Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Mar 6, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.




(by Honek))


G. Cutter

I lay there and looked up at him and gave him an encouraging grin. Little Billy who wasn't that little once he was inside me was shagging his little heart out and I was his bottom or his 'lady'. It was his first time and I'd already taken his virginity around the back to be subtle, now he was getting his own back. He'd been a bit rough and hurt me a bit on entry but he soon calmed down and went for a slow one savouring the experience and oohing and aahing a lot. He was nice all the same and he'd get better, at least he was loving and kissy kissy unlike some of the younger kids I knew and who were very much into the crash, bang, wallop sort of thing. At least Billy didn't come the old vestal virgin bit and pretend he was only doing it because everyone else did (what one of my recent little lads had come out with).

'Jeez, you're so tight,' he giggled quite enjoying being the top, he kissed me roughly but I grabbed his neck and kept his lips to mine. He could act the Rambo guy but I knew better. He seemed to have forgotten I'd just popped his sweet cherry and he either enjoyed one up his bum or he was a bloody good actor.

'Faster, harder,' I moaned clamping my legs on his back.

'Gotcha,' he grinned wolfishly (or something like that) and started his last lap. He slapped and slithered his way to a climax as we were both dripping sweat and at last I felt him throb and jerk inside me and then the warm splashes and squirts of his boyish cum made me go all squishy. He cum well and I was begining to grade them now. Out of ten, Dave was always a niner, Steve probably an eight and most of the kids sixes or sevens. I know it's all a load of bollocks but Billy was up there with the leaders amongst the kids, he was definitely a seven plus and in the junior school would have got a gold star on his progress chart. He kept going for a bit but started to soften and lay on me as my legs dropped to the bed.

'Good?' I asked fishing for compliments obviously.

'Incredibubble,' he sniggered as his spunk stained cock slid free and we rolled onto our sides still belly to belly. 'What will the other two say when they find me up here?'

'Nothing,' I answered. 'Dave for one will want a slice of your cake I would imagine, Steve's a bit more laid back.'

'Slice of my cake?' He looked at me suspiciously. 'What does that exactly mean?'

'Work it out, Billy boy.'

'You mean he'll want to do me?'

'Duh...' I laughed. 'You don't have to, you're my guest... on the other hand if you want to slut around, feel free.'

'It might be my last chance for a bit,' he grinned and I knew he was game. He had a taste for it and if Dave and Steve wanted a stab at his honeypot he wasn't going to say no. Then again if he was going to spread himself around I'd be going again. If he wanted to be the party piece for the night then so be it. I suppose his thinking was that as he sampled one of the big boys he may as well do the three of us. He didn't seem to realise that he'd be walking out of there in the morning like a well used and very second hand Rose.

'Bath and change the bed, we need some sleep or at least I do.' I chivvied him from the bed and after changing the coverlet with was a bit stinky and sticky we moved to the bathroom. No sex this time but a quicky shower and towel off. He was acting the ball of fire but his heart wasn't in it. I knew perfectly well he needed to charge his batteries and if he didn't, I did.

We did a quick linen change and lay there at peace with the world and slept. Yes, we did, we dropped off in each other's arms and that was it until around five or nearer six in the evening. I was awoken from my deep slumber and took Billy's arm off me, he slept on as I galloped out to the phone.

'Dave or Steve?' A strange voice on the other end. Definitely male and probably getting on a bit. It sounded like the Head Chef but it wasn't.

'No. This is Honek.'

'Ah, the third musketeer,' the mystery voice introduced himself. 'I'm James Rendell from downstairs, your neighbour.'

'Ah,' I suddenly sensed danger. Ten to one it was a Billy hunt and it was.

'I wonder if you can pop downstairs and ask Billy to answer the phone, I've been trying to get him for hours, he's probably sitting in there with earphones on.'

'He's up here,' I decided to come clean. 'I came in recently and he was standing on the doorstep soaking wet and looking desperate, he'd locked himself out.'

'Oh.' There was a long pause and a woman's voice came on, presumably Mrs Rendell, Billy's mum. 'Can we speak to him?'

'He's asleep, I'll wake him,' I piled on the agony. 'We gave him some Panadol, wrapped him in a blanket and dumped him in the spare room.' Note the hint of callous and couldn't care less in that latter bit, just about right I thought.

'Ah.' There was another long pause. 'No don't wake him but when he's awake...' There was some background noise and the man was back on the line.

'Tell the idiot there's a spare key under the slab by the greenhouse, he knows that... is he an moron?'

'Mr Rendell, Mr Rendell...' I soothed the irate man. 'He's not even fourteen yet and it's lucky we didn't phone the police. Leaving a thirteen year old on his own for a night wouldn't go down too well. We'll feed him in a while and sort this key thing out. He'll be safely indoors later in the day.'

'Well, don't disturb him .' The woman was back on the phone. 'If you can keep an eye out for him overnight we'd be very grateful.'

'We can keep him up here overnight if you like just in case there's a break in or something like that,' I waited with bated breath as they say in all the good stories.

'Yes. Yes, do that,' Mrs Rendell sounded so relived and grateful. I wondered what her reaction would be if she knew Billy was in my bed naked and with a rather bruised and puffy back door. I doubt if she'd be too impressed but for the moment she was happy.

'Yes, look after him and thanks for all your trouble. I'll be glad when he's safe in that school of yours,' Mr Rendell came back on the line.

'OK, I'll tell him you called.' We said our goodbyes and that was it. This was classic Nifty. I had the boy, the boy proved top be a goer and the icing on the cake was that I now had the parents permission to bugger and bonk all night. Well, not exactly but you know what I mean. I went back to the bedroom, it was about time Sleeping Beauty was woken up, it was half past five and still loads of time before my two landlords returned from their work.

I nudged Billy and he gave a mumble and rolled onto his back, his pecker was perking again which just goes to show the receovery rate of young males of the species. I stroked it lightly with one finger and his foreskin slowly began to retract as he inner began to harden. 'Dreaming well, Billy.'

'Mmmmm... yeah,' he sighed and stretched his arms above his head as I slowly ran my tongue up his pale skinned and thickening boy cock. 'Yeah... great,' he purred and his hands came down and ruffled my short hair. 'Go on... please.' He gave a little pelvic thrust.

I sid one finger under his rapidly hardening member and lifted it slightly and managing to get the shiny knob into my mouth and suck at his sweet essence as he groaned and gave little thrusts into my mouth. I grabbed his legs and folded them up so that his feet were flat on the bed jist about exposing his hole. He muttered a slight protest but stopped as I took his stiff and slippery cock in all the way and then lifted his legs even further. With my head between his legs I continued my sucking but now I had my hands of his bottom. A swift lick of a pair of fingers and I parted his well used pucker quite easily. He groaned even more as I sucked him and worked my fingers iin and out of his tight little arse finally hitting the spot.

'Aaaaaah...' he writhed on my fingers and tried to fuck into my mouth at the same time. He was slick inside and I carried out my digital rodgering until he was good and ready. I'd already started to precum and smeared a bead of juice over my own glans and started to kiss up his belly. I don't know if he appreciated what was going on but the moved under me and kept his legs up as I reached his throat and then settled on his sweet lips. 'You bastard,' he groaned and smiled as he felt my hot cock brush against his saliva drenched boy pussy. 'You dog...' he giggled as I pushed and felt him open up to me. My turn to groan as his body heat and tight flesh surrounded me and I was inside him again. It was just like coming home and he clamped and eased as I slowly fucked my way into his delicious and very willing body. This kid would go the course with both Dave and Steve of that I was surpemely confident. This kid loved it as he demonstrated by trying to suck the life from me and crush me to death at the same time.

It was as good if not better than the first time, I didn't rush, I plundered him deep and hard and he loved every minute of it. His fully exrended cock twitched up and down on his belly leaving a clear snail's trail of juice across his flat tummy and to my amazement and before I'd finished he gave a long quavering moan, clamped his cheeks on me and shot two distinct squirts up his belly spashing on his gut and puddling in his navel. 'Bollocks,' he muttered tiredly and then grinned at me. It was my turn, I gave one hard thrust in deep and stayed deep as I felt my cock jerk and throb inside him. He got more than he lost I thought idly as I felt myself drain or ejaculate inside his warm gut. Honour satisfied but just about and we lay belly to belly glued with his cum and joined by my wilting cock. It was over for the time being at least.

'Who called, nobody important?'

'Your mum and dad.'

'As I said, nobody important,' he laughed.

'Your dad says that you're and idiot and a moron.'

'What's new?'

'Especially forgetting about the spare key under the slab in the back garden.'

He looked at me for a moment and smiled. 'I didn't forget. I was standing there over an hour waiting for you,' he wrapped his arms around me. 'I worked your shifts out and knew that you'd be finishing early and that the other two would be late... easy peasy.'

'You slut.'

'I know,' he grinned happily. 'Billy boy got his Honek so I can't be that much of an idiot or a moron for that matter.'

'True,' we rolled onto our side still embracing and my soft cock slid free of his floooded hole. He was good sex (I think I've said that before) and as he'd demonstrated he was certainly no dummy.

'That was an experience,' he laughed and stretched out on the wrecked bed. 'I'm going for a shower, don't follow me.' He leapt from the bed and with cheeks tightly clenched headed for the door. Dont follow? He was right there, I had no desire to sit in a bathroom and watch a recent lover take his abortion. Messy, sometimes noise and a definite turnoff unless you're some sort of pervert. I have problems watching people pee let along letting the back end go.

Shit, I didn't belive it, the bloody phone was going again. I thought it might be the dreaded mum and dad again but it was David from the kitchen.

'Whassup Doc.'

'Hi,' I grinned with relief. 'I thought you might be someone else.'

'Who were you expecting?' The ever nosey Dave asked.

'Never mind... what do you want?'

'Just you and I for supper,' Dave spoke. 'Steve's staying over at the school, he's got some sort of secret squirrel thing going on with one of the senior boys... he's pushing his luck but he reckons it's safe.'

'I wonder who that is,' I looked up to see Billy peering around the door with a towel around his waist. 'There will be three for supper, we have a guest.'

'Who is it?'

'Never you mind,' I laughed. 'A recent ex virgin,' I grinned as Billy looked shocked. 'He want's your big fat cock but he insists I watch.' Billy shook his head furiously but I pressed on. 'Good sex even for a newbie.'

'Jeez...' Dave was silent for a moment. 'A local?'

'No hints, wait until you get home,' I milked it for all it was worth. They'd given me enough 'leads' it was my turn to provide some entertainment. I could see I hadn't really upset Billy as he was now crossing the room and lay his head on my shoulder.

'Who is it?' Dave squawked with frustration.

'Never you mind, big boy,' Billy put his face alongside mine and spoke into the phone putting on a silly throaty accent and fell back onto the sofa laughing.

'Jeez,' Dave croaked. 'See you around eight. It's not that newspaper kid you've been chatting up is it?'

'No,' I laughed and put the phone down, let him stew for a couple of hours. I wondered who Steve was willing to risk prosecution and dismissal for. Staying in the school overnight was bad enough but being caught in bed with one of the boys would be a disaster... must be a classic. The one good thing about living with two extroverst like Dave and Steve to a lesser degree was that I would get all the ins and outs in due course. What came around went around as young Billy was soon to find out.

We had a clean up and watched some television, Billy had quietened down but I think he had Dave on his mind. Just before Dave was due I did a light supper just oven ready chips (which are crap) and a light chicken salad. I've got to admit this point although I work as a chef I'm not greatly into food, I've got the appetite of a sparrow which explains the slim and trim Polish pole I suppose. I'm also not a fussy eater, I can live on beans on toast, food just doesn't interest me. Anyway, by the time I heard Dave's heavy footspeps on the staircase the meal was prepared and Billy was quivering like a jelly. He'd been brave on the phone but the moment of truth was on him.

Dave came in dripping water although he'd only had to walk from the car. I fed him a can of beer and after saying hello to Billy we sat down for a moment and I explained the ins and outs of Billy's visit. By the bye, they would get on OK, I could sense that which proves I'm not that dumb even if I do come from Polish stock.

I'll say one thing for Billy he wasn't shy. He sat there in a towelled bathrobe and quite naked inside, a bit like a fruit awaiting peeling which is a good phrase, he gave Dave the occasional flash and at the end of the day, he was asking for it... and he bloody well knew he was. He probably thought that we were going to jump on him and ravish him after the meal but Dave was a little more subtle than that, just. He informed us that he was taking a quick shower and invited Billy to join him... now, how's that for subtle? I decided to tag along, I'd managed the event after all and I was entitled to the best seat in the house.

I can tell you that when you're with two boys who want to do the dirty and they allow you to tag along there is absolutely no way you're going to keep out of it. Dave took Billy into the big shower instead of our huge bath and once things got wet and soapy I was in with them. I played second fiddle as it were and Dave did his usual. He was on his knees to Billy's rear spreading the boy's cheeks lapping and licking at the little rosebud, opening and stretching the rubbery little ring as he poked and probed with his slippery tongue, for some reason he called it eating navy cake . Dave was a fanny rat, a boy fanny rat I should add and he loved it. From the squeals and shivers so did Billy boy... me sucking on his twitching cock helped I suppose.

'I'm drowning, I'm drowning,' Billy giggled. I think that was a hint he wanted to get it on in a bed rather than under the shower. Dave must have thought the same as we got our randy and very willing boy out of the shower and dried off. The giggling and playing continued but by the time Billy managed to get his head around to Dave's belly and then lower I had to drag him off, the slut was insatiable.

We hauled him back into my bedroom and then started all over again. Dave got Billy into a crouch and started his snuffle and truffle hunt again but this time Billy was gone, he was shoving his little bottom back onto Dave's attentions virtually crying out for a porking. And he got it. Dave drew back as I slid under Billy, I took the boy's jerking cock into my mouth and got a perfect view as Dave's swollen, shining and cum slippery glans came in and pushed against Billy's pucker. Billy opened up and stretched as Dave's fat cock pushed and pushed finally sliding in accompanied by a long wail from Billy and then silence as Dave started.

I continued to suck the boy but it was soon over, he didn't squirt as much spill his slimy seed into my mouth. I heard Dave grunting and then the regular slap of flesh against flesh until the climax when Dave bore the boy down onto the bed and from the contented moans I guess he cum.

Billy looked at me and grinned. He was one happy bunny and had absolutely no shame. As Dave slid free in a gush of cum Billy reached out for us both and tried for a dual kiss. I looked at Dave and he winked. I was a mind reader and knew exactly what he wanted to try. Whether Billy was upto it was quite another thing but let's leave it. Other lads are waiting in the wings ready to tell their stories.

To Be Continued.

Chapter 13 - The Summer Shutdown begins (for next weekend)

'The Prince Coco Project - 2' in the Adult/Youth Section slightly after this one.


Next: Chapter 18

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