A Quick Buck

By Jim Roe

Published on Dec 26, 2022



I hope you like this. Unlike, my earlier stories, this one is in many ways, the truth. Been coming to Nifty for years. Please Go to https://donate.nifty.org/.

In doing so it keeps the stories coming. Thanks for all the great emails of encouragement. I always love to hear from readers and fans, apologise for taking a long time to write again.

A Quick Buck

It was 20 something years ago, I was 23 years old, I was working at a Resort, in the southwest as a server, and bartender, while I went to college. The resort was one of these grand old resorts, built in the late 20's by Hollywood Elites that would escape to our neck of the woods for rest and relaxation and to escape the media. It had high granite walls and copper, ceilings in the ballroom. It even had servants quarters, although they had been converted into Guest rooms, by the time I went to work there. At $500 a night most guests were well to do.

The resort pushed Tradition. And no interaction between employees and guests. Which was fine with me. I was shy, I found it hard to talk to people personally, but found it easy to be a Server and bartender. It was easy to what they wanted, and as a bartender, I would stand there silently and poor drinks as they spewed forth their daily problems. People would bare their souls to me. I had a woman tell me once that she was attracted to her Nanny, and did not know how to proceed, and one guy sit there and told me he was going to leave his wife, also for the nanny. (a different nanny).

Me, I am 6'3" tall, and hyper skinny, light blonde hair, which I keep short, I barely weigh 170 lbs, I have been a runner all my life, and have six pack abs. One reason why I am very shy is I naturally have no body hair, except for a few pubes, around my cock,which I shave, I even have very little arm hair. Not even arm pit hair. It freaks some girls out. The first girl I summoned the courage up to ask out, and later make out with, and move on to 3rd base with, freaked out when I told I did not shave, that I am naturally, just that way. This did not help with my shyness, in fact it made it worse. My cock is 6 inches long but very thick around and uncircumcized. Its so thick the one girl, that I actually got see it. Refused to go further because she thought it would hurt her.

So here I was, a very shy 23 year old. Very horny, and very sexually frustrated. I wanted desperately to have sex, with any girl, I could but most definately did, not want to have sex with me.

I had never thought in terms of men, in high school, most guys would laugh at me and call me a freak. So again, I just stayed away from people.

That all being said, functionally, you would never know that about me. I was a hard worker. I worked since the day I turned 16, my dad insisted. But I took to it really well. I was always strong and very eager to work and prove myself.

I excelled as a banquet server, at the resort, as a banquet server. You had a front server and a back server. The front server did the talking to the table, telling them, what the menu was and the back server did all the heavy lifting. I as you may already guess was the back server. I was often paired with any number of the girls, on the staff. Several of the girls were interested in me, but I just could not even bring myself to ask them out. It was not because, I did not find them attractive, it was entirely because I could not talk to them.

One week, we had a convention of 500 doctors, along with the doctors, they had an exhibit room, another ballroom set up with displays from medical equipment companies showing off their equipment and the like. They were in house, from Monday through Friday, I had been asked to swing through the exhibit hall several times to pick up dishes that doctors and exhibitors would bring in.

Early on, the vendor, who had his booth next to the bus station, I had set up, started talking to me. Like I said, people always open up to me. I would listen intently to him but rarely responded. His name was Greg. He was tall and skinny as well, a bit older than me in his 30's, had a salt and pepper, well trimmed beard. On Monday while I was clearing the room, he asked if I was a runner. Told him yes, and he said he could tell. He asked where good running trails were and I told him. From there he proceeded to tell me that he was the owner of his own company, he was an engineer and he had to make some sells this week of a newer, advanced ultra sound machine. Or else he would have to close down the business.

I am not technical in any way but his machine did look rather cool. As the week progressed several doctors had stopped by and on Thursday morning, Greg stopped me and asked what time did I get done serving lunch. I told him I would be done about 1:30 PM, he was disapointed, because he said he wanted to ask if I would, serve as a guinea pig, as he used his ultra sound machine on me. He figured, I would be the perfect model.

He told me he would pay me $50 per hour and all I would have to do is lay on this table he had and let him show off the machine. I said I would ask my boss. $50 an hour is an enormous sum to a starving college kid.

So after I got done in the exhibit room, I went to get ready to serve lunch, but my boss, approached me and said, Greg, the vendor had asked him, if I could be released early, and my boss said yes, as long as my duties were done, he would release me at 12:45.

I worked fast and hard throughout lunch. Got my tasks done and my boss let me go early. I went to the exhibit hall, and found Greg. He had me go behind a small set of blinds set up and take my pants off, and handed me a blanket to cover my under wear, and then had me lay on the padded table, which I found out was a portable massage table, but we would not be using it for that task. He asked if i shaved my legs and told him, I was naturally hairless, he smiled, and we kept setting up. I was all set laying on the table with a blanket covering my mid section but leaving my legs open and free at 1 PM when doctors started coming in.

Greg started telling all doctors walking by that he was going to be giving demonstrations of the machines efficiency on my legs. Several doctors started gathering at about 1:15,there were 15 doctors, present. Greg gave his first demonstration, He had gloves on his hands, and uncovered my legs, and took some gell and put it on my legs. It was cold, but the moment he touched my legs, I got a tingle in my cock, it confused me, I did not know why my cock was chosing then to come alive, I was glad my cock was covered by the blanket. Gregg used the devise and rolled it over my legs, and the doctors, were amazed and pleased with the detail, and the precision that the machine was picking up on my legs. As he kept rolling though I kept getting harder and harder and harder. Thankfully no one could see.

The presentation ended in about 15 minutes and Greg handed out several business cards, and then started gathering a new group of doctors. This went on about every 15-30 minutes all afternoon. Each time he would put on a presentation, I would get rock hard, and then once the presentation would end, my cock would soften again, it was an interesting sensation. Finally just before 5 pm they announced the exhibit hall would be closing for the day, at 5 pm and dinner would be at 6 pm.

After I put my pants and shoes back on, Greg paid me the $200 and asked if I would meet him at a high end coctail bar and restaurant, just off the resort property at 7:30, he said he wanted to buy me dinner for all the help I gave him. I was not going to turn down a free meal so I said yes.

I did not live far from the resort, I went to my small apartment, stripped off my clothes and immediately jumped on my bed, Hard cock in hand, started masterbating about Greg rubbing my legs. I shot ropes of cum all over my naked body and on my bed. I licked my cum up off of my hands, since I rarely had a partner in bed, I was an expert masterbater, and had eaten my own cum many times. As I lay there, I nodded off a bit and had a dream of Greg and I standing naked in the exhibit room with all of the doctors standing around us as he kissed me and rubbed my hard body.

I am not sure if the kiss or what startled me awake, but I woke up and the clock said it was 6 pm. I got up, quickly, and jumped into the shower. I proceeded to lather up my bath gel onto a scrunchee, I had and washed my entire body, making sure to pay additional attention to my penis, and then I washed my ass, I have never done it before, but I pushed the scrunchee into my very tight asshole, starting with just a bit and then, pushed more and more in, Just doing that, I felt sensations, that I have never felt before. And I was not sure why I was doing it, maybe intution, not sure, but I got the entire, thing in and I shot more come out of my penis onto the shower wall. I pulled the scrunchee out and it smelled like shit, I rinsed it off and cleaned the cum off the wall, and got out of the shower wall. I used cologne, that had been given to me as a gift. I finished dressing, I put on cotton slacks and a button down light green shirt, and drove to the coctail bar, Greg said he would meet me at. I walked in right at 7:30 pm. I looked around and did not see him there.

I walked over to the bar, and sitting down, I asked the bartender for a beer, after he brought it, I sat there watching the door.

As I said, I am shy and as I sat there the bar filled up with people and I got very uncomfortable. At 8 pm Greg had not shown up. This was in the early days of cell phones and I did not have one. I was about to get up and leave, my anxiety level at its max, when at 8:10 pm Greg dressed very handsomely in a tux, came through the door. My heart fluttered and my dick tingled yet again.

Greg saw me and smiled, walking over to me he apologized profusely but said that our demonstration was a HUGE hit, and that he had been delayed by taking orders from Several doctors. He looked at me and hugged me, right there at the bar, and said, you saved my company, I was shocked flattered and horny all at the same moment. As we hugged, I felt my cock grow to full size and I was certain, Greg felt it, I attempted to get out of the hug so he would not feel it, but he kep pressing into me and even as he eased up on the hug, he kept his arm around my shoulder and we turned to the bartender. Greg ordered us both Manhattans, saying we had to celebrate. Even though we were no longer hugging, and were standing side by side he kept prssing his body into mine, and my extreme hard on would not subside. It just stayed hard.

The bartender brought the manhattans over and we drank them, Greg a bit more vigorously than I, I had never had hard liquor before, and even the couple of sips made my head spin.

After Greg, had finished his drink, with his arm around my shoulder, he leaned in and whispered into my ear, hey how bout we go back to my room, we can get room service and celebrate.

My Rock hard, stiff cock took over for my brain at that point. I did not even hesitate. I said yes. The restaurant was quite literally across the street, from the resort, so I left my car there, and we crossed the street, entering the resort on the side, I did not see anyone I knew, as we entered.

We took an elevator up and went to his room and using his key card, entered his suit, even though I worked there, I had never been in one of the suits. Despite being several decades old the room was new looking fresh and very big and looked ultra modern, not that, that was my concern at that moment. A light was on in the corner. I walked into the room and walked to the big window at the back of the suit and looked down, at the big giant pool, that looked like a giant gem, in the moonlight, several couples were at the pool, and one was even kissing deeply at the edge of the pool.

I was so engrossed by the view, that I did not notice Greg walk up behind me and with his left hand he squeezed my butt cheek, while rapping his right arm around my waist and planting it decidedly on my now only semi stiff cock. He said oh man I have wanted to squeeze your bubble butt since this afternoon.

I smiled, my head was spinning, I knew I should be jumping away and slugging him, but he felt so good, so warm and so strong and loved his scent a mix of aftershave and soap, and musk. I felt his 5 oclock shadow against my cheek as he stook there, his cock pressing into my back side. We both stood there for a couple of seconds his hands roaming over my body, then he broke the silence and said I can order you room service if you like.

I responded by turning, around while still in his embrace, I could smell the whiskey on his breathe and kissed him directly. He smiled, and kissed me back, pulling me into him to the point where I could not tell where I ended and he began. I could feel his cock pressing into my abdomen. His kiss was powerful and full of tongue. Not only was my cock rock hard once more. I could feel my pussy tingling.

I am not sure how long we kissed but, as we kissed he started to unbutton my shirt, pulling it off, he then kissed down my neck to my left nipple sucking it, it went hard, immediately, as he did that, he unbuckled my belt, and with one hand pulled down my pants and underwear at the same time, letting my man meat swing free showing off my stiff cock. He proceeded to kneel in front of me as he kissed down my rock hard stomach, my back was still pressed against the cool window over looking the pool, I wondered for a brief moment if anyone below noticed what was going on several floors above them, but then I immediately forgot about that as Greg started to suck first one and then the other testicle into his mouth.

At one point, Greg mumbled, that he could get into this hairless thing. He then licked up my shaft and took the tip of my uncircumcized cock into his mouth and started sucking on it, slowly and firmly. I was so glad I had masterbated earlier in the evening, because as hard as I was I would have came, literally the moment his warm tongue touched my cock. As it was, I lasted for 3 seconds, and then immediately said, I am cumming. He did not flinch. He sucked my warm veiny cock even deeper and drank every ounce of my cumb as it came. Once I was done, I sagged back into the window, and was glad it was not breaking under my weight.

Gregg stood up, pulled me off the window and kissed me deeply. I could taste my cum in his mouth and oh did it taste so good. He broke the kiss, and said I have to take your ass, he took my hand into his and led me into the bedroom off to the side of the suit. He led me to the bed, he was still fully clothed, where I was naked for everything but my socks. Greg pulled back the covers on the bed, while still holding onto me, he pushed me gently, so that I was sitting on the bed, and with out saying a word, I took off my socks and tossed them towards the door.

Greg was unbuttoning his shirt right in front of me, and I brushed his hand aside and started to unbutton his shirt. Not sure why, I had never Ever done this before, but it felt so right and natural, instinct was guiding me. I finished unbuttoning his dress shirt and he had on a T-shirt underneath, I pulled the undershirt up and Greg helped.

As hairless as I was, greg was covered in salt and pepper hair, I put my hand on his chest and ran my hand through it. It was soft and I loved the feeling of it running through my fingers. I emulated what he had done to me earlier and licked his nipples, while undoing his belt. I pulled off his pants, leaving not so sexy boxers, but his giant member was tenting them making it the sexiest thing ever. I pulled his boxers down, freeing his mammoth cock, where mine was 6 inches, thick and uncircumcized, he was 9 inches,thinner, and circumcized.

I opened my mouth and was about to engulf his cock within but he stopped me, and said, no baby, maybe later. I need your pussy. He pushed me back onto the bed, so that i was lying, on my back, an said for me to get comfortable, and put a pillow under my ass. With that he grabbed a bag that had been sitting on a chair and walked into the bathroom.

I got comfortable on the king side bed, put a pillow under my ass. When Greg Came out, he was completely naked, his now mostly hard cock, glistening in the light, from lube.

He walked over to the bed, he was caring a bottle, of lube, he sat on the edge of the bed, and leaned in and kissed me. He said "this may hurt at first, but just relax, the pain will go away". He kissed me again. He squirted lube on 3 figures and then proceeded to press one big fingure in. It felt like I had to poop in reverse, and then the pain begain, I moaned, he said to ease up and relax and the pain will go away, I did and the pain eased, he then stuck a 2nd fingure in. There was pain but not as much as the first. He kissed me again. and as he kissed me he put the 3rd fingure in. This time there was a lot of pain, but he must have known there would be he maintained the kiss the entire time.

After a minute or so, he broke off the kiss and said how does it feel. I just moaned happily in response. He smile and spreading my legs, he adjusted me and got in between my long legs, which I wrapped around his thick. muscular and hairy body. He proceeded to slide his cock head into my ass, and kissed me again, the pain was there, but definately not as bad as before, the pain went away in seconds, he pressed again, and again the pain went away. He kept pressing his lean fuck rod into me until I felt his pubic hairs tickling my naked ass.

He pulled out and slid it back in slowly, seeing that there was no discomfort on my end, he kept doing it, picking up the pace. Both of us started to sweat, A sheen, covered both our bodies. As he was fucking my ass, my cock which was already hard, got even harder, at at some point in the process, shot cum out all over both my hairless abs, and Gregs hairy chest, my cum started to lather between both of our bodies.

We melded into one, our sweaty cum covered bodies heaving and grunting together into unison. He was fucking me powerfully but was not hurting me, I could feel the love he felt towards me, so intensely at that moment. He kissed me once more and started upping his speed. . I had lost track of time at that moment, and he shot his warm nectar deep into my ass. Literally collapsing onto my chest at this moment, Gregg was breathing like he had just ran a marathon. The sheets and bedding Were soaked with our juices and sweat, the room smelled of ass, and sex and cologne.

Gregs now limp cock slid out of my ass, I could feel cum, trickling out as well. Greg was still laying on top of me his hot breath hitting my neck, he finally slid off to the side of me and looked at me and smiled. I was laying there, still damp from sweat, Greg broke the silence and said your glowing. I said thats what happens when your fucked by a stud. He leaned in and kissed me again.

We lay there for a few moments exchanging small talk like lovers do for a few minutes and then he leaned in and I could feel that his cock was hard yet again. I looked at him and said "wow, you really are a stud" greg smiled and said that he had taken a little blue pill when he went into the bathroom earlier. . This time I took control, I pushed him back, so that he was on his back. I kissed him and then got up and sat on his chest. I had never done the cowboy position before, but had seen a girl do it in a porn movie before, and I figured now was the time, to see if I could do it.

I sat up on my knees, and with my hands and Gregs help, I positioned my ass over his cock and pressed, his cock slid in easily this time. And in moments I was impaled deeply on his fuck rod. I rode up and down, slowly at first, picking up speed as I went, this time around my body was accepting and anticipating what was going on, I kept riding him. It took a bit longer, because he was still a man 15 years my senior, but even I felt the warm explosion of his cum in my ass, for the second time of the evening.

I bent down and kissed him as his spent member slid out of my ass again. We lay there, looking into each others eyes and fell asleep.

After a bit, I awoke, Greg had to get up and take from the sound of it a very large piss. I looked over at the clock. It was 10pm, I had to be at work at 6AM, so I got up and was picking up my socks, and was going to walk into the living room to get my clothes when greg walked out and said, "where are you going" I told him I had to be at work at 6 AM, he said "lets take a shower and then you can go. I said ok, so he walked into the bathroom and started the water and got it hot. I walked in right behind him, he kissed me, deeply with his powerful tongue as we waited for the water, to warm up. We then stepped into the shower. He took some soap and squirted it on my body and soaped up. I did the same to him, his hairy body was a wonder to me. I played with his hair as I washed him, he washed my ass, and then we rinsed off.

He then got on his knees, with steam rising in the shower and looking into my eyes, he took my cock into his mouth once more and started sucking, looking deeply into my eyes the entire time. I put my hand on his head and running my fingers through his think luxerious hair. I started to pump into his mouth and came hard.

He drank all of my cum and then rose up and kissing me one more time we exchanged my cum as it battered up between our mouths. We cleaned up the rest of the way and stepped out of the shower, drying each other off. I got dressed, he was dressing with me. I stopped and asked, "where are you going?" He said a gentleman always escorts his date to their car" I smiled, I finished dressing, and walked up to him and kissed him, putting my tighty whiteys in his hand. He put them up to his nose sniffed hard and then put them in his pocket. . When we left the hotel room, it was now after 11 pm. We walked hand in hand back to the car. I figured no one I knew worked the late shift so I did not worry about it. But honestly at that point, I did not care. I was on top of the world. And wanted to scream to all that Greg was my lover.

We got to my car, and kissed and I told him I would see him in a few hours and I drove home. Feeling what was left of the cum leaking from my ass. I got home and collapsed into bed. Falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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