A Place To Call Home

By Ann Douglas

Published on Mar 13, 2001


A Place to Call Home

by Ann Douglas


(From A Suggestion By MordMorgan)

Part Two

That night, Alex once more became Alexandra. Decked out in one of the few dresses in her travel bag, she was an awesome sight. The outfit was a bright red, with a hem short enough to show off her long legs, as well as low cut enough to display a nice set of breasts. No sooner had she made her entrance at the VFW Hall, when every unattached man in the place was asking her to dance. The brunette danced with a few of them, all the while searching the floor for Billy John.

She finally spotted him dancing on the other side of the hall with Wendy. Alexandra waited until the dance was over, then went up to him and said hello.

If Wendy had given her cold looks a month before when she'd first walked into Zalman's, they were friendly smiles compared to the one she gave her now. Wendy herself was dressed in an outfit that made Alex's look like a Nun's habit. You could see her nipples sticking right though the thin green material.

For the next two hours, Alex dominated Billy's time on the dance floor. Wendy tried to break back in a few times, then went off in search of other prey.

"What's say we get out of here." Alex whispered into Billy's ear as they danced.

Twenty minutes later, Billy and Alex were in the front seat of his truck, parked in the local lover's lane. Billy was stripped down to the waist, giving the short haired brunette full access to his well developed pecs. She returned the favor, her dress down around her own waist and her mounds covered only by a simple bra.

They had been lip locked for the last ten minutes, their hands exploring each other's bodies. In her exploration, Alex found that the wetness she felt between her legs was mirrored by the hardness of Billy's cock beneath his pants. She directed his hands to her breasts, helping him when he had problems with the small clasp that held it together.

She closed her eyes as she felt his mouth close on her nipples. It had been far too long since she'd felt someone else's touch on her body. Billy might be a little short when it came to good conversation, but he did know how to make a girl feel good.

Alex reached down and undid the zipper of his pants, reaching inside and taking hold of his cock. Using a trick she had learned in high school that allowed her to make a quick measurement of a guys cock by using her hand, she judged Billy to be just under six inches long. Holding it tightly, she began to jerk him off.

"Oh baby," Billy moaned as her fingers slid up and down his cock, his mouth releasing its hold on her mounds.

What passed for a lover's lane outside of Danversville was actually pretty small. As a result, there were cars parked on both sides of Billy's four by four. Alex hadn't really paid any attention to them before, but the emergence of the full moon from behind the clouds produced enough light for her to now see into the car to their left. From the higher vantage point, the twenty-four year old had a front row seat to the action going on just a few feet away. To her surprise, the girl in the next car was Wendy.

Unable not to resist the urge to look, now that she recognized Wendy, Alex continued to play with Billy's cock while she watched her blond haired rival. Wendy and her partner were further along in their play, progressing to the point where she had his cock down her throat. It was obvious to the older girl that Wendy had a lot of practice at what she was doing.

So much so that her partner exploded into her mouth a moment later, continuing to do so as she pulled her head upward, splattering his come all over her face.

Alex had gotten so absorbed in what was happening in the car next to her, she almost didn't realize that Billy himself was about to climax. Turning her attention back to him, she sped up her ministrations and kissed him hard as his own orgasm splashed across her hand.

Billy groaned loudly as his cock emptied his seed. He had been using his own hand to try and bring Alex to orgasm as well, but had failed in his goal. With his own climax quickly subsiding, he lost all interest in trying to bring her off as well.

Billy John was silent all during the drive back to Marilyn's house. If the hunk's normal date conversation was spotty at best, his post-orgasmic patter was non-existent. Despite their intimacy of a brief time before, Alex just gave him a chaste kiss goodnight and sent him on his way.

It was just past midnight when she walked through the door, so the young woman took extra care not to make any noise loud enough to wake her host. A quick trip to the bathroom to wash up and take care of personal hygiene, then Alex was off to bed.

As she lay there beneath the sheet, Alex began to almost regret sending Billy home so soon. True, despite his really good looks he wasn't exactly what you might call great lover material, but he was still a hot bod and a hard cock. It had been two months since the last time she had been laid, the night she had spent with that cop back in Belltown. The memory of his cock deep inside of her sent Alex's hand down into her panties. Her fingers stroking her still damp pussy as they attempted to complete the job Bill had left unfinished. She played with herself for a few minutes, then gave up in frustration. The brief memories were too distant for her to really use as a springboard to orgasm. Deciding that tomorrow was indeed another day, she rolled over and drifted off to sleep.

"Oh baby!"

Alex's eyes opened hesitantly, trying to focus on the alarm clock on her night table. The red digits read one thirty-four. What was she doing awake, she asked herself.

"Oh yeah, baby, do it to me!"

At first, Alex had thought the voice she had heard had been part of a dream. This time, she immediately recognized it as belonging to Marilyn. Automatically, the young brunette turned her attention to the common wall that separated their bedrooms.

"That's it, lick me there, you know how much I love it."

Now fully awake, Alex sat up in bed as she realized that Marilyn had an overnight guest. Originally, Alex had moved into the small bedroom furthest from Marilyn's. Then last week she started fixing the cracks in that room and had moved to this one.

"Oh God!" came the voice through the wall.

"These walls are thinner than I thought." Alex thought as she listened to the sounds of lovemaking from Marilyn's room. "Those old Victorians must've been real quiet lovers."

Thoughts of the house's original occupants quickly vanished as Marilyn's voice and the rocking of her bed became louder and faster.

"Damn, he must be driving her up the wall." Alex said to herself as she imagined the forty-two year old spread out on the bed, enjoying an oral massage on her clit. "No wonder Marilyn wanted me to go out tonight."

Alex knew there was no way she was going back to sleep, this was already too exciting. The brunette found herself running her hands over her breasts, playing with her nipples. She couldn't believe how very excited she was getting just by listening to the two of them. Who needed faded memories of Belltown when she had this going on just next door.

Grabbing both of her large mounds and squeezing them tightly, the younger woman also felt a bit of envy. It was obvious from her reactions that Marilyn had a first class pussy-licker in there. That was a rare commodity as few guys she knew wanted to spend any more time down there that they didn't have to. Usually it was just enough to get her wet and then get their cocks up inside her. And in her case, that took no time at all.

Alex glanced back at the clock and realized that Marilyn's friend had been going down on her for a quarter hour now. At least it had been that long since Alex had woken up to the sound of it. That was at least twice the time any of her recent lovers had spent, and from the sound of the couple in the next room, they showed no signs of stopping soon.

The twenty-four year old reached down between her legs and found her pussy soaked from the excitement. She slid two fingers inside herself and leaned back on her pillow. In and out she began to move her fingers, using her other hand to still massage her breasts. Her darting tongue continued to rub along her lips, as if she were kissing a phantom lover.

It wasn't long before Alex matched her gyrations to the sounds of the creaking bed in the room next door. She could imagine herself in Marilyn's place, a wet mouth pressed hard against her pussy. Marilyn's moans through the wall grew louder and louder, signaling her approaching orgasm. Alex had a late start but wasn't far behind.

"Oh yes, oh God baby, yes!" Alex heard Marilyn call out as her lover brought her to climax.

Whatever came next was drowned out by the roar of her own orgasm as it ripped across her body. Alex gritted her teeth tightly to keep it a silent one, thinking she would never live down the mortification if Marilyn and her date heard her. If they knew she was masturbating while listening to their lovemaking.

The sudden explosion from her loins drained whatever energy her brief sleep had restored to her body. It had been good, Alex admitted, but now she was more than exhausted. This more than made up for the disappointing night with Billy.

The sounds from the next room had stopped for the moment. Either they were done or just gearing up for round two. Whichever it was, they would do it without an audience this time. Alex closed her eyes, not to open them again until the morning.

"Thank you, Marilyn." she said to herself as she felt sleep overtaking her like a comforting blanket.

Alex heard voices in the living room as she came down the steps from the second floor early the next morning. Evidently Marilyn was saying goodbye to her guest. The short haired brunette paused for a moment, wondering if she should go back upstairs until he had left. But her curiosity was overwhelming. She had to see what he looked like. To see what Marilyn's type was.

Alex stepped into the living room just in time to see Marilyn, who was wearing a short bathrobe, kissing her lover goodbye. From her vantage point, she couldn't see much other than the dark haired woman's back. The large potted plants blocked her lover. Alex couldn't tell if he was tall or short, or even young or old.

Whatever his age, the goodbye kiss he was giving her was obviously a lot better than the one Alex had gotten from Billy. Consumed even more with curiosity, the younger woman moved out into the center of the room to try and get a better look. Finally their kiss broke and Marilyn stepped back enough for Alex to get a clear look.

"Omigod!" Alex gasped. "He was a she!"

And not just a she, her mind registered a second later. It was Gloria Zalman!

There was no mistaking her, not with those large oversized breasts and flaming red hair that Alex had seen on so many trips to the hardware store. The two women kissed one last time before Gloria disappeared out the door.

Alex stood there dumbfounded as Marilyn watched her lover walk down the path to the carport. She didn't even react to Alex's presence until she closed the door and turned all the way around to see her standing there in the middle of the room. If was obvious she had been standing there all the while.

"I guess I probably should've mentioned this before," Marilyn said in a half smile. "I hope it's not going to be a problem."

Marilyn had already made breakfast so the two of them moved to the kitchen. They ate wordlessly, simply because neither of them really knew what to say.

"Have you and Gloria been together long?" Alex finally broke the silence.

"Just a few months. actually." she answered.

"It must feel so nice to be in love." Alex smiled.

"Well, I wouldn't really say Gloria and I are in love," Marilyn said. "Don't get me wrong, I love Gloria, I really do. I think she's the dearest, sweetest friend I've had in a long time. But to be honest, I'd have to say what we share is really just recreational sex. Just two friends taking care of each other's needs. It's been ages since I could say I've been in love."

"Recreational sex ..." Alex repeated. "Okay, I can understand that."

"We just get together once in a while and have a little fun," Marilyn added. "Nothing serious. In fact, Gloria even told me she's also seeing someone else, but won't say who."

"Well as long as that doesn't bother you." Alex said.

"Have you ever done it?" Marilyn asked out of curiosity.

"Recreational sex?" Alex replied. "Of course. With my lifestyle it's about the only sex I really have. I never really stay in one place long enough to get into a serious relationship."

"I mean with another woman?" the dark haired woman corrected her question.

"Oh," Alex replied, then seemed to pause a few moments as if she was deciding if she really wanted to answer the question. "Yeah, I've been there. Once during my year of college, just to see what all the fuss was about. Then there was a woman I met when my car broke down in New Mexico."

For a brief second, Alex could see the face of the woman in New Mexico in her mind's eye. Her name was Linda Baker. She was older, just about Marilyn's age, with dark curly red hair. What the younger girl left out of her answer was that even after her car had been fixed, she'd stayed in the small town for two weeks, sharing the woman's bed every night.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"What?" Alex asked as she snapped back from her brief foray into her memory.

"I asked if you enjoyed it?"

"If was different," Alex said, the image of a moment ago reappearing. "Yes, I'd have to say I did."

Marilyn smiled and seemed about to say something else. Instead, she tossed the last of her eggs into her mouth, then excused herself, saying she had some work to do. Alex said she had to head over to the hardware store to pick up the new molding she had ordered.

"Good Morning," Alex smiled as she walked up to the counter at Zalman's hardware. "Did the molding I ordered come in?"

Wendy gave Alex the same cold look that she seemed to keep just for her, saying that she had to see Mrs. Zalman for that. Alex thanked her warmly, knowing that nothing annoyed her more.

The contractor waited a few minutes for Gloria to appear. When she did Alex was surprised at how fresh she looked, seeing as the redhead had spent the night rocking the sheets with Marilyn.

"Oh they came in last night," Gloria said, giving Alex a smile as warm as Wendy's was cold. "I'll have Billy load them up for you as soon as he finishes up in the yard."

"Thank you."

"Meanwhile, why don't you come in the office," Gloria suggested. "I have a few new product brochures that came in that you might find helpful."

Alex followed Gloria into the back office, walking past a still disapproving Wendy. Gloria told Wendy to have the molding loaded, then shut the door behind them.

"The brochures are on the desk, but I'd like to talk to you a moment first." Gloria said.

"Sure, what's up?"

"How did things go with you and Marilyn after I left this morning?" she asked surprisingly. "Any problems?"

"Excuse me?"

"I saw you standing in the living room when I kissed Marilyn goodbye," Gloria said. "I was just curious if it caused any problems."

"No, not at all," Alex answered. "Marilyn explained the relationship the two of you have and that was that."

"And you don't have a problem with it? I mean with me and her being ... I mean the idea that two women could be like that."

"Do you mean that am I bothered by the idea of women being sexual with each other?" Alex said. "Not at all."

"That's good, because I know that Marilyn has come to like you a great deal in the last few weeks and I wouldn't want to be the one to cause any problems with that."

"Well you don't have to worry about that. Marilyn and I are fine."

"I'm really glad," Gloria said. "Because I have to say I've come to like you as well."

"I'm glad," Alex smiled. "I think you're pretty nice too."

"What I mean to say," Gloria went on as she moved closer. "Is that I find you quite an attractive young woman. One that I really would like to get to know better. How do you think you might feel about that?"

Alex didn't answer immediately. Her attention was drawn to the fact that Gloria was now resting her hand on the brunette's denim covered breasts, stroking her flesh through the open gap between buttons.

"I guess I'd have to think about that a little more," Alex finally answered, a warm flush filling her face. "It's not something I do all the time."

Gloria seemed encouraged by her response, especially the fact that Alex hadn't rejected her advance out of hand.

"Do you find me attractive as well?" Gloria asked.

Alex looked deep into the older woman's face, then glanced down at the ample mound staining against the confines of her dress. In many ways she reminded her very much of Linda.

"Yes I do," She finally answered. "Very much so."

That answer pleased Gloria even more as she leaned forward and kissed Alex on the lips. It was a brief kiss, but one filled with a promise of what might be to come.

"Well I'm sure Billy has your supplies loaded by now." Gloria said as she took a step back, reluctant to press her interest in the younger woman too far and too quickly.

"I would think so." Alex said as she turned to leave, the taste of Gloria's lips pressed against hers still fresh in her mind.

Alex stepped back out of the office, the promised booklets in her hand. She had started to close the door behind her when Gloria said.

"Call me."

Alex paused for a second, then gave her a noncommittal smile in response.

Turning as she stepped forward, Alex almost bumped into Wendy who had been standing almost behind her. Alex was stunned by the look now on the girl's face. If looks could kill, the twenty-four year old would now be planning her funeral.

"Your trucks all loaded." the blond said in a voice laced with hostility.

"What the hell is her problem?" Alex thought as she gave another one of her 'killing with kindness' thank you's.

"She knows I didn't try and cut into her little arrangement with Mr. Zalman," Alex said to herself, remembering the reason for Wendy's original animosity. "And she can't be still angry with my picking up Billy at the dance, not the way she just shifted her gears and picked up that guy she was blowing in lover's lane."

Alex had just made it to the door when Gloria came back out of the office. She saw Wendy turn in the older woman's direction, a softer, but still irritated look on her face.

"Now that's strange," Alex said to herself as she walked out into the street. "What has she got to be mad at Gloria for?"

A minute later, after she had checked the load in the back and then climbed behind the wheel, the answer to her question hit her like a ton of bricks.

"Holy shit!" she called out in her mind as the pieces came together all at once. "That little tramp is sleeping with both the husband and the wife. She's the one Marilyn had alluded to this morning. It's no wonder Gloria put up with her husband's dalliances. She was eating out of the same pie."

Alex laughed at her own joke as she pulled into traffic. Small towns might lack a lot of the things you find in the big city, but this one at least had more than it's share of sexual hijinks.

Later that night, Alex walked into the living room where Marilyn was curled up on one end of the sofa watching television. The hour was late and the dark haired woman was already in her pajamas. One advantage to the twin satellite dishes she had on the room was that she had access to almost every channel in the country. The younger brunette dropped down into the cushion next to her and let out a sigh of relief.

"The molding in the kitchen is finally done." she said as her head pressed back against the soft pillow. "I don't want to see another hammer until next week."

"Well I guess we won't be watching Home Improvement reruns then." Marilyn laughed as she tossed Alex the multi-function control. "Since you worked so hard today, you get to pick what we watch."

Alex grinned as she began surfing through the channels.

"I thought you had plans to go out on a date tonight?" Marilyn said as she watched the images change.

"Changed my mind. I really wasn't in the mood," she replied as she stopped at one of the movie channels. "In fact, I don't think I'll be seeing Billy again."

"Well, there are plenty of other nice people in this town." Marilyn said.

Alex didn't miss the fact that Marilyn had said 'nice people' and not 'nice guys'.

"Actually ..." she began to say, then paused for a moment to consider if she really wanted to voice what she was thinking. Seeing that Marilyn was waiting for her to finish, she went on. "Actually, I was asked out today."

"Really? By who?"

"Your friend, Gloria." she replied.

Alex looked into Marilyn's face to see if the news upset her. Her expression, however, remained neutral.

"Are you going to take her up on it?" she finally asked after a moments pause.

"To be honest, I was really tempted," Alex admitted. "But decided in the end not to go there."

"I hope you didn't turn her down because of me," Marilyn said. "Like I told you, both of us are free to see other people."

"That did enter my mind," Alex admitted. "But that wasn't the reason I decided not to."

"I hope you weren't upset that she asked you." said the older woman.

"Not at all," Alex smiled. "Like I said, I was really tempted."

"I can't blame her though," Marilyn said. "I have to admit that I came close to asking you myself."

"Really?" Alex said in surprise. "How come you didn't?"

"I could say that I was worried that if you took offense, I'd never get the rest of my house fixed." she laughed. "But I guess the real reason is that I was afraid that you'd up and leave. If all I can have is your friendship, then I'll settle for that. I've come to enjoy having you around these past weeks. A lot more than I've enjoyed anyone else's company for a long time."

Alex looked into Marilyn's eyes and saw the honesty of what she had said. It was a feeling she had felt within herself this past month. That was the real reason she had tossed aside the idea of spending the night with either Billy or Gloria.

Alex leaned over and kissed Marilyn softly on her lips. A kiss much more enjoyable that the one she'd received from Gloria hours before. A kiss fueled by the first fires of love.

"I've been thinking about what that might feel like since the day you showed up on my doorstep." Marilyn said as they broke the brief kiss.

"I think I have too, even if I didn't really know it." Alex added as she rested her head against Marilyn's breast.

"So what now my little love?" Marilyn asked as she kissed the top of Alex's head.

That simple term of endearment brought a rush to Alex's heart. For the first time in her years of wandering, she felt like she belonged.

Reality finally hit her with the realization that she was still covered with the debris of the day's work. Marilyn didn't seem to mind in the least, but Alex wanted this moment to be perfect.

"I'm a mess." she said out loud.

"You're beautiful." Marilyn responded.

"Would you be really offended if I ran up and took a quick shower? Alex asked hesitantly. "I'd really rather be at my best for you."

Marilyn smiled at the younger woman as she brushed away some of the construction dust off Alex's face. "I have a better idea." she said.

"Oh you were right," Alex said as she practically melted in the warm, sudsy bath water. "This is much, much better."

"I thought you'd like it," Marilyn said as she tilted back Alex's head just enough to kiss her lips softly. "I could loose myself in here for hours, or until at least the water turns cold."

The large antique tub they floated in, Marilyn on the bottom with Alex in her arms, had belonged to the original owner of the old house. He had been a wealthy merchant in the town and also weighed in at over three hundred pounds. He'd had the old fashion four leg bathtub especially made to fit his bulk, so there was more than enough room in there for the two women.

Marilyn continued to stroke Alex's arms, washing them with the soap filled water. She cupped the younger girl's breasts, playing with the small brown nipples with her fingers. She smiled as she felt them grow hard in her hands.

"Oh that feels nice," Alex said as she rested her head against the full softness of Marilyn's own mounds.

Turning her head, Alex was able to just about plant a kiss atop Marilyn's own larger nipple, playing with it for just a brief moment.

"Mmm," Marilyn responded. "Kisses like that will get you everywhere." she laughed. "But why don't you just relax and let me take care of you for now. There will be plenty of time for you to reciprocate later on."

"Sounds good to me." Alex replied.

Next: Chapter 3

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