A prick tease

By if.tenep.nona@82401na

Published on Feb 13, 1993



Newsgroups: alt.sex.bondage

I wrote the following story fragment for a personal ad on apb, but I figure there's enough to it to warrant posting it in asb. And hey, if you like it and resemble one of the participants, check out the personal in alt.personals.bondage.

Oh---it involves two males, so anyone intimidated by that ought not to read it.


A Prick Tease

by Justin [anon10428@anon.penet.fi]


I pulled into the driveway and turned off the car; I turned to look at my passenger, who was returning my gaze with those limpid brown eyes I couldn't resist. A glimmer of light reflected from his nose. His lips were fine, soft, and just a bit pouty. I was very aroused. I reached over and toussled his hair: "Are you sure you're comfortable with this?" I asked. He said "yes", but I could sense that he was still nervous.

"OK. From this point until I instruct you otherwise you are not to speak except in response to my questions. Is that clear?" He nodded. "Turn away from me and present your hands behind your back." He moved to comply, and I ratcheted a set of stainless steel handcuffs around his wrists. I grabbed a blue duffel bag from behind my seat and pulled it over his head; I tied a short length of rope loosely around his neck to cinch the bag shut.

I got out of the car and went round, opened the passenger door, and said, "Let me help you out of the car." I put a hand on his shoulder and another on one of his pinioned arms and guided him to a standing position. I stroked his arm and asked "Are you doing ok?" The bag nodded. "Say yes if that's what you mean," I said, and he replied "I'm ok."

I held him tightly and guided him down the walk to the front door. I unlocked it and brought him inside, down the hall, and into the living room. I sat him on a divan and said "I'm going to undress you now." I removed his shoes and socks, then his pants and underwear. His cock sprang rigidly erect when freed from its constraints; I smiled and batted it gently a few times. "I guess this means you're enjoying yourself!" I brought out a set of leg irons and chained his ankles. I pulled his sweater and T-shirt over his head and worked them down his arms until they were bunched up against the handcuffs. I applied another set of cuffs to his arms above the bunched clothes, removed the lower set, and the liberated the remainder of his clothing from his body.

He was shivering slightly. I leaned over and brushed my lips lightly against his shoulders, and continued down an arm and over onto his chest, which was smooth as a baby's bottom. I gently nibbled on a nipple and he trembled all the more. I paused to disrobe myself and then I put my arms around him and held him tight. His erect dick lay vertically against my stomach as I stroked his back. I untied the cord securing the bag and said "I'm going to remove your hood, but I want your eyes to remain tightly shut." I lifted the bag until his nose and mouth were showing; I paused to but my nose against his and lightly kissed him on the mouth and chin.

Then I pulled the bag off his head entirely. I brought forth two cotton balls, layed one over each eye and secured each in place with a strip of duct tape, small so as to mask as little of his boyish face as possible but still entirely sealing his eyes shut. We kissed some more and then I disengaged. I put my arm around his waist and guided him up the stairs to the bathroom. I removed the leg irons and the handcuffs, crossed his wrists in front, and tied them tightly together. I helped him step into the bathtub, raised his arms high over his head, and tied them to a rope dangling from a mount in the ceiling. I turned on the water, adjusted the temperature, and engaged the showever.

First I shampooed his hair, and then lathered a washcloth. I began with his hands and soaped on down his arms, being careful that he didn't slip his bonds. I gently washed him all over. His dick was unbelievably hard by the time I soaped it. I rinsed the cloth and began to stroke his soap-lubricated dick. It didn't take very long at all until I sensed the tide surging, at which point I stopped. He groaned and twitched a bit. I waited for his hard-on to subside somewhat and began again. After three iterations he hung limply in his ropes, at which point I rinsed him, turned off the water, and dried him off. I untied his hands and chained them behind his back again. Once he was out of the tub the leg irons went back on too. His dick was still rock hard, but that was ok---the night was just beginning.

-Justin [anon10428@anon.penet.fi] ---- Subject: A Prick Tease (Part 2) [story]

The mail I received regarding part one was favorable, so here is part 2.

A Prick Tease, Part 2

by Justin [an10428@anon.penet.fi]

We walked down the hall together, my one hand around his waist and the other holding one of his arms, which were handcuffed behind his back. The chain joining the shackles on his legs dragged on the floor. We went into the bedroom, and I positioned him against the wall, so that the tip of his nose and his lips were touching it, as were the tips of his toes.

I said, "Don't move, now."

"Yes sir." His voice was appropriately supplicating and quivering with excitement, and my dick sprang erect. I knelt down and pulled his chained wrists back from his body. I wormed my head underneath and stood up, so that my chest was flush with his back and his arms were cuffed behind my back. I slipped my erection between his thighs, poking against his balls. He squeezed his thighs together around my erection and pulled his bound arms forward, pressing me to him. I reached around and clamped my hand tightly over his mouth, and pulled his head back until he was looking straight up (or would have been had not his eyes been taped shut).

I nibbled lightly on his ear and rubbed my chest up and down against his smooth back. He made a muffled groan, and I could feel the breath from his nose against my hand. His nostrils flared and I bit down on his ear just a little bit harder, whereupon he virtually collapsed against me.

I stepped back, pulling him with me, hoisted him around and propelled him forward to the edge of the bed. I put my foot on the chain connecting his ankles and pushed him forward onto the bed, with me right behind him. I felt him stiffen and struggle momentarily as he felt himself falling forward. Then we landed on the bed, with me on top. I worked myself out of the loop formed by his chained arms, which settled neatly into the small of his back. I pulled him fully on the bed and flipped him over, so that he was laying on his bound arms.

I removed the leg irons and buckled leather restraints around his ankles. I spread his feet about four feet apart and tied the straps to the lower corners of the bed.

I hopped back on the bed and pulled him forward to a sitting position. I crawled around behind him and let him rest against me. I could feel him trembling. I said, "I'm going to pull the tape off your eyes now." I clamped my hand over his mouth and held it tight as I peeled of the first piece. The breath hissed through his nostrils but he made no sound. "Very good," I said. I pulled the other piece off. I pulled the blue duffel bag I had used before over his head, and tied a length of cord around his neck to cinch it shut.

I unchained his hands and let him lie back against the bed. I locked leather straps around his wrists and pulled his arms taut and chained them to the upper corners of the bed. He lay, tightly spread-eagled, with his cock erect like the Eiffel Tower rising over the arrondissements of Paris. He was breathing hard and the fabric against his face rose and fell rapidly. I climbed on top of him and buried my face in the smooth skin of his stomach. I nuzzled and licked him all over, as I rubbed my body against his. I felt him thrusting up with his hips to meet me.

I pulled a condom onto his cock and went down on it, working it slowly and gently, teasing it, exploring its contours with my tongue and feeling its heat. I could feel the waves of his passion rising, and when I felt a crest coming I pulled back off his dick. He groaned and thrust his pelvis up after me, straining for relief. He thrashed around, trying to find a source of fricion, but none was forthcoming and he settled down after a few moments. I waited until his dick sagged a bit and went down on it again. Once again I brought him to the brink and left him teetering there, and I did it again after that.

By this time my own cock was ready to explode, so I untied the rope from his neck and pulled the bag off. His face was gorgeous to behold, hot and flushed from its confinement in the bag. I squatted behind his head and kissed him passionately for a few moments. Then I thrust my erect organ into his eagerly suckling mouth, and lay on top of him and went down on him once more. We worked in tandem, and our passions rose together. It didn't take look before we both exploded simultaneously in divine, radiant orgasms. I pulled off of his dick and collapsed on him, exhausted, leaving my dick still in his mouth. I lay there and dozed for a few moments, while I regained my breath and my passion. The night was still young.

[to be continued, if demand is sufficient]


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