Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on May 14, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



19C - The Painting Party

by Tak


G. Cutter

Dom and I watched Jimbo Fraser and one of the Third Formers walk away from the school clearly heading for the sports fields. The fact that the kid was carrying a roll of bedding indicated sunbathing on the surface. To those with dirty minds it indicated something completely different. They were off for something else not a thousand miles removed from fuckery.

'Whatta perv,' Dom laughed. 'That kid's one of the thirteen year olds.'

'Don't they say something along the lines of the younger the animal the sweeter the flesh?'

'Maybe but a statement like that justifies pedos. I prefer the 'tribal' test.'

'Never heard of it.'

'There was some sort of a survey online and the outcome was that most tribes and many of the older civilisations reckoned a boy entered manhood around thirteen. He starts to fill out, starts to grow hair around his genitalia and starts to produce semen. It's only in the so called Western civilisations where we had an age of inheritance of eigheen or twenty one where we gained such a high age of consent. .'

'And the Third Form are generally thirteen,' I laughed. 'Jimbo's going for the youngest manhood he can find.'

'He's still a perv,' Dom grinned. 'Mind you if you want a bit of virgin boy the Third's the place to start.'

'Unless they shag each other?' I nudged him. 'All those randy thirteens rumping each other silly.'

'Shut up,your imagination's running riot,' he laughed. 'They're going into the long grass past the football pitch. There's nothing past that except the chain link fence.'

'Wanna try a couple of boys,' I grinned. 'We need an adventure...'

'Come on then but act casual.'

'Just like they did,' I laughed but we made a move. What had we to lose? We could chat them up well out of the way of the school but better still we could catch them in the act. 'I get the chicken first.'

'I'll settle for the rooster.'

'Again,' I giggled. I knew that he and Jim had done the famous 'it' but I didn't mind, Dom was mine now, any others were icing on the cake as he obscurely put it. We got to the long grass and followed their trail which was easy enough until we got close enough to hear mutterings, a few giggles and then the grunts of animal passion... we had caught them redhanded or 'cock in hole' as Dom chortled. A few more cautious paces and we could just peer over the top of the grass to see Jim and his little pal quite comfortable in their little nest rumping away trying to make babies.

'Wow,' Dom whispered.

'Beautiful arse action,' I spoke as I watched and it was. Jim's sweaty back was to me and he'd just cum by the looks of it and his smooth little dark sallow bottom was clenched as he tried to force himself in even deeper. I saw the boy's started face peer around Jim's shoulder.

'Mind if we join you?' Dom asked politely and with a huge grin jumped over and settled to one side of the pair, I lay down alongside them and gazed at the little one pinned under a still moving Jim.

'Hello, Sweetnuts.'

'Hello,' he squeaked slightly confused from coming down from his high to real and very solid earth.

'What do you want?' Jim put a brave face on it kissing the boy and then slowly withdrawing his stained and limpening penis as the boy's legs came down. Now Jimbo was no tiddler in the cock department as I already knew but to watch his full length slip from the boy and then the kid's tiny pucker reduce from a gaping hole to a tiny cum oozing pucker was the sight of the day. 'So?' Jim demanded looking at Dom and then flashing me a nervous smile.

'Well, I want you,' Dom grinned, 'And Tak wants the boy.'

'I have got a name,' the boy scowled and looked at me. 'It's Peter.'

'Greeting, Sweet Pete,' I managed to sneak my head in between him and Jim as they parted and gave him an exploratory kiss. A moments hesitation and he returned it. He was nice, sweaty and spunk stained but nice all the same and I saw Jim fall quite easily into Dom's embrace. Neither of them would be too keen on sex just yet but I was as hard as a rock and cuddled the boy in... I was ready right now.

'Gonna take some clothes off, or what?' Jim massaged the fork of Dom's shorts and I remembered that they weren't complete strangers after all.

'You too,' Peter whispered and I realised he was as horny as hell, he'd got a taste of Jim and now he wanted a taste of me. I knew all about the English expression of batting on a sticky wicket but I couldn't hold back. Another thing I found pleasing was that when I tugged my shorts and briefs down he gasped. My penis wasn't as fat as Jim's but it was longer and he'd feel it up around his tonsils going by his size.

I struggled out of my shorts and briefs feeling the boy's hands on me all the while. He was gaining confidence and as we kissed and stroked each other he paid particular attention to my extended penis. He was in love with it, firstly he tried a little suck and jiggled my balls around but then lay face to face and kissed me long and hard.

'Do you want me, Tak.'

'Ever so,' I smiled.

'Good,' he grinned in return and pushed me onto my back. He looked at me as if wondering how to tackle a problem and then squatted with a leg either side of my chest and facing me. He gave me a slight smile and holding my hardness upright rubbed his sweet little fanny against the oozing knob and I felt him open up as he dropped slightly and captured my glans inside his tiny pucker. He groaned a little more and dropped again as I supported him with a hand under each smooth cheek. I little more and I pushed up. 'Aaaaaah...' He sighed and looked at me with glazed eyes. 'So nice,' he whispered and dropped down again so that his satin skinned bottom brushed my pubics. My hands were now between his cheeks and my thighs. I slid my hands free and grabbed him by his slender waist. One tug and he settled onto my crotch and my full length was buried in his tight and very hot flesh. 'Oooh, that's so big,' he wriggled on me and started to fall onto his side. I knew what he wanted and remained tightly inside him as he lay there clinging to me. A few tight and slippery moves later and he was on his back and under me. He smiled up at me and now held my hips with one hand and drew my head down with the other for yet another kiss. 'Fuck me...' he whispered.

How could I refuse?

I slowly moved in and out but he was a raver, he wanted it harder and faster all the time and in the end I let it all go and hammered my way to a climax. God, for a kid he was such good sex it was unbelieveable. He was a boy slut, no two ways about it and as I fucked him on a coating of Jimbo's spunk he moaned and wriggled demanding more and more. When I cum he just lay there like a rag doll as I pumped and squirted my all into his hot little boy fanny. As I eventually withdrew a flood of the stuff bubbled from his gaping hole and he laughed.

Grabbing his shorts he removed a wadge of folded toilet paper from the pocket. 'Back in a mo,' he grinned and crawled off a little way into the long grass. Certainly a kid with no false modesty. I looked across at Dom and he was just about reaching own his climax and Jim was doing his usual just laying there with a lazy smile on his face enjoying the ride. He really was quite attractive in an odd sort of way and certainly was well versed in the way of boys. A pity he was too dumb to be Head Boy next year, he'd have turned the school into a brothel, he'd shagged with half the current Sixth Form and the young chefs from what I was told. Perhaps he was destined to be something big in the sex trade.

'Yes, yes, yes,' Dom chanted as he nailed Jim good and hard, as he did so little Peter crawled from the grass and into my arms.

'All done, all squeaky clean,' he giggled as I wrapped my arms around him and lay back in the sum. 'We can swop around in a bit but poor old Dom probably hasn't got it in him.'

'Don't you believe it,' I laughed. I knew my Dominic, he could handle two in an afternoon. At that moment Dominc cum and I knew it was a good one from his happy little sighs and the kisses he gave the Neanderthal or Cro Magnon. I could never remember which one Jim was supposed to be but as I've said quite nice in an odd sort of way. From the sound of their mumbling I think change around was on us only this time Dom and I would have to take our turn. Or maybe that was just I had to take my turn as little Peter was clearly looking forward to bottoming for Dom. I don't think Master James Fraser was contemplating doing the girly for me. The glances he were giving me were lustful but the other lustful if you understand me. Suited me even if he was a bit ugly he had a beautiful cock I'd hankered after for a while. I gave him a little smile and he gave me one of his man about town winks. The one that showed he was God's gift to needy bottoms... Yeah, right.

'Nice laying out here in the sun,' Dom remarked.

'Shadier being under someone,' Peter retorted thinking his remark highly amusing.

'Go on, Dom does a good sun brolly impersonation,' I gently pushed him away and as quick as a flash dark skinned Jimbo rolled over him and started the Romeo bit with me, he was good, I'll give him that.

It was pretty clear what he wanted as well, he'd done his 'bottom' bit for the day and was now out for revenge. He forced me down onto my back although I fought him back, pretty feebly I've got to admit. His big swinging cock was rubbing against my thigh and that iself was a turn on. Dom was having to muster another fuck, that boy Peter was insatiable. He was on Dom like a squirel onto nuts. In fact he looked a bit like a squirrel as he sucked Dom's scrotum and moved around so his tight little white bottom was in Dom's face. My Dom was lost and promptly upended the kid and got his legs in the air. Peter gave an excited little squeal, I guess he'd never expected to get such a series of shags in one afternoon, he'd be shoving towels up his boy fanny all night unless he found a pal to plug him up... in the best possible taste of course.

'Ready for this,' Jum gazed at me from about six inches away and I felt his lips brush mine. I poked my tongue out and they slipped and slid together outside our mouths before he invaded my mouth and at the same time pressed his solid yet spongey knob against my portal.

'Yesss...' I hissed as I felt his slippery lump part my pucker and enter my back passage. It was thick and hard but mercifully well lubricated with his precum and lotion. Once he was in me and moving deeper I let myself surrender to the sensation of a stranger inside me. I'd reserved myself for Dominic but maybe a little adventure here and there wasn't a bad thing.

I'd considered the boys, and there were many of them that seemed to shop around as sluts. But then again, why not? Dominic and I had a limited time together and remaining as faithful lovers was cutting down on our pleasures. There were lots of attractive kids left behind over the long holiday... I needed a good old heart to heart to my Dominc. At the end of the day we had each other but there were others. I was thinking of the young Polish chef, Honek, the acting Head Boy, Josh and that Scipio, the Italian... now there were three that I'd like to get down and dirty with. For now it was Jimbo and he was shagging like a true professional, not too fast and not too slow but just right and I clamped my cheeks on his hardness as he moved in and out.

'You like a bit of cock,' he whispered licking my ear and fucking.

'I like a bit of bum as well,' I replied. OK, so not brilliant repartee but I wanted to make my point.

'Goody,' he grinned and growled as I clamped his pumping bottom pulling him in tighter.

'Oh, oh, oh...' Dominic hammered into the little lad and then remained sunken deep within the pale mounds beneath him and I saw his cum oozing from the boy's hole. Little Peter was topped up for the second time and as his legs dropped I saw the dreamy and well satisfied look on his face. Another contented customer.

I wrapped my legs tightly around Jim as I felt him build upto a rather sweaty climax. He was huffing and puffing like an old man and then I felt it, the throbbing and the warm wetness as his boy juice squirted or rather oozed inside me. I think he was past the squirting and spurting stage but he'd cum all the same and fell on me exhausted.

We lay there in the hot sun with our cums drying on us and even attacked Peter as a group drawing a weak cum from him and he got the screams, the giggles and then near hysrterics but Dom had something on his mind.

'Ever tried two in one Jimbo?'

'What?' Jim drowsily looked up at the sky

'Two in one hole, my man,' Dom lay on his back with his surprisingly eager penis twitching on his belly and coaxed the reluctant boy to squat over it and eventually to sit on it. I don't think Jim was too keen but as soon as Dom's thick erection speared into Jim's swarthy bottom he came to life. He grinned and making a put on face started to move up and down quite easily. Little Peter and I lay there either side watching the show. Jim had clearly either misheard or totally ignored Dom's question as he lay back onto Dom's body and bent his legs so that his feet were flat on the towels and he was raising and lowering himself onto Dom's small thrusts. His gaping ring was clearly visible and I saw Dom give me a nod.

Now, this was something we'd talked about and then only as a theory but the more I watched the more it looked possible. Suddenly Dom pulled Jimbo back so that Jim's back was on Dom's chest and their faces were more or less side by side.

'Peter hold his knees back,' Dom instructed and after a moment Peter straddled both their heads and held Jim's knees right upto his chest. This time the gaping hole with Dom's moving hardness was even more visible and I moved in just as we'd discussed.

'You bastards...' Jim giggled but his heart wasn't in it. He knew what was coming and at the very least he wanted to try it. Let's face it,he was a bit of a slut, to put it mildly, and a new trick was a new trick. I got between their splayed legs and pressing my now rigid cock against Dom's I slowly slid up until I met resistance. Squashing the erections together I slid into Jimbo using Dom's sweaty and oil covered penis as a guide.

Jim moaned and closed his eyes as he felt a second cock slip inside him and then went limp as I got inside and felt my own hardness pressed against Dom's and contained in the same hot and slippery tunnel. God, it was so tight and I felt myself reach super hard again. Peter gave a little squeal of glee and letting go of Jim scooted down our sides. I knew what was coming as he lay on my back and hugged me pressing his stiff little pecker between my cheeks. One rather over enthusiastic push and I felt him enter me on a coating of Jim's cum and he was shagging.

Talk about a hot and sweaty mess. Poor Dom was on the bottom with Jimbo impaled on his cock. I was also in Jim from the front pushing him down onto Dom and as addition to the mix randy little Peter was clinging to my back shagging away like a manic bunny. Slippery, difficult to hold but we made it and poor Jim was sandwiched and being pushed around like a rag doll as both Dom and I fucked him. I got the bonus, I got thirteen year old Peter Lark on my back clearly going for his Deviant's Profinciency Badge.

The climax if you could call it that was even messier. I felt Dom go first and it was like holding a squirting cock up close against your own. I could feel his warm cum against my stiffy and I cum at more or less the same time the poison dwarf on my back also cum. Poor Jim, was fucked, flooded and probably stretched more that he'd have liked but he was as hard as a pipe again. We'd tend him in a moment, perhaps another helping of little Peter's sweet arse but for the moment... moans, groans and various declarations of 'never again' at least not until the next time.

To be continued.

Next up: 19D: The final one in the painting saga and then maybe a break.

This weekend: Rumpus Room - 4 and possibly "Sweeny Todds Boys".


Next: Chapter 27

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