Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Aug 27, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



24C - The Relief Master

(Told by Richard Lodge)


G. Cutter

I was awake early probably due to Jimbo wriggling and squirming against me awakening me from my beauty sleep. We made sweet love to the sound of the birds and waking up noises from the school around us, well it was more of a frantic fuck than lovemaking but it satisfied us both. I had the feeling I would have stacks of time to get to know Jimbo better and enjoy his eager young body in the weeks ahead. He freely admitted he liked being fucked and fucking at least once a day and any of the lesser pleasures as they occured. What he was trying to say was that he was basically a sex maniac and he'd found very fertile ground with the current crop of 'lodgers' as the boys who stayed on over any holiday were called.

He told me there were already boys who would be staying over the Christmas although a much smaller group, then again it was only a four week holiday. It crossed my mind to put my name down for the task of minding the lads as I had no family obligations and I was quite sure the other masters wouldn't be too keen.

'Right, I'll see you at breakfast and then the gym afterwards,' he stood at the door with the soiled and sweaty sheets in his arms.

'Yes. Thank you for a very interesting night, Jimbo.'

'Lots more to come,' he giggled and left. I got dressed up for the event, white trainers, white shorts and a blue Uni singlet with prominent logo. I looked quite the part and I patted the whistle in my pocket... I was ready.

Breakfast was crap and mainly eaten in silence. It seemed that my fellow masters weren't morning people at all, I did wonder how many of them might entertain boys in their rooms but no one gave any indications of that sort of thing not that they would.

By nine thirty I was waiting in the gym and the boys started to trickle in. It was a good showing, Josh and Scipio from the Sixth, Jimbo, the Thai kid and a mate from the fourth who I believe was called Dominic. Brian Stanson was accompanied by the two blond brothers from the Pavilion yesterday plus the ginger boy and a further two smaller fair haired boys who I presumed were the eleven year olds. A spread of ages and I had to select tasks or functions that didn't wear out the little ones, a good collection all the same. Eleven out of seventeen or whatever not a bad score. Now all I had to do was keep them interested.

I introduced myself, got their names and away we went but first a short speech.

'OK lads, listen up. This is to keep you in trim not to wear you out so we'll break at ten thirty and then at eleven thirty we'll move into the sauna. Much healthier than plunging straight into a melee in the swimming pool.' That seemed to raise an interest and I got them jogging around the quite large gym.

'Just loose jogging, nice and easy... let your bodies loosen up, it's not a race.' As they ran around the perimiter I sussed them out, some were clearly sporty and ran on the balls of their feet others just shambled around flat footed, not much change there. From there I took them onto some rather strenuous wall bar work and then onto some handball trying to split them into roughly equal teams. After a short break I had them rope climbing and then got them to rig up an obstacle course with the mats and horses and anything else that came to hand. It was a bit rough and ready but got them sweaty and gave me some idea of what to go for in future... maybe half in the gym and half in the open air out on the field. The sauna was the adventure and from some sly remarks and nervous giggles I guess that went for them as well.

'OK. lads... that's it ,before the sauna any suggestions for tomorrow?' Various ideas were put up which at least showed that they were interested and I put forward my half inside and half outside idea which went down well. We were off and running. I sent them off to get their towels and report back to me poolside where Howard was flopped out in a deckchair surveying what I assumed were ginger's four pals from the Third Form, all dark skinned gypsy types. Very unusual, I'd heard of black sheep in a family but never a ginger sheep in a black family as Simon appeared to be. It was clearly coincidental but very odd all the same..

They all mustered and I led them in and took great pleasure in what was supposed to be the rest area watching them strip off and then rather nervously split for either the steam room, the showers or the pool. It was all a bit subdued but soon got livlier and the screaming and shouting started just the way it was supposed to be. I got to see Josh, the Head Boy naked for the first time and also my boy for the night, Brian Stanson. Both dreams to cream by but they all were, not a fugly in site, even the diminutive eleven year olds raised a flicker although I managed to keep it under control.

I was having a nice soapy shower after my first bout of steam when Jimbo appeared.

'Gotta message, Boss, or an invitation.'

Really,' I blatantly ogled his slick and shiny body standing in the doorway.

'Yeah,' his voice dropped. 'Josh and Scipio will be over the Pavilion after lunch if you and I wish to meet up with them.'

'This your fixing, Jimbo,' I kept my voice low as well.

'No, Josh's idea... just the four of us.'

'You want to?'

'Hell. Yes,' he grinned. 'Me and three biggies.'

'OK, tell them it's an affirmative,' I laughed.

So much for the afternoon nap but the morning wasn't quite over yet as I went back into the steam room I got stuck in the small lobby with Jimbo's form mates the Thai lad and Dominic his English pal. There was a bit of a squeeze and I felt my privates fondled by one of them. I was a bit taken aback to be honest, it wasn't as if a sauna full of boys was the most private of places but even so a blatant grope was a bit over the top. The annoying thing was, with the bad lighting and the smallness of the lobby I wasn't quite sure which one it was. A mystery for my batboy to sort out.

We all managed to make it for lunch and I even got congratulations from a couple of the masters for managing to wear the boys out. Thomas who I now called Peter was particularly pleased that I'd managed to get the kids using the saua, apparently it was a pet project of his and they intended to use it class by class in the new term or 'stretch' as they liked to call it.

'It might keep the blackheads at bay,' he confided with a snigger.

'It won't do them any hard that's for sure,' I tactfully answered.

'You seem to be getting on well with the lads. The Fraser boy is a good batboy?'


'Good. Work him hard for the week, he did volunteer after all.'

'I shall,' I promised. I suppose acting as my supplier for the afternoon could be classed as work.

After lunch I walked outside to enjoy the sum, I had turned down an offer to visit the local pub. I did explain to the others that I wasn't a drinker and a couple in the evening were suficient for my needs, I didn't want to make them feel guilty neither did I want to appear a prig. The sun was nice and it was quieter than normal, I suspect a few of my activities class were taking a nap but others weren't. Jimbo sat alongside me and furtively looked around. 'Josh turned the heating on earlier, he said the water will be nice and warmed up in half an hour.'

'Good,' I parted his bare knee. I didn't know what was up with me, there must be a curse or a charm on this place, I was walking around with a hardon all the time and it was a damn good job I was wearing a jock strap under my shorts to contain myself. Not so with Jimbo, his thick cock was clearly visible bulking the front of his sports shorts. He probably had boxers on under which only partially contain erections. My boy was hot but then again, he was always hot. and he had absolutely no shame at all. 'Shall we take a stroll onto the pitches, I want to check out the cricket square.'

'I want to check out the cricket Pavilion,' Jimbo smirked.

We wandered around the cricket pitches and I watched points, groundsmanship was one of my PE nodules so the more I learned the better but the lure of the pavilion was too much and Jimbo was getting impatient. The side door was unlocked and Jimbo locked it behind us. I could hear splashing and the sound of voices so our 'dates' were at home. On entering the pool area I was greeted by the sight of two wet and very naked sixteen year olds splashing around and looking at us as we entered. Josh with his scruffy fair hair plastered to his skull and Scipio with his black hair similarly flattened were a sight for sore eyes. Jimbo didn't hang around, without a word he stripped off and jumped in pecker bouncing and fully erect. He immediately got into a tussle with Scipio and seconds later they were mouth to mouth. I looked at Josh and smiled, he grinned back, it seemed partnerships had already formed. Never mind, I'd tasted Scipio already and he was sleeping over on the Wednesday night.

I stripped and slipped into the water chuckling as Josh's firm young body pressed against mine in the warm water. He was fully erect already as I was and we held each other tightly moving against each other and getting our first feel of each other's bottoms.

'I knew when you arrived you were a goer,' he murmured as he munched at my neck.


'Something like that,' he allowed my stiffness to slip between his legs and clamped on it as I backed him to the side and moved to and fro. I glanced over and Jimbo and Scipio were climbing from the water and disappeared through a side door. 'Boiler Room,' Josh explained. 'Jimbo keeps a foam mattress thingy in there for his pals.'

'God, he gets himself around,' I marvelled.

'He does,' Josh laughed. 'We have a couple of makeshift beds in the loft if you're interested.'

'Very.' I pulled his bum cheeks apart allowing my fingers to slip in and probe at his ring. He held me tighter and moaned as one of my fingers broached his portal. I felt his cock get even harder as it nestled between our bellies. 'You need a fuck... and so do I,' I whispered.

'Thats for sure,' he clamped on my finger up his bum and his legs squeezed my organ as I fucked between his legs. 'Now?'

'Now,' I agreed and he laughed pulling free.

'Come on then.'

We climbed from the sunken bath and he took me into the toilet section where there was a set of steps leading to a small door at the top. As he led the way I got a perfect view of his two fleshy white mounds in front of me with the inviting crack dividing them. Hard? I was so hard I was almost popping and that was with all that had gone before. I reckoned I needed to get on a diet of eggs, mild and bloody oysters if I wanted to keep up with this load of sex mad Muppets.

We squeezed by a pair of huge water tanks and lo and behold, there was another scruffy bed made up with the usual foam mattress. I found out much later that the school had decided to replace all the mattresses in the school and when the lorry delivered them at least twenty went missing which accounted for them turning up in odd spots. Very handy I must admit. Josh lay down with a smile and I lay with him. First off a long breathless tongue on tongue until we were red faced and panting and then I started off on his smooth young muscular body. Nipples, sternum, belly and navel and then the prize, his spunk oozing youthful cock straining upwards in anticipation of my mouth. It tasted nice, he tasted nice and he, like all the others, wasn't shy. He immediately crawled around so that we were sixty nining and set to like a full member of the Rent Boys Association. He was good, not as good as Jimbo who was an expert but he was a young man and I wanted to pin his fine arse and make him feel me. He, like the other Sixers was a youth amongst boys, he needed a mansized cock up his jacksie and he was going to get it.

We sucked at each other and I enjoyed him, he had a sturdy cock and was as hard as steel. As I ran my lips up and down his pale skinned shaft I gently stroked and played with his scrotum until I felt it begin to harden and tighten up, he was approaching his climax but I beat him to it. Holding his hair I withdrew until he was just sucking my bloated glans and let fly. He choked and gagged but manfully swallowed my all squeezing me dry and lapped up every last trickle from my gaping pee slit... then he started on his end game.

He seemed to slow down but his slippery shaft was going right down and his swollen knob was in my gullet when he withdrew and I felt him throb and jerk in my mouth. I was munching and swallowing what appeared to be a bucketload of his fruity youth cum. He seemed to go on forever and by the time I got back up alongside we were both shattered. The air was thick with the smell of man and youth seed and we grinned at each other as happy as pigs in the proverbial. 'Now I need to build the strength for a fuck,' he whispered and cuddled in tight.

'Relax, we have all afternoon... you can always come around on a sleepover,' I suggested hopefully.

'Saturday or Sunday,' he stretched out like a big cat. 'To many little boys for you Mr Lodge, you need a man.'

'Pride comes before a good rumping,' I mangled the quotation to suit.

'You're good,' he admitted bringing a little glow but then again he probably knew all about flattering one's suitor, he was no dummy. He and Jimbo seemed to have the 'lodgers' tied up as tight as cats in a sack. God, the mind went into boggle mode. I had Brian Stanson for the night and here I was planning on fucking for the rest of the afternoon, I must be mad.

'I hear they may be looking for a relief over the Christmas holidays,' I ventured doing a little fishing. If anyone was up on the gossip it should be Josh, he was the Acting Head Boy after all.

'Quite possibly, it wont be easy for the Head to get volunteers. Mind you we don't know how many boys will be staying over.'

'Mmmm... I'm available. I hate family Christmases and usually dodge my lot.'

'There you go,' he grinned. 'Keep on the right side of the Bursar and you could be a front runner,' he looked at me slyly. 'With your own little boy harem.'

'Bears thinking about,' I murmured and turned inwards. His meaty cock hadn't really shrunk since the blow but it was now filling out again as he flexed his abs trying to make it jump. 'Don't try too hard,' I bent over and gave it another lick tasting it's dry cum and it's heat... a bit of poetic licence there, you can't really taste heat but you get the image. I lay my cheek on his belly and took just the spongy head into my mouth lubricating and gently sucking.

'Gonna fuckyou so hard,' he threatened and pushed my head down.

'I love a domineering child.' I gently bit just under his glans bringing a groan of protest and then he was slowly fucking into my mouth again and getting harder. great stuff.

'Aaaah,' he yawned and thrust deep in to my mouth. 'I've got an urge to fuck a schoolmaster.'

'Bold little bastard,' I grinned and rolled free. 'Come on then we'll play a game...' I'd got his interest. 'You can be the mad, bad rapist and then I'll be the loving, lusty lover.'

'I thought history was your thing not English,' he laughed. 'Submit you bitch...' he crawled on top of me and I quite willingly raised my knees to my chest. He didn't mess around,' he smeared his cock's head with sailiva and ran it up and down my divided applying dribbles of spit with and expertise which demonstrated practice. When the join of glans and pucker were drenched in spit he gently pushed and sank half his meaty cock in me in one hard thrust.

'Jeez, Josh,' I bucked but he was firmly in me and grinned down at me.

'You wanted rapist and here I am,' he snarled mockingly and shoved in even harder but it was getting me going, I was as hard as a rock again but he was on the move. It was jerky at first as it always is with spit but he built up into a smooth and slippery in and out rubbing against my prostate and plumbing my depths mercilessly. I could feel his light brown pubics mash against me as he seated himself in deeply and kissed me on the nose. 'OK, bitch?'

'You talk too much,' I clamped on his cock and squeezed his sturdy buttocks binding him in even closer and he started to move for real this time. He was moving hard and deeply inside me when I sensed or heard movement.

'Dirty boys.' It was Scipio with Jimbo hovering to his side with a big grin on his face. This could have been embarassing but strangely enough it wasn't. They sat either side of us and watched with interest as Josh fucked me to a standstill and erupted in my gut. Jeez, he'd just had a blow and now he was cuming again and I mean a proper cum not a trickle. The other two must have been plotting and planning as Jimbo hopped up and got behind Josh immediately pronging him and thrusting him down deeper inside me and his spunky mess. Josh groaned but stayed in me and relatively still as Jimbo started to fuck like a battery driven rabbit (Duracell ad reference there for Brit readers). Scipio lay at right angles to me and kissed me but then started to crawl over me until his dark brown cock was slipping and sliding against my face.

It was all too much for a white woman, I surrendered and took the Italian boy into my mouth as Josh (still hard by the way) moved inside me jolted by Jimbo's enthusiastic thrustings. In the end Jimbo wailed like an animal and slid free with a grunt of satisfaction. At the same time Scipio slipped free leaving me lazily kissing Josh who looked shattered but it wasn't over for either of us yet. My hardness was stuck to my belly with slippery precum but I rolled free and roughly shoved him onto his belly.

He protested that he'd just been fucked by Jimbo but I showed no mercy, I parted his legs and drove straight into his puffy and tenderised ring with one almighty thrust sinking to the hilt in one steady thrust. He cried out but I was away, it wasn't until Scipio moved in behind me that I realised what he'd been saving himself for. His fat brown cock speared into me driving me deeper into Josh and we were away in a sweaty and frantic threesome.

Jim lay alongside and closed his eyes. 'Good here, innit?' He grinned at the ceiling and started to work on his flaccid penis. It was going to be a long afternoon.

To be continued.

Maybe young George's take on things next time around. Following this one: DISTANT COUSINS which should finish up in the High School section.


Next: Chapter 41

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