A Rapid Change in Lifestyle


Published on Aug 23, 2023


Dear Nifty-Readers,

I hope you are all fine and have been waiting for the continuing saga of Chokee's ongoing adventure as a hardcore patriotic skin. Now Chapter 43 is finally out.

Chokee's life is now taking a further turn. His ultimate goal to become a music star in the RAC world is coming closer. Through Dan's introduction he's getting to know Pat, the lead musician from a renowned band called MAX RESIST, and the two mates immediately connect. It seems that at least for Chokee, meeting Dan belongs to one of those once-in-a-lifetime events. But where will this new acquaintance lead him? And how will Seth and the other brothers react?

As always, please let me have all your impressions so that I can work on improvements for the next chapters. Your comments really help to make the whole storyline more consistent.

Finally, as usual please don't forget to make a donation to Nifty if you can. The guys are doing a really great job helping us express our free minds. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

And now please enjoy Ch. XLIII.

A RAPID CHANGE IN LIFESTYLE/ Chapter 43: Another Preparation for a Hot Night (Part 2)

While walking to the pool compound I gave the two kids further instructions and told them that Chris-Boy would spend the night in Tom`s room, whereas Keith would sleep with Phil.

"I hope he won`t kill me," Chris-Boy said with a smile and half-joking.

"That`s quite insulting, mate. The brother helped you a lot while you were almost shitting in your pants during your withdrawal. So, you better be super nice to him, show him your respect, and do what he wants. Otherwise I'll kick your ass. You owe Tom a lot," I barked.

On the other hand, deep inside I could understand Chris-Boys worries a bit, cause Tom, to almost everyone, appeared really frightening at the beginning. His looks and body definition and also his aggressive ink reminded me of an antique Greek warrior who was ready to strike at any moment. His dark eyes, his serious face expression and threatening body language supported this impression. For someone not knowing him well enough it was quite hard to discover that he, different from many others, was someone on whom you could rely in any situation and who, if he considered you as his friend, would have fought for you until death.

With Phil of course it was the exact opposite. To everyone including myself he appeared likeable and charming from the very first second. No one could imagine that Phil was using this also as a kind of facade and that this brother - as happened already with me on a few occasions - could lose all his self-restrictions and develop into a true killer machine without any boundaries or moral handicaps. I could sense this only a bit when he had been fucking me last time; he did it rougher than anyone else that I had ever had before (including Seth). And Seth at one point only made a slight remark and said that it had happened a few times that without him interfering, Phil, 'cause he had been in such a rage, would have killed his opponent without any pre-warning. I smiled at myself and for a short moment had the idea to fill Phil up with alcohol tonight and thereafter lock up Keith in Phils room. Of course this was only an idea, or better a fantasy, cause I knew that this would have broken the kid once and for all and of course I didn`t really want this to happen- not for Phil, who would have felt sorry afterwards, and also not for Keith, who needed to be mentally educated but not completely broken. So it remained a mere fantasy ... but a good and arousing one, at least for some scum.

The training with Lars and Tom turned out to be top quality as usual. Some songs by a rightwing punk group called SPIRIT OF THE PATRIOT were playing in the background to make sure that our aggression level was raised to the necessary maximum.

From day one we stood out from the rest

Created by the gods to be the best

Built a huge society

Based on logic, pride, and authority

A great empire strong and true

Built by us brothers out of the blue

and to the world we shout out our ways

In great hope for better days.

We're your liberators

We're your freedom fighters

So don't be just spectators

But join and fight united with us ...


The lyrics helped a lot to get the action going and I was really keen to demonstrate my new skills and courage to my brothers. Lars admitted that over the last months I had been an extremely quick learner and that by now it was more about teaching me details and turning me more into a true professional. It made me enormously proud that I was able to fend off against three attacks that came from Lars and Tom in close coordination. I did this so elegantly that I didnt have to use any physical counter strike by myself. But when finally Keith was ordered to join forces, it was of course impossible for me to stand up against such a mega force, especially from Keith, whose physical development was a complete miracle to me. For an outside spectator, the whole thing must have looked really scary and Im sure that also Chris-Boy at one point didn`t know anymore whether all this was meant to be serious. Only after suddenly all of us burst into heavy laughter and I had a short look at Keith, could I see the relief in his face when he realized that his most adored idol was not in danger.

Tom and Lars finally made a sign and indicated that Chris-Boy was now allowed to come closer. Then they tried some basic moves with him so that he could get a basic feeling for martial arts. From his face I could see that in general he liked what he saw, including the attention that he got from the two hunks and his protege. It seemed by now that especially Keith couldn't get enough body contact with the two other brothers. But also Chris-Boy gradually lost his shyness and fear and was more and more fascinated by Tom and his unique degree of body control. Of course, in general he still preferred to stay in the background, exercise his intellectual superiority over others, and let others do the physical work. But meanwhile he had also accepted the fact that being in the brotherhood also meant exercising physical superiority and for that constant training was necessary. While looking at the two recruits, I had to smile and then with a rather sharp voice told them:

"Consider it as a great honor that my brothers are taking care of you and will show you so many things. That's by far not normal. I expect you to be super nice to them. Clear? I'll take a swim now and when I come back, I don't wanna hear any complaints. Not a single one!"

I gave Lars and Tom a thumbs-up and then left for the pool. Over the last few weeks it was really amazing to feel the constant change in my body condition. Even though I had trained quite hard the whole day and even though there was quite a heavy Saturday night ahead of me, I could virtually feel that my body was craving for more action. I couldn't wait to get into the water and spend some energy on my crawling strokes. In other words, for the first time I noted that my conversion into a raw and wild war machine had almost become complete. And the feeling of general well-being that went along with it was just unbelievable. Almost at any moment when I wasn't physically active (including having a fuck), this strong urge inside of me came up to move my ass. Meanwhile my sex drive seemed to be unlimited and I was ready to fuck or do other stuff almost at any moment in time. In my current condition, doing it five or even six times a day wasn`t a problem at all - it all depended on the right opportunity and what ass was available. A minimum of at least two times however appeared to be an absolute must, 'cause I knew that otherwise my mood went bottom-line and the likelihood for an outbreak increased. And since it was pretty much the same with the other brothers, all this meant a huge mutual turn-on and also a bit of a friendly competition between us.

The variety of stuff that I liked didn't seem to know any limits either. I just loved playing the active dominant and aggressive part with my two pets and other inferiors. Even more, using sex as the most efficient means to educate or degrade any form of scum in front of me was always giving me a huge kick. It was also an easy, rapid, and satisfying way to get rid of my aggressions and other bad feelings. Yeah, sometimes there was nothing better than making an enemy feel like shit and seeing him totally defeated.

But equally, I wouldn't have wanted at all to give up or even reduce my sessions with Seth, Phil, Lars, Tom, and all the other older brothers, where my role was clearly defined as a submissive one. The feeling after being completely dominated by Seth or especially Phil (during the few times when he lost all his self-restrictions) was unique and nothing could have replaced this. In short, I just wanted to have everything pretty much at the same time, which in turn caused a feeling of enormous need and satisfaction - something I hadn`t known at all in my old life that was full of stupid self-restrictions, senseless conventions and false political correctness. And so, for my new self, it was not a problem at all to do another 50 lanes, half of them crawling and half of them breaststroke. On the contrary it helped a lot to get my brain straightened out.

When I came out of the pool, I couldn't find the other brothers at first. But a slight moaning that came out from the sauna that was located in a separate area close to the pool indicated that the action between the four had already gone quite far. I opened the door and saw Tom and Lars sitting on the second row of the wooden benches. Both Keith and Chris-Boy were kneeling down and giving them first-class blowjobs. It was good to see that they finally had understood the concept of absolute obedience and total hierarchy, 'cause whenever Lars or Tom made a slight sign, they immediately switched positions.

When Lars and Tom saw me entering the sauna, they immediately smiled at me. Tom said with some acknowledgement in his voice:

"Seems that you've become quite a good instructor yourself. You have good control over your recruits, they really know by now what a good blowjob is about."

I came closer and the whole scene really looked hot. To make it even more intense, I grabbed the two recruits' heads simultaneously and pushed them towards the body of the two brothers to make sure that the two kids were swallowing their entire tools.

"You airheads. I told you to be nice and make an extra effort. So get the fuck closer and get their entire tools in! Breathe through your nose as you've learned and don't cough! Understand! Your brothers just deserve the best treatment. Or do you want me to beat the shit out of you?" I bitched at Keith and Chris-Boy half-joking.

I think Lars and Tom couldn't believe the power and influence that I had over the two kids, 'cause after my admonition both of them tried even harder and indeed managed to suck their entire cocks while also stroking the balls of my mates.

But especially for Keith I wanted to make the exercise even harder. So I took a seat next to Lars, hugged his enormous body with one arm and then turned to Keith:

"Listen, you're now going to take both of our tools into your mouth. And if you can't make it, at least switch regularly. Do it as if all this was about your life, 'cause if one of us is leaving this room unsatisfied, I guarantee you that you'll have quite a rough time over the next few days. And you can forget about your hottest dream which is that I'll fuck you privately. You'll only get this if you pass this test."

My threats really helped. The boys did their absolute best and looking at Lars and Tom, I could see from their faces that they were having a really good time. For sure, none of their numerous cunts would have beén able to make up for this. They were moaning pretty heavily and finally they shot power streams of cum on the faces and into the mouths of the two recruits. One shot even landed in the eye of Keith; the kid by instinct stepped back and for a minute couldn't open his eye again. I had to laugh at the beginning, but of course I wasn't cruel with him. So I helped him to get out of the sauna and wash out his eye with clean cold water. After a short while the reaction got better and Keith could reopen his eye without a problem.

"Oh, kiddo," I said. "Given the protein shot that your eye received just now, you should see things much clearer now with this eye. For sure you will never need glasses."

The others were laughing heavily about my joke. But since I didn't want Keith to feel too embarrassed, I gave him a hug, smiled at him, and whispered into his ears:

"You did quite a good job. And it's good that you didn't cum yourself. So it seems that you're not a complete egoist. I guess there's a good chance that you're getting soon what you have been waiting for for quite some time now."

When hearing this, Keith looked at me with grateful eyes and just whispered almost inaudibly: "Please fuck me!"

"Don't worry!" I replied and then again whispered into his ear: "I'm going to fuck the shit out of you like you haven't been able to imagine so far. Be sure that in your entire fucking life you've never been fucked ever before the way that I'll use you."

While I said these words, I could see already that Keith had again closed his eyes and, looking at the smile on his face, I was sure that his brain obviously was producing the most lustful thoughts - thoughts that he never had before in his life. And so, suddenly, without any pre-warning and without touching himself, the kid started screaming and spurts of cum were shooting out of his cock even though he was still standing in front of me. This powerful experience made him lose his balance and, hadn't I held him up, he would have fallen down pretty harshly on the tiled wooden floor. His loads came out with high pressure and partially reached his hair and also my chest. At some point his screams turned into a mere whimpering.

When only after minutes Keith was finally done and opened his eyes again, I glanced at him angrily, while his eyes were immediately full of fear and embarrassment; he expected now the worst. With a voice full of guilt he whispered:

"I'm really sorry. But I just don't know how to resist you. My brain is just full of lustful fantasies whenever I start thinking about you. I can't control this."

When I could see that the kid started having tears in his eyes, I suddenly changed my look, burst out laughing, and gave Keith a friendly slap in his face. Then I hugged him while he was still naked and said quietly:

"Oh kiddo, why are you so fixated on me, huh? You really need to learn some discipline here. You can be sure that we're really going to work on this heavily from now."

Then, after a short moment of silence, I gave him a dirty smirk and went on:

"Seems to me however you're not a bad kid after all. So there's at least still a chance for you that I'll fuck you like a meg truck tomorrow. So you better behave from now on and not take my mood down."

Again and even though the kid had just cum, Keith`s eyes told me what joy this prospect was causing with him. Of course I was meanwhile well aware of my effects on other people, but Keith was definitely a special case. I've never had anyone before who was so obsessed about me.

Finally my voice got rough again while turning both to Keith and Chris-Boy:

"Anyway, let's move on now. I'll have my rehearsal with Dan and the band mates shortly. So keep your asses going!"

All five of us got back to the apartment, where I immediately got changed. For my first rehearsal I wanted to wear the classical, but yet very aggressive looking skin outfit. It was really good that, since all good RAC bands - the famous ones but also newcomers - were regularly playing downstairs at the Stealth, the apartment was full of all kinds of merchandise streetwear. And in addition, Seth - different from his spartan-like attitude - in all other things, always insisted that all kinds of skin gear had to be stored in abundance.

"It's like a uniform and it must be available at all times. Clothing is always the first step to show off your personality and your way of life," Seth kept saying.

So in the apartment there was even a separate room, where all kinds of clothing that a true skinhead could think of in almost all available sizes could be found. And since Seth was so well connected in the local and international skinhead scene, there was a constant and neverending flow by shop owners, record companies and other nationalist movements of new streetwear and other propaganda material coming in - pants, caps, t-shirts, hoodies, boots, but also posters, patches, stickers, and partially also jewelry - all in all a real paradise for a true skin.

For myself, I chose classical light blue bleachers (only a little tighter than usual) and of course my boots, which had now gotten their desired used look. And of course I also put on my black MA-1 jacket, which meanwhile was full of patches supporting the values of the brotherhood - symbols, flags, Rune letters, or just key words like 'skinhead,' 'nationalist,' 'A.C.A.B,' or 'GNLS - Good Night Left Side.' It really looked pretty wild.

As a t-shirt for all of us I chose one with the logo of one of my favourite bands, which was called MAX RESIST. I also knew from Dan already that they were playing tonight and so I thought that the band members would appreciate seeing that really devoted fans were joining their rehearsal. Finally, I made sure that Keith and Chris-Boy were dressed properly.

For Keith and Chris-Boy I chose first of all super tight dark blue jeans and of course classical steel-capped skin boots which I told them to wear for tonight without socks so that they would get used to the smell and feeling of heavy leather. To make their looks even a bit more provocative, I gave them two arm rings that consisted of little silver swastika and SS symbols being put together. Finally I made both of them wear a thick necklace with a heavy Germanic thor hammer. Especially Keith now looked like a Germanic warrior ready to strike at any moment. Hadn't I known that he was completely dependent on me, maybe, when looking at him, one would have gotten extremely frightened.

"I want you to be completely quiet when we`re doing our rehearsal, 'cause I need to concentrate. Clear? Behave yourselves and be super nice if any brother wants something from you," I barked. The two kids just nodded and confirmed.

When we came to the rather large room in the underground area, where the rehearsal took place, everyone including Dan and Lars was already there. All in all we were around ten people in the room, which was already filled with the odor of pure masculinity. When I saw Dan, we immediately gave each other a firm hug and he also greeted Keith and Chris-Boy quite cordially. When asked shortly how Keith was doing, the kid, while looking at me a bit insecure, immediately confirmed that everything went very well and that I was taking care of him just perfectly. He was happy when he saw in my face that I was quite pleased with his answer and I also guess that - after what had happened in the sauna together with Lars and Tom - he really meant what he said.

Keith appeared a bit frightened when talking to Dan. But that was no surprise to me, `cause he still considered Dan as his former teacher - the only one who had authority over him - and also because Dan looked completely changed. He was dressed in complete skin gear and one could see his enormously muscular and well-defined body. I could also admire his ink, which was a true piece of art - full of nationalist symbols; all this was the clear handwriting of Lawrence, I thought. He also wore several piercings around his eyebrows, his ears, and his right nipple. Absolutely nothing reminded me of Dan the high school teacher, and probably this was also the reason why Dan appeared much more relaxed than on normal week days, where you could always sense some tension in his conduct. Now he felt at home and at least for a short time there was no obligation to play a role which in truth Dan with his strong character deeply despised. I could also imagine what effect his changed looks must have had on his favorite students. I knew meanwhile that Dan, whenever he felt that some kids "were ready for the next step" (as he used to call it), he would organize some activity outside school - a concert, a soccer match, or some hiking. And during such an event, at least gradually, Dan would change his appearance and conduct completely. He would show up mostly in skin gear, change his language and by doing so, try to make the recruit be interested and curious. These tactics worked almost all the time - only once some loser kid ran away and Dan had to play the 'misunderstanding' card (in which he was a real master) - and the kids started asking the right questions that Dan answered with great joy. Of course very often he also used his sexual power over the kids, which helped a lot to build a sound ideological foundation. So, it wouldn't take long and most of the kids wanted to follow the example of their idol and also changed gradually - just like Keith and some of his classmates.

When thinking about all this, it got once again clear to me that Dan was really sacrificing a lot for the brotherhood - thanks to Seth and his powers of pure persuasion.

"It`s good to see you," Dan started the conversation. "Is your ass ready for some hot fucking adventure, mate?"

I nodded and replied:

"'Course I am. I couldnt wait the whole day to get this thing started. You brothers just dont have a clue how much I admire your work."

"Thats the way it should. By the way, I also talked to Seth already and hes cool with what we`re trying here. He likes the idea of his man becoming a hot RAC rockstar."

The others in the room started laughing and I also joined. But deep inside I was a bit worried, 'cause I hadn`t discussed my plans in more detail with Seth. I was sure that there was quite a risk of another volcano breaking out and it was also clear that, as a reaction to this, his fuck strokes and ways of domination would become even harder.

Dan now shortly introduced me to the band members of MAX RESIST who were real hardcore skins and whose names were Sean, Joe, Jim, Steve, and Pat. Through Dan's introduction all of them were immediately very outgoing, relaxed, and cordial with me - something which felt like a real honor since the band appeared very focused and normally reacted quite rudely to outsiders. Especially when preparing for a gig, they just didnt want to be bothered by people they didn't know. Dans own band members I knew already and needless to say we had already become real friends and comrades and treated each other like this too.

"Have you ever played an instrument?" Dan asked.

"Well, I was forced by my folks to play classical music on the piano. But that I guess doesn`t help a lot here. Later I took an e-guitar class in high school, but my mother stopped it. She thought of this as being quite vulgar," I answered.

"How damn right the bitch was! What we play is only the hard truth. And we give a fuck about manners, political correctness and all this shit. We just say things as they really are in this shitty society. And if you call this vulgar, thats fine. Id rather call it honest," Pat, the lead guitarist of MAX RESIST barked with an iron and very dominant voice and everyone else including myself agreed loudly. Only from this short remark I could feel already that Pat was the absolute leader of the band and that the others had fully accepted his absolute authority.

"Anyway, its good that you have at least some experience," Dan went on. "And I have good news for you. Pat agreed to give you instrument classes twice a week. And believe me this mate really knows how to get things going - more than me by the way. Hes actually one of the best e-guitar players who I`ve ever seen in this fucking world."

While saying this, Dan was looking at Pat who, as said, was the band`s lead guitarist, but, as I later found out by myself, was also a hell of a drummer. He knew basically everything about any hard rock instrument. And not only this: Pat was also a music composer and basically wrote all the songs for his band, but also for others. Lots of songs that were out there in the market and enjoyed by so many brothers were composed and written by him. When our eyes met for the first time, Pat smirked at me while, typically of him, keeping his cigarette in the mouth. Immediately I could already feel the intensity of his look. It was virtually like sparks flying around the entire room. Never in my whole fucking life had I experienced something similar in such a short moment - which only took a few seconds - and Pat immediately noticed my reaction and appeared amused. Hadn't it been Pat, back then I would have been self-confident enough already to say something like:

"Listen, brother! You're causing me a real boner. Why don't we just go to another room and see whether we can work things out? I need some relief."

But with Pat, nothing like this came out of my stupid mouth. I just stood there looking at him and he of course loved seeing me speechless and look rather dumb. Once more, he smirked at me with a dirty grin and then countered Dan's short introduction by saying in the most provocative way:

"I guess, as a first step, we need to improve your finger technique, 'cause playing the electric guitar is a very sensual thing. Maybe you need to learn the hard way."

Even when the others burst out laughing, I again remained silent and couldn't open my stupid mouth.

Pat who was already in his mid twenties (24 to be exact) just looked awesome; an oval face, dark hair, almost black eyes, and a thin but very muscular body, which as I learned later, when in action, could develop within no time into a forceful power machine. As every real brother he was heavily inked all over his body with a swastika visibly on his chest, a huge imperial eagle on his right upper arm, and a spider net around his left elbow. He was not entirely bald like me, but his extremely short black hair together with his three-day beard gave him an extra mysterious and always-ready-to-strike look. Looking back, I think, I hardly ever saw him without a cigarette. It`s true that for someone who was not a skin, more than all other brothers, he at first appeared like the ultimate danger, 'cause he always seemed to be on the verge of freaking out completely and started his hysterical laughter which was so typical of him and made him sound like a psychopath. Only later I learned that this was a method that Pat (more than Seth) was using on purpose to scare people off and just get his will right away. I freely admit that I liked (and also feared) Pat right from the beginning and yes, I felt attracted to his wild and uncontrollable personality so strongly that I got an instant hard on. I just knew that my submissive side needed a character like him to feel complete.

"Watch your crotch and make sure that nothing falls out while you're performing!" Pat said when looking provocatively at the dark spot on my jeans.

Pat`s aura, from this very first moment, was incredible. I just felt that it was him who had total control over the band and each single member including Sean and that at any place and any time where he showed up, absolutely nothing would happen against his will. A character like him just blew away any form of resistance. Already back then it was clear to me that he expected total obedience and life with him would become only bearable if I fully obeyed - and even then it would be a constant challenge. But that was also the exact reason why Pat had such a strong effect on other people and could attract them like no one else.

When we started talking later, I could see that Pat had extremely radical views and for him a real skin brother could only be a true patriot.

"Patriotism and nationalism are the absolute core factors of the skin movement. So if someone says that hes unpolitical, but still likes RAC music, you should tell him to fuck off. Hes not a brother, but a traitor. Period. And everyone with a clear mind knows what should happen to traitors. Right? There`s only one way forward to a new dawn: a hot tempered national movement with an elite of skin brothers on the absolute top and with absolute power," Pat said while inhaling deeply. He used to repeat this mantra many times.

Typical of his radical attitude he also only accepted nationalistic views from his mates without any exception. And (even more than Seth) he just blew away any opposition which of course meant right from the beginning that I was not supposed to contradict him in anything.

"I don't like discussions, I want followers," was the only thing he said. Pat made all this clear right from the beginning and somehow I also accepted this from the start.

Just as much as Pat was into his music, he was also crazy about all kinds of weapons. Shortly after we became closer, he would often take me to exhibitions and trade shows and he just loved playing around with his toys, as he used to call them. Most of all he liked to participate in target shooting practices and only shortly thereafter I could find out by myself how good he was good at it. Needless to say, immediately after we got close, he also insisted that he would train me on shooting. To me, especially at the beginning, all this was new and fascinating and I enjoyed a lot the vibrating experience of firing out shots; and as I said, resistance would have been completely useless anyway. Also the fact that Pat always wore a special weapon on his belt consisting of steel brass knuckles with a retractable knife blade made him appear even more mysterious and also attractive to me. So, back at the time, I considered it as a total honor that only a week later Pat showed up with a second pair of similar brace knuckles and gave them to me as a present. Needless to say and as he of course expected from me, I was wearing them all the time as well.

I can't describe how grateful I felt when almost immediately after our first encounter I could start my music classes with Pat. Within a very short time and apart from the other intense thing that was going on between us, we also became closest friends and comrades in spirit. To me he was like my fate; I just knew that my life would take a certain new direction from now on and I couldn`t do anything about it. It was just impossible to withstand the attraction that was coming from Pat, and honestly, I didn't want to, either. So the only logical reaction was to fully submit to his physical and mental power.

Now back to the point in time when Dan had introduced Pat and made the proposal that Pat would give me guitar classes: needless to say, I accepted right away.

"Wow, thanks a lot, brothers. This is a real honor. I just don`t know how to make up for this."

"But we do and Seth by the way also does," Dan said and after a short laughter by everyone, Pat took over the lead again and continued:

"Listen, for now we dont see you so much on the instrument side. Its more your looks that would help our band to convey our messages. 'Cause that's what counts and of course we need more followers. I mean, just look at yourself! I heard already that within no time youve changed your entire looks and now you fit just perfect into the classical image of a true hardcore or even hatecore skin brother. And thats what we all need. There are not many of us. We are here on a frontline, you know."

Pat stopped for a second, took another deep puff from his cigarette and then continued (while all others were listening):

"Yeah, that's true and that's exactly what it is. We may not fight a military war yet. But were fighting a war on the music front and its about truth, honor, and what a just society should stand for. And for that it`s of course faces and characters that decide over our success. And I guess we all here in this room believe that you would make a great addition as another soldier on the music frontline. Would you like that?"

Pat, while all others were watching me, asked this question with his decisive voice that didn`t accept any objection. His dark eyes were targeting me sharply.

"Are you kidding? I`d rather shit in my pants than not do what you just offered. You know that I started loving your music right away back when I joined the brotherhood half a year ago and to me making music is something like a dream career," I replied and could hear the others laughing out loud with some relief ('cause, as I later learned, hadn't I submitted right away, Pat would have either hit me or send me away immediately and not talk to me ever again).

"Good. Then lets get started. Your role will be on the front line during the gig, 'cause people need to see you. You really have the typical front cover face. Move your body according to the rhythm and support the singer when the chorus part comes! Of course it takes quite some training to develop this hard, metal-like voice. So Id suggest that the better you get over time, the louder you join, capisce?"

I nodded and Dan handed me a paper with the lyrics of the songs that would come now. I shortly looked at them and then said proudly:

"I know the lyrics by heart already."

"Good, you little smart ass! Then let`s get the sound going!" Pat shouted.

Immediately the two e-guitars and the drums started at highest volume and the first song was called FIGHT TO BE FREE:

We have only begun to fight,

It`s always darker before the light.

We must take control of our destiny,

Come join our struggle and fight to be free!

Now the chorus part came and Dan gave me a sign to join singing:

My brother, my sister I will die for you,

And in my heart I know you`re true.

Before dishonor I will choose death,

To die as a skinhead is the ultimate test.

It turned out to be difficult to keep up my voice, `since my voice was still completely untrained. And at a very early point my throat was getting hoarse. But simultaneously all this was enormous fun and so once again my iron will took control over the shortages of my voice. I guess the other brothers felt that too and were quite impressed by my sheer willpower. And so, without a break, they just went to the next song called ANGER AND HATRED:

Another boring weekend, another boring day,

I`m gonna go out and make my way.

So sick and tired of hanging out,

I`m gonna get drunk and scream and shout.

Again Dan's and Pat's sign for the chorus part came and now I joined whole-heartedly:

Im gonna holler and Im gonna yell,

Gonna get angry, gonna raise some hell.

I might get ugly and gonna start a fight,

Dont give a damn if Im wrong or right.

This time, whenever I had to repeat the refrain, I sensed that it had already gotten a bit better. After having some water, my voice got even louder and clearer again and often I could strike the right note. Dan, Pat, and the other band members looked at me in quite an acknowledging way with a thumb-up gesture, while I was singing and moving my body aggressively to the music. It was also good to meet the eyes of my two pets, cause their admiration that I could discover especially in Keiths eyes gave me another push.

We practiced for almost four hours and it was already past 7pm when we came to our last song SATURDAY NIGHT. Dan and Sean said that this would be our last song during the real gig tonight and it would leave the brothers in the right mood:

Put in the boot, that`s the way it goes

Hangin` out with all your bros

Drinking beer and having a ball

Waiting for a fight to take its toll.

Then again the chorus came and so I joined immediately:

Tearin` it up on a Saturday night

All the boys lookin` for a fight

Where will you wake up the next day

Will it be in jail or better by some brother`s sway

Saturday night.

The song had five verses and so I had to repeat the chorus part five times. At the end I was sweating like shit and was completely wet all over - more than all the other band members who were all trained musicians. But I also had a feeling of enormous satisfaction which also caused me a slight hard-on). Before we left, we agreed that we would all meet at 10:30pm again to get mentally prepared for the real gig.

When I wanted to say bye to Dan, Sean, Pat, and the others, Pat suddenly put his arm around my shoulder and, while looking at Dan and Sean, said:

"I guess, brother, its not too much to say that you did a great job today. If you continue this way later tonight, its going to be a hell of a success, that`s for sure."

"Absolutely, it seems that you`re a natural talent," Dan and Sean joined the appraisal.

I just smiled and didnt know what to say. But Pat wasnt finished yet.

"I guess it makes sense if, apart from my instrument lessons, you also get some voice training from me. How would you feel about weekly lessons by Sean and myself? You`d get it from the real pros then."

Since I was really taken by surprise now, I started stuttering:

"Brothers, I really don`t know what to say ... I mean all this is like a fucking dream coming true ... I mean this music and the entire band atmosphere, I just damn love it."

"Thats exactly the attitude that I wanna hear, 'cause the audience must feel it too, the truth of your beliefs, your devotion, your 150 percent commitment, and your will to fight any resistance ... it just needs to come over as a true obsession. Get it? With you, I'm starting to believe, that really could be the case. So even though I may not like competition, my feeling is that youre a stone that maybe we can grind into a diamond. But anyway, one step at a time," Pat noted and then continued after a short pause, again taking a deep puff from his new cigarette:

"Maybe it makes sense to talk a bit more about details like timing and the necessary preparations ... Sean, Dan, let`s go with our new diamond star to the room over there and discuss the further steps a bit."

While saying this, Pat, with a dirty smirk on his face, was first pointing at my crotch and then to the room where I had my very first 'reunion` with Seth (and where he originally wanted to kill me). I told Keith and Chris-Boy who had been sitting and leaning against the wall during the entire rehearsal to wait until I would return. Then the four of us went to the separate room.

Of course we agreed quickly on the schedule. I would get my instrument classes from Pat every Monday and Friday afternoon in our rehearsal room and he would give me lessons both on the e-guitar and the drums. And on Tuesday afternoons my voice classes with Pat, Dan, and Sean would follow. They also told me that there would always be quite a lot of homework to do for me, 'cause they wanted to see quick results.

"Hey, mates! I can't tell you what this means to me. Thanks again for taking the time and making this dream possible. It's really fucking great," I said.

I had already noticed in the other room that Pat had taken quite an obvious interest in me and that he was now watching me again as if I was his sole prey.

I later learned that he had been married several times and also had several kids - at least six or seven he would tell - and, typical of his sex drive, of course with different women. But that didn't keep him at all from fooling around pretty openly with guys and especially when he was playing his music and was surrounded by so much masculinity, a man like him just needed an ass. The only thing he hated and couldn't stand at all was fagot like behaviour and any form of weakness. Pat told me that he was living a pretty nomadic lifestyle and couldnt stand it at one place for too long (that was only half true as I could find out later by myself). The gigs helped him to avoid any boring routine and also to get away from those cunts who sometimes would become too intrusive and whom he got bored of quite quickly - a feeling that he hated and that I knew damn well (back from my time with Cindy). Every gig and every new touring, he said to me, offered the opportunity for a new adventure. The only kind of routine that he allowed himself and that had become an integral part of his life was his music and of course his training. As I later could experience myself, he had a very rigid and partially also painful training regime, mostly consisting of various free weights exercises and heavy conditioning like marathons and swimming, and also sometimes free-climbing. Obviously his heavy smoking didnt interfere at all with this - something which I considered pretty amazing.

When on purpose I was moving my ass rhythmically directly in front of him, I just knew from the beginning that he couldn't stand this for too long. It didn't even take a minute, when he put his hand on my ass cheek trying to make this look completely natural. While still discussing our schedule I came gradually closer to him so that at one point I could feel his meanwhile throbbing hard on against my ass. When we were done with our talks on timing, I turned to Pat, gave him a killer smile, and said:

"Can I ask you something, brother?"

"Go ahead!" Pat said while keeping on with his rhythmic movements so that his dick remained fully on my ass.

For the first time after meeting Pat I felt that I had regained my quick wittedness and had control again over the words that came out of my mouth. So I said:

"Is it normal that almost all the time I'm having a constant hard on during a gig? I mean I can't control my tool whenever I'm listening to this music. And now that I'm going to play a more active part, it's getting even worse."

Pat and the others burst out laughing. And for this short moment Pat also stopped smoking. He put his arm around my shoulder and said to us with quite an amusing voice:

"Hey, this comrade obviously has a true and unique affection for our way of life and especially our music. It's time to show him what a tight-knit community our scene is."

Then with an amount of force that, back at that time, I wouldn't have expected from a rather short mate like Pat at all, he pushed me down on my knees, opened his pants, and pressed his completely erect tool - which had an enormous size - directly into my mouth. Simultaneously, with a voice that once again didn't allow any resistance, he ordered Dan and Sean to join and within seconds they had dropped their pants and stood with Pat in a small circle around me who was still kneeling down. It was good that meanwhile I had become incredibly trained by Seth and his attacks of pure aggression, 'cause when looking at Pat I experienced pretty much the same now (only a bit harder). He mouthfucked me with such force and energy that only someone with real experience could handle this. Yes, Pat wasn't a very tall guy, but he consisted only of muscle and his general body condition was just unbelievable. Some other brothers told me later that for Pat it was no problem at all to join an ironman contest during the day and to party heavily thereafter. His entire principle in life seemed to be: the harder, the better - the heaviest training, the heaviest music, the heaviest smoking and drinking, and also the heaviest sex. Pat always went after the radical and total extreme.

"Oh," Pat moaned. "This mate is incredible, I havent had such a blowjob for a long time. A pure warrior machine - thats exactly what I needed."

He made sure that whenever he had to take a break (to keep himself from cumming too early), Dans and Seans tools were in my mouth so that I wouldn't have any break.

"This is also a competition and a test. We must make sure that Choke can really handle the intensity of our music front. Therefore, take all our dicks deeply into your mouth and choke on them," Pat screamed with the other ones starting to laugh and join immediately.

For an ordinary guy already the sucking party would have been too much. He just wouldn`t have been able to stand, without choking, the aggression, force, and wildness of the entire situation. For me it was however clear that this was only the entry part. And as expected it was Pat again who took the initiative. He grabbed me, made me stand up again and said that I should turn around and put my hands against the wall so that they would have free access to my ass. With an enormous lust in his voice and while starting another cigarette Pat shouted:

"Just look at this ass! No real man can resist such an ass. Im going to fuck you now as youve never been fucked before. Are you ready for such experience? But you can't drop out now anyways. And dont think its over then, `cause Sean and Dan also need their relief."

Before he ended his sentence, Pat started to enter me and, as it was typical of a character like him - he did it hard and rough and without any remorse. Then he started with his fuck strokes, he made sure that, whenever his body was pushing against my ass, his tool was inside me as deep as possible. During all this time he didn't stop smoking and so some warm ash of his cigarette fell on my back, which increased the intensity of the moment even more. This mate, I thought, was definitely nothing for a virgin or a beginner; such a poor guy would have ended in hospital or in a lunatic asylum thereafter. I was also wondering how his wife and other cunts could handle him or whether he was ready to behave at least a bit differently towards them. For me, however, all this was the ultimate kick and turn-on. Also, I wanted and needed to make sure that these brothers who stood for my access to the music scene - something I wanted more than anything else - would only have the best memories of me. So I decided to make Pat even wilder by screaming:

"Come on, mate. Fuck me harder! I know you can do it. I want nothing more than feeling your fuck tool inside me. Show me how you would treat a whore."

The effect of this was that Pat now lost any restraints and used the dirtiest language one could think of. He increased his body movements to a speed that I hadn`t seen with anyone else before. Then he also put his hands around my neck and strangled me a bit. It was good to know that Dan was close by, so I could be sure that he would have interfered if Pat had lost control over himself - something, which I later learned, would never happen, 'cause Pat in truth always retained full control and would only play with the impression he left on others.

"The whore needs it rough, huh? Look, brothers! His ass is craving for my tool like a baby for milk. Yeah, thats it. Im gonna shoot so that a lot of hot baby sperm will be in his ass. You like that?" Pat screamed, breathing pretty heavily now.

When Pat came, he screamed like a maniac and by our movements we both made sure that his entire load ended up in my ass. By contracting my anus I wanted to be sure that no cum stayed in Pat`s dick and that he would get the relief that he wanted. But despite his strong personality, Pat was no total egoist with another brother. So, after he was done, he made another sign to Dan and Sean and wanted them to take over. But before he came closer to me and whispered into my ear:

"That was awesome, brother! Its really true what everyone is saying around here. Youre really number one. Can you still handle the other two mates or is this too much for you?" he asked.

I shook my head and made clear that the other two could also have their fun. The only thing I asked was that, also because of the little time we had left, one of them should fuck me while I was sucking the other mate. Dan and Sean fortunately agreed and they decided that Sean would fuck me from behind while I could suck Dans dick. Compared to Pat and even though I had to take care of two mates simultaneously now, this was now much more easy going. None of them had the level of aggression and the wildness of Pat ... I mean, dont get me wrong! Compared to an ordinary mainstream fuck, also Dan and Sean had a completely different level and expectation. But Pat demanded absolute and exclusive attention and absolute submission; meeting his expectations was something only for a pro.

It didn`t take too long until my two mates came. It helped that Pat - who had recovered quickly - now stood close to his band mate Sean and was cheering him:

"Come on, mate! You can do it. I know that you can`t resist this ass. Make Chokee feel that you own this ass!"

Sean, who was a more quiet guy, couldnt stand this talk for long. Quickly he started moaning and while he was filling my ass, Pat went over Seans ass with his hand to make the feeling of his orgasm even more intense. And it obviously worked.

At the same time, Dan at the front was touching my head and positioned it in such way that his mouth-fuck could get quicker. He didnt make it to cum simultaneously with Sean, but he was shooting shortly thereafter and was obviously pleased with my performance, cause he moaned:

"So good! What an incredible mouth! What an incredible throat, mate! Seth's right: you've been the best choice for the brotherhood for ages."

Naturally, after such an intense session, it took some time until all of us regained full control over our bodies again. When we were getting dressed again, it was already shortly before 8 pm. So we had spent almost an hour in this room for our much needed intermezzo.

"Wow!," Pat said. "You just went off like a rocket. Youre really incredible. It really makes sense that you're getting on board and becoming part of our small music scene. Maybe at one point we can also start our own group or project. You should also tour with us soon. Id love it and it would bring a lot of relief for all of us."

Everyone was laughing again when hearing the word 'relief`. I said that of course I needed to talk to Seth about all this, but that I liked the idea.

Pat smiled and started another cigarette. Then he put his arm around Sean and told us:

"Well, brothers. I guess me and the others are going to take a short nap in the other room now so that we`re fit for the gig later."

Honestly, I couldnt tell from Pats eyes whether he really meant what he was saying or whether he just wanted to have some private talk or action going on between him and his band mates. Since we were already late, I couldn`t give this any longer thought. I went to the other room, told my two pets - who by the way were having a nice talk with some of the brothers who were responsible for the sound - that we were ready to leave. They nodded and followed immediately. Then the three of us and Dan were walking back to the apartment.

Next: Chapter 44

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