A Rapid Change in Lifestyle


Published on Jun 2, 2023


Dear Nifty-Readers,

I hope you are all fine and have already been waiting for the continuing saga of Chokee's ongoing adventure as a hardcore patriotic skin. Only looking at our hero makes clear that he has crossed the bridge already and has not much in common anymore with his previous life. Now Chapter 32 is finally out.

Seth, Chokee, and the brotherhood are getting prepared for the strike against Chris-Boy's former gang which is responsible for his drug addiction. The brothers swore revenge already, but now it's about executing this plan. Will our hero be strong enough to obey and participate? After all, being a part of the brotherhood also means a constant testing and proving of your loyalty. So we can only hope that Chokee will make it and succeed in the challenges ahead of him.

Again, please let me have all your impressions so that I can work on improvements for the next chapters. Your comments really help to make the whole storyline more consistent.

Finally, as usual please don't forget to make a donation to Nifty if you can. The guys are doing a really great job helping us express our free minds. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

And now please enjoy Ch. XXXII.

A RAPID CHANGE IN LIFESTYLE/ CHAPTER 32: My First Outside Task - The Preparations

On Thursday, I woke up again before 5am in the morning. It took quite some effort to free myself from the tight grip of Seth who was still sleeping and then go to the kitchen to have my coffee quietly.

When I got there, I first lighted a cigarette and took a deep puff. Then I prepared the coffee, had one sip and sat down on one of the stools. What an amazing turn my life had taken, I thought! From an average middle class kid with no clear goal in his life, Seth and the brothers had helped me to turn, in not even three months, into a true fighter skin with clear values and a perfectly structured lifestyle which fortunately was far away from any form of fucking boring mainstream. I now enjoyed friendship and comradeship which were so deep that I couldn't have imagined before that something like this even existed. Both my body composition and my mindset had taken an amazing turn and I was ready to fight without any fear or reservation for my beliefs and values whenever someone dared question them or the brotherhood was calling on me to fulfill my duties. My new looks made this perfectly clear and there was indeed nothing better and nothing that turned me on more than seeing that a lot of people got frightened only when looking at me. And most of all my sex life had gotten to a level that would just have been unthinkable back in my old life. I was wondering whether all these fantasies had already been there before, but were just hidden or whether it was only Seth's amazing personality that was able to change my fuck and sex life completely. In any case I was now at a point where I could live both my dominant and my submissive desires freely and I was incredibly thankful that Seth had started to allow me to explore as much as possible of both of these sides. I also knew of course that nothing compared to the feeling when Seth dominated me. At that point I was sure that this would always remain my absolute favorite and that whenever he called, I would be on duty. Shortly I imagined what my Mummy Dearest would say if she could see me now and immediately I was thinking of the chorus lines of one of my favorite songs, which I believe would have been a perfect and appropriate answer to my stupid folks:

Fuck off - You don't know what we're about!°

Fuck off - Just shut your fucking mouth!

Fuck off - No one cares what you say!

Fuck off - So just go the fuck away!

While reflecting on all this, I suddenly felt a firm hand on my chest and I could feel beard stubbles around my neck and cheeks.

"Didn't I tell you only yesterday that I hate waking up without your ass around me?" Seth whispered into my left ear in quite an offended and partially also aggressive manner.

"You're becoming more and more disobedient to your master, aren't you?" he said partially amused as his hand went below my shorts. When he touched my dick, I got hard immediately.

"Chokee can't control his dick, huh? You've been fantasizing all the time, haven't you? But pleasure always comes along with obligation. So either I stop and you'll have quite a sad morning experience or you take my cock in your mouth NOW and make up for your disobedience this morning," Seth went on and his mouth was still next to my ear. Again it was just incredible to feel his manliness all over me and I started to moan almost automatically. Immediately I turned my head. Seth had already freed his tool from his shorts so that the only thing I had to do was take it in my mouth and swallow it. I did this with the greatest pleasure and, because meanwhile I was so perfectly familiar with Seth's likes and dislikes like no one else, Seth got into his high mood within no time. But he did not stop jerking me off simultaneously.

"You're an amazing sucker. A natural talent like no one else. So your cock addiction also has a positive outcome after all," Seth exclaimed and laughed dirty. I was unable to talk, `cause Seth's treatment combined with his body smell had brought me to the edge. The only thing I remembered was that, while his cock was out of my mouth for a short moment, I was moaning something like:

"Please don't stop. I'm yours. I'll do everything you want me to. You're my master and I'm your faithful dog."

Obviously Seth liked to hear these words, `cause he increased the speed both of his mouth-fucking and his jerking movements. When he felt that I was ready to shoot and different from all the other times before, he suddenly took from the table the cup that had still some of my coffee in it and made sure that I shot my entire load in there. While coming I went like crazy and screamed heavily, even though I still had Seth's tool in my mouth. As soon as I was done, Seth freed his dick from my lips and it took him only a few additional strokes to shoot his juice into the cup too. As it was usually the case with him, it was again a heavy and creamy load and obviously it didn't mean anything for him that he had come twice the night before. So the cup got filled to the rim and it contained a mixture of something like 50 percent coffee and the other 50 percent fresh cum by Seth and myself. Seth looked at me again with a very dirty grin and ordered sharply:

"Drink it now in one sip. It's pure protein and nothing must get spoiled."

Seth held the cup below my nose and from his face I could see that he expected immediate action or he would have used force to open my mouth. Cum for Seth had an essential, almost mystic meaning, 'cause it stood for energy and life. And so he always made sure that especially his cum didn't end up being unused. Needless to say I followed immediately and the taste of coffee combined with our two juices - both of which were still warm - was just incredible. It was the best morning present I could think of.

"Now lick my tool clean!" Seth ordered and again I couldn't wait to have his tool in my mouth again. It tasted awesome and it showed once more that I was addicted to it. Seth moaned slightly while I was doing my cleaning task and then put on his short again. He filled his cup with fresh coffee, had a long sip from his, and then gave me an intense kiss so that he could also get a taste of our two cum streams being mixed. The whole moment felt extremely intense.

After starting a cigarette and making me touch his thighs with both of my hands, Seth started to structure our day:

"Today, brother, you're going to have your initiation. As I told you the other day we're gonna pay the scum who did all this to Chris-Boy their just reward. And you'll play the main part this time. Our strike will be taken out in the early evening at 6pm sharp. Lars, Tom, you, and me will participate. We'll drive there in our van. The whole thing mustn't take longer than 15 minutes maximum. That's the photo of the scum that's going to be your counterpart or, better, your victim. All other information you get in the car. Any questions?"

While giving me all this background, Seth was showing me a photo of quite an ugly smeary-looking guy on his cell. I looked at it, nodded, and replied:

"No, comrade, no questions. I'll do whatever the brotherhood demands from me to do. I'm a loyal brother and you can of course count on me."

Seth obviously appreciated this reaction, 'cause he wouldn't have liked further questions from me at this point. He smiled and said in quite an acknowledging way:

"I think you've begun to really understand our values and way of life. I like that. The rest of your day will be pretty much normal. But you'll have another session with Lawrence, right?" Seth asked and was inhaling again deeply.

"Yes, last time he said he needed several sessions to do everything right," I replied.

"Ok, then let's do our morning run now and start our day. Move your ass!"

Seth gave me a friendly slap on my thigh when saying this. Just when we tried to get things moving, we heard a voice from the entrance of the kitchen:

"Hail, brothers. Good to see you that early. I just needed to drop by and let you know about what I could achieve for our friend."

I turned around and it was Dan who as usual looked exceptionally good and very relaxed. For obvious reasons he didn't wear his skin gear (which made him look incredibly hot), but was in his typical high school teacher look. But even in such clothing his muscular body definition was very obvious and also his sex appeal, especially on his young students, must have been overwhelming, I thought. After we greeted each other with a hug, he took on a dirty grin and came right to the point:

"Listen, comrades, I need to get back to the school pretty quickly and need to coordinate with my other teacher colleagues who are to the vast extent blown up assholes by the way. Just that you appreciate what I'm doing here for the brotherhood!"

"I'm sure they all love you. You just need to get them laid by you," I joked.

I adored Dan quite a lot since the very first time we had met. For sure one of the reasons was also that because of his music he did something I felt pretty much addicted to as of day one. Of course I didn't know yet how to realize my dream, but I knew that this was what I wanted to do by myself later in my life.

After hearing my comment Dan gave me a bitchy look and replied:

"I'm not a pervert, asshole. But anyway, that's not the point. I talked to Keith's parents yesterday and told them that their son was lately suffering from a lack of concentration and that he needed to focus more. Therefore, I said, it would be necessary to have a full-time observation period where certain unusual developments could be detected and treated at a very early point in time. Of course I emphasized Keith's high potentials on the other hand. The kid by the way played his role more than perfect. Of course we had trained a lot before, but I wouldn't have expected that his acting skills would be so convincing. He kept saying that he was suffering from headache attacks and that his grades would take a serious downturn if nothing was done immediately. He also emphasized how close his relationship to me was and that he had the feeling that I could really help him. To make things brief: after a lengthy and fucking boring mainstream discussion his folks finally agreed to leave Keith with me for the coming month. I made clear that he needed to be with me also during weekends so to avoid distractions. They agreed and were finally fine with only visiting him on a pre-scheduled basis. This was really hard work, believe me! Having lengthy talks with these boring average middle-class fuckers really sucks, it's like putting your dick in ice water in the morning. But it's a good result, don't you think?"

Seth and I were laughing our asses off. I gave Dan a brotherly hug so to acknowledge his achievement, while Seth couldn't stop slapping his knee out of laughter.

"You're just perfect, comrade. You really have it all. And Choke for sure is happy to have Keith's ass around him, right?" Seth gave me a dirty grin when saying this.

I smirked and whistled shortly through my front teeth. Then I gave both guys a thumbs-up.

"Indeed, Keith cannot stop talking about you. So when educating him, you must play a key role if we all wanna succeed. Seth and I can provide the ideological basis and help with critical thoughts. But the necessary emotional part must come from you, brother!" Dan made clear and from the look in his face I knew that he was perfectly aware what had been going on between us and that he had absolutely no problem with that.

"You can rely on me as always," I said and now was looking at Seth. "Only thing is that today will be difficult, since we all have a lot of things to do. Right, Seth? Is it ok if we start tomorrow?"

Seth nodded and said: "Choke is right. Tomorrow would be better."

"Not a problem at all, comrades," Dan replied. "That will increase Keith's tension and that's good. Tonight he'll stay with me and he will get some good movies about the skinhead movement to watch. I want him to develop his nationalist beliefs as quickly as possible. I guess there'll also be some time for physical exercises and some fooling around. But in any case, the development of Keith's body is then Seth's territory. And it's Choke who will help to form the emotional bond between the brotherhood and the boy. I think that's all."

Again we were all laughing heavily. Seth and I in addition exchanged a mysterious look when Dan used the cup that was the object of our little play some minutes ago, filled it with coffee and took a deep sip. Since he couldn't understand, he said with a smile:

"Something wrong with you, comrades? The coffee by the way is quite good."

Now Seth and I burst out laughing, but still we didn't say what had happened.

"Ok, brothers, you have obviously something going on here. But I have to leave now anyhow. All in the best interest of the brotherhood by the way. I'll bring Keith tomorrow after school to you and you'll take over downstairs at the center, ok?" Dan asked.

"Totally fine, brother. We're really thankful to you. And sorry for not behaving," Seth said with a charming smile.

Dan took on a dirty grin and pointed with his finger directly to my crotch: "It's all right. But Choke, you're leaking. And I don't think you want to greet Keith like this tomorrow."

I looked between my legs and indeed one could clearly see a black spot between my legs on my thin shorts. But this time I quickly regained control over the situation and countered with a big smile:

"You're completely wrong, comrade. He's waiting exactly for something like this and would be very disappointed if nothing was going on there."

Again heavy laughter followed and it was good to see once again that also Dan was perfectly fine with what was going on between me and his student. Obviously he approved of it as part of his training program.

"Are you and your band performing this Saturday at Stealth?" Seth finally asked.

"You can bet your ass." Dan replied with a grin.

At last I gave Dan a brotherly hug and then Seth was accompanying him to the entrance. In the meantime I put on my sports shoes.

Our eight mile run was good and productive as usual. Meanwhile I could really feel my improved condition and even though Seth was of course still far ahead of me, it didn't cost so much effort anymore to keep up with him.

When we got back, we had our normal breakfast together with my shakes and other supplements and I had the feeling that Seth had to restrain himself not to get into action again, 'cause he was looking at me with quite some appetite.

"Let's go and have a shower. We're meanwhile quite stinky and you need to be shaved again," Seth said and almost pushed me to the bathroom.

As a standard in-between, both of us had one of our cold shower treatments and this time just like Seth I was able to make it up for the entire 10 minutes.

"Wow, Chokee. You'll become like a true fighter robot. Very good, I'm proud of you. Now come here and we'll do a wet shaving. And I guess you know what and where to play while I'm doing your head," Seth said.

I nodded again and knew my duties by heart meanwhile. Seth positioned the stool directly in front of the hot water stream and set down on it. I kneeled down between his legs and right away started playing with Seth's tool, while Seth put shaving cream on my head and started with his treatment. Fortunately I knew what service Seth expected from me so that he wouldn't get distracted from his task. A few times only he used his hands to re-adjust my position.

Still while shaving me, Seth suddenly said:

"Chokee, you know that you're one of the very few of whom I don't get bored. You really know how to make and keep me hot. You're my absolute favorite and that's good."

The words felt like honey in my mouth and I replied:

"Thank you, brother. This is really an honor. `Cause nothing and no one compares to you."

Seth laughed shortly, went with his hand over my shaved head and then said:

"I know, Chokee. A part of you just needs his master and no one can dominate you like I do, huh? Be sure that I will always fuck the shit out of you and that you'll always stay under my full control. And I don't give a shit how dominant you may behave towards others."

"I will always accept your absolute leadership," I replied and looked Seth straight into his eyes. "Please believe me."

"I do believe you for the moment," Seth told me with a smile after a short moment of checking out the truthfulness of my words. Then he gave me a friendly slap on my face and went on:

"But don't get any ideas. Just like you I need variety and there'll many other fuck toys as well. But this doesn't change a thing about us and the special bond we have. Understand, bitch? And now let's go and move on with our training. Come on!"

I nodded and we left to Seth's room, where I could put on a fresh sweatsuit. Then we left to the center downstairs.

Seth continued with an intense kickboxing lesson and it was clear to me that this session also served as a kind of preparation for my night assignment.

"You remember last time when I told you about the different categories of strikes?" Seth asked me.

I nodded.

"Ok then. The main focus this time will be category 2. I want you to scare the shit out of this guy so that he will never dare approach the kid or us again. I want him definitely out of our way forever, understand? And for one body part, you may also go to category 3, the scum should always have a nice ever-lasting memory of today's event. The knee by the way is always a good part. Seeing him limping afterwards is not the worst thing. Category 4 is absolutely out of question this time. And when one of us tells you to stop, you immediately do so. Clear?" Seth barked at me.

Again I nodded: "Absolutely, brother. I'll have my emotions under control, I promise."

"Good. And be careful, the scum will most likely be armed with a knife or even a gun maybe. So your first task will be to disarm him. But you went through these techniques with me and Lars several times already, right?"

"Absolutely, Seth. But I don't think that this is gonna be a problem. Most likely this scum will show me his weapon right away to scare me off. So I'll have sufficient time to react. And thanks to you and the other brothers I really feel in great condition now. The asshole won't have a chance," I replied.

Seth laughed and gave me a friendly hug: "You really have guts and you've learned your lessons well. I like your self-confident attitude now. Seems that you're now living according to the values of the brotherhood and share the true spirit of a fighter skin. Very good!"

Our intense training ended after a little less than two hours. Again we completed the session with my shakes and one of our usual steam room sessions which, due to my sucking skills, provided additional protein for me.

Then we had lunch with the other brothers upstairs, which was fun as usual. All of us were very relaxed and it was good to see that meanwhile I had been fully accepted. We discussed where Keith would sleep, but it became clear pretty quickly that, also because of Keith's experience the other day, Phil would be the perfect match. Phil accepted gladly. I was very happy that no one in the group got the idea to ask me, 'cause my nights with Seth felt sacred for me. I got even more relieved when Seth, after the discussion had ended, was looking at me and confirmed:

"Don't worry, you stay with me of course. I told the brothers already before I need your ass around me full time in my bed."

Seth then put his hand around my shoulder to give his words an even greater meaning. I smiled at him thankfully and again I could see how Seth was able to direct discussions before they even started.

Then Tom came, took his arm around me and then told me that Chris-Boy had waken up meanwhile. He said that he was still weak but that I should continue with my education as quickly as possible so that he would be subjected to a constant routine. When Seth heard that, he also nodded. I agreed immediately and with my hands put some of the remaining food on a plate. I also got some water and put the stuff on a tray. Then I went to Seth's room and got changed; I put on my combat pants, my boots and my white swastika muscle shirt. When I looked at myself shortly in the mirror, the result I thought was quite convincing; together with all the new ink by Lawrence I really looked scary. Then I took the tray and opened Tom's room.

Chris-Boy sat on the only chair and was shaking a bit. He really looked bad, but different from the night before he was fully conscious. When he saw me, you could see the immediate unease and fear in his face, 'cause he was expecting something bad. But because of his fear and in spite of his weakness, he tried to get up to show his respect (as he obviously had learned meanwhile). I liked this, 'cause it confirmed my authority over him, and so it made my tool grow a bit. Without a word I put the tray on the only small table in Tom's room and ordered without looking at him:

"Come here and eat this!"

The kid immediately followed and first took several deep gulps from the water. It seemed like he had been close to dying of thirst before. While he started eating the chicken, I was walking around the room and around him, 'cause I needed to move my ass to get clear thoughts into my brain. Also, my constant moving made the situation more unpredictable for Chris-Boy, which I also liked.

"You look like shit," I started the conversation. "And during nighttime your performance was also pretty shitty."

I started a cigarette and when I noticed the kid's lustful look, I got closer and offered him one puff; he accepted immediately and inhaled deeply, while I was still holding the cigarette. Even in this position I wanted him to feel that he was completely dependent on us.

"Normally you shouldn't have anything like this in your withdrawal period. But anyway, for a weak soul like you, I think this exception is pretty much necessary, huh?" I asked him in his ear.

Chris-Boy nodded and went on eating. I didn't talk until he was done. Then I said:

"Get up now and always look at me while we're talking, understand? And here have this and do some curls. This should help to distract you a bit."

I handed him the small 3 kilogram biceps curl and made sure that he immediately started with his exercise using his left arm.

"First one arm for around 3 minutes and then you switch. And don't stop! The weight should be acceptable, even for a shit head like you. Clear?" I continued.

The kid nodded and then did as he was ordered.

"How do you feel now?", I asked him.

"Honestly, not good yet. Two hours before it was even worse," he answered.

"At least, you're honest with me now. See this as a sort of punishment for all the bad things you did already in your short life ... the stealing, the pimping, the drugs and all the other shit. We all get our reward at one point."

When saying this, I got closer to him again and exhaled the cigarette smoke in front of his face. I could feel that the poor kid now existed only of pain and fear and because of that his breathing got quicker again. For a moment I got even closer so that we had full body contact now and, because I was taller than him, his belly could feel my crotch and vice versa. On his side, again, there was no reaction whatsoever. I could realize once more how incredibly thin the kid was - something, I thought, that had to change quickly. After only some seconds of this intimacy, I switched back to normal and barked at him:

"Don't stop with your exercises and keep looking at me when I'm talking to you."

"I'm sorry, brother. Please excuse," Chris-Boy said and started with his curls again now using his right arm. I realized with quite some pride how obedient the kid had become.

"The good thing is that your physical withdrawal period should be done by tomorrow. So from tomorrow morning onwards, we will start with our strict routine. And you'll accompany me and the other brothers all the time. You'll do only what you will be told. Your job is to follow. Believe me, you won't be alone at any moment, you'll be watched by one of us all the time, nothing else. There won't be any privacy for you anymore. Your only task will be to serve the brotherhood. Did I make myself clear enough?" I said with a clearly threatening tone in my voice.

After a short pause and again close to tears Chris-Boy answered: "I don't have any other choice. I will do what you guys ... I mean ... please excuse ... I will do what the brotherhood will ask me to do."

It was funny to see that when Chris-Boy used the term 'guys' and he saw my aggressive reaction, he immediately changed his language. For my part, I was satisfied for the moment.

"Fine. Seems that you're at least honest now. Believe me at one point it will be a pure pleasure for you to serve, 'cause that's the essence of human existence. But it'll be a long way to get there. For now you will clean up here a bit and bring your empty plate to the kitchen. And also clean yourself and have a shower. I will look after you later again. And I wanna see you in a better condition than now ... at least on the surface. Understand?" I told the kid.

He nodded once again and then made a shy attempt of speaking up. I interrupted him sharply and barked:

"Speak loud and clear when you want to talk to me."

Chris-Boy made another attempt: "Brother, it's just that I'm also scared of my former gang now. I owe them money and they're really dangerous. I'm sure they wanna kill me and when they find out where I am now they will also try to go after you."

I could sense the ultimate fear in Chris-Boy's trembling voice. I looked at him calmly and made a short pause when he was done. Then I replied:

"We're going to deal with it. Believe me, the brotherhood can solve this problem and will do so. You have nothing to deal with it anymore. Understand? Your only job for now is to serve us and our joint cause. Clear?"

Chris-Boy nodded and I could see some relief in his face, because my voice now had become more supportive. He also felt that the brotherhood really had the power to solve this problem for him.

Before I left the room again, I looked back once more:

"By the way, when did you have a hard-on last time?" I asked.

The question obviously took him by complete surprise; he blushed a bit and didn't answer right away.

"When I ask you something, you look at me and answer straight away. Don't mumble and speak clear! Is that so difficult for a shit head like you to understand?" I said quite aggressively.

"Brother, I'm sorry. But the last months were really hard for me. I had so many things to do for the gang and most of the time I was also concerned about getting drugs for myself. So there was not much time for other activities," Chris-Boy now answered.

"So, what you're saying, is that you haven't been a man for quite a long time - in spite of all the pimping you did. Amazing, really! And also sad! You've really become quite an empty shit head by now. Needless to say, we need to change this as well. What we need here, are only real men," I said to Chris-Boy and then continued with a slightly friendlier grin:

"You have a long way ahead of you. But maybe you're going to make it. Depends completely on yourself. As I told you, there's not much choice for you anymore. Either you make it this time or there'll be nothing of you left ... I mean physically. For now, go on with your exercises with the barbell that I brought for you and wait until one of us returns. Hope this is clear enough and also so simple that even a shit head like you can understand."

As a form of affirmation, I briefly put my hand on his left shoulder and then left the room so to start the second half of my day - with Lars and another ink session with Lawrence, both of whom were real perfectionists in their fields.

Next: Chapter 33

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