Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on May 28, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



19D - The Painting Party

by Brian


G. Cutter

Hi there, Brian Stanson finishing off the saga of painting the Changing Rooms. Karl Hauser had gathered us together the previous evening and had a chat. The gist was that he intended to go for a finish on the following day. This would need a bit of a push but not too hard as we were well up front on the programme. This might mean giving up on the pre lunch frolic in the sunken bath but to get the job done, finished and paid up was the aim of the game. By now we all knew Jim Fraser had a spare key, we also knew how to switch the boilers on and all the rest of it... the field remained in play to get all sporty about it.

Anyway, the long and the short of it was that he'd asked Mr Holland to come over and inspect the job and to go snagging or to sign off. Snagging is a term he said where the payee, namely Holland went around and picked up on anything that he wasn't happy with and we could fix on the spot. That semed fair enough to all of us and on the following morning we got stuck in the difference being that our two baby ceiling painters now dismantled their little access tower, stashed it away and started to fold up and store the dustsheets. It was all looking pretty good by tea time and when midday arrived we were ready for the decision. Done or not done.

Miraculously, Holland had a breeze around and told us he was well satisfied and gave Karl a collection of small envelopes, gave us a lecture about storing the brushes and unused paints and left us to it.

We finished up with a final day's envelope plus an envelope for the day we'd saved. Karl also had the payment for the eighth member of the team. He just spilt this seven ways and I think everyone was pretty happy. Job well done and we still had time for a bath although not time to fuck around if you follow.

'We could always come back down here after lunch,' Jim sidled upto me as I was soaking. Karl was mucking about with the thirteen year olds and Andy and Joe were washing each other and looking our way expectantly.

'Just us two,' I automatically felt him up under the water feeling his heavy cock thickening.

'I was thinking about your two little classmates, the Blair boys,'

'Yeah, nice,' I grinned. 'Back in here, all soapy and grrrrrr...'

'I'll fix it,' he laughed and splashed away. The others were already getting dried off, payday or not, sex in the air or not, young lads had to have their food. 'No,' he grinned pushing my wandering hand away when he returned. 'You and I, Andy and Joe makes four.'

'A sorta soapy sauna, four way thingy?'

'Yeah, I've asked them already... I could make it six.'

'No,' I shook my head. Just us and the brothers sounds good, we can go mixed doubles plus we know they're good goers.'

'You got it,' he grinned. 'I've put Karl onto the babies so he'll be in one of the dorms all afternoon. All we have to do is not draw attention to ourselves when we leave the school.'


And that's the way it went, of course, I'd forgotten Jimbo also had access to the loft where he had it already made up into two little nests either side of the main water tanks. Maybe a little hot and dusty but we'd left the big bath topped up so it was only a matter of up and down a drop ladder. After lunch I walked over with him casually you understand like no one in the school knew what went on in the afternoons. Peering from the dusty windows we saw the two blonds approaching cautiously and let them in locking up behind them. We had our entertainment for the afternoon and were soon back in the water which by now was quite cool, nice really and even nicer when you have a slippery fourteen year old in your arms. I took Joe who was the slightly older I understood and was Scipio's room mate, he gave me a sly grin and towed me to the end of the gloomy loft. The sun just managed to make it's way through the dirty skylight and cobwebs but it was good enough. He sighed tiredly as we subsided onto our bed of dustsheets and old equipment. I could hear Jim and Andy giggling further down the space and tended to Joe.

Boy, that kid was a good kisser, squirmer and everything else. He was like a bloody octopussy with his skinny arms and legs wrapped around me as we slowly undressed and then lazily wrestled until we ran out of energy. It was so bloody hot, it wasn't an afternoon for for expending energy and in the end and after a whispered conversation we snuck downstairs and got ourselves into the bath again which was a damn sight cooler than upstairs.

This was better, much nicer and even more erotic than wrestling about in the semi gloom of up above. I've got to say cool or maybe tepid water is a turnon on a sunny summer's afternoon, not cold enough to chill and not warm enough to get you sweaty. Joe seemed to like it as I hunkered over him and bend down to take his twitching pale skinned cock into my mouth dangling and bounching my own off his face. He giggled and took me in and we enjoyed a lazy and drawn out sixty niner poolside taking our time and at the same time fingering and probing each other's puckers for the main event. We were going all the way, we just weren't hurrying.

'Hey, Joe?'

'Uh,' he grunted mouth around my meat.

'Who's that ginger kid in the Third?'

'Simon Somebody,' he took another lick. 'You are a treasure you know.'


'Doing the dirty with me and chatting me up about other kids.'

'Well, just asking,' I wriggled my finger in his tight little hole and his head dropped again, the moment was over but there were lots of little fishies in that big pond out there and I'd never done it with a ginger knob... and he was very sweet in a bewildered sort of way.

'I'm cum...' Joe spasmed and I felt the first warm splashes of his sweet spunk in the back of my throat as his tight little arse nearly removed my fingernails. I nearly didn't hear the rapping on the window. 'Shit,' Joe sqwarked and still spurting spunk rolled off and stared at the window. It was one of the young chefs and we'd been caught red handed or red knobbed. 'Better see what he wants,' he slipped into the water the cowardly little slut leaving me bare arsed and as hard as the fuckin' Eiffel Tower.

'Yeah?' I cracked the window open a little to answer our unexpected visitor. Well, be fair, what else could I do?'

'Who is it?' Jimbo called down from upstairs.

'Honek.' the youth at the window replied.

'Honek.' I called up. 'One of the chefs.'

'I know that,' Jimbo laughed. 'You let him in and you've got to look after him, Andy and me are making babies big time.'

'Shurrup,' I heard a boyish voice shout out.

'Wanna come in?' I looked at the smiling boy/man at the window.

'Do I get invited to participate?' He asked in stilted English.

'Why not? Come around the side door,' I wrapped a towel around my hips and went to let him in.

'He looks nice,' Joe observed from the bath and laughed when I called him Queen Slut but he was right, the Polish kid did seem rather munchy, maybe even fucky. We'd soon find out and I found out pretty quickly as when I locked the door behind him he immediately grabbed me in his arms and slipped his hands down me removing the towel in one move and clasped my bottom pulling me in and slipping his tongue into my mouth. God, this kid did not mess around.

'You smell of kitchen,' I finally broke free. 'Bath.'

'Do I get to join in?' He asked eagerly.

'Yeah but I get to do little Joe first.'

'OK.' He fondled me in the gloom of the reception area. 'I get to catch up with you later?'

'Surely,' I felt his hardness in his shorts. 'Tonight after dinner?'

'Let's go,' he laughed and we walked back to the bathroom. Joe was splashing around impatiently and watched with eyes as round as saucers as Honek stripped off and stood momentarily by the pool. It was probably the first time he'd seen a fully developed male naked and he couldn't take his eyes off Honek's thick and semi erect penis but unbeknown to him he was going to sample that lovely bit of Polish youth cock before the day was over. First me. As Honek cleaned himself luxuriating in the soapy water I dragged Joe up onto the towels and lay him on his back and raised his legs.

'Romantic aren't we?' He stroked my raging hardon. 'Wanna bit of Joe boy.'

'Yeah, so does the chef.' I grinned and swiped my bulging glans across his tiny boy pucker and he closed his eyes with a slut's smile on his face. Watched by Honek in the water I slowly took Joe and worked my way into his tight and sweet little honeypot. I knew I was loosening and easing him for Honek and maybe he knew that as he went through all the wriggling and groaning, in fact, he was putting a show on and I expect those upstairs knew that as well but they were keeping well out of the way.

Joe was good, he was a slow starter but once he got going he was a fuck monkey, he clung to you like a limpet and he had the knack of managing to squeeze on the in strokes and relax on the outers. His four inch cock jerked up and down on his belly but I had plans there... I would suck him as Honek fucked him, it seemed neat and tidy at least and Joe wouldn't object. 'Yeah, harder, harder,' he moaned as I got into my stride. Honek slipped out of the bath dripping wet and played his now fully erect cock over Joe's face and Joe giggled as he tried to capture the purple hued plumlike glans in his mouth but I was on heat and going for the end game.

'Joey, Joey, Joey,' I chanted and then soapily slapped in for the last time as he clasped me in a death grip and pumped my hot seed deep into his tiny arse. God, he was so good and he just lay there moaning with a lazy grin on his face as I filled him and felt it bubble from his stretched pucker.

'Gonna do me,' he asked laying on his back wiggling his four inch spike in my general direction.

'I'll do it,' Honek volunteered and replaced me between Joe's legs.

'Goody,' Joe giggled and grabbed Honek's hair as the Pole dropped his head and took his first lick at the sweetmeat twitching on the boy's belly. I slid back into the water, I was tempted to plug Honek as he took the little one (as he was going to) but held off, I'd like some quality time in private with our young Polish chef. Of course, I was making the assumption he wanted me but everyone seemed to be shagging everyone else so why not?

Honek really tended to Joe well, he had the brat whining and begging for release but nipped off the youngster's scrotum and sucked him mercilessly and somewhere amongst the writhing and moaning he managed to plunge two fingers deep into Joe's tiny little arse which really sent the kid over the edge. 'Spunk me,' Honek stared down at the boy and rapidly finger fucked him and kept his mouth just on the tip of Joe's blood red glans.

'Ooooh, oooooh...' Joey's belly muscles were so taut they were like iron bars as he let go and I saw his boy cream spurt from his cock like a spray from a tap. Honek eagerly sucked it up and slobbered over the boy's noodle until Joe flopped. Poor Joe, it wasn't over yet.

Honek virtually bent him over double so that the kid's ankles were over by his ears and then placing his own raging hardon at Joe's tautly stretched and totally exposed pucker slowly pushed in.

Joey yelled so loud you could have heard him the other side of the playing fields. I glanced up and little Andy and Jimbo were peering over the edge of the hatch fascinated with the show. Honek shoved a couple of inches of his fat cock into Joe's tiny orifice and started to fuck and as he did did he gradually let Joe's legs drop until the boy could wrap around. Then it began and after the initial shock Joe was into it, I mean really into it. He was wriggling and squiggling, moaning and squeaking and he was even bloody hard again. He was having a ball and I think I might have added as I got my head inside the pair of them and took his jerking (but dry) spike into my mouth. I felt Honek's hand on my bottom as I crouched there and knew I had another assignment before the day was out. I thought of him and Josh together but Honek first, there was something oddly attractive about him and he was looking after my little Joe well.

It ended as these things do with the usual moans and the slowdown and then the heavy puffing and panting as Honek juiced Joe and Joe lay there like a battered and very well shagged doll. The kid was wasted but with the amazing energy of kids he was up and running ten minutes later as we all relaxed back in the bath, this time Jim and Andy were down with us. The boys were down their end comparing notes and Jim and I paid court to our Pole. Is that old fashioned or just camp? How the hell can you 'pay court' to someone when you're naked together in a bath and all sporting twenty four carat hardons.

I came on a bit strong with Honek declaring a firm interest sorta thing and Jimbo splashed off to his babies leaving me to it.

'You on duty today?' I asked squirming against him in the rapidly cooling water, I could feel his meat heavy and pressed against my against my thigh, he wasn't hard again but he was on his way.

'Yes,' he smiled and his arms went around me binding us in together. 'You want a date?'

'You're supposed to ask me,' I did my coy bit feeling my own penis rock hard even after the Joe episode.

'Are you doing anything after dinner tonight?' He squeezed me in and I felt his fingers probing at my crack. Jeez, talk about randy, he'd just stuffed the star of our show and now he was after my bum. Brilliant.

'Not really,' I gave him a little smirk and stroked his bottom, I didn't want him thinking I was a little boy bitch like Joe... Well, I was, sometimes.

'Perhaps we could sneak away somewhere, I could find some wine,' he kissed me on the side of the neck. 'Make sweet music together.'


'You bloody Brits,' he laughed. 'Yeah, that too.'

'Just the two of us?'

'Just we two,' he agreed. 'A nice sexy get together, you and I, me and thee.'

'And I get to...'

'That's what I said, Brian Stanson.'

'You know my name.'

'I know Josh, I know Scipio and the Russian. Why shouldn't I know the bed companions?'

'Jeez, watch your English. We're room mates not bed companions.'

'Really?' He raised his eyebrows and grinned. 'Do you think if Josh allowed me one of those little rooms you would like to spend the night with me?' This time his face neared and we kissed properly and this time he was truly hard again. His stiff meat slipped between my legs amd I clamped on the hardness and heat. Jolly hockeysticks, I was in love... again.

'Love to,' I croaked as I felt his fingers delve into my crack and prod at my pucker. 'Later, Big Cock.'

We did mess around a bit more and the two brothers gave a little half hearted exhibition of raping a laughing Jimbo but we drained the pool and cleared up in time for tea and to allow Honek back to his duties. He told me not to worry about the evening, he would fix everything so I left things in his hands. You know, physically he wasn't a lot bigger or bulkier than Josh but it was that mangled accent, that dim yet cunning look and that fat meaty cock... Gawd, I'm talking myself into a hole here. I just wanted him, I was probably just one of a series to him but he wanted me tonight and I certainly wanted him.

I got a bit alarmed just before bedtime or lights out. There was no sign of Honek and I wandered back upto the Sixth Dorm a bit unsure of things to find Josh and Jimbo in our room and very clearly about to get naughty with each other. So much for the faithful Josh and my loyal pal Jim.

'Your guest is in Number Seventeen, down the end.' Josh grinned. 'Wine, candles, body oil...'

'Great,' I giggled and ran. 'Have a good night,' I called over my shoulder.

I cracked the door to the room open to find Honek tuning in a small radio to low music and he turned and smiled. He was already stripped down to boxers and had rearranged the room so that the two beds were together and it was quite cosy and the room was well away from the others. I could hear Skip, Kostya and the boys settling down but Honek had grabbed me and had me on the beds.

'The first time is always frantic, lustful and passionate,' he whispered. 'The second time is more romantic but just as lustful,' his hands slipped into the back of my longies and clasped my naked bottom. 'Booootiful,' he sucked at my neck and we began to lose the clothing.

'What about the third time?' I asked hopefully.

'Lustful again but messier,' he giggled and started to attack my body with his mouth and lips.

We talked a little in whispers and kissed a lot but once we were naked he produced some body oil and went to town. It was an unspoken agreement that he would make love to me and I would return the compliment. I wasn't a child to be fobbed off by a blow job, I wanted that fine arse of his and he knew it... he was also happy with it which is more imprtant. He couldn't leave my cock alone with his oily hands and sweet kisses but at last he got down to what he was really after. I groaned a little (not too much) and squirmed on his long finger as it probed my hole and found that important gland, after that I was putty in his hands as he massaged, eased my ring and relaxed me for his fat love stick as he called it. I'd call it a love log more than a stick but I'm not into woodwork.

'You ready my sweet?' He had me on my belly with my bum cocked up in the air for our first joining. The second time around we would go face to face, that was already settled and I tensed myself. Then again if little Joey could handle it then so could I.

'Yeah,' I breathed into the pillow and gave him a wriggle.

'Good,' his breath was warm on the back of my neck as I felt his big knob which felt like a solid snooker ball part my oiled cheeks and then press against my sphincter. There was pain, I've got to admit that but where there's a will there's a way (cliche alarm). I groaned and clutched the pillow as he pushed even harder and I felt my ring stretch so painfully I nearly screamed but then it was in me and my ring closed around his shaft. 'Good boy, Brian,' he munched the back of my neck and began. He began to fuck, he began to fill me with his hot cock and I began... I began to enjoy it and pushed up onto his thrusts.

I nearkly started to sing: 'All Night Long'the old Rainbow Track but held back and just pushed up onto the wonderful warmth and hardness filling my bottom. And he had a nice firm body and he was attentive and he was loving... and he was such a good fucker.

I found out later that he was also a brilliant bottom but that's between me and he.

To be continued.

Sorry, this one is a bit disjointed and a bit of a hash up but it was interrupted by a bout of sickness and I'm just about getting back on track.

Chapter Four of my 'Project' is ready for any of my 'limited list' who want to ask for it. That's the end of that one.

I'm also playing catchup on "Prince Coco" and have decided on a final Chapter to "Rumpus Room".

Try my "Sweeney Todd's Boys" in the Celebrity Section... I liked it .


Next: Chapter 28

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