Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Mar 26, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



15 - Joe Blair's First Night

(Told by Joe)


G. Cutter

I went back to the old Fifth dorm and collected Brian and got hauled into a conversation with Karl the Kraut as they called him. It seemed he was looking for a small gang to decorate out the old Cricket Pavilion and he was short on bodies. In fact, apart from himself and Jimbo with a couple of the thirteen year olds he was doubtful of completing the job in the fortnight allocated. They were only working nine until midday each day and it paid a small wage. The point was we were mostly on pretty decent allowances from our parents which accounted for a certain lack of any enthusiasm. As Brian had already volunteered I did so as well, I also put Andy up for it as well. If Jimbo was involved it had to get interesting apart from the painting, anyway, how hard can sloshing emulsion around get. Plus, of course, it would be a chance to sling the stuff all over the younger ones and then get them in the showers. My mind was working on it already as no doubt had Jim's.

We went up and collected Andy who was still stuck in front of the television and who seemed relieved to see us, the Sixers had disappeared somewhere and I expect he was getting lonely. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching the box as the afternoon sports gave way to the so called light entertainment. Dinner was at seven and at last we could eat casual one of the upsides to the holiday but we decided to sample the senior showers going in a threesome. Safety in numbers being the keyword.

Funnily enough all the dowstairs showers were modern insofar as they had an open bathing area with cubicles in addition. The ones the Sixers used were in need of modernisation and there were no cubicles. At least it got us all naked together which was a bonus. Naturally enough I was well aware of what my brother looked like, I'd had my hands on his young cock enough times but I'd never seen Brian in the nude. Well, to be honest he was no earthmover but he had a better body than myself or Andy and he was bigger in the cock department, we were all uncircumcised but his was longer and he gave me a dirty look when he caught me ogling but said nothing.

I washed Andy's back which was nothing out of the ordinary and then he did mine. I just caught Brian out of the corner of my eye. Pretending to have water in my eye I took a closer look and he was definitely springing one. His cherry red glans was clear of his foreskin and he was lengthening, he was getting turned on by someone or something and my brother and I were the only chickens in town.

'How did you get on with Jimbo?' Brian asked facing away hiding his telltale stiffness.

'Fine,' I laughed. 'Excellent in fact.'

'Why? What did you do?' Andy asked being nosey.

'Ah, stuff... I'll tell you later.'


Brian snickered still turned away from us so I moved nearer to Andy and grabbed his waggling penis in a soapy hand. 'Boy games,' I whispered.

'Tell me later,' he returned the whisper. Tell him? The next time I got together with Jimmy boy, Andy was going with me.

Brian managed to sidle from the shower still keeping his back to us, he wrapped a towel around his waist and made a run for it.

'Must have an appointment,' I commented.

'He's hiding his hardon,' my brother laughed. It seemed that I wasn't the only one with sharp eyes. We dried off and went to get changed, dinner wasn't too far away and we didn't want to be late. The Sixers finally turned up as a threesome looking all hot and bothered so God knows what they'd been upto and I certainly wasn't going to guess, so in the end we all trooped down together. Most of the chairs and tables had been racked and stacked just leaving four over by the servery and one apart for the masters, the place looked so empty it was almost spooky. The kitchen seemed empty as well, instead of the normal hustle and bustle of chefs everywhere it seemed that there were only four and two of them were on servery duty. Gotta say the meal seemed better than usual, maybe cooking for a smaller number improved things. I saw Jimbo chatting to a fair haired youngster who hadn't been with us long, it seemed that kid had a finger in every pie in the school and I wondered if he was having it away with any of the masters.

He managed to sit alongside Andy so that Andy was between me and him, typical Jimbo, to talk to me he had to talk across Andy.

'That's Honek, he's Polish. He lives with Dave and Steve two of the other chefs... they just live down the road about a mile.'

'Um...' I just grunted. Dunno what the hell I was supposed to say.

'We should go around on afternoon, we get afternoon leave over the holiday.'

'An invitation would be good.'

'Me, you and Andy here. Three on three,' he gave a rather lecherous snigger and I felt Andy's legs press against mine.

'Who's your favourite then?' Andy asked presumably out of innocence although you never know with Andy. He's quiet but he picks up on things, he's not as dumb as he looks.'

'Ah, Dave is, he's dishy.' Jimbo twittered on at the top of his voice and the incredible thing was the other Fifth formers at the table didn't take a blind bit of notice. Good job Brian Stanson wasn't sitting with us, he'd decided to sit with the Sixers and the thirteen year olds in range didn't know what we were talking about.

'Shut up, Jimbo,' Karl the Kraut spoke out.

'Tell it like it is,' Jimbo refused to be shut up.

'In private maybe,' the English kid muttered, I think he was called Dominic as I recalled. He was quite nice and his mate the Thai boy was incredibly beautiful.

The meal drew to a close and we had our first long evening ahead of us and it was a Saturday. I was half expecting Jimbo to proposition me with a view to Andy if I was reading his mind correctly but as soon as we broke up he was off like a rocket into the kitchen of all places.

'He always gets some food for later on, sorta midnight snacks but earlier,' Karl told me.

'Does he have to pay?' Andy sure came out with some silly questions.

'In a way,' Karl grinned and left us alone but Brian wandered over and we stood around chatting for a while and walked out onto the grass to catch the last of the sun for the day. It was amazing how quiet the school was with the other two hundred or whatever missing. Mr Thomas and Mr Harris even stopped and had a brief chat asking how we were settling down with the seniors and whatnot. They seemed happy enough when we said that we were fine and not being whipped or otherwise tortured. Mind you schoolmasters have the knack of looking attentive and not hearing a word you're saying. If I'd said that we'd been gang banged and beaten he'd probably have told us to keep it up of something stupid.

'I'm bored,' Andy whined which is one of his more unpleasant habits. He's the same age as me although we're not identical as proper twins but he does act a bit childish at times. I'm reliably informed that I popped out first so I'm technically the older.

'Threeway at pool?' Brian suggested.

'Excellend idea,' I grinned. It was as good a way to spend the evening as any, we did have the excitement of sharing a room with the sixteen year olds tonight. I didn't think Skip of Skippy the Kangaroo would pull any stunts this early in the game but who knew? Top Secret Squirrel News; I wouldn't mind, I quite liked him in a funny way and was looking forward to seeing him get his clothes off... Jeez, Jimbo must have turned me queer or something.

We stayed down there for most of the evening and got into team play with some of the Thirds, it was fun and the thought of no evening work and no school on Monday made it even better. We would be painting but that should be a laugh... Oh yeah, I noticed Brian giving some of the Thirds the eye, I was beginning to think that our Brian wasn't all he seemed. He was even chatting to one of them in the corner and I wondered what it was all about, still they may have been townies you never knew.

Eventually one of the Sixers shouted through to wrap it up and call it a day. It wasn't bed time but the pool table was traditionally shut down an hour before and it seemed that tradition would be prerserved over the holiday.

Back up in the Sixth Common Room we had a surprise, it was a cake and cocoa session which was a bit of an event. We also heard of a further event which were invited to. It seemed the Sixers took turns to make early morning teas for the others. We were drafted in and it was done on a rotation, Kostya and Andy were first up. Sunday morning tea in bed, life changing. Mind you when they said early morning they meant around seven thirty which was a bit strong for a Sunday. I think we all hung around after cleaning up and Josh had to say it in the end.

'Bedtime, girls.'

Nobody bothered saying goodnight other than myself and Andy, poor Andy looked like one of those Christians being dragged into the arena at Rome. 'Be brave,' I whispered and then spoilt it by laughing. He looked at me like he'd been betrayed by his best friend.

I gave up on him, sooner or later he had to fight his own battles, as for myself I was excited. Sleeping with a hot blooded Italian something had to happen. When Skip came into the room I was sitting on my bed unlacing my trainers and as I unbuttoned my shirt I looked across at him, he'd only removed his own trainers and socks.

'Wanna watch a couple of short films,' he waggled a pair of earphones at me.

'Where?' I must have looked bewildered .

'Here,' he switched his computer on which sat at the end of my bed and the Windows thingy came on. 'Pornos,' he grinned. 'You up for a bit of dream material.'

'Yeah,' I croaked. I'd never seen a porno film, a bluey, I was having my horizons broadened no end. 'What are they? Lesbians? Guys on gals?'

'Boy on boy,' he laughed softly. 'Sit on the end of my bed, you can see better.' Quite happily I moved across and watched the screen he lay behind me with a remote and clicked. The film wasn't all that good but it showed a Japanese boy sitting on a bed watching something (would you believe) with an older pal laying to his rear. I began to get suspicious when the older guy on the screen encircled the boy's waist with his hands and fumbled at the kid's crotch unshipping his belt and then fumbling at his zip. 'You alright with this,' Skip murmured and I felt his warm breath on the back of my shirt.

'Yeah,' I croaked. I knew what came next. I felt his hands on me fumbling at the top of my trousers, the pressure on my gut eased and I knew he'd opened me up even more so when his hand delved into the slit and felt out my penis. He sighed with satisfaction when he felt it hot and hard through my boxers. I did what the kid on the screen did and that was to lay back and allow his partner access. Skip shucked my trousers down a little and cleared my baggy boxers away exposing my hard flesh. He played around with me until it was fully hard and I watched on.

On the screen the boy removed his shirt leaving himself in a t-shirt and then stood briefly to drop his trousers and underwear to his ankles, after that he lay back again and let his companion resume the wank. I stood and removed my shirt aping the boy's movements on the screen, the only difference was that I had no t-shirt on and fell back onto the bed virtually naked other than the stuff arorund my ankles.

Good boy,' Skip breathed and kissed the side of my neck as he slowly worked my flesh to and fro as I got harder and harder. At one stage he smeared my precum over my knob which gives you a twitch I can say and then he was at it again. He did like his licky suckies and to be honest I liked it too. This was the start of something bigger, I wasn't a complete idiot but I liked it, I liked the heat of his body, I liked his warm lips on me and I especially liked his soft yet firm hand moving up and down on my cock.

The film wound on and the kid cum, one squirt to the side and two a short distance and into his navel, after that the mopping up with tissues and the kid got dressed.

'Whatcha reckon?' Skip spoke from the rear and kissed my shoulders.

'Great,' I felt my voice break and my cock twitch, it couldn't finish like this.

'Let's try a bit of Russian,' he slipped from the bed leaving me laying there and after taking the old disc out slipped in another. He was back on the bed in a second and snuggling up against me. I felt his warm breath on my back as he clicked the remote. This one was far meatier or naughtier (select your word). One Russian boy on a sofa wanking and another clothed boy joins him and joins in, basically they get their clothes off and do a mutual masturbation. Both these kids were a damn sight bigger than the Japanese kid and I groaned as Skip started on my cock again which had gone off the boil. This time he was going for it, as I remained with eyes glued to the screen he flogged away at my boyhood until I felt the first burning tingle. I wriggled back against him and he munched at my neck as he got a better grip and went for it.

I was now a third boy in the room and he was a sweety, very me, elfin face with dark hair and the others got his clothing off and the original boy fucked him from the front, the second kid knelt up on the sofa and slipped his stiffy into the boy's mouth. That did it, I groaned, tensed my belly and stretched my legs out stiff with toes curled as I felt my cum shoot up my cock and splat onto my chest. One globule actually landed on my jaw and the rest on my tummy and as Skip squeezed me dry the remainder oozed over his clenched fist.

'Well done, Joey,' he whispered and lay me down flat on the bed where I lay with my heart pumping and my juice glistening in the monitor's grey light.'You are beautiful you know,' he bent over me and licked the cum from my jaw. I nearly passed out... how the hell could he do that but he didn't stop there . He grabbed some tissues but still licked down my body drying only when he'd removed every trace of my semen from my flesh. I held his head lightly playing with his thick black hair wondering if he'd go for the jackpot and he did.

He looked up, flashed me a grin and then dropped his head taking my flaccid and cum drenched noodle into his mouth. He got the lot in and sucked and slurped until it was glistening and slippery. Only then did he do his bit with the tissues.

'Jeez...' I stroked his hair as he head rested lightly on my belly. I've got to do one of those flashes of honesty again: If he'd wanted to use and abuse me there and then I'd have let him.

He pulled me over so that we were face to face, his hands clasped my bottom and he gently stroked and squeezed my cheeks. 'Did you like that?' He grinned, he knew the answer.

'Yeah,' I mustered a smile and as his faced near mine I let him kiss me on the lips for the first time. No shock, no horror, I opened my mouth to allow his tongue in and I loved it. I was getting hard again and I could feel his erection through his thin trousers. What was making matters worse that the big blond Russian boy was shagging the little dark haired one and the kid was just laying there with a dopey smile on his face. When the bigger boy pulled out and cum all over his belly the kid smeared the cum around like he was polishing a car only substituting with his belly.

'Good,' Skip kissed me on the nose and stood. 'It's past midnight... bed.' He turned his little computer off and we were just lit by his bedside lamp. I craftily watched as he undressed and was rewarded in full. He slept comando and I got the works, his firm high riding olive skinned bottom lighter than the rest of him and his long swinging cock, only half hard but a mighty thing compared to mine. he wasn't circuimcised but his swollen glans was fully exposed and that was about all I saw before his slipped into bed. As I got my old fashioned jim jam bottoms on he turned out the light.

'Night, Skip,' I whispered. I didn't know whether to thank him or not, is there a protocal for cases like this?

'Night, Joe... you tasted so nice,' he chuckled and rolled onto his side facing me me. I lay on my back gazing at the dark ceiling. I'd vaguely heard noises from the other rooms but the walls were very thin and I was fully occupied after all with my own affairs, sod the rest of them.

'Thanks,' I giggled. It was a bit limp but what the hell was I supposed to say. I should of repayed him, I should have shown willing and I thought this over for the next hour or so. No way could I sleep. I kept thinking about the films, I thought about his wank and then the ultimate his hot mouth taking me in, I was as hard as a bloody rock.

God knows what time I gave into my urges, desire, lust, (pick a word again) but it must have been around one. in the morning. There wasn't a sound to be heard and I gently sat on the edge of his bed up where his head stuck out. I softly stroked his exposed shoulder relishing the smoothness and warmth. As he just slept on I carefully slipped my hand down and onto his smooth chest under the light bedding, he groaned and rolled onto his back.Once his breathing settled again I ventrured downwards rucking the bedding back a little finally feeling his navel and the start of his soft treasure trail. There was something not much lower, it too was hot and slick, I wrapped my hand around it feeling the soft outer on the hard inner, the life and energy pulsing within and waiting for me. I hooked the bedding down ever further until I could see the dark mass in the very poor light and ducked my head. I licked it. God's honest truth, I licked the end of his dick and it twitched. I slowly and every so gently slipped a finger under it's bulk and raised it a little. I was an inch away and took it into my mouth. I could taste his ooze and it tasted of nothing, just bland and slippery as I began to move my head a little sucking his big knob. It was like one of those Victoria plums you don't see so much now but this one was oozing fluid which I sucked and sucked until I felt his hands grab me and drag me onto the bed.

'Sorry, sorry...' I rested my head on his belly concious of him pushing me into a crouching position so that my middle was above his head.

'Nothing to be sorry about, Joe.' I felt him tug my pyjama cord and pull the bottoms down. He clasped my buns in his hands and drew me down taking my jerking cocklet into his mouth again. 'Don't stop, he chuckled. 'You were doing well.'

I laughed softly more in relief than anything else and this time held his hot six inch cock upright and went to town the best I knew how. He must have been happy as he gently fucked upwards and sucked me like an ice lolly. He did pull one stunt and that was halfway through when I was expecting him to cum a felt a greasy finger at my ass hole and he was in me. It was one finger but I was so smooth there was no discomfort and he finger fucked me as he called it later. The point was that he hit a spot, a buzz spot and I felt like I'd been shocked. I twitched and jerked and damn me if I didn't cum. just like that. One and a bit squirts and then some dry spasms. He pulled my hips down so that I was laying on his face with my noodle shrinking in his mouth.

I could feel his smooth scrotum up tight and suddenly my mouth was full of his thick creamy cum, God so much of it, I swallowed three times I remember that distictly and then I had to let go as he did another two onto my face. I fell on my side and he dragged me up licking and lapping at my face and kissing at the same time. Gawd... it was incredible, I could taste him and my hole was greasy but I didn't care. I lay in his strong arms as he finished washing my face with his tongue and blended into the longest and sexiest kiss on the planet. I thought I was going to pass out with pleasure. Now I knew what to give Jimbo on our next meeting.

I had one last thought as I drifted off to sleep in Skip's warm embrace. Jimbo or Brian who I rather fancied could fuck me... there I've said it. They could do me and prepare me for Skip because I was going to take that big Italian boy cock if it damn well killed me.

I think I was in love.

To be Continued.


Next: Chapter 21

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