Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Apr 28, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



19A - The Painting Party

by Brian Stanson


G. Cutter

'Good morning, Lads, Lasses and Inbetweenies.' Karl Hauser stood there like a Drill Sergeant and checked his list. 'First of all. You should all have a towel, a piece of soap and your working gear?'

I looked at him and smiled slightly, he did love taking charge, a Head Boy in the making. He was rather sweet if a bit big for me, I'd decided I liked the smaller boys after the previous day with little Andy, the younger the flesh the tastier. Mind you I had a sorta thing going on with Josh as well but I think that was justa 'fling' to be blunt. Karl was looking at his piece of paper. 'Who's missing?'

We waited for the missing person to reply which obviously didn't happen and there was a silence until I spoke. 'Jim Fraser,' I volunteered.

'How could I miss him,' Karl laughed just as Jimbo came bombing through the doors like a rocket.

'Never fear, Jimbo's here,' he shouted and fell into line.

'All here?' Mr Thomas appeared from the main building.

'Yes, sir.' All here but a slightly different eight to the original list.

'OK, name them,' Mr Thomas stood there looking supremely indifferent.

'Two Third Formers, Lark and Dover. Three Thirds, The Blair Brothers and Stanson. 'Fraser and myself,' Karl declared.

'I make that seven.'

'Yes, sir. One dropped out but we'll be OK.'

'Alright,' Mr Thomas seemed keen to get back indoors. 'Electricity is on and you need to turn the showers on half an hour before you want to use them... and don't forget to turn them off when you leave.'

'Right, sir,' Karl almost saluted and we were on our way, an untidy bunch of no hopers pretending to be painters.

'I've got this all organised,' Karl was talking to Jim as we walked across the rugby pitches. 'It's all up here,' he tapped his temple.

'Sounds bad,' Jimbo laughed and looked at me. 'How did you get on yesterday, Bry.'

'Don't be so bloody nosey,' I gave him a smile. I didn't want to fall out with him but he needed to keep his gossiping down, he did have a bloody big mouth.

'Snooty,' he grinned and unabashed began to sing at the top of his voice. 'Hey ho, hey ho, it's off to work we go...' Well, that relaxed things a little and even the Third Formers perked up a little. They were quite sweet both of of the urchin mould, dark haired and a little on the Oliver Twist style... I should have said the Artful Dodger type. The last Olly Twisted Knicker's I'd seen was that stringy blond Mark Lester and he looked like a little girl Now Jack Wolfe as the Artful Dodgeball was all boy. Anyway, enough babble. We got to the pavilion and Karl let us in, he also locked us in I noticed and I also noticed the quick glance he flashed at Jimbo, these two were making sure that they (or we) weren't disturbed.

'Right, Changing Rooms,' Karl led off like a bloody Scoutmaster on heat and we congregated in this bloody place that was so damn well cramped. The trouble was it was split into sections, the thing that caught my eye was the big bath in the bathroom next door. It was like a baby swimming pool.

'What's first?' Jimbo asked.

'Get changed into working gear, we don't want emulsion all over our kit,' Karl decided. 'Leave your clean stuff in the lobby out of the way.' That was it. You know in a private school not many boys are worried about the occasional nudity and certainluy not about being in briefs but this lot scurried around like a load of girls getting changed. Jim naturally enough was the boldest and stripped right down to naked giving the younger boys a flash of his bits. All designed to flaunt and titilate if I knew our Jimbo. Then Karl allocated tasks as laid down in his mystery master plan.

The two smallest boys Peter Lark and Thomas Dover were stood on this access tower which was on wheels and told to do the ceiling. Andy and Joe copped the job of pushing them around and feeding them paint brushes and whatnot. I've got to give Karl his due and say that he got up there and showed them how to do it without splattering themselves in paint. I'm using the word paint here for emulsion, emulsion washes off and paint doesn't as I'm sure you're all aware. Things went well, in fact they did the ceiling of the first compartment in around thirty minutes flat, it was checked out by Karl who declared it satisfactory and then the rest of us piled in. Myself, Jimbo and Karl did the high level walls and finished at about chest height trying to keep up with the little ones which was near impossible.

They were three compartments ahead of us and at this stage someone saw Mr Thomas through one of the dirty windows. Karl went and opened up for him and the man came in and surveyed what had been done so far.

There was no comment but I heard him telling Karl that things seemed to be going well and that he was impressed. Surprise, surprise. Around the ten o'clcock mark we had a break and although Jimbo had managed to get paint all over himself the remainder were reasonably clean. Jimbo switched the boilers on for the hot water and came up with the bright idea of using the big bath. It was pretty obvious why and Karl after a moments thought gave Jim his blessing. I've always wondered what rugby and football players got upto in those big baths and it looked like we were going to find out. We had a general natter about progress and we decided to stay in the two teams, the 'tops' and the 'bottoms' as Jimbo insisted on calling us. Once the kids had finished the ceilings they could double back and do the low level stuff. Cleanup and Bob's your Uncle... job done. We reckoned even with only seven of us we'd probably have it done in four days instead of the five. and got a pleasant suprise.

'Mr Thomas says we can have the five days money whenever we finish but that's to his satisfaction. We can also split the missing eighth man's money.'

'Lovely,' Jim gloated and even the brats, Peter and Thomas had a little grin. Quite nice kids and I was looking foward to seeing them all wet and soapy, from the occasional sly glances I think I had some like minded pals. I didn't know if we'd score with them, really score I mean but one thing was for sure, Jimbo would be leading the way. I wasn't too sure about Karl, he was a bit of an unknown quantity but I'd heard that he was consorting with Jimbo for the holiday period which is putting it politely. The Kraut was shagging the Missing Link as Josh would say.

'We have four days of lunch time baths,' Jim whispered to me as we sat around drinking cans and scoffing the munchies we'd brought with us.

'So who do you fancy?'

'Everyone,' Jimbo grinned. 'But the star has to be little Thomas Dover.'

'Peter Lark,' I eyed the small boy talking to his pal. 'Now that one grabs me.'

'Down to you to grab him then and where better than in a big soapy bath,' Jim giggled. 'The way to play it is to all play around and go over the top a bit and see if they join in.'

'Like a circle jerk?'

'Something like that but get them involved, we can peel them apart later... we have four days after all.'

'I'm with you.'

'Good, I shall brief our fuhrer later.' That was it, we had a plan, a pretty limp one but better than nothing.

After the break we carried on painting, big Karl told us that we'd pack in at a quarter to twelve on the dot, bathe and be back for one o'clock for lunch. I looked at Jimbo and he smirked, we had an hour in the bath at top whack. The boiler was on and given an hour we'd be ready to start topping up the bath. The trouble was no one knew how long the water took to heat or how long ghe big bath took to top up but what the hell. Karl had already put it across that it was bath or nothing... there wouldn't be enough warm water for a communal bath and solo showers. No one seemed very fussed but then again no one had overheard myself of Jimbo's little conversation.

Karl kept going in to see how the bath was filling towards the end and I think the excitement began to built. I think we five older boys were intent on getting it on as they say, or having a game, the two younger lads were the problem but Jim and I had our plan. Basically that was to jump their bones and see where we went from there. Small chance and no chance. As soon as the brushes were washed out and left in a bucket of water we piled into the bathroom and began to strip off and then things began to go wrong. We all splashed around in the hot water until we got the temperature right but Karl made an immediate grab for Jim and that was him gone.

He was bloody serious as well, poor Jim was like a baby in big Karl's arms and I don't think he minded too much. Then to my astonishment the brothers, Andy and Joe started. I suppose they felt liberated after the weekend and started a heavy snog and grope. Poor old me was left with the two thirteen year old pretending not to see what was going on around them and taking craft peeks at the same time. I took the bull by the horns and dived in.

I grabbed Peter or was it Thomas and began to wash his shoulders rubbing the spots of emulsion clear. The further and nearly final, I should say the penultimate surprise was that he backed onto me like a right little slut and I popped an immediate boner. I was as hard as a rock and he bloody well knew it. He wasn't much shorter than myself and forced himself back onto me rubbing his sweet bottom up and down on my erection but at the same time the other got in behind me and grabbed me around the waist. By now Andy and Joe were had at is, not shagging but making merry. From Karl's movements against Jim I suspected he was actually shagging my mate in the water.

That was all well and good, much better than I'd expected but the two virgins, tyros, innocents or whatever you'd want to call them were far from that. They were a pair of diminutive sex maniacs and I was meat in their sandwich. Talk about role reversal, I thought that Jim and I would be doing the seducing but these kids were weedy but I was only fourteen myself, I know I was quite well developed but come on, it was two against one and I didn't really mind. I fuckin' well loved it. I found out it was Peter with the sweet bottom rubbing up and down on my cock and Thomas making futile attempts to prong me from the rear.

'Come on, come on,' Thomas whispered trying to force his way into my crack and pork me.

'You do me, I do you,' I threatened.

'We worked that one out,' Peter giggled from the front and turned around grasping both our hardons in his hands and slowly wanking them under water.

'We could get together this afternoon. I know a place,' I suggested.

'Fine,' came from one.

'Great,' from the other. I had my own private pair of nut brown babies to use and abuse. I suppose their thinking was that they had their very own Fourth Former to use and abuse. I glanced over and Karl and Jim were still at it although they'd moved to the steps and they were both half out of the water so you could watch the action in slippery, wet living colour. Jim was giving it all the moaning and groaning completely without any shame even flashing me a grin. Andy had Joe sitting on the edge of the bath and was sucking away like there was no tomorrow and his brother was loving it, that gave me an idea. I perched my two brown skinned angels on the edge of the bath opposite and held their stiff organs and did a double blow.

I had no compunctions now, there were no secrets in our little group of pervs and the rest of the week should turn out interesting. I sucked at their quite plump four inchers until they both managed squirts but didn't bother with myself. We were getting near lunchtime and when you're at school you can't miss a meal but there's stacks of time to catch up on sex. Once they were drained I hustled them away to dry off and we left the others to complete their session.

'Wow, that was a buzz,' Peter grinned. 'I knew that Jimbo kid was bent but you...' he grinned as he looked at me drying off. 'You're the best looking one.'

'Really?' I felt myself blush.

'You know you are,' Thomas smirked. 'Where we going this afternoon?'

'Dorm 4F at two o'clock, I've got the key.'

'Have you,' Peter squeaked. 'We gonna do everything?'

'Peter likes cock,' Thomas confided in a whisper.

'Shurrup,' Peter reddened.

'No matter,' I grinned at them both. 'I'm versatile.' There. That told them, as bright kids they should be able to work it out. They did as they were grinning like loons all the way back to the school. Jim was looking a bit bedraggled but proud of himself, he'd taken the biggest cock in the Painter's Party. Mind you he was second biggest himself and I was determined to have him before the week was out. Andy and Joe were back to normal, I mean as they'd been before the weekend. I think that they'd both been surprised at the fall of the other but they were now approaching the seasoned warrior status. Everything was right, everything was sunny and lunch called.

The food standard remained high and I was accosted by the Polish chef, Honek at the servery door.

'How's the painting? Brian, isn't it?'

'Fine,' I lingered, he was quite nice and he was the 'ultimo', a man. Well he was eighteen or so and I knew (or gossip had it) that he was in a three way setup with the other two young chefs. He was fair haired and chunky for want of a word and I wondered if he ever dabbled with the kids. I'd have to ask Jimbo as he seemed to have an 'in' with the kitchen staff.

'You kids must find the holidays boring.'

'Not really,' I felt eyes burning into the back of my shorts, with a bit of luck the others would all think I was being chatted up. 'I find things to do.'

'Well, if you ever fancy extra munchies pop in,' he gave me a soulful Polish look which he must have practiced for ages.

'I shall,' I blatantly dropped my eyes to his crotch leven and then gave him a grin. He wasn't the only actor on the block. 'I will,' I scurried with my tray of food back to my table to face a barrage of questions. God, they were so nosey.

By two I was in 4F, I'd drawn the curtains against the afternoon sun and it was bathed in a sorta golden glow, very romantic. I threw two mattresses and some bedding on the floor in the corner. I had a small tube of sun tan lotion and a masive hardon in anticipation and settled down to wait. Right on the dot there was a quiet knock on the door and it opened to admit Thomas but he was on his own. I rushed over and turned the key in the lock.

'Where's the other one?'

'One not enough,' he grinned and stroked his brown skinned and slightly bloated belly. 'We decided to share you, Peter will look after you in the week.'

Great, I was being manipulated by two thirteen year old kids but I didn't really mind. I remember from the other night that threesomes are alright for a giggle but it's much nicer when there are just two of you. 'Come to my boudoir,' I took his hand and dragged him to the end of the dorm where I'd set up shop.

'So camp,' he giggled and looked startled for a moment when I wrapped my arms around his smaller frame and planted a kiss on his delightful lips.

'Now that's why it's better going solo,' he withdrew red faced and flushed allowing me to drag him down onto the bedding. 'This is so nice,' he grinned as I did my octopussy act wrapping him him my tentacles savouring his sweet lips and flickering tongue again. For tentacles read arms and legs by the way. 'You are so hard,' he smirked feeling the outline of my penis in my shorts.

'Let's get naked,' I growled ever the romantic.

He just giggled and we started to remove our clothing not that there was much to remove. At last I lay against his small and slightly sweaty brown body crushing our erections together and fondling his sweet satin skinned bottom. 'You're getting me going,' he squirmed against me and moaned. I knew he wanted me, all of me and I wanted him so I lay him onto his back and began to suck on his tight balls, salty balls with perspiration and boy funk but I didn't care for as I squirmed a finger between his cheeks he opened up quite willingly and wriggled around so that my erection was rubbing up and under his perineum.

'You want it?' I whispered.

'And you after,' he whispered nibbling my ear. 'I'm not a bitch boy like Peter.'

'Doesn't he..?'

'Yeah,' he wriggled himslf comfortable. 'He fucks but prefers someone doing him, he loves it.'

'How long have you two been at it?'

'About six months now,' he looked at me and grinned again. 'He fucked me first but I soon found out he likes it more than I do.'

'You don't like it?' I wasn't asking out of idle curiosity you understand but I knew I'd get cross examined on this by Jim ansd probably the others. I think I was the first one to crack one of the Thirds. If we got them into our evil little circle then the holiday would go from great to terrific. Of course the thought of Honek was in the back of my mind as well.

'Aaaah... he did a little squirm and moan as I opened his legs fully and traced my tongue between his legs and intruded into the bottom of his crack. He was sweaty and did smell a bit but he'd had a bath an hour previously and it was boy smell and a bit of a turn on, I could feel my hardness drooling and pressed on. I span him around so that he was in a half crouch and then attacked his little pucker after flathanding his cheeks exposing the wrinkled little brown muscle. Much to my surprise he loved it pushing back onto me with litte purrs and mews like a randy cat. 'Finger me, finger me.' He whined and I did.

I had my finger in him lubricated with my bit of sun tan stuff until he was loosened up just a little and slick. As his moans and groans turned to pleasure rather than annoyance I slipped my finer free. He must have known his time had come as he dragged a pillow down and rested his genitalia on it and spread his legs. He was silent and also silently I bent over kissing his sweaty neck on the edge of his thick blackhair and slowly lowering myself between his well spread cheeks. I pushed up against his pucker and parted it on a coating of spit and sun tan oil.

He tensed but remained silent still as my glans broached him and then settled in his rectum only then did he give a little sigh and his body relaxed. Encouraged I moved in further and then started to move to and fro. He was alright I decided as he pushed up onto me and that released the flood. I fucked him hard and he encouraged me all the way, moaning and sobbing he pushed up hard against me until my pubics squashed against his bottom.

'Yeah,' he craned his head around and I kissed him on the side of the mouth. 'Gonna fuck you so bad for this, Bry,' he threatened.

'Goody,' I hauled him back up into a doggy and then did the thing with the legs so that we were face to face and he was on his back under me.

'I haven't done it this way before.'

'You live and learn,' I smiled and began to move in and out. Right down to the root and then out again as slow as I could manage. He screwed his face up as I rutted in slow mo and then started to beg just as I'd hoped.

'Faster, faster, you bastard,' he grabbed my hips and tugged himself onto my thrusts as I began. He wanted me and he was getting me. I nailed him good and proper and he loved it. To his absoluted disgust he cum up on his belly just before I did and I heard a few curses that were new to even me. The point was I cum in him in the end in meaty splats and it was trickling from his hole when I'd finished which is always the mark of a good one. 'I've shot my bolt,' he managed a rueful laugh.

'Never mind, you've got all afternoon to recover,' I pulled an old sheet over us and turned my back offering my back end. 'Just think sex.'

'Easy,' he snuggled in and I felt his warm breath on my neck.

He's soon recover and even as I slipped into one of those semi dozes I could feel his cum stained belly against my back and his soft and flaccid noodle get harder and harder.

I wouldn't have too long to wait.

To be Continued.

Sorry about the delay with this one, I'm trying to do too many things at once.

I also lost direction half way through this one but I think I'm back on track now.


Next: Chapter 25

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