Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Sep 21, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



25a - The Cricket Weekend

(Told by Jimbo)


G. Cutter

Well, it was Friday morning and an important day for me. For once I'd spent a night alone and felt quite frisky when I got up. I had a quick shower and was one of the first down for breakfast. I even had time to pop in the kitchen and see George. He looked a bit frayed around the edges but gave me a chirpy smile which I took to mean he'd got through his night with Dick Lodge OK. I had another master plan, to save myself being commited for the night I was going to suggest to Andy and Joe, the Blair blondies that they handled Tricky Dicky and then my week as batboy was up. After that he could paddle his own canoe, I'd carried out my task and now it was time to look after my own interests. The previous afternoon he'd introduced me to the groundsman's assistant who was barely more than a boy himself. In fact, he was seventeen and a dish, I mean it, he was a bit rough around the edges but I bet he went at it like a bloody stoat. I was sure he was game, at least, I was ninety percent sure and later on in the day he was going to show me the ins and outs of groundsmanship. That should prove interesting as I wanted inside his scruffy jeans and hoped he was thinking along the same lines.

The morning passed as it had for the week, we were in the gymn for an hour, out on the fields for another hour and then intothe sauna for a good old sweat and wash before lunch. Lunch was formerly the despised meal but I think the chefs were surprised how popular it had become. The lads swallowed it down like young wolves which just goes to show the exercise was burning up the calories or whatever. I did a quick bit of arranging with the Blair bros and they were only too keen to spend a night with a young master, I also told Dicky who was a bit doubtful but once he started dribbling I knew I'd got his interest. He kept saying he needed a night's peace but he could have some of that next week... maybe.

Directly after lunch I wandered over the cricket field to see Seb driving around on a red thing which was slightly smaller than the tractor and had a cutting thingy slung underneath. As soon as he saw me he motored across and switched off.

'I wondered if you'd turn up,' he grinned amiably and dismounted.

'Yeah, I'm here,' I answered a bit lamely. 'Whatcha doing?'

'Cutting the outfield for tomorrow.' He stood back and I could see him going into instructor mode. 'That is the cricket table,' he pointed out the oblong of play. 'The table has four or five tracks on it so they can be rotated.' I nodded but he'd lost me already. 'Anything outside that area is called the outfield which takes you out and past the boundary rope... you with me?'


'You'll pick it up,' he casually draped an arm around my shoulder and gave me a little squeeze. All good stuff. 'The outfield is kept short so that the ball can roll but not as short as the tracks which are ultra short and the outfield is what I'm doing at the moment.'

'Looks boring.'

'Grasscutting is but you need to switch off... hop onboard.'

'What me?'

'Yes, you,' he grinned. I sat on the seat and got a run down on the machine. It was easy peasy. An on/off key, a hand accelerator, and a rocker pedal on the floor which drove the machine backward or forwards. There was a parking brake but that was it, in the normal course of events if you took your foot off the rocker pedal the machine just stopped dead. He also explained that the big dish on the bottom was the cutting deck and had just the one switch to operate and a small lever to set the depth of cut. 'Just have a drive around without the cutter working.' He managed to perch himself on the read tyre guard and we were off. It was fun, we went right down the end of the field to the tree line again and returned to our start position.

'Brill,' I sat there feeling as happy as a pig in poo, it was bloody hot but observing the pavilion was empty another plan was forming and it involved showers and our little nests up by the water tanks. Well, that depended if he took the shower, if he fancied me and if he wanted to get down and dirty... lots of ifs but I was on a roll. He wanted me, I could feel it in my piss.

'Jeez, my bum's sore,' he whined. 'Tell you what... I'll sit on the seat and you can sit on my lap just in case you lose control. I laughed and hopped off. Losing control of a machine doing around three or four miles an hour would be a disaster... yeah, right. Anyway, the sun was so hot we both peeled our shirts off after a quick look around. There was no one in sight and off we went again with him in the seat and me basically sitting between his legs. His arms were casually draped around my bare belly and he guided me until I got it, he was basically cutting in a circle (or oval as he insisted) and moving out a band at a time. There was a knack to it but I wouldn't call it the brainiest job in the world. Jeez, it was hot and in the middle of a bloody great field there's just nowhere to escape the sun, another problem was that there was a slight breeze and the cut grass came up like a dust storm. The encouraging thing was he moved his hands and was holding me like we were riding tandem on a motorbike. I liked it and after a couople of circuits he was squeezing my spare tyre with his strong hands and I felt it pressing into my back.

'You pleased to see me or is that a truncheon in your pocket, constable?'

'A Mae West quote,' he laughed. 'A bit before your time.'

'And yours,' I pushed back on the seat feeling his hardness pressing against the base of my spine.

'Yeah, I'm sorry,' he grunted and fiddled with my navel.

'How'd did you get on with Tricky Dicky yesterday?'

'Who the hell's Tricky Dicky?'

'Richard Lodge.'

'Oh, alright,' he sounded cautious.

'I like a man who keeps his mouth shut,' I guided one of his hands down between my legs. He gave a snigger and I felt his hand grasp me and feel out the length and thickness.

'Big boy,' he whispered and I felt his lips on my neck. 'See that big oak.'


'Five more circuits on that oak and we'll call it a day.'

'Great, I'm covered in crap.' That was true at least, his hands were gritty on my belly and I could feel the itch of little bits of grass and dust on my shoulders. We must have been filthy as the breeze had built a bit and it was a bit like being in one of those Desert Storm films. There was a huge cloud of dust and cut grass blowing around and we were in the middle. Thank you Mr Massey Ferguson, this bloody machine called for goggles and a rubber suit. Mind you the feel of Seb pressing against my back made up for things but the bloody filth, yeuchy. I think my view of dirty work is that someone has to do it and preferrably not me.

'You can speed up a bit,' I felt his tongue tickle my neck. Goody, he was getting carried away. I put my trainers to the pedal and we leapt away at around six miles an hour, joy. The dust cloud increased but it was beginning to drift to the rear now. He nattered away in my ear about how the grass normally shot out the side of the machine but due to the long spell of hot weather and the slight breeze we'd reaped the whirlwhind which he thought was highly amusing. I just nodded, he was still licking my dirty neck oblivious to anyone spying and pressing into my spine like he was trying to bore a hole.

'You keep that up and I'm going to fuck you,' I shouted above the noise.

'Fuck for fuck, Jimbo?'

I laughed. That was one thing sorted out all I had to do was tear him away from this beast of a machine. Well, everything comes to he who waits and eventually we drew upto the 'Groundsman's Hut' as their store was called and he carefully drove inside and switched off. We got off and stood looking at each other, talk about sand demons... Jeez, we were so dirty and dusty.

'Here you go,' he handed me a dirty rag which I realised was a towel.

'Don't you shower before going home?'

'It's not normally as bad as this,' he replied defensively and brushed dust and grass from his broad chest.

'Let's go and have a shower, I have a key to the pavilion back door.'


'Really,' I smirked. 'The boilers are on for tomorrow and I know a place...'

'I thought you might,' he giggled and suddenly grabbed me pulling me in so that our dusty bodies mashed together like two lumps of sandpaper. His lips came down onto mine and his hands graped my bottom, one cheek to each hand. I moved my groin against his and opened my mouth as his lips came onto mine. Time for the tongue tango and I felt his slippery organ sliding against mine as we shared a breath consuming frenchie. 'Gawd,' he looked at me as we parted. 'You are sooooo hot.'

'Thank you, kind sir,' I camped. 'Come on, there's loads of old towels and things over there.'

We locked his place up and after a careful look around I led him to the rear of the pavilion. I wouldn't really have cared if the place was in use, the state we were in surely we were entitled to use the showers and toilets? We walked down to the bathroom and toilets section and I found him a couople of towels left over from our group frolics and he sat to remove his heavy work boots although I noted he'd picked up a pair of trainers and some lightweight clothing from his store, clearly his 'walking out' clothing. We did the usual peep show bit. he peeped at me and I peeped at him as we undressed and as I stood naked I saw his eyes widen as he looked at my erection standing proud, loud and jutting from my belly.

'Nice one.' he whispered.

'Come on then,' I stepped into the communal showers and turned a couple on jumping between then until they were pleasantly warm without being too hot. I'd love to have topped up the big bath but it would have took to long. The other thing was that as he finally stripped I saw that his penis was also at full stretch and was bigger than my own, he topped the six and his foreskin was history leaving his bulging dark red glans shiny with his own precum. Gawd, it was a beauty and all mine. Before he got under the water he gave me a twirl showing off his tight white bottom and I nearly creamed on the spot. 'You'll do,' I croaked and began to soap myself watching the dust and muck run off my body onto the tiles below.

'This is so nice,' he stood there letting the water bounce off his head so that his untidy fair hair began to look reasonably clean rather than a dusty dolly mop. I soaped his shoulders and down his back and he stood there purring like a big cat but it wasn't until we were both soaped up and nicely slippery that we embraced mashing our soapy cocks together under the warm flow. 'I'm so hard,' he whined pushing against me.

'Rinse off,' I ordered and pushed him away. Seconds later I grabbed his hand and dragged him from the showers straight into the toilets. I don't think he had the slightest idea what was going on but I then pulled him into the toilets and up the steps to the loft. Once inside I closed the door and hurried him along between the tanks and still water beaded dropped onto my little messy nest taking him with me. 'Suck me and fuck me,' I tried to sound domineering although I was nervous,he was a big boy and I hoped that he knew how to act gentle rather than like a bloody animal. As soon as I felt his hands on my body and his sweet kisses on my wet skin I knew I was alright. He must have had a boyfriend or at least someone he did 'things' with as his fluttering lips and pointy tongue went places I'd never imagined. He sucked my toes, tickled the soles of my feet and then worked his way uop my body to my pits and then my tits. As I squirmed and begged taking the occasional grab at his big cock he finally took my scrotum in his mouth and gently wanked me before sinking his mouth over my raging hardon. 'Aaaah... I bucked and jerked as I felt his hands under my bottom and one finger probe and then delve bwteen my cheeks and broach my ring. He was finger fucking me and sucking at the same time and I was away with the pixies. He was damn good and I wanted that big twitching cock of his so much.

I could feel my heat rising as he sucked and slurped at my boy cock taking it right into his throat and then a second finger pierced my arsehole and hit the prostate. I nearly took off as his fingers moved inside me relaxing and easing my boy fanny for his pleasure.

'Gonna fuck you so hard,' he grinned around my slippery cock.

'Really?' I laughed and clamped on his moving fingers as I felt my superheated jism shoot up my shaft straight down his throat. He coughed and spluttered and took the second and third blasts into his mouth and even some on his lips and jaw. I just flopped exhausted as he squeezed me dry like a tube of toothpaste and began to kiss up my belly with his spunky lips arriving on mine where we shared the taste of my own cuming. At the same time he lifted my legs and I felt the air on my hole and then the blunt pressure of his glans. Thankfully it was slick with his own dribbles and then he pushed against my tender ring and I felt the stretch and then the the slow entry of his swollen knob. God, he was so good, he made little jabbing motions until he just slid in and I felt the whole of his big boy's cock begin to fill me with his mass and heat. 'Seb...' I moaned as I felt the pressure increase and he rose to a kneeling position above me and began to fuck for real.

'Jimbo,' he grinned and placed my calves on his shoulder leaning in for another kiss. 'So tight,' he crooned. 'So smooth.'

'So horny,' I giggled. 'Fuck me.' He did. He was good, he was excellent and I have to admit I'm more for fucking than being fucked but with Sebastian it was different. He was a gentle and kind lover masquerading as a scruffy lout who cut our grass. I moaned with the sheer pleasure of his hot cock inside me and held him tightly as his crisp blond pubics pressed in under my balls.

He smiled down at me and began to take long rythmic stokes into my gut pulling nearly out and then sliding back in with that final jolt that indicated there is no more. In fact, he was so slow and teasing in a way that I begged him to go harder and faster which he did in the end. I had to get to know him better, I had to share... get him into school one night and let him loose amongst the so called experts. He'd put them to shame but he was now going faster and harder aided by our original wetness, sweat and his precum. I could feel it getting bigger and harder within me. 'Go on, go on,' I whined as he slapped into me.

My legs had slipped down and were now around his waist as he ravaged his way to a climax. It was hot and sweaty but suddenly I felt the familiar throb and wetness inside me. He cum well and I moaned out loud as I felt his thick boy cum explode inside me in hot, sticky and slippery streamers. He lay on me pressed in deeply and I felt his jerking finally stop.

'Now that was good,' he slowly slipped free and I felt a towel crammed up between my cheeks. 'You are fantastic, sweet Jimbo.'

Music to my ears, I love a compliment and I could see he really meant it, he was still hard and I was tempted to go for seconds but time was limited and it would be too messy. 'Thank you,' I said rather formally. A lay on my back and fondled my organ. Precum was oozing and he leant over and swiped it clean with his tongue, I gasped and clamped my cheeks on the towel, I could feel his cum fluid inside me and I just had to be leaking but he was on the move.

He squatted across my body and holding my hardon upright lowered his middle so that I actually saw his pucker come down on me and sink over my swollen organ. God, this kid was almost professional and as he settled on me I pushed up and he giggled. 'From here we go doggy... keep in me...' He began to go onto his side and I clasped his firmly muscled body keeping my hot hardness tight in his sweet arse making little fucking motions. He then began to raise up onto his knees and I went with him so that we were both crouched together joined by my itchy and twitchy cock. I couldn't exercise the self control that he could and started to fuck as soon as he was comfortable. I slammed and slapped into his fine white arse until he pushed back harder taking in all I had to give. He was so tight and so smooth I couldn't last and I exploded into his gut in a mess of sticky and slippery spunk but it was one of my good ones. As he fell onto his belly I stirred myself inside his hot body feeling very pleased with myslef.

'That didn't take long,' he sounded a bit disappointed. 'You wanna try and make it last,' he advised. Jeez, he was trying to tutor me in sex, moi... Super Shagger.

'The next one will,' I promised as he rolled to face me. Reaching down his belly I could feel he was fully hard and has the will, I grinned. This was going to be one long afternoon but I had the feeling time with my Seb would be time well spent.

To be continued.

Next up: The day of the match GCutter66@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 44

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