A Rapid Change in Lifestyle


Published on Jan 19, 2020


Dear Nifty-Readers,

I hope the new week started well for you. Thanks a lot for all your positive feedback on my previous chapters. Now Chapter 14 is out.

What follows is Chokee's growing intimacy with the other brothers. Seth fully supports Chokee's integration process, but also remains a myth for him, since his personality has so many different facets. Needless to say, Chokee's fascination and addiction to the skinhead scene not only remains strong, but is even more increasing after getting to know the other brothers.

Again, please let me have your impressions so that I can work on improvements for the next chapters. Your comments really help to make the whole storyline more consistent.

And finally, as usual please don't forget to make a donation to Nifty if you can. The guys are doing a really great job helping us express our free minds.


And now please enjoy Part XIV, hopefully still with the same hot feelings of adoration for our hero and for the other skin brothers that you had when this story started.

A RAPID CHANGE IN LIFESTYLE/ Chapter 14: Fun with The Guys on Saturday Morning (slightly revised)

Some weeks passed and my new way of life had become more and more normal for me. I just loved being among real men and being taught what true comradeship and real values meant. Seth had made me question everything about my old life and had done everything that the philosophy of the brotherhood would be my only new guidance. He gave me a lot to read about values, materialism, the falseness of our so-called liberal society, and how an ideal society based on the principles of strict hierarchy, a true elite of fighters, and social justice should look like. Even though in general Seth hated nothing more than unsolicited questions, he was ready to take the necessary time and answer all my questions, which partially were really stupid and immature. But the success of this strategy really worked well, 'cause I could virtually feel my growing attraction to the clear, plain, and radical views of the brotherhood. Seth and also the other brothers really did everything to set a solid, undestroyable, and everlasting basis for my new way of thinking, which within a very short time had become an integral part of my new personality. Needless to say, also my growing fascination for the hard RAC music beat helped a lot to support this process. In this respect, especially Phil gave me all the necessary guidance and taught me all I had to know about the bands, the different music styles, and new developments; he also took me to several concerts which was a really unique experience and which caused a huge positive blast in my mind. Together with my rigid regime of physical and mental training, my new looks, and the fact that I was only exposed to Seth and the other brothers during this critical phase, it didn't even take two months and my old life appeared like an eternity away from me. Seth was extremely proud of the new fully committed brother that he had created. Of course I was still a recruit and had to learn many things. But both physically and mentally I felt already like a changed man now and I got over my (awful and weak) past. It no longer presented any problem for my further development and the only thing I wanted was to advance in the brotherhood and not get bothered by anyone else, in particular not by someone of my old family.

One Sunday after a hot night at Stealth, Seth and I woke up in the middle of the night again. While his fingers were playing with my ass, Seth looked at me and said with a devilish smile:

"Chokee, I'm far too soft on you. It's because I really like your ass. But you better be careful and behave, clear?."

These words tasted like sugar, 'cause I knew that this was the maximum affection that Seth allowed himself to show. Thereafter he kissed me aggressively and turned me around. He covered our two bodies with the blanket and I could feel his semi-erect tool on my stomach, while he stuck his muscular middle finger into my butt hole and made it appear like the most natural thing in this whole fucking world. Again, the warmth and closeness of his body as well as his man scent brought me to the absolute edge and made me horny within no time. But after another extremely hard night shift at Stealth, I was just too tired and so without any further action my eyes closed almost automatically again.

It was only after 11am when I opened my eyes again, because I smelt coffee and could hear the hard and heavy beats of some really good RAC classics. One song titled ROCK'N ROLL RESISTANCE perfectly described yesterday's spirit at Stealth and our way of life:

Don't you play your crap to us! Your music is not our choice. Don't you tell us mainstream is okay. Don't think you can speak for us, 'cause we've got our own voice. We're skin fighters and we're choosing our own way!

You mainstream sounds are bullshit It's got no appeal to me. We've got something way better of our own You're fucking bullshit - can't you see? The seeds of revolution have now been sown.

You promote the degenerated, 'cause you're frightened of the truth but people will awaken to your lies. You've already failed to corrupt our country's youth, 'cause bans like ours are opening up their eyes.

Suddenly, while still day-dreaming a bit and trying to move my still extremely stiff body to the beats of the music, I saw a muscular hand offering me a cup. When I looked, I found out that the arm belonged to Phil who gave me one of his killer smiles and said. "Hey, brother, morning. You want coffee?"

Gladly I took the cup and already the first sip felt amazing ... just like coming back to life. When, after starting my first morning cigarette, I finally felt ready to take a look around the room, it was Seth, Phil and Lars who besides me were sitting or partially laying around in the room. They all had only shorts on and in almost regular intervals they used their hand and were playing with themselves. The three were also smoking and drinking coffee and were showing by every move how much at ease they were with their manhood.

When some minutes later Lars offered me my second morning cigarette, I gladly took the offer. After the first puff, I had again this overwhelming feeling of being surrounded by total masculinity in this room; four muscular manly guys drinking coffee and smoking and typical man scent filling the air of the entire room ... this was just indescribably awesome and I couldn't get why ever, at least in my dreams, I had wanted a cunt being next to me when waking up. Probably it was again something that other people, in particular my mum, tried to force into my head with me just following without asking questions. Better late than never that these radical changes were happening to me, I thought to myself.

Clearly, Cindy couldn't have offered anything even close to what I was living out now and indeed it had meanwhile become a total turnoff even thinking of her for a short moment. Fortunately, these times were over once and for all, I thought. When waking up with the brothers on that particular morning, it became totally clear to me that I wouldn't want to give up this feeling of total trust, companionship, and plain masculinity for anything. And even though I was still a little sore round my ass because of all the heavy fucking last night, the whole atmosphere started to make me extremely horny again and by now I had also been trained by Seth and the other brothers to behave like a man.

As so many times before it appeared again as if Seth immediately was able to read my mind.

"Wow", he started the morning conversation, "you behaved like a pretty wild cat yesterday, brother! You're by far not the typical twink guy anymore, huh?" He laughed and took a deep puff. "But don't you think that something is quite unfair here?"

I didn't understand and looked at him a little helpless.

"Well, Chokee. Lars is helping you incredibly with your training program, right?" Seth said.

Of course I confirmed and I nodded.

"And you have him almost exclusively for your mental program which is a core part for making you a true fighter skin. From what I've heard, you're responding very well to his training, right?"

I nodded again.

"So, you think, it's fair that the brother hasn't gotten anything from you in return yet? Phil and I could at least have some fun yesterday. But Lars? And don't forget: there's no cunt available, 'cause the brothers sent them away over the weekend also because of you. So once again: don't you think it's time to show some gratitude?" Seth looked deep into my eyes with a slightly sarcastic smile.

I didn't know what to say. Seth was right that I hadn't yet taken care of Lars. And it was also true that Lars' training was among the best. So with some guilt on my face I looked at Lars:

"I'm sorry, comrade. But I was very tired yesterday and I didn't see you any more. But is there anything I can do for you?"

"Good that you ask at least now. I showed you already yesterday that I'm hot for you. So, come here between my legs and give me a show of your outstanding blowjob skills. They should be world class after all. It's true that the two other brothers obviously have become crazy about it."

Lars' tone when saying this was half serious and half joking and the way he said all this made him extremely sympathetic..

Thereafter Lars looked at me in a rather challenging way and often I could see his jaw working. With his muscled and toned body and only shorts on, he looked like an antique Greek sculpture of an ideal warrior. His right hand was inside his shorts and one could see that he was playing with his meanwhile fully erect cock. As ordered I kneeled down and positioned myself between his legs. Within no time he lowered his shorts, grabbed my head and with one heavy move he put his dong into my mouth. I got the impression that his tool size-wise was even slightly bigger than Seth's. But meanwhile I was not afraid anymore and had full confidence in my sucking and swallowing qualities. And after only a minute or so I managed to have his entire stiff cock in my mouth. In addition, with my right hand I was playing with Lars' balls.

Lars enjoyed this treatment a lot. Typical of him, he didn't speak as much as the other two brothers while having sex. But his way of moaning and the firm grip of my head by his hands told me that he totally enjoyed my efforts. I looked at Seth and Phil who were watching the entire scene and had started playing with themselves more intensively. After some minutes, Seth got up, positioned himself behind me and whispered into my ears:

"Chokee, you're doing a great job. Show your comrade your respect and that you care for him. Make him feel that you're fully loyal to him. Come on, do it, bitch!"

I tried as best as I could and obviously my performance was not too bad. After some minutes Lars took his cock out of my mouth and looked at Seth:

"Brother, is it ok, when I fuck Chokee at least for some time? I'm really into him!"

Seth looked at me and wanted to have an answer from me. So I responded:

"Listen, comrades. I still feel a little sore in my ass. Can you please prepare my butt properly?"

The reaction of the others showed me that meanwhile they have really accepted me as one of their brothers who, different from the rest, really counted. 'Cause Seth seemed to really care and said:

"Ok, Lars. But for Chokee it should also be fun and not just pain. So use a lot of spit and don't be too rough!"

Lars really did an excellent job and had prepared his tool and my ass really well with his saliva. He entered me and there was hardly any resistance that I showed. On the contrary, I was laying on my back in missionary-position and enjoyed his pushes immediately. Seth and Phil also laid down next to me and gave me the necessary comfort.

"Good brother! You're doing great. Can you feel how you make your comrade and brother happy? This should make you proud. Your bond will be unbreakable from now on!" Seth whispered into my ear.

Phil added thereafter:

"He's just a natural talent!"

The talk made Lars even wilder. He increased his pushes and now had total control over me. With him, I just knew however that he wouldn't hurt me. Meanwhile, this was out of the question for him. I trusted him completely.

Suddenly, Lars moaned:

"Oh brothers, I'm cumming. Chokee, you take now my cock into your mouth and swallow every bit. You understand!"

Lars got out of my hole pretty suddenly and then grabbed my head so that I would immediately replace my ass by the warmth of my mouth and continue with my services to his tool. It didn't take long and Lars came powerfully. Typically, he didn't scream as loud as the others, but his grip of my head was far tougher than the one of Seth or Phil. He made absolutely sure that there was no way for me to retreat and that his cock had to stay all the time in my mouth. Hadn't I already become used to this kind of games, I would have panicked or even suffocated.

After some minutes, Lars found his voice again and said:

"This was just awesome. No cunt on this earth can keep up with him. That's for sure. Brothers, what an awesome start into the day, isn't it?"

We all were laughing heavily. I looked at Seth and he immediately understood that for some reason I wanted him now. Maybe it was that I wanted to demonstrate to the others that Seth was still number one for me or maybe I just needed the affirmation from him that there was still this special bond between us. So Seth got closer to me and whispered into my ear:

"Chokee, still ready for a second round with me?"

Of course he knew and didn't wait for the answer. He smiled when he saw the glance in my eyes. He then turned to the group again and said:

"Hey, others also want to have some relief. What about Chokee just laying down and I will enter him, while Phil and Lars are doing a circle jerk-off and we all try to come simultaneously?"

They all agreed enthusiastically.

"Just to be clear, mate. The coming does not apply to you. I still need all your aggression for the ongoing change of your personality, clear?", Seth added and smirked.

I nodded and then I laid on my back. I couldn't wait for Seth approaching me. I just wanted him to penetrate me, no matter whether I was sore or not. He raised my legs and finally I could feel his tool - that he had prepared with a lot of spit - getting into me, the feeling as usual was amazing. Seth then started with his fucking movements and intensified his speed quickly.

"Yeah, Chokee, that`s it. Your ass is just amazing. It feels terrific. No one can make it up to you. Especially no cunt! You're top!" Seth moaned at me.

"Please stay inside me. I need it. I`m your loyal dog. You're my master!" I whispered.

"Tell me that I'm your god and your only authority. There's absolutely no one except me and the brothers, you hear me? Say it!" Seth screamed and put one of his muscular hands round my neck.

I immediately did as told and repeated what he wanted to hear. This made him even hotter and he was fucking me now even wilder.

During this entire performance Lars and Phil had kneeled down around me and were jerking themselves off. This and of course the fucking by Seth again produced an undestroyable, everlasting image of total masculinity in my head that brought me to the absolute edge. It didn't take long and Lars was the first who started moaning and screaming again. What an energy package, I thought to myself. He came heavily on my chest and stomach again (as if he hadn't cum only minutes before). And immediately he started collecting his cum again with his fingers and bringing it to my mouth.

"Drink it, brother. Please, I hate it if my manhood sperm is wasted. Take everything! It's pure protein and you also need it for your tough training, right."

Of course I did as told, first because I was sure that Lars' taste would be good and second because I wanted him to feel really satisfied. That was the least he had deserved. Also I was really grateful that they hadn't insisted on a joint fucking session as originally planned, but that everything ended as it should have been, with an exclusive fuck by Seth. And the swallowing finally was a huge turn-on for me, which made my own cock grow heavily. Seth however again made clear - just by way of looking and not saying anything explicitly - that for me, after yesterday's relief, there was no permission to come. I understood immediately and stopped touching myself. Instead I focused on the three cocks that were around me and which meant heavy work.

Seth came as second and, as it was typical of him, he made sure that my ass got filled with his entire cum. He was moaning and roaring heavily while ejaculating his precious seed. After Seth had shot his entire load into my ass, he gave Phil an encouraging look who immediately understood. The two switched positions and within no time Seth's cock was replaced by Phil's. Immediately he started with a heavy power fuck and it really took a trained brother like me to endure his fuck strokes. Phil's charming attitude with his typical killer smile had vanished completely and it seemed that the only thing that counted for him now was to demonstrate his heavy masculinity to me and all other brothers. He was screaming like a wild animal and I could see how the dirty talk by the other brothers was turning him on and made him behave even wilder.

"You bitch will take every bit of my hard and heavy tool now, understand! You're going to have the hardest time of your life now," Phil shouted and appeared completely out of control.

I guess for anyone who didn't know Phil as well as I did this whole scene would have been extremely scary. Meanwhile, I also understood why many cunts, after meeting this shining personality and then spending some nights with him, were often running away. They all just didn't know how to handle Phil.

For me however it was pure fun. First I meanwhile knew Phil and was sure that, even though he could develop the powers of a meg truck if he was brought into a rage, he wouldn't hurt me severely, 'cause for that we liked each other too much. Second, I owed Phil a lot since from my first days with the brotherhood he had been taking care of me and had done everything to make my life easy. And third, fooling around with him was pure fun if you accepted his total supremacy which I did.

Shortly before Phil was ready to shoot, he changed positions again and was kneeling down next to my upper body while stroking his manhood intensively. Then he positioned his cock directly above my mouth. He gave me a short sign to open my mouth once again and then he shot his entire load deep into my throat. He was screaming like a mountain gorilla and at that moment he was no longer Mr. Charming Guy but showed again his rough and wild nature. For me, however, who had meanwhile gotten used to swallowing cum almost all the time, the experience was delicious as usual.

It took some further minutes until we all regained our consciousness. Meanwhile it was past 12 o' clock, which for a lazy Saturday was ok. Phil again went to the sound system and put on some heavy music. The composition started with a song called HATEMACHINE by a group named NATIONAL BORN HATERS. Phil shortly turned to me and said:

"Listen carefully to the lyrics, 'cause this is going to be tonight's spirit at Stealth!"

Machines inside my brain,

this world drives me insane.

The only thing is hate

and I believe in my fate.

Hate is what you need,

hatewar is what you get.

The trigger is pushed by me,

Blitzkrieg is going through your head.

No one can stop me now,

extermination is my law

I fight my enemies

And you will find no peace.

The hard beat of the song was just amazing and I already felt strongly motivated, when we got up and all left for the bathroom. We took an extended shower and each of us, needless to say, had to do a cold water exercise. It was again amazing, because meanwhile I could hold it for more than eight minutes - nothing of course compared to the other brothers who seemed capable of doing this for an eternity, but for my still early standards it was at least a significant improvement which was also recognized by the other brothers.

"Seems that your fear from pain is slowly decreasing. It's mostly the mental training from Lars, right? Anyway, you're on the right track now, brother. But there's still a long way to go," Phil said in a very encouraging way.

After shaving - which also included my head again - and some tooth care we got dressed and met again in the kitchen, where Phil again demonstrated his cooking skills and prepared some eggs with bacon for everyone. All of us had only pants on and were still topless. What a manly picture, I thought!

Seth had another cigarette and told me:

"Well, Chokee. Here is the plan for the rest of the weekend. With your training, you have an off-day today. That means that we will only have our daily 8 mile run. We will do that half an hour after we have our meal here. Tonight you will have your shift at Stealth again, but this time it will be even harder. Because the place will also function as a concert hall. The two bands that are playing, Skrewdriver and Kommando Skin, are really heavy but good, and of course there will be quite a harsh and aggressive atmosphere. So you have to be super nice again, understood. From experience it will be between 400 and 500 brothers and comrades showing up, maybe even more. And there will be only around 15 brothers doing the bartending. So be prepared for some action! Different from yesterday, don't drink too much, 'cause tomorrow your regular training will resume again and you need the necessary energy. Of course, if necessary, you can and should fake that you're drinking. Phil will show you. Also on Sunday, we will have another visit with the ink man Lawrence. Have you thought already with what you wanna start?"

"Yes, I said. I wanna have the word RESPECT in gothic letters all over my back. I think this has a true meaning, because it is what has been pretty much missing in my life so far. Both the respect that I owe to others - especially to all of you of course - and also the respect that I deserve, but that I haven't gotten so far, in particular from my stupid folks."

Then I showed a photo of a tattoo as I wanted it to be.

Seth agreed, but added;

"Agreed, but you also need some additional provocative symbols. What about the black sun symbol or some letters in ancient Greek letters which stand for asceticism?"

Seth then showed me a picture from one of his books to give me a better idea of what he meant. I immediately liked the idea and the way the symbols looked. It had something mysterious.

"You know ancient Greek?", I asked.

"Yep. I learned it by myself when I went through all the ancient Greek history and read about the antique heroes in the old legends from whom you can learn a lot by the way. Just look at Alexander the Great for example. But anyways, airhead, do you think my brain cells are out of function, 'cause you look so surprised?" Seth asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Wow. You're just amazing, brother." I replied. I knew of course already that Seth was extremely intelligent and that read a lot. I just had to look around in his room, which was full of books. But that he knew not only Chinese, but also ancient Greek was really new to me.

"Why asceticism?" I went on asking Seth.

"Very simple. Because that characterizes our lifestyle. Money and material goods must mean absolutely nothing to us. STRENGTH, HONOR, RESPECT, LOYALTY ... these are the values that are everything to us and for which we fight. If necessary, to death! Should I ever find out at any time that you'll place some material thing above our values, you're out and I'll kill you. Money means nothing, it's just a toll to make other people do what we want. Always remember what happened to this traitor Paul! I'll kill you, plain and simple, if you ever violate that rule."

Seth looked straight into my eyes when saying or better shouting all this and had a very serious expression in his face. And again he placed one hand on my neck and squeezed a little. Within no time, the atmosphere had again become frightening.

Seth went on:

"Listen again: I'll kill you if you ever don't live by our values. They are sacred, they are the only law for you from now on. It's an honor to be part of the brotherhood and you should appreciate this every minute. Your appreciation cannot be great enough. So the brotherhood, not yourself must be everything for you from now on. It's about your comrades and brothers, not about you. And money means nothing, clear. We use it to further our cause, that's all. Our lifestyle remains plain and simple and absolutely no one and nothing can corrupt us. Do you understand this?"

I nodded and said:

"Of course, brother! But I didn't do anything that could raise questions about my loyalty, did I? Please, Seth, I'm really prepared to live for the brotherhood from now on."

Seth and I were looking straight into each other's eyes and I knew that Seth was in his screening modus and the most important thing was to withstand his steel-blue eyes and not to look away.

"Hey, I think Chokee really really got it. He's a good mate and so far he has proven it already. He was just asking," Lars said to ease the tension a bit, of course without provoking Seth.

"I better hope so. I don't need another backstabber in my close company. The Paul-experience was more than enough for me. The brotherhood and our values are the most sacred things we have. They are your law from now on. Always keep this in mind!"

Seth released his grip, gave me a hug and went on as if nothing had happened.

"Ok, it's set then. Your next tattoos will be RESPECT on your back, a black sun wheel on your left chest and maybe an inequality symbol on your right chest. And then of course the ancient Greek letters for asceticism on your right forearm. The even harder stuff like a plain swastika or the wings of a hawk will follow later and of course we'll also talk about that in advance. Clear?", Seth said and expected my formal approval.

All of us approved of course and so the new tasks for Lawrence for my tattoos were set. We kept on talking and chatting about this and that and I was again amazed how good and relaxed I felt in the company of the brotherhood. I hadn't experienced anything like that ever before. It was just toxic, addictive, and incredible. After some further minutes Phil and Lars left for the center. Obviously they had some customers to take care of. So, Seth and I were alone again and our daily procedure was supposed to start. This time however with unforeseeable difficulties.

Next: Chapter 15

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