A Prince Named Justin

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on May 25, 2000


Wow! I am surprised I am getting many emails on this story.I really did not think you guys would like it.Like I usually do, I am going to pray that this chapter 3 will be posted.I cannot believe you guys like it so much.Well email me at stardreamer_15@hotmail.com if you have any comments.

~Chapter 3~

Isabella laughed as her son ran through the castle door and up the fleeting gravel steps.Her son had been acting odd the last two days, and she could not help but laugh.He seemed more mature, and even more full of life.She noticed he would leave at the crack of dawn, and come home as soon as the sun had just left the sky,for the moon to take over.

Justin ran into his room and closed the door.He laid down on the bed that was twice as big as he.Enogh for 12 people to lay across it.He put his hands behind his head, and smiled to himself as he thought of Nicholas.They way he walked, talked, and looked was enough to drive Justin crazy.Justin sat up and walked to the window.He looked at the purple night sky, and the stars that seemed to set upon them.The wind blew softly,and Justin could have sworn he heard Nicholas's name being carried with the wind.

"Justin!Prince Justin!Down here!"Justin heard far below his window.Justin looked down to see a man sitting on his black horse.He quickly knew who it was."Christopher!" He said to the man down below."Hold on, i'll be down in a second."Christopher waited for what seemed like an eternity, before he saw Justin walk out the castle door.

Justin ran over to him. "Christopher!What are you doing here?!" Justin said with a smile.He was happy to see Christopher.He had not seen him in 4 years.Christopher was a knight.One who slayed dragons, fought in battles, and rescued fair maidens.The last time Justin had saw him, he was riding away to fight in a battle on the other side of the country.

Chris looked the same as he did 4 years ago.His hair was short,a dark brown, as his eyes.His body was slim, but also muscular.(Nothing much to describe on Chris)

"I am here to visit.Can't I at least visit a friend?" Chris asked as he got off of his horse."No..." Justin said jokingly. "Where have you been?" Justin asked."It has been 4 years since we last saw you,and I thought for sure you were dead."

Chris smiled."Me?Dead?Do you have me confused with someone else?I am Christopher.The knight of King Timberlake."Chris said with a big smile on his face.Justin looked at Chris. "I am not a king yet."Justin said. "I know, but I was joking.Besides,you always wanted to be king right?That is what you have always wanted since your mom told you all the advantages you had being a king. Besides you have no choice.Your gonna be crowned King in 2 years anyway."Chris told Justin.

Justin walked away from Chris and turned his back to him, and looked at the night sky. "Thats just it.I do not want to be king.Over the years I have realised that I want a normal life. One where I can walk out into the street and be looked at as a normal person.One where people do not get frantic when you knock on the doors of their home, and be let in in like a normal person.One where I can have a descent conversation without all the questions like 'What is it like to be a prince?'Or when the girls come up and ask 'When you become King, can I be your queen?'" Justin said.Chris smiled. "I wouldn't mind that."He said.

Justin continued."Why do I have to be set at a higher standard than the others?People out there are dying with no homes to go to, and starving to death.And yet I have this big fancy castle,and waited on by hand and foot.I feel so guilty.Plus people have to abide by my rules.MINE!People should not have to go by someone elses word.They should have thier own rules."

Chris walked over to Justin and put his hand on his shoulder.Chris could tell Justin was crying."You have changed very much since I have last saw you Prince Justin."Chris said. "Don't call me that."Justin said in an almost whisper. "Call you what?" Chris asked not knowing what Justin meant. "Do not call me Prince.Call me just by my name, as I call you by yours.I don't think I would be content with calling you "Knight Christopher."Justin told him turning around.

"Why are you crying Justin?"Chris asked.Justin sat down and looked at his surroundings."I have much to cry about.I do not think I could tell you."Justin said with tears rolling down his face."You can tell me anything Justin.I promise.If you want, I will keep all you have told me inside.May I rot in hell if I spoke the words to someone else that you may tell me tonight."Chris said sitting beside Justin.

"Are you sure?Promise me you will never tell another soul about what I am going to tell you.Promise."Justin said to Chris.

"I promise Justin."Chris said looking into Justin's eyes.Justin could tell he meant every word not to tell anyone.

Justin started."I do not know how to explain this.But I will try my best.See, I am getting these feelings.Not normal feelings.Ones that people do not get."

Chris looked at Justin.Chris was a little confused, but he listened to Justin as he told him the rest.

"See, I met this boy.Yesterday.I went riding, and had to think.So I rode away from the castle, and into a nearby forest.And I had rode a good way into it.I had stopped to admire the scenery of the forest.As you know, I have been cooped up into the kingdom walls.And had never seen natures beauty.Well me and my horse Carset were stopped pretty deep in the forest when I felt something hit Carset,I then realised someone had run into him.I looked down to find this boy.And well Chris,this is where my feelings come in.I am pretty sure I liked this boy the moment I saw him, as you would like a beautiful girl.And I began to feel weird around him.I have seen him twice now.Today me and him were playing around at this one spot of his.It is his secret spot.It's beautiful.Well anyways, he went to push me under the water, and I pulled him under.When we came back up, his arms were around me, and I guess he felt weird about it and he ran home.The weird thing was. I enjoyed it.I think I have feelings for this boy."Justin finished.

Chris just smiled."I have been where you ave been."

Justin's mouth dropped."What?!You mean-"Justin was cut off by Chris."Yes, but do not get me wrong.You are attracted to boys, and it sounds as if you have never been attracted to girls.But me, I happen to be fond of both." "Wow, this is weird.I thought I was the only one who felt this way."Justin said. "Yes, but to be honest, I do not think you should tell anyone.I tried, and well,lets just say I had a one-on-one battle with a guy who found it to be quite wrong."Chris said.

Justin and Chris smiled.They began to talk about the strange feelings Justin had thought he had only felt.

Nicholas was sitting at the table of the small cozy kitchen.It was a cold night out, and his mother was putting coals in the fireburner to warm the house.Nicholas and his father had ignored each other sonce the night Nicholas had run out.His mother had told them to quit acting childish, but they refused to listen.Nicholas was thinking about what had happened earlier that day at the waterfall.He had gotten scared when he saw the look on Justin's face when he had come out of the water with his arms around Justins's neck.Surely it was an accident, but Nicholas had enjoyed it.But he did not think Justin did.

He would not be surprised if Justin did not want to see him again.Nicholas cringed at that thought.He really did want to see Justin again.He had had these feelings for him, that he knew could not go away.Nicholas was lost in thought when he heard a knock on the door.Nicholas's mother had walked out of the room long before the knock on the door, which left Nicholas to answer it.He got up and opened the door.

"Joseph!" He yelled as he saw who it was.It was Nicholas's good friend Joseph.Nichola had not seen him in 2 months.

He had brown hair, and brown puppy dog eyes.Hid body was all muscle, which Nicholas thought was very thrilling.His chest,arms,and legs, made of muscle.He had a goatee, which made Joseph's handsome face even more attractive.(He to, I do not know how to describe that well)

"Nico!"Joseph said calling him by the nickname he gave him.

"Joey!"Nicholas said back."What are you doing here?" Joey stood in the door, and looked at Nicholas."Well,I rode into town to see you."Nicholas was shocked to find his friend at the door."Well, come in."Nicholas said gesturing Joey into the kitchen.Joey walked in and sat down at the table."So what is it like being a knight?"Nicholas asked.Joey 3 months earlier like other men, had been called in to a battle.They needed knights, and Joey had the skills to be one.Alot of men had to be replaced for the battle, because of death,and Joey gladly took one of the mens places.It was his dream to be a knight.He wanted to do all the things a knight was suppose to do.

"Not what you think.It is tough, but I enjoy the job."Joey said.Nicholas looked at Joey."When you went to see the Queen,what was the Kingdom like?"Joey laughed."I really do not want to talk about all that.I came here to see my good friend.Nico,I have missed it living here in the forest.And most of all, I have missed my best friend."Joey said.Nicholas smiled."So you stopped by your house as well?" Nicholas asked.Joey lived not far from Nicholas's little cottage."Yes, my mother was happy to see me.But anyways, how are you?"

Nicholas looked at Joey."Well same as always.Only.." Joseph waited to hear what Nicholas said.He then realised Nicholas was not going to finish so he asked "Only what?" Nicholas stood up and walked to the little window."I do not think you would understand."He told Joey."Try me." Joey said. "Promise not to tell anyone?" Nicholas said."Who am I going to tell?Theres no one worth talking to but you." Joey said.He looked at Nicholas's face which read "you better promise me." Ok, ok, I promise."Joey said.Nicholas sat down and told him about his feelings,and about the boy he had met.He told him about the incident in the water as well. "And the wierd thing is, when I ran off, all I could think about was how good it felt to be so close to him."Nicholas finished.

Joey looked shocked.He had never heard someone having those kinds of feeling toward the same sex."Whoa."was all Joey said.Nicholas looked at him."I knew you wouldn't have wanted to hear it if you knew what I was going to say." Nicholas said. "No, no, no, its not that.It is just shocking.I mean, it is weird as well, but..."Joey stopped."But what?"Nicholas asked getting curious."But if that is the way you feel,that is the way you feel.If you really like this person, tell him.Maybe he may have the same feelings as you.You may never know until you find out."Joey said. "Are you crazy!" Nicholas said."I know he would never want to talk or speak to me again if I told him that!"Joey laughed."All you need to do is find out, them tell him." Nicholas smiled."Well how would I do that?"Joey looked at Nicholas then turned his face towards the small window."You have to find that out for yourself.Anyways, I have to be going.Mother will get worried.Nice seeing you again Nico.Oh, and your secret is safe with me.Joey said as he got up and walked out the door.Nicholas smiled.'How do I find out if Justin has the feelings I have for him?'He thought.

The next morning Nicholas ran out of the house and headed towards his secret hiding spot.He had to see if Justin was there.He prayed to himself as he ran across the field and into the opening of the trees that Justin would be there.Nicholas's heart skipped a beat, and Nicholas could not help but jump up and down when he saw Justin's horse tied to the tree.He ran out to the rock, and looked below him.But was disappointed when he saw no one swimming below.He looked around him and did not see any sign of Justin anywhere."That is weird.His horse is here, but he isn't.So much for the idea of coming here."he said to himself.He sat down on the rock and looked at the waterfall.He was thinking of Justin, and the reason's of why he was not there, but yet his horse was, when all of a sudden he haerd a voice behind him."Expecting someone?"

Nicholas recognised the voice, stood up and turned around to find the blue eyed boy in fron of him."Well, you could say so.Where were you?"Nicholas asked.Justin just smiled."Somewhere." Nicholas looked at him."Look, I came to apologise." Nicholas said. "For what?" Justin said.Nicholas noticed Justin had his hands behind his back, and became curious.But he answered Justin's question."About what had happened in the water yesterday.I really did not mean for that to happen."

Justin took a step forward to Nicholas."It is quite alright.I came here today because I have something to tell you."Justin said."So do I." Nicholas said. "Let me start."Justin replied."I do not know how to tell you this, but I will try my best.I..I..well, lets just say I like you.And I have these weird feelings when I am around you.I know these feelings are not normal, but I cannot help them.You just seem to be the most..the most..gorgeous thing I have ever seen.And well, that is why I am here today, to tell you about what I have been feeling.I will understand if you hate me, and tell me to go away.But I promise you, when I walk away, that you will never leave my mind, and that my heart will call out your name each day that my life is without you."Justin said.

Nicholas just stood there."Justin...I...I feel the same way.And I am baffled to hear you say those words.Because what you just said described in everyway the things I feel about you.I do not know what else to say, but that I really really like you."Nicholas aid to Justin.

Justin smiled."Oh my!I really didn't think you would feel the same way.Because I..I really like you to."Justin said.With that he pulled his hands out behind his back and in it was a red rose."This is yours, to show you that I would love to have you be in my heart.And stay there for as long as my feelings for you are strong."Nicholas took the rose and wanted to cry.But he held the tears back.Nicholas turned towards the waterfall,but Justin turned him back to face him.Justin took Nicholas's arms and put them around his neck.Justin placed his hands on Nicholas's waiste and pulled him close.

Justin leaned in and kissed the lips of the boy.Nicholas kissed him back.They then, put each others tounges in thier mouths and kissed.They continued to kiss as the sound of the waterfall splashing into the blue pool below could be heard, along with the sounds of the forest enjoying the sight of the newfound event that was taking place in their land of nature.

There is chapter 3.(i am praying this will be posted!Email me with your comments if you like.) stardreamer_15@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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