Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Dec 22, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



Mery Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my Christian readers and to those who aren't, a Happy and a Prosperous New Year.



5a - Buttering the Chicken


G. Cutter

Dustin shot into the small cafe on the corner of the main street. He was in Guilford doing his Christmas shopping and for once was minus Ross who had been recruited by his rather vague family for a trip into Old London Town as they insisted on calling it. Probably part of their seasonal affectation.

Dustin although young enough to be one of those who supposedly enjoyed Christmas was the reverse, in fact, he considered himself well and truly Son of Scrooge. All the same he had been down Guildford's main shopping area for a few rather overpriced items for close friends, the closest being Ross and Josh. Just to make his misery even more miserable it had started to snow and snow quite heavily.

'Great, a fuckin' hourly bus service and it's pissing down with snow,' he huffed and pushed open the door to the steamed up cafe. Snow can't piss down, he thought, rain pisses down... no sweat, rain and snow all the same, cold and wet. He saw the place was half empty or half full in the mood he was in. He was standing at the counter (it was one of those) ordering a tea and some rather reluctant looking sandwiches when he was called by a pair of youths sitting by the window. He smiled across and joined them, they were young chefs from St Anselms and from their bags clearly shopping as well.

'How's it going guys?' He sat and sipped his tea, he had the best part of an hour befopre the bus arrived and, at least, it was warm in here. 'Not working today?'

'Nah, shopping day,' the darker of the two replied. 'I only found out the other day we live around the corner from you.'

'Really?' Dustin looked up in surprise. The houses were rather pricey where he lived and the fact that the two youngsters lived in the very next street was indeed a surprise.

'Alladyce Avenue,' the other boy, the fairer one grinned. 'We've got the top of a house. Dave's dad lets it to us, he's filthy rich.'

'He's in property,' Dave offered looking slightly embarassed. 'It's a nice place... you should pop around some time.'

'Cheers... I will,' Dustin answered not quite meaning it but just being civil. He had the vaguest of ideas that these two were involved with some of the Fifth formers . Well, it was a rumour but they were both good looking lads in their own way and from their body language they looked like they might be a bit more than casual pals. 'You waiting for the bus?'

'Nah, we've got wheels,' the fair haired one grinned. 'We'll give you a lift if you like. 'I'm Steve by the way and you seem to know Dave already.'

'Well, vaguely,' Dustin grinned. Brilliant he had a ride home. 'I saw you chatting to a couple of the Fifth just before we broke up,' Dustin spoke to Dave more to make conversation than anything else.'

'Huh,' Dave looked at him and grinned. 'Probably John and little Jimbo, they come around now and then. Poor little lambs we make them feel at home.'

'Yeah, he likes the little ones,' Steve laughed.

'Shut it, bitch,' Dave snarled but Dustin grinned. The Sixth formers camped it up all the time and in an all boy's boarding school what was being hinted at wasn't all that odd, it wasn't as if the chefs were wrinklies, they were barely out of school themselves. The fact that the two had a flat almost on top of the school gave them a massive advantage over others on the staff who may have the inclinations but not the werewithall.

Conversation lagged for a while whilst Dustin ate his sandwiches and when he finished Dave got up and ordered three more hotter teas but after that they made a move. The snow was coming down now hard and fast but Dustin pulled his collar up, he had a lift and anyway, he had the day to himself. His parents both worked in the big City and wouldn't be home until the evening. he had intended to go around and visit Ross but with Ross out of town for the day that was a non starter.

He was surprised to see that they had a decent little car, not the routine boyo's Fiesta but a comfortable family sized Audi and from the front plate pretty recent, these lads had more money than they earned as Junior Chefs that was for sure. He snuggled in the back as Steve flashed up and ran the heater, poor Dave was outside dusting snow from the windows but Dustin sat tight, he was back in Scrooge mode.

Once they negotiated Guildford's horrendous one way sytem they were at the boy's house inside half an hour which was good considering the amount of traffic.

'Come up for a cuppa or something stronger,' Steve offered and Dustin gratefully accepted, it was freezing and there'd be no one at home. He may as well linger with these two as sit in an empty house. He wouldn't really mind being propositioned by one or both, they were both a bit taller than he was but good lookers all the same. Mind you, if Dave liked the babies that put him out of the picture straight away. Of course, he didn't realise that he was a 'baby' to both of them.

'Scotch and lemonade.' Dave offered as they sat around the fire. 'It is Christmas, you can let your hair down.'

'Cheers,' Dustin smiled. Scotch and lemonade sounded disgusting but what the hell, he was a guest and not used to spirits, perhaps it was the 'in' drink, he didn't have a clue. He was presented with a half pint glass, God know's how much Haggis Juice was in it but do or die, he grinned as he hoisted the glass and the others did the same. He felt his throat burn a little as he swallowed and his head definitely spun, a bit like taking a puff of Ross's pipe when it was overloaded. 'Yack, that's a bit strong,' he smiled.

'Go on, it'll warm you up,' Steve laughed. As all good stories say... one thing led to another and two drinks later things were relaxing. Dustin certainly wasn't a whiskey drinker but the young chefs were and basically he was lost before he started. he had a suspicion that they were feeding him more that they were feeding themselves but he was happy. It was warm, they had some recent music on and he liked them. He wondered how long it would take before one or both made a move on him and he didn't have long to wait.

'Little Jimbo you mentioned, he's the dark beetle browed kid... skinhead and looks like a right little thug...' Dustin started to talk and stopped, he realised he may have overstepped the mark. They weren't Sixth formers like his pals and maybe they weren't too comfortable talking about their house guests.

'He's a beautiful boy,' Dave smirked. 'Very affectionate.'

'Same goes for John boy, his special friend, he's a cracker,' Steve contributed.

'Oh,' Dustin sipped his drink caught short for words. He wished he hadn't mentioned the damn kids, they'd think he was poking his nose into their business now and 'special friend', what was that about?

'Yeah, you'd do well with them,' Steve spoke again. 'They're both goers.'

'Goers?' Dustin gulped and spluttered his drink, the conversation had gone off the tracks.

'Yeah, they both like a bit of this...' Steve, sitting alongside on the sofa reached out. He placed his hand right on top of Dustin's lap and gently squeezed. Dustin attempted to move away but Dave who was standing behind the sofa leant over and holding his shoulders nuzzled at his neck with soft lips. Dustin groaned, he wasn't unhappy at the situation but made a token protest.

'I'd better make a move,' he attempted to stand but had no strength in his legs.

'Chill, pal,' Dave whispered from the rear and this time kissed his neck and the side of his face. Steve dropped to his knees and without any foreplay whatsoever unclipped the top of Dustin's combats and ran the zip down.

'I thought so,' he delved into Dustin's warm groin getting a firm hold on the Sixth former's rapidly hardening cock and moved it up and down within the boy's cotton boxers. 'Nice one, Dustin. Wanna play?' He ducked his head and kissed Dustin's rapidly inflating dick through the thin cotton.

'Wanna play our game, Dusty?' Dave bent right over the sofa and as Dustin turned his head kissed him right on the lips this time and Dustin let go, he opened his mouth to admit Dave's slippery tongue.

'Yes or no?' Steve persisted from the floor although he now had his hands up inside Dustin's sweat shirt smoothing and stroking the firm boyish belly and chest. Ducking his head again he ran his dry lips across Dustin's tight abs.

'Yeah, why not?' Dustin giggled going with the flow. 'What game do you guys play?'

'We call it Buttery Chicken,' Dave giggled.

'You would,' Dustin stroked Steve's hair as the bigger boy got down and deep with his kissing and stroking, he had Dustin's clothes parted so that his sweat shirt was up around his tits and his lower gear was just down on his belly but still keeping his pride and joy covered.

'Yeah,' Steve looked up. 'One problem, we have to get naked and you play the chicken.'

'Why am I not surprised?' Dustin cracked up laughing and managed to spill his drink in the process but the bigger boys had him spread out on the sofa and were busy disposing of his clothing. Trainers, socks, sweatshirt and combats leaving him wriggling and squirming in his baggy boxers, his passion killers as Ross called them.

'Very nice,' Steve pulled the top of the boxers down to give Dave a view of what Dustin had to offer. Dustin's straining dark red glans peeped from the boxers and the pair then slowly and ceremoniously tugged them down until their playmate was naked.

'Nice cock,' Dave almost salivated.

'Nice parson's nose,' Steve countered and started to undress. Dustin lay on the sofa and watched as the two older boys put on an impromptu striptease in time to the radio. A bit of stroking and kissing, a bit of licking and sucking and Dustin just got harder and harder as he watched. Dave disappeared for a moment and then returned. 'All ready?' Steve asked.

'Oven's on warming up.' Dave grinned and poured another drink replacing Dustin's that had been spilt. 'Can I taste it?' He looked at Dustin and stroked the boy's smooth inner thigh.

'Taste what?' Dustin felt bemused and that was being kind. He felt half drunk and all this talk about chickens and ovens was a bit of a worry. He felt like he was in a wicked witch's cottage back in a fairy tale. Well, Steve could fit the part of a wicked warlock and Dave was intent on proving himself a fairy as he got to his knees burying his face in Justin's crotch sniffing and licking finally taking the boy's oozing cock into his mouth.

'Ooooh...' Dustin bucked and jerked as Dave's mouth ran up and down his shaft and the chef's hand reached under clasping his soft bottom.

'Come on, kiddies. The kitchen will be warmed up by now,' Steve broke it up and Dave and Dustin reluctantly parted. 'At least we don't have to pluck the bird this time around.'

Shit... what did that mean. Dustin was now quite wobbly and these odd remarks were just about the end. They had to be jokers... didn't they?

They had a big kitchen and a large wooden table in the centre but it was covered by a table cloth. Dustin held back but his drink was removed from his hand and he felt himself being lifted onto the table and being laid out dead centre.

'Do we need to tie him down?' Dave asked and then laughed. 'Just joking, Dusty boy.'

'Close your eyes, Dusty,' Steve spoke softly and ran his hands up and down Dusty's chest. 'Relax, this is gonna be fun.'

Dustin closed his eyes, his mind was in his whirl, he diodn't know whether to expect the searing pain of sharp steel or the rending and tearing of his flesh under sharp teeth. What he did get was a slap, a slap with a handful of soft, slippery and warm butter substitute. Both chefs were attacking him with handfuls of Utterly Butterly from tubs. Dave was smearing the gunk around his chest and shoulders and Steve was massaging the yellow substance over his balls and between his legs.

'Jeeezus, guys,' Dustin wailed but his two hosts were going nutty with the stuff, they covered him and as a finale they concentrated on his dick and his balls until he was a slippery as an eel. At the end they changed tactics. Dave kissed him and smeared his face with the stuff and Steve began to suck his toes and feet. Dustin was now completely bewildered, were they going to cook him or suck him to death. He'd seen enough of Ross' collection of Wundercomics to still be worried a little. Schoolies being gutted and beheaded were a feature of Ross's collection but Ross's villians didn't suck their prey to death. Now Steve was lapping up his legs and Dave was coming down his body, first his nipples and then onto his chest. The thing was as much Utterly Butterly they licked off they replaced it. Steve seemed to take particular pleasure feeding it between his legs and up into his crack as he wriggled between them. At last it happened, he lifted his knees once to often and he felt Steve home into his crack and his pucker like a ferret on crack. 'Aaaaaah....' He writhed and wriggled around as he felt Steve's rigid fingers inside him lubricating and easing his ring.

He felt himself being turned over and then it was on his shoulderblades, the back of his legs and once again his tormentors worked towards the centre. Another thing was he was being slid up the table until his head was resting right on the edge. The Butter Boys as he called them in his mind had changed tactics suddenly he found a swinging erection in front of his face. Dave's oozing cockhead slipped against his lips and he opened his mouth, he knew this game well enough and sucked as the dark haired boy's fat cock slipped into his mouth.

'Good boy,' Dave sighed and to Dustin's horror started to smear the Utterly around and into his ears, he also started to slowly fuck Dustin's face. The position with his jaw on the edge of the table was uncomfortable but not incredibly so, Dustin folded his forearms under his chest to elevated himself a little. He didn't mind sucking a big meaty cock, he just hoped it was going to be a two way thing.

Woops: Stage Three was kicking off. He felt Steve clamber up on the table and really start to massage his back and his bum. Steve was gentle and Steve was kind, Steve had a big dick and Dustin prayed that the fauir haired chef was going to plug him. He liked them both that was his problem but the problem was solved. They were both taking him at the same time. He quivered as he felt Steve's dripping cock slip between his buttered up cheeks into his slippery crack. There was the slightest of pressures and he felt the young chef's rigid meat spear into his bottom... just like a hot knife into butter (he! he!).

'Oooooh...' Dustin gave a low moan and pushed up onto the hot cock sliding up into his arse. Once again Steve took his time and when he finally bottomed out Dustin wriggled content and rather slippery. He had Steve on his back rumping him like a well oiled piston and Dave's fat cock in his mouth. The other thing was that Dave wasn't being rough, he was just slipping his meat in a little way so that Dustin had all the time in the world to suck and lap the plumlike glans and to taste Dave's oozing precum.

'You alright, Dusty?' Steve asked.

'Peachy,' Dustin giggled around Dave's knob. Just to prove his point he pushed his bottom up onto the slippery thrusts.

'Wicked,' Steve grunted and redoubled his efforts. The butter caper was a bit of a kink with Dave and himself but it sure made fucking hard. All the same he felt his heat arising and knew he was about to blow but Dave beat him to the draw. Dave let out a shuddering groan and jetted his first cum into Dustin's gobbling and then pulled free allowing the remainder to spunk all over Dustin's face. To complete the mess he smeared his butter and saliva slicked penis around Dustin's dripping face and bent his knees to kiss the messy teen. Dustin didn't know where the hell he was, the whiskey, the butter, the cum all over his face and Steve's hardness pounding his bottom were too much. He closed his eyes and let the play take it's course.

'I'm cuming,' Steve grunted and rammed into Dustin pinning him to rthe table. Dustin quivered as he felt the first warm surge shoot up into his gut but Steve did the same as Dave, he pulled free of Dustin's gaping hole and shot another three streamers up Dustin's back before positioning his spunk drooling penis at Dustin's butter covered pucker and thrust it home again to end his twitching and jerking climax. He lay out on Dustin his belly and chest smearing the cum and butter on Dustin's back into a messy glue. As Dustin felt Steve soften within him he opened his eyes to face a grinning Dave.

'Bath time,' Dave grinned and stood. Steve also slipped from the table and they both helped Dustin off. He was absolutely exhausted what with the drinking and the sex he was wiped out. He let them wipe him off with the table cloth and then Dave produced a ribbon from somewhere and wrapped it around the neck of Dustin's scrotum and tied it tight. They escorted him into the bathroom and then wiped him again with tissues before showering him with loads of soap and gel, Steve shared the shower and with his moves and fumbles soon had Dustin back to a full blown erection. The next move was a bath with Dave who actually entered him in the soapy water but didn't fuck, he just moved around inside Dustin making him even harder. The final stage was a shower by himself this time, his head was feeling clearer although he felt as open as the Channel Tunnel around the rear. His penis was in overdrive but every time he tried to relieve himself his hand was slapped away. At last he was patted dry and escorted to a surprisingly cold bedroom although Dave put on an electric fire as soon as they were inside.

'You are stopping for dinner?' Dave asked as Dustin fell onto the bed fingering his ultra hard cock and wondered what was going on.

'I have to be home for seven,' Dustin croaked and lay back on the bed still being dried by Steve.

'It's not even three yet,' Dave grinned. 'I'm going to watch the TV and make a start on dinner for us three, we're not expecting any guests.'

'And I get to look after you,' Steve grinned and bent over Dustin's supine form. He kissed Dustin and his tongue slipped into the younger boy's mouth as Dustin groaned. This was all too much, it looked like he was going to get shagged again but he had it all wrong. 'Dave lost the toss.'

'What toss,' Dustin clasped Steve's muscular body, he really was quite nice then again so was the darkhaired Dave.

'I get you for the afternoon... or rather you get me for the afternoon,' Steve stood up and flipped the bedding down. 'Get in, Lover Boy... it's payback time... for you.'

'Really?' Dustin grinned. He swiftly clambered intot he cold bed to be joined by Steve and the pair snuggled together. Steve was hard again but Dustin was harder, he felt like his hardness was going to burst. 'Gotta ask, what's this thing tied around my balls for.'

'To stop you popping in the kitchen, the bath or the shower,' Steve explained. 'I want a nice fuck out of you not just a dribble.' he grinned and lay his body uptight to Dustin's. 'I love St Anselm boys,' he chortled and his lips came down onto Dustin's once more.

'Won't Dave get the hump?'

'Nah, it was a fair toss.' He looked at Dustin. 'If you brought your friend Ross around we could play tennis next time.'

'Tennis?' Dustin laughed. 'What's the catch this time?'

'No catch. Four bodies, two pairs... mix and match, you can work that one out, can't you.'

'Oh, yeah,' Dustin giggled. He pressed into Steve and wrapped his arms around the older boy and finally got a grip on his firm buttocks. Oh yeah, this one he was going to enjoy with or without butter.

Suddenly Steve ducked under the bedding and the next thing Dustin knew warm lips were around his cock and he was being subjected to a blow job.

'Jeez, Steve. My dick's so sore it' fuckin' well hurts.'

'OK. OK.' Steve surfaced. 'Get in me whilst it's nice and hard, give it a couple of minutes and you will have a good cum.' He paused between each of the last few words. It came out as if it was a solid gold promise. Dustin wasn't too sure. The ribbon had made him extra hard but he also suspected his little spermies had probably all given up and gone home.

Steve shuffled around in the bed and managed to get underneath with Dustin on top, he rested his legs on Dustin's shoulders and then wriggled himself around. You won't need any lube. Well, maybe a bit of spit.'

'Do this a lot, do you,' Dustin said mockingly.

'I'm buttered up inside,' Steve grinned up. 'Come on, man or mouse?'

'Man.' Dustin got himself into position and swiped some saliva across the end of his bulging and now crimson red glans and pushed gently expecting the usual resistance but he slid into Steve quite easily which made his dick ever more sore. The heat and tighness on him was driving him crazy. He moved in and out until he bottomed out and then held Steve tightly. 'It bloody well hurts,' he whined piteously.

'I'll do it,' Steve finally relented. With a lot of fumbling and then one swift tug the ribbon came free and Dustin felt a surge of relief as his balls dangled free. Now it was fuckery time. He started to move again in and out of Steve's well lubricated hole and the relief was instantaneous. His hardon had limpened a bit but it soon recovered and it felt like a steel bar as he moved faster and faster. His balls took their time recovering and rising to the occasion but they did in the end. His vinegar strokes were the hardest and and stiffest ever. He was surprised that he didn't punch Steve a new arsehole as he rumped away. Finally he felt the heat rising in his balls, and then the absolute bliss as he felt the surges of heat and he squirted a massive load into his partner, he cum and cum, he felt like he was offloading gallons and there and then he told himself he was trying the ribbon stunt again and so were his mates. He continued to hammer away at Steve's dripping hole until he collapsed exhausted laying atop the bigger boy. Gently kissing and relaxing as Steve gently stroked his bottom.

'That was a good one,' Steve grinned. 'The old ribbon works wonders.'

'So it seems,' Dustin grinned. It was worth all the hassle to be able to demonstrate something new to his pals. He had the feeling that short lengths of ribbons and cords would be a fashion accessory at St Anselm's after the holiday.

'What are you doing tomorrow? Got any plans?'

'I was thinking of bring Ross around for a game of tennis, mixed doubles if that's OK with you two.

'I'll collect you, your place at midday.'

'Great, I'll have Ross boy prepped up.' Dustin rubbed up and down on Steve's belly feeling the the older boy's hardness between them. 'You know what I'd like right now?'

'Pray tell,' Steve grinned and holding Dustin's head steady kissed him long and hard.

'A butter free fuck, with you, belly to belly, face to face.' Dustin managed to speak in the end. He slipped off his partner and lay on his back.

'Really?' Steve smiled lazily.

'Really,' Dustin grinned. 'Your turn... man or mouse?'


(The Series continues in around a week)

Next Episode around New Years Eve and then back onto regular Friday releases. Enjoy your various holidays.


Next: Chapter 6

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