Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Sep 10, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



24E The Relief Master

(told by Richard Lodge)


G. Cutter

Well I had Brian Stanson and on Wednesday night I had Scipio Fortunato and he had me, things were going well and all thanks to Jimbo. It seemed that the skinny lad, the Romanian George was spending his nights in the duty chef's room so he proved no problem and he was organised for Thursday but one upset loomed on the horizon. My Activities Class as it was now known had gone down well and I had a full house, I had all the boys involved and we settled on a routine but perhaps I'd bitten off more than I could chew to coin a phrase. The problem was I just wasn't used to all the activity, a teacher or master in this school was supposed to lead and instruct, the muppets were wearing me out both in the gym and in the bedroom and I was sadly out of shape, I'd be going back to Uni on a stretcher. We'd got into routine now, an hour in the gym, a short break and then an hour out on the sports field followed by just under an hour in the sauna and then to lunch.

Another fly in my pretty lumpy ointment was that Peter Thomas the top man informed me that the school had hired out the cricket pitch for the Saturday and as I was the Acting Sports Master I had to sort it all out. I had about as much interest in cricket as the man in the moon but I saw the groundsman who assured me that there would be a track made available which meant that it would be well rolled and marked up, furthermore, his sidekick a gangly youth of around seventeen would be in attendance to fill any rabbit holes or suchlike on the day, what the scruffy groundsman failed to tell me was that he would be on his holiday for the event but I found that out later What was more important was that the bar had to be opened up and cricket teas arranged. Now the latter was a pain until one of the other masters present told me that his wife was well versed in this sort of thing and with a friend would look after the teas for a small renumeration. So far so good. Then I got an additional bonus, Mr Thomas said that he or Mr Harris would handle the bar with one or two of the Sixth Formers, the bar was mainly munchies, soft drinks, cans and bottle - no draught beer. Great, all I had to do was to greet the two teams and show them where everything was... I could concentrate on my sex life again.

I did the Thursday morning activities in a bit of a daze. Scipio was a rabbit, we were at it all night and he gave as good as he got to be very blunt and I wandered around in a dream. Mind you in the afternoon I made my escape and hid in my room, I couldn't take any more, I needed rest and I knew that Jimbo had lined up the Romanian kid for that night, I definitely need to tuck in some afternoon zeds before I collapsed.

The oft laid plans of mice and men are oft to go up the shute as I'm sure you're aware. Mine were destroyed by the ever subtle Jimbo charging in and locking the door behind him. He walked across the room and drew the curtains. 'You're not going to tell me to sod off?' he looked so ultra confident as he peeled his shirt off, I hadn't got the heart to tell him to do exactly what he'd suggested.

'Come on, Sweetie Pie,' I patted the bed alongside and with a grin he ripped off the remainder of his clothing and with his dark skinned penis bobbing hopped onto the bed.

I was only wearing my shorts but he was soon inside those and I surrendered to his near rape. Finesse wasn't one of Jimbo's words and I suppose we'd got past that stage by now. We rutted like a pair of animals and in the end slept the sleep of the just.

Not so Jim, he was up and bounding around about an hour later and then he was in the shower making all the noise he could muster, I just thanked the good Lord that the other master's rooms were some distance from mine. In the end he completely spoilt my day or my afternoon's nap, mind you he gave me a good workout and when he suggested we should have a walkabout I grudgingly agreed. I suppose I could have a snooze early evening to prepare or build some strength for the Romanian visitor planned for the night.

We wandered around the building and eventually made our way over to the cricket pitch where the groundsman's assistant was rolling the near outfield with the mini tractor towing a huge roller. I strolled over tailed by Jimbo to inspect the track that would be used on Saturday and it seemed OK to my inexperienced eye.

'He's sweet,' Jimbo eyed the youth on the tractor as he passed by doing circuits.

'Seventeen, goes by the name of Seb,' I informed him proud of my homework.

'You had him?' Jim looked at me in surprise.

'Don't be silly. I've only met him once and that was yesterday.'

'Slow,' Jim laughed. 'I wonder if he likes schoolies.'


'I'm going to look in the bar, I can see Josh buggering around in there with Mr Harris.'

'They're handling the bar on Saturday,' I looked around to see Jimbo beetling off. Probably scared he was missing something. . Now, I know exactly nothing about cricket pitches but tried to look as if I did. The tractor pulled up and Seb which I assumed was short for Sebastian wandered over.

'Just about ready for Saturday, Mr Lodge,' he smiled. 'A final nice short cut on the track on Saturday morning and I'll paint her up. ready for noon'

'No Mr Parker?' Parker was the groundsman by the way.

'I can do a cricket track,' Seb answered somewhat reproachfully. 'Kid's stuff.'

'OK, OK,' I grinned.

'Can I ask you a question?'

'Yeah, go on,' I looked at him assuming it was something to do with the grounds.

'That kid you were with, he hangs around here quite a bit...'


'Well, nothing. I was just a bit curious. If he's interested in groundswork, grasscutting and all that he's welcome to jump in and help... and learn something at the same time,' he hurriedly added.

'I'll pass it on,' I laughed. 'But you know what schoolboys are like, he probably sees you as a hero driving around on a tractor. Kids that age often get a crush on their heroes,' I slung in as a bit of a feed and just to see what his reaction would be.

'I can live with a bit of hero worship,' he laughed out loud.

'He's a bit over affectionate.' I was going over the top but we were talking generalities and I was doing a bit of fishing after all.

'I could handle it.'

'Come and have something cold, I'll introduce you.' I waited for him to switch off the machine and we strolled over to the pavilion. I could see Jimbo ogling us through the big plate glass windows and smiled to myself. This Seb was far too laid back to be really natural and I wondered if he had a taste for schooly meat. It's surprising the people who work at schools who are latents. Woops, I'm beginning to sound like the local PC Plod but you don't work with over three hundred kids if you dislike them, put it that way.

Inside the bar Mr Harris and Josh were doing an inventory but Jimbo was staring at the door as I walked in with Seb who I led straight over to where Jimbo was sitting.

'Jim this is Seb. It seems he's happy giving you a ride... on his machine that is.' As they both did becoming blushes I went to the bar to get some drinks. At last I'd scored one on Jimbo but he would live to tell the tale. His skin was as thick as a rhino's. In fact, he had beautiful skin but you get the drift. I lurked at the bar talking to Josh and Mr Harris who was getting on a bit agewise but he did like his drink. All the time I was there he was sipping on this or that although Josh stuck to soft drinks. They had a few of the boys wander in and buy Cokes and whatnots but things looked to be getting organised for the Saturday. There were even two of the Fourth Form washing out the kitchen doubtless for a small fee. Glancing over I saw that Jimbo and Sebastian seemed to be getting on like a house on fire.

I wandered over taking them drinks but Jimbo was on the move.

'Seb's going to let me have a go on his tractor tomorrow, show me the ropes sort of thing,' Jimbo gave me a crafty wink. 'In the afternoon, it's quieter.' I knew exactly what he meant. Seb would be busy in the forenoon but would probably have time to spare after lunch and that's when Jimbo would strike if I knew my little deviate. From the way Seb was looking at him I suspected Seb knew exactly what the score was and was just playing along with the boy. 'Gotta rush,' Jimbo swallowed his drink. 'See you around one,' he grinned at Seb as he rushed out of the door.

'Jeez, he's a bit bold,' Sebastian smiled shyly. 'A bit forward if you know what I mean.'

'I know exactly what you mean,' I smirked. 'Jim just needs a bit of comforting if you follow me.'

'I'm not too sure I do,' Seb played it straight faced but I was getting used to the boys and their beating around the bush by now and Seb was no diffferent from the rest.

'Well, we all need a bit of companionship now and then and Jimbo's no different from anyone else.'

'Yes...' He looked at me with what looked like a calculating look. He wasn't dumb and he clearly realised something was going on. He seemed to make a decision and I knew it wasn't easy for him, I was a master in the school and basically his employer, he was trying very hard not to put a foot wrong. 'So... have you had to comfort young Jim?'

Now there was a leading question and I decided to go for broke. 'Quite often,' I laughed. 'He does like a bit of comforting.' I nearly leered to add to the statement but there was no need as he grinned and stretched his legs under the table trying to adjust his crotch without those behind the bar seeing what he was upto. At the same time his leg made contact with mine and lingered just that little bit too long. It was about time I made some sort of a move. As his leg met mine under the table I pressed back, a time honoured and instantly recognisable signal to any schoolboy the world over.

'I've got to put the tractor away,' he suddenly looked businesslike. 'You haven't seen our store have you?'

'No, should I?' I stretched out my leg again and found his, this time there was a definite pressure which I returned. That was it, signals exchanged, it was now time to see what he had to offer.

'Your choice,' he grinned and my eyes automatically zeroed in on his dirty jeans. Certainly a lump at the crotch which I had a sudden desire to explore not that I was interested you understand, I just felt I owed Jimbo some payback for his efforts. Maybe a bit of groundswork with the groundsworker.

We left the bar with the Blair brother's beady eyes following and I gave them a small smile just to let them know what they were probably thinking was quite correct. Seb walked over to get his small tractor and I lurked by the groundsman's store which was just an oversized double garage at the end of the pavilion half covered in bushes and brambles. I was surprised that the boys hadn't taken it over but it was securely locked until Seb drove up with the key. I helped him open up and found it remarkably tidy, there was space for the tractor and a small ride-on cutter to park side by side. The overwhelming smell was of grass cuttings and warm oil. There was even a small cleared area at the end with what appeared to be a clapped out old sofa and a small table. There was also a smaller rear door and I immediately thought of escape hatches.

He drove the tractor in and we shut the door and locked it all up from the outside. 'Come on,' he whispered and slightly flushed led down the side and re-entered through the rear door. I followed knowing full well that this was the moment of truth, one of us was about to make a move and it would probably be me.

'Is this where you're going to bring Jim for his dose of comfort?'

'Maybe.' he grinned still red faced. He turned on an electric kettle and bent down at a fridge to inspect some doubtful looking milk. I swifttly moved in behind him and put my hands on his shoulders as he rose.

'Don't worry about the housewife bit,' I whispered and pulled him in nuzzling at the back of his neck.

'You coming onto me, Mr Lodge,' he giggled and squirmed in my arms, no longer the butch groundskeeper.

'Just making sure I can trust you with my little Jim.' That was a laugh, Jim would eat this kid for breakfast and come back for seconds.

'Yeah?' He pressed back against me and reaching down his front I felt his grubby jeans where it counted. Solid, no two ways about it, the pleasantly ugly Seb, the dirty blond youth was as hard as a pipe and I groaned as his soft bottom pressed back into my groin. 'It's perfectly safe in here,' he whispered.

'Jim will show you his little lair tomorrow... if you treat him right.'

'I will,' he muttered and managed to turn around in my embrace. He munched on the side of my neck like a baby vampire but his hands also dropped and tugged at the waistband to my shorts. 'Yeah,' he whispered his satisfaction as he felt my hardness through my briefs but by this time I'd unclipped his belt and his stiff jeans were on their way down. He was wearing boxers but they were no protection against my wandering hands as I first felt his hot cock and then exposed the beautiful thing to the dusty air. He groaned, we both groaned as we played with each other and fell onto the dilapidated old sofa. In the gloom and warmth of the old garage we got ourselves undressed and lay out full length fully bare exploring and enjoying each other' nakedness. He was rangy I suppose, not skinny but not overpadded either and he was a toughy, I mean he was smooth and boyish but had the abs and pecs of someone who looked after his body. He was about average for his age in the penis stakes but Jimbo would like it just as much as I did. I slipped down his body and took his hot and slightly sweaty meat into my mouth but he was no tyro. He immediately clambered around on the sofa reversing himself and going down onto my jerking cock. We were into a sixty niner without a word being spoken. He had another surprise in store for me, he started to deepthroat. I mean it, I felt my swollen and dripping glans slide right down his throat and past his gullet, his nose was in my pubics ans I slowly moved in and out enjoying the slick tightness. It was a trick I'd never mastered myself and here was a seventeen year old boy doing it to me.

At the end he just had it inside his mouth and tongue tickled my glans showing absolutely no surprise or revulsion when I offloaded three of four juicy spurts of my creamy love juice into his eager swallows. After that it was my turn to try and give as good as I'd got. I held his scrotum by the neck to stop him coming and then set out to tease and make him beg.

He started fucking my mouth like a pro and then went from there to begging to let him go as I sucked and slobbered over his swollen flesh. In the end I got what I wanted, in his contortions he'd exposed his pucker and I rammed one finger into his sweaty little box making him scream. Once I had his prostate I had him, he writhed moaned and begged for release and at last I relented.

Grabbing his now sweaty hips I took him in as far as I could until I felt the final hardening and then the initial throb. God, he did well and I don't know the last time he'd had a wank but he came like the proverbial donkey. My mouth was filled three times with his fruity and youthful spunk. I sucked on his exhausted noodle as he flopped back onto the sofa with his chest fluttering and his heart on overtime.

'Gawd, that was something else,' he managed to gasp at the end.

'You just give Jimbo a good time tomorrow,' I stroked his hard belly. 'He likes to fuck.'

'So do I,' he grinned.

'You should do well together but I gotta cut and run, duty calls.'

'Love 'em and leave 'em?' He scowled.

'I'll be back next week but you look after my Jimbo tomorrow and remember... I'll be back.' That was in my best Arnie voice by the way.

'Freddy Parker's off next week as well,' he told me almost coyly.

'Well, you might be entertaining some of the other boys next week in that case.'

'Goody,' he giggled and that was it as far as I was concerned. I would be back to tackle that fine little arse of his but for the moment I had a young Romanian to prepare for and maybe try and have another nap. No rest for the wicked.

To be continued.

A bit limp that one but I'll let Jimbo have a go next. GCutter66@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 43

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