A Quarterbacks Tale

By moc.loa@90ttocsmitttocs

Published on Jul 18, 2011


This story is complete fiction. Only read this story if you're not offended by sexual situations between adults and minors. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this. Please don't post or publish this story without asking my permission. If you have comments, please email me at scotttimscott09@aol.com.


Hey guys. It's Eric again. Wow! Am I in love. I finally got down with my bud Scott.

Yep, after all this time of living vicariously through my dreams, fantasies and blatant voyeurism I finally came out (at least to Scott) and there was no going back.

My man Scott and I finally made it to our cars in the parking lot at our school's Athletic Center. After looking around we gave each other a quick kiss and departed for our separate homes. Needless to say we were flyin' pretty high from the awesome sexual encounter we just had in the locker room. I was still so boned, all I could think of was going up to my room and rubbin' out another load.

The difference this time was that now I could actually relive the warmth of Scott's flesh along with his tender touch.

I got home about 6 that night, had a quick bite with the 'rents. My mom noticed how I was glowing--which, for me, was very unusual.

"Well you must have had good day. I haven't seen you in such a good mood in ages."

"Practice was so awesome today. Everybody's so psyched to get to the Finals. We're gonna' beat their asses," I said.

And yes, she got that glare in her eyes when I used the "A" word. But surprisingly she didn't scold me. I guess she figured I could have said worse.

After I finished eating I asked to be excused and went up to my room, fired up my `puter, and checked my e-mails, IM's, Facebook, Twitter. Does technology ever end?

Just when I was about to power down my PC an IM message popped-up on the screen: "You Have An Incoming Message from GladiatorsSuck: Accept or Decline?"

I had to laugh. Probably some jokester from my school. What a sick puppy. I pressed "Accept."

The screen opened up.

"Hey COCKSUCKER, what's up?"

I was floored beyond belief. WTF?

I quickly typed in. "Who are you? And where did you get my Screen Name?"

I hit Send.

They were already offline.

I exited the app and shut down the computer.

Prob'ly just some wacko homophobe hacking into the school's Student Alert and "blasting" the entire enrollment. What a clown.

Or maybe I was feeling guilty with my recent adventure with Scott.

Nah. The whole thing was just too random.

I flopped down on my bed, picked up my phone and called Scott.

"Hey dude. What's up?"

"Hey Eric. Nothin' much. You just get in?"

"A little while ago. Sat down with the folks and had dinner. No biggie."

"So Babe..."

"Babe." He called me Babe.

Yes! I punched the air with my fist.

"... whad'ya think about what happened earlier. I mean did it meet your expectations or not?'

"Dude it was the fuckin' best. I've been boned ever since we left the Center."

"That's just the tip of the iceberg" he said. "I'm gonna take you places you never knew existed."

I started leaking pre as he talked. I had to get off the phone and whack myself into oblivion.

I decided to change the subject before it became an all-out JO phone session.

"So dude, the pool thing's gonna be awesome. I'm so lookin' forward to hangin' with you and the dudes; anywhere but on that damn field."

"Yeah" he said "and we can maybe do a little grab-ass in the pool."

"Who you gonna' grab. Them or me?"

"Anyone I can" he chuckled.

"K dude, I gotta go. I`m exhausted but wanted to check-in." (I really had to take care of the serpent between my legs which was rearin' its ugly head.) "See ya' tomorrow."

"See ya' Babe."

He called me "Babe" again. I repeated my fist thrust.

"Good night Scott. Pleasant dreams stud."

We ended our call. I dutifully drained my load and fell fast asleep.

I woke up around 11 Sunday morning and went downstairs to grab some grub. Ma, had prepared my plate and set it off to the side. I peeked under the cloth and saw a plate load of waffles, scrambled eggs and sausage patties. "She did good" I said to myself. (I'm sure she'd be pleased that she passed my scrutiny.)

I watched TV while I downed my food. I zapped over to the local news and today's weather forecast couldn`t be better. 70-75 degrees and cloudless skies.

I knew it was gonna' be a great day.

Around 1:30-ish I went back to my room, put on my board shorts, top and perched my shades atop my head. I brushed my teeth, took a whiz and then I was off.

I got to the Coach's house a little after 2 and most of the guys were already there checkin' out the Coach's new pool. It was even longer and wider than the one at Matt's house.

Ah yes, Matt. I wonder if him and Paul were gonna' hold court, if you catch my drift, down by the tall evergreens that seemed to surrounded fringes of the deep-end of the yard.

We'll see.

"Hey Eric, what's up dude?" the Coach said as he sauntered over and fist-bumped me.

"Coach this so cool. I mean the pool is fuckin' huge. Whad'ya do win the lottery?"

"I wish. Just kinda' saved-up for it over the years."

"Anyway" he continued, pointing to the deck, "Food and drinks are over there. If you need anything else just ask the kid, and he'll get it."

I looked over at the guy and realized that he was one of the "Fish Heads" from the swim team.

I walked over and said "Hi" as he looked me up-and-down.

"So how'd you get this gig?" I asked

"Well Coach knows I work over at Sam's (the town deli) and asked me yesterday, at practice, to see if my boss could throw a last-minute thing together for today. He also asked Sam if he could borrow me to man the grill and all. `Sides, he's gonna pay me twice as much as I get at the deli, so here I am."

I noticed that he had a long shirt that hung way past his hips. Wonder what he had on underneath? Uhm.

In the very next moment the question was answered as he bent over to pour some bagged ice into the coolers that sat on the floor. He had on the sexiest pair of Speedos. And with the remnants of his summertime tan setting off the acid-orange coloring of the suit I practically popped wood right there. I've always preferred bulkier guys, but he was def looking hot. Maybe I felt a little more voyeuristic after mine and Scott's little coupling yesterday.

I finally ventured over to a group of the guys that were hangin' near the pool. Another hot selection of eye-candy.

Everyone else had on either board shorts or trunks. No Speedos for them. Oh well, my loss. They all looked sexy as fuckin' hell with their long, thick legs extending from their colorful shorts. "What men," I thought.

Of course they were all shirtless at this point, so it was a virtual sea of flesh, all toned, tanned and buff.

Pecs, delts, lats: Every conceivable muscle rippling in the afternoon sun.

Sun-kissed hair on a few of the guys and sleek shiny dark locks on the others rounded out the picture.

I passed a few seconds of time silently tallying up the number of 6-pack abs vs. 8-packs. Good news, the 8-packs won out.

The guys started diving in the pool; some from the pavement and others from the board.

My mind wandered, thinking how cool it would be to eat out some hot stud`s ass as he teetered on the high board. Yeah, picture it: Him facing the water. Legs tucked under him, head resting on the board, ass high in the air. I'd have to decide whether to eat him, finger him or just fuck him. Maybe I'll alternate among all three. Just as long as the entire team was watching, it would all be good.

I scanned the group for a likely candidate.

Hell, I'd even volunteer if someone would offer to take me under their wing. Be kinda' hot to surrender this buff bod to some stud, letting him have his way with me in such an oh-so-public manner.

"Cannonball" someone yelled from above.


"Belly flop" said another.


Everybody was suddenly in the pool and having a wild time.

There were a few guys playing grab-ass as Scott had predicted.


"Hey, where's Scott?" I asked.

Aaron, one of the Tailbacks, spun around: "Oh, his dad called and said that Scott was up sick all night and he finally fell asleep about 9 this morning. He thought it would be best not to wake him."

I grabbed my phone and called his number but all I got was his Voice Mail.

"Damn" I hope my little guy's OK.

I missed him so much. I bet he'd feel better if I was cuddled next to him.

I kept calling and calling and calling, but I kept getting his Voice.


The Fish Head-kid had earlier fired-up the grill to cook the dogs and burgers. They were done. Time to eat.

"Get `em while they're hot" he announced

Man you thought the guys never ate the way they eagerly crowded around, loading up their plates with all kinds of food.

I stayed off to the side while these animals descended around the different salads and foodstuff that had been placed on two huge picnic tables.

I had lost my appetite--my Scott was sick, poor Baby--but I eventually walked over and grabbed a burger and dog with matching rolls, scooped up some potato salad and chips, grabbed a soda and made my way to one of the loungers that were spaced around the pool.

The guys began to notice how quiet I'd become. I just kinda' sat there and blankly stared at my hot dog.

"Dude, you gonna eat it or go down on it?" some wiseass inquired.

Well they certainly had a good laugh at that one. And I think I blushed.

I came out of my momentary funk and joined the guys as we ate and talked about the upcoming Final.

After eating, someone brought out a Frisbee and we all spread out in the Coach's backyard. Some guys thought they were back on the gridiron and it was getting pretty intense. Never knew you could play this game in an Offensive and Defensive mode at once.

I hafta' admit I did like it when the guys soared into the air to retrieve the disk when it propelled towards them. I could actually see their junk swinging around inside their shorts at they hurled themselves into space. Did I mention most of them were evidently going commando?

Flop. Flop. Flop.

Swing. Swing. Swing.

Seemed like Joe, another team Guard, was pretty well-hung `cause the material in his shorts surged more than anyone else. Also, after wrestling and tackling each other on the ground to gain control of the disk, some of the shorts actually slid down their back sides and you could see the beginnings of the delicious cracks of their asses.

I was gettin' hard again.

With our energy finally ebbing we once again trotted back up to the pool.

Well most of us did.

Matt and Fish Head said they were gonna go take a walk deep into the backyard to catch the sun as it began setting in the west. Right. Like they never saw a sunset.

Paul and Brandon decided to duck out of Coach's line of vision so they could light up a smoke and not have to deal with his grief. They knew damned well that the Coach frowned upon the habit, but they did it anyway.

Coach, myself and some of the guys had been talking for a quite while before we realized that the guys had not come back up from the edge of the property. I volunteered to go down to make sure they didn't drop down into the ravine that I had noticed earlier; it seemed to be right at the property line.

Well, imagine my surprise when I arrived at my destination and found Paul on his knees feverishly deep-throating Fish Head, while Brandon was chowing down on Matt.

With board shorts wrapped around their ankles and their muscled glutes pounding back and forth it was apparent they were enjoying themselves.

"Yea dick breath, go for it" Matt said to Brandon. "I just hope you saved room for dessert. You can just pretend I'm feedin' ya a piece of cream pie--without the pie part."

I watched as Brandon's throat filled out with the thick pulsating organ hanging from in between Matt's strong legs. If this was to be his "dessert," well it looked like he had a real sweet tooth. He was not only totally satisfying his team idol, he began trying to please himself at the same time. He reached down to fondle his own woody. Then digging into his open zipper he hauled out his hefty sized cock. Continuing his deep throating he began jerking himself off with his right hand.

I looked over to Paul and saw his knees deeply rooted in the lush lawn. Above him stood Mr. Fish Head himself. As he feverishly massaged the dudes' inner thighs I witnessed a massive cock beginning to poke obscenely through the leg opening of his bright orange Fish's Speedos. It was thick and throbbing and already had a healthy glob of pre oozing from the tip.

Paul was absolutely delirious with lust. As he eagerly chewed on that taut synthetic material he sloppily left an enormous wet patch that covered the entire front panel.

"Eat my dick man," Fish Head ordered. "Take it deep or don't take it at all." Paul grabbed the waistband of the Speedos and pulled and tugged until the tight-fitting apparel finally stretched out enough that it could be brought down past his hips and finally resting at his ankles. Fish Head's man-size tube of flesh slapped against his lower stomach as he stood their leering down at the groveling Paul.

Paul nuzzled his face into the groin area, inhaling the rich aromatic smell of the sweaty low-hanging nuts and rock hard flesh stick. He then grabbed the rod which stood up at 45-degree angle and deftly licked every thick pulsating inch.

By then Fish Head's cock and balls were so slathered in spit that the casual observer (that would be me) could actually see these man bits shimmering in the early moonlight.

Then crawling behind Fish Head he bent further toward the ground. As he slowly rose up I could see his tongue slovenly licking at both calves then all the way the up the coltish thighs. He then reached up to the taut, muscled ass and slowly spread the beautiful globes apart. As his tongue darted in and out of that hole he shamelessly rubbed his own wood through his pants.

At just about the same time (as though it was planned) both Matt and Brandon's bodies began to quake while the healthy juices began violently jetting out of their cocks and into their respective cocksuckers' mouths. The volleys continued in synchronized fashion filling both Paul's and Brandon's mouth to the point of overflow. Then the last of the assailants' thick translucent ropes coated the muscled chests of the buffed admirers who remained planted dutifully on their knees in front of them.

Fish Head and Matt both raised their pants and pulled up their zips. Snickering at the upturned faces they made their way back up to the pool.

Paul and Brandon looked at each other, moaned and simultaneously blew their loads in each others direction. Being so horned-up their semen actually surged through the air, crossing the six-foot divide between them and splattered mercilessly on the heaving, naked chest opposite them. As the cum cascaded downward to their abs they crawled towards each other, grabbed onto the proffered arms and passionately kissed each other--long, and deep.

With that I unleashed my own massive load onto the dewy evening ground. As I zipped up and turned towards the house I spotted the image of Coach Dave making his way back up in the same direction.

By that time everyone was pretty well-spent. Some literally, some figuratively. We all pitched in and helped the Coach clean-up the messy area before bear-hugging him and thanking him for the awesome "Pool Party."

"Glad you enjoyed it guys. Drive carefully" he said as he entered his house.

We were piling into our separate cars, when Fish Head came over to mine.

Poking his head through the window, he asked "So did you get my IM last night?"

I thought I was gonna heave.

-- Copyright 2011. Tim Scott.

Okay guys. I'd like to continue this story if I get some positive feedback. Continuing/expanding story lines and new characters can also be handled if you like. You can e-mail me at scotttimscott09@aol.com. Oh, and happy stroking.

Next: Chapter 6

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