A Rapid Change in Lifestyle


Published on Feb 15, 2020


Dear Nifty-Readers,

I hope that all of you had a good week full of fun. Thanks once again for all your positive feedback on my previous chapters. Now Chapter 18 is out. The introduction into the hot and hard world of RAC rock music and the bands continues and the big gig is finally taking place. Chokee has a lot to do to keep all brothers at this special event happy. But he still has enough time to enjoy himself and get to know Keith, the popular student from Dan's history class who is equally fascinated. It seems that Chokee's doing very well at managing his first assignments. More and more he is becoming a valuable brother.

Again, please let me have your impressions so that I can work on improvements for the next chapters. Your comments really help to make the whole storyline more consistent.

And finally, as usual please don't forget to make a donation to Nifty if you can. The guys are doing a really great job helping us express our free minds.


And now please enjoy Part XVIII, hopefully still with the same hot feelings of adoration for our hero and for the other skin brothers. Especially for the event in this chapter you should leave your zip open right from the beginning.

A RAPID CHANGE IN LIFESTYLE/ Chapter 18: The Big Event at Stealth (Part 2) (slightly revised)

While we were heading back to the ground area of the center, I suddenly stopped and turned to Lars:

"Can I ask you something, brother? It's bothering me a bit."

"What is it? But keep it short! We have to be quick now, since the event's starting soon."

"It's about Paul and what happened yesterday. Can you help me to understand the situation a bit better?" I said.

Lars looked rather annoyed at the beginning:

"Why do you wanna know? Besides, Phil told you already."

Again it was amazing to see how well-informed the brotherhood was and how efficiently information was conveyed to each other. So I could be sure that Seth, Lars, and Phil were talking regularly about me. And of course Lars would also report this conversation.

"Please, Lars. It was a very intense situation yesterday. I never saw Seth that angry and aggressive," I said.

"Except when Seth and you met for the second time back in the room where we just came from, right?" Lars gave me a dirty grin when saying this, and started a new cigarette.

Then he continued:

"But anyway, here is the short summary: Paul's nothing but a rat. He always wanted to be very close to Seth. Of course this was mostly because he was fascinated by all the power he has. And the rat started telling lies about me and Phil and making Seth suspicious. Might be that at the beginning it worked a little, but Seth is far too loyal, conservative, and intelligent to forget about his few long-term friendships. I told Seth my feelings about Paul and so we arranged some testing to see whether I was right. First we provided him with some wrong and outdated information about the brotherhood and of course told him that he must keep this secret under any circumstances. Then, by giving the police a tip, we arranged a partial arrest of the group and made sure that Paul would be part of this. Big question now was whether Paul would sing or not. And you can be sure that right from the beginning and without any hesitance, he told the cops every detail that he believed he knew. So they came to the compound here holding a search warrant in their hand. They were looking everywhere, but of course couldn't find a thing. At that time we knew about Paul's true character. Seth of course was outraged and when Paul showed up trying to "explain", he was seriously beaten up by Seth, Phil, and myself. Believe me, it was way heavier compared to what you went through. Paul was pleading for his forgiveness and his life. But different from you, his pleas were without success. Of course Paul couldn't kill him right away, because the cops would have found out. Therefore we brought him back to his place, but Seth promised him that one day he would have to die. And that's where we are right now."

I listened to the story and was fascinated:

"And will you do it? I mean, will Seth stick to his plan?"

Lars looked at me quite astonished and replied:

"Chokee, how often do I need to tell you that we are living as a brotherhood here according to a certain codex which is set in stone. And whoever joins us and breaks the rules has to bear the consequences. Paul committed the most serious crime you can think of. He's a traitor, a backstabber and has no right to exist anymore. And getting back to your question: Seth is a true believer of the spider theory. So he loves to see an enemy getting trapped more and more and finding no way out. And only when everything has failed and he's completely alone, then the lethal strike would come. That's how he - no that's how we- treat our victims and this is highly efficient, believe me."

"It's quite scary. It seems that Seth has so many different personalities," I replied.

"When you play by the rules, he's the best comrade you can think of. He would rather die before leaving you alone or not helping you. True, he's quite possessive, but he always keeps his promises and you can count on him in any situation. Phil told you about what we had to go through in the orphanage, right?"

I nodded and again I learned how quick all information was passed among the brotherhood.

"If Seth hadn't been there, Phil and I would either be dead by now or we would live half dead as drug- or alcohol- addicts in an asylum. It was only him who helped us, and that as a complete stranger back at the time. And do you know what he was asking for in exchange?"

I shook my head.

Lars continued:

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. He did it out of friendship. I will never meet a guy like him again. So be proud that you caught his interest and that he likes you! Turn this into an eternal friendship like Phil, I, and the others did. The fucking and fooling around is nice, but it's not the very essence of what you should have with Seth. Does this make sense?"

I nodded.

"Thank you, brother. Your explanations make a lot of sense to me. I think I'm now even more addicted to him."

Lars laughed again.

"Don't tell him this! Say that you've become even more cock-addicted to him. These are words that he understands and prefers to hear. And now let's go upstairs. It's gotten really late and we must start now."

While we were walking upstairs, Lars suddenly put one arm around my neck. Again I could inhale his strong man scent, when he said:

"Listen, Chokee. There is one more thing that you should know. Seth asked me to tell you that in advance so that your services must be prime-standard again."

"What is it, brother?"

"You remember Dan from NO REMORSE whom you just met? Well, he's a high school teacher for history and physical education and, also because of his looks, he's extremely popular among his students. So he has very good access to potential new recruits. Through some extracurricular activities and over the years, he made quite some of his boys become interested in our movement. For us that's a huge step forward, because the brotherhood always needs to broaden its base. So Dan made it possible that some boys will come to the concert tonight. They are still quite young, 13 or 14 or so and as such still quite insecure. But on the other hand it's the perfect age to start fooling around, 'cause at that age you can form their way of thinking easily. Seth and the brotherhood want you to take special care of them. Be extremely nice, don't shock them and make them feel welcome and part of our movement! Seth will also talk to them and try to make them even more interested. Our goal should be that at least some will come to the center and practice regularly. The rest will then add by itself. If we achieve this, they will learn about our ideas and values quickly. After a short time, they will try most likely to become skins as well. So, think of yourself as a true converter in this case! It's an important task that you have been assigned to. Understand?"

I nodded and said:

"As always it's just an honor to help. Back in my old life people normally always liked me and I didn't have to try hard. Maybe that's a quality that can help here. I will do everything I can."

"Good. You look hot and interesting and that indeed helps by nature. But please don't scare them off with your cock addiction right away. You can have that later on. Capisce?"

We both had to laugh, when Lars said that.

"I will try my best," I added, still with a grin on my face.

"And finally, Chokee," Lars went on,

"Don't drink too much tonight. Tomorrow's training will be hard as usual, both in the morning and in the afternoon. We need you in good condition. So three beers at maximum. Understand?"

I nodded and finally we returned to the Martial Arts' center area at the ground level, where quite some action was still going on.When we got back, the rearrangement of the place for tonight's event had been completed. At the entrance they had put some tables for merchandise sales like CDs, DVD's, band t-shirts and other quite hot stuff.

When we arrived, Seth came up to me, smiled, and said: "There you are finally, Chokee. Phil started already looking for you. Where have you been?"

I told Seth that Lars gave me an introduction to the bands and that I had enjoyed it a lot.

"And obviously not only this, right? Lars was also helpful in some other way as well, wasn't he?", Seth looked at me and smirked dirty.

"I, I ...", I mumbled and got insecure.

Seth laughed loud, gave me a hug and replied: "Chokee, why do you feel embarrassed now? I told you that this was fine. You're a man. And as such fooling around with another man like Lars must have been fun."

"How do you know already?", I asked.

"Not difficult at all, brother. I just need to look at your cum stains on your t-shirt and your pants, which are still wet by the way." Now Seth's laughter got even louder and I started to blush.

"Come on, stop this drama. As a man you need to have fun. And you really look quite hot like this by the way.", Seth went on. "I hope however that you kept your promise and didn't come."

"Yes of course. Lars and I made sure that this didn't happen. But it's getting harder and harder for me. I'm really under constant tension now. So please, brother, allow me to come tonight, when we will be together after this event."

Seth smiled, gave me a slight slap on my cheek and replied:

"Wish granted. But now go to Phil and start your shift. He's been waiting for quite some time already. And be super nice to him! I don't want him to feel second class, ok? And then Lars already told you about the highschool students tonight. I really wanna catch their interest and I need you for that, 'cause you're still younger and more connected to their world. Clear?"

I nodded and replied properly:

"Completely understood, brother! You can count on me!" Then Seth left again and turned to other brothers or better granted audiences.

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Seth was right that due to what happened in the basement my gear didn't look completely clean anymore. My pants also got a little dirty and indeed there were some stains all over from Lars's cum. All in all, I really looked quite wild. But for tonight's event this was just the way it should be, I thought to myself. Also, I would take my t-shirt off later on anyways. But when I looked in the mirror, something else was pleasing me much more: only a few months earlier I only had the typical nice English guy look, there was nothing specific or impressive about me. I was just someone you wanted to be friends with. When I was looking at myself now, the picture had really changed. Of course, this was also due to the gear that I wore, my shaved head and also the tattoo on my neck. But this alone didn't make it. 'Cause what I could also see was the changed expression in my face: the look in my eyes had gotten much more determined and, what was even more important to me, `cause I had adored exactly this so much about Seth and the others. My face muscles and especially those around my jaw had become ways more defined. So, my nice guy expression had been replaced by a much more violent look, and I liked that a lot about myself. And of course, my whole body composition showed much more muscle beef now. Certainly, there was still some way to go, but there was a clearly visible beginning.

Suddenly Phil stood behind me. I hadn't heard him, because for some moments I had been completely into myself. He was dressed in tight dark blue teachers and black combat boots and was already topless. Because he had gotten very close to me I could feel his semi-erect hard-on on my ass. Again, because I liked Phil and his looks, this was not disagreeable at all, rather it was a turn-on. to which I responded by moving my ass cheek up and down a bit.

Phil smiled at me and obviously enjoyed this treatment, 'cause he had closed his eyes for a second. But Phil also looked a bit annoyed.

"Chokee, where the fuck have you been all the time? I had been waiting for you for quite a bit now. It's past 7 and the party's starting NOW. Quite a number of people have shown up already, including the high school kids, where Seth needs you in particular. So come now!"

Before we went to the bar area, Phil took my hand and pushed me into the bathroom. I was quite surprised, since I didn't know what to expect. Then, after a short moment when Phil was only screening me, he suddenly got still a bit closer to me so that his cock was now pressing even harder against my ass as if he wanted to start fucking me. Then he laughed and spoke more quietly into my ear:

"To make myself 100 percent clear, I don't mean that you should come in a way that was in your head when you got here, right. That's up to Seth anyway. What I meant was that you move your fucking hot ass immediately and help me."

We were both laughing on this one. Suddenly Phil gave me a hot kiss and our two tongues were fighting against each other for quite a bit. While we were touching our asses, two skins entered the bathroom. When they saw us, they just smiled and made a sign that we shouldn`t let ourselves be distracted by their presence. We continued on fooling around for some minutes and then finally left the bathroom with a huge hard-on for the bar area. Outside I ran into one of the skin brothers who had been in the bathroom with us. I smiled at him a bit shyly and then said thank you for being so understanding with us back in the toilet. He looked at me, gave me a killer smile and then a firm hug. Then in quite a sudden move, he pulled me towards him and whispered into my ear:

"You`ll have your fun tonight, ok. Seth is a great brother and leader. And as his mate, whenever you need something, let us know."

Again I was amazed how well-informed each comrade of our brotherhood community was. I smiled back at him and then I went to my working place behind the wet bar where Phil already waited impatiently.

Meanwhile, quite a number of people had already come to the place and a long line of brothers was gathering at the entrance to get tickets. They were rather cheap, only 15 GBP. The bands and those events as I later learned were mostly financed through private donations both by the skin brothers themselves and by quite many wealthy people who wanted to demonstrate their support for our cause at least by way of their financial support. Real RAC bands always insisted on cheap events, 'cause what they hated most was setting up some kind of money barrier; that was always completely offlimit. Of those who had gotten inside already, quite a number of people were busy buying merchandising stuff, very often t-shirts showing the band names or having other patriotic motives.

Around 80 percent of the attendants were true hardcore skins, many of whom I'd known or had at least seen already working out at the center. The other 20 percent were new faces and mostly they looked pretty insecure at the beginning.

At the bar, there were already three other brothers and of course Phil helping out. On one of the barstools, Semi, Lars' (so-called) new girlfriend was sitting. When I passed them, I could see that one of Lars' hands had already gotten between her legs and obviously the hand must have been doing an excellent job, 'cause she was moaning softly. At times Lars also gave her a hot kiss which the cunt reciprocated immediately. When I saw this, I couldn't help but get a bit jealous; deep in my soul I saw Lars as one of the most important brothers and him being distracted by a cunt just didn't quite fit into this picture (yet). I was thinking about this intensively, also because my own tasks still were pretty limited.

Suddenly I saw Seth with a group of junior guys who didn't seem older than 14 years maximum who were standing around him. That for sure must have been Dan's high school class. As told before and also because I wanted to get physically away from the action between Lars and Semi, I decided to join the group.

When I approached them, Seth began to smile, gave me a comrade-like hug and told the group:

"Look, guys. This is our new brother Choke. Say hello to him. He's really working hard on his body and his mental power and only within some months he has made incredible progress. He's my man and he should be your idol from now on, if you also wanna achieve something like this."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Seth was paying me a huge compliment in front of others. I would have never expected that. And, even more important, he called me "my man" in front of the others, a term that he often used in the presence of others when he referred to me. Being described like this made me enormously proud. And so I smiled a lot when I heard all that.

The group consisted of 6 or 7 typical early teenage students belonging to the upper middle-class (just as I had done before joining the brotherhood). From their way of talking I could notice quickly that a guy named Keith with dark blond hair and an angel-face was the leader of the group and of course he still felt quite insecure in this environment. He was dressed in light blue jeans and a white t-shirt, but without him realizing, this made his ass and his whole body look super hot. I could immediately sense the guys' strong admiration for Seth's body. It was clear to me that he was already daydreaming and imagining himself looking and behaving like him. And that of course served as the angle for beginning the conversation. Seth was also super nice to him and showed him around the place. For my part, I tried to enhance this familiar atmosphere by handing out beer to the group:

"I know, guys, that you haven't reached the legal age yet, but tonight should be special. I guess your professor did a lot that you could make it here. So don't you wanna join?" I asked and was already passing the cans.

Naturally for their age, they did everything in their power to appear as full grown-ups already and started drinking pretty much pretty quickly. Needless to say, I induced them heavily to do so by drinking health many times as often as possible. Because I was not allowed to drink too much I used a trick right from the beginning. I had a tequila bottle with me that was mostly filled with water and only a little tequila (so to keep the odor) and which I constantly used for drinking health so that the guys believed that I was joining them every time. I guess you can imagine that the entire group got into a high mood rapidly.

"This place is amazing," Keith suddenly told me. "I didn't know about it and we also didn't know about Mr. Meyer's hobby as the lead singer of a band. That's so fucking cool."

"You mean Dan," I said. "For tonight, please call him Dan. That's more natural."

I took a deep puff from my cigarette (of course without filter) and offered one to Keith. It had already gotten clear to me pretty quickly that in order to turn the group into followers, Keith was key. He took the cigarette, but didn't start smoking yet. So in order to push him, I held my lighter under his nose. Of course he didn't want to appear like a wimp and so took the cigarette in his mouth, lighted it and started smoking. When looking at him I immediately saw that this must have been one of his first cigarettes ever. Keith quickly got quite pale in his face and did everything to suppress his urge to cough. I really acknowledged this effort and thought that this guy had guts. Then I shortly went back to the entrance area and looked at some of the merchandising t-shirts. One I liked in particular. It showed a huge tank on the front with an iron cross having the number 1488 inside. On the front it had the following inscription in Gothic letters:


On the back there was the band emblem of NO REMORSE in the form of a scull and the latest tour dates. First I wanted to decide for the t-shirts, but after thinking a bit, I went for the tank top form. I took ten of them and went back to the group. Before I got there, I could see Lars again whose zip was meanwhile fully open and who was all over Semi. She was still sitting on the barstool but due to Lars' complete possessiveness didn't have a chance to move anymore. All of Lars' efforts were now directed at the cunt. When he saw me, he gave me a dirty smile and only a few moments later grabbed Semi on her shoulder and pushed her into one of the bathrooms. He didn't have to use a lot of force, 'cause she willingly followed. I waved at him shortly and returned the smile (even though deep inside I still wished that the cunt would no longer be around Lars). After that I returned to the group and whispered into Keith's ear:

"Keith, as I said, it's a special night. So maybe it's a good idea for you and your mates to wear these. It would make Dan happy to see that his students follow him and now belong to his fan base. After all, he went to quite some effort and took a personal risk to bring you here," I said.

I passed the tank tops to Keith and the group and made them change their tops immediately, in public of course. While they were doing so, I had a chance to check out each of them quite thoroughly. I could see that each of them, but in particular Keith were physically pretty well-built and that Keith also had the perfect V-shape for wearing a tank top. I could sense that the atmosphere with the kids had meanwhile become very familiar so I took the liberty to hug Keith and spoke again into his ear:

"Make yourselves feel really at home tonight. I'm sure you'll like the music, even though it might be a bit unfamiliar at the beginning. But just throw yourselves into the moment, ok? And if you need something, just tell me. I'm around all the time."

At the end, I gave him a friendly slap on his cheek. Quite surprisingly to me, Keith felt perfectly fine with all that right from the beginning and so I could see that all these totally masculine surroundings had already taken full control over him. And even better, I was sure that he would convey this feeling to the rest of the group as well.

I decided to take everything even one step further and asked Keith:

"Would you or your friends like to take some training classes here?"

Keith's expression in his face immediately told me that he loved such a thought, but that he wouldn't have had the guts yet to ask by himself. So I went on, again establishing as much body contact as possible:

"You could have such classes with Seth, if you want."

Keith looked very insecure now and replied:

"It seems to me that Seth and probably also most of the other trainers are far too advanced. For them we would most likely be too boring."

"Don't say that. Let me ask Seth later. Maybe he will make an exception and I can also arrange some kind of special for you and your friends," I replied.

Keith couldn't believe his luck and, completely unmotivated, gave me a huge hug. All that showed that, once the body contact was established, Keith for his part couldn't stop. He used every opportunity to get closer to me and asked many further questions about Seth, the center and the events that were going on there. Whenever he explained or asked something, he used one of his hands to touch a part of my body that he obviously found very attractive. Of course I let him do all that. Seth saw it and acknowledged my social skills by raising his thumb. So I just knew from that time onwards that I had Keith entirely in my pocket. I now got a little more aggressive, touched his ass quite fiercely, and said:

"Listen, brother. The concert is starting only in a few minutes. Why don't you and your friends move over to the concert area to get a good place so that all of you can see Dan doing his show. I have some work to do now, but I'll join you later again."

Keith didn't object at all when he was called "brother" by me. He also didn't object when I turned around and, making it look like a total coincidence, touched his crotch. What I found was quite amazing: he was already half-erect. Of course I kept my hand there and within no time he had a complete hard-on. Now I wanted to demonstrate to him that I also liked his presence. Therefore I went behind his back and, with quite some force, pushed his lower body against mine. Now he was able to feel my hard fully-erect cock as well, while my other hand was still around his crotch area. Keith immediately got crazy about this position, 'cause he did not only not object, but rather wanted to keep it for as long as possible. Whenever I made an attempt to move away from him, he always found a way to follow me so that the body contact would remain intense and he could feel my throbbing tool. This made me smile and I had to think about the young kid's obvious enormous libido that hadn't been taken care of so far - similar to my case up to some months ago, with the only exception that I was older and a little more experienced. But anyway, my goal now was to make Keith and his followers addicted to the music and the atmosphere, as soon as the concert started. So after only a little further fooling around, I withdrew and got back to work.

The place had meanwhile gotten pretty full. There were at least 500 brothers or so. Most of them had come with their fellow brothers, some came alone and only very few - just like Lars - had their skin girls with them. But again, as it was the case with Lars and Phil, those girls were only focused on satisfying their masters. It didn't appear that they wanted or were supposed to talk with others. This kind of patriarchy was something that I started to enjoy more and more since I came to the center. There was just no room for senseless discussions about equal opportunities, diversity etc. - in short all the stupid talk that I once had with Cindy. Instead, everything had a clear order with the brothers on the absolute top.

After having served everyone who wanted to have more beer or absinthe, I had to take a leak before the concert started. So I went to the bathroom which was already pretty full. When I finally got to the urinal and opened my pants, I could hear deep moans from the toilet cabin behind me. I turned around and saw that the door was not fully closed. So, what I could watch was a totally hot scene between Lars and Semi, who was kneeling on four legs and with her face down looking at the toilet bowl. Lars was also on his knees and fucked her heavily from behind. He was using a lot of dirty talk to stimulate himself.

"Oh you stupid bitch. Tell me that you need this. You want it rough and dirty from your master, huh?," he said and gave her a hard slap on her ass cheek. The cunt was moaning heavily in return.

When I heard and saw all this, I got into a much better mood again. Why? Because I noticed that Lars was treating Semi much more like an object compared to he had done with me before. When we did our thing in the basement some hours ago, I felt that he was much more attentive to me and my needs. True, Lars, Seth, and the other brothers would be no one whom you could describe as gentle or sensitive. That was not their nature. But in my case - most likely also because Seth had told him so before - Lars had tried hard that I also had some fun and that I didn't get hurt. In Semi's case, however, everything was only about satisfying his rawest urges and of course there was no one who would have dared tell him something different - just the way it should be, I thought. So I was happy to see that I still was subject to a privileged treatment.

When I was done with peeing and while closing my pants I stopped for a bit in front of the toilet cabin. When Lars' and my eyes crossed for a minute, I gave him a thumbs up, which he returned with a big smile and with an increasing speed fucking his cunt.

I was washing my hands and was looking at myself in the mirror above the sink, when I heard Lars coming. He came loud and without any restriction. He screamed "FUCK, that's it. You're my bitch, so take everything! Make your master happy!". When Semi also started to moan and prepared for her own orgasm, Lars got really angry and shouted:

"Stop being selfish. Focus only on me for now, stupid bitch! I'm not done yet. Wait until I have filled you up. Understand?"

The cunt obviously obeyed and also out of sheer fear stopped any noise coming from her. When I heard all this, I had to smile and was even more at ease, 'cause obviously for Lars doing a thing with Semi had almost the sole purpose to satisfy his own needs - again just the way it should be, I thought to myself. It was nothing - and definitely not a cunt - that could alienate him from me or his other brothers.

When I finally left the bathroom again, almost everyone had already moved to the concert area. Meanwhile it was around 10 already. Then I saw Seth, who came to me and asked whether I was having a good time. I nodded and smiled. Then he got closer and told me:

"Listen, Chokee, only one more thing, where I need your help. It sometimes happens that because of the great atmosphere and the drinking some brothers will freak out a bit and want to show their strength and power. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Show fights between brothers can be quite some fun and they are also a really good training tool. So we should leave them their space, especially today. Only when it's getting too rough, will Lars and I intervene. But still we will treat the brothers with all our respect, understand? And now back to your task: you will take care of their scars and bruises to the extent that's necessary. In all backrooms there is first aid equipment and that you'll use to help the brothers. Ok?"

Again I nodded, but got a bit scared of what would come. Seth gave me an affirmative hug and then went back to his group that was already waiting for him.

Now, the lights went on and on stage appeared, of course dressed in total skinhead gear and partially topless, all band members of NO REMORSE and KOMMANDO SKIN. The masses were already cheering "hail" and, motivated by the two frontmen, were raising their right arms. Then the performance began and everyone was watching.

The first song they played together as a starter to get into the right mood was already quite a strong one and was called PROUD. One part of it went as follows:

We keep the spirit alive.

We know we have to fight.

Listen to these important words!

We must all unite.

We don't want to lay our lives

in the hands of the reds.

Our nation needs us more than ever

So come along skinheads

If you're proud of our nation

They try to tear you down

If we're proud of our nation

This pride will never drown

The crowd cheered heavily, some of the brothers were already in some kind of trance condition after this first song and moving their bodies heavily. And in the middle, there were already some brothers who wrestled against each other or tried other moves to prove their physical superiority. Almost everyone was screaming loud and often raising their right arms. One brother in tight blue jeans and a black t-shirt with the logo DON'T COMPLAIN; FIGHT TO DEATH appeared to be the most committed one. He had a beautiful oval face, but the expression in his eyes was rather aggressive. And due to his muscled body, he appeared the strongest one in the group. So to prove his superiority he stomped heavily with his steel cap boots on the ground. When he saw me, he ordered another beer and when I passed the can to him, he smiled and gave me a firm hug. Naturally I did everything to please him.

The next song they played was called STAND TRUE and the main text was again pretty aggressive and made the crowd go completely crazy:

There will be a time when every man

will have to make a stand.

Will you be amongst the few

who fight to keep our land?

Does the flame still burn in your heart,

'cause it still burns in mine.

You know you gonna make the choice,

because we're running out of time.

At that point the mood of all comrades listening to the music got really hot. They were screaming and shouting and raising their right hands all the time. The whole concert area had the odor of total masculinity - a mixture of sweat, beer, piss and cum. The bands were making use of this momentum so that they played more aggressive songs. One was called FUCK YOU ALL and triggered something like a volcano with the crowd and the refrain that they sang several times was:

Fuck you all, you cannot change my thoughts and my beliefs.

I won't surrender to your lies and I won't doubt my ideals.

Whenever these lines came, the entire crowd was singing like crazy together with the bands.

The muscular skin brother who before was stomping so aggressively, was now completely out of bounds. He was screaming again and again FUCK YOU ALL and then started a fight with a smaller skin brother who at first was happy to join him. It didn't take long and the stronger brother threw the other one on the ground and was now sitting on him. Fortunately he didn't use his full force, 'cause he obviously knew about his power. But he slapped the other one all the time in his face. The smaller one, however, was not inactive but tried to kick the crotch and the ass of the strong one with his legs, and sometimes he did so successfully.

After some minutes of joint watching Seth came and separated the two. Again it was amazing to see what authority Seth had, 'cause the two brothers, even though you could see the rage on their faces, obeyed quickly. Seth was even able to make the two brothers hug each other again and confirm that there were no bad feelings left. Since both were bleeding - in particular one out of his nose and the other one from a laceration below his eye - Seth told me to take care of both of them in the backroom.

Of course I did as told and the two were following me. In the backroom I found the first aid collection quickly and started to clean and disinfect the various wounds of the two brothers. Meanwhile the stronger one had introduced himself to me as Max, whereas the smaller one - who also appeared quite well-trained - said that his name was Pit. While I was treating both of them - which they obviously enjoyed quite a lot - it appeared that the original fight between them had long passed. As if nothing had happened, they were joking at each other and drinking health with the beer I had passed to them at the beginning of the treatment. When they were supposed to have their final drink with our house absinthe, Max and Pit shortly looked at each other, then both nodded and suddenly opened their pants.

"You should not only take care of our wounds. We need some further extra attention. So kneel down and help the both of us! NOW!" Max shouted.

I became pretty surprised, because I thought that both were still suffering from pain. But instead the two positioned themselves next to each other to make sure that I could take care of both tools in equal parts simultaneously. Since I truly liked what I saw and I had fallen completely in love with the skin world, all this didn't seem like a burden or awful obligation to me. Instead, after fully understanding the situation I just wanted to suck their cocks and provide them with ultimate pleasure.

Within no time Max and Pit had freed their tools and each of them had forcefully grabbed my head with their hands so that I could find the right rhythm and spend sufficient time to suck the tool of each one.

"The comrade is amazing. He just knows how to treat a man. This fucker has really unique swallowing skills," Max moaned loudly while bringing himself into an even hotter mood.

"That's true. Seth's new favorite is just like a Harley on the highway," Pit said and both laughed out loud. Then they made a thumbs up sign which made clear that they really enjoyed themselves.

While I was in turn sucking Max's and Pit's cocks, we all could hear from outside a song called THE REBELLION, where Julian, Kommando Skin's lead singer, was screaming the following lines in the microphone:

Get up your asses, go out on the streets!

Time is slipping away and talk is cheap.

One action speaks louder than ten thousand words.

Raise a rebellion and your voice will be heard!

The music and the sticky and sweaty atmosphere in the small backroom - the odor of total masculinity- gave us all the rest. Suddenly Max and Pit started screaming and were now jerking each other's cock heavily. They were also exchanging a hot and intense kiss.

"Oh FUCK, I'll shoot my load now," Max suddenly screamed and within no time spurts of cum came from from his cock. I tried to swallow a bit, as I had learned from Seth, Lars, and the others already, but this time everything went just too quick. So the cum landed basically everywhere, on my face, on my clothes, and on the floor.

Shortly thereafter Pit also had to cum. Because I was still too exhausted and probably also to keep the place clean it was Max who knelt down quickly and took Pit's cock in his mouth. And Max really made it and drank the entire load. For Pit of course, Max's warm mouth must have been an amazing experience, 'cause he was screaming and moaning like crazy.

In this hot atmosphere it was of course difficult for me not to cum. But I told myself that I wanted to stick to the promise I had made to Seth. Also, I was just too frightened to risk another volcano outbreak of Seth. All that helped that I kept the ability to restrict myself.

After a short break for recovery, all of us got up and dressed again. We all agreed that this was a hell of a night and we should repeat this soon. When I left the backroom, the bands were already about to start their next song and I had to continue with my barkeeping obligations. I had been away from Phil for much too long anyways. But I was sure that Phil deep inside understood, 'cause I was having the time of my life at this very first gig. While I was reflecting a bit over what had just happened on this specific night, the two bands started to play another song called ALL WE WANNA DO. This song gave many brothers including myself the rest and we all moved and danced like crazy, most of us with a drink in our left hand and simultaneously raising our right hand. Now the joint mood was at its absolute top. The main lines of this song went as follows and most of the brothers just joined singing:

Been worked all week like a slave by the boss

Now here comes the weekend, just don't give a toss

There are no rules, don't care and it shows

Might get lucky. 'D.F.F." who knows?

It's all we wanna do on a Saturday night.

Yes all we wanna do is drink, fuck, and fight.

It's all we wanna do on a Saturday night.

Yes, all we wanna do is drink, fuck and fight.

When I sang these lines together with many other brothers, I felt better than ever - even more so: I felt relieved from my old life and any stupid restraints that existed in there.

Next: Chapter 19

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