Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Dec 26, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.




5B - Mixed Doubles


G. Cutter

'I can't believe this.' Ross yelled over the phone. 'I've heard of blind dates but blind shags... I don't even know these blokes.'

'Look, Sweetheart,' Dustin pleaded. They're not 'blokes' they're eighteen year old chefs and you must know them, they're at our school. They're good looking and good sex.'

'What was that about sex?' Dustin's father passed by in the hall where he stood talking to Ross.

'Just talking about Dipsy Malone, dad.'

'She's gaol bate, I know her mother,' Dustin's dad laughed and went into the lounge closing the door behind him. At times he dreaded what Dustin was upto but at other times he envied him. He just hoped he wasn't getting mixed up with those scumbags the Malones.

'Come on, it'll be fun,' Dustin pleaded. 'Anyway, I'm not going to be abused all day long on my own.'

'I suppose not,' Ross finally laughed. 'If these two guys are ugly dogs or crossdressers I'm off.'

'I've seen you in lace knickers,' Dustin whispered with a smile on his face. 'And suspenders.'

'I was only having a laugh,' Ross muttered defensively.

'The carrot, the carrot, not the cucumber...' Dustin squeaked over the phone in a passable imitation of Ross' voice.

'Shurrup, you slut,' Ross snarled. 'I'll meet you around yours and make sure you get a couple of stitches in your fanny.'

'Up yours.' Dustin grinned and put the phone down. It was touch and go there but Ross would be alright when he saw the young chefs. After a day raking around shops wirth his mum and dad he probably thought two of the older guys were lined up. After the better part of a day with Steve and Dave, Dustin couldn't fault either, they were both good in bed and that was the name of the game. The only slight problem was that his mum claimed that she had smelt whiskey on his breath so he'd have to nick some of his host's mouth wash next time around... like tomorrow. He said goodnight to his family, told them he would be out all afternoon with Ross and that was the end of it. The dayafter that would be Christmas Eve and they would spend it with an aunt and a couple of infant cousins. Christmas Day would be spent as a family although Ross and his parents would be around in the evening. Although Ross' dad was some big deal in the city Dustin's was as big a deal in local Guidford building circles and in spite of the difference in backgrounds both dads and for that matter mums got on well. We know already how the boys get on together.

The following day it was snowing again, in fact down their road it was around six inches deep and deeper up against the hedges and walls, the local kids were having great fun and Dustin began to get worried. he was reassured when a half frozen Ross turned up and scattered snow all over the front hall, Dustin himself had been tasked with snow clearing the pathway and drive but they soon warmed up in the kitchen pestering Dustin's mum for scraps as she made a mountain of sandwiches. She had a gaggle of local friends coming around in the afternoon.

'Desperate Housewives,' Dustin confided to Ross in a stage whisper. That did it, they were banished with a pair of sandwiches apiece. As they peered from the front room window they saw their carriage arrive to bear them off to the ball. In fact, it was a snow covered car and Steve got out and started to walk up the driveway but they were out of the house in time to meet him.

'Hi Steve, this is my pal Ross,' Dustin grinned. 'Cold enough for you?'

'Damn right is is,' Steve grinned and nodded to Ross. 'Pleased to meetcha Ross, I recognise you from school.'

'Ditto,' Ross smiled and Dustin gave a sigh of relief, things looked good to go. They got in the back of the car watched by the kids and slipped and skidded out onto the main road. Five minutes later they were outside the chef's flat and found Dave all bundled up in winter woolies swiping snow off the iron staircase.

'Death trap,' he explained and greeted Ross, once again Ross gave a grin even happier than the first and Dustin sighed with relief again. He had the funniest feeling Ross and Dave had sparked, excellent.

They went upstairs to find the room nicely warmed up, no whiskey this time around but they settled for coffee sitting around the fire. Dustin suspected the whiskey would appear sooner or later but not just yet. They chatted generally and mainly about St Anselms as that was the one thing they had in common.

The conversation ambled on a bit until Dave broke the ice like one of those huge Russian icebreaker sor something like that. 'The bedrooms are nice and warm, who wants to rape me?'

'I guess that's me.' Ross dived in head first and that was the preliminaries out of the way.

'We'll have to think of something to do,' Steve looked at Dustin and grinned. They'd had good sex the previous day, this time it would be nice and casual the way good sex should be.

'Do what it says on the police cars around here.' Dustin laughed.

'Protect and Serve?' Dave risked.

'Surrey Police,' Ross ventured.

'Use and abuse,' Dustin grinned. 'The Guildford cars do anyway.'

'Your wish is my command,' Steve smiled and stood, Taking Dustin by the hand he hauled him to his feet and suddenly lifted him and threw the boy over his shoulder. 'To bed, Butter Boy.'

'No butter no butter,' Dustin squealed as he was bore off to bed.

'Well, that was a bit... er, blatant,' Ross laughed at the expresion on Dustin's face as he was hauled form the room.

'Here's blatant,' Dave grabbed Ross and with one arm around his waist and one around his back bent him over in one of the old tango poses and kissed him long and hard on the lips. Ross squawked bent over backwards and felt Dave's tongue slide between his teeth. As he returned the favour and their slippery tongues slid together he was drawn back up and they shared a long and lusty kiss. Ross squirmed as he felt hands on his bottom and the young chef's erection thrusting against his own. They ground against each other in the centre of the room and Ross surrendered to the moment, he reached around and clasped Dave's tight bottom feeling the older boy thrust against him more urgently.

'Let's go to bed,' Ross hissed as he felt his hardness become damp in his briefs. Jeez, his hormones were running riot, every time someone half decent even touched him he popped a stiffy. Dave, incidently was more than half decent he was a sexpot and he very strongly put Ross in mind of what he imagined Dustin would look like in a couple of years time.

Dave took Ross to his bedroom and then the kissing began again only this time the snogging was accompanied by clothing being removed and gentle and sexual explorations started. Both of the partners looked at each other and liked what they saw this much self evident by Dave've six inches of solid youth cock bouncing and slipping against Ross' slightly smaller boy cock. It wasn't very clear who was going to top and bottom but when Dave produced a pot of clear gel and began to annoint Ross's sensitive and now oozing penis it became clear, Dave was going bottom. Unknow to Ross Dave had a passion for boys and he found working at the school sometimes pure torture. he especially liked being topped by randy schoolies and watched the First and Second formers passing through the dining hall just wishing they were bigger and meatier. Ross and for that matter Dustin were ideal, fifteen and maybe sixteen were his ideal ages, Old enough to keep quiet and old enough to be good sex.

'How do you like it,' he looked up at Ross' screwed up face as he worked the gel into the boy's incredibly hard cock. 'How do you want me, I mean.'

Ross didn't answer, he just pushed Dave onto his back and forced his knees between the others spreading his legs. 'All day long,' he whispered as he ducked to kiss Dave's throat hoisting the older boy's legs into the air. Dave grinned and folded his knees back to his chest. Excellent, this kid knew exactly what he was doing and that was always a bonus. Ross didn't bother with any preparation, he knew perfectly well that Dave was a bottom to Steve's top and they'd probably been at it all night. As he saw Dave close his eyes and then hold his knees to his chest he knew he had it right, this guy was crying out for it.

He shuffled in closer and ran his gleaming cock's end across Dave's darker skinned pucker, he pushed a little and felt the yield and the lightly kissed Dave on the lips and gave a little push. Dave moaned but Ross entered quite easily and was surprised how tight Dave was. He groaned with pleasure as he felt his hardness surrounded by hot flesh and Dave's legs went down and his hands held Ross' hips as he slowly sheathed his full length into hot flesh.

'Wicked,' Dave sighed and opened his eyes. 'St Anselms rules,' he clamped once and then relaxed again as Ross began to move within him.

'Sure does,' Ross agreed. This was great. He even forgave Dustin as he started to slip in and out of Dave's tight little tunnel. He maybe well used but the older boy kept his back end tight. Ross nearly giggled at the thought of anal exercises but his hardness was taking charge and he started to move faster and faster. He and Dustin always agreed that going animal was about right for the first and then the second took longer and and was more fun. Dave seemed happy enough and started to encourage his new pal.

'Harder, harder, Ross. Make me feel it,' he clamped hard. Ross whined when he found he had to work for it, ramming and thrusting like a madman spearing into Dave's flesh now fighting back.

'Yes, yes, yes,' he chanted as he tore into Dave's arse jolting the youth up the bed and forcing little cries and moans of pleasure.

Ross loved it, when he had sex even with his regular lover Dustin their coupling was relaxed and sweet, with Dave it was rough and ready verging on brutal. Even as he plundered into the dark young chef's battered arse Dave asked for more. In the end it had to end, it was as easy as that. As he reached his climax he felt his hot juices sqyurt up his shaft and surge and splat intot he writhing, wriggling and moaning bottom beneath.

'Aaaaah....' Dave clutched the pillows and clenched his cheeks, he'd been egging the kid on and the sandy haired Ross had come up trumps. He hoped the kid in the next room was as good. Mind you as the next one would be a second fuck maybe not. That was the trouble with mixed doubles, they were fine over a weekend when you had loads of time but a bit of a slog when you were trying for everything in one day. He heald onto Ross' sweating body and pulled the boy onto himself feeling the beat of Ross's heart as he slowly recovered. Dave could feel the sticky fluids bubbling in his gut, the kid had done a decent cum but now it was his turn. Now we'd see how Ross liked a rough ride.

'Jeez.. that was too much,' Ross smiled wanly as he slid free promptly wedging a wadge off tissues onto Dave'd gaping pucker, he could see his own cum oozing from the part open hole and didn't want the sheets stained.

'You did well for a schooly,' Dave grinned without any malice. His arse was damn sore and his cock was rock hard but on second thoughts maybe a nice slow one would be nice after all. 'Assume the position, Petal.'

'You're so butch,' Ross giggled and lay on his back, his dick curked up like a noodle, it was all played out poor thing. Never mind, it would recover it always did and he must admit, Dave for all his campness was a brilliant fuck. He hadn't felt that worn out since he fucked Dustin three times in the course of a sleepover .

He lay there on his back in the centre of the bed and opened his legs. He liked Dave and watched with fascination as the young chef wanked himself slipping his foreskin over his glans until a glop of his precum trembled at the tip and then he smeared it around making the head even shinier and slicker.

'How do you like it?' Dave grinned. 'Rough and tough or slow and romantic?'

'In me,' Ross giggled and tugged his knees back to his chest.

Dave smirked and slowly ran his erection across Ross' fine bottom, he smeared his dripping glans across Ross' dark pink pucker and gently pushed. He felt the yield and Ross groaned but Dave retreated... make the boy wait. He smeared his finger across Ross' hole again and gently pushed his finger into the warmth and tightness homing in on the youthful prostate and then massaged across the tiny lump.

'Owooo...' Ross howled like a bitch wolf in heat (however that sounds) and clamped his bottom as Dave's finger prodded and pushed into his bottom easing and giving him just a little taste of what was to come. He was losing confidence as he looked at Dave's fat cock swaying above his own depleted penis, suddenly Dave's finger slid free. It was replaced by a blunt pressure and Ross steeled himself.

he felt Dave's glans against him, he even felt the precum slippery on his hole and then he opened up like a flower in the sun as Dave slowly and carefully entered his body. Dave held on and took it nice and slow so that Ross accepted the thick offering sliding up inside him like it was meant to be. With half his length in he began to move to and fro enjoying Ross' moans and whimpers. He leant in and kissed the boy and whispered into his ear. 'You love it, dontcha?'

'Yeah, yeah,' Ross gabbled and grabbing Dave's hips pulled himself onto the advancing weapon. That was it, they were fucking. Not the savage and rough fucking of ten minutes previously but long slow thrusts that had Ross crying out for speed and thrust as Dave's fat juicy organ opened up his insides time and time again. Dave was patient but Ross' moaning and begging won in the end and he started to fuck for real pushing the slight boy around the bed and bottoming into sweet heat as Ross clung to him like a kewpie doll. Arms and legs clamped, all Ross could feel was a fat cock thrusting in and out of his gut and Dave's demanding lips on his.

The bedroom was warm now and Ross felt the sweat between him and Dave as the bigger boy rammed in and out . Rioss held Dave tightly in a close embrace but Dave's hips still oumoed up and down driving his far sausae deep into it's slippery home. 'Jeeez... Dave,' Ross gasped as he felt the thick meat within him seem to move faster and reach parts that Captain Dustin of Starcok Enterprise had never explored. He felt that Dave's cock was up in his chest somewhere when he heard the low animal groan and the the splash and splatter of a healthy, warm and creamy climax deep in hus body. He wriggled and sweatily accepted Dave's kisses as the older boy fucked on into his messy back end. Dustin's term 'boy-fanny' sprang to mind and this time it was apt. He'd been fucked and given babies in spades and Dave still moved within him.

'Nice,' Dave rammed in for the last time and stayed in deep in his squishy young pal. He hadn't come like that since the last time but with two of the boys from the school visiting there might be more to follow.

'You decent,' Steve's voice came from outside and Dave hurriedly pulled the bedding over them and called out for his friend to enter.

Steve came in bearing steaming mugs on a tray followed by a grinning Dustin wearing an outsize dressing gown. Steve just had a towel around his waist and Ross drank in the chef's fine body, nice pecs, taut abs and a little treasure trail edging up from the towel . Inside the bed he felt Dave slowly withdraw from his bottom and clamped his cheeks. He smiled tiredly as Dustin sat on his side of the bed and Dave sat the other.

'Cold in here,' Dustin smiled as he sipped what turned out to be coffee.

'Hot in here,' Ross smirked stating the obvious. The bedroom reeked of spunk and sweat and both of them in the bed were gleaming with perspiration and that's probably what did it.

'Ah what the hell,' Steve looked at Dustin and nodded. Dustin put his mug on the side and slipped into the bed alongside Ross and cuddled up.

'I'm all squishy,' Ross bleated.

'Tough tit,' Dustin laughed. 'I said we'd do them a Christmas Special... a sort of interval before the swop around. Wanna go top or bottom?'

'Gawd spare me from sex maniacs,' Ross groaned.

'Not in this house,' Steve laughed and cuddled his lover. They pulled apart slightly giving the boys room. 'On top of the bed, Dusty, we can see what's going on.'

To be Continued.

Chapters 5a, b, c, and d are a sort of Christmas Special. They're a bit out of synch with the main story but as each chapter is supposed to be self contained it doesn't really matter.


Next: Chapter 7

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