A Prison Christmas Present

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 26, 2009




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Bannis walked into his cell and scowled. The half of the small room that had been his cellmate's was now bare. Odd, he hadn't heard that they were transferring Gregory. Not that he really gave a shit about the guy, but at least he was used to the lunk, he would have to get used to a new cellmate soon, someone who snored or farted a lot or had any of a large number of offenses that ought to be punishable by death when you're sharing a small room. Gregory had had the small virtue of being inoffensive and quiet.

Hell, maybe he wouldn't draw someone for a while. He could lounge out with his feet on the other mattress, maybe push the two beds together if he could swipe a wrench long enough to move the bed over. The guards might leave them that way for, oh, up to a week! Maybe longer, what with Christmas almost here, he could treat himself to an entire, private room, sleeping with the serenity and security that a room of his own would provide, that would make one hell of a Christmas present to himself. No chance of a shiv in your neck while you slept if you were alone in your cell!

He settled for putting his feet up on the other mattress for now, giving himself the feel of the space, an entire five feet of room, both his muscled, tattooed arms strung out on his own mattress and his pillow beneath his head, just stretching totally out, out, oh, God, out! He just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of it.

The clang of a nightstick on the cell bars jerked him out of his reverie. Bannis turned his head to see Matthews standing there, a mean grin on his face like always. "Hey, Bannis, got you a new roommate." the guard said and gestured for him to get up.

"Ah, hell!" Bannis clambered to his feet. The guards could be nasty if you didn't get up when they told you to, you had to stand when they said so.

"Special one for you this time." Matthews went on as his keys plied the lock and opened the door.

"What?" Bannis asked suspiciously. That could mean a transvestite, an obscenely fat man, an ugly, smelly....

Or a rather pretty young man wearing a big red bow! That was NOT one of the things he'd been expecting. He carried his belongings in a neat pile in his hands per requirement, the bow was up near one shoulder where it could be seen.

"What the hell is this?" Bannis demanded.

"Merry Christmas from Harry the Harp." Matthews said. But it was only the 22nd of the month, three days until Christmas.

Bannis looked at the youth and understood. A boy this pretty, this young, in the jail was foredoomed to one fate...to be the fucktoy of whoever was strong enough to take him. After the popping of the young cherry butt, the next step was some prison bigwig among the prisoners to claim him (such as Harry the Harp), then to rent him out to whoever wanted him. There was usually a run on the new talent, so the young hapless prisoner ended up being fucked repeatedly, several times a day over the next weeks.

But this kid was new to him. Couldn't have been here more than a couple of days. Long enough to get that haunted look in his eyes. There'd been a few gang-fucks of him, then. About the time for him to either slit his wrists or throw himself at someone in hopes of being adopted and bought as an exclusive boy-toy by someone. Or for Harry the Harp to give him to one of his muscle boys like Bannis for a Christmas present!

Bannis looked closer at the youth. What was he, nineteen maybe? Yeah, probably busted for selling dope. Get him hauled up before a hard-ass judge and that would get him sent here. To "teach him a lesson." To "serve as a lesson to others." Yeah, that would put pretty-boy in the slammer.

So, nineteen, with blond straight hair that hung half down to his shoulders, giving him an unkempt look. His porcelain fair skin was tarnished here and there by blemishes, the guy was young enough to still be fighting the battle with acne. Blue eyes that were haunted.

"So what do you say?" Matthews demanded, impatient at Bannis' silence.

"I say throw his hot young ass in here, so I can unwrap my present." Bannis grinned.

"Get in there." Matthews nudged the young man with his stick and he stumbled into the cell. "Have fun, Bannis and Merry Christmas."

"Yeah, thanks, Matthews." Bannis returned. To the kid who was putting his stuff on the empty cot. "Yeah, going to be a good Christmas for me, all right."

Bannis lay on his bed and watched as the young man stowed his things in the box, then taped a couple of photographs to the wall. You were allowed such, provided the photos were no larger than 4.5x6 inches in size. Done, the young man sat on the edge of the bed, saw Bannis staring at him, and flushed.

"So you're my present." Bannis said.

"Yeah." the youth fingered the red bow still adorning his right shoulder.

"So get your pants down." Bannis ordered.

The young man stood slowly, took off the bow which was diagonal across his chest like a homecoming queen's banner. Then his fingers moved gingerly, undoing his shirt buttons one at a time, with a short pause between each. Bannis watched with a rising impatience.

The shirt off, a t-shirt was beneath, tanktop which showed his arms. A bit of nice muscle on those shoulders, but not half the size of Bannis' own. The young man sat down and undid his shoes, again, slowly, looking up like he was maybe hoping Bannis would tell him to stop, or someone would come in and stop things.

Neither happened, the shoes came off, followed by the socks, then the young man stood and peeled off his t-shirt, showing a chest firm but unlined by any bulge of accented musculature, tipped by two brown ovals of nipples, and then unzipped his pants. As he did, they slipped and fell off his body to his ankles, for his hips were slender and unformed. That left only a pair of loose boxers covering him.

The youth delayed again by bending over to free his feet from the pants, and Bannis said, "To hell with this!" and stood up. The young man didn't attempt to fight back or avoid him, Bannis grabbed the young man by one shoulder and spun him around, pushed him down toward the bed. He landed on his hands and Bannis yanked the boxers down, to show two white buttocks so thin as to be rectangles instead of ovals, and he slapped them hard with one hand and Bannis undid his pants hurriedly, shoved them down to his knees and slapped the buttocks again and then guided his hard dong toward the slit between. A bit of jabbing found him the sphincter, and he shoved inward.

A grunt of pain penetrated the silent exterior of the youth, but Bannis didn't pay any note, just grabbed both hips in his broad paws, and shoved in deeper still. Now a soft keening sound emanated from below him. As Bannis began to hunch into the young ass, the man leaned over further to rest his elbows on the bed. As Bannis threw his head back and growled with his approaching passion, the man lifted first one knee, then the other, up onto the mattress.

"Ah, hah, gah, uh, uh, uh!" Bannis snarled down at the man. This was his own Christmas present, God, yeah! He owned this ass, this still-tight, still-warm, still-pliable ass! He hadn't been fucked too badly up until now! Bannis could fuck it every night, and then rent it out when he needed cigarettes! His, damn it, all his! Best fucking Christmas present he ever got!

"Ah-ah-ah, huh-GUH-HNNNNNNNNN!" Bannis gritted out his climactic groan through clenched teeth, feeling his jizz roar through his shaft and blast into the kid's bowels like a shotgun! "AH-HAH, AH-HAH, AH-HAHHHH-AH-AH-AHHHHH!" and it was over and he was panting hard, heaving, and he leaned over and rested his heavy body on top of the young back, not caring if he pressed him down flat, gasping and heaving, he'd get up when he was damned good and ready and not before, damn it!

His breath returning, he looked at the pictures on the wall. The youth he'd just finished fucking in one, and with him a quite-pretty young girl. "Hey, who's this?" he asked the young man still pinned under him.

The voice was toneless as it answered. "Gail."

"She your sweetheart?"


"Nice-looking gal." Bannis said. He pulled himself to his feet. "Get up and get dressed now." The youth obeyed and Bannis continued after a time, "So what's your name, anyhow?"


"Last name or first?"

"Only." the youth said. "It's what I do."

"Do? Do what?"


"So, you carve things?" Bannis asked, not really caring. He peered at the other photo, this was the girl alone. He must have a thing for her, useful to know if he needed a handle on this kid.


"You got anything carved yet?"

"Gave the first one to Harry the Harp, said I'd keep carving them if he wouldn't sell my ass around like so much cheap whiskey."

"Did it work?"

"No. He sold me to you."

"He gave you to me." Bannis corrected. "You're my Christmas present. Remember that and you'll be happier."

"So are you going to sell my ass around, for like a pack of cigarettes?"

Tell the kid what he wants to hear, he can always go back on his word later. "No way, kid. You're all mine now. Only dick you'll be sucking on is mine from now on. Long as you please me, that is."

"Okay." the voice was still dull and lifeless, but the head did come up and the kid looked at Bannis, really looked at him, for the first time.

After several minutes, during which Bannis was back on his bed, Carver said, "Thank you."

"No problem, kid, long as you keep me happy. You can't, then there'll be problems, and you can kiss that girl of yours goodbye, because she won't want what's left of you if I turn you loose into the general population. You're fucking lucky, kid, no matter what you think about it, and don't forget it."

"Yes, sir." Pause. "Okay if I go to bed now?"

"Long as I can climb in and fuck your ass in the night if I want to, yeah." Bannis was determined to keep the last word

"Thank you."


Lights out came eventually as it always did. Bannis lay awake as he usually did (you nap through the day off and on and you don't need much sleep at night). Down the hall, some young punk was getting his ass raped by some guy or guys. The yells and screams were a regular feature at the prison. Guards didn't care.

But suddenly he wasn't alone in his bed. Carver had come over, knelt by his bed and put his arms around Bannis' chest barrel, just on top but one hand on either side, like if he could, he'd be hugging Bannis right now. "What is it?" he asked gruffly.

"Thank you for getting me." the voice had animation now, the tremor of held-back tears. "Thank you for not letting that be me."

"It won't be from now on." Bannis promised again. "Long as you remember why I got you to begin with."

"I won't." And the hands left his sides and reached up to pull the bedcovers from Bannis' chest. He let them do it, wanting to see just what would happen next. Oh, he knew in general what it would be. Carver was about to give Bannis a reason to want to keep him around. Or to try to.

Carver peeled the cover back from his body slowly. Bannis wore only a pair of boxers when he slept, nobody slept naked at night, but only wearing boxers meant you were certain nobody would break in and rape your ass during the night. If you thought they would, you slept fully clothed; most prisoners did.

So Carver had his nearly bare body exposed in that one motion. Bannis kept his eyes closed, but heard the soft moan as Carver regarded his muscled form. Then he felt the moist lips cover one of his nipples, and Carver suckled on it as an infant does its mother, and for about the same reason. Bannis winced as the sucking became painful, but the pain translated into tumescence, his cock rose inside the boxers, lifting one leaf of the boxers up to expose one side. Carver's hand came over to it and grasped it, tugged it to freedom in his lithe fingers. Carver's lips kissed their way over the bulges of his chest muscles, down his ribs, across his abs, caressing each bump with a separate ardent press of his lips. When he reached the ribbed ridge of his boxers waistband, he lifted up and the next contact was those same wet lips folding over his cock. He felt vaguely glad he had washed his cock after fucking Carver's ass, and vaguely regretful that he couldn't present the youngster with a dirty prick to have to nurse.

Carver moved like he wouldn't have cared either way. The slim, artful lips slid up and down in a smoothness of motion that he wouldn't have credited to a virgin like Carver claimed to be. He must have sucked cock before...that or he was so eager to please Bannis that he was finding adeptness in his enthusiasm.

In the quiet darkness broken by the dimmest light that wove its way into the cell (Bannis had a cell away from the aggressive beams of the searchlights that played ceaselessly outside), Bannis moaned softly at the ministrations of Carver's youthful mouth upon his dong, loving the attention, so much better than the forced fucks he usually got from his association with Harry the Harp. Harry liked to watch his men screw some disobedient prisoner while he cast his crude aspersions upon the prone man's performance. Offering comment on how to improve, encouragement and incentives if the man will cooperate in his violation.

Incentives, yeah! Bannis reached a hand down and his massive paw gripped Carver's groin. Hell, the kid was stark naked! He fumbled, found the dong higher than he'd expected (hard as hell, too) and began to pump it for the kid.

But this was better, oh, God, how much better! The sharp edge of his passion drained by the earlier fuck, this time built up slowly and joyfully. Carver never slowed until some unknown but long time later, Bannis let out a soft moan hardly louder than those that had gone before, and his cock's seed flowed out of him into Carver's mouth. Carver drank it down as he spent it, Bannis heard audible gulps as Carver swallowed his hot spunk. And when Bannis was done, his hand still mauling Carver's prod, he felt the kid jerk, groan around his deflating cock, and felt the hot splash of Carver's jizz spray under his bunk. Yeah, hell, yeah, kid, get off on this, he thought in the darkness. Love my dick, love it day and night. It's what keeping you from the gang rapes like you heard earlier, and will hear again tomorrow night, and the night after that and the night after that.

A soft whisper in his ear. "Can I sleep with you tonight, sir?"

"More room in your own bunk." Bannis demurred.

"I know, but sir, please. Just for tonight?"

"Ahhhhh!" Bannis said. After a short time, wordlessly, he shifted over against the wall. Carver crawled in. He wrapped one arm and one leg over Bannis' body, and Bannis let him.

"Good night, sir."

"Good night, kid."

When he came back to his cell the next day, he found that the beds had been pushed together. Matthews came by, saw it, and snickered rudely. Bannis just smiled and shrugged, and let it be. That night, Carver crawled on top of him and rode him to a climax higher than he'd ever gotten before. Carver's sperm splashed out over his body when he creamed in the kid's ass. The next day after that, they had sex that shifted position over and over, until he had taken Carver in every position he could think of, with Carver helping, moving, moaning and beaming, his face luminescent with rapture.

And the morning after that was Christmas Day itself. Bannis was eager for the day, almost childishly eager for the dinner the kitchen staff laid out for the prisoners on this day, plenty of hot turkey meat, dressing, candied yams, the entire works. He ate it with gusto and with joy, because after this was over, he could go back to his cell and Carver would be waiting there, a smile on his face and they'd have the entire day together, to fuck over and over again if he had his way. He looked over to where Carver was sitting, saw the youth staring at him, and he grinned.

Harry the Harp followed his gaze. "You like your present, eh, Bannis?"

"Hell, yeah." Bannis had make his speech of thanks the next day after receiving Carver, but it wouldn't hurt to repeat it. "Really nice to go home to that hot sweet ass of his."

"So you ready to give him back to me?"


"You've broken him in right good." Harry the Harp said. "I bet he's an expert at fucking and sucking by now, ain't he?"

"Yeah. So why would I give him back?"

"Uh? Come on, Bannis. I didn't give him to you forever. I just let you be the one to break him in for me."

Bannis looked at Harry the Harp, mouth open. "When do you want him back?"

"Tonight." Harry turned away and started talking to one of the others.

"You can't have him." Bannis said suddenly, loudly, louder than he intended. The mess hall fell silent, the part nearest them first, then the rest as the wave of silence reached across the vast room.

"What was that?" Harry the Harp asked.

"I said you can't have him back." Bannis said. "I knew you were a bit of a bastard, Harry, but I never knew you weren't a man who kept his promises to his men. If you're going to start changing your rules as it suits you, then I don't think I can support you any more."

He got a silence better than any gasp of astonishment. Everyone was afraid to make a sound!

Harry looked at him steadily, and Bannis did the same. His stomach was fluttering like crazy, Harry could send a dozen men at him right now and the guards wouldn't do a thing.

And suddenly, Harry laughed. A mean sound, mocking, derisive...and the sweetest sound Bannis had ever heard. It meant....

"All right, Bannis." Harry said. "If you've fallen in love with the kid, then you can keep him. But I'm disappointed in you, I thought you were tougher than that."

"I stood up to you, didn't I?"

"Yeah." Harry's slight lilt of kindness evaporated like water on a hot griddle, with a sizzle in the air. "Don't do that again."

"Hope I don't need to." Bannis said in lieu of an agreement. "Don't like doing it, and that's a fact."

"Yeah. Now get your ugly mug out of my face." Harry turned away.

Bannis left the mess hall, though it left his Christmas meal half-eaten. He didn't care. He went back to his cell and lay on his bunk, waiting.

The meal over, Carver returned, his face luminescent. Saw Bannis on the bed, and jumped to land beside him and take Bannis in his arms and for the first time in their relationship, despite all the hot sex they'd had, for the first time, Bannis kissed his Christmas present.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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