Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jul 2, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



21A - The New Trainee Chef

(Told by Hakim - 17)


G. Cutter

Well, it was my first working day, my first one ever. I'd finished school around a month previously and my parents were very keen that I got a job. They held the opinion that a non working teenager around the house was a drag on rescources and blah, blah. Well, that made sense and I was hoping to settle down serving in our little newsagents cum grocery store but my dad had plans. Although disappointed with my lack of any decent GCSE Passes he saw that as no reason why I couldn't turn in a day's toil as he poetically put it.

He's arranged me an interview as an Assistant Cook of the Tenth Grade (or was it the fiftieth?) formerly known as a Kitchen Porter and here I was walking down the road on the way to my new job. It was at what they (the English) called a Public School or a Boarding School which immediately had me curious. The long summer holiday was under way and why the hell did they need a bunch of cooks with all the boys on holiday. As soon as I walked in the gate (and passed a gatekeeper) I saw my error. The screams and laughter of kids indicated that even if on holiday there were still some in residence. I'd been pointed out the Main Kitchen and nervously I must admit wandered over and poked my head around the door. It was ten in the morning and I saw four guys in whites sitting at a table drinking tea... so, nothing changes and the oldest sighting me stood up and dug a piece of paper from his pocket.

'Hakim?' And then he mangled my family name, I saw the other three all youngsters glance over at me clearly interested in what they saw.

'That's me.'

'Come to the office, I'm Robinson, the Acting Head Chef... just call me Robby, everyone else does.'

'Cheers,' I followed him into a tiny office and he started on the paperwork. Anyway, to get through the dreary bit I was taken on as a Junior Chef under Training which meant I was, in effect, a dog's body, washing all the pots and pans and backing up the chefs. I learned that there were three others of a similar grade but that they were on holiday. At the moment the complete staff comprised this Robby, who was around thirty and the three youths sitting around the tea kettle, Steve, Dave and Honek a Polish kid and probably the youngest. Steve and Dave were clearly the chefs and Honek was just as clearly a junior of sorts, he was rather sweet. Sorry about that, my Arabic genes coming through and my blue jeans getting a bit tight around the crotch.

If you're reading this story you have to be aware that I'm gay or part gay otherwise I wouldn't be here. I had a liking for boys and youth and this seemed the place for me. Robby explained the routine and it seemed a doddle as we were only catering for around twenty bodies and there were only two main meals, lunch and dinner. Breakfast and tea were a joke but as he said four a day was the routine and four a day they got. Aparently the kitchen also ran cocoa and biscuits in the evening but not over this holiday period, the kids were supposed to be self reliant on this one. Robby told me that the rules were very much relaxed over this holiday period and we, the chefs that is, had the use of their pool and we had a room allocated for our use. Don't ask why but he hinted that the weekend buses weren't all that suited to our hours.

We got through all this and he turned me over to Honek to get kitted up and to find a locker in the changing rooms. It was like starting school all over again only this time I'd be getting paid for it. I was told that I'd be paid cash for one month only but after that I had to have a bank account fixed.

Honek took me into a store and gave me two pairs of chequered trousers, t-shirts and two white jackets also a cap which he said I had to wear when preparing food if I ever got that far. 'Come in the messroom and I'll find you a locker and you can get changed. Where are you from by the way?'


'Is that the one down the road or the one in Kenya?'

'My family are Somali,' I informed him rather stiffly. 'I was born in this country.' Well, that got that one out of the way and doubtless word would get around. Mind you in this neck of the woods I could be the only black on campus. yeah, right... I forgot the obligatory self description that goes with these stories. You already know I'm just about seventeen, slender and average height and that's about it. Oh, yeah, I'm black not brown and I'm comfortable with it. so, fuck 'em all in a manner of speaking. I'm also hung pretty well for my age I reckon and I like boys, or I should say I prefer boys to girls not that I was getting any of either.

'Got a girlfriend?' Honek guided me into what they called their messroom and messed around with the lockers looking for an empty one.

'No... I can't afford one,' I laughed.

'Yeah... boyfriends are cheaper,' he grinned. I looked at him, I couldn't believe what he'd just said. That was the sort of thing you thought not spoke out loud. 'You'll have many admirers here,' he babled on blithely. 'Good looking Afro/Brit or Brit/Afro and all that.'

'A novelty item?' I managed to get in although I must have sounded a bit sour.

'Yeah...' he cackled like an old witch. 'I am being a Pole. the Italian, Thai and Russian kid are all prizes to some of these kids.'

'Jeez,' I looked at the locker and at my gear.He had a weird way with words and was he going to sit there as I changed, I wasn't used to getting stripped off in front of strangers.

'You gotta get changed,' he prompted me.

'I'm only working to five according to my schedule.'

'I know. You're teamed up with me,' he smiled. 'Buddies sort of thing, I have to show you everything I know.' The way he made that remark sent a shiver down my spine as they say in all the hot romances. Then again, as I might of said, he was nice in a scruffy sort of way. I peeled my upper gear off and slipped into a t-shirt and unbuttoned my jeans allowing them to slip to the floor. 'Nice bod,' he grinned. 'Not too skinny, not too fat... just right.'

'You sound like a right perv,' I laughed in spite of my nervousness. Honek the Pole was coming onto me, I wasn't that much of an innocent although I had to admit I was a virgin well and truly. My bestest best friend was my own black fist and that was usually in my bedroom. I might spare a thought for Honek this evening or even devote a dream to him. I had a sudden flash of him naked and felt my dick twinge. He couldn't possibly be that gorgeous.

'You wait until some of the kids start on you, there's some right ravers out there and they let themselves go ape over the shutdown.'

'Is that good?' I kicked my jeans off and struggled intot he baggy checked trousers.

'It is if you like boymeat,' he gave a throaty laugh also known as a dirty laugh I believe.

'I'll try anything one, twice if I like it,' I risked.

'That's my boy,' he chuckled. 'I'll intro you to the others and perhaps we can do a quick tour before lunch.'

'Fine with me,' I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I looked a right wally but then again no different to Honek. He took us back out into the kitchen and I was introduced to David who was the next in line to Robby and his mate Steve who was the polar opposite. Davis was dark complexioned with long dark hair and Steven was a scruffy blond similar to Honek. Both seemed pleasant enough and we got permission to wander around with the proviso that we were back by twelve thirty to help out with serving lunch to the boys.

'They seem alright,' I commented to Honek as we walked out of the back door.

'They're partners,' he grinned. 'I share a flat with them.'

'Partners?' I looked at him slightly mystified.

'Fuck buds,' he grinned. 'They're an item, a pair, know what I mean..?'

'Just about,' I smiled weakly. Jeez, it seemed I'd finished up with a gaggle of poofs or perhaps it was just Honek. It was hard to tell. I expect that if I'd been a bit more experienced with life I'd have sorted it all out straight away but I'd led a sheltered life which was about to change very dramatically in the very near future.

'Our Dry Goods Store and smoking area.' He pointed out a pleasantly leafy space overlooked by the school buildings and a small wooden hut tucked up in a corner. 'The brats are in and out like yoyos when we leave it unlocked.'

'Don't leave it unlocked then,' I answered.

'It's a honey trap,' he giggled. 'What do you do if you find a thirteen or fourteen delving into the goodies?'

'Report him, punish him?'

'Abuse him?' Honek looked keenly at me and I knew exactly what he meant, as I've said before, I wasn't a complete dummy and the thought of a white boy of tender years at my mercy gave me another tingle. 'Wrong time of day though,' Honek laughed. 'But nice and private all the same.'

'Really?' I felt my voice break into a squeak.

'Really,' he grinned. 'Want to look in?' He dug a key from his pocket.

I shrugged, I knew that this was a test, maybe the first of many and I didn't know which way go to. I didn't want to say yes and appear easy meat, I didn't want to say no and appear stand offish. With everything Honek had suggested or hinted at I could be on the verge of something big here.

'Ah ha! Jimbo,' Honek grinned as a crew cutted dark haired boy wandered around the corner. He did a double take when he saw me standing there with Honek and gave a shy smile. He was rather nice although only a kid, fourteen or fifteen at a guess. Pleasantly ugly would be a good description. I gave him a nod and he grinned at me. 'Meet Hakim, our new junior man.'

'Pots, pans and bottle washer,' I provided.

'Pleased to meetcha,' Jimbo smiled at me and I could feel his eyes burning my clothes away, he had those sort of eyes, calculating eyes, far more interested in what was beneath the clothing that the superficial appearance.

'Jim's one of our regular burglars but we have an agreement...' Honek grinned. 'He's our Mr Fixit.'

I didn't dare ask what that position entailed but it had to be something evil from Jim's appearance and rather lustful look. I'd never had a boy or anyone else look at me quite like that before and it was surprisingly pleasant. In my personal life I was short of friends and it seemed here I could be meeting a few. Maybe broaden my horizons. The tingling below had disappeared and I could now feel myself filling out thinking what Jimbo might do if I managed to get him alone.

'Come and have a look around,' Honek exchanged a quick glance with Jimbo and unlocked the door. Wordlessly the three of us entered the small wooden hut, I noticed that Jimbo just tagged along as if invited. It was warm in there and pretty dark with just a gloomy half light admitted by the rooftop skylight and it got darker as Jimbo closed the door against the sunlight.

'Spooky,' I muttered nervously.

'Our recruiting hut,' Honek was by my shoulder and you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.

'Recruiting for what?' I felt the nervousness in my voice but Jimbo nearly against me in the gloom giggled.

'Our Club,' Honek was so close I could feel his breath on my neck and I knew something was going to happen. Jeez, it was a dot on the cards, two of them had swagged me into a darkened hut and were crowding me, something had to happen. 'Jimbo comes as an inducement.'

'Really? What does Jimbo do?' I tensed as I felt Honek move to my side and Jimbo moved to the front of me.

'This,' Jimbo knelt in front of me and I felt his hands on my hips and then it happened... His face pressed into my groin and I felt him rub up against my semi erection at the same time I felt Honek behind me press against me and he either had a cucumber in his trousers or a truncheon and it was pressed against my bottom. I surrendered there and then. Whatver they were about to do had to be good. 'You alright with this?' Jimbo spoke but his hand was now moulding my rapidly hardening penis through my thin trousers.

'Yeah,' I croaked and relaxed as I felt Honek's lips on the back on my neck and then the side. He pecked me with little kisses and I thought how odd it all was. I'd never been kissed by anyone other than my parents and now I had a young Polish chef rubbing hishardness up against me and kissing the side of my neck.

'Wow!' Jimbo muttered from below. He'd reached up and tugged my loose kitchen trousers down so that I stood in my boxers and his hand was inside them grasping my hot and very hard erection. 'It's enormous.' he kissed the bare flesh and I nearly passed out. Thankfully Honek wasn't going to silly around the back but he had my t-shirt rucked up and was exposing my body at the front from my nipples down to my knees as Jimbo tugged my boxers down. 'Beautiful...' Jimbo breathed and lapped the length of my shaftt and then cupping my balls licked across the tip of my knob. 'Tastes sweet as well.'

'One major rule in our Club,' Honek breathed and I felt his hands brush acrosss my belly and upto my nipples which he fingered.

'What?' I was barely able to speak, I was torn between doing a runner or submitting to lust and the lust was winning.

'Everyone gives and takes, no predators here.'

I didn't know what he meant by predator but I understood the rest. If Jimbo sucked me off then I'd be expected to do the same. Strangely the thought didn't disgust or shock me, it just suited the stange new world I'd entered. It was a bit like tackling Alice in Wonderland, you either read it an enjoyed or threw the thing in the bin. I wondered if it went for fucks as I doubted these guys stopped at cockplay. 'How many in this Club of yours?' I asked expecting to be told half a dozen or so.

'Everyone excluding the eleven year olds, Robby, our temporary boss and the masters... about seventeen youngsters in all.'

'What about Steven and David.'

'Yeah, they're goers,' Jimbo chuckled and holding my straining shaft steady slipped the bulging and now weeping glans into his mouth. I sagged as Honek held me and continued his kissing as Jimbo's lips began to move up and down my thick black prong. This was absolutely great and it was only the first day.

'Aaaaaah...' I felt a moan escape my lips as Jimbo's head moved faster and his lips slipped up and down my shaft but just as I felt uptight and on the verge he held my swollen shaft and just kept my glans in his mouth sucking amd slobbering over the plumlike knob. 'Jimbo...' I wailed as I felt superheated spunk shoot up my shaft and splatter into his receptive mouth. I gagged and gulped but I hadn't had a decent wank for days and he got about a week's pent up frustration in one go.

'Jeez,' he pulled free and I felt him rub my knob around his face as I continued to squirt and dribble. It was over but not quite, as I felt his spunk smeared face come up and nuzzle at my belly I knew what I had to do. As he came up I knelt down and tugged the front of his shorts down. I felt his engorged knob in his briefs but pulled them clear allowing his thick and surprisingly large penis to pop free. I'd lost all sense of shame or anything else for that matter and took him into my mouth marvelling at the taste and hardness as his foreskin moved back under my lip's pressure leaving his smooth glans in the back of my throat. He moaned and grasping my head started to move to and fro in my mouth and to my eternal shame I liked it. So warm, so smooth and so hard.

I had a weird taste in my mouth and decided it was his precum but it wasn't yeuchy or anything, bland I suppose you'd call it but Honek was standing astride me and I could feel his hot cock rubbing against my neck as I tended the very needy and randy Jimbo.

'Gawd,' Jim moaned and I felt his cock seem to swell and then the taste of his cum as he blasted it into the back of my throat. I managed to suck and slwallow it all and his softening cock was immediately replaced by Honek's much larger and fatter hardon. I was past caring now and clasping his soft bottom accepted what I later learnt was called a face fucking.

When he cum I was smothered in the stuff. What I didn't swallow finished up on my chest and Jimbo gleefully lapped it clean as we rolled around on a dust sheet together. What an introduction to a new school and as they both took liberties stroking and fondling my bottom I returned the compliment. Honek would be my first, I knew that but he would be followed by Jimbo. He would be my first tight arsed little schooly and who knew after that.

'Hurry up, we'll be late for dinner,' Jimbo started to pull his clothing straight seemingly unfazed by the hot and pretty torrid passion of five minutes previous.

'Shit... we're supposed to be serving,' Honek giggled and gave me a quick kiss. 'I want you and I owe you one,'he breathed in my ear.

'I know.' I grinned leaving him with something to think about.

To be continued

I thought I'd try a bit of black so please welcome Hakim to our Catering Staff. Maybe Chapters 21B, and 21C to welcome him to the school and settle him in.

Followed by THE YOUNG JAMES BOND in 24hours.


Next: Chapter 33

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