A Place To Call Home

By Ann Douglas

Published on Mar 13, 2001


A Place to Call Home

by Ann Douglas


(From A Suggestion By MordMorgan)

Part Three

The younger brunette leaned back and closed her eyes. She could feel Marilyn's hands moving across her body. Skillful fingers bringing with them a most delightful assortment of erotic sensations. From the way they were now laying atop of each other, the taller woman could just about reach down between Alex's legs. A goal her long slender fingers soon reached.

A quiet sigh came from Alex's lips as she felt the older woman's first touch there. With expert skill, her fingers seemed to quickly seek out her most secret and sensitive spots.

A moan followed her soft sighs as she felt the first of Marilyn's fingers slide deep inside of her. A second finger soon followed, and in time a third. Faster and faster they moved in and out, producing even louder moans from Alex as her skin grew even warmer than the water around it.

"Oh yes!" Alex panted as she gave in to the rising delights within her. "Oh yes!"

Marilyn could feel Alex's body begin to tremble against her own as the younger woman's orgasm overtook her. The passion racing through the woman in her arms was reflected in her own racing heart. The dark haired woman held her tight, added her warmth to Alex's.

As Alex's body came to a gentle rest, the two women laid silent, listening to the sound of their twin heartbeats. Marilyn couldn't help but wonder about the strange far away look on Alex's face. The quiet was finally shattered when Marilyn gently stroked Alex's cheek and asked.

"What are you thinking?"

"I was just thinking," she began as she looked up and smiled at Marilyn. "I was just thinking that its been such a very long time since I've felt this close to someone."

Marilyn laughed softly. "My little love, I think you're going to feel a lot closer before the night is over. Why don't we get out of here now that you're clean and see if we can find someplace a little more comfortable?"

"I don't know," Alex grinned back over her shoulder. "This cushion I'm sitting on seems kind of nice."

"Out!" Marilyn thundered.

The two women climbed out of the antique bathtub and stood naked on the wide throw rug beside it. Marilyn picked up a towel from the rack on the door and began drying off her new lover. Once done, Alex did the same for her.

Hand in hand, they walked naked through the house. Putting any clothing back on seemed superfluous as it would be coming right off. They moved down the long hallway on the second floor, not speaking a word to each other but communicating just by the warmth of each other's touch.

"Give me a few moments before you come in," Marilyn said as she came to a stop at the door of the master bedroom and stepped in front of Alex. She placed the palm of her hand between the younger woman's breasts. "I just want to fix a few things."

Alex gave her a smile that seemed to say, now who's worried about a mess, then nodded her agreement. She stood there in the hallway, feeling a comforting warmth across her body despite her still damp skin. In what seemed like no time at all, Marilyn called for her to come in.

"Oh my!" Alex beamed as she stepped into a world of flickering luminosity.

The old fashion bedroom was filled with the light of a dozen scented candles scattered around the large room. The air was rich with the fragrance of honey.

Marilyn stood naked in the center of the room, her body reflecting the luminescent glow. Her upraised arm resting on one of the four tall bedposts on a bed as old as the bathtub they had just emerged from. The short haired brunette remembered Marilyn telling her that the old bed was the first piece of furniture that she'd had restored when she bought the house.

That was how she'd originally met Mike Zalman. He'd been ever so helpful in arranging for the bed to be picked up and the craftsmen who made it like new. Unfortunately he also seemed to expect to help break the bed in once it was refurbished. Marilyn was quick to dissuade him of any such notion.

The plus side of the whole encounter, however, was that Marilyn got to meet Gloria. The two had hit it off immediately, and the buxom redhead did get to help break the bed in.

All of this appeared and disappeared in Alex's mind in a brief second. In a very impressive room, Marilyn was easily the most impressive sight in it. The older woman just radiated sexuality.

"I hope you like it." Marilyn grinned as she reached out her hand in invitation.

"I don't have the words to say how beautiful it all is," Alex replied as she quickly crossed the room and placed her arms around Marilyn. "Or how beautiful you are." she added as she kissed her.

"I think you are doing just fine in finding the words," Marilyn said as she closed her arms around Alex, pulling her close against her.

Their lips met again as their bodies pressed tight against each other, sharing a warmth that was quickly transforming into a raging fire.

"Mmm." Alex purred as their breasts rubbed against each other, causing their nipples to become harder and erect.

Marilyn leaned over and kissed her way across the fold of Alex's neck to the softness of her shoulders. Her hands explored the rest of the younger woman's form.

"You are so beautiful," Marilyn said. "Like the dreams of a thousand empty nights come to life."

"I didn't realize that you were a poet as well." Alex said.

"I think you'll find that I still have many surprises." Marilyn answered.

"I can't wait to see what they are." Alex laughed.

Before she could say anything more, she found herself literally swept off of her feet as Marilyn lifted her into her arms and carried her to the waiting bed.

Gently laying Alex across the soft satin sheets, Marilyn climbed onto the large mattress next to her.

"If there's a word beyond beautiful, then you are certainly it." Alex said as she ran a hand across the dark haired woman's side.

"I see that you have a bit of the poet in you as well." Marilyn commented.

"It's easy when you have such beautiful inspiration." Alex smiled.

Marilyn's reply was only a broader smile as she placed her hand on Alex. Gingerly she ran her fingers up and down the body next to her, producing a series of soft sighs.

"That feels nice." Alex murmured

"It gets even better." Marilyn replied as she stroked the sides of Alex's breasts.

The soft sighs began to grow in intensity until they became moans. Marilyn's fingers glided down the sides of the younger woman until they came to her buttocks. There, she took a firm grip and pulled them up and apart, exposing the wet mound beneath it.

Marilyn bent down and kissed Alex's left buttock, then her right. Each succeeding kiss brought her closer to the moist center. Finally, her kisses hit home and a slight shiver shook Alex's body. Pulling harder, Marilyn gave herself greater access and kissed her again, this time pushing her searching tongue up into the exposed cavity.

"Mmmmm" she said as the tangy taste of her new love filled her mouth.

Unable to restrain herself any longer, she began to work her tongue in and out of the opening. Faster and faster it moved, sending tiny sparks of delight up into Alex receptive form.

"Oh yes," she said as she enjoyed the sensation. "More, more."

Marilyn was more than willing to reply to the request. Even as her quick moving tongue wove a wet path up and down Alex's slit, Marilyn's hands began to again roam across her body. Again sliding up and under, she cupped Alex's firm breasts and played with her nipples, bringing even louder moans.

"Turn over." She said, guiding Alex with a gentle touch.

Alex was quick to respond, quickly flipping over onto her back and giving Marilyn full and unrestricted access.

Marilyn lowered herself to a position directly over Alex. Then she shifted just a little, raising herself so that her breasts were hanging directly over Alex's mouth. There was no mistaking her intention and Alex was eager to reply. She reached up with her tongue and caressed the nipple of Marilyn's left breast.

"Mmmm." Marilyn moaned as she felt the warm embrace of Alex's mouth.

After a few more minutes, Marilyn shifted breasts and gave Alex a chance to work her urges on her other mound. As she worked her way across this new morsel, Alex was again overwhelmed by the combination of Marilyn's natural scent and the perfume she wore. It was strongest in the deep valley between her breasts, a place Alex would've never thought of wearing it.

Marilyn shifted position again, drifting downward so that she could kiss Alex anew. As their lips met, she pressed her breasts hard against the woman beneath her, rubbing their nipples against each other.

"I want you." Alex whispered in Marilyn's ear. "I want to taste you."

"And you shall." Marilyn replied in the same quiet tone.

After a final kiss, she straddled the brunette, spreading her tunnel of delight above her. Alex sat up and stuck her eager face between the outstretched legs. She wasted no time in reaching up with her tongue, probing the inner reaches of Marilyn's womanhood. A sudden rush filled Alex as the first taste of nectar hit her tongue. It had been a long time since she'd had this particular delicacy.

Determined to excel in this activity as she had done in most everything else in her life, Alex slid her tongue around and around as she liked a lover to do to her. Her left hand played with Marilyn's clit as she tried to reach out with her tongue, hitting all the places that she knew were the most sensitive in her own body.

Marilyn helped with her efforts with both a gentle hand on the back of her head, guiding her, as well as a steady stream of soft moans. The closer Alex got the right spots, the louder the moans became.

Time passed quickly and what had begun as soft gentle surges in Marilyn's body had progressed until they became a rapid torrid. She was now thrashing her saturated pussy against Alex's open and ever enthusiastic mouth. Another powerful bodyquake gripped her body, causing her to stiffen momentarily. Past experiences told her the next time would send her into the abyss.

"Oh Yes!" Marilyn screamed as a tidal wave of passion ripped across her shaking body.

Copying a move an old lover had once used on her, Alex grabbed Marilyn's ass and pressed her face as hard against her cunt as she could. An action that drove her tongue in as deep as was possible. For this, she was rewarded with what seemed to be endless eruptions of nectar. Waves which quickly overflowed from her mouth and spread out across her face.

"That was fantastic!" Alex exclaimed as Marilyn pivoted and kissed her.

"It certainly was." Marilyn agreed. "And now it's my turn."

Spreading Alex's legs, Marilyn placed her head between them and with a burst of energy began to play a tune across her precious pearl with amazing rapidity. The effect on Alex was instantaneous.

"Oh God, Oh God!'' she panted as the racing of her heart seemed to match the speed of Marilyn's tongue.

She could have never imaged any lover, man or woman, producing such a reaction. It was like having an evening of lovemaking compressed into a single instant. Her orgasm was both instantaneous and overwhelming.

"Oooooooo" she screamed so loud that she was sure that she could be heard across the small town.

Alex would never be sure how long her brief passage through nirvana lasted, it was like an out of body experience. All she knew was that some time later she again became conscious of her surroundings and shifted her sweat covered body so she could face her dark haired lover once more.

"I think I should be dead." she said.

"Why is that?" Marilyn asked curiously.

"Because after that, I think everything else in my life is going to be anticlimactic." Alex laughed.

Marilyn laughed and kissed her lover lightly.

"I guess I did get a little carried away." she said.

"A little..?" Alex repeated.

"Tell you what," Marilyn said. "We have all night, why don't we try it again ... this time at a slower speed?"

The look that suddenly appeared on Alex's face in response to Marilyn's suggestion seemed so strange that she had to inquire what was she thinking.

"It's something the matter?" she asked in a concerned voice.

"Nothing really," Alex said, her tone saying exactly the opposite. "It just hit me that it's been a long time since I really felt like I had a place to call home. What we just shared made me realize how very much I miss that feeling."

"My dear sweet, Alexandra," Marilyn said softly as she kissed the top of her forehead. "You are such a treasure. Do you really think that now having found you, that I'm going to let you go so easily. Trust me, as long as you want it, you have a home right here.

The wide smile on Alex's face grew ever brighter as she closed her eyes and kissed her love one more time. From this moment on, her wanderings were over and life began anew.


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