Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jun 25, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



20D - The Little Tea Leaf

(Simon Ryder)


G. Cutter

Hi, me again, Simon and this is the end of my little saga. After this one you can get back to the other boys all of whom have their own tales to tell.

Well, after the Jimbo episode things went a bit quite. On reflection I should have put it into my diary as a 'period of consolidation'. I settled to being a dutiful lover to the new boyfriend Thomas. We had a threesome with Peter a couple of nights later and over the weekend we had a fiveway with our permanent form couple Paul and Luke... this one was shags all around and I lost count of how many times I was plugged but I did get to do both Paul and his pal Luke so that was now one complete form cleared from my list.

Peter enlisted my help with the two elevens and we managed to get them into the dorm but it all fell a bit flat. I told him that if we'd have had concrete privacy we might have made out in some degree but not in the main school, he had to come up with something else as I reckoned both of the Rugrats were up for a bit of slap and tickle but more of them later in the Series. They would go down, there were hungry alien eyes in the sky studying them and Peter and myself were only six (three eyes to each alien), there were other pervy ETs on the prowl.

I was disappointed with Honek, I knew he wanted me but he made no move until once after lunch when I was doing my usual, which was laying out on the grass soaking up the sun. My skin being very fair doesn't really tan but I was doing well taking a carefully timed sunbathe each and every day. Of course the spot I picked wasn't too far from the kitchen's grub hut which was nicely out of the way. Tom and I used to lurk there or go swimming but this particular day Tom was away playing football of all things. Who needs football with the sun blazing down but they weren't allowed on the cricket pitches.

'I hear you've been putting yourself around,' Honek sat beside me. I didn't even open my eyes, I recognised his thick accent straight away. Amazing really, born in this country or so I believed and he still spoke like a Hollywood Russian (even if a Pole)... perhaps he thought it sounded romantic. It did.

'Just meeting new friends,' I grinned up into the sunlight.

'If you came to the store you could meet an old friend.'

'Anyone around?'

'It is safe.'

Of course as soon as he made himself scarce I did a furtive scramble and hid in the hut and five minutes later he came over from the kitchen. This time we went into the corner and soon got into a snog and grope mood. He was the first one down on his knees and tugged my skimpy short shorts down and got his mouth around my jerking cock. 'Aaaaah...' I sighed as his hot mouth took me in and he clasped my buttocks with his strong hands. 'You said last time that we'd get together for something more advanced,' I muttered trying not to mention the shag word.

'And so we shall,' he looked up and grinned at me. 'Patience, little one.' He applied himself to the blow but I felt one of his fingers in my crack probing at my hole. I opened my legs a bit.

'Soon?' I gasped as I felt his digit press against me and then squirm just inside me and this was dry for God's sake.

'Tonight if you wish,' He pronged me deeply and I leapt as his finger forced entry and moved inside me making me even harder.

'Oooooh...' I couldn't answer. I was seeing stars as he finger fucked me and his suction increased. My balls were uptight and I blasted off. The first one of the day and he got the lot. He grinned up at me with spunk smeared lips and slowly rose.

'Tonight,' he repeated and his big hands pressed on my shoulders. I dropped to my knees... I knew my duty. He wasn't wearing his long trousers just blue shorts and I tugged the front of them down, he wasn't wearing briefs either and his fat man sized cock flopped out and then hung at half mast in a semi hardon which soon rose to full stretch 'Yessss...' he sighed his satisfaction as I lapped at his pee slit and then took his juicy knob right in. It was a stretch at the edge of my mouth as he had a glans like a bloody tomato, far bigger than Jimbo and he was a monster. I sucked and slobbered allowing it to slip down my throat as far as I could and then he took over gently and carefully face fucking me as I breathed through my nose. I tickled bis balls and his furry scrotum was uptight. I also two fingered his shaft which I couldn't swallow and wanked feeling the heat and hardness between my fingers. Suddenly I felt it pulse and a slimey gout slipped down my throat, as I pulled off a further two or three creamy splats surged into my mouth and I munched his thick youthful juices as he voided the rest on my jaw and throat. 'Gawd, you are so good, Simon,' he slumped as I squeezed his foreskin over his slippery knob milking the last dribbles clean. 'The best blower in the school.'

'Really?' I grinned feeling quite pleased with myself.

'Absolutely,' he grinned pulling me up and licking his own spunk from my neck. 'But we gotta fuck.'

'Yeah,' I groaned as his hands squeezed my arse and bound us together.

'I have the late duty tonight wjhich means I set things up in the mornming.'

'Yeah?' I sensed something was coming.

'Which means I'll be zonking in our little cabin by our changing room which means...'

'You'd like a bit of company?'

'I would,' he confirmed.

'A bit dodgy getting down here, the dorms are in the opposite block.'

'I have a plan,' he grinned. 'When the other lads go to bed get dressed as if you need air or something, for God's sake don't try to get here in your jimjams...'


'Come out of the garden door straight to the kitchen door and it's fait accompli.'

'Fait what?'

'A done job. I'll be lurking waiting for you and once you're in the whole kitchen complex is locked off from the school. Even the Duty Master can't get in unless he breaks out the fire keys.'

'OK.' I made the decision. This was a one off, in a proper bed no nooks and crannies and I couldn't possibly turn it down. Dorm inspections had fizzled after a week and Josh Rayner was in charge of them, he could be bribed (hint, hint) if needs be. 'Eleven o'clock on the dot?'

'As you say,' he grinned and pulled up his shorts. 'Get dressed and square off your new boyfriend.'

'How do you know about him.'

'You're wandering about like a pair of lovesick tarts,' he laughed. 'Nothing like being obvious. my little Ginger Knob.'

'Yours tonight,' I tried to look ferocious but he just grinned.

'Eleven sharp.'

Everything went to plan. Of course, there was a sweetener for my Thomas. This sleeping over was a regular event for the chefs but only one at a time and Honek had promised he could and would fix Thomas up for an overnighter... that would get my partner singing in tune as I knew he had a crush on the dark haired chef, David. Deals, promises and dirty sex... what a life, eh?

One thing nearly upset the applecart but only nearly. It had been darkening up in the evening with big black clouds coming in from the East, those Europeans send us all their shit and this time it looked like a lulu of a thunderstorm and it was. It absolutely bucketed down with all the sound effects but by eleven had settled down to a steady downpour and I mean a steady and heavy deluge. Floods on the horizon I fancied but we were on high ground and pretty safe. I had visions of hundreds of homeless schoolboys having to be accomodated with us but that's the sort of mind that I was developing. I got a big black refuse sack and cut holes for my head and arms and was down by the side door for eleven. Talk about spooky. Our school was built as two long blocks joined in the centre by what they called the Main House so that the basic layout was like the letter aitch. All the classrooms, gymn and whatnot were in the front facing the Main Green (very original with names those oldsters) and the road. We were in the rear which was poorly lit but only overlooked by dorms and of course the kitchen and cafeteria and opposite that (on my side) the Main Hall. A few minutes before eleven I opened the door and made a dash for it. It was as black as the hobs of hell and my target was the little wooden store they had, I knew from there it was a stone's throw to the back door of the kitchen. I made it OK and I was soaked, so much for cutting holes in the bag, I should have gone naked, I was damn well drenched but as soon as I made the hut and then the kitchen the door swung open and I was dragged in.

'I thought you'd bottle out,' Honek hugged me. 'Jeez, you're soaking.'

'Natch,' I said dryly, or wetly. 'I is raining out.'

'Come on, come on,' he hustled me through the eerily lit kitchen, a lamp here and another there, it was like an obstacle course. 'We'd better get you stripped and dried off otherwise you'll be going down with 'flu.

'Going down with you,' I rhymed feeling quite pleased with myself. Alone in a deserted block at the mercy of big cock Honek, anything could happen. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the little place they had wasn't all that little, in fact, quite roomy but it was right next to their toilets and showers and it had an old sofa which opened out into a bed. They also had a TV and radio in there but as soon as we were in he was stripping me and wrapping a big towel around me until he pushed me back onto the bed like a bloody giant cocoon, I felt like a Pod Person in that film... you must know it. Polish boys must be into Pod Persons as he turned out the lights apart from the safety light and started to unwrap me like I was his personal Christmas present. To my giggly surprise he started on my toes and feet and worked his way up. I just lay there and took it all, I was damp, I was on a bit of a down after the excitement of the rainy gallop and I was getting harder and harder as he unwrapped me and started lapping and kissing up my skinny legs. All the time he was carrying out this performance he was gradually removing his clothing until I could see the gleam of his bare body in the near dark. His monster cock jerked and swayed as he climbed up me determined to lick every singled bit.

'Aaaah...' I groaned as I felt his mouth take in my scrotum and his hand grasped my cock, we were off.

I heard the slightest sound of something being unscrewed and then his hand was under me lifting my bottom. The next thing I felt were oily fingers in my crack, Honek was going for the lubey massage bit and that was fine as he was my biggest until now. I was a bit worried I had to admit but I was determined and the bottom line was; if I tried to walk now, he'd lose it and do me anyway whether I liked it or not. I groaned for effect as one finger broached me but then it was two and he was in deep and fingerfucking. I was so stretched and in a bit of discomfort until he hit the button and then it was all over. I writhed around losing the towel as he slowly and sensually stroked and pressed against my prostate. My iron hard cock was weeping but he was on a roll. He had me on my back and then my legs were in the air, I hooked my hands under my knees and kept myself bent almost double as his fingers pressed into my tautly exposed bottom. I whined with annoyance as his fingers slipped slowly free lingering just a bit for the final massage of my ring and then it happened.

His slippery mass pressed against me and I gulped in air as I felt my ring stretch and stretch... and pop! He was in me, just his knob but I'd survived the brief pain and now it was the monstrous feeling of being filled and glutted with hot and very hard boy flesh.

'Yesss...' he sighed and leant into kiss me pushing more of himself into my hot tunnel. 'Yes, yes, yes...' he started to move and I felt more and more of his oiled joint enter my gut and it was then I let go of my legs so that they could press onto his back. 'Soooo tight,' he crooned as he moved to and fro sinking deeper and deeper and I loved it. This wasn't a boy, Honek was a young man and a well built one at that. He grabbed my shoulders and fucked me with a combination of his thrusts and pulling my wriggling body onto him until at last I felt his complete mass inside me and his curly pubes mashed up against my bottom. After that it was all over the place. On our sides and then back up again. Some sort of maneuver so that he was on my back doggy and when he tired of that we reversed and went back to belly on belly. He was damn good and my boy fanny felt like a bucket of slugs as he built up to his juicy climax.

Right at the end he had me with my legs waving wildly in the air and was slipping in and out of my gaping arsehole like a piston going into whatever pistons go into. I felt him slip clear and then a warm squirt splattered on my jerking cock and balls and he went straight back in with a squelchy slap to void another two or three juicy bursts up inside me. I was fucked... completely and utterly, I was bloody well demolished and my legs dropped as he lay on me and we slithered together joined by his mess on my bits and belly. The amazing bit was I'd just got harder and harder all the while this near abuse was going on. I stunk of cum and sweat and felt like the Wreck of the Hesperus (whatever that was, one of my dad's sayings when he had a hangover).

'Gawd...' I moaned and clutched his equally sweaty body. We rolled around like a pair of eels until I slipped quite easily into his juicy bottom. It was so easy, sweat, cum, some lube and he was willing, he had another secret. He liked little boy cock and set out to prove it by vitually milking me as I just went through the motions. I was so shagged out I barely made it but he helped with his kisses and stroking. He had a hell of a clampage on him, he could have cracked coconuts between those cheeks of his. Maybe a bit of exageration there but he was a muscular lad as I might have said.

It had gone midnight when we shared a shower and sat just inside the kitchen in the dim lights sharing a couple of bottles of blue stuff he'd produced. It was sweet and must have been some sort of booze as I felt a slight dizzyness. The rain seemed to have stopped and it was still warm but there was the slighest of breezes from the fans and we sat quite happy in the near dark with our arms around each other content in each others company. I know he was a lot older than I was but he was attentive to what, I supposed, were my childish rantings. I told him that he'd been my biggest to date and he laughed. He knew of my list and my target, that was Jimbo again flapping his gob but no matter.

'Shit, I must have left the door open,' he shot across the kitchen totally naked and I heard him shut the door and lock it.

'Good job there were no masters around,' I giggled as he sat down again.

'Not at this time of night,' he glanced at the kitchen clock and I saw it was only half past midnight, it seemed we'd been fucking for hours. 'How's your fanny?'

'Alright,' I laughed. 'Nice of you to ask.'

'How'd you like a nice big cucumber?'

'Piss off,' I screeched until he put his hand over my mouth.

'Come here...' He stood and hauled me to my feet and backed me onto one of those huge stainless steel tables they have in kitchens. He pushed me back until I was laid out with my head just dangling at one end but lower legs drooping at the other end.

'This is hard,' I complained.

'Yeah, you're right,' he agreed and pulled me off taking me back into their cabin or duty room. He lay me out onto the bed and but didn't go for his second round as I was anticipating but worked his way up my body so that his fresh erection was by my face. I took it in, of course I did. I sucked away at his beautiful dong and he moved around and suddenly reached right over me. I thought he was going sixty nine the way he'd positioned himself but he grabbed my legs and hoisted them.

'Nice.' A thickly accented voice spoke from the doorway and the tall and very well built Russian kid, the Sixer appeared. I'd been fitted up, stitched up, double crossed take your choice but he just smiled at me dropping his track suit bottoms and standing there totally naked handling a rapidly hardening monster. If anything he was bigger than Honek, his cock was fatter and he had a mass of pubics, he was big... Jeez, he was built like a bick shithouse, he must have been the biggest student in the school.

'You alright with this, Simon?' Honek asked. What could I say around a mouthful of Polish sausage with a ton of Russian meat aiming for my parking space.

'Mmmpfh...' I felt the massively bulging but thankfully well oiled glans push against my tender pucker. At least I was getting through my list, after tonight I'd have cracked the Warsaw Pact and then I could start on NATO and there I was thinking specifically of Scipio my Italian dreamboat. 'Ooooh...' It was in me and it was bigger than Honek's but I kept sucking there was no going back now.

To be Continued

Well, time for young Simon to go his own way. Next up... a new lad joins the Catering Staff where Honek and others will show him the ropes.

I'm at a standstill on everything else. The bloody heat and long hot nights are slaughtering me. I do hope to get another 'Rumnpus Room' out for next week or next weekend at the very latest.


Next: Chapter 32

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