A Rapid Change in Lifestyle


Published on Feb 1, 2020


Dear Nifty-Readers,

I hope that all of you had a good week. Thanks once again for all your positive feedback on my previous chapters. Now Chapter 16 is out. What follows is that our Chokee gets some serious on the job training on the human psyche. And for that kind of training by his master Seth, Chris-Boy turns out to be the perfect object. Good that Chokee, who also has to prepare for the big event at Stealth, catches up quickly. 'Cause his ultimate goal has not changed: he wants to impress Seth and be his favorite brother.

Again, please let me have your impressions so that I can work on improvements for the next chapters. Your comments really help to make the whole storyline more consistent.

And finally, as usual please don't forget to make a donation to Nifty if you can. The guys are doing a really great job helping us express our free minds.


And now please enjoy Part XVI, hopefully still with the same hot feelings of adoration for our hero and for the other skin brothers that you had when this story started:

A RAPID CHANGE IN LIFESTYLE/ Chapter 16: Necessary Preparations for A Hot Night

I must have fallen asleep. But only half an hour later Seth woke me up with a friendly, but yet quite heavy slap on my face and said:

"Now it's really time, Chokee. Make yourself ready and move your fucking ass, 'cause you're needed downstairs for preparing tonight's events. For sure the other brothers have already started. But before let's choose a nice provocative clothing combination for you! Of course, everything will look even better, once you have more tattoos and piercings and also have more beef on your bones. But for now, since your body shape is not completely bad, it'll work this way too."

He chose once more the white muscle shirt with a black sun wheel in red color on the front. On the back it said P.C. WANKERS FUCK OFF and thereunder was a red circle in which the following words were written:


Of one thing I was sure: had my Mum seen such kind of blank - but also honest - statement, she would have freaked out. Fortunately she was not in a position anymore to have a say in the way I looked. I had to smile when thinking about that.

Then Seth was looking for appropriate pants and obviously wanted something different from what I had worn all the days before.

"I definitely want you in combat pants tonight. This gives you the kind of aggressive look, in which I wanna see you from now on. So you better get used to it," Seth said and chose a pair of very tight dark green pants with a camouflage pattern and ordered me to try them on immediately. I followed without questions and found that they looked extremely hot. Was it that only some weeks ago I still felt rather embarrassed that the tight shape of my pants made every reaction of my body, especially my crotch, visible, I now started to like exactly that about my pants. They were really showing what you had. It had helped a lot that Seth had been telling me many times that for a man there was nothing to be ashamed of - especially if he had an erection; for him this and his entire sexuality were the most normal things in the world and he also acted this way.

He gave me a black belt with a silver buckle which in the middle had a swastika symbol engraved. Thereafter he told me to put on my black combat boots. I had already become quite talented to bind them.

Seth himself put on a black t-shirt which said in Gothic letters:


He also wore tight blue bleachers.

After putting on the socks, he looked at me sharply and said:

"Chokee, I hope you learned your lesson some hours ago, didn`t you?"

I nodded:

"Of course, brother! You are the leader, you decide and you have absolute authority over me! My fate is in your hands."

"Very good. So come here, kneel down in front of me and help me put on my boots!" Seth said and, only after a deep puff from his cigarette, continued with a dirty grin:

"Dont worry! I wont degrade you in public unless you don't behave and you really deserve it. In public you may fool everyone and appear as an admired fighter skin. But when the two of us are alone, you will always demonstrate your absolute loyalty and obedience to me. Clear?"

I nodded, came forward and kneeled down directly in front of him so that my eyes could directly see his crotch. Then I took his boots and helped him get into them. And finally I bound the braces for him. When I was done, I looked up to him to see whether he approved of what I did. He looked quite content, but then said:

"Don`t you think that my boots deserve some polishing? Go and get the shoe polisher over there and use a little spit to make them really shiny."

I did as told and after some hard work with my spit, the polisher, and a wet towel, Seths boots looked like new again. Also Seths expression in his face told me that he approved the result. When I was looking up to him from my kneeling position, I saw his crotch again and again it was just too hard to resist and therefore I came with my head close to his bulge and started to sniff his man scent. Immediately I got an erection.

Seth started to laugh: "Seems that your cock addiction is calling again, right? We need our boy in top form tonight. So there's no room for any hidden urge at the moment. So go ahead and show your talent!"

Seth lit a cigarette for him and remained standing in front of me with spread legs. I couldn't believe my luck and unbuttoned Seth's pants, This was quite easy because Seth helped me with his body movements. Immediately his fully erect cock greeted me and with my already fully developed blowjob skills I was able to take his tool fully into my mouth immediately. Then I started sucking his dick, while I was also stroking his balls with both hands. Very quickly Seth got into his high mood, held my head firm and was moving his lower body with growing speed to fuck my mouth heavy.

"That's it, brother. Do what your obligation is! Do it well and show your master your full commitment!" Seth screamed.

I just loved this treatment. Immediately after joining the brotherhood, sucking a brother's man tool had become one of my top favorites and making Seth as my absolute superior happy was something that caused additional joy in me. I accepted that this was not so much about me but about showing respect, loyalty and commitment to Seth and so to live up to the core values of the brotherhood. That didn't mean of course that I didn't have fun. On the contrary, I had a full hard-on and so I tried to open my zip while I continued my treatment of Seth's cock.

"No way! Your zip remains closed. You're only focusing on me. This is still supposed to be a punishment" Seth, again behaving as my watchdog, shouted. And with his heavy boots he immediately forced my hands off my crotch. At least he didn't hurt me when doing this; again he turned out to be the master of using the appropriate degree of violence.

I obeyed of course right away and instead increased once more my swallowing speed. In addition I touched and stroked Seth's upper body with my right hand.

"Yeah, that's good, brother. Worship my muscles with your hand. You're addicted to me and that's how it should be. Tell me what I am for you. You know what I wanna hear", Seth moaned.

"You're my master, Seth. You're my only authority, you're THE LAW for me. You decide everything!" I whispered.

"Louder! I wanna hear it with a clear voice!" Seth screamed, but this time not so much out of anger, but out of joy.

So I repeated and almost shouted the words, while I was choking his cock with my hands. Seth supported this with his own hand and shortly after I had ended my words he groaned a load "FUCK" and started to come heavily. The first streams came right to my nose and eyes. Only thereafter I opened my mouth again and tried to swallow the remaining shots. Seth was like in heaven, he had his eyes closed and, typical of him when he came, also increased the force of his hands. He was holding my head so tight that I could not only move at all any more, but also got slight problems breathing. Fortunately, this only lasted a few seconds and then Seth had full control over his body again. When seeing that he used too much force, he slowly loosened his grip again. He made me stand up again and gave me an intense kiss.

"Sorry, Chokee, I don't wanna suffocate you for the moment. But sometimes I just can't control myself, 'cause you're so fucking sexy. But I know my full body strength is still too much for you. I'll behave now."

When saying this, Seth took the rest of the cum from my face with his hand and made me swallow it. This was something which I just loved and I tried hard not to spoil one drop and lick Seth's hand clean. Seth acknowledged my effort with a deep smile and by nodding. After another kiss he looked at me and said half jokingly:

"Look at yourself. This time I just came too suddenly, right. Quite some cum got spoiled and went on your shirt. On the other hand that's not too bad. It's good indeed, if the brothers see from the stains on your shirt that you are quite an active fucker. So leave it on, ok! Only clean your hands and face a bit!"

I went to the bathroom and did as told. When looking at myself in the mirror, I really liked what I saw. Sure, it was completely different from the Daniel That everyone knew not even two weeks ago, but on the other hand I could already see my growing body definition. My face had a much more decisive look and this was of course also supported by my new neck tattoo and my bald head. In short, I had clearly started my journey of changing from a typical teen into a true skin fighter. And that was something that made me proud and of course grateful to the brotherhood. With Seth's help I had become someone completely different.

When I got back to Seth's room, he was already waiting impatiently and said:

"We really have to join the brothers downstairs now. But before we should look after your friend once more who is locked in the other room. He really shouldnt dehydrate, so we have to spend a few minutes there. You come with me, cause as I said already earlier on he will be your sole responsibility. And I really hope you can make something out of him, because if not, then ... But you wouldnt want to think about it for now. Put on your jacket and come with me now. Maybe youre going to have some revival experience." He gave me a dirty grin after saying the last sentence.

Seth first brought some water from the kitchen and also took some other things from his rooms that he put in a bag. Only then we walked in front of the door of the other room, Seth unlocked it and we got in - Seth of course first and me following in a distance - of course also to make clear that he was the number one. As soon as the guy saw us, he freaked out. Even though still very weak, he moved from his mattress and kneeled down immediately.

"Please. I havent talked to anyone. Why dont you believe me? I do, I do, I do sw...". Then his voice surrendered and he was no longer hearable, even though he still opened his mouth. Obviously the guy expected to be beaten up again and he also felt that, had that been the case, he probably wouldn`t have survived such treatment. He also put his hands in front of his face - another useless attempt to protect his head from the hits that he expected.

Only then it came to my mind that the outfits that Seth - probably again on purpose - had chosen for us didn`t give the impression that we had peaceful intentions. Our combat pants and boots, the bomber jackets and also the tattoos would have had a strong intimidating or even terrorizing effect on anyone outside the brotherhood and so it was logical that a guy who just had no more energy left was scared of us like shit. I knew for sure that Seth took enormous joy from the feeling that an opponent was left completely in the dark what would come next. Together with causing mere panic on the other side, it was part of his fighting technique. Taking any form of defense away from his opponent meant for him that the intensity of his own attack could be lowered. And that in turn meant less danger and less effort for him. I was reminded of my business management classes back at school and thought that Seth's combat style was fully in line with all forms of cost efficiency considerations. When thinking about this, I had to smile a bit at myself.

On the other hand of course the entire scene was still quite new to me. But I started as well to gain pleasure out of the fact that someone respected me also out of fear. I had never experienced that before, because I was so much used to being just a nice guy of whom no one was frightened. I had also never given the feeling to anyone that earning respect was of particular importance to me. In my old life I just tried to be Mr. Nice Guy and avoid any discussion or argument. Now, in my new environment - which already felt like home - it was so much different. Your own value depended on the degree of respect that you received from your comrades. And your belonging to and position within the brotherhood meant everything. And so, for the first time in my life, the feeling that the guy who was kneeling down in front of us obviously paid respect also towards me, was good and satisfactory. This didn`t necessarily mean that I wanted to beat up the poor guy even more - though my level of aggression against the bias of the outside world had increased significantly since I had joined the brotherhood. And I also shared the belief meanwhile that a stranger - before even considering him as being worth becoming closer to or even a part of the brotherhood - needed to learn his lesson. Only then he would fully obey and pay the brotherhood the respect that it deserved. And this guy kneeling down on the floor did exactly this - no matter that he did it also and most of all out of fear for his own life.

Seth took an even greater joy out of this situation, `cause he let the guy go on pleading for some further minutes. During all this time he was screening him like an x-ray machine with his steel-blue eyes.

The guy on the floor was now close to a total break-down, because he couldnt hold the balance anymore and his upper body began to fall down on the floor. Before that could happen, Seth with a quick jump forward caught him and gave me a sign that we should put him back on the mattress again. Then he sat down on the mattress himself and put the head of the guy over his upper legs. He ordered me to hand him the water bottle and then held it in front of his mouth. The guy, fortunately still conscious, started to drink like a maniac - just the same way that I did more than one week earlier. Seth nourished him with the water, a procedure which served two purposes: first he was too weak to hold the bottle himself, second this gesture demonstrated once more the guy's complete dependency on him and the brotherhood. Again I noticed that Seths sense for symbols and symbolic gestures was outstanding.

From his jacket he took out the asthma spray to enhance the guy`s breathing capability and shot one zip into his mouth. While doing so, he ordered me to get a blanket from the other room and to cover his body so that he would receive sufficient warmth. My feeling was that only by then the guy realized that he would not be subjected to any further beatings (if he behaved well). He started to calm down and the breathing for him became a bit easier and more regular.

"Ok, you little wimp, now go on and drink this mixture!" Seth pointed to a small red bottle that he had taken out of the bag. "Its vitamins and a body function enhancer. Go on and do as I say. No resistance, I warn you. Otherwise I'll kick your ass even harder than ever before. And dont be a total fool, in case you should think it`s poison. As you saw, we would have much better and more efficient ways to kill you. We don't need poison for that."

He opened the bottle and put it closer to the mouth of the guy. The expression in his eyes meanwhile had changed to total surrender. Obviously he couldn't fight anymore and was ready to drink the content of the bottle no matter what it was. So when the bottle neck finally reached his mouth, he started swallowing the liquid as told.

"Good boy!", Seth nodded. "And now the final stage for tonight, take these three pills. They will provide you the best and most recovering sleep you can think of. Tomorrow you`ll wake up and feel like reborn, believe me."

Seth put the pills in the guy`s mouth and gave him the rest of the water in the bottle. Again no sign of resistance and we could clearly hear when he swallowed the tablets.

While the guy swallowed the pills, Seth whispered into his ears with his iron voice:

"From tomorrow onwards the brother whom you see here will take over." He finger-pointed in my direction. "And youll do everything that the brother tells you to do, clear? Because hes reporting directly to me. And guess what happens when Im getting bad news? I think you dont wanna know. Anyway, first thing tomorrow we have to think of a good name for you. Because Christian is obviously quite ridiculous. We need something that speaks more for your wimp character, but let`s see."

At the time when Seth spoke the last words, the guy who at the beginning had still nodded, started already to fade away and sleep. Before putting his upper body back on the mattress, Seth, by checking with one finger in his mouth, made sure that nothing had remained in the guy`s mouth.

"Not that this wimp will suffocate out of stupidity and that I`ll have you as my constant accuser." Seth smirked sarcastically at me when he said that.

After making sure that nothing had remained in his mouth, he put the guy back on the mattress, took his pants and his jacket off and covered him with the blanket. Then he put another bottle of water next to the bed on the chair. He also left some basic stuff to eat as well as a plastic bucket which he put in front of the bed; he explained to me that this could become useful in the unlikely case that the guy would wake up during the night and needed to take a piss or to throw up.

When I saw Seth doing all this, again I admired his multifaceted personality even more. Seth was now in the modus to ensure the survival of a person. And also in doing this he was a perfectionist and didn't forget one single detail. He even made sure that there was sufficient oxygen in the room. At that moment he almost appeared like a doctor. When Seth was done, we left the room and Seth locked the door again.

Outside the room Seth turned to me and asked in an inquiring manner: "So what do you think? What did you learn from what just happened?"

I answered that this situation had reminded me of myself more than one week ago and that I was grateful that Seth now treated him quite kindly and that I was impressed about his medical knowledge.

Seth looked at me a little amused, but also half annoyed, and then replied:

"This was not exactly what I wanted to know or hear, airhead! But anyway, since it is now already past 5 and we have to help the brothers downstairs, here comes a short summary, brother. Learn from this! Number 1: You can see from this experiment the enormous importance of plain water for our body. I told you about that already many times during our training. But in order to stay in a good condition, you have to drink more water and appreciate it more. Number 2: Always avoid panic. This guy reacted exactly the same way as you did when we started our little rendezvous. You mentioned that already. You can see by yourself now that if you have a true adversary on the other side, panic brings you nowhere. So, stupid, follow strictly the methods and advices in the mental training sessions that you`re having with Lars. This guy is a real genius when it's about overcoming the original limitations set by your mind. Do you get this, fucker? You need to overcome all and any fear against pain or other forms of maltreatment. Once this fear is gone, you can make reasonable decisions also in an extreme situation and with an extremely high probability rate will find a way to solve the problem. Because in any situation there are also options against your adversary."

Seth took a deep puff from the new cigarette that he had just started, waited for a second, and then went on:

"And since were speaking already of probability rate, here comes number 3 that you can take as an essential from what youve just seen: I told you after my treatment this morning that this guy with a likelihood of 95 percent didn`t talk, right? Ok, now the likelihood is more than 99 percent. Why? Because this guy felt death approaching and therefore had no reason anymore to lie to us. And still he stuck to his original version. When facing death, almost everyone tends to tell the truth. So you saw quite a useful exercise, didn't you? In short it's just what I'm saying: sheer terror always works on people to get the truth."

Seth was laughing loud when saying this. And I knew that he was right

I was amazed again about Seth`s analytical skills and his sharp intelligence and physically left with my mouth open. While we were walking already downstairs, I said to Seth:

"Youre the most amazing person Ive ever known. I learn so much from you. I wanna be your comrade number 1 for the rest of my life."

Seth was quite positively amused when he heard that. Then he went on:

"Well, don't be a drama queen, airhead! For once behave like a real brother and don't dramatize all the time! ... But since we speak about observations, I was also watching you during the scene in this room."

"And?", I asked somewhat unsure and even a bit intimidated.

"Well, for one: youre hot for this guy like hell. But that I told you already. Dont deny it, its also nothing to worry about. After all, youre a cock-addicted male and its clear that you have your urges. Whats more interesting is how you think about him."

Meanwhile my mouth was completely open, because I felt screened and being nothing but an open book to Seth.

"Come on, Chokee, dont think that Im stupid, only because I didn't have your smart ass education. You would just love this guy to suck your cock. Also youre not fantasizing about being fucked by him. This is my sole privilege anyway and you know about that. No, you started dreaming about fucking and dominating him, right? And that brings me to the last point of my observation. Meanwhile you enjoy having power over someone, huh? Isnt that true?"

I couldn`t believe it. In his short and precise manner Seth described 100 percent of my true feelings.

I said: "Im like an open book to you. I really dont know what to say anymore."

"Fucker, all this is ok and comes natural. Actually its more than just ok, its good. I told you many times that youre going through a massive change right now and as a true fighter that you are close to becoming its completely normal that youre looking for someone whos clearly inferior to you. Therefore I had the idea that the guy will be your responsibility; it`ll be your pet, so to speak. But on the other hand, you must also take full responsibility for the results of your work. And of course you will report exclusively to me every detail, understand?"

I looked into his screening eyes and nodded immediately: "Yes, Seth. I`ll report daily to you. So, are you saying that I can fool around with him?"

Seth smiled sarcastically and then replied:

"For god's sake, how often do I have to tell you that loyalty, respect, brotherhood and all our other core values are one thing. Mere sex is something completely different. And of course, as a hard-working brother, you need to have opportunities to have your natural urges satisfied. Its exactly the same with me. So dont get the idea that I wont use cunts or other boys or men anymore to fulfill my fantasies. I will, thats for sure. But does this change anything about the special bond were having with each other or even the way I treat you in bed? Absolutely not; its entirely different. And so getting back to your question: of course you can have fun with this guy, absolutely nothing wrong about it. The only exceptions are being fucked. But in the case of this guy, that's out of question for you anyways. But fucking you is so far only reserved to me only, clear? And of course you wont hide anything from me, you will tell me every fucking detail that I want to hear. Dont even try to lie or to leave something out. I`ll find out anyway."

"I will never lie to you. As you said, it would be worthless anyway, `cause you know me like no one else. And you have the eyes of a hawk. And what about Phil and Lars?", I asked.

Seth smiled at me mischievously:

"I also know, Chokee, that you`re extremely hot for Lars. I saw how you looked at his unique body and how your insatiable cock-addictiveness came through. Once again, nothing wrong with that! Accept him as your absolute authority for your training sessions. This guy is a true master and knows his techniques much better even than I do. And for the fun part: do whatever you two think is worth exploring. You may also kiss him or Phil and fuck with them, if you want. Only the coming is so far reserved to me. But Lars and Phil know about this anyway and since we have such a long history together, I have full confidence that they would never ever do something which I wouldn't approve. Believe me, a lot of people tried and it never worked. So just let them take over and guide you a bit. And one last thing!"

Seth now looked at me pretty much amused and had a sarcastic smile on his face:

"The two brothers are quite hot for you, too. Or why else do you think they sent their cunts away over the weekend? And by the way, dont let any mistrust arise between Phil and Lars. They are and will always be my favorite comrades and brothers. So even if you may only be hot for Lars at the moment, dont show it. Be also super nice to Phil! Understand?"

"Of course, brother. I wanna be a good addition to the three of you and I don`t wanna harm your existing bond in any way. Please believe me!", I said.

"Good. And now the final point that I think you know already. Should there be anyone else in whom you start to develop an interest or who is interested in you: you talk to me first BEFORE anything happens. That means we decide jointly first what you may and may not do. Fucker, Im really serious here! Dont let your cock-addiction destroy the bond between us. At any time, this bond should be more valuable to you than your sex drive. Understand?"

"Yes, comrade!", I said. "I will control myself. But this is also part of my training. So I will be able to handle this. Can I make a last request please?".

"What is it? Speak up!"

"I have a suitable name for the guy whos locked in the room. Lets call him Chris-Boy. And if he makes it to the brotherhood, maybe he'll also make it to Chris ... just like I will make it to Choke once I am done with my program."

Seth looked at me and smiled: "Approved. But I think, if it goes on like this, you`ll become Choke much quicker than he will convert into Chris."

"Thats the way it should be. After all hes subjected now to me. And as his only authority I need to be much ahead of him, right?", I looked at Seth in some street-smart way.

"You seem to learn quickly, Chokee. I`m quite pleased."

When we were climbing down the stairs to the center in the hallway, Seth shortly put his arm around me and said:

"Chokee, the future is with us and the brotherhood! There`s still so much fun and action ahead of us."

At that moment, when we were alone in the stairway, he gave me one aggressive kiss again, where his tongue completely occupied my mouth so that I was unable to respond in any way. Needless to say, I felt like I was in heaven again. From the bar I could hear already the lyrics of a song called PROUD TO BE LOUD, which perfectly reflected what Seth had just tried to teach me and the kind of personality I desperately wanted to become:

Well I've always believed

In real freedom of speech

And I've always been the one

Who did what I preached

Love it or leave it

I'll give you the choice

But it'll snow in hell

Before I shut up or lower my voice

I live it, I breathe it

I gotta have more

It's full blast

And this means war

The power, the glory

It's calling my name

I'll never start to

Play their fucking senseless game

Cause I am








Next: Chapter 17

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