Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jul 16, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



21C - The New Trainee Chef

(Told by Hakim -17)


G. Cutter

Well, a week or more had gone by and I'd settled into my new job. I suppose I was a bit of a reverse racist and with my colouring and background was expecting some snidey comments at least but everyone was pretty pleasant and went out of their way to make me feel at home. Mind you I was still the only 'person of colour' as some mealy mouthed half wits call us in the place but I didn't care. My mum and dad had trouble with the odd hours I had to work but soon switched off when I brought my first week's money home and they took their not inconsiderable slice. Even the upcoming overnighter on duty didn't faze them too much although I was lumbered up like I was going away for a week. I tried to tell them I was working in a kitchen and hardly needed to take sandwiches in with me but in the end took what I was given. The last straw was mum telling me not to forget my pyjamas, the very last thing I would need if Honek's plans all went well.

I had an interest in Jimbo, the Missing Link they called him which was a bit unkind. I thought he was sweet but he certainly put himself around. Every time I saw him he was with a different boy and he always gave me a crafty smirk or a sly little wink. My first night's duty would be spent on my own, Honek was supposed to demonstrate what had to be done but had managed to wriggle his way out of it. There was nothing to it really. When dinners were finished I stayed on when the others left and cleaned up. I then did some prep for breakfast leaving everything squeaky clean and on line for the morning shift. Easy peasy. The hard bit was getting up at six thirty when the day's bread and milk were delivered, still, I had a small alarm clock so that should be no difficulty.

The big night came and the others left. It was a bit spooky in a hugio kitchen all on my own but following my written out list I managed to do all I was supposed to and then retired for a shower. After that I had a wander around. The boys had a TV room on the ground floor but there was no one in there, they also had a games room and I found a gaggle of them playing pool. I got invited into a game but came their bedtime I retired to the kitchen again and my 'night cabin'. It was comfortable enough and I sat and watched the small portable TV for a while. I had locked all the outer doors but had been tipped off by Honek to leave one unlocked from eleven, I would have a visitation. The problem was that he hadn't indicated who it was,he fixed me up with. I was keeping my fingers crossed for young Jimbo, at least I knew his lips if not his full scope.

Funnily enough I was in the darkened out Main Kitchen brewing up a cup of coffee when I heard the side door open and close again.

'Shall I lock it?' Thank God, it was Jimbo so I didn't really have to break any new ground.

'Yeah. Coffee?'

'Please,' I felt him move in behind me and put his arms around my waist.

'Mmmm...' He moved up against me and I could feel his hardness against my bottom, he certainly didn't waste any time.

'Get off you loony,' I pushed back and he pushed against me harder rubbing up and down.

'Stop playing hard to get,' he whispered full of fifteen year old confidence. Jesus, that boy had some balls (as I well knew). He giggled as I span around and grabbed him. He was wearing a dressing gown but from what I could see he just had boxers on underneath. In the funny blue safety lamps he looked just as black as I was. I lifted him onto one of the big steel tables and stood between his dangling legs opening up the gown exposing his youthful smoothness. Sweet as a nut as Honek would say. Even in the gloom I could see his penis hard within his boxers and I remembered that this kid was only a teeny and a shortarsed one at that but his dangly was mansized. OK, not as big as mine but big for a boy of his build and he was a sexy beast. He wriggled around on the table and grinned up at me as I handled his stiffness savouring his erection and heavy scrotum.

I tugged his boxers down at the front allowing his jerking spike to pop free and then gave it a little licking. A week with Honek had taught me the difference between a bit of teasing and going the whole hog. I just kept Jimbo simmering as we cooks say. He was wriggling about on the hard table and in the end I pulled him back onto the floor and he tugged his boxers back up. 'Just behave yourself,' I told him and made two mugs of coffee and escorted him back to my little cabin. He'd clearly been here before as he sat on the sofa bed quite happily sipping his drink as I did a final security check in the kitchen.

'All safe?' He grinned as I walked back in. His gown had gone and he sprawled on the bed in his red flowery boxers. He was a dish and he oozed self confidence, mind you, from reports he was the original Top Gun, rumour had it that he'd done everyone on the holiday party apart from the eleven year olds and I expect they were tucked away in the back of his evil little mind.

'Yep,' I switched off the lights and we sat in the near dark sipping our coffee and lit by just the one blue light above the door. 'I suppose I'm another tick on your list,' I spoke knowing full well that he boasted of cracking everyone in the school and I mean cracking in the dirtiest sense. I was an innocent in this little world compared to this kid.

'Yeah,' he grinned and then chuckled. 'That little ginger nympho's after you as well... Jeez, he's only thirteen.'

'Seems a good age,' I remarked and seeing that he'd finished his drink pushed him back onto the bed and set about his body... with my lips. Yeah, Honek had taught me well and I soon had Jimbo wriggling around and tearing at my clothing. As soon as he got my shirt off he was on my nips and into my pits like a truffle hound, of course, by then I had his boxers off and I could feel his hot cock pressing against me as he did a Cook's tour of my body. Once I shucked my trousers and briefs down he was onto my stiffy like a bloody dive bomber. At least with his hot mouth around my meat it gave me the reach to fondle his sweet bottom.

'You're as big as the Maestro,' he slobbered over my glans and held my shaft up straight as if measuring it.

'Who's that?' I asked expecting some revalation about one of the masters.

'Demikov. Kostya... Kosty the Donkey, he's an eight incher, we measured it.'

'And you took it?'

'Damn right,' he giggled. 'He looks like a thug but he's sweet really, he's shacked up with one of the Blair brothers.'

'That's weird,' I remarked. 'Putting kids in with the Sixth... such a temptation.'

'Well, I got the whisper that the boys, the Fourth Formers were supposed to have their own room up there but Josh the Acting Boss had other ideas.' He clasped a handfull of my bum and squeezed making little groaning noises. I think he was indicating that it was time for less chat and more love. 'The kids don't mind,' he laughed and ducked his head, this time he spread me on the bed and went for a proper blow. I tugged him around so that his swinging and jerking cock was in range and we settled to a sixty niner. Back to Honek, he'd said the best way with Jimbo was to have a quicky and then settle for something longer later and that's the way I was going. I so wanted to tear into his sallow cheeked little bottom but we had all night.

He was juicy, I'll give him that. I squeezed his foreskin over his glans with my lips tightly pressed and could taste the yeasty flavour of his precum and his furry ballbag was tight but I was in the same condition. We were both doing our best to deep throat and he was good at it making little glugging noises as I felt my swollen glans in the back of his throat. The other thing was he'd come prepared, he'd brought his own lube and I could feel his oily fingers at my hole as I pumped into his sweet mouth.

'Gotcha,' he spluttered around my cock and I felt his finger in my bum. He did a further wriggle and he was plunging deep into my rectum as he sucked away. I just clamped on him as he finger fucked away, if he thought I needed loosening after Honek's frequent forays over the last week he was sadly mistaken but I let him get on with it. It was rather nice especially when he hit my buzz spot and I felt my cock get even harder if that was possible.

'I'm gonna...' I was my turn to splutter around his hot meat but he knew and redoubled his efforts. It was time. I felt my balls up tight and then that rush, the hot gush as my spunk shot up my shaft and splattered into his mouth. He gagged and choked but swallowed manfully as I let a second lot go and then he just milked me dry as I lay there knackered. A quick twist and turn and he was on his back beneath me and I went to town for the finale. His knees were up in the air as I clasped his smooth muscular bottom and sucked away like a vacuum cleaner. He blasted off at last and he put Honek to shame. One, two, three and a fourth and final... I was gagging and spluttering but got all his slime down apart from what I smeared over his face as we sorted ourselves out for a kiss fest. God, it was messy, spunky and slippery but he seemed to love it. He was like an over friendly puppy, his arms and legs were everywhere and it must have taken forever before he settled down and we lay there in the dim light gazing at each other.

'Spunky face,' he grinned with his own lips and jaw slippery from our joint cums.

'Messy brat,' I countered. OK, a bit limp on the lovechat front but when you've done a sixty niner with someone there's not much you can say.

'I know,' he grinned. 'Wanna know a secret?'

'Of course.'

'Brian Stanson and myself are making a move on the Royal Family, it's all fixed.'

'The Royal Family,' I was mystified. I had visions of dog faced Camilla or horse faced Anne. The U.K. royals are like a bunch of... I'd better watch it, I might get locked up in the Tower.

'No, no,' he giggled. 'Little William and Harry the eleven year olds, Wills and H. Just gotta be virgins.'

'How did you fix that?' I knew these two kids were under Matron's guardianship but there were rumours they might be returning to the school as they were running her ragged.

'Stanson's well in with Matron and he suggested that he takes them camping with me as a trusty sidekick. He's got medals or something from the Scouts. The good thing is the kids pestered her and she's just about cracked.'

'So Stanson's leading the way.'

'Why not? I'm not proud,' Jimbo giggled. 'We've run out of virgins anyway.'

'Good luck,' I rolled onto my side and grabbed him hugging his lithe form and he moved sinuously against me, the randy rat was hard again but I doubted that he had the wherewithall for sex just yet.

I coaxed him onto his belly and set to work on his bottom. He had a tight little arse like one of those Michaelangelo statues, the difference being he had a lot more up front. He liked the attention and I kissed and licked his alabaster globes just pigging out on the smoothness and tenderness. If I was a cannibal that's where I'd start but I'm not, I'm a gay so the licking and kissing developed into crack nibbling and opening him up so that I could just see the darker shade of his honeypot (another one of Honek's). I was hard again already and got in there tickling and teasing his pucker as he moaned and shoved his sweet bottom up for my probing. 'Put some glop on it before you get carried away,' he grunted and passed his gel backwards.

That's exactly what I did, I smoothed the stuff into his crack around his button and then worked a finger inside him until he was nice and oily and ready for something bigger. As a finale I rubbed some of the stuff on my glans around the rim and down a little. Not too much, I'd found out that KY or whatever have their uses but you can overdo it and just finish up in a mess. He clutched one pillow under his face and slipped another down so that it was under his middle pushing his bottom up into the air.

I slipped between his spread legs and guided my iron hard pole down to his entrance, he wriggled and as I felt myself push against his pucker he lay still. 'OK. Jimbo?'

'Yeah, go on,' he giggled. 'As if you're going to stop...'

As I pushed into his tight hole he fell silent and I felt him absorb me without a word until I was about half way in him and I started to move. 'Jeez, that's big,' he whined but gave a little wriggle again and pushed up onto me. We were away.

I took it slowly at first moving in and out of his slick tightness and as he got used to me went deeper and deeper until he groaned and I felt my curly pubics make their first contact with his smooth skin. He muttered and whined a bit but took it all until my belly lay in the small of his back and then he pushed up completing the seal. That was it,' I moved up spreading his legs as far as I could and then started to service him with slow and long strokes pulling half of my gleaming length out and then shoving it back in. That couldn't last, soon we were down to a real fuck. I was hammering into his sweet boypussy and he was pushing up hard onto my thrusts as I fucked harder and faster until I felt my balls uptight as a pair of peas in a pod.

'Go on. go on,' he panted and tried to push up into a doggy position but my weight and movement held him down until I felt my hot spunk shoot up my shaft like a flood of red hot lava and splatter and squirt into his eager hole. He clamped so hard on me but I slipped free spraying my creamy cum onto his bottom and then rammed in straight away to finish with my slippery cock deep in his gut. At last we lay there covered in sweat and glued together as one. I kissed the side of his neck and he tried to crane his head around to meet my lips. I just slowly moved my still hard erection in his flooded gut until it began to wilt. 'Rapist.' he muttered and tried to roll me off, this time he succeeded and we lay on our sides spooned together until my now truly softening penis slipped free in a gush of cum, lube and sweat. It was over as far as I was concerned... now it was his turn.

'That was good,' I managed to speak at last. I didn't really know what to say other than to invite him to ravish me.

'Indeedy,' he chuckled. 'I shall recommend you to all my friends.'

'Good of you.'

'The White Man's Burden,' he turned to look at me and ran his finger from my neck down to my stained penis. 'Ginger, Simon that is wants to come down with me next time... if there is a next time.'

'There will be,' I assured him. 'One thing is, no fingers with little Simon. You do him first to relax him and then I have a go.'

'Even better,' he laughed and moved over so that he was just about laying on me, I could feel his hardness moving against my thigh and looking down saw his glans slip free and then retreat as he worked his foreskin to and fro getting ready for his little adventure. 'Take your knees upto your chest,' he knelt upright alongside me and then moved as I did as he'd asked. I knew what he was after, this was what Honek called 'a frontal' and we'd had a couple of goes. I liked it, so far this was my favourite position and I grabbed his supple body as he moved in. Unlike Honek he didn't go through the finger rountine, all he did was smear some of gel onto my ring and gentle push. He didn't properly penetrate me just fed some of the transluscent gel dead centre and then rocked back on his knees applying a liberal coating onto his jutting boy hood. As he moved in again I granbbed it's slippery length and guided it in, I wasn't having him going mad and just ramming into me. As I've said, he was a small boy but not in the penis department, he was well built and especially down there and I would feel it.

'Slowly,' I sighed as I felt his greasy knob press against me. 'Slowly,' I groaned as i felt the pressure and then the stretching as he forced his way in, once his swollen and slippery glans was in me it was all over... I clung to him as he slipped inside and then slowly began to move inside my gut. His fat cock cock filled me with it's meaty mass and I heard him give a long drawn out groan as I clamped on him giving that little bit extra. My legs came down on his sweaty back slowing him even further as he sank deeper and deeper into my body. He felt a damn sight bigger than he looked if that makes any sense but that's the way it is. As he fucked his head dropped and as our faces neared I grabbed the back of his neck bringing him in for a kiss. As we traded spit and our tongues slid together be bottomed out with a satisfied gasp and rammed in just that little extra. He was in all the way and we lay there slowly kissing before he started his fuck.

He wasn't quite as savage as I thought he'd be, in fact, he was quite gentle and it wasn't until he neared his climax that he started to go bananas. Never mind, by then I was used to his fat cock moving inside me and I whispered sweet nothings as he slammed into me time and time again finally pumping me up with his thick cock. He cum like a horse and I would imagine the little boys he liked must have been shocked at his volume... I was. As he finally slipped free I could feel my hole gaping and oozing his spunk. From his self satisfied expression he was happy with his own performance as well. He fell on me belly to belly as my legs dropped and he moved his softening cock against mine.

'You're hard again,' he smirked moving sinuously on my belly.

'I must be up for more,' I grinned and clasped his firm bubbles.

'Gonna be messy unless I get to the bathroom.'

'Hurry up then,' I slapped his bottom hard. and reached for my stand by towel. 'Hubba, hubba, before I raid one of the dormitories.'

'You won't do that,' he declared confidently. 'Unless I take you,' he waggled his thick dark eyebrows up and down like Groucho Marx and then with a grin disappeared.

Now there was food for thought, I smiled as I lay beck on the bed. Maybe next time.

The Soap Continues.

The final bit of THE DOCTOR'S RUMPUS ROOM once this has cleared Nifty


Next: Chapter 35

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