Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Dec 4, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



2 - Jimbo and the Young Chef


G. Cutter

Jim peered through the shrubbery into the kitchen preparation room, it was a Saturday morning and the place seemed empty. He knew perfectly well that the Head Chef and his assistants were in the main kitchen preparing lunch for the masters and boys . This normally was no big affair, the main meal was dinner which took place around seven in the evening. This one they had to be dressed up for, meaning they had to be in school uniform or in smart casual gear. The school wasn't that militaristic although at times it seemed to run like a watered down version of Colditz.

Saturday, for example was a 'nothing day'. The Clubs were in full swing and more or less ran the place, they ran the gamut from the eleven year olds Shag Mary Poppins Club, to the fifteen year olds Shag Peter Pan Club... just joking there. Name a sport of less strenuous activity and there was a Club be it Chess, Swimming, Hiking, Nature Study of the fiirm favourite and rowdiest, The Snooker Club. There were other more lesser known Clubs and Jim belonged to one of those. It was the Scrabble Club and only had four members, Mack the biggest boy in the Fifth Form, Karl probably the best looking boy in the form (if you're into boys that is) and Karl was a German, John who was Mack's firm boyfriend and himself who was Karl's boyfriend although he tended to ramble - not in fields and meadows I might add.

At the moment he was carrying out a recce as his pals in the Cadet Force would call it. He was on the wine run. The Scrabble Club were having a meeting in the old Boiler Room later in the evening after lights out and he wanted to provide the wine as this time both John and Mack had food to donate. Food, wine, maybe a crafty ciggy and then the naked roll around followed by bum puncturing sex. He loved it, he loved cock and the more the merrier. Mind you, being the smallest boy in the class didn't make him the least developed, he was hung well enough for his size and he didn't mind the occasional break from playing the Club bottom. In fact he had his eye on a couple of the fourteen year olds from the Fourth Form and wanted to introduce them to the Club but the 'elders' were fighting the move off. Pretty much like most Clubs, he sniffed.

Hey up,' he suddenly perked up. A porter had come into the prep room and was offloading a large trolley and Jim keenly scanned the contents and there it was right on top. One anonymous cardboard box with the telltale label on the side. Half a dozen white and half a dozen red if his guesswork was right. Now all he had to do was to fix a time for his break in.

He wasn't stupid and realised that to steal from the fresh box was a bit stupid, one bottle missing from a dozen is a bit of a giveaway but he knew where the old stock was and that's where he usually stole from. The incoming and the confusion with the wine at lunch and then again at dinner would disguise the missing item. The Head Chef and his minions were a bit more relaxed over the weekend which made life easier, even now he could seee the door to the prep room was ajar allowing some air to circulate.

Later, he promised himself and carefully slipped from the bush and rejoined the boys playing around on the swings and climbing frame. These were the younger and smaller of the school's inhabitants but he fitted in with his short stature and would move on shortly.

Unbeknown to him Junior Chef in Training to give him his full title, Steve Gardiner had observed the boy crouched in the bushes, he could hardly miss him as he was cleaning the Dry Goods Store which was a stone's throw from the preparation room. The Store was a do it yourself wooden contruction which the kitchen used for overflow and as it's name implied contained mainly canned goods with the occasional sacks of dried soup stock. There was a mouse problem and Steve's task had been to give the place a tidy up and re-lay the mouse traps. Needless to say he'd spent a couple of lazy hours daydreaming and gazing from the dusty window. He'd watched Jim with some amusement and quickly sussed out what the boy was upto, he was a one man raiding party, Steve knew that. There was a very small level of theft from the kitchen but the Head Chef had the rather laid back attitude that 'boys will be boys' and unless it got out of hand he was prepared to turn a blind eye.

Junior Chef Steve was cast from a firmer mould and even at eighteen he had a hankering for young boy meat... that was the main reason for taking the job in the first place. He and his pal Dave, another Junior Chef had soon found that they had similar interests and had often discussed the ins and outs of having a boy to use and abuse. Steve straightened his burgeoning erection in his thin blue check trousers, quickly donning his white jacket over his singlet he rushed back intio the kitchen to buttonhole Dave who was preparing the soup of the day, one of the less technical tasks in any kitchen. Well, opening the heavy one gallon cans was technical but that was just about it.

'You finish at half twelve?' He sidled upto his pal making sure no one was listening in.

'Yeah. same as you.'

'Fancy a giggle?'

'Whatcha got in mind?' Dave looked at Steve and grinned. He'd much rather have gone back to their digs just outside the school grounds and indulged in sweaty sex but they had all night for that.

'I think I've sussed out the little rat who's doing the nicking, a little one, looks a bit like a monkey.'

'They all look like fuckin' monkeys,' Dave laughed. He was also eighteen and tended to treat the pupils he came across as household pets. Alright to stroke and play with as long as they were housetrained to put it in a nutshell.

'Listen... We have our lunch then we clock off and get ready for one o'clock or thereabouts 'cos this kid has got to strike when the school's at lunch and everyone's busy.'

'Sounds reasonable.'

'You hide in the cupboard and I'll be lurking in the Store, once he come in I'll barge in the door and we have him.'

'Then what?' Dave stirred the soup smiling.

'We take him into D. G. Store and punish him... what can he say, what can he do?'

'Nothing.' Dave grinned. 'Good thinking Batman, we'll give it a go.'

'Right,' Steve rushed off. He shut and dropped the catch on the Prep Room door just in case their baby burglar tried an earlier than anticipated run and went into the kitchen to give a hand. Both he and Steve had the Saturday and the rest of the weekend off so this little adventure could turn out as a Godsend or a disaster, time would tell.

Just after one o'clock which was the official start of the school lunch Dave was secreted in the cupboard that held clean laundry and gave enough room to lurk in comfort.. Steve was hiding in the Dry Good Store and had a good view of the reopened door. Both had eaten and had officially finished, the fact that they were lingering after their duty wasn't uncommon but the reason was, all the more reason to be discreet and careful. Steve had picked this as the optimum time for a raid. It was the busiest time of day for the catering staff and most if not all the masters and kids would be in the central dining hall. Hopefully, the exception would be their little thief.

Dave suddenly sat up, there was movement outside and he saw the same boy scuttle into the very same clump of shrubbery and look into the Preparation Room, he just hoped Steve was keeping a good lookout as they had no means of communication. The boy seemed to linger forever but finally made his mind up and darted for the back door. Dave rushed out and also charged over to the door and entered the room deserted apart from him and the thief. The boy was kneeling and seemed to be selecting a bottle from the collection, satisfied he stool with a large bottle in his hands, a litre David noted but just then Steve burst out from his hideaway.

'Shit,' the boy muttered and stood well and truly captured and still holding the bottle. 'Look guys...'

'Shut up,' Dave snarled and grabbed the boys arm, assisted by Steve he hustled the kid from the room closing the door behind them and rushed him, still clutching the wine, to the wooden hut.

'Well and truly captured,' Steve grinned at Dave as the door closed and they locked themselves in. The boy just stood there head hanging but still clutching the neck of the bottle.

'Put it down,' Dave advised and the kid placed the bottle on a pile of boxes. He had been well and truly caught, he hadn't got a leg to stand on and he had no idea what these two rather menacing figures had in mind. Jim quaked, the school had a rather harsh disciplinary code compared to more enlightened schools. A beating was not unimagineable and even expulsion, his track record for both behaviour and practical joking was dodgy to say the least and he stood there expecting the worse.

'We should take him to the Duty Master,' Steve got the ball rolling. They had no intention in involving either masters or the catering staff especially after sturying the boy. Their capture was shorter than most, he had close cropped dark hair and was quite attractive in a weird sort of way. He reminded Steve a bit of a Neanderthal or was it a Cro Magnon. OK, cruel but the kid was strangely attractive.

'No... please,' Jim almost blubbed.

'Perhaps we can think of something less dire,' Dave moved around the back of their captive who had now moved into the position of being a victim had he but known it. 'We could be buggering around all afternoon if we do that.'

'True,' Steve admitted.

'Put the bottle back, I won't do it again,' Jimbo pleaded.'

'I've got an idea,' Steve moved in so that he was almost brushing against the boy. 'Maybe a little private punishment,' he glanced at Dave and Dave nodded moving in so that Jim was sandwiched.

Jim tensed up, he didn't know what they had in mind but he was beginning to think things might have a happy ending. Neither of the young chefs seemed inclined to take the theft any further and they were both dishy. The one facing him dark haired, sallow and very good looking. The one to his rear remarkably similar to Karl with his longish straw coloured mop. He knew that he had entered a whole scenario when he felt hands on his shoulder and he was drawn back against the youth to his readr The feel of a hardening groin against his bottom was ummistakeable.

'I'll do anything you want,' he spoke nervously resisting the temptation to wriggle back against the stiffening member pressing against his rear.

'Good,' Steve took charge. Dave had the concept and mechanics of the capture right but he was wasting time. This kid wanted to play. He knew that as soon as he'd pressed against the boy and the kid hadn't flinched or junmped away... and he was rather nice in an odd way. 'Anything?' He dropped his head and brushed his lips against the kid's smooth neck.

'Yeah,' Jim croaked and tried a tentative smile at the long hair chef standing to his front. Suddenly the youth smiled.

'Rock on.' The chef facing Jim suddenly moved in and knelt. Reaching out he grasped the waistband of Jim's shorts and tugged them down the boy's thin legs. Jim just closed his eyes and relaxed, he had a pretty good idea where it was going now. He felt warmth as the kneeling youth's face pressed agaist the front of his white briefs and then he felt them too being pulled down allowing his rapidly stiffening boy cock to flop free. 'Yeah...' The kneeling boy sighed. 'We struck gold,' he spoke to the other still standing to the rear but now having bent his knees slightly was pressing himself against Jim's bare bottom.

'Bugger this,' Steve suddenly pulled away and took a long feel of Jim's soft bottom, it was delightful and Steve knew he had to do it but in comfort.

'Please,' Jim purred.

'Around the back,' Steve grunted and bodily lifting Jim off his feet struggled around the boxes fronting the door into the rear of the shed where there were some foam rubber mattresses being stored. 'Dave wanna go the bottom on a sixty niner?'

'Damn right,' Dave began to tear his clothing off. He knew exactly what Steve wanted to do and from Steve's actions he saw that he was right. Steve had the small crop headed boy pinned in the corner and was stripping the giggling boy now fully hard, half naked and he was taking every opportunity to kiss here and there on the kid's wriggling body. More importantly he was shedding his own clothing at the same time. Jim passed from one to the other laughing with glee as he grabbed one and then the other's heavily swinging cocks. These youth's were about the eighteen or nineteen mark he guessed and had big cocks and heavy balls, this little theft was well worth getting busted for.

In the end he was positioned above the recumbent Dave and waggled his cock directly above the chef's face to have it immediately swallowed and he then slowly began on the stiff meat in front of his own face. A perfectly adequate sixty nine with the addition of Steve to his rear. The end result was a foregone conclusion as he first felt a mouth on his bottom and then the licking and solobbering began. He moaned his pleasure around Dave's jerking cock as he felt Steve's tongue coat his ring with saliva and then a finger entered him and sent him into further pleasure.

However, that didn't last too long and the finger was replaced by a big, swollen and slippery glans. He steeled himself and then came the push and the brief pain as he was taken from the rear, he pushed back onto Steve's thrusts and gobbled away Dave as he felt the much bigger boy push and slide his way in deeply coated only with saliva and lust.

The rubbing of Steve's meaty cock on Jim's prostate and the feel of the muscular tube stretching his innards time and time again sent Jim over the edge. He nearly bit David's end off as he suddenly spasmed and sent streamer after streamer of his warm boy essence deep into David's throat.

Dave gulped and choked, the little shit had cum like a horse but he managed to swallow the sweet slime and then extract the last few droplets as Jim's body shook above with the force of Steve's fucking.

It came to a happy conclusion. As Dave held Jim's head steady and cum blast after blast of long ropey spunk splatters into the young kid's eagerly swallowing mouth Steve suddenly let fly. He held Jim's hips tightly into himself and rammed in as deep and as hard as he could sending his sweet spunky offerings deep inside the boy speared on his cock. We gotta do this again,' Steve panted as he slipped free from Jim's well floded bottom with a squelch and a flood of cum .

'Somewhere a bit safer and more comfortable next time,' Jim offered now feeling a bit more confident with his new pals. 'I could bring a pal.'

'Do you get to go out Saturdays and Sundays?' Dave looked at Steve and got a slight nod of agreement.

'Yeah, we just have to put our name in the book at the gate.'

'Next Saturday,' Dave grinned and dragged the boy's warm and sweaty body onto himself. 'Steve and I have a flat just down the road, perhaps you and your pal might like to visit. We provide the wine.'

'Sounds good,' Jim reached out and grasped Steve's now flaccid but cum coated cock.. Dave cuddling him was amazingly enough after a massive cum was getting hard again.

'Dont forget your swaygwhen you go,' Dave murmured. 'But first...'

'What?' Jim smirked hald expecting what was about to happen.

'This...' Dave laughed and rolling the boy over onto his belly got between the kids parted legs, gave his thickening cock a couple of shakes, and fed his new hardon straight into Jim's cum drooling ring. Jim bucked and threshed around but in the end pushed up onto his new lover. His theft hadn't quite gone as expected but at least he had a story for the Club when they met. He also had a proposition for young John as well.


These ones are a bit shorter than my usual and aren't a series but I'll just add to it as I get the urge. You may notice that they are also considerbaly shorter than my other efforts thereby making them a lot easier to produce as long as I can keep getting new ideas. Most suggestions welcome but NO SCAT or SERIOUS bondage.


Next: Chapter 3

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