll talk to him tomorrow anyways, when your regular routine will start. Then he can repeat what he had already said many times. I'm not telling any lies here."

"I would never think so," I replied to Pat. Then we exchanged another deep kiss and continued with our work.

When working with Pat on the demo experiment, another side of him showed up. I had already become familiar with his wild, violent and uncontrolled nature and also with his readiness to strike at any time. But maybe even a bit more than Seth, under his wild surface, he made a clear distinction between a brother and the rest of the world. I had discovered already that Pat could become extremely violent and also cruel against anyone who was not a brother and stood in his way - no matter for what reason - be it important or not. But what I could learn now was also that Pat was one of the best brothers one could think of and an extremely hard worker. He seemed obsessed with his music and whenever he was looking at the result, he became extremely critical (also to himself) and wanted to do the recordings over and over again with me until everything was truly perfect and every small detail fit. For him, it just could never become good enough. Whenever it came to things that were important or had a meaning for Pat - his training, his love for weapons, and in particular his music -, he would become a true perfectionist. When watching him while we were working on our project, it became even clearer to me what a shining personality this mate had and how addicted to him I had already gotten within no time.

When, after hours during late at night, we looked at the outcome of our demo experiment, it was really impressive. Just listening to the music and watching the videos, which didn't have the final quality yet, told me that Pat and I were about to develop a special style, which would give us a unique branding in the RAC world. Pat had put special emphasis on the kind of songs that he wanted us to play in the more mainstream clubs and so the lyrics that he had prepared were more hidden and contained a lot of secret symbols and connections that were supposed to make the audience start thinking and asking questions. In the demo video, Pat also insisted that I shouldn't appear in full skin gear but a little more moderate. So I wore a tight long-sleeve shirt which however clearly showed my muscular body and also gave a hint to my tattoos.

"That's perfect, 'cause you look great and the young crowd will become really curious! Believe me, once we're done with the videos and will have achieved the expected quality, we are going to put some of them on social media in advance and will create a real hype. And we're also going to sell copies and other merchandising stuff during the concert. Within no time, there will be a strong real fan base and mass demand like our scene hasn't seen so far," Pat exclaimed.

To me it also became clear that all this indeed would become much more than just another right wing band playing in a niche and not being heard by mainstream. Looking at Pat, I knew that for him all what counted was now to improve the quality of my performance. So at one point, he made me sing one song that he had specially composed for me in the morning of this same day and that quickly would become a core anthem for our mainstream gigs. Regularly the young teenagers with their many insecurities were freaking out when they were listening to this song titled FUCK YOU ALL:

They always keep telling me what life is all about

They say I won't get far, if I don't stop having doubts

It's the things that I believe in and the lyrics I record

It's the people I belong to and the values that I support.

Fuck you all, you cannot change my thoughts and my beliefs

I won't surrender to your lies and I won't doubt my ideals.

The media keep on lying like all politicians do

But whenever they attack, they'll never change my point of view

The difference between us is I know what I defend

I'll keep up my faith until the bitter fuckin' end.

Of course, my sessions with Pat wouldn't have been half as much fun hadn't he also allowed me to try out the real hard stuff right from the beginning. He really kept his promise and had also prepared lyrics that we could only play during our hardcore gigs in front of an audience like at Stealth or other rightwing places. One song that Pat had composed only for me got my special attention right away and I got crazy about as soon as I heard it for the first time:

Walking down the street

Boots on my feet

Your shaved head is high in every fight

Proud to be right, proud to be skin

Smash the reds, smash them tonight!

Streetfighter - Show your pride!

Streetfighter - Now is the time!

Respect yourself, respect your race

Now is the time to smash a commie's face

Kick him hard, make sure he gets what you just said

It's better to be dead than fuckin' red!

Keep the faith, raise our flags

Fight for the cause

And smash the reds!

Streetfighter skinhead, you're the only force!

When we were done, our bodies were sweating all over, but I was feeling a kind of relief and happiness that I had never had my entire life before. I felt totally liberated from any restraints I had in my old life. Finally, life has taken me to a way of life and to a position that I had been dreaming of for such a long time.

Next: Chapter 52

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